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[ERROR] No.2027260 [Reply] [Original]

Hooooly shit.

So I picked up this book because, I heard it had something to do with bioshock. I discovered the bioshock reference and after getting 300 pages I am seriously considering throwing it in a fireplace.

Now I will say something nice about it. The way Ayn Rand describes emotion and environment is incredibly beautiful at certain points.
The characters are painfully two dimensional. The plot is predictable and boring. Not to mention Ayn Rand's didactic technique is at best uncomfortable and at worst laughable.
A character literally says one of Karl Marx slogans and the lead character (who is obviously the writer) thinks to herself "I have witnessed pure evil."

I mean politics aside. Who the fuck read this book and went hhhmn this is good literature. Is it even worth it to read the next 600 pages or is the rest of it just as trite and ridged?

>> No.2027264

No it's all pretty shit. The climax of the novel is a 50 page speech. That's not a joke. John Galt literally delivers a speech outlining why Ayn Rand is right and everyone else is long, and that speech is 50 fucking pages long. This is a thing that happened in a work that some people think is good.

>> No.2027268

Rand was an even worse writer than she was a philosopher. I think I got through about 20 pages of Atlas Shrugged before I gave up.

Most philosophers write treatises detailing their ideas in relation to the real world. Rand liked to write about fantasy worlds where her ideas were the only rational conclusion, which is pretty retarded.

>> No.2027273

I think this book could have been cut down to like, 100 pages. It would still be shitty, but why make what is essentially a political manifesto so goddamn long?

>> No.2027276

I tried to read it, the book is shit, objectivism is shit and just an excuse to be greedy.

>> No.2027282
File: 14 KB, 299x497, The-road.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck out of here John Galt delivers the speech!

Yeah... no I'm not even gonna finish the book I gonna get 'the road' tomorrow. Thank you for helping me dodge that bullet.

I can't believe the lady at world's biggest bookstore actually recommended that I read this book. After I told her I just got through the latest Song of Fire and Ice book.

>> No.2027294


I've been pondering the success of this book too.

I think it has more to to with justifying capitalism, thus congratulating us for the great job we're doing making lots and lots of money for wealthy people.

So, no, i don't think it's "classic" status is due to quality of prose.

>> No.2027306

I got this feeling as well, but it sounds far-fetched until you actually read the book.

Thanks again for the heads up everyone

>> No.2027308


>Most philosophers write treatises detailing their ideas in relation to the real world. Rand liked to write about fantasy worlds where her ideas were the only rational conclusion, which is pretty retarded.
>implying Lassize-faire isn't possible in the real world

Ayn Rand lived in the USSR. She was sick of people feeding off her hard work.

>> No.2027313

"I trust that no one will tell me that men such as I write about don't exist. That this
book has been written—and published—is proof that they do."

-Ayn Rand on justifying her terrible characterization

>> No.2027316

Missing the point completely.
If her ideas were so valid, why did she have to invent a straw world and fill it with strawmen to knock down to advocate them?

>> No.2027318
File: 215 KB, 1295x831, lawl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How ironic.

>> No.2027319


Ayn Rand took welfare for years.
People are supposed to help each other succeed there is a reason altruism is hardwired into our DNA.


>> No.2027320

And then she died on Social Security. Ayn Rand supports whatever is best for Ayn Rand.

>> No.2027325

>lassize faire


Also (and I'm saying this as someone who loves writing and wants to write, and as someone who thinks that the treatment of humans in the USSR was unconscionable) Ayn Rand didn't know shit about hard work. She was a writer, and her writing was little more than masturbatory ranting. It was not the product of hard work, or an enduring spirit, or any other such noble trait, but simply one woman's self-centered ideas sold to the public at a fortuitous moment in human history.

>> No.2027337


Look at the USSR, look at North Korea, look at all the Marxist states that have existed. These are prime examples that the world and men Rand described CAN come into reality and that it DID exist in some form. Maybe not in the exact picture Rand described but the characteristics of her made up dystopia in her book did and does exist.

>> No.2027340


man anthem FUCKING sucked.

>> No.2027343

except that her contention is that any kind of collectivism is morally identical to North Korea, and will lead inexorably to the world she describes. that's the part that's incredibly unrealistic and the reason she has to set up a world of caricatures so her philosophy can work. because only in her world is "the income tax" evil and only in her world will it inevitably lead to the enslavement of every human being. she sets up a world where all these things are true and then acts like that proves something.

>> No.2027346

Man, those states aren't Marxist. They put up a facade of Marxism, they played with the word Communist, they used propaganda about "the people" and "the state" to make the world think that collectivism had been institutionalized, but in reality, they're just one more example of old power structures doing what old power structures do. They benefit those who already have the power, and take from those who have less to give.

There's very little "collectivism" going on in any of the examples you put out there.

>> No.2027428

For all the philosophical bullshit, Rand can tell a good story.