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20718355 No.20718355 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Killing For the Sake of Aesthetic Beauty Kills What Makes Beauty Possible

Previously >>20714137

>> No.20718371

how are you guys doing?

>> No.20718380

I feel as a pilot who can't find the runway and is running out of fuel. How about you anon?

>> No.20718381

Not great anon. Not great.

>> No.20718386
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>> No.20718387

I wish I was dead

>> No.20718397
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I woke up today feeling terrible because I had a dream where I was invited to a party with all my friends from primary and secondary school to just play video games and eat pizza like old times. It made me feel garbage because I hadn't seen them in-person in years and they cut off all contact with me about a year ago as well, because I was a sperg.
I'm currently listening to Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go and the irony is kino. Life is worth living for the moments where beauty can be found in suffering.

>> No.20718407

Has anyone here ever had sex with an 18 year old? is it as good as I think it's gonna be? I hope he cries after.

>> No.20718414

>Has anyone here ever had sex
Some people have, but most haven't. Otherwise we wouldn't be posting on the literature board of an anonymous Tibetan throat-singing forum.

>> No.20718419

Thought you should know I threw that song on and danced like a retard

>> No.20718420

No. Why would ass raping an inexperienced kid be good? You are a sadist.
Males are so impaired

>> No.20718433

Every day is a blessing.

>> No.20718449
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Life is a strange gift from no-one. Each day, your very own.

>> No.20718452

I find myself terminally apathetic.

>> No.20718485
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Leave stoicism. Find your anima to become whole again


>> No.20718490

other people just dont care

>> No.20718494

Do you care?

>> No.20718500

Other people who don’t care are suffering the same way you are.
Your pain is sadly common, I’m afraid. Maybe you can help them as you help yourself.

>> No.20718516

I care about other people way more than about myself. Besides how can you help others if you cant save yourself?

>> No.20718520

That's right there's nothing wrong with a 38 year old and a 50 year old because both their brains are developed. But a 30 year old and 18 year old? I mean come on, we're not going to beat around the bush here.

>> No.20718533
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Then why are you alone? I suspect we are similar, but I have come to conclude I am the one who doesn't care. I feel closest to others when I am farthest away from them, like Kirkegaard.

>> No.20718542
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>> No.20718570

People used to be made whole men and women before the age of 17. But you seem right enough here >>20718407 He’s as immature as a 12 year old and after only one thing.

>> No.20718573

Today for the first time I talked to women who turned tricks for heroin. One was high and the other was, in a controlled but tenacious way trying to sort them for the night. The woman who was sober was actually quite pleasant, she came off as very intelligent and all in all a caring person. They had both, they said, fought off rapists that night, separately, while sleeping on park benches. (the one who was sober said something like "I must have gotten in a good kick cus he scurried off" and the other one went "I got in a damn good hit!" in between nods.) I live a sheltered life. It was weird seeing regular people with jobs after that, assuming these two were gonna end up at some johns place later that day, sleeping on mattresses on the floor at best and sucking his dick for drugs.

>> No.20718580

How did you come to engage them in conversation?

>> No.20718591

what's a skeleton's favorite food?

>> No.20718603
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I've been thinking about how people used to have dreams in black and white back before colored TVs. It's weird because people didn't have dreams in black and white before television existed at all. It was just a thing that happened to people who watched black and white TV. Nowadays people have dreams about video games, usually after they play them a lot. Some people relate it to the Tetris effect. I think they also have dreams about animated media as well. It's interesting how people have dreams about these things.

There was a post on /x/ or /pol/ some time back, it was screen-capped but I don't have it, and it was by a guy who claimed to have worked for MK Ultra. He said that the brain can't actually differentiate between what happens on TV and what happens in real life, even if our consciousness can. So people subconsciously believe that what they've seen in movie and television was real and the brain remembers it like it was. He said the CIA and deep state and all those people were using it as part of their brainwashing program. When you talk to the type of people that watch TV often it does seem pretty plausible. But I don't think that's true that the brain can't differentiate between screens and reality. But since people have dreams in black and white, and people have dreams about other things they see on screens, I don't think it's entirely wrong either. My personal take is that the brain interprets what happens on a screen in a similar way it interprets dreams. That is why there's a cross between dreams and screens. Obviously, one can watch Harry Potter and be certain that it was not real at all. One can also have a dream and be certain that it wasn't real at all.

I'm curious as to what the implications of this are. It makes me want to filter what kind of media I watch on screens, since I don't want any brainwashing to make its way to my dreams and subconscious. I hope that the MK Ultra anon was wrong as well. If the brain really can't know the difference between live action TV and real life, then it makes me want to avoid looking at anything live action on screens at all. I would prefer if all my dreams, memories, and experiences are my own. I don't want elites beaming their propaganda into my brain. Even if it only applies to dreams and not memories it still makes me want to stop playing games and watching stuff altogether. I don't want my psyche shaped by the shitty pop media I consume. Reading books is the only thing worth enjoying. I would prefer if my dreams were based on my real life experiences and not the hours I wasted on Civ 5. Even if that dream where I had a threesome with Rei and Asuka was nice. I would still rather have shitty dreams about my reality. Hyperreality is real.

This all sounds like schizo bullshit. Maybe it is. But I would appreciate it if someone gave their serious thoughts on the matter that wasn't just telling me to take my meds.

