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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 315 KB, 1200x1571, Jean_Paul_Sartre_1965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20300096 No.20300096 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20300111

I'm so sorry so sorry sorry so sorry so sorry sorry so sorry so sorry sorry so sorry so sorry sorry so sorry so sorry sorry so sorry so sorry sorry so sorry so sorry sorry so sorry so sorry sorry so sorry so sorry sorry so sorry so sorry sorry

>> No.20300127


>> No.20300133
File: 9 KB, 214x250, 1627066121914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I which I had a bunch of crab friends...

>> No.20300145


>> No.20300371

is sartre a real philosopher? or no

>> No.20300372

>Let's abuse some girls with the wifey

>> No.20300381

>feminist wife
>abusing girls
oh it's because he's ugly, right? you delusional faggots need to be stopped. or shot.

>> No.20300408

de Beauvoir groomed her underage female students for Sartre. Kinda yikes chud behavior

>> No.20300415

underage? you mean 21?

>> No.20300423

He's a real philosopher, but a shit one. His aesthetics and sentiments are good enough to keep him relevant forever tho.

>> No.20300424

>n 1938, the 30-year-old de Beauvoir seduced her student Bianca Bienenfeld. A few months later, Sartre slept with the 16-year-old Bianca in a hotel room, telling her that the chambermaid would be surprised as he had already taken another girl's virginity the same day.
16 is legal in my country btw. fuck your bullshit sex panic, stop being obsessed with "pedophilia". the age of consent in france is 15, he literally did nothing wrong. fucking faggot piece of shit

>> No.20300430

yeah i'm not sure if i want to read being and nothingness. i read nausea and some of his short stories when i was 17, but honestly you have to study philosophy and religion before you can appreciate "existentialism"..... ok but would you recommend being and nothingness? or is it something you should read when young

>> No.20300431

So you think it’s ok for teachers to fuck their students?

>> No.20300434

i think that professors should be able to sleep with their students, yes. what the fuck man, are you just gay? do you have no cock and balls? or are you just fucking brainwashed by this bullshit? think for yourself faggot.

>> No.20300465

Deez nuts

>> No.20300482

> ok but would you recommend being and nothingness?
I'd say nah. Unlike his novels, it's way dry and boring, and eventually I can't really follow his reasoning due to way too much "x = y because I say so".

>or is it something you should read when young
It's a turbo snorefest if you read it young.

>> No.20300495

hmmm... i'd definitely read it if it was shorter. seems like one of those books you can get the jist of through secondary sources, whereas heidegger i think one should read directly... more of a fan of late heidegger vs being and time though, honestly... yeah maybe i'm too old for being and nothingness