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/lit/ - Literature

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20439637 No.20439637 [Reply] [Original]

If I am trying to deprogram myself from several years' worth of /pol/ brainrot, what book should I start with?

>> No.20439641

the bible

>> No.20439657
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Joanathan Livingston Seagull

>> No.20439664

/pol/ is right

>> No.20439665
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>> No.20439692

These people don't read

>> No.20439720

This person doesn't fuck

>> No.20439730

You must be 18 to use this site

>> No.20439733

What Does It All Mean? A Very Short Introduction to Philosophy by Thomas Nagel

>> No.20439795

Thank you

>> No.20439800

/pol/ is always right but lacks in nuance. start with the greeks.

>> No.20439807

>/pol/ is always right
Like when they kept saying trump was going to win and the vaccines were going to kill everyone?

>> No.20439872

Okay Anon, hope your day is going well. I'll suggest some stuff that changed my worldview. it involves a mix of books that are considered brainlet and midwit stuff, along with more traditional Lit stuff.

Disparities and Discrimination - Thomas Sowell
The autobiography of Malcolm X
Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu
Bowling Alone - Robert Putnam
Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari (This is the midwit suggestions)
The Coming of the Third Reich - Richard J. Evans

All of these (except Lao Tzu) are varied views on typical Pol talking points. It's not blind decrying of what they are saying or claiming,

>> No.20439887

Thank you

>> No.20439903

Pick up anything that inspires a sense of beauty, a desire to know more. Once you stop digging into morbid esoteric crypto-fascist conspiracy schizoid fantasy, you're free to find a path of enjoying existence.
Reading Descartes is a good start, then any philosopher that you feel you can connect with. The brainrot will keep shedding every time you engage in good aesthetic and intellectual experience.

>> No.20439912

But Trump won.

>> No.20439917

Blackshirts and Reds by Michael Parenti

>> No.20439949

it's called the long game faggot

And Trump obviously won, anyone with a brain can see that.

>> No.20439993

Retards or trolls? Hard to tell these days

>> No.20440000

Something you can read outside without getting weird looks.

>> No.20440005

And Reddit is left what’s your point?

>> No.20440030
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>> No.20440037

It's been a year and a half since the election anon. Give it a rest

>> No.20440039

eye-opening post

>> No.20440040


>> No.20440041
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>as time goes by, truth changes
You'll still never be a woman regardless of what the media tells you I'm afraid

>> No.20440046

>You'll still never be a woman
Well that's probably because I am a man and have no interest in becoming a woman

>> No.20440047

The Bible can absolutely deprogram you from /pol/ if you are serious about what it teaches. You might remain very ‘politically incorrect’ in some matters, but you would be less obsessed with race, more concerned with the poor, loving your neighbor, loving God, etc. Basically everything /pol/ hates Christianity for

>> No.20440049

Half of /pol/ is Christian newfag

>> No.20440052

Most christians don't even read the bible or anything at all for that matter

>> No.20440060


>> No.20440064

And all of /pol/ calls for the death of blacks, Jews and other groups all day and says that they are ‘subhumans’, and worships Hitler like an idol. The only time Jesus is mentioned is to mention him whipping Jews in the Temple. Let’s not forget that /pol/ is also full of people who say that only White people are ‘Adamites’ and that other races are ‘beasts of the field’—they aren’t Christian at all. Tell me next time you see /pol/ threads about helping poor people, loving your neighbor, getting closer to God, and all of that.

>> No.20440069

Can confirm. The Bible deradicalized me to some extent

>> No.20440081

>And all of /pol/ calls for the death of blacks
Not really, when /pol/ uses "nigger" it's not about blacks in general but about a specific group of people who are usually black but not necesarilly. The vast majority of /pol/ is perfectly fine with good natured blacks.
They want them out of Western countries for good reasons.
>Tell me next time you see /pol/ threads about helping poor people, loving your neighbor, getting closer to God, and all of that.
Saw plenty of them. You just don't understand how to navigate /pol/ and fall for baits and trolls. Many OPs are baits, but within the thread and most people are just normal males, often religious, who want to protect their families and country from jews.

>> No.20440090

>who want to protect their families and country from jews.
How are jews ruining america, anon?

>> No.20440100
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Already explained at length here.

>> No.20440119

beauty is cope for reality.
not OP but the sense of beauty has done nothing but entrap me, entrap me in in narcissism and depression.
when you seek to feel beauty, anything can be made beautiful, even your own mental world, your own suffering.
i don't like it anymore, it twists and contorts life until all that's left is an aching, and painful beauty.
I want out of all this.

>> No.20440126

sorry chud, but /pol/ is always right.

>> No.20440423

https://www.amazon.com/World-after-Liberalism-Philosophers-Radical/dp/0300243111 debunks their intellectual heroes really well

>> No.20440476


>> No.20440494
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>he fell for the memes

Half of pol is tradfag underage, the other half are state funded shillbots

>> No.20440541

Capital by Marx

>> No.20440569

From one incel ideology to the next

>> No.20440580

Could be, but that is incidental, the real significance is that 80% of them are government agents astroturfing the minds of the remaining 20% who are schizophrenic retards.

>> No.20440616


The Bible deprogrammed me hard. I’m not ignorant of the things I knew before. I just have a much healthier perspective, one based on spirituality rather than resentment.