>> No.20718605

This was in a very safe part of town. I was just sitting on a bench, talking to some Greenpeace guy when the high one sat down next to me. I figured at a distance they were prostitutes and she was on heroin. After the Greenpeace guy left I just sat there awkwardly for a while, while her friend was off doing something else. There were people everywhere so I wasn't really worried. The high one got to the point she was about to fall off the bench, and I notified her of that. Then her friend showed up and we started talking. It was clearly a central concern for them not to draw too much attention, so her almost falling off the bench was an issue. Why I'm sure they were on heroin is because after a while a male acquaintance of theirs showed up (this caused a lot of stress for me- was this their pimp? was I supposed to save the world?) who joked fairly to obviously to the effect that they were all addicts.

>> No.20718634

>/x/ or /pol/
do you actually have to ask if it was bullshit?

still, not wasting time on games and tv is a very good thing to do.

>> No.20718636

One minute I want to sell all my belongings and beg in the city square while soberly reading the Bible and the next I tell myself that I should go to therapy

>> No.20718646

There's a lot of schizo bullshit on /x/, but /pol/ is more often than not right about certain things.

>> No.20718653

>I am the one who doesn't care
I suspect that I'm probably the same. Pretending to care while seeing them nothing more than mere theme park attractions. My relationship with people is similar to watching to stars - they look so beautiful in the distance but all the romance falls off when seeing it realistically depicted in astronomy books. That's why I've never been in a relationship. All in all, there's something fundamentally wrong with me and I cannot truly relate with other people as in sharing the bond sense.

>> No.20718658

that stuff on tv is bullshit, if you do have to ask.

>> No.20718674

you're taking it overly literally.
money is a means to an end; the issue is loving it, and holding it over stuff like your morals. i.e. selling your integrity.
it's a blessing, really. should be enjoyed, used to help others, but not be a target of greed.

>> No.20718692

I'm learning a lot about myself through other people

>> No.20718701

Yeah when I was 16 my gf was 18. It was good, though i definitely wasnt ready for it and the age gap made it worse, emotionally speaking.

>> No.20718705

You cant judge all men based on a couple of fags

>> No.20718709

What happens in Nebraska?

>> No.20718711
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>all these people who have been in relationships and/or have had sex
get out get out get out GET OUT GET OUT

>> No.20718713 [DELETED] 

>he creamed inside me
but i said no, anons...

>> No.20718719

Leave the internet.
Touch grass, touch pussy.

>> No.20718725

I socialized every day for a week and then spent the next two days alone. Here I am on my second day and that familiar melancholy is setting in again. I finally understand why normies desperately need social interaction all the time, especially given the fact that they have never spent any meaningful time without it

>> No.20718729

what makes you think that people dont get alone time? what the fuck is the matter with you guys? you're not special because you choose to live like a loser

>> No.20718730

>sheltered life
I hate that term. Every maladjusted freak uses it to condescend to normal people.

>> No.20718740

I really like socializing and I'm good at it but I have all my routines that are so comfy and often even productive despite not seeming so on the surface. The internet ruined me.

>> No.20718744

Typical basic bitch/bro advice.
Does nothing for men who are actually hideously deformed and not neurotypical and have no chance of a relationship.
You should leave the internet and leave us to be in peace. It's unfortunate that you're so insecure you have to go to an anonymous imageboard for literature of all places to look down on people. Normalfags act like this and then wonder why incels have become so frustrated with everything.

>> No.20718746


>> No.20718751

Obviously media shapes our expectations of life, but talking about the brain as if it has an independent consciousness and agency is retarded
>the brain thinks it's real even if the consciousness knows it's not
This makes literally no sense at all. It's absurd.

>> No.20718755

Theres a difference between alone time and isolation

>> No.20718757

>This all leads to a form of neurosis which H.G. Baynes has described as the
"provisional life," that is, the strange attitude and feeling that one is not yet in
real life [1]. For the time being one is doing this or that, but whether it is a
woman or a job, it is not yet what is really wanted, and there is always the
fantasy that sometime in the future the real thing will come about. If this attitude
is prolonged, it means a constant inner refusal to commit oneself to the moment.
With this there is often, to a smaller or greater extent, a savior complex, or a
Messiah complex, with the secret thought that one day one will be able to save
the world; the last word in philosophy, or religion, or politics, or art, or
something else, will be found. This can go so far as to be a typical pathological
megalomania, or there may be minor traces of it in the idea that one's time "has
not yet come." The one thing dreaded throughout by such a type of man is to be
bound to anything whatever. There is a terrific fear of being pinned down, of
entering space and time completely, and of being the singular human being that
one is. There is always the fear of being caught in a situation from which it may
be impossible to slip out again. Every just-so situation is hell. At the same time,
there is a highly symbolic fascination for dangerous sports-particularly flying
and mountaineering-so as to get as high as possible, the symbolism being to get
away from reality, from the earth, from ordinary life.

>> No.20718760

Does this resonate with you at all?

>> No.20718775

life is difficult to trace, which in itself is typical, for when you try to follow the
biography you can only collect very few facts here and there because, as is
already clear, the puer aeternus never quite touches the earth. He never quite
commits himself to any mundane situation but just hovers over the earth,
touching it from time to time, alighting here and there, so that one has to follow
such traces as there may be.

>> No.20718780

Wow man, you are so much better than everyone else because you choose to live in isolation.

>> No.20718795

Stop projecting your insecurity

>> No.20718813

and what insecurity would that be?

>> No.20718818


>> No.20718840

Yes, it resonates a lot. I dont know how to fix it.

>> No.20718870

You obviously feel condescended to for no reason

>> No.20718876

In Symbols of Transformation Jung spoke of one cure: work, and having said
that he hesitated for a minute and thought, ''Is it really as simple as all that? Is
that just the one cure? Can I put it that way?" But work is the one disagreeable
word which no puer aeternus likes to hear, and Jung came to the conclusion that
it was the right answer. My experience also has been that if a man pulls out of
this kind of youthful neurosis, then it is through work.

