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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.96 MB, 1500x1161, __smaug_tolkien_s_legendarium_and_1_more_drawn_by_anato_finnstark__5ef4d41277c6ecdd6d19e84db6d582c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20339531 No.20339531 [Reply] [Original]

Smaug the Golden Edition

Previous Thread:>>20335475

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.20339540 [DELETED] 

Why the fuck are these threads always so white? Seriously, this shit is nearly unreadable because of how unwelcoming it is

>> No.20339545

It's been many years since I last read Lord of the Rings and Silmarillion but would it be worth starting History of Middle Earth books if I enjoyed them?

>> No.20339547

>doesn't know to to enable dark mode or styles

>> No.20339552

If you are interested in more, go for it.

>> No.20339554

Why the fuck are modern fantasy novels always so black? Seriously, this shit is nearly unreadable because of how niggardly it is

>> No.20339564
File: 22 KB, 297x475, the wandering inn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waht are very good Epic Fantasy series that stood the test of time? I've already read LotR, ASOIAF, and tried Malazan.

>> No.20339568
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The Wandering Inn is fun, you should give it a read
It features my wife Erin (as well as my other wives Ryoka, Ceria, Ylvon, Geneva, Lyonette, Magnolia and Ressa and my husband Pisces)

>> No.20339615

LotR, ASOIAF, and tried Malazan.
Any cultivation novel will blow that shit out of the water

>> No.20339630

warhammer 40k novels

>> No.20339640

kill yourself

boring shit read
>franchise tagline:"In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war."

heckin sign me up please

>> No.20339658
File: 926 KB, 1742x2560, 91A5R1o+wyL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started reading this and I hate it. It has first person POV for three different characters and it doesn't tell you when the perspective changes. I'm about a third of the way in and I know none of the main characters names or what their personality is because they are all blurred together in my mind.

Am I just a brainlet or what?

>> No.20339689

the problem is that book is simply too hard for you and thats why you're blanking out

try audio book version and easing your way up to harder books. You need to use your imagination more to make it more vivid

>> No.20339697

Gaunts Ghosts in a pretty good place to start with 40k.

>> No.20339709
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>tfw you shill for Sanderson

>> No.20339740
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You know guys, if you like Warhammer, then you may unironically like The Wandering Inn. The author, Pirateaba, is a passionate strategy games fan and plays Total War: Warhammer a lot. TWI might appear to be Slice of Life, but it is also called Slice of Warcrime for good reasons. It's obvious that the author took a lot of inspiration from Warhammer, especially battles and conflicts among numerous races of the world. You may have some slice of life where people talk and drink in one chapter, but some juicy genocide is always behind the corner. That's one of the things that make TWI so great. If you want to read an Epic Fantasy in a world similar to Warhammer, then look no further than TWI.

>> No.20339766
File: 88 KB, 1011x1011, 352135e2c46d42c167a93ac93eb2a7bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little do you guys know

unlike you, I actually got my nose planttd deep in a bookorino

Thats right. I am actually already currently reading and began so just yesterday.

I shall do so again momentarily, but before that a coffee

The book I am reading is a grimdark thriller that takes place in a medieval era and yes it has fantastical elements. I cant elaborate further or else you'd know what I'm reading and spoil it

>> No.20339787

Is this why you guys are stuck talking about the same books for like 15 years? Agents that list "LGBTQ" and "BIPOC" rather than any indication of quality, or asking for a "unique hook" to "pitch." I've been reading this dog shit my entire life and I don't think I ever cared about originality for a second. Is it even a big deal in fantasy? I just want to be immersed. The genre where originally matters a lot is SF and none of these trannies will even look at it because their brains are as smooth as eggs.


>> No.20339796
File: 205 KB, 680x553, 1546579690671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some SF/F books that do romance well?

>> No.20339801

thats so heckin wholesome my guy

>> No.20339805

i wanna read alice in wonderland and see what i might visualize

you know its like when reading books you develop your own idea of what characters and settings look like

>> No.20339835

its illustrated

>> No.20339860
File: 45 KB, 1000x563, as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What The Fuck is happening to my general, I can't believe my eyes.

>> No.20339865

The spammers ban ended and he's throwing a tanty.

>> No.20339875
File: 148 KB, 489x696, Alice_par_John_Tenniel_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen some illustrated and some aren't

example of one that isn't

>Tenniel's illustrations of Alice do not portray the real Alice Liddell, who had dark hair and a short fringe. Alice has provided a challenge for other illustrators,

so it is safe to assume before reading it that the book can be read without illustration and that they aren't imperative to understanding what characters or settings would look like because the alice illustrations are incorrect to begin with.

>> No.20339895

some versions with images and some without

>> No.20339899
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>> No.20339980
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You will NEVER rule supreme, you only have a chance because the jannies don't ban you, if it was true free speech Bakker will rule supreme and you will rage and scream.

>> No.20339988

Who comes up with the best names in fantasy?

>> No.20339989

What is the dark souls of fantasy?

>> No.20339990
File: 79 KB, 482x427, 1624802286077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any sci-fi or fantasy series about soul crushing loneliness?

>> No.20339997 [DELETED] 


>> No.20339999

If you are not gay, or a woman, or appeal to gays and women, then you may as well give up ever achieving anything in this genre.

>> No.20340004

I've read some of the manga... doesn't give me the same vibes honestly, but thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.20340011
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>> No.20340012 [DELETED] 

warhammer: AOS
fuck off retard

wrong fucking board
piece of shit picture btw
no you fucking retard

pick up a thriller about pirates or something else interesting and thrilling and escape into the world of blissful imagination

>> No.20340013 [DELETED] 

But I also like bakker and hate janny

>> No.20340014
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>> No.20340015

who hurt you

>> No.20340017

>>20339989 #
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar novel section
fuck off retard

wrong fucking board
piece of shit picture book btw
>>20339990 #
no you fucking retard

pick up a thriller about pirates or something else interesting and thrilling and escape into the world of blissful imagination

>> No.20340019

What is this? Title sounds like a parody

>> No.20340020

I am enjoying this series. What makes it work is that it is first and foremost a set of stories about soldiers soldiering in that old fashioned war story style. The action is good, but its not gun porn either. Its men in the trenches trying to live out the day. The 40k stuff isn't the focus, but neither is it abandoned in shame, its there when it needs to be there without feeling like a advertisement for a toyline which all warhammer books are.

>> No.20340048
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grimdark is super kino

my question is why would anyone want to read about an OP MC and his posse with retarded plot armor? seriously. happy endings are not only unrealistic but super boring to read about

>> No.20340049

yeah, it's an old book but it's had a movie made about it
"i am legend"
it's pretty good

>> No.20340056
File: 133 KB, 860x679, 784-7843895_link-to-their-sigil-png-download-house-velaryon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, does GRRM explain how House Valeryon, an ancient house with old valeria traits such as pale skin could all be black? They practiced incest to protect their valeria genes. So how do they all get cast as black people in an adaptation and say it works? Thanks in advance.

>> No.20340058
File: 573 KB, 480x4267, Happily Ever After.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Villain transmigration comedy. The transmigrator is a long-time webnovel reader so his internal monologue jokes about the novel he's in being particularly cliche, but it isn't a parody.

>> No.20340082

After the last three xiaxias I started turned out to be danmei I've gotten incredibly paranoid. Does that guy end up fucking another man's asshole after 5000 chapters or is it safe to read?

>> No.20340111

>Thousands of writers contribute to a genre, but it is critically panned as it does not extol progressive politics
>Some jew/bipoc comes in and "satirizes" the genre blatently ripping off a few popular authors ideas while sanatizing anything offensive to progressives whilst adding shit that is offensive to conservatives/liberals
>praised by other jews as a work of high art
This is the formula for writing a "genre defining classic" It's a big club, and you ain't in it.

>> No.20340115

We have attracted about 3-5 additional shitposters and/or spammers over the last week.

>> No.20340122
File: 80 KB, 736x712, 65CEB7F6-3EB4-43BC-B5A2-0281DBF36138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it’s danmei. Transmigrator tries to avoid the villain’s original fate by being nice to the novel MC, accidentally turns the novel MC yanhomo.. Only about 90 chapters though.

