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/lit/ - Literature

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20327595 No.20327595 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the edgiest book?

>> No.20327618
File: 807 KB, 720x1382, Screenshot_20220505-193656_@Voice Aloud Reader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't read pass two paragraphs.

>> No.20327648

I don't really get the point of this stuff.

>> No.20327658

You're supposed to masturbate to it

>> No.20327678

very suss

>> No.20327679

is this what happens when you go trans?

>> No.20327681

A)The joy of trolling and making people angry
B)A philosophical experiment on freedom of speech
C)The author fetish

>> No.20327685
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>A)The joy of trolling and making people angry
>B)A philosophical experiment on freedom of speech

>> No.20327691

Some people hobby on 4chan is triggering people.

>> No.20327696

Cope and seethe, ma'am.

>> No.20327702
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>Some people hobby on 4chan is triggering people.
>Cope and seethe, ma'am.

>> No.20327708
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This is so poorly written it is actually insane.

>> No.20327711

The edgiest book objectively speaking is Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

>> No.20327718

I always figured the title was figurative and not literal. This is terrible and not just because of the topic. The ridiculous extreme he takes it too suggests it could still be figurative in the context of the novel as a whole but the poor writing suggests such a thing would be beyond him.
lol, no. You clearly never read it.

>> No.20327735

I get the impression from the constant short sentences and fragmentary repetitions that he's trying to write from the perspective of a retard, but I can't imagine getting through over a hundred pages of this. It would be so tedious if it remains this one-note the entire time.

>> No.20327812
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It's up there.

>> No.20327840

If it was written well it would be disturbing, but i can’t get through more than a few sentences without laughing out loud because of the sheer absurdity

>> No.20327871
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Maybe the preface will help you understand.

>> No.20327896

So it’s just shock value for the sake of shock value

>> No.20327942

If the goal was to overcome a distinction between art and life, and produce something of potent status, then I have to regard it as a failure. There are books that I've read which I would say these things of because their story and language are of really transcendent quality. But the attempt to shock the reader with transgressive content alone is not transcendent at all, it's just juvenile. It reads like the author trying to get a level of attention that his skill can't attract without gimmicks.

>> No.20328016

Holy shit, now I understand this masterpiece.

>> No.20328179

reads like a shitpost

>> No.20328346

peter sotos is much edger

>> No.20328661

Which book?

>> No.20328861


goddammit. i have a sample on my ereader I haven't read yet. I thought the title was edgy, but in a tongue in cheek way. I didn't think it was actually about fucking babies.

>> No.20328900

It's rather edgy, but in a fun way. There are sentences later on like:

>I fuck babies maybe therefore I am.
>I don't fuck sixteen year olds. I fuck babies.
>Strange to think a person who doesn't have the energy to get out of bed has the energy to fuck babies.

It's dumb and the choppy style it's written in to reflect the narrator's thought is far from poetic, but it's so short and ridiculous that it's a blast to read.

>> No.20328908

It was an entry to a prose-contest and won. The translation sucks since no qualified translator would work on it.

>> No.20329139

e.g. Proxy

>> No.20329175


>> No.20329187

Brainlet wojak and it's consequences have been a disaster for public discourse

>> No.20329192 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20329287

Has anyone read any of the other obscure books on this list? Can anyone tell me what they're about?

>> No.20329348

>I've read at least one book from each level, except the last one
>have more on my backlog and ereader

>> No.20329449

it's not well written, all the sentences are short sentences: it's monotonous hence boring and overwhelming. The idea has potential but it isn't well developed

>> No.20329462
File: 18 KB, 647x74, CohesionInEnglish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that a good book? it is unnecessarily expensive

>> No.20329464

first person is shit, we aren't discovering anything new here

>> No.20329472

thank you for this. It's funny that the last level is written in arabic, what does it mean?

>> No.20329490

that doesn't justify anything. It is bad written. Period. I would like you to convince me otherwise. But I think you can't.

>> No.20329493

>their story and language are of really transcendent quality
can you give us some examples?

>> No.20329501

>I didn't think it was actually about fucking babies.
what is wrong about it? one could write a good novel about fucking babies, not this one, an hypothetical one

>> No.20329510

>It was an entry to a prose-contest and won

>The translation sucks since no qualified translator would work on it.
maybe that's the problem, that the trasnlation is lame

>> No.20329514

Because there's nothing to do with the concept. Fucking a baby is super grotesque, it's cartoonishly evil. But after the initial shock, what now? You can't get worse than fucking babies, and you can't redeem someone who fucks babies. It's pure shock and no substance.