As far as I have seen, the unconscious generally tries to produce a compromise,
namely, to indicate the direction in which there might be some enthusiasm or
where the psychological energy would flow naturally, for it is of course easier to
train oneself to work in a direction supported by one's instinct. That is not quite
so hard as working completely uphill in opposition to your own flow of energy.
Therefore it is usually advisable to wait a while and find out where the natural
flow of interest and energy lies and then try to get the man to work there. But in
every field of work there always comes the time when routine must be faced. All
work, even creative, contains a certain amount of boring routine, and that is
where the puer aeternus escapes and comes to the conclusion again that "this is
not it!" In such moments, if one is supported by the unconscious, there are
generally dreams which show that one should push on through the obstacle and
if that succeeds then the battle is won

I'm still working on it too, I quit a job the door is still left open to and am going back in today. I think we have to place our feet on the earth and walk by doing the next thing immediately required of us. Maybe it's that simple. I also struggle with spirituality to a disturbing extent

>> No.20718880

>Treating what ails you is “basic bitch”
Proof they’re all Quasimodo! I can tell you’re all just somewhat homely or overweight autists, but you don’t find your matches because you feel you deserve a “ten/ten” beauty, Virginal purity or whatever. You don’t fool me.

>> No.20718920
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Nice projection. I've been ignored by girls that guys have made fun of me for talking to. "Bro she's so ugly, you're into that?"
And attractiveness is directly correlated to sexual success. Being "somewhat homely" puts someone behind so much in the dating market.
I know your type. You're either an incel in denial who is spouting these platitudes to keep your delusional sense of hope, or you're an ignorant normalfag who is incapable of realizing that people can unfairly get the short end of the stick in life.

>> No.20718937

I'm not homely or overweight. I just have crippling social anxiety. I'm working on it though and making good progress. If I can keep up my current trajectory and dont withdraw out of fear or self loathing I might actually become a normalfag. I can make it bros, I can do it.

>> No.20718941

I get what you're trying to say. That being given, I've never managed to find such activity where would my psychological energy would flow naturally. It's just I always care about end result and look at progressing as a nuisance.

>> No.20718957

If you

>have never experienced a long term relationship where you actively have to accommodate the needs and desires of your partner
>have grown up responsibilities like a mortgage or a permanent job, or a mindset set on making passive income equivalent to a permanent job

Then you are a manchild, stop posting about your bullshit lack of sexual gratification and loneliness. Fuck you, grow up.

>> No.20718965

*No grown up

>> No.20718999

You can.

>> No.20719025

don't you still believe in marxism? you might want to do some introspection before telling others to grow up

>> No.20719046

>>have grown up responsibilities like a mortgage or a permanent job, or a mindset set on making passive income equivalent to a permanent job

Yes, absolutely something that an avowed Marxist would say

>> No.20719100


Which city do you reside in?
What do you like about it? What don't you like?
How are the people?

>> No.20719245

Polite, indifferent to each other and especially the homeless. They all assume the ones responsible for that mess will address the problem or something. Everyone’s busy, distracted, worried about gas prices and such. They’re not informed of the wider world or why it’s a mess. Too many just know it’s either that political party or the other and they hate them both. But they’d rather not think about it, it only causes arguments and more stress. They'd rather have less of that.
All cities are the same to one extent or the other. The more characterized ones have more rural and types breeze through on business or pleasure. The less character the city has, well, they’re not so good.

I’m the poster recommending John Taylor Gatto recently. Really these places could improve if we could get rid of a couple of systems, like schooling. The systemization of human beings is what ruins culture and psyches, what makes cities unlivable zombie parades

>> No.20719350

ok but whats the city?

>> No.20719364

It’s got a Denny’s off the freeway and an AMC featured prominently at the mall across the way.

>> No.20719401

why are americans like this? what are you afraid of? it not like your city has 4 people

>> No.20719436

I have been able to track down a certain avatarfag on /his/ who let too much of his life story and location slip. I won’t share it but it’s why I make sure to add fake info on my whereabouts on this site.

>> No.20719484

I walked a bit with the two dope-prostitutes and their friend. Their male friend was very much on the lookout for cops. I figured it was obvious she was high and this would be a problem. He asked if I wanted to come along. I thought they wanted me to come because I look very square, and it would make the whole party less conspicuous, and I figured that they understand the rules of their lives and if they don't want to be taken in then that's probably fair on their terms, so I figured sure. I also thought in the back of my head "shit it's not like I'm doing anything today, I may as well see how these people hang out". But after we'd walked a bit and I figured they were clear of any cops I remembered that I've done this before, just gone with people to see what happens, and it usually just gets sad and weird and I told them I'd just go home instead. I only realize they probably had me pegged for a buyer.

>> No.20719495

*only now realize
the sober one even asked me if I was a civvie. it didn't dawn on me at all why this would be the time, specifically, to ask.

>> No.20719507

most people are not insane like you

>> No.20719555

I live in the greater Los Angeles area. There is a lot of nice things about this place that often go unappreciated or unacknowledged, especially by flyovers. The geography is perfect. Close to the mountains, the desert, the beach. I often go hiking and camping. If I want to be in an urban environment it's there, and if I'm tired of it I withdraw to the suburbs. There is a lot of economic and educational opportunities, consumer good readily available which are a luxury elsewhere, and a plethora of culture.
That said the cosmopolitan culture which is so interesting is also very atomizing and isolating. Especially given that I'm a White American I often find myself on the fringes of ethnic cultures. English is everyone's second language and no matter where I go I am the odd man out for it being my primary. I always have to learn about and adapt to other cultures to ever be around people. Other whites here are very culturless and progressive so my chauvinism has alienated me from them.
People are generally unfriendly. Everyone is in his own bubble and as a passerby you just blend into the crowd. It is easy to be invisible which can be both positive and negative.
I dont want to leave California but I do want to leave LA.

