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/lit/ - Literature

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20493268 No.20493268 [Reply] [Original]

Who's your favorite philosopher?

>> No.20493274 [DELETED] 

Are people that retarded? The bitch must know you can search a name.

>> No.20493296

She just made that up, anon.

>> No.20493305


>> No.20493307

Schlechtberg? oh yeah i've read some of his stuff

>> No.20493313

Adolf Hitler

>> No.20493316
File: 139 KB, 564x931, Skatocrates of U (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skatocrotes of Urologia, while some consider him more of a historian because of his expansive 40 volume work (well, we're lead to believe that it was 40 volumes, some later commenters claim it was 400, but D.P. Minge who is the most eminent contemporary scholar on Skatocrotes puts the figure at 40 ) on the "headwear" which is the most expansive collection of writings on hats, caps, headbands and such ever amassed in human history. We have only about 9 volumes, although recently there was a major coup when 6 books of a previously unknown volume where found written in Papyrus in Egypt, and most excitingly this covers wigs for bald men which gives us an massive insight into the sociology of balding in pre-modern times.
Anyway we have two of his other works, his Physics, which is more or less an episteme of Aristotle's Physics with some odd hat analogies thrown in. And his Proto-Physics which I highly recommend you all read, once you read it his history of headwear will make sense obviously, but the entire history of movement of mankind will. effectively it distills to we are all born bald and naked, and it is through knowing the world that we cloak ourselves, particularly the head. It's really refuting the Platonic doctrine of how knowledge comes about, and he has some very interesting things to say about theater and mimesis: how reality is unadorned, but poetry and theater is "richly clad, adorned with elegant crowns". While he's not exactly advocating for falsehood over truth, he is instead sort of prefiguring Baudrillard's hyperreality I guess?

>> No.20493317

Last time this thread was made it was a different girl in the screencap. The internet has truly become a human centipede with 5 websites and no beginning or end.

>> No.20493318

I happen to be the foremost expert on the works of Olaf Friedrich Schwanzsauger.

>> No.20493323

Oh really, what do you think of the new commentary Penguin are publishing by those two Chinese academics?

>> No.20493333

Doubt it. Males are pretty stupid like that.

>> No.20493336

Marcus Aurelius
I even studied Latin just to learn to read his Meditations in the original language

>> No.20493341

I'm only read bits of his, but I remember finding them very interesting

>> No.20493345

Günther Poopenfartenwald

>> No.20493356
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Retroactively refuted by Burtfengler.

>> No.20493384

Based woman btfoing pseuds

>> No.20493385

Suuba Nuuba of Sheeba. I know you're not supposed to mention him here, especially after that zoomer did that youtube video about his sex life. I don't think I need to tell anyone here that it's all based on a Victorian novelization and that he died 500 years after Salome. Anyway.
I'm tired of hiding it. He's the perfect philosopher. He's for the ages. He solved the hard problem of consciousness before it was even considered. Yes, his book on etymology is completely wrong, but you have to remember that he was writing at a time in Sheeba where they didn't have access to any Greek or Babylonian literature. So of course he was just going to make up Greek sounding words. He even admits it in "Downstream Moon Meditations" (Book X, section 15) this is from the translation that Daniel Day Lewis's father did
>wherein whichforth the tongue of the Yunan (Greeks) bathes memories long since dried. We will griptortian them. Inverse Homonculai will guide us towards their goat-faced wisdom
*griptortian is a Sheebian word for a process of leaving a sort of expanding wax made from the Griptoi Flower, which when you bake expands like a shrinky dink
**goat-faced seems to suggest that the Greeks are all old and bearded, and therefore wise

>> No.20493386

I rather like the ideas of Franz Zwetschkenröster Kaiserschmarrn

>> No.20493404

Wu Ma is a major fucking pseud. His 2003 publication "Being in Imperial Germany: Power and Hegemony in the Eyes of Schwanzsauger" totally misinterpreted Olaf and ruined the field of studies since now every academic has adopted has paradigm. Chang Ban-Shang is an even bigger pseud but I don't even want to get into that.

