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19999971 No.19999971 [Reply] [Original]

Y’all zero pussy mfs should get a bookworm gf

>> No.19999998

Beware the classics freaks; they know things that have never been legal in English.

>> No.20000073

I'm a libertarian extremist. You CANNOT stop me from using the forbidden grammar.

>> No.20000077

>tfw set off the bots
I was just trying to warn you bros I didn't mean to

>> No.20000122

What do you think I've been trying to do OP?
I believe this, anecdotally (anal dotally?) to be true

>> No.20000282

YA bookworm gf is just a schizo

Anyone have experience about other genre bookworm gfs?

>> No.20000341

Philosophy and Psychology books.
She destroyed me for 10 years with one conversation. I developed stockholme syndrome and havent even spoken to her since.

>> No.20000385


>> No.20000459

those don't exist nigger

>> No.20000930

Where does one meet a mind breaking gf? I've only met a couple in my life that had interesting thoughts that I hadn't considered before

>> No.20000937

silly anon women cant read

>> No.20001035

bookworm girls still only go for Chad

>> No.20001044

Women are incapable of taking a genuine, disinterested interest in anything. Everything they do is ultimately a manifestation of their desire to attract attention, even if they aren't aware of it. They like to "dress up" at the level of their personality and character just like they do with physical fashions. A female revolutionary is really in it because she likes how the word "revolutionary" looks on her figure in the mirror.

>> No.20001052

>I'm retarded and resigned to it

>> No.20001058


>> No.20001066

true but also false,
women genuinely enjoy wattpad fanfiction and retard tv shows.

>> No.20001069
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Telling someone to go back to /r9k/ is like telling Indo-Europeans to get out of Europe. Be quiet, matriarchal Pelasgian.

>> No.20001070

so are men? except for schizoid ones

>> No.20001075

What nonsense. Play in traffic

>> No.20001076


>> No.20001079

what was the >2000000 post fellas?

Also where to find Classics reading gf please

>> No.20001087

Poo flinging idiot

>> No.20001088

>We could make an epic catalog of male achievements, from paved roads, indoor plumbing, and washing machine to eyeglasses, antibiotics and disposable diapers. We enjoy safe, fresh milk and meat, and vegetables and tropical fruits heaped in snowbound cities. When I cross the George Washington Bridge or any of America’s great bridges, I think: men have done this. Construction is a sublime male poetry. When I see a giant crane passing on a flatbed truck, I pause in awe and reverence as would for a church processions.

every single thing surrounding you right now is there because a man invented it, men improved it, men harvested and refined the materials for its construction, men created industries and subindustries for harvesting and refining the materials and constructing the thing, and workmen installed it and workmen maintain it

women think rain gutters spontaneously popped into existence because it's "logical enough" that one would eventually invent the rain gutter. wrong bitch! a guy had to make those, a guy had to invent the special braces and screws for installing them, a man will be the one cleaning them! women should not be allowed to talk without a permit

>> No.20001092

Hello Butterfly. Nothing better to do?

>> No.20001101

Most of lit hates your kind. Going to start squawking about trannies now?

>> No.20001107

I do not care for women anymore after having had sex. Masturbation with an onahole is vastly superior to the uncomfortable and awkward ordeal that is sexual intercourse.

>> No.20001110

Shut up Butterfly.

>> No.20001127


>> No.20001315

That was the post.

>> No.20001331

Even the nerdy/bookish girls in high school/college found me repulsive

>> No.20001562


>> No.20001608

>She destroyed me for 10 years with one conversation.
What the fuck did she say?

>> No.20001815

She looks disgusting. What a hoe

>> No.20001831

>Also where to find Classics reading gf please
bumping this

>> No.20001835

Are you Lovecraft reincarnated?

>> No.20001859

How should I know?

>> No.20001871

I just assumed the Elder Gods would've told you

>> No.20001884

No gods speak to me unfortunately

>> No.20001953

Pure rambling

>> No.20002001
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You're seething because part of you agrees with him. If you really thought he was so full of shit, you would have just scrolled down like the rest of us did.

>> No.20002011

These intellectual achievements only apply to the top 1-2% of men. The rest are just as socially deferrent as women and care about image instead of substance, and just copy what has been done before.

>> No.20002042
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>> No.20002131


>> No.20002380


>> No.20002502

what about 14yo commie boys who larp as russian? and male feminists?