>> No.20719735

holy shit if I had actually been retarded enough to go with them into some apartment and there was eyes on that apartment, there would be no way for me not to get put in the locker as a john. remember I said I was sheltered?

>> No.20719764

I have thought many times in the last year or so that my chances of dying of old age are fair to middling at best. It's a wonder I still know how to breathe.

>> No.20719779

I have no idea how I am supposed to even pretend to believe that I have any chance in this world.

>> No.20719811

the last thing I said to their pimp was "You take care of yourself now"
how could you deny the power of God, that he created such a jackass.

>> No.20719822

very sincerely, too. I thought we made good eye-contact, that I reached him.

>> No.20719850

It doesn’t even matter what city. They said they’re all the same. You want one with a duck park and fountain? We got those

>> No.20719877

Guys, guys...my guys
Slowly but surely i lose touch with the rest of the world
No more friends, i only talk to my parents, stopped talking to my sister and rest of my family
This life just isnt for me. Not like this, at least.
I still believe in goodness as a transcendent idea but nowdays i realize just how cruel people are. How selfish and uncaring they are.
I dont even read anymore, whenever i try it feels superfluous, redundant, unnecessary...
Hopefully i will rekindle my love for reading
Anyways, this life just isnt for me. The rules, favor the cunning, fake, selfish, psychopatic. The good are left to die alone in pain.
Ive lost touch with the sense of God completely. I dont feel hes out there at all, but still i sure hope so.
But what i dont understand is how, when i dream, everything feels so purposeful, undrestandable, real and fullfilling? But when i wake up im just left to rot by a minute

>> No.20720157

>…I recall the smells of that old city I grew up in. Even gulps of smog seemed so full of youthful potential, once done with the hacking and wheezing of course

>> No.20720258

I've made some personality breakthroughs as a result of some pretty big fuck-ups forcing me to introspect. I have a suspicion that meditation would fix three quarters of the average person's problems, because it creates a base around which a person can still what Patanjali calls the vṛtti ("whirlings," arbitrary fluctuations, or endless changes in consciousness). You don't really need a fancy form of meditation either, just beginner transcendental meditation 15-30 minutes a day would do it for a normal person.

It's like I see so clearly now the piece I've been missing. The trick to life isn't to give in to what one is and how one behaves, one's accumulated ways of "grasping" or "attaching" to the world (now I understand the use of "attachment" much better too), or conversely to reject and negate oneself entirely. The trick is to cultivate and awaken a point and gradually a core of stillness, against which one's accumulated personality traits can be tested, taken possession of consciously, and either integrated or worked on or "inverted" so they can be integrated later. That's why even small things like ordering your material life and living space can be the beginnings of a better mindset and a better life. Confucianism said that a long time before Jordan Peterson or Marie Kondo did. Everything is symbolic of the same process, of suspending, seeing, and selectively re-asserting one's accumulated behaviors, assumptions, and attitudes.

Even bad and badly "knotted up" personality aspects can be re-integrated in a positive way. Irritability can be a partially manifested form of high energy or high standards, not bad things in themselves. Meanness could be spite rising from defensiveness.

A moment of direct insight into these things once in a while can sustain years of effort and understanding. I think that's why drugs like mushrooms and LSD change people's lives, because they temporarily force open a window that yogins spend years learning to hold open without the need of force. That window lets in the cool breeze that stills everything in the room for a little while and makes it seem unreal and therefore optional. You can't look at the room the same way again, or at least not for a little while, until you forget again. Heidegger calls the normal state of living "thrownness," being thrown into a life full of pre-interpretations and assumptions (like graspings and attachments) prior to choosing any of them, and he always talks about "lapsing" or "falling" into "inattentive" states that take the surrounding pre-interpreted world for granted, and absorb its interpretations like a second skin.

Why are writings on Indian philosophy so garbled? Attachment is always presented as mere hedonic craving, asceticism is always presented as mindless negation of the self when there are multiple grades to it.

>> No.20720271

I give up my life, I should never have been born, it is all pointless and everything I try goes wrong and hits me, each time it hurts more.
I'm stuck in the maze I've built with each action I took, and I can't leave.

>> No.20720309

Your dreams are more real than the despair. In dreams you remember the real impact you had and the people that impacted you.
Why don't you trust your judgement anymore? When I was younger I was unsure but over time people confirmed what I originally thought about interactions like that, the slightest acknowledgement and sign of respect towards someone can matter a lot.

>> No.20720535

So where on instagram do I look for cute girls who read?
Anyone have any strategies they would like to share with the board?

>> No.20720566

Any femanon want a chud bf

>> No.20720589

Deleted the almost 4,000 porn webms and images off my phone after giving it a lot of thought. See, I woke up this afternoon and jerked off. Mindlessly looking at Reddit and /gif/ for some good videos to blow my load to. This, after taking my ADD medication, lasted about an hour. I was slowly jerking until I found the one I wanted to use, and of course saving some for later in the library of my disgusting addiction. Another 45 minutes or so and I had cum into a rather stiff sock.

I thought nothing of this beyond the usual of why I took so long or why I spent the time to do it for those few seconds of euphoria. This faded as I got up and did other things, but actually remained as a niggling thought in the back of my mind. Around 1700 or so I put it at the forefront and began inspecting it. What could I have done in those 2 hours had I not been preoccupied with chasing a dopamine moment? Nearly anything even slightly productive would have been a better usage of the time.