>> No.20329530
File: 162 KB, 441x378, what the fuck is this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Voynich manuscript is about plants. It's famous just because it's written in some made up alphabet, and no one's been able to figure what language its supposed to be in. It's therefore become an object of fascination for cryptographers and for schizos who like to believe they're the first person to figure out the true meaning.

>> No.20329532

do any of these horrors have some literary value? from what ive read, most horrors are mildly entertaining at best but unimpressive pieces of writing

>> No.20329540

Yeah, I know that. I meant more of the actual books.

>> No.20329559

The only one I've read below level 1 is Wasp Factory. That's quite good, not sure I'd call it horror. He was definitely trying to pile on the edge. It's about a crazy teenage boy who tortures animals to vent his frustrated rage about having lost his dick and balls to a vicious dog attack when young.

>> No.20329612

The author literally studied English. Also English an German are in the same family tree.

>> No.20329621

dude I was just pretending to be a pedophilic retard - the post

>> No.20329667
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>> No.20329697

The author should be killed not only for being a chomo faggot, but also a shitty writer.

>> No.20329707

But bro it stuppsed to be because because muh artistic critique of the literary world bro! Bro do you even Dada bro?

>> No.20329734

I wouldn't call Wasp Factory horror either. Honestly, I wouldn't call a good number of the works labelled horror as horror at all. Some of them have elements that are meant to be disturbing, but they're often overdone to the point they're just absurd caricatures.

I've read a few of the works on the iceberg. Just skimming the image quickly, I can see: The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, A Child Called "It", Animal Farm, Lord of the Flies, Nineteen Eighty-Four, Pet Sematary, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, The Road, A Clockwork Orange, and The Gulag Archipelago which I've read. Some of them were good. Some of them were average. You can expect George Orwell to write fairly consistently. If you've read one Stephen King novel, you have a fairly good idea of what the rest are like -- they often start strong and fall apart toward the end. I have to say, the one I was most disappointed by was I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, largely because I'd heard good things about it, but the reality was mediocre. The autobiographical true crimes accounts were, at times, genuinely upsetting.

>> No.20329767

It was poorly written on purpose. To overcome the distinction between art and life.

>> No.20329873

yeah, but i won't bother; this is a literature board and you should already know some yourself

>> No.20329945

The edgiest book ever written, at least by any sort of serious writer, is probably Hogg by Samuel Delaney, which takes place from the point of view of a boy trafficked into sexual slavery, and only goes downhill from there:


That said, I have a hard time imagining how anyone could make anything worse than this, including the Breivik and Roger manifestos. It took over twenty years to get this thing published after it was originally drafted, meaning the book was actually written decades before American Psycho, and is still somehow more depraved.

>> No.20329957

I really don't see the point of this kind of transgressive literature. The writing tends to be mediocre at best and the story tends to have no buoyancy other than the shock factor. As someone raised on the internet, the shock factor is really not there for me, so the whole thing falls flat. It seems like people with middling writing skill acting out to get attention. I suppose they probably argue that it helps reinforce free speech laws to have such over-the-line material published, but I doubt that's the real motivation, it just sounds a little too selfless as an explanation for what usually reads more like spank bank material.

>> No.20329962

disagree, a good writer can make a great story about anything

>> No.20329973

cringe, there are newbies everywhere, even here

>> No.20329980

there are also people who ask you questions just to dunk on whatever you reply with. i know the game

>> No.20329981

>Turner Diaries
>True Crime

>> No.20330032

This is a nice board though. I would greatly value your input, but obviously you don't have to share if you don't feel comfortable.

>> No.20330038

the author didn't translate his own book, did he now, retard

>> No.20330041


"I'm a pedo but use the bullshit of Art to stop you from saying I am kek"

I can already say with certainty that I'd end up beating this author to death if I got trapped in a room with them - purely because of how much fucking hubris must seep out of them every time they speak.

>> No.20330053

>there are also people who ask you questions just to dunk on whatever you reply with
wtf, im not saying that that is wrong but living thinking that way must be awful. I always expect people to be serious and good, if they end up not being it, bad for them i dont lose anything answering right

>> No.20330054

>I didn't think it was actually about fucking babies.
It isn't really. The tongue-in-cheek edge extends beyond the title to the discourse of the narrator, a voice that says it "fucks babies": that is his sentence, his word.

>> No.20330094


Delaney was already an established, relatively successful, award-winning writer long before Hogg was published, though. And if doing it for attention was the motive, he clearly failed miserably, given that the book took decades to get published at all, and for a long time it had a printrun of just a few hundred copies.

