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20373248 No.20373248[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

/lit/ gf edition

Previous >>20369396

>> No.20373260

>woman bait thread
janny it's your moment toshine

>> No.20373265

Does she ever think of me?

I have to cross her mind every once in a while, right?

>> No.20373267

I looked up her Instagram and she seemed less perfect than here, to be frank

>> No.20373269

I so desperately want to feel the touch of woman, I genuinely don't care about anything else
I'm a sick man bros

>> No.20373271

You'd probably be disappointed if you could hear how she thinks of you

>> No.20373272

Shitty simp thread.

>Does she ever think
Category error

>> No.20373274

Kill yourselves incels

>> No.20373275

Just finished some Giordano Bruno. Shit came off like some grimoire. On to the next...

>> No.20373281

I can make an educated guess from previous experiences

>> No.20373290

Is that the poor girl you scared out of Youtube?

>> No.20373299


>> No.20373315
File: 90 KB, 700x1070, 1570012869536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were women really always this big of whores, surely in the past they were at least punished for letting their lizard brain do all the thinking and had to control themselves?

>> No.20373321

It’s just an image! Let it alone.
Other threads elicit zero attention. Fucking incels need to go back to their board.

>> No.20373332

No one wants to look at nasty women. Please delet.

>> No.20373337

keep dreaming incel. the past was ten times more "degenerate" than anything happening today

>> No.20373342

>tfw they're increasing mortgage interest rates
well, that's over for me. Not going to acquire my own place ever.

>> No.20373348

It was deleted, welcome back butters

>> No.20373351

That picture makes me sad.

>> No.20373354

yay, it's creepy perverted grandma who simped for a tranny a few years back!

>> No.20373361

>All according plan
(((They))) did this

>> No.20373364

God forbid any woman feel a negative emotion or experience any adversity or merely boredom without the simp army riding in to tell you how emotional it makes them.

>> No.20373370

it will actually cool off the housing market so there will be less bidding wars by investors, also you can deduct mortgage interest on your taxes if u live in the house, so it's not like you're actually paying it anyways

>> No.20373374

what's your problem

>> No.20373375

Faggots like you

>> No.20373377
File: 668 KB, 1279x959, marquisdesade-5b86b250c9e77c00256d0eed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading 120 Days of Sodom (written in 1785) and it's ten times filthier than any porn you could find on surface web nowadays. Madman's fiction, I know, but where do you think he got his inspiration? Parties with fellow aristocrates and whores, obviously. There are surprisingly accurate insights regarding female psyche, preceding Paglia or Vilar by two centuries.

>> No.20373384

cool it, palooka

>> No.20373387

Don't have you some women's instagram posts to be weeping over?

>> No.20373393

Don't get me wrong, I don't have any sympathy for her. But it's just sad. How does this make the world better? She just looks annihilated. This is worse than animal torture.

>> No.20373396


Also this thread was compromised from the beginning because of retarded OP. Jannies should remove the image at the very least

>> No.20373400

>filthier than any porn
Are you sure? I've seen triple anal

>> No.20373401

she looks unhappy because she's trying to avoid eye contact with the creeper taking pictures of her on the train

>> No.20373406

>cool off the housing market
doubt it. besides maybe I'm reaching for an impossible - to have an apartment on my own with an average wage.

>> No.20373407

This, OP delete the image if you still can. Jezebels are animals and bring out the animal in man.

>> No.20373411


>> No.20373412

Nah, she would be watching her phone in that case. She's really soul crushed.

>> No.20373413

>implying this is not exactly what op wanted

>> No.20373418


>> No.20373421

Read it
There are hundreds of fetishes with increasing degeneracy as the book goes on, and the vanilla opening once they get to the castle and start telling stories is about priests cooming on 7 year olds

>> No.20373428

Delet your self

There’s a million other reasons why a girl would get on her knees and feel sullen on a subway. The thing about this picture is that it’s ambiguous. Make up a different story. One without dick at the center.

>> No.20373431

The entire thread was instantly derailed kys

>> No.20373434

Nah, there aren't that many really

>> No.20373436


>> No.20373440

>Grandma grandma! What did you do to day? It's such a beautiful Sunday out, grandma!
>Why, I defended whores on the internet again!
>Nooo grandma, I thought you said you would stop talking to the mean young men who hate you! Let's go play in the garden grandma!
>Now now dearie, it's time for grandma's afternoon drink, and then I have to look at pictures of young women!
>Grandma noooo

>> No.20373444

so it is more than just porn? maybe I should check it

>> No.20373446

Nothing unusual

>> No.20373453

Does she know she became some kind of 4chan meme?

>> No.20373455

Just report the thread for NSFW and janny will get the idea

>> No.20373456

There's a lot of sexual psychology, and some philosophy. Extremely disturbing book despite its age.

>> No.20373459

derailed by poltards and incels, yes

>> No.20373461

>raging headache. Drops her Advil on the subway platform. Scrambles for it on hands and knees.
There really is

You know nothing about the girl in the picture, you sniveling idiot.

>> No.20373476

Nah, you don't get those marks from getting something from the floor. She's been on her knees for a while.

>> No.20373484

I have to explain friction to you now? Stfu already.

>> No.20373485

Holy shit you are stupid

>> No.20373510
File: 2.78 MB, 290x188, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raging headache. Drops her Advil on the subway platform. Scrambles for it on hands and knees.
doing aging dykes really

>> No.20373515

Nice deduction, Columbo. Friction marks have longitudinal scratches. Those are pressure marks.

>> No.20373528

You're giving Butterfly's knees some deep pressure marks right now with this absolute throat fucking you're giving her argument

>> No.20373531

No malady is as severe as the female headache. It renders the woman utterly incapable of any productive action (unlikely as it is that she would do such a thing to begin with). The sore afflicted horde of females who have neglected work and all other responsibilities due to this dread contagion stretches out and disappears into the horizon.

>> No.20373538

Femanon be my gf

>> No.20373549

Forensics now. Oh, you’ve eliminated dozens of scenarios now. Scenario not even included in the first place. Stop talking about it, pervert.

>> No.20373555

Funny part, she could've just said "she's Catholic and she's been praying". That would be the second most plausible theory. But some people just suck at deductive reasoning.

>> No.20373558

Thank you for elucidating. I've been a dreadful bigot, and an ignorant, incorrigible man (male).

>> No.20373561

I don't even know who she is

>> No.20373577

Funnily enough that’s also somewhat plausible and I didn’t imply anything denying it could. What’s wrong with your brain? You’re not a reading sort.
You’re a tard here for the memes and the trolling of four eye/eggheads, aren’t you, btard?

>> No.20373578

what the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.20373583

No, it's not plausible. She's not wearing any church clothes.

See? You suck.

>> No.20373584

Look up the vocabulary words and read the thread over if you want to know what we’re talking about.
It’s not important though.

>> No.20373611

The absolute state of this site

>> No.20373615

Where do I meet females

>> No.20373616

boomers are pure fucking cancer. why no one ever thought to genocide them is beyond me.

>> No.20373620
File: 114 KB, 640x480, 67B31CF5-12FE-45BA-A13E-773852B4D3D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the Female Store!
Summer Latina sale on this weekend!

>> No.20373626

on /lit/, your virtual left bank cafe on the world wide web :)

>> No.20373631

I'm banned from the female store