So, with that, I deleted the videos. The images. The easily accessed and always there enablers that I kept close at hand. I've done it before, of course. Yet, this time had felt different. Previous times always had a little bit of regret. As if deleting them had taken something from me. This time though, it left me feeling a forward purpose. In place of regret I felt accomplished, even though it was so small a thing. It will be a challenge to not relapse and it's so easy to do so. Anxiety, boredom, sadness, etc. They can all bring me back to the shameful habit. I must try to go beyond it. I must do other things. I must.

>> No.20720591

What's a chud

>> No.20720595

one thing i now appreciate as an adult is how much fucking fruit my parents would buy when i was a kid. the house was constantly packed full of apples. pears, peaches, plums, grapes, raspberries, blueberries, kiwis, grapefruits, oranges, pineapples, man that shit must have cost a fortune! i was always mad i'd only get a chance to get a new nintendo game twice a year, once on my birthday, and once on christmas, but now i realize i probably ate the price of a nes cartridge worth of fruit every week.

>> No.20720601

a handsome guy with a huge cock

>> No.20720605

What's the difference between that and a chad

>> No.20720617 [DELETED] 

sometimes i feel bad about wasting time wacking it, but you have to think about how much time you will waste trying to get pussy instead. you think two hours is bad? you'll have to spend hours going out to boring shit in the city, going to restaurants, wandering taking pictures of shit, just hours and hours, when you could just fap it for an hour and have the rest of the day free to yourself.

>> No.20720622 [DELETED] 

>cock huge absent dad
>cock huge ultimate dad

>> No.20720625

a chud hates women

>> No.20720696

I don't concern myself with any of that because I do have a girlfriend yet still did the shameful activity which I kept from her.

>> No.20720715

sibelius violin concerto is on my mind probably because I've listened to it like 4.5 times today

>> No.20720721

yeah it's ridiculous how much money people waste on food. don't even get me started on eating out or buying fast food.

>> No.20720729

Ooh baby
I feel right
Music sounds better with you

>> No.20720735

I don't really want to shit on discipline but maybe this decision will lead down a road of frustration and when you're an old scrooge the Ghost of Christmas Past visits you so you fap one more time into the Christmas turkey and your grandson records a viral video of it. It would be embarrassing.

>> No.20720736

Do you know kapustin? Listen Kapustin. Not a whole lot to do with sibelius but a composer nonetheless

>> No.20720743

Hate. I hate the world because I hate myself. Every weakness and flaw I see is really just a reflection of that which I hate in myself, those deep-rooted habits that persist without minding my onlooking. That which I hate is crystallizing and becoming permanent, I cannot take any action that will actually continue into the next day, only sporadic acts of rebellion that occasionally break up the sporadic dominance of the lower self. Hate. Hate. Hate. I must get free. Hate.

>> No.20720751

I don't know much classical I just started listening to it because other music makes me less productive and more zombie-like

>> No.20720770

I feel bad for people that think women can be loyal in this day and age.
I've talked to two women with boyfriends in the past month who were down to fuck.
It's so sad, I feel bad for their boyfriends, maybe they shouldn't be so naive though.

>> No.20720774


>> No.20720785

Yes, music is a good product to listen to on the background, its most useful function is to fill the void between sentences between two people, attention-grabbing music is oversupplied and breeds schizophrenia. Anyway I think you will enjoy his eight concert etudes even if you don't care for music

>> No.20720863

i wish peterson would slip back into his coma

>> No.20720871

Why do I connect with anime and manga more than film and literature?Is there something wrong with my brain or am I normal? I am nearly 30 years old. This seems all wrong

As a side note, what threshold of self loathing should someone reach before they take their own life? How low should they sink internally?

>> No.20720938

Aren't you faggots always complaining about not having any unexplored territories?
You're already where few men have ventured and survived intact. Basically all you have to do is not die and you reach Greek hero status.

>> No.20720997

I went to the crossroad, fell down on my knees
I went to the crossroad, fell down on my knees
Asked the Lord above "Have mercy, now save poor Bob, if you please"

>> No.20721000

I think we should go back to the time when we didn't think of ourselves as any different from other animals. We used to have animistic religions and there were gods weren't human figures. I think the idea that we are any different from other animals just because we have technology or language or whatever is retarded.

>> No.20721019
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I've fucked two 16 year olds, when I was 15 and 19 respectively. It's the peak of sex, undoubtedly. In my experience the younger they are and the less partners they've had, the tighter the grip. I've fucked a fair few girls and the freshness of the pussy makes an undeniable difference, I'm sorry to say. Despite what whores say online it's obvious to me that the more experienced someone is in the art of taking a multiplicity of dicks, the less you'll feel when it's your turn. That's what it comes down to

>> No.20721090

That’s because you aren’t good at it. You rely pretty much on tightness I guess.
This is the only reason the anal sex meme took off. You people are so bad at sex. Ya can’t cope
“Just lay there honey. There. That’s all sex is for you. Shut up”

>> No.20721093

It's always a sad sight to behold. Unfortunately some people are condemned by the stars themselves to a dismal fate of whoredom, and by that I mean they were sexually abused as kids

>> No.20721177

No clue how you define being good at sex, but whatever notions you may have don't matter. Tighter that shit grips, better it feels. simple as