I don't think it deserves to be dismissed completely. I still don't think I'd ever wanna read the damn thing, but if it were really just graphic pornography entirely lacking in merit, he wouldn't've become noted for his other work.

>> No.20330158

Sapphire's Push is pretty edgy. Significantly moreso than the movie. I can't say it's particularly meritorious as a work, though. The book made my skin crawl, and not in a good way. There's just something so trashy about the whole thing, especially since it was very obviously based on Sapphire's real-life experiences with incest, only told from the point of view of a morbidly-obese retard.

It turns what should be a genuine, personal narrative into a total farce, and I still don't understand why she didn't just write a roman à clef autobiography.

The movie's not quite as terrible, but it was still greatly overpraised.

>> No.20330195

>anon starts frothing at the mouth and has a violent fantasy because of some shitty book
Why is this so common?

>> No.20330224

Where da anime illustrations at?

>> No.20330244

"The horrifying disgust in the Arabic language", in the sense of there's a book called "the horrifying disgust", and the post sounds like someone google searching for an Arabic translation.
At any rate it's probably Google translate, nothing too spooky here.

>> No.20330253
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>It would not be advantageous to attach it to the milk spigot

>> No.20330273

>And if doing it for attention was the motive, he clearly failed miserably, given that the book took decades to get published at all, and for a long time it had a printrun of just a few hundred copies.
On the other hand, it's the only thing he wrote that we discuss here, ever.

>> No.20331060

the most brutal book I have ever read is Savage Species by Johnathan Janz. I'm a big fan of monster horror, but that book is... gratuitous. Of course, I've got books on my backlist that'll probably end up worse.

>> No.20331308

No. The only edgy thing is the title, and even that is only really scary to people who might see you reading it on the bus. It's like wearing a Cradle of Filth t shirt. It's just trying so hard to be offensive. The book itself is terrible too, people only buy it for the title.

this seems like an interesting list but there should be author names too.

>> No.20331328

I tried to find Peter Sotos books online cause I thought he would have something interesting to say, but the excerpt I found just made me alarmed to have it in my internet history.

>> No.20331967

Yeah if I remember right he basically wrote a bunch of rape and child rape larp fiction.

>> No.20331991

Yeah. He was also in a neo nazi industrial band and put out an album purely of child abuse victims, he's as much of a piece of shit as they come in the name of "art"

>> No.20332000

I really don’t think Whitehouse are neo nazis or pedophiles, they’re trying to be edgy. Bennett teaches at some leftfag bong art school…

>> No.20332039
File: 27 KB, 552x634, mwc71sedhom51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does an edgy writer exist and is open about their fetish? I'm tired of these disclaimer and obvious lies.

>> No.20333062


>> No.20333083

>Promoting censorship
Kill yourself nigger. I hope you were raped repeatedly as a child or you should just shut the fuck up for being "offended" for other people.

>> No.20334345

No, there are many web novels that are actual pedo erotica and not word salad nonsense like >>20327618

>> No.20334695

Why read this drivel

>> No.20335274

120 days of sodom

>> No.20335299

>nothing too spooky here

>> No.20335406

I tell you the secret how to write such a "book".

Think about what you want to say the judge to get the highest punishment a human can ever get for his crime.
Now write your exact ideas down you have to be locked away forever because of your writing. And that's it. Here is your "book".

>> No.20335453

His early zine, Pure, and then two of the books published in collections since the early 2000s, Tool and Special.

>> No.20335687

>the joy of trolling
you need to be 18 year old to post here

>> No.20335920

The short sentences would work if he used them more sparringly.

>> No.20336343

4) author is a schizo

>> No.20336957

Try using doing a rap while reading this it kinda slaps

>> No.20336996

>Dada writers use shock to overcome the distinction between art and life, that split that paralyzes literature and dooms it to irrelevance.
>Babyfucker is unsatisfied with the impotent status accorded to literature.

>effects of the Iliad: creation of empires, inspiration of human greatness for thousands of years
>effects of this garbage: some retarded pervert cums all over himself
This notion that art needs to "shock" or offend to be relevant or "potent" is so braindead and probably just an excuse for lazy attention whoring by talentless hacks.

>> No.20337013
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I'm going to read it /lit/.

>> No.20337226
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I just finish reading the book. It was more exhausting than shocking. The book is not just grammatically bad it's also extremely repetitive with no sense of story. I don't even know what is suppose to be real or fake because the author is vague with everything.

>> No.20337298

this is just avantgarde writing at its finest. psychopaths are incapable of having thoughts more complex than simple short sentences.

