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20022077 No.20022077 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he so cool? I can’t think of a character in any medium that seems cooler to me. Can you?

>> No.20022082

>Why is he so cool?
it's because he checks those dubs

>> No.20022101

>Why is he so cool?
because you have a feminine spirit.

>> No.20022105


>> No.20022108

You're not cool and neither is Hegel faggot

>> No.20022112


>> No.20022133

becuase he got a reservation at Dorsia also check these digits ; )

>> No.20022144

Impressive, very nice

>> No.20022147

this is top tier criticism

>> No.20022197
File: 717 KB, 1170x1152, 328EDFCC-55F7-4472-A773-865865CA7D47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20022211

that's such a nice ass, Paul

>> No.20022218

basically you're into those dark triad type of men, like a prissy little girl obsessed with "bad boys" (i.e. serial killers) which they idolize while listening to their true crime podcasts.

>> No.20022323
File: 2.58 MB, 640x464, 02AC451A-670F-483C-A8FB-46ACE861260F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s check Paul Allen’s digits.

>> No.20022353

What fucking sense does that make? Obviously if a guy is cool as fuck women will be into him, I don’t get how that means it’s feminine for me to think he’s cool. By that logic the coolest person is the person that no woman is attracted to which just coincidentally happens to be you.

>> No.20022415
File: 569 KB, 843x856, 1605023560831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sociopath mass murderer is cool
I have no idea why people like Bateman so much

>> No.20022456

>What fucking sense does that make?
i just explained it to you fucking retard.

>> No.20023869

No you didnt

>> No.20023919

He isn't "cool", that's the whole point of the movie. He's a sad shell of a human.

>> No.20023950

Being a sad shell of a human is not necessarily uncool.
But he's also just a dork. The novel is less subtle about this.

>> No.20023951

He did.

>> No.20023968

I live in the dilapidated building on main street. My name is Master Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I don't believe in taking care of myself, no balanced diet and no rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my wrist is a little irritated, I'll put on a wrist protector while shitposting on /lit/. I can do a thousand threads now. After I remove the wrist protector, I wrap it in bengay and bandages. In the shower, I use a battery activated bathmate. Then a honey almond lubricant. And on the face, I clean off all the dorito dush. Then apply a mint Axe body wash, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use a lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your smegma out and makes you look crusty. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion on my scrotum. There is an idea of a Master Bateman, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me. Only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze within a furry suit, and you can shake my hand and feel fur gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our life styles are probably comparable, I simply am not there.

>> No.20023975
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Fucking hell.

>> No.20023984

Yeah i always see these sentiments, that patty bates is cool af and stuff, everyone around him actually considers him a loser essentially, at least by their standards. read the book you guise.

>> No.20024288

He's a pathetic loser who can't handle the most little of things to not go his way. His taste in music and people are as shallow/dry as he is. He's a coward that hunt's and slaughters people less stronger than him because he's a dog fucker.
He's literally an irredeemable piece of shit that manipulates a totally broken system for his own twisted sickness.
You're not supposed to empathise with that beta Cuck Loser let alone think he's cool.

>> No.20024942

bc he goes completly with the flow due to having no personality
the exact moment where someone relates to a situation through internal characteristics of the self, the person becomes alienated from the aesthetic structures of the external commons
your momentary consciousness thus predates the vibe, tries to imprint on it but fails to bc it was never in communication with it, patrick bateman has no consciousness, he just is, and it is therefore impossible for him to consent or dissent to the flow, this is why it does not matter if he compliments a person or tells them he wants their head on a spike, the reaction is the same, the vibe is unchanged and so his nature makes him the ultimate cultivator of slack

>> No.20024963

Zoomers on twitter and tiktok have turned this movie to shit. Every time I see a clip from AS it makes me cringe. "sigma chad grindset" shut up FAGGOT

>> No.20025010

Bateman doesn't even work or do anything.

>> No.20025025

No he didnt

>> No.20025039

Yeah, he did. Also your response to his response made no sense.

>> No.20025058
File: 293 KB, 815x1015, F62231A3-5A8B-4987-9E37-7061C7D1F054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idc about the novel. Within the movie is is the pinnacle of coolness.

>> No.20025064

My response made sense. His argument has no logic applied in it.

>> No.20025069

yeah that's another trend zoomers. they want to be "new rich" (inherited money and don't do anything or produce anything)

>> No.20025076

meant to type "old money" not "new rich"

>> No.20025083
File: 34 KB, 1080x608, 20A3F1E5-77B4-4E05-90A1-BB7B2B376326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aristocrats are the coolest caste. Only faggot subservient middle class boomers disagree.

>> No.20025122
File: 1.85 MB, 2144x1168, 00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aristocrats are almost always lazy degens who lead to the downfall of whichever society they belong to

>> No.20025140

It's unironically just because he is attractive and charismatic. That's it. Do the movie again with an ugly actor as Bateman and it will have a completely different tone. Look at The Joker movie.

>> No.20025158

Because he aligns with the ideal of American society. Naturally, after the good will has been beaten out of them, most Anglos come to view him as a hero of their society.

>> No.20025172

There are no aristocrats in capitalism.

>> No.20025187

He was stating that (you) think he's cool because you have a feminine spirit. He wasn't agreeing with you about him being cool. Also why would it follow that a cool guy is someone no women like if he had indeed been answering your question in the affirmative? Where is your logic? Your retort made no sense.