Tell me what you got suckered into reading.

>> No.20340124

There was a passage in the... last? short story from the Lerebus Shieldbreaker collection that hit me particularly hard.

>> No.20340155

Mo Dao Zu Shi. I watched the show first and didn't know the CCP censored all the hardcore gay sex. I just thought the MC was a little effeminate...

>> No.20340160

wtf I love ccp now

>> No.20340164

Uh ur on 4chan we know

>> No.20340260

Why are fantasy maps always a Pangea super continent?

>> No.20340264

Digits have spoken. And yes, just look at any awards in the last decade or so. Being a woman is basically a requirement, being black is highly recommended.

>> No.20340270

They're more often "the known world". Intercontinental travel is probably a lot harder on those worlds, either because the world is bigger or more dangerous. Cradle, for example, almost all takes place on one continent, but we know OF the existence of another continent.

>> No.20340277
File: 42 KB, 680x680, LowTierGod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being black is highly recommended.
Based and true.

>> No.20340280
File: 1.01 MB, 984x1399, E5BA3593-8AE0-4E3E-B6C2-1AB8FAE642AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck anon I’m sorry for you but I can’t stop laughing, I don’t know how anyone can read past chapter four or so of MDZS without realizing that Lan Wangji is a total homo.

>> No.20340303
File: 489 KB, 1400x2095, 81wLlYivbvL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help, i can't stop reading this fucking garbage. i've read 5 volumes in 2 weeks. it's somehow both the worst thing i've read in a long time and the most fun i've had reading in ages.

>> No.20340311

Stormlight books have more illustrations than light novels but boy oh boy I bet fags would be mad if you discussed LNs here.

>> No.20340319

I'd like to help but I think you need a professional

>> No.20340320 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 448x336, RP4253442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We have attracted about 3-5 additional shitposters and/or spammers over the last week.
This is why we need Bakkerchads, they were the sentinels that guards this land, you chose pozzedness over Bakkerchadery and now look at this thread, filth and pozz beyond human comprehension, you deserve it, and only when its too late, you will know that Bakker rules and sandi drools.

>> No.20340321
File: 2.07 MB, 4524x3107, 15937766642630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


see Warhammer: AOS map

>> No.20340326

>I bet fags would be mad if you discussed LNs here
When are people in these threads not throwing a fit over what people are discussing?

>> No.20340330

Seems familiar, but I can't put my finger on it.

>> No.20340332

wrong board

also grow up you fucking manchild
stop reading picture books

>> No.20340335 [DELETED] 

When Bakker rules, the natural balance will return, and the pozz will retreat.

>> No.20340337
File: 82 KB, 960x691, 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because there are literally several other boards for weebshit where other weebs will suck your dick clean off for namedropping copy paste isekai written by constipated businessmen in their morning cattle car using their phone

>> No.20340342 [DELETED] 
File: 903 KB, 1125x1037, 1638888800965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Bakker but i also like Cradle

I have no limitations, infinite power

>> No.20340343 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 612x719, maxresdefault (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the misery of /sffg/, this is the misery of not having Bakkerchads ruling supreme.

>> No.20340347

That's bakker? He looks fucking fat lol

>> No.20340351

I think its Max Resdefault

>> No.20340355
File: 606 KB, 3000x3000, puclu32fkrl61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cradle chads, we won

>> No.20340356 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 450x675, rA1nEAzu2tkL._SX450_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The general is pozzed beyond repair
They rejected Bakker the rightful heir
Of better times the posters dream
Of times where Bakker ruled supreme

>> No.20340359

Brandon Sanderson retards

>> No.20340361
File: 102 KB, 725x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sandi, the current incompetent ruler, this is why we are miserable.

>> No.20340362

Does anyone read on a kindle/e-reader exclusively? Thinking about switching and ditching physical for the most part. The stress of trying to find decent condition copies in the edition I want doesn't seem worth it when I can have any book I want in minutes. Plus the portability of it appeals to me. Anyone have any suggestions on a decent reader for a good price? I'd also would want to read comics on it so I don't think the paperwhites would work for me.

>> No.20340370
File: 83 KB, 533x755, 20162476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No king rules forever, my son

>> No.20340373

I just use my phone to read, but I don't particularly care about the 'feel' of a reader, so that's just me.

>> No.20340380

its the same as reading a physical book so who cares

are you self concious of what people may think of you?

just read

>> No.20340381

>Does anyone read on a kindle/e-reader exclusively?
Me, I only read on Kindle, I buy books to collect them, I only books ones I already read so I actually save money with Kindle.

>> No.20340385

i bought 1 kindle last year, the most basic one at amazon, i pay for the amazon prime/ kindle unlimited and im enjoying reading ''free'' shit, its easy to buy books and i have more comfort reading with my kindle compared to when i had to hold heavy books all day

>> No.20340387

Yeah I mostly do because I don't want to spend money. Its pretty good honestly. Theres zero eyestrain and I read through stuff fast as fuck. The cheapest kindle has a light built in now. You can still upload free shit to it using calibre.

>> No.20340391

Unfortunately, there is no good cultivation novel

>> No.20340394

I read on my phone. Always have it, always charged.

>> No.20340400

Why would I read an ongoing story with a billion words? I'm not reading just to fill up as many hours as possible, and occupy my brain, I want quality. This kind of thing seems like reading for Netflix/TV watchers.

>> No.20340403

any native english speaker who reads chinkshit unironically?

>> No.20340412
File: 707 KB, 2560x1089, recluce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't hit the Sitt! No one in the genre compares to the sweeping grandeur of Modesitt's Saga. He simply leaves everyone else in the dust.

>> No.20340417

I had a kindle and used a calibre years ago but I ended up putting like 100 books on there, got overwhelmed and ended not even reading anything. I got a solid idea of what I would want to read now so I don't think this would be a problem again

>> No.20340421

see >>20340111

>> No.20340424 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 866x1390, rule-supreme-ridden-by-david-casey-goes-to-post-in-the-martell-cognac-GBE5RC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when Bakker ruled this land
Once green planes, reduced to sand
When Bakker is gone, sandi rules
When Bakkerchads leave, its only fools

>> No.20340450


I dont want to read shitty asian novels which were meant to be read in their respective languages

unlike tv, novels use literary devices and a translated asian novel will not be the same in english as it is in its own language

>> No.20340451 [DELETED] 

Bakker bakker went away
We were tired of his gay
Sandi was too wholesome and strong
Bakkerchad kneels, admits he's wrong

>> No.20340533

Choice paralysis
The paradox of choice

>> No.20340546 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 646x777, 4ef4d08a036fca393cebbfed017a1bc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grimdark is awesome

it illustrates what I think about

more books should be grimdark

>> No.20340555

I'm sure there are many genre-defining cultivation novels, I'm saying none of them are good.

>> No.20340560

Don't treat it any differently from how you would a regular book. Put one book in at a time and just read it.

>> No.20340562

yep, which is the reason I stopped watching netflix and decreased internet usage by 90%. If there's anything I want to watch I put it on a external hard drive and hook it up to my TV

>> No.20340567

And I'm saying there will be no "good" cultivation novels until some kike shits all over them.

>> No.20340578

What are you favorite grimdark books, anon?

>> No.20340588

I have only ever read one LN. Try again.

>> No.20340597

It seems everyone is writing deconstructions these days. For every proud young master with a harem there's at least one genre-aware engineer who gets isekai'd into a jellybean.
If cultivation had anything to offer, surely a good novel would have presented itself by now.

>> No.20340600

2011 or 2016?

>> No.20340615

Just wait, some kike will write a true garbage cultivation-lite LGBTQ+ novel, everyone you currently respect will sing its praises while you scratch your head, and you will start on the path of slowly becoming disillusioned with progressive politics. You will then go back and read ISSTH and desolate era and cry.

>> No.20340639

What's the perfect grim to dark ratio? Is it truly 1:1 or should it be more like 5:7?

>> No.20340643

Good doesn't exist.
There is only personal and induced enjoyment.
Personal enjoyment for many doesn't exist.