>> No.20002513

How do I find women to have sex with me

>> No.20002533

Be born with good looks and have a bit of polish (easy if you're groomed for success in feminized bourgeois networking spaces like universities), give off that "my dad makes six figures" aura while having 7+/10 natural good looks AND height

If you don't have some of the above, you can still make it, but each thing you are missing will hurt you a lot.

If you lack most or all of the above, money is the easiest substitute.

Failing having money, be "cool" in a degenerate networking space. Easiest way to do this is to be known as the guy who can get drugs and wait for loser women to flock to you.

Failing all of the above, women are simply not worth it, unless you plan to marry and start a family, in which case you want to be moving to a smaller city (that isn't dying and has minimal drugs, but also isn't a rich people enclave for when they want to flee the crime-ridden hellholes they have created) with a strategically chosen trade or professional skill that can sustain a family and finding one of the few remaining women who aren't promiscuous and "going into the city" every five seconds for "fun." Joining a church is probably a very good idea. But even then, your mileage may vary. Lots of degeneracy going on in conservative religious communities especially among the younger generations.

You may want to consider taking that skill or trade and moving to a country where it is marketable and people are still residually human. But beware, even in those countries, major cities are 10-20 years behind the most degenerate "first world" cities, at best.

>> No.20002540

I'm a 25 year old virgin working a data analysis job in a beach town along the East Coast

>> No.20002545

The hot babe induces me to check on the ass flavored comments ITT, and swing by to tell you quite simply, no.

>> No.20002571


>> No.20002631
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If she reads she'll probably get upitty.

>> No.20003166 [DELETED] 

this, I aged into my looks but the ride never ends. I'm at the age where even the ugly gamer marvel women demand I have a job and supplement their travelling. I'm completely average looking.
The dating market is just not good.

>> No.20003622

For the classics gf seeking bros you can find them
>In pottery and manuscript collections of museums
>Looking at Eco in bookshops
>Correcting basic Latin in modern media
>Islands known for sex tourism in the 1850s-1920s

>> No.20003680

Which islands were those?

>> No.20003702

Too many to name but Capri, Sicily, Venice, Hvar are all a good start

>> No.20003795

hire a prostitute

>> No.20003801

I don't think my wife would be very chill with me getting a bookworm gf.

>> No.20003869

rip in peace

>> No.20003886 [DELETED] 
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the modern woman isl fat and/or whore and/or infertile from medication/injections
world is a fuck

just go on a dating site, women are whores, they're cheaper than prosties today.

>> No.20004208 [DELETED] 

Had a sci-fi/fantasy GF (if it was published after 1993 she didn't like it), which was fun until she went off her antidepressants while I was working 12 to 20 hour shifts. Then I started coming home to an absolutely trashed apartment, garbage bags full of laundry, a house full of dirty dishes and clothing, no pussy, a full cat litterbox, overflowing trash bags, and close to hoarder conditions.

Couldn't even clean half of the time as she somehow had the energy to harass me while I was cleaning but not enough energy to make me some food or clean anything.

I fucking hate women.

>> No.20004217


yeah, cause her daddy is the government not you

>> No.20004228 [DELETED] 

Fuck, man, I had to pretend to be her dad while I was dating her because she would refuse to do things like "apply for jobs" or "stay in college" or "look for a psychiatrist".

This isn't my experience just with her, and almost every single woman I've befriended at some point or another in the last 5 years I've had to do this shit for. I'm getting quite pissed and I really don't want to work with them anymore.

>> No.20004229 [DELETED] 

can confirm, I was much more stable before my first gf, now I'm a wreck

>> No.20004273

every single man is a cuck because society allows them to do this shit and turn on them, even so called celebs, theyve made all white men cucks. Women should be property.

You have no chance at happiness or rather, the normalness of a traditional life with a egular woman, all you can do is fight back against the jews

>> No.20004286 [DELETED] 

lol, true, pussy fucked me up at 13. girl i lost my virginity to was a psychiopath and said i was just a test toy and she was using me, dumped me on facebook the night before starting at my new highschool in a bitch casual way, like. uhmmmm.... we're over?

>> No.20004293 [DELETED] 

so yeah basically all my problems in life have only ever been because of women, their evil ways.

but "not all women are like that"
ok well in my test sample of like 5 or more that ive had serious long shit with i havent been proven otherwise yet. I think women can only be as good as you allow them to be in this fucked up society where they have too much power. Theyre meant to be subservient property. but my mother and my grandma were both abusive to me