>> No.20721275

>. He said that the brain can't actually differentiate between what happens on TV and what happens in real life, even if our consciousness can.
Correction, most people can't and won't differentiate consciously. I noticed this the second I saw Jim Parsons of Bazinga show was hosting some kind of Discovery Channel type Science show. Or there's basically anybody on social media who rages against some clickbait tiktok video where, I dunno, a black girl implies she's turned on by racists, or a boomer tells young people to just "buy a house if you hate your landlord".
>My personal take is that the brain interprets what happens on a screen in a similar way it interprets dreams.
Dreams aren't messages from some all-knowing super intelligent entity, there is nothing to 'interpret'.
Then again I don't believe that the subconscious is some kind of intelligent and rational entity. You're not being unconsciously guided by your internal daemons towards the right path, and in all likelihood that seeming rationality of those patterns is something you retroactively impute. The truth was it was emergent, not deliberate.
But it's been a year, I'm pretty much like you guys again

>> No.20721371

I'm not interested in political power but Robert Moses vaguely presents the answers to everything that's wrong in my life. I haven't read the Power Broker, but the basic notion that this guy rather than being elected into office, nor rising through a preexisting bureaucracy into a position of power, but instead creating his own bureaucracy, creating his own sources of departmental revenue vaguely is what I have to do.
My problem has always been I can't see the options or the potential around or near me that I could leverage and use. This guy not only saw it, but created those options.
Tangentially this reminds me of Max Weber's Power as a Vocation, you have legal-bureaucratic and traditional authorities, and then you have charismatic authority. This is a step beyond Robert Moses creating offices and niches for himself. Instead it is creating a new power structure in conflict and opposition to the other. Cults always operate on the promise of occult or special secret knowledge. The "Alternative Medicine" that big Pharma doesn't want you to know.
What I need to do is find how to create these sources of revenue and influence like Moses did. It'll probably be easier for me than him, because while he did go to Yale and Cambridge, he also had loftier, more expensive ambitions: to change the infrastructure of a world city. I just want to make specific types of art. The finances should be easier to muster.
So why can't I see the clues, the potentials, the chances, the options all around me that if properly executed will facilitate my art? It seems to invalidate priming theory: you're supposed to be hypersensitive to the things you want, sometimes seeing phantoms, things that aren't really there. So why can't I see the potentials to achieve my artistic ambitions?

>> No.20721405

Perhaps I sit too long with myself in boredom. I have gone too far from the practical man, the real world is far away. I am lost in my web of abstractions. The teeter totter of thinking to oneself, if it goes on too long. You will feel alienated, on a far away land. Maybe I have thought of things differently then most, or at least that I know of. But overtime in excess I feel less real. Boredom can help with creativity for a short time. But after so long you will feel as real as that mathematical equation written in a book.

>> No.20721571
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I’m still doing quite well. Never bored, unless I’m at work.
But that’s a problem. Too placid, staid, stuck in a rut. I need my passions back. I buried them for fear of getting hurt I guess…
Thanks for the post. Good luck.

>> No.20721593

>beer and old nopie episodes of O&A on friday night

>> No.20721602

No idea what you’re talking about

>> No.20721623

What are some books that inspire eating disorders, specifically restrictive type disorders?

>> No.20721694

Great sample size

>> No.20721696

I'm tired of my dad coming home drunk.
>inb4 move out
It's my house.

>> No.20721700

so give him that talk like "if ur gonna live under my roof u have to follow my rules!"

>> No.20721827

ate too much strawberry pie

>> No.20721922

I could use one myself.

>> No.20721956

I've tried that. The problem is it's an empty threat and he knows it. Aside from somehow holding down a steady job he's functionally like 5 years old. He would literally die and I would have to live with that for the rest of my life, which will be significantly longer than I'll have to tolerate his drunken bullshit. Beside that, and I'm realizing it now as I write this, I feel obligated to take care of him in a really fucking twisted way. Not because I owe it to the man for taking care of me. He kept food on the table and a roof over our heads, yes, and I'm thankful for that. But that's all he did and frankly it pales in comparison to what I've done for him. It's not resent for that either, however justified it would be. I have a crystallized understanding that that's where his concepts of adulthood and fatherhood end because that's all that his models of fatherhood ever were to him, just material providers. He had two fathers but he never once had a dad to guide him and teach him and support him emotionally and developmentally and to love him unconditionally. He's extremely flawed and stunted for that fact. It's not his own doing, and I recognize that and don't hold it against him. But fuck man he never learned anything from it either. Deep down I have this overwhelming sense that in some dark, cosmic, karmic, comedic way, I was put here to not just to learn all those lessons that he didn't but to show him by example. Ironically to be for him in his only occasionally interrupted drunken stupor the father that he never had and never was before his brain turns into fucking Swiss cheese. That I'm his hell as much as his redemption. And that my dear anon is a burden that I never asked for and never wanted. But I guess that's fatherhood for ya right?

>> No.20721962

you know, there are some smart folk here. this place might end up associated with a few great authors in the eyes of historians looking back.

>> No.20722099
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I was enjoying my book but the author did something that I found cringy af so I put it down. I want to continue reading it but I hate shit like that so much. It totally takes me out of it and I have scenarios in my head I have to argue through.
I hate having autism.

>> No.20722156
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Despite being academically successful and working a well-paid job in a pharmaceutical company, I still feel like an ESL retard next to my semi-jobless crush.
She had a degree in English, she is very well-spoken, always talks about complicated philosophy stuff, and I always have nothing to say in return. Makes me feel stupid and inferior.

>> No.20722178

such is stemcel life.

>> No.20722186

So I finished my first week of classes in college. It was easier than expected. No reason to have been nervous at all..
Now I just need to wait for cute asian girls to come up and talk with me lel.