>> No.20340646

Anon, even reddit is disillusioned with progressive politics in fantasy (and making much more articulate arguments against it than /sffg/ ever managed). That was a journey 6 years ago, now it's just the status quo.
I will not read cultivation novels when they have gays in them, and I will not read your favorite power fantasy stories to own the libs. I will simply keep reading better books.

>> No.20340653

Progressives aren't libs you communist shill

>> No.20340658

Sorry I don't pay attention to the imaginary twitter wars.
But I also won't read your gay litrpg to own the progressives.

>> No.20340666

When Chinese authors write gay webnovels they usually aren’t trying to make any progressive statement, they just want to flick the bean.

>> No.20340674
File: 36 KB, 300x451, The Reincarnated Giant_ An Anthology of Twenty-First-Century Chinese Science Fiction (Weatherhead Books on Asia).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Reincarnated Giant - Mingwei Song and Theodore Huters, editors (2017)

Regenerated Bricks - Han Song (2010)
An allegory of all things brick. At first corpse materials were used in the production of the bricks that develop society, but then it was realized that abstract concepts could be used. Maybe the universe is a brick and we bricks worship the god of bricks. Praise brick.

The Village Schoolteacher - Liu Cixin (2001)
Ignorance is death and knowledge is salvation. This idea was explored through a desolate mountain village where only the practicalities of survival mattered. Literacy and scientific knowledge won't keep you fed. A lone schoolteacher struggles to his dying breath to teach children science. Elsewhere, a galactic expeditionary force is destroying millions of stars to create an exclusionary zone to end a war that has lasted for over 20,000 years. They come across Earth and test a random sample of its knowledge. All lifeforms that fail aren't worth saving. I was conflicted about the ideas it put forth.

Histories Of Time: The Luster of Mute Porcelain (Excerpts) - Dung Kai-Cheung (2007)
This was one of the more intriguing stories I've came across in a while. I don't know how much of that was literary posturing though. Although Dung lives in Hong Kong, this had even more of a British aesthetic than I expected. I'll read more from him.
Four narrative modes were presented. One took place in the real world and featured an interview between a journalist and an author. A second was a fictional work of the author. The third was the author interacting with his fictional characters. The fourth was a fictional work coauthored by the journalist and the author in which the characters were various iterations of the journalist and author in different interwoven temporalities.
Excerpts are Unrated

The Dream Devourer (Chapters 5–7) - Egoyan Zheng (2010)
This takes place during an ongoing century long war between humans and biosynthetics, which are synthetic humans. The protagonist believes himself to be synthetic, but perhaps he could become human, or maybe he's something else. It seems to be a SF spy thriller.
To me this had a Japanese aesthetic, which may or not be related to how Taiwan was under Japanese rule from 1895-1945. It read like a novelization of a JRPG. It's filled with a kind of nonsense that I'm familiar with and enjoy. These excerpted chapters are full of infodumps and proper noun babbling. I was reminded of Tetsuya Takahashi. There are also shades of Philip K. Dick. I'll read more from this author.
Excerpts are Unrated

The Demon-Enslaving Flask - Xia Jia (2004)
James Maxwell uses a literal demon to explain Maxwell's Demon.

The Poetry Cloud - Liu Cixin (2003)
The Space Dinosaur Empire conquers Earth and raises humans as poultry. An Energy Being is offered a human as a souvenir. The human proclaims that Ancient Chinese Poetry cannot be surpassed by even the Gods. The Energy Being accepts the challenge.

>> No.20340678
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“Science Fiction”: A Chapter of Daughter - Lo Yi-Chin (2014)
This was another excerpt. I think this was meant to be intentionally disorienting. By the end I felt like I was in a fever dream. I don't know what this was about and maybe this excerpt wasn't enough to know. It's something about an underground facility and they're trying to perfect female androids, at least his project is, but there are many projects. There's also something about lectures, dreaming, and imaginary worlds. The references are all over the place. There is French-Italian movies; Swiss-German art; Peruvian, Taiwanese, Hong Kong, Chinese, and Japanese literature; Japanese PC games; manga; Batman; Sesame Street; and myriad more. All in all, an interesting experience.
Excerpts are Unrated

Balin - Chen Qiufan (2015)
At thirteen his father gave him a mythological humanoid as a slave. In the present, he conducts a experiment studying the correlation between motor control and free will.

The Radio Waves That Never Die - La La (2007)
On planet Lathmu the sole researcher studying radio waves comes across a startling tragedy from 100 billion seconds ago. It's the story of the humanity's search for a new planet after Earth had been destroyed by a supernova.

1923: A Fantasy - Zhao Haihong (2004)
A man opens a chest passed down from his great-grandfather. Inside are sealed bottles of water and notes about water memory, a pseudoscience. As he reads about the Aqua Dream Machine, he wonders whether it was science ahead of its time.

The Passengers and the Creator - Han Song (2005)
All the world he knows is a Boeing 7X7. Passengers are stratified by their socioeconomic status. First Class cannibalizes Economy class and has exclusive sexual access to their women. Economy class men are subjected to enforced homosexuality. The economy class male protagonist meets a stranger who reveals the secrets of the world to him.

The Reincarnated Giant - Wang Jinkang (2005)
A man, one of the wealthiest in the world, decides to cheat death by having his brain transplanted into an anencephalic infant. The protagonist is his surgeon. It's successful, but neither of them expected that his physical growth would be unlimited. This was a hilarious satire.

The Rain Forest - Chi Hui (2007)
Plants have been plotting for over a billion years to take back the world from animals.

The Demon's Head - Fei Dao (2007)
A General who has committed crimes against humanity is assassinated and only his brain remains. It's decided that evil comes from the body, not the brain.

Songs of Ancient Earth - Bao Shu (2012)
A hyperspace ship travels 650 light to study the star Alpha Orionis. On a tiny planet by the star they find an ancient human spacecraft. An additional mystery of songs emanating from the star baffles them. From then on it's a political horror story.

>> No.20340681
File: 655 KB, 3776x2160, Cogm8fOVUAQY2dN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any science fiction books that deal with humans being the precursor civilization, still somewhat involved with things in the galaxy?

>> No.20340789
File: 192 KB, 711x633, 1652027810425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been listening to brittish accent narrations recently and now my inner monologue speaks brittish

>> No.20340796

Maybe that'll end up fixing your speech impediment also.

>> No.20340814

Not exactly precursor but humans become the dominant civilization in the xeelee sequence

>> No.20340951

I'm reading the second book in Bakker's Prince of Nothing trilogy and I'm really enjoying it so far. I've never read fantasy outside of LoTR though, so I don't have anything to compare it to really.
One thing I've noticed is the authors obsession with the word "precipice" he uses it just often enough for me to notice something strange about the usage, did anyone else pick up on this?
I find the prose to be excellent overall but the precipice usage stands out to me

>> No.20340955

What's the best way for a protagonist to get isekai'd?

>> No.20340962
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childhood friend loses to hard she warps dimensions

>> No.20340971
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>> No.20340974

The jews.

>> No.20340985

Based bakker chads itt

>> No.20340990

That's a man

>> No.20340993

Is that the gobbo loving bitch in the pic? She killed the entire series. If the author had her killed instead of the bug man, and the feminist SJW runner was murked, I would have continued to Volume two.
But I heard they get more obnoxious in volume 2.

>> No.20341008

back off???

>> No.20341010

I did enjoy it, but ended up dropping it after when I felt 0 plot progression was occuring and there were too much words wasted on random shit.

A lot of other serialized web novels definitely suffer from the same issue like Savage Divinity, but then you get works like Mother of Learning where there's constant tension and plot progression so I end up dropping novels when they don't progress at all.

>> No.20341023

Linda Nagata's nanotech succession series. Sort of, it starts at the dawn of nanotech enabling people to be brought back from death and cryostasis and ends up with humans evolving living on orbiting stations above planets across space.

>> No.20341031

i know there are women or """women""" in this thread because they all have terrible tastes in books

>> No.20341035


Have a (you)

>> No.20341038

grimdark is superior to your shitter novels

>> No.20341044

Have another (you)

>> No.20341050

are you crying girlie?

go make useless annotations on your paperback copy of some stupid romance novel or horror

>> No.20341054

Seen as (you) are desperate for attention, (you) can have three (you)s.