>> No.20025227

It's not just that he's a sociopath, he is also the dullest, most boring NPC. The kind of programmed to be boring personality you would expect to see from someone working in McKinsey.

>> No.20025236

>Idc about the novel. Within the movie...
/lit/ - literature in it's purest form

>> No.20025264

this is exactly the origin of his "coolness" what I already pointed out

>> No.20025379

He's acutely conscious if anything, maybe literature isn't for you?

>> No.20025545

some people are edgy teenagers forever.
imagine actually living like that.

>> No.20025587

God damnit fuck you both kek
Also witnessed

>> No.20025684
File: 141 KB, 1480x987, Bateman on couch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like Lamartine? His early work was a little too royalist for my taste. But when Graziella came out in '52, I think he really came into his own, both commercially and artistically. The whole book has a romantic, french touch and a new sheen of consummate idealism that really gives the book a clear boost. He's been compared to Chateaubriand, but I think Lamartine has a far more nationalist, republican sense of humor.

>> No.20025735

You clearly didn’t understand my reply. His argument is that you have a feminine spirit if you think he’s cool because women want to fuck him. I’m saying his claim to me having a feminine spirit because women want to fuck him is retarded. Obviously a cool guy is someone women want to fuck.

His argument implies the cool guy would be someone women don’t want to fuck. I’m insulting him by saying he’s the coolest guy by his arguments’ standards.

>> No.20025742

Aristocrats are obfuscated but still exist in capitalism

>> No.20025747

Yes and that’s based
Old money wasps are pretty much a stand in for aristocrats.

>> No.20025814

people like bateman since he looks good.
chad face.
cool suits.
cool voice and speech.

>> No.20026245

Isn't he called a dork and a nerd by his peers, irrelevant to the point of being mistaken for someone completely different, so he imagines in his head all these ultra violent fantasies he has pent up? He's just another sociopath in the vapid 80's business world. I just watched the movie, haven't read the book so I don't know if it's different there.

>> No.20027047

ITT: not reading books

>> No.20027107

If you read the book you would have realized he's actually a pathetic, grasping at straws nobody, desperate for recognition, and he's instead a loser with no real connections.

>> No.20027112

Yeah, exactly. The book makes it a lot more uncertain though. At the end you get to realize, Holy shit, any of it could be true (or not).

>> No.20027124

Bateman is a loser. The fact that he kills people (if that’s even true) doesn’t make him cool. He’s so completely rejected by a society of NPCs that he has to resort to fantasising about killing them. His only advantage is that he’s physically handsome and even then he obsesses over his looks like a prissy and only because he thinks other people believe that’s what he should do. He has no confidence in himself, he follows every trend automatically to try and fit in and stil fails miserably. He pours over catalogs of clothes and furniture and bases his opinions on day time TV. Just because the film and book have an excellent aesthetic doesn’t mean he himself is cool. Killing members of a society that reject you doesn’t make you cool, especially if you tried so hard to fit in to that society in the first place.

>> No.20027186

it's christian bale that is cool

>> No.20027548

Bateman is clearly a materialistic loser. Very basic thing to understand. Why did you allow yourself to get memed into liking him?

>> No.20027550

because you are a retarded zoomer

>> No.20027557

He's just an incredibly insecure man who thinks his material possessions will buy him respect and love
I don't see the appeal

>> No.20027560


>> No.20027562

I don't think you've read the book

>> No.20027576

he is the most impotent and insecure man in the entire novel. But most people have not actualyl read it and just look at shots from the movie letting themselves be fooled by the general memetic current

>> No.20029059

Because it's simply hip to be square.

>> No.20029090

Based and true.

>> No.20029105

>Obviously a cool guy is someone women want to fuck.
Wrong. Females do not have a monopoly on defining coolness, you fucking simp.

>> No.20029121

Actually, I can put this even more forcefully: female sexual interest does not define coolness at all. The fact that you think it does demonstrates that you are a loser and a simp. Odds are high you were raised by a single mother.

>> No.20029137

The only "cool" thing about him is that he's hot. You're probably into that whole Yale thing

>> No.20029162

I’m not saying it defines it, I’m just saying it clearly doesn’t exclude someone from being cool if women are attracted to them, which is what the original reply said.

>> No.20029306

This book was just ok.

>> No.20029843

Aesthetic and edgy movie with Christian Bale delivering incredible one liners to a sound track made up of 80s bangers. How can it not be cool?
People conflate their love for the movie and Christian Bale's performance with their love for the character of Bateman.
Bateman isn't completely unlikeable, though. We can relate to his feelings of being an outsider to his own life, and how, like a cornered beast, he wants to lash out at anything nearby.
We have a profound sense of disillusionment with our reality that hides beneath the surface, waiting to be called out. This movie speaks to that a little bit. That's what I felt while watching the film, anyway.

>> No.20029889

Mr. Cool Ice from the Internet

>> No.20029902

Fonzie is cooler.

>> No.20029907

Because he kills and hurts people who deserve it. He's like a police officer.

>> No.20030170

Based Fonzie

>> No.20030620

Only correct answer ITT

>> No.20030624

I honestly don't get the appeal of American Psycho. It seemed completely soulless to me.

>> No.20030644

The soul is the prison of the body.

>> No.20031390

>that's the whole point
you just missed it retard, I bet you think Watchmen is a superhero movie too