>> No.20722193

If it's of any consolation anon I was in the opposite position with a girl. She eventually broke it off with me because I wasn't equal to her in terms of career success.

>> No.20722203

>chasing career instead of family

>> No.20722214

>It's the peak of sex, undoubtedly.
Spoken like a true married man that hasn't had sex in months (to be charitable). Teenagers are indisputably awful at sex. They put in no work, they'll lie there if you let them, don't know how to suck dick let alone SPEAK during sex, carry with them all of their adolescent vague religious inhibitions, basically prefer the most vanilla of sex, and think they did a good job after having literally done nothing for half an hour. Absolutely insufferable

The fact that you think this is a peak of sex is very telling that you have hardly experienced sex in your lifetime

>> No.20722217

>complicated philosophy stuff,
There is a concept in Epistemology called the persistence disagreement which means there is literally no consensus in philosophy on anything, see ancient skepticism. The most fundamental questions in philosophy are still unanswered or both sides have great counter arguments. Just read Ecclesiastes and tell that pseud roastie bitch to shut the fuck up and just ask her out. You're doing yourself any favour by listening to her verbal vomit.

>> No.20722221

Have any of you written anything in the ast 24 hours? Hw as the internet slowed your creative process down if at all?

>> No.20722307

Top tier shit, love a nopie.

>> No.20722383

I wonder how you become a less scared person. I guess the first question is why you're scared in the first place.

>> No.20722432

You might be more sensitive than average.

>> No.20722494

>women are meme

>> No.20722532


>> No.20722563
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my greatest enemies have all vanished. I have persevered.

>> No.20722734
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Why in the great googly fuck does anyone think the grain for Ukraine is going to work if they let the Russians "inspect" the transport? This flies in the face of what even the lowest, most retarded soldiers have known since before we even knew what copper was:
You don't let your enemies eat.

This isn't going to work even once, and if it does, it's because the Russians are too stupid to be allowed to live. I'm so fucking frustrated, I just want to scream.

>> No.20722788

Instantly end any argument at any time with these two magic words (women hate them!): "You're right." Don't fall for their bait. Don't play their game. If you find yourself in an argument, just use these two words. Use this knowledge wisely.

>> No.20722803

Powerful just like the word "no"

>> No.20722843

Women only exist in a parasitic state in our consciousness. Think about it, they all follow the same pattern of thinking and behaviour. They manifest as much as they are let to do so. The only way to win is not to care about them, for they stop existing (the idea of women at least, to deny their physical form requires a high level of schizophrenia)

>> No.20722858

this whole thing is turning into a fake war like iraq war 1. it better not have been a scam to push the price of oil back up after it hit all time lows during the pandemic.

>> No.20722920

Grain work? What are you talking about?

>> No.20722936

They're going to send shipments of grain to the ukraine, but the russians are allowed to "search the shipments for weapons", which is so insane I can't stand it.

>> No.20722947

ya i thought ukraine was a grain exporter not importer? russia is probably allowing the exports so it doesn't piss off russian allies who are being destabilized by soaring food prices. i like how op has this big opinion on how to run the war yet doesn't even understand what that port deal was for. the stupidity of /lit/ posters never ceases to amaze.

>> No.20722955

>ya i thought ukraine was a grain exporter not importer?
it's in a war right now, and putin just bombed the port at odessa.

>> No.20722966

it was 4 dinky rockets which are probably fake news propaganda anyways and none hit the port.

>> No.20722969

Nothing actually exists the way they say it does. It's all a big fiction to stop people killing each other. Women basically don't exist at all.

>> No.20722975

so i went and read what that deal was supposed to be and yes it was to resume EXPORTS so the rising food prices don't destabilize russian allies. i don't give a shit about ukraine, yet somehow i know more about it than you do.

>> No.20723037

One time I jerked off while listening to a scary ghost video and I had the best orgasm of my life.

>> No.20723047

Last week I jerked off while deeply thinking about death and it was one of the best coom

>> No.20723162

I wish I was dead. This pain isnt worth it.

>> No.20723197 [DELETED] 

>W.H.O. Declares Monkeypox Spread a Global Health Emergency
oh boy here we go again. are gay guy's going to stop having random anonymous sex for two weeks to stop the spread? i know that's a totally unreasonable request. imagine asking millions of people to alter their lifestyle for a disease with a 99.9% survival rate, that would never happen obviously.

>> No.20723219

And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. 3And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. 4And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. 5And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. 6And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. 7And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. 8And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.

>> No.20723236

I get a certain enjoyment out of the melancholy provisional life of a malcontent and dilletante

>> No.20723343

Is it normal to grow up and start to dislike all of your family?
I feel like they're all complete morons who never really grew as people.

>> No.20723411

So, today I woke up at noon and farted.
Then I ate 820 g of canned chili con carne, directly from the can. Delicious.
I then proceeded to order an 800g jar of Nutella, three fruit juice 1L boxes and those little tomatoes in delivery.
Now I contemplate the glorious sky while I reflect on the nut I just busted. She sure was sexy.

Life is good.

>> No.20723418
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Living the life

>> No.20723428

not sure if it's normal but that happened to me yeah

>> No.20723482

I have no ambitions or perspectives, I give up.

>> No.20723494

I am going to say the N word

>> No.20723576

Are people genuinely hating 1-st person prose or is it just a meme? I have seen such opinions before, but I cannot imagine from where it comes from. I've always enjoyed 1-st person as bringing the reader closer to the character. It's actually my prefered view-point.

>> No.20723629

I hate my family the moment I was born. They have done nothing but stand in my way my whole life. I don't speak to the for a reason.

>> No.20723718

You have to be pretty low down and despicable to run afoul of 4chan's notoriously lenient janitors.

