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1999996 No.1999996 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some nautical books. Fiction and nonfiction acceptable!

>> No.2000030

Moby Dick

>> No.2000032


I was going to suggest this myself, but then I realized someone else was going to reccomend it anyway.

It's good, though.

>> No.2000037

old man and the sea

>> No.2000045

Life of Pi
Old Man and the Sea
Treasure Island


>> No.2000048

Erik the Viking.

Well, they have a longboat.

>> No.2000079

The Scar - China Mieville

Floating anarchistic pirate city WITH VAMPIRES. but not really a spoiler cos they ain't yhr kind of vampires you think

What were those gay books with Russel Crowe in them called?

Oooh, not them, but Westard Ho! [the only city in the world with an ! and a Ho in it,. no wonder sailors came].

Oh, and swallows and amazons - i find it tragic these days that kids read books fantasising about being a wizard with a scar on his heid (or said wizard's fucktoy). When I was a kid, all the books were about sailing or scuba diving or pwning whales with sharp implements, and even though I was kid in an urban nightmare,far far from the sea, I thought "I want a bit of that".

This feeling is now largely replaced by a "ding" and a chorus of "gratz" as you level your 20th character to 80 in WoW.

I've done both, and the realistic fantasy provided by old-school adventures seems healthier to me. Hemingway and Kipling gave more to my life than introspective faggots like Joyce and Woolf anyway.

>> No.2000087
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>What were those gay books with Russel Crowe in them called?


the aubrey-maturin series. favored by ron swanson

>> No.2000097


>> No.2000105

Heart of darkness probably being the best.

>> No.2000136

More I need more!!

>> No.2000158

the longships - frans bengtsson


>> No.2000541

Benito sereno is tits

>> No.2000566

Conrad and Melville are your friends. Hugo's Toilers of the Sea is great too.

>> No.2002263


>> No.2002278

Das Boot/The Boat. The novel is actually even better than the wonderful movie.

>> No.2003080

Heart of Darkness for sure.

>> No.2003098

kon tiki.

non fiction account of some crazy bros sailing 4,340 mi on a balsa raft they made in '47. from peru to polynesia. a great travel book.

>> No.2003108

Jame's Clavell's Asian saga has alot to do with ships, the main character in Shogun is a pilot on a ship that lands in japan, next book Tai-pan shows the founding of hong kong and trade companies

its not an adventure book but they are amazing fiction

>> No.2003124

Poe's "Arthur Gordon Pym" You've got to read, "Arthur Gordon Pym"!

>> No.2003137 [DELETED] 
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>mfw I finally remember where I first saw OP's pic

>> No.2003172

The Sea Wolf
The Horatio Hornblower books (never read, but they're about boats and water-lovin, stepdad ass niggas)

>> No.2004440


>> No.2004447

>The Sea Wolf

Makes sure to put the book down half way through and never read the rest.