>> No.20341058

seeing as you are a fucking retard I am laughing at you

>> No.20341063

OK anon, I just hope (you) have gotten the attention you are craving.

>> No.20341071
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That's fair, a lot of the entertainment (at least in the first volumes) comes from the slice of life segments, which I understand not everyone is willing to put up with for hundreds of pages if they're not really into it
It does get very very plot focused a bit later on, but yeah

>> No.20341105

Why won't you tell me your favorite grimdark series, anon. I need more reccs.

>> No.20341122

Do other races tread warily around humans?

>> No.20341145

and risk having the book im reading get spoiled?

no heckin way

>> No.20341173

There aren't any other races, just the evolution of humans but it spans hundreds of thousands of years. There is eventually ayylamos though but not till the last book called vast.

>> No.20341216

Sorry, then I'm not interested in that all that much. I'll still take a look because I like science fiction though.

>> No.20341253

Just trying to find some sort of HFY thing?

>> No.20341259

Actively creating and entering a portal or something.

>> No.20341293

>it starts as a a shit flavour when you first bite, but it turns into a chocolate aftertaste

>> No.20341304
File: 168 KB, 652x1000, star-wars-the-high-republic-the-light-of-the-jedi-4j98fh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually enjoyed this

>> No.20341328

It was awful. Bland, far too many characters, large amount of plot centers around the Holdo maneuver, etc...
It's honestly an accomplishment that Disney is making nuWars worse even than the old EU.

>> No.20341343

Holdo shit was so stupid

>> No.20341345

Nah, not HFY, that gets boring. Just wondering if there was some book or story showcasing humans as an advanced race, but without the HFY.

>> No.20341351

>It's honestly an accomplishment that Disney is making nuWars worse even than the old EU.
That's because even the books are being dictated by a committee.

>> No.20341353

yeah no one fucking cares manchild cuck

>> No.20341388
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because old eu had so much stuff you were bound to come across a good novel or two through sheer happenstance. nu-eu is somehow more curated, but it's all shit because disney has such tight reins on it.

>> No.20341424


>> No.20341428


>> No.20341436

>large amount of plot centers around the Holdo maneuver
the fact that they keep doubling down on this stupid thing in various media just reeks of being pathetically defensive over the reaction to it

>> No.20341456

>the Holdo maneuver
what's that

>> No.20341458

What was the best of the old EU? Thrawn Trilogy, Rogue/Wraith Squadron, Traitor, and Shadows of Mindor?

>> No.20341466

Imperium of man (from warhammer 40k) would chew up and spit out the star wars universe

>> No.20341486

Lightspeed ramming basically.

>> No.20341489

Do you have a chronological reading guide for WH40k?

>> No.20341501

no. all the guides say pick a book from the black library wh40k tab that looks cool and read it

If you want a linear path to follow choose the horus heresy tab

there is also a tab for series which may interest you

>> No.20341502

Darth Plagueis, Bane Trilogy and Thrawn Trilogy are my favorites

>> No.20341507

He has several words he's excessively fond of like marmoreal, rifled and clot. It's his main deficiency as a writer IMO.

>> No.20341520

Every so often if I read a single author for a while I start to notice odd little things about word-choice. Whether it's a point where they clearly got attached to a specific, awkward word to the point it comes up like five or ten times when just one use would've been weird, or just them clearly trying to thesaurusise a third of the goddamn text.

>> No.20341592

Being overly concerned with word choice over the course of several books says a lot more about the complainer than the author. The author has no responsibility towards the mental illness of the reader.

>> No.20341633 [DELETED] 
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the grimdark genre opens your eyes to the cruel reality and I am addicted to it

thats why i prefer it over tolkien trash

I fucking hate phony tolkien happy fantasy garbage so much. It pisses me off so much to even think about spending 5 seconds reading one

>> No.20341647

Imagine spending your whole day shitposting about gridmark on a Mongolian basket weaving forum in every single sffg thread.

What kind of mental illness causes a person to do this.

>> No.20341662
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You know, i went through your phase when i was still a teen, not a 20 year old like you. It's one thing to be a chuuni faggot, it's another to keep sucking "grimdark" cock without even being able explain what makes it good or better than other subgenres, if you can even call it that. No quality discussion can ever emerge from these posts. Your opinion is barely real, shallow to the point where you can't even detail beyond saying.
>grimdark gud
>i'm feeling things
>other things bad

Grow the fuck up and stop making low quality shitposts you giant flaming homosexual.

>> No.20341672

>No quality discussion can ever emerge from these posts.
No shit, because he’s been spamming from the very beginning.

>> No.20341700 [DELETED] 
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>grimdark is LE BAD because i say so

sorry sweaty it doesnt work that way

grimdark is good where as muh happy fiction is inherently bad

part of being an adult (im 20) involves accepting reality sucks. That doesnt mean I cant enjoy the way it sucks. Grimdark potrays the worst reality can be (e.g. death, war, violence, void of empathy, brutality, cruelty) and that is very enjoyable

I am actually operating a step above from true crime and crime thriller readers. Where as those novels focus on one instance of the cruel reality (a murder to multiple homicides, depending on the book), in grimdark novels its all violent and blood thirsty all the time and thats heckin kinoino

>> No.20341727

See? That's better already. At least this post was mildly amusing, in the same was that looking at a clown would be amusing. But your opinion is still a dumpster fire.

>> No.20341739 [DELETED] 

retard copium

>> No.20341744

>Happiness bad because life bad
You're 20 years old you have not fucking figured out life. Shit I grew out of that phase when I was 17.

>> No.20341749
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is my impression or "I shall seal the heavens" skips a lots of things? idk feels like some details are missing, i dont know if is the editor/translator fault or if he author just doenst give a fuck and kills characters off screen and whatever

>> No.20341762

like theres some chapter talking about one character in the tournament, someone says "yeah we need to kill him", next the text goes like "WOW BRO THE DAO CHILDREN DIED WHAT THE FUCK" ??????????????????

im still enjoying and having fun just this particually event that annoyed me a little, feels like he skipps too much for the sake of fast paced

>> No.20341796

i agree

grimdark is fun to read while happy shitfiction is a fucking bore and a chore to get through

>> No.20341810
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Doomscrolling is an activity a lot of people indulge in, and Grimdark stories are their literary equivalent. People like to learn something new about reality, especially if they believe it corrects their misconceptions, and 'dirty' things have reputation for being more turthful and correct than make-good speeches and ideas. I am suprised that 4chan isn't 90% or more filled with grimdark lovers, as 4chan is its internet equivalent, people here love doomposting.

What make grimdark especially interesting as a genre in fantasy, is that it allows authors to explore the topics of trauma, pain, despair, failure etc. in a world where things like that are par of the course and normal, and yet having protagonists and characters that attempt to and succeed anyway. A lot of grimdark stories are more idealistic than typical heroic fantasy, in a way. The genre has its reputation for being more 'realistic,' but 'authentic' is probably more accurate. People notice that it tries to convey the way world works and thus are more demanding of things to correspond adequately to reality, not just pure entertainment as others, less serious fantasy subcategories provide.

Of course, most people just say it's 'more realistic,' and anyone with half a brain notices what they truly mean by that, but some people are stupid or obtuse on purpose and try to dunk on them. Anyway, the point is that grimdark tries to reach more literary value than other fantasy genres (at least serious ones, we know edgy bois are particularly enticed by grimdark), so it's generally respected more.

When we look at webnovels, we can notice two different works that are grimdark adjacent, first is Worm, which almost everyone know, and it's quite dark and grim, a lot of people even say that it's too dark and pesimistic, accusing the author of pure doom writing. But they ignore that in the end the work is somewhat idealistic, with positive undertones. Another work is The Wandering Inn, known for being slice of life, but it has a lot of dark moments as well, not suprising considering it was heavily inspired by Warhammer. But TWI is much better in balancing grimdark than Worm, exploring horrible events and the worst things that can happen, such as genocide, rape and mind breaking, while showing that such things are not the end. TWI being comfy slice of life isn't just pointless fluff, it's an important part of the themes and story, a stark juxtaposition between the worst and the best. And that's what makes it so great both.

>> No.20341816

QRD? Those covers are peak fantasy SOVL

>> No.20341822

I wish pulps still existed, or were at least still popular.

