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20413627 No.20413627 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is justice, /lit/?

>> No.20413631

Justice is gay.

>> No.20413649

His fault for being born in Pakistan kek

>> No.20413652

>Plato was a humanist

>> No.20413655

>His knowledge of humanism was "rudimentary at best"
a true /lit/ poster

>> No.20414249

Plato was very strongly against homosexuality.

>> No.20414276

Whomever has the power

>> No.20414284

Can someone explain to me the humanist moral position? Obviously they don't believe in God as the source of objective morality, so where do they receive their morals from? What makes their morality true?

>> No.20414289

Thrasymachus was btfo in book one. Maybe try actually reading The Republic.

>> No.20414302

>where do they receive their morals from?
>What makes their morality true?
They'll mumble something about the veil of ignorance before they go back to pouring chemicals in your water supply

>> No.20414319


>> No.20414330
File: 1.48 MB, 1977x2004, Light_Yagami_did_nothing_wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20414345

They're bureaucratic moralists, i.e. it's decided by committee.

>> No.20414346

>veil of ignorance
Just read the wiki. What a fucking joke. Do they seriously believe this crap?
>Bro what if we were literally all the same and had no identity hmmmm?
>We would obviously design a society around being soulless cattle catering in our own interests as interchangeable soulless cattle
>That means we should all live like soulless cattle in the real world
I'm actually seething/malding/pounding sand. Who could be so fucking dumb as to come up with this shit.

>> No.20414375

Based bongs

>> No.20414379

Damn the uk was based for once

>> No.20414384

But he renounced his Islamic faith. He wanted to be a degenerate

>> No.20414392

In this context I think it basically just means
>non-atheist whilst also not part of a specific religion or cult
Vagueness and actually just maintaining the gayest parts of Christian morality

>> No.20414398

>But he renounced his Islamic faith.
Renouncing a false religion is still based, goatfucker.
God exists that doesn’t mean any interpretation of God is valid

>> No.20414413
File: 62 KB, 298x260, tempora_mutantur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Article is anyone actually wants to read it
>This article is more than four years old

>> No.20414447
File: 111 KB, 1036x888, christians who like Jesus despite how he's Jewish .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christcucks are pagans and also dropping their religion the fastest of any religion.
>God exists
What a faggot. Stop joking around larper.
Just accept you're an atheist

>> No.20414450

This is like citing the Church of Satan website as an unbiased source

>> No.20414458

Justice is a spook.

>> No.20414498

His wife is white. That's the only reason he converted to humanism

>> No.20414568

100+ ac*demics objected to his being denied entry. Fags.

>> No.20414579

Would have been 0 if he were European

>> No.20414588
File: 170 KB, 1577x1536, c15dex3eesi41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck is justice, /lit/?
Me getting what I desire

>> No.20414749
File: 31 KB, 641x530, a0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plato was retarded

>> No.20414788

Take it with a grain of salt. Or a barrel full.

>> No.20414799

Based. Fuck that 80IQ retard.
>Humanism is when you love all people :)
Most retarded reason to be an atheist anyways. Purely based on feelings.
He would have raped young girls if he got the asylum anyways, so good.

>> No.20414802

>What makes their morality true?
>Imply there is a "true" morality
Suck on your Jew on a stick's dick elsewhere. Morality is as much make-believe as religion is.

>> No.20414811

Equality is a facade. I want to live in constant fear, battle, and competition.

>> No.20414859

wow, that's edgy as fuck

>> No.20414884

You will never be a monotheist, Ahmed. You worship a moon goddess.

>> No.20414891

You’re a filthy post-modernist that’s what you are.

>> No.20414896

justice is copium of the weak and unfree,
freedom is where it is at

>> No.20415145
File: 40 KB, 526x297, rather_hellish_dont_yout_think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suck on your Jew on a stick's dick elsewhere. Morality is as much make-believe as religion is.
Imagine saying this irl lmao. Embarrassing tbqh

>> No.20415174

Makes sense, because Aflatoun was a pious Muslim, alhamdulillah. Since this man does not know Aflatoun, he cannot be a Muslim and must be given the option to either convert or perish.

>> No.20415458

i actually got mad reading the republic. you just know this nigger would have implemented his dystopia if given the chance. iirc there's even an aside in the last 2/3 of the book where one of the characters admits "hey guys if any one of the links in our long chain of reasoning on virtue was incorrect then everything we're discussing here is completely insane", but he glosses over that and goes right back to shitting on greek society and proposing a nightmare state.

>> No.20415595

Found the christcucks.

>> No.20415647

where does this idea even come from? the idea that Muslims actually worship a "moon goddess" or Venus or whatever

>> No.20415827

He literally tried. Read the seventh letter.

>> No.20415863

Redneck hicks invented it after 911

>> No.20416219

He did try it after being invited to rule a town in Syracuse, and was chased out of town not long after.

>> No.20416237

Found the gaytheist. Have you watched My Little Pony yet today?

>> No.20416240

Would be a good topic of discussion but it’s clear from OP’s pic, this is trolling

>> No.20416280

Justice is when one does what one is best at.

>> No.20416286

Based honestly, practice what you preach

>> No.20416375

2012 called. They want their meme back.