>> No.20493409

there was always a strange air about his work but maybe I didn't digest it properly

>> No.20493417

LMAO, that name doesn't even sound German. But nice try, bitch. No tell me your ACTUAL favourite philosopher (You do know actual philosophers don't you? I won't fuck you if you don't.)

>> No.20493433

>Seething this hard
Lmao I love Ma, he's been pissing off chuds for years. Go touch grass.

>> No.20493434

I don't know why Wu Ma expected us to swallow that reading. If you ask me, his interpretation of history really blows, he had one job.

>> No.20494539

That's probably bait but Meditations was originally written in Greek.

>> No.20494670

Dr. Penguin Classics

>> No.20494678

You are male too, faggot

>> No.20494694

Literally the pseud version of Jeandeot.

>> No.20494708

Doesn't sound Greek enough. Something like Iaetia sounds better.

>> No.20494896


>> No.20495048

I'm pretty sure that "Hitler" is just some obscure alias for the German philosopher Adolf Schicklgruber actually, who I'm incidentally a big fan of.

>> No.20495078

Schniedel Schtinkt

>> No.20495083


>> No.20495140

Anon you are addicted to jewish people.

>> No.20495427 [DELETED] 

My favorite philosopher is Chinese: Shi Et'mein

>> No.20495446

Theodore Kaczynski

>> No.20495561


>> No.20496304

Good point. I was going for the cheap laugh over versimilitude

>> No.20496398

Doesn't everyone just google everything immediately? She's making this up, so why not pretend she does this in person.

>> No.20496400

Lucian of Samosata

>> No.20496510

/lit/ moment

>> No.20496665

This is exactly the type of irony that Miha Czechizchia wrote about in "Abductive dialecto-narration in the age of Teleomodernity"

>> No.20496804

Klaus Schwab

>> No.20496837
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Based and bug pilled

>> No.20496840

>"Hey babe, who's you favorite philosopher?"
>"Zapffe, and yours?"
>weeks go by
>"Oh shit, she ghosted me!"
>"Hi, this is her sister. She killed herself last week."
Every time.

>> No.20496841

Literally a rip off of johannes edelbrock

>> No.20496843

oh yeah i've read some of his stuff

>> No.20496850
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>dr DP minge

>> No.20496874

yo you fuck with hegel?

>> No.20497740


>> No.20497745

Retroactively refuted by Gutenberg.

>> No.20497750
File: 63 KB, 719x688, 1623879353521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social media screencap thread
This is gonna hit bump limit, isn't it?

>> No.20497822

And I can't even get a single post in my threads about the metaphysics of Zlakovsky.

>> No.20497828

For me, it's Teufelsdröckh
Proactively refuted by Herodotus

>> No.20497837

Heidegger Von Hegelstein

>> No.20497851

>51 replies
>0 deSelby readers
/lit/ has such terrible pseud taste, they never tackle the greats

>> No.20497929

pffft... more like Schlechtsperg and Scheissensperg. heheh. Those two yammering spergs nitpicked over the definition of true-friendship yet they never even stopped to think the true friends are the ones we made along the way.
hehe. gottem.
The only thing great about deSelby was his waist. I can't believe the guy actually called his aesthetic treatise "The Banquet of Magnitudinous Taste"

>> No.20497934

I'm a big fan of DeBofa.

>> No.20497935

that vag faced greek who said you never step in the same river twice... you know? Hairy Clitoris

>> No.20497982

Gliedfresser is a great, a lesser known Romantic Surrealist.

>> No.20497990

Ahh, Penis Gobbler, very funny.

>> No.20497993

I would call its bluff. Reminder, women are things.

>> No.20498026

You already lost by falling for copypasta ragebait instead of making funny philosopher names. Read Mike Harry Kant some time.

>> No.20498089

exactly, why would I not be aware of the falls and follies of what I intrinsically am? Am I not MORE aware of the faults of my species precisely BECAUSE I am one of them? I understand the pride of being a man results in your failure (or refusal) in diagnosing the problem inherent in being a man, but the true answer in navigating the world is not pride of what you are born with, but gratitude, which differ in that gratitude can leave room for self reflection, while pride is the donning of ignorance, pretending it is a regal coat when it actually covers the mirror of the heart that seeks to reflect and be reflected.

>> No.20498729


>> No.20498744


hehe ulkig