>> No.20341826
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>(I'm 20)
you are definitely under the age of 18
I know for a fact this is true because I was also a fan of Black Library novels from the age of 14-17 like every other fan of Gaunt's Ghosts or Eisenhorn or Ultramarines that I ever knew, and just like them I stopped reading Black Library Books around the time Blood Pact came out

>> No.20341827 [DELETED] 
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You were not supposed to encourage him.

>> No.20341828

the only reason why retard cuck manchildren here hate grimdark is that they're contrarian pieces of shit virgins


reading shitty chinese translation fiction meant for chinese speaking 5 year olds makes you look like a fucking retard

>> No.20341829

Grimdark by nature can't be idealistic, I think. Grimdark is defined by the world generally sucking, there being no way to fix the world (or at least no feasible way) and the BEST the people you're expected to care about can accomplish is maybe temporarily improving their lot in life.

>> No.20341832

How many reaction images do you have, my friend?

>> No.20341845
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>> No.20341849 [DELETED] 
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You're asking the wrong questions.

>> No.20341852

I like his books. I think they're fun.

>> No.20341857

At its heart, /sffg/ is really just no more than the dedicated shitpost containment thread on /lit/. Am I right? I am right.

>> No.20341858 [DELETED] 

I think I'm asking the right questions, old sport.

>> No.20341865

The problem is overdosing on grimdark, becoming an addict to it.

Most people's childhoods are filled with little else than Disney musicals, Looney Tunes, or The Wizard of Oz or their literary equivalents, so when they start getting a slight modicum of independence from their parents around the time puberty hits and they're in middle or high school, they start becoming attracted to stories (and for that matter, political or religious ideologies) that challenge their saccharine preconceptions, and to declare even further their independence from their parents (and by analogy, established norms).
Now most of the time, as they grow up into fully-fledged adults, they mellow out and adapt to a more nuanced compromise between the two. However in recent years there has been an influx of people who get stuck at the rebellious teenager stage, and remain at that point well into their 40s and beyond. These people see no value whatsoever in a variety of storytelling archetypes: there is only grimdark, only subversion, only contrarianism. Anything else is labelled "childish" or "unrealistic" regardless of any merit.
Those are the people responsible for the shabby state of society; because a people that does not believe that things can be good, or at least get better, is a dead people.

>> No.20341868 [DELETED] 
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this is what I imagine when I hear grimdark:


and thats why grimdark is fucking awesome

the only people who disagree are bug eating _soycuck manchildren who are scared by overwhelming levels of toxic masculinity

>> No.20341871

Personally, I think Grimdark would be good if there was some form of heart in it.

>> No.20341875

I don't understand the appeal of grimdark. If there's no hope of things improving, why even bother? The hope can be snatched away, or broken, but at least have it present.

>> No.20341880

this is the appeal>>20341868

>> No.20341896

Calm down!

>> No.20341897

Is the Malazan series worth getting into?

>> No.20341899 [DELETED] 

The society is shit today because of liberals, progressives and sjws. Grimdark audience is hardly liberal.

>> No.20341904 [DELETED] 

>liberals, progressives and sjws
>not grimdark
you haven't been paying attention

>> No.20341908
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>gem posting
>edgy LARP

I don’t get this combination.

>> No.20341913

There's cool action and shit like that in non-grimdark stories, too. Grimdark doesn't offer anything special.

>> No.20341915

beserk wishes it was this bad ass

I have yet to see picture books (comic/manga) or motion pictures as awesome as the feeling of grimdarkness while immersed in a grimdark novel

>> No.20341919

imagine a series as long as the wheel of time except every three books you skip ahead 2000 years and all the characters from the last series are dead and forgotten and a totally unrelated plot happens
that's malazan book of the fallen

>> No.20341923

Have you not seen where that story ends up? It's pretty fucked up.

>> No.20341926

non-grimdark stories are fucking lame

I dont want to read about some annoying moralfag dweeb with a shit ton of plot armor

>> No.20341928

just some newfag child who found an outlet for his frustration, with any luck he'll burn himself out in a few days

>> No.20341931

There's no type of over arching story or something?

>> No.20341939

Okay. That's your taste. That doesn't mean grimdark offers anything non-grimdark stories don't. All grimdark ensures is that nothing will really get better. And that's boring.

>> No.20341942

Gridmark is written by edgelord, for edge lords.

>> No.20341947

>I dont want to read about some annoying moralfag dweeb with a shit ton of plot armor
>reads novels about space marines

not really, it tries to be like a "history" of the fictional world in a purely materialist fashion
there's magic and gods and stuff but there's no "greater meaning" or "plan" or anything, it's just shit happening like real life, so an individual trilogy or quadrilogy or duology in the series is only relevant to the other chunks insofar as something like the Roman Empire is relevant to the United States

>> No.20341953
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[copied from wiki]:

Several attempts to define "grimdark" have been made:

Adam Roberts described it as fiction "where nobody is honourable and Might is Right", and as "the standard way of referring to fantasies that turn their backs on the more uplifting, Pre-Raphaelite visions of idealized medievaliana, and instead stress how nasty, brutish, short and, er, dark life back then 'really' was". But he noted that grimdark has little to do with re-imagining an actual historic reality and more with conveying the sense that our own world is a "cynical, disillusioned, ultraviolent place".[1]
Genevieve Valentine called grimdark a "shorthand for a subgenre of fantasy fiction that claims to trade on the psychology of those sword-toting heroes, and the dark realism behind all those kingdom politics".[3]
In the view of Jared Shurin, grimdark fantasy has three key components: a grim and dark tone, a sense of realism (for example, monarchs are useless and heroes are flawed), and the agency of the protagonists: whereas in high fantasy everything is predestined and the tension revolves around how the heroes defeat the Dark Lord, grimdark is "fantasy protestantism": characters have to choose between good and evil, and are "just as lost as we are".[4]
Liz Bourke considered grimdark's defining characteristic to be "a retreat into the valorisation of darkness for darkness's sake, into a kind of nihilism that portrays right action ... as either impossible or futile". This, according to her, has the effect of absolving the protagonists as well as the reader from moral responsibility.[5]
Whether grimdark is a genre in its own right or an unhelpful label has also been discussed. Valentine noted that while some writers have embraced the term, others see it as "a dismissive term for fantasy that's dismantling tropes, a stamp unfairly applied."[3]

>> No.20341956

Described like that it sounds pretty dumb are there any redeeming qualities with malazan that make it worth reading?

>> No.20341960

space marines arent the strongest thing in the warhammer universe though

They are the special forces of the imperium of man but still get killed pretty easily by other factions in the universe

>> No.20341967

That doesn't really feel like it offers anything special on its own, rather it's just boxing itself off into a no-hope-allowed zone so nothing can be happy and morality doesn't matter. Morality being involved is arguably more grim than it just not existing because then you can delve into nuanced ideas of what is and isn't moral, rather than just being gritty and saying "IT'S ALL GREY".

>> No.20341974 [DELETED] 

shut the fuck up retard
refer to>>20341868

>> No.20341990

Grimdark is not inherently realistic. Not necessarily. Its authors can fall into the trap where they deliberately make things worse and more depressive just for the sake of it. Worst case it's done for the sake of shock value.
It's basically just another flavour, one that the author decides on. It's not that different from a writer deciding that good things should be happening to a protagonist. I'm calling it a flavour because it's not something that determines the quality of a story. In fact good stories are usually more balanced and have a bit of both dark and light. And that in fact reflects reality BETTER than a strictly dark story.

Funnily enough, "grim-dark" is called that because it goes out of its way to be darker than the norm. Darker than reality really is, so that the downtrodden and depressed and all the edgy teenagers can feel better about their shitty lives.
It's not realism, it just gives you what you crave. It's a feel-good story, except the opposite. They're about the same level i'd argue.

>> No.20341995

First things first, I haven't read it myself, I'm going purely by the descriptions on wikipedia, which I looked at first to see if I would be interested in the series. I personally am not but I do not necessarily see this as a bad series, just not to my taste; I'm not going to spend a hundred or more dollars on a dozen doorstoppers for what amounts to a gritty epic fantasy anthology, but that doesn't mean that other people can't or shouldn't be interested.

