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/lit/ - Literature

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20114036 No.20114036 [Reply] [Original]

I wrote a poem but I'm afraid to show it to anyone. Any tips on getting over a fear of criticism?

>> No.20114047

99% of the people who say it's shit couldn't write a better poem themselves

>> No.20114058

Stop being gay

>> No.20114083
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Failure is the greatest teacher

>> No.20114984

The poem is already shit, criticism or not doesn't change that. But what criticism will do is give you a perspective to make better poems in the future.

>> No.20114990

Post it anon. I'm a bad writer and ill read it, meaning unless you write worse than a middle schooler ill only have nice things to say :)

>> No.20115027

I also sometimes write bad poems and show them to no one.

>> No.20115623

Just put yourself out there. Better a retarded freak than the pussy reading this that never finished that thing they wanted to.

>> No.20115627

>Post it anon.

>> No.20115628

You're anonymous, anon. Nobody here is going to attack you personally, they're either going to criticize your work or just call you a fag. Take a deep breath and post it.

>> No.20115645

Okay, here goes nothing.

What a land, what a place
I've been there and to space
I met a girl, left without a trace
Now I tread the never ending chase.

>> No.20115657

It's cute, OP. It would make me smile if I found it written on a wall while I was waiting for a train or something.

>> No.20115664

I concur with the other anon. It is a cosy lil' thing. Good job :)

P.s I hate women

>> No.20115669
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>mfw not actually OP and just spit that out
Unless OP wants to take credit, of course.

>> No.20115670

It's shit

>> No.20115671

DECEIT! How could you?!

>> No.20115674

>left without a trace
I think this throws off the rhythm a bit. Maybe 'left with no trace' would flow better.

>> No.20115679

I do like that better actually.

>> No.20115681

Face the cold shower

>> No.20115717
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>he writes poetry and accepts criticism gracefully

>> No.20115725

This is very natural and can even be healthy.
It's a sign that you understand that you have shortcomings as a poet and want to improve.
The fact that you feel this way honestly already makes you an above average poet in the grand scheme of things because you haven't deluded yourself into thinking you're already amazing.

Publishing your work is an important step towards improving.
You should regularly publish the work you're the most confident in so that you can get feedback and understand the expectations of your audience.
Publishing is scary because you don't know how people will react, but that also mean you can sometimes have a very positive response when you don't expect it. You'll never forget the first time someone who really loves something you've written writes you a letter.