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File: 51 KB, 467x656, Stretch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20408733 No.20408733 [Reply] [Original]

Why does rowling not have an editor?

>> No.20408836

predictive programming senpai

>> No.20408856

I want to stretch Hermione's legs, if you catch my drift.

>> No.20408873

Because then we would have no book at all, would we?

>> No.20408880

And then we would not have "My Immortal", would we?

Oh, a cruel reality that would be.

>> No.20408895

What is your drift, anon? I don’t catch it.

>> No.20408967

She’s a child, you pedo

>> No.20409006

This is an interesting question. Back in the early 1900's, editors were some times as famous as the writers whose works they edited. Maxwell Perkins and Robert Gottlieb being among the most famous of them at the time. There is just no question that the works they touched were made better and refined by the editorial review process. So, why is it no longer a thing? Is it because the whole process costs too much and the industry can't support it? Or is it that it doesn't want to support it?

>> No.20409009

I thought this was proven laughably false, as is Bloom didn’t actually open the book

>> No.20409010
File: 207 KB, 900x675, ed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20409072
File: 201 KB, 438x513, Wordsworth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorcerer's Stone
I thought it was called HP & the Philosopher's Stone? Did they rename it for the USA market for some inane reason? Don't tell me, I don't care.

On a lighter note, I collect pictures of authors with their hands to their heads in that "woe is me, the world is so debased" style. If anyone else does this perhaps we could swap a few? Here's WW for example.

>> No.20409081
File: 1.37 MB, 1578x2842, 1573601780496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if Paschal Beverly Randolph, Franz Bardon, Éliphas Lévi, and F. Purdurabo summoned Hermes Trismigestus and the muse Erato and bid them engage in a little Trojan Magnum Opus so as to harvest the juices of their alchemical wedding and dribble them all over J.K. Rowling's keyboard it still wouldn't have saved what could be the dullest franchise in the history of Y.A. franchises. Seriously, each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of compelling prose and ineffective use of Latin, all to make magic unmagical, to make adventure seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of writing anything original; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her movies. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the films were good though


The direction is dreadful; the cinematography was terrible. As I watched, I noticed that every time a character had some dialog, the actor made a søyface and stared vacantly into the distance.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time I saw a child's søyface. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. David Yates's mind is so governed by cliches and bad directing that he is even less creative than Rowling's prose. If that's possible. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

>> No.20409110

That cover art for 1984 is so bad. Was it the first edition? Surely not. Some sort of pulp reprint? Trying to appeal to people by suggesting it's a racy sexy dystopian sci-fi thrill-fest?

>> No.20409132

>When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
But how well do the HP movies prepare you for the various King film adaptations?

>> No.20409137

i liked the harry potter books and there's nothing you can do about it : )

>> No.20409151


>> No.20409174
File: 31 KB, 641x530, a0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did he lie?

>> No.20409179

Are these threads and their replies automated or something? The exact same shit every time. You’re all profoundly boring people.

>> No.20409184
File: 39 KB, 640x400, 01b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can laugh

>> No.20409187
File: 497 KB, 682x519, the conversion of st augustine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20409227
File: 13 KB, 400x300, John Keats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are TWO people there with their hands to their heads though. Which one is St. Augustine?

Here's Keats. To be fair he was a manlet with tuberculosis so he had some reason to be sad.

>> No.20409262
File: 377 KB, 1200x957, Grabbler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would a jew lie about a successful gentile author who was extremely popular with other White gentiles and whose books used European fantasy archetypes to moralize their children and also contained an unwitting antisemitic caricature?

I can't possibly imagine.

>> No.20409272

>I thought this was proven laughably false
>He was in a very good mood until lunchtime, when he thought he'd stretch his legs
stretch his legs
>1 found

>> No.20409275

The one with the halo is the saint, bro. Come on, it isn't that hard.

>> No.20409298

Not sure if you are agreeing or not with that post but 1 result found isn’t the same as shutting the book because it appears “dozens of times”

>> No.20409391
File: 130 KB, 600x500, 1653311872541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.20409395

>There are TWO people there with their hands to their heads though. Which one is St. Augustine?
The pseud will out.

>> No.20409398
File: 753 KB, 770x1000, 13_restoration_eighteenthc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20409458

Polfaggotry aside, there's more subtle ways to do that, why throw your reputation on the line like that?

>> No.20409460

It was a social experiment.

>> No.20409481

people think editing is just the icing on the cake now. they underestimate the importance of editing and therefore editing does not get the same recognition as before

>> No.20409584
File: 372 KB, 568x766, Virginia Woolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, that's a flattering portrait if ever I saw one. Here's VW, gazing out thoughtfully at the River Ouse.

>> No.20410335

>Did they rename it for the USA market for some inane reason?
Yes, apparently because they thought Americans wouldn't understand what was meant by 'philosopher'

>Don't tell me, I don't care
Too late now, buddy

>> No.20410344

He looks like Michel Huellebecq.

>> No.20410420

they were okay books
not amazing, just ok. the world building carried it to 'ok' for absolute certain. the characters were either absolute tropes or forgettable npc fill-in material, including bolthead himself.
also seeing people get spoiled in line waiting for the last book was absolute peak meme material in the internet of yesteryear
never forget