Ibram Gaunt - moralfag plot armored mary sue
Uriel Ventris - moralfag plot armored mary sue
Caiaphas Cain - moralfag plot armored mary sue
Gregor Eisenhorn - moralfag plot armored mary sue
Ragnar Blackmane - moralfag plot armored mary sue
there are staggeringly few Black Library novels where the protagonist suffers meaningful setbacks or - God forbid - actually dies, the closest they ever came to that (before I stopped reading them around 2009) was when Colm Corbec (a tertiary protagonist at best) dying in Sabbat Martyr

>> No.20341999 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 600x673, stop_liking_file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>nooooooo stop liking normal fantasy
>only my taste for gridmark is correct
>stop liking normal fantasy
>your not allowed to like it so I will spend my days shitposting about it

Please take your meds.

>> No.20342002

They aren't, unless your exposure to fantasy is nothing but Tolkien as his most unimaginative copycats.

>> No.20342005

I appreciate the info on the series, thank you i'll do some research before spending any cash.

>> No.20342012

because fuck naval battles

>> No.20342019

As a proportion of total page count, they have far less.

>> No.20342020 [DELETED] 

happy fantasy moralfags cant cope with reality.


>> No.20342022

You don't have to do naval battles. Or even really talk about sea travel at all, just skip over it entirely except the arriving and leaving parts. That's what Abercrombie does.

>> No.20342026

you must be 18 to post here

>> No.20342030 [DELETED] 

fuck off to another board manchild cuck

>> No.20342036

It depends on the LN, some have barely any illustrations. Stormlight has at least, what, 10 per book?

>> No.20342040 [DELETED] 

I will admit, the grimdark spammer is a good filter to keep out anyone who can’t handle banter

>> No.20342045

First ignore everything this guy >>20341919 >>20341947 said about it, because he never read the series and made shit up because he's a pretentious blowhard.

Malazan does have an over-arching story, there is no "2000 year time skip", and many of the characters who appear in book 1 are present at the end of book 10. It's not something that is easy to read though, it has very little hand-holding exposition and it has an immense scope with dozens of named characters you're expected to keep track of and events are presented in a non-linear fashion, though the overall trajectory of the story is chronological. It just takes so long to introduce you to every important character and all the major places for the story that it requires backtracking chronologically in some places to get everybody on the same page so the overall plot can move forward.

>> No.20342052

10 per book, each book is at minimum 1000 pages long, so illustrations are at most 1% of the book's content.

>> No.20342061 [DELETED] 

heckin based

moralhopefags simply cant ruminate the epic harsh realities of a dog-eat-dog grimdark world

>> No.20342063

Fuck land, all me hearties hate land.

>> No.20342067

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

>> No.20342070
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>> No.20342071

He's a chuuni 20 year old who thinks he is mature. He will be MAD when he learns about that magickal frontal lobe and when it develops.
Considering sffg has devolved back into newfags responding to newfags responding to newfags, it might be best to bail again for a few weeks/months.

>> No.20342076

Is The Witcher the only series where the adaptations are better than the source material?

>> No.20342082

He’s a janny, that’s why his posts never get deleted. He probably hates all genre fiction and that’s why he’s doing this

>> No.20342085

Please stop with these malapropisms about idioms, you are killing me.

>> No.20342088 [DELETED] 

A snitch nigga that's the shit I don't like.

>> No.20342096

Case in point, look how fast his post got deleted

>> No.20342097

Recc a book you've already read, you meanie

>> No.20342103

Tranny janny is a fucking clown. Just deletes everything when he gets called out and does pussy shit. The archive will always catch your bitch ass.

>> No.20342105
File: 107 KB, 963x494, BAD34EDE-B1BF-4D16-AE77-9ACE2302CEE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts? I already know it’s an ASOIAF ripoff

>> No.20342109

Why is /sffg/ so shit this thread? Anyway, I finished Fifth Head of Cerberus today. It was interesting but I felt like the story doesn't really conclude in a satisfying way, just kind of leaves you hanging. Was a little disappointed honestly. 3/5

>> No.20342114
File: 279 KB, 280x524, f3f9baa469d96f7a60fb8c0dd6559af8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the atmosphere of the warhammer40k and AOS world is grimdark

•the super oppressive life of an imperium citizen,
•all the horrid and super dangerous chaos monsters that live on the outskirts in the hiveworld wastes
•the roaming warbands of super competitive chaos warriors looking to earn themselves a spot as a demon, chaos champion (and then demon prince), or if the end up with too many failures being turned in a chaos spawn. Not to mention all of the possible imperium citizens they have slaughtered alone, which is gauged at a FUCK TON.
(and by competitive that means they would kill eachother)
•the sick and deranged reality that awaits anyone captured by dark eldar (this means super severe torture for personal pleasure)
•Ork societies are ultraviolent where only the strongest, meanest, and cunning'est of the orks rule

imperium of man arent the good guys though. They arent the justice league from your manchild comic books

>> No.20342120

One spammer.

>> No.20342123 [DELETED] 

And it can easily be solved if people just report him for avatarfagging and spamming/flooding.

>> No.20342125

what do people unironically think of dark fantasy and grimdark settings

>> No.20342127

I find it worth noting that Bakkerspam, Animespam, and Chinkspam ceased the instant grimdarkanon started posting yesterday

>> No.20342128 [DELETED] 

Janny is (pozzed) tranny from reddit/goodreads

>> No.20342132

He’s a janny you retard, the only way to do anything about it is to contact the mods on IRC

>> No.20342133

This jannie isn't even trying to hide it anymore.

>> No.20342138

Spamming something else while grimdark chad is spamming grimdark would just interfere with grimdark spammer. It is good time for bakkerchads, chink spammers and others to rest and reorganise.

>> No.20342140 [DELETED] 

I'll take grimdarkspam over chinkspam.

>> No.20342144

looks kino

going to check some reviews

i hope its written well

>> No.20342146 [DELETED] 

go back to r*ddit tranny

>> No.20342147
File: 55 KB, 1024x574, Grimdark spammer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you get the idea, he's some janny? His post gets deleted as well.

>> No.20342151

Dark fantasy I can deal with. Grimdark I just don't care about, because grimdark as a mission statement gives me nothing to care about. Dark fantasy can be brutal, oppressive, but there can still be genuine humanity in it that makes it worth it. Grimdark isn't 'worth it' because everything sucks and nothing will ever improve.

>> No.20342154 [DELETED] 

You will take whatever is being spammed and you will be happy.

>> No.20342158

Chinkspam is at most 10 posts, not this fucking grimdark shit where they same say the same shit on every single post

>> No.20342159

What if I there is no humanity?

>> No.20342166

contrarian shitter review

grimdark is popular and you just cant handle the fact that it is genuinely good

>> No.20342169

As in, no humans? I more meant "humanity" in terms of... Like, I like characters I can care for. Grimdark by nature doesn't have that. It can have characters you root for, but they're at best "not as bad as the bad guys" and they're barely sympathetic. Berserk isn't grimdark, for example. It's dark fantasy, and those moments of genuineness from Guts and other characters makes it worth it. Regardless of how Berserk would have ended, whether Guts somehow getting revenge or just dying or whatever, it would've been worth it due to the few smaller moments like that.

>> No.20342170
File: 59 KB, 294x475, 5B3073F9-E0D4-4650-A5A9-ABFDEDB41E21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found naval fantasy

>> No.20342171

Personally, I consider Dark Fantasy to be something entirely different from Grimdark. It's not a fantasy that is merely darker in tone but rather one that has horror or gothic elements to it.

>> No.20342172

>grimdark is popular
It really isn't. It was popular in the 90s. WH40k is honestly not even all that grimdark anymore, it's veering away from that because things ARE actually improving, to a degree. Most people are still awful, but the Imperium has pushed itself up somewhat.

>> No.20342177

grimdark is only good if you don't or barely recognize it as such.
pure grimdark is usually just cheap.

>> No.20342178
File: 550 KB, 1647x2560, 91ZP23U-zWL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naval fantasy is fun.