>> No.20337749

Honestly i want to read more, its actually funny,

>> No.20337801

Same, not because it's too edgy, but because it's so badly written.

>> No.20338516

Here you go.

>> No.20338565

I read this and it sucks, it's literally just the pedo fantasy of some fag it literally reads like some shit you could make in an evening with someone you found on f-list. It does have some funny lines though

>> No.20338606

It's quite well-written, in the sense that it does build an image of the voice's mental process right from the start, besides establishing a distinct rhythm, and possessing some very nice touches of humor, though of course most posters here are Stephen King haters who would love him if you posted a paragraph of his saying it was Hemingway's, i.e., people who know nothing about writing and believe in well-defined, proven concepts of ''good writing'' which essentially amount to endless repetitions of cliches, sentences that ''look well-written'' in the sense a 19th century novel is ''well-written''.

My only criticism would be that it owes too much to Beckett, but the subject is so unbeckett-like that I can pardon that.

Also, Robbe-Grillet has a similar book, but with teens instead.

>> No.20338636

>Disturbing Novels
>Dante's Inferno
Do illiterate normalfags really?

>> No.20338664

>A)The joy of trolling and making people angry
this is stupid and accomplishes nothing in the grand scheme of things, their anger gives you meaning therefore you are worthless.
>B)A philosophical experiment on freedom of speech
"just because i can means i should" great logic einstein.

>> No.20338672

>child called 'IT'
>level 3
i read it in 8th grade as apart of schoolwork its not nearly as bad as this is making it out to be.

>> No.20338814

>kindle: $52
do people really?

>> No.20339189

is this some sort of elaborate shitpost?

>> No.20339774

This, very disappointing book.

>> No.20339840

The mere thought of pedophilia puts many americans into a state of blind rage

>> No.20339859

May I ask, what does it take from Beckett exactly? I haven't gotten to any of his works yet (although I do own an unread copy of the Trilogy).

>> No.20340041

I don't know what the other anon was alluding to, but I assume it was something along the lines of: repitition, parataxis, somewhat mechanical, minimalist descriptions of things and processes. I see the similarities to late Beckett (esp. the trilogy), but early Beckett is very different.

agree on /lit/ being bad at evaluating writing. I feel like it's mainly teens that think purple prose is the epitome of style.

>> No.20340092
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was thinking it was a gag book you'd buy someone as a joke and that it was filled with blank pages

>> No.20340168

I fucking loved it. It's absurdist and escapes reason but has a great rythm and is generally well stylized so it's not like a dream or an ai generated story. There's inspiring beauty behind the shock factor. It made me contemplate identity and fate. I also wonder if the narrator is God. And what is means to be God. O I'm babbling.

>> No.20340322

>The Origin of Consciousness (novel)
So obscure I can't find it.

>> No.20341248

Maybe they meant The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind

>> No.20342152

good post

>> No.20342457

This just reads retarded and zoned out on purpose. Dennis Cooper is an actually disturbing "transgressive" writer

>> No.20342534



What is wrong with these people. Sexual activity with a small child is lust.

>> No.20342580

That's not my diary desu

>> No.20342613
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>no you dont understand art is like, dead or something! And only we can save it!
How tiresome

>> No.20342632

Now I want to read this

>> No.20343950

No, but it is the most retarded.

>> No.20344109

Let's Go Play At the Adams is very well written and very disturbing. I gave up on it at the 60% mark because it was just depressing to read. The prose is surprisingly good which makes it even more bleak.

>> No.20344197


she dies at the end and none of the kids face any consequences

>> No.20344705
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>Ass Goblins of Auschwitz

>> No.20344808

delany says he masturbated to hogg as he wrote it

>> No.20344840

more like americans are already always in a state of blind rage and pedos are the last people an american can publicly fantasize about doing violence to, since he is no longer allowed to be mean to niggers, jews, fags and so on

>> No.20344964

>effects of the Iliad:
>effects of this garbage:
>This notion that art needs to "shock" or offend
you're retarded. have you ever even looked at the iliad? it absolutely does shock and offend. mutilating a dead man to further torture his grieving parents is not offensive? human sacrifice is not offensive? the endless descriptions of violent death are not shocking? it's clearly a poem full of "transgressive" violence that shocks and offends, "transgressing" even the standards of wartime bronze age with "unnatural" acts like corpse mutilation. go actually read this stuff instead of just admiring it from afar, it's not some uplifting poem about nice flowers.

>> No.20346209


Hogg is such a gross character though? The man literally pisses his pants and doesn't wipe his ass