>> No.20342200

That has a cool premise, I think I’ll pick it up. Thanks for the rec

>> No.20342204

sounds heckin kinoino in all honesty

added to my read list

>> No.20342210
File: 692 KB, 1264x2066, C081B2BC-727B-405A-928C-BD5BDEE2B8EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a standalone or are there sequels?

>> No.20342222

According to his bibliography, standalone.

>> No.20342224

Depends on how people unironically define those borderline unusable garbage meme terms.

>> No.20342228

tell me more

>> No.20342229

Does there exist such a thing as "Wild West Fantasy"? I don't necessarily mean "Wierd West", which is just the American West of the 19th century with furries or vampires or giant steampunk spiders or whatever. I mean an entirely fictive setting that happens to have cowboys and indians and steam engines and six-shooters but also has wizards and goblins and princesses in distress and dragons and suchlike.

>> No.20342233

Sort of, though it's rare. Frontier fantasy might be the closet thing you're looking for, I think that's the term.

>> No.20342239 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 835x1020, wLBc42c4NxDCf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking typical moralhopefag garbage

this book cover is exactly why I fucking prefer grimdark novels

in a grimdark novel the guy who got his
family killed by that guy would grow up a literal bloodthirsty psychopath killing left and right and basically fucking kill the bastard who killed his family or get killed

let me guess that book is actually a homoerotica

>> No.20342242
File: 27 KB, 298x475, 56363452._SY475_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you faggets read this?
It feels like the author is channeling Daniel Black with his magic.

>> No.20342248

Only thing that comes to mind is The Etched City. I wonder why the author just burned out and disappeared.

>> No.20342250

The Jerusalem Man trilogy by David Gemmell is close to what you're looking for. It's basically Stephen King's The Dark Tower, but done in a Heroic Fantasy structure and minus all the bloat.

>> No.20342255

>Magic systems
Say less. I can smell the autism from your pic related.

>> No.20342257

notice the frontmost skull, it has a chaos symbol carved into it which means that chaos guy killed him and kept his skull as a trophy

typical chaos barbarian life according to lore btw. Its either kill or be killed in the roaming chaos warbands and they often fight against rival chaos warbands

>> No.20342260

i hope nobody got paid for this cover....

>> No.20342262

Yeah. It was not enacted too well. Like he just makes a battery over night, without explaining shit.

>> No.20342279

>that cover

>> No.20342299

If it's some sort of webnovel and the guy has almost no money it's barely excusable, but damn if that's published what the fuck.

>> No.20342333
File: 33 KB, 353x500, 51xskHjyRLL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>furry shit
oh no no no

>> No.20342336

>The man he is sworn to protect is the man who butchered his family.
I love this premise, any other stories like this? The only one that I've read that has this is Red Rising

>> No.20342344

3:10 to Yuma
Enemy Mine
The Defiant Ones
those are movies with basically the same premise, I don't know about books

>> No.20342398

>It's a feel-good story, except the opposite
Yeah, it's just like self pity

>> No.20342450

Yeah the current, main narrative of 40k (or is it 41k now?) Is approaching noblebright. Guilliman is back with armies and technology he pulled out of his ass, there's hints of other primarchs returning, The Emprah and Custodes are taking action, and Guilliman isn't against allying with Xenos like the Eldar and Tau to fight Chaos.
Maybe this is just the set up for the rug to get pulled from under Imperium fans, but it remains to be seen

>> No.20342463

Well, the thing is, grimdark could've only really ended one way (everybody getting fucking murdered except maybe the tyranids and chaos forces), so they have to shift away to have the idea that MAYBE there's something that can be done.

>> No.20342472

It's just plain old capeshit. The constant recons should have clued you nerds in that this shit is going nowhere but you still eat it up even when sjws have taken over your franchise.

>> No.20342478

I still think there's going to be a catch or some sort of rug pull to rebalance the tone.
I think the rug pull is probably going to be something regarding whatever Constatine Valdor is doing or the Emprah being an uncaring, callous God willing to sacrifice trillions for some unclear goals, which Girlyman won't agree with.
Imperium Civil War time baby

>> No.20342488

I stopped really following 40k years ago. It requires too much of an investment for diminishing returns on entertainment and enjoyment

>> No.20342513

Any book with a male protagonist and a ghost/phantom as helper?

>> No.20342519

Cradle, from Ghostwater onwards. Thats like halfway through the series though.

>> No.20342520

what are the good scifi horrors? some event horizon thing blending hell and space

>> No.20342522

I wouldn't really call Dross a ghost, though I suppose the comparison is there.

>> No.20342524

Who Goes There? and HP Lovecraft are good starting points

>> No.20342529

Where's Australia? Is it still part of Asia?

>> No.20342535

It isn't really anything like ASoIaF. I read this series a long time ago and it's alright, the world building is kinda interesting, but the conclusion didn't really feel satisfying to me.

>> No.20342543

Quick rundown?

>> No.20342544

APGTE has this but with a female protagonist: she rips out the soul of her archnemesis after killing her then enslaves her by sewing said soul onto her cloak.

>> No.20342573

Heaven Official’s Blessing, technically.

>> No.20342585
File: 244 KB, 1036x1154, 08B79A10-0D50-47CE-8E9F-E6694DAD9069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What now, Jenaro? It was a good scrap and all, but what now?
>How little you know! Silly bird, this life of yours is not for dreamers and sleepwalkers! If you must ask what to do, then you are done. I recall a man who endured those long eighty years. Where has he gone, I wonder? Is he floating facedown in the river of could-bes and should-have-beens? For you, the war was an event which consumed your entire being. But for me, it was over in an instant. I already know where I’m going next, Cassidy. And if you only lifted your head above the waterline, you would know too.
>How now, Jenaro? I only meant to ask if we should make for town or camp here for the night.
>It may rain.
>That it may.

>> No.20342586

Mask of the Sorcerer

>> No.20342630

Could this autist not find a picture of an atom with a transparent background?

>> No.20342642
File: 1.36 MB, 1200x898, BakkerPosting 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what came in the mail today.

>> No.20342655
File: 208 KB, 375x578, coverfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this was disappointing.

>> No.20342664

sweet. last time I bought a book online there was a big booger between one of the pages.

>> No.20342667
File: 29 KB, 311x500, 41RxbOxChYL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This any good?

>> No.20342675

You should be banned

>> No.20342683


>> No.20342704
File: 158 KB, 939x1258, Clark_Ashton_Smith_1912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't he as popular as Lovecraft? I think he was a better writer.

>> No.20342707

Wasn't xenophobic enough

>> No.20342731

It's decent. Biggest issues are that it's fairly generic and has poor pacing.

>> No.20342806

How woke was it?

>> No.20342821

I like how he was also helping to create Sword & Sorcery without realizing it, but his stories were more 'Sorcery' focused while REH's were more 'Sword' focused.

>> No.20342832

This is why I only buy new books

>> No.20342868

I just finished Red Seas Under Red Skies. Some of the scenes that were mostly rambling nautical terminology did drag a bit, and it was a bit hard to keep track of all the pirates introduced by name only to die in a few scenes without doing anything notable. I also believe that for most people the ending wouldn't be as satisfying a conclusion to the Bastards' story compared to the first book. But I absolutely don't regret reading it, and it delivered on everything that I was still hungry for after Lies of Locke Lemora. There was really only one point that was clearly set up for later in the series, discounting what I can accept as an appropriately Raffles-esque conclusion even if it wasn't the intent. I don't think I'll continue to the third book based on the negative reception and fact that it seems there will be no follow-up afterwards. It's a shame, I've certainly fallen in love with this world and the promise of what the series could be. Perhaps of a forth entry is released I'll be curious enough to push forward, but for now I'm content with the duology.

>> No.20342894

Blindsight is excellent scifi horror, it's not about hell or anything though

>> No.20342903
File: 50 KB, 602x423, maglor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sffg/ becomes unusable for months due to flooding by the one (1) bakker spammer
>/reverend insanity poster
>i left for months
>come back
>glance through thread
>see there's a new reddit-spacing bonafide retard shitting up the thread about warhammer 40k
never change, /sffg/

>> No.20342925

It's shit. One of the funniest things to me is the author made sure no race or sexuality was discriminated against but on the other hand it's a horrible authoritarian nightmare universe.

>> No.20342931

It was basically ASOIAF before ASOIAF, heavily European inspired low fantasy with lots of battles

>> No.20343012

Same guy. He just shifted to a different franchise because he kept getting banned.

>> No.20343065

Two movies actually, Omega Man and I Am Legend. I liked them both so I should check out the novel.
Happens to me with whatever audiobook I last listened to. On Ulysses now so it’s a theatrical Irishman.
That first and second description sound a bit like Sword and Sorcery, particularly the uncaring world and protagonists with agency over their lives. I don’t know if I’d describe that as Grimdark most of the time, though. Honestly I think Grimdark is one of those terms where you can’t really define it, but you know it when you see it.

>> No.20343077
File: 122 KB, 1600x900, nero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know about Grimdark vs Noblebright alignment axes

>> No.20343107

This sounds like the opinion of an edgy teenager. Let alone the presupposition that realism (that in this case is not realism, because there is plenty of happy conclusions in real life) is the point of literature.

>> No.20343155

Not only is ASoIaF not "low fantasy" (a term you don't know the definition of), it doesn't even have " a lot of battles" either.

>> No.20343216

What is your opinion of techno-thrillers? I think its a fun subgenre that allows for a lot of experimentation.

>> No.20343236

Name one

>> No.20343250

Most Tom Clancy books, "Spy-Fi" stories, the Metal Gear and Splinter Cell series, stuff like that. Sort of cheap usually, almost pulpy, but with a decent moral element.

>> No.20343298
File: 17 KB, 397x397, doggo-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but on the other hand it's a horrible authoritarian nightmare universe.
Never would've thunk it.

>> No.20343307

Your decadence will inherit thousands of dollars of kindle books. Oh wait, not they wont. Amazon will just delete everything upon your death. Your just transferring wealth to Bezos so he can move the elite to space and exterminate human life on earth. Your decedents will inherit nothing but a spot mounted on space Bezos the thirds wall as a trophy from his most recent earth safari.

>> No.20343308

current 40k problem is precisely that it has a main narrative and central story unfolding when it should've been a setting to tell all kinds of stories in. in a way, divorced of the primary event itself, horus heresy would've been a terrific example of what I'd like to see more of.

>> No.20343316 [DELETED] 


What percentage of these threads is censored? Doesn't this seem a bit extreem?

>> No.20343338 [DELETED] 

If you care enough then look at the archive. Just kidding, you're a concern troll.

>> No.20343345
File: 37 KB, 273x364, elden ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Elden Ring harking the arrival of the legitimacy of Fantasy/Sci Fi authors writing video game lore? I know some have done it before and even written video game spin-off novels of a franchise, but this feels a bit different. What are the consequences of this if it is true? GRRM writing parts of Elden Ring lore is interesting for the wider fantasy fiction industry, in my opinion.

>> No.20343377

how is it any different from Amalur imo

>> No.20343381

Gurm didnt write shit for it and has publicly stated so. He did a brief outline of the world and came up with a bunch of names (all of which start woth G, R, or M, because the only thibg fatter than his body os his ego.)

>> No.20343384
File: 627 KB, 1612x2400, 1625516602189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20343396

Surprised they just don't perma ban him.

Looks like you were right about him being a troll

>> No.20343403 [DELETED] 

I deleted that deleted post on my own when I looked back at the thread. I will delete this post as well after a few minutes.

>> No.20343409

Are you trying to make it look like mods are deleting everything?

>> No.20343422

Permanent bans do nothing really. The vast majority of people have dynamic IPs anyway.
Its really amazing how one guy can get so absurdly butthurt about people talking about books that he spends literal years attempting to derail the threads.

>> No.20343432

Never been to the church, but I still hang out in the pews

>> No.20343453

>Its really amazing how one guy can get so absurdly butthurt about people talking about books that he spends literal years attempting to derail the threads.
He’s doing all of this because people were discussing books? Why is he on /sffg/, let alone /lit/?

>> No.20343460

>last book you read
The War of Embers
>book you are currently reading
Bound in Scales
>book you plan to read next
haven't found anything new that interests me yet, sadly

>> No.20343484 [DELETED] 

LMAO, it's even funnier now that some samefag is literally whiteknighting for the cuck janny.

>> No.20343510

Is it really the same guy? I thought it was a different one entirely.

>> No.20343521

It pretty obviously is. He was doing the same shit even before he started spamming Bakker, just with other authors.

>> No.20343540

Let's forget about him, what books have you been reading?

>> No.20343554

It is the same guy, I'm pretty sure he is the same guy that does it on other boards as well. He's obsessed with spamming the same things over and over all day every day. He's been doing it for years.

He is easy to spot because he sticks to the same reaction images and repeats the exact same stuff over and over.

He is mentally ill beyond the help of meds.

>> No.20343593

>what books have you been reading
Not him, but I've been reading book novelization of games. It's mostly Halo and Resident Evil.

>> No.20343594
File: 883 KB, 600x904, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knows and works for basically every noble on the continent
>nigga im so broke xd
Does he do it for free?

>> No.20343604
File: 99 KB, 1000x1544, 1624602994572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes they feed him, he likes cheesy meat buns I'm told.

>> No.20343605

I’m rather surprised that he was allowed to spam for years.

>> No.20343630

Should I read the witcher books? I've played the game and I'm interested on how the novels hold up.

>> No.20343649

The novels are mediocre at best. I mean, If you want to read them, read them. But they’re not great, let alone good.

>> No.20343668

>The novels are mediocre at best.
Are they at least, entertaining? I really didn't that much expectations of them.

>> No.20343672

>Are they at least, entertaining?
I mean, for me, they were, but it depends on your taste.

>> No.20343677

Yes it is one guy, one spammer on entire 4chan

>> No.20343689

>but it depends on your taste.
I'll buy the first book on Amazon and read a few chapters and if I don't like it, I'll just return it.

>> No.20343698

>anons don't know how to pirate ebooks in 2022
I refuse to believe this

>> No.20343700

Probably for the best, hope you enjoy it, anon.

>> No.20343701

No, I'm not a poorfag and I want to support authors. It's the same reason why I buy self-publish books.

>> No.20343712

Authors get peanuts from Amazon, especially self-pubs. Best way to support them is through patreons if they have him.

>> No.20343720

Okay, anon, still not going to pirate.

>> No.20343742

It'd be interesting to go into financials with Will Wight.

>> No.20343775

Why are you interested in his finances?

>> No.20343787
File: 36 KB, 1412x267, gweyhsgtstew2t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20343816

Yes, anon, he's a successful author, but what about it?

>> No.20343830

He's one of the most successful indie / self-published authors. Probably the most successful one who doesn't write porn. He's got to have interesting things to say about the self-published scene.

>> No.20343862

About what?

>> No.20343886

where are you even going with this line of questioning? the author is successful in a space few people are and they're interested in how the economics of that looks

>> No.20343889

you know im kinda starting to like the reverend insanity poster now that there's so many other spammer in ssfg

>> No.20343893

>the author is successful in a space few people are and they're interested in how the economics of that looks
Anon, there's other successful self-publish author. I just don't see why he's special.

>> No.20343897

he's not special he's just an example of a successful self pub, and they're curious. if they mentioned a different author would you spam the same retarded inane responses?

>> No.20343900

No, but this isn't the first time they make Will Wight something unique when he isn't.

>> No.20343904

no one said he's unique, you're just being autistic

>> No.20343924

Always a cunt's name in fiction and in real life. Is it different here?
money and eSports sanitation killed characters like LTG from the fgc, I get why Mike Ross dropped out and plays Dota now

>> No.20343931

The first short story collection is great in its portrayal of dark fairy tales and actual good use of the "who's really the monster?" trope. Sadly the series steers away from monster hunting and towards politics after that.

>> No.20343978

New thread

>> No.20343987

Damn, that spammer literally has no life.

>> No.20344335

You are officially worse than that other shill now.

>> No.20344349

Self pubs get a much higher royalty than published authors on Amazon

>> No.20344354

that's exactly what I'm looking for
i just finished echopraxia, that's why I'm asking lol
if you didn't read it yet, you should give it a try, I felt it's just a straightforward blindsight

>> No.20344357

Metro 2033