>> No.20723736

Western Ukraine needs grain? We must be talking about eastern and maybe non-Donbass regions ¿

Not sure what’s going on, but Russia isn’t trying to kill civilians like the US usually does when it does its smash&grab operations. They don’t mind soldiers eating too. Not all of them are nazis. Too many are conscripts getting pushed out front as canon fodder. Humanitarian efforts are a tactic.

>> No.20723752

There is nothing lower and more despicable than a janny. No single factor lowers the quality of posts more than the jannies. I have been banned more than once for stating my philosophically rooted opposition to the very idea, which says a lot about what kind of worms are attracted to the position.

>> No.20723785

Pedophile posters
NSA posters
Rekt posters
Hyperborea posters
Nazi/moonman/various bigotry posters
Tranny hypno posters
Cuck/IR baiting posters
All types of troll posters
Scat posters
Bot/bot impersonator posters
These are all much much lower than jannies and mods

>> No.20723852

>Why [reddit noises] does anyone think the grain for Ukraine is going to work if they let the Russians "inspect" the transport?
>You don't let your enemies eat.
Nobody cares if it works or if Ukrainians are actually being fed, that's not the point. If Russia continues to block imports it would create the perception of a severe humanitarian crisis on the ground and would give the west justification and public support to push harder. They know that and they also know that nobody really wants to support Ukraine in that way. Russia is calling the bluff and forcing them to supply Ukraine by sea under their watchful eye. It's a compromise that keeps a full fledged engagement with NATO off the table and still allows them to retain as much perceived control over the situation as possible all while stretching the west a little bit thinner at a particularly shitty time to be stretched thin.

Ukraine is a fake country, it follows that the war is also fake. Oil is just one commodity, even if it's THE commodity. The price of crude has very little to do with what's going on in Ukraine and much more to do with larger trade block war. The US is sitting on 100 years of supply, it doesn't need any foreign oil. It needs the profits and control from exporting its own oil to third world shitholes under its sway and buying cheaper oil from the Saudis et. al. for domestic consumption. This is essentially what American consumers are paying dearly for right now, supplying those third world shitholes so that nobody else does.

>russia is probably allowing the exports so it doesn't piss off russian allies who are being destabilized by soaring food prices.
No that's good business for Russia to a degree. They want to pull in their allies and all the former soviet satellites. Aside from proxy wars and they can't afford to be fighting on another front right now, dependence on Russian commodities is and has been their key and basically only other strategy. They can still accomplish this while strong arming them.

>but the russians are allowed to "search the shipments for weapons", which is so insane I can't stand it.
That's exactly what the US would do if they were say invading Mexico and someone was trying to supply them by sea. Smuggling arms on commercial vessels is a very old tactic and the Russians are keenly aware of it. That's not the point either though, NATO doesn't need to sneak anything in when they can just walk in the back door.

>> No.20723861

All it takes is six letters.

>> No.20723891

>Smuggling arms on commercial vessels is a very old tactic and the Russians are keenly aware of it.
my issue is neither the smuggling, nor the inspections, it's specifically the russians being the one inspecting grain shipments to their enemies. It's like Hamlet's father appointing his uncle as a poison tester.

>> No.20723894

The only job of a mod should be to remove illegal material which there is international consensus on like CP.
You don't like certain subjects, clearly mostly due to being an illiterate retard so you think someone should be actively censoring what you're presented with. You're worse than all those posters put together. Your presence does not contribute anything anywhere.

>> No.20723900

It warms my heart to know that somewhere in the world, someone else eats chili con carne straight from the 820g can.

>> No.20723917

>By using this website (the "site"), you agree that you'll follow these rules, and understand that if we reasonably think you haven't followed these rules, we may (at our own discretion) terminate your access to the site:

>> No.20723924

Is Donald Fagen the greatest lyricist of all time?

>> No.20723934

Why would they let anyone else do it? That would guarantee smuggling.

>> No.20723951

If you don't like it, you can start your own rule-free image-board site.
Get to it, slacker.

>> No.20723965
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>> No.20723997

because letting the russians do it guarantees that they'll fuck with the shipment. why wouldn't they?

>> No.20724004

Well no. There are rules, and we’d like you to follow them. Stay on topic, don’t be underage, no trolling or flame wars, no racism, etc. there are rules for you to follow for each board. Fuck off if you don’t like it, dumb ass.

>> No.20724030

definitely the best of 1970s dad rock era

>> No.20724078

Who are "we"? Blackrock?
The reasoning for why censorship is stupid is well established and well tested both in wider history and the history of boards like this.
Do I really have to explain to you that the braindead, vague premises you're presenting in this post to judge what is acceptable just give propagandists toosl to remove ideas they find inconvenient?
When a thread starts down a path some fat tranny finds unacceptable then it gets deleted, not before. The result is active incentivization of shitposting.
None of you retard janny bootlickers think at all. No janny in history has ever had a single thought about anything. If they had they wouldn't be jannies.

>> No.20724103

"Fuck with it" how exactly? I think you're just being paranoid and Russophobic.

>> No.20724105 [DELETED] 

>weird blackrock mention
blacrock just missed their q2 earnings estimate idk why people act like they are some moustache twiddling tophat wearing cartoon of a capitalist. it's a public company, if you think they are making so much money, buy some shares.

>> No.20724111

What did I do to deserve this? What was my crime?
I'm being punished by the God without even knowing the reason.

>> No.20724131

You are so braindead it hurts. Most of the posts annoy you because you don't understand anything going on. You demand the world is "moderated" but you really mean dumbed down to your level.

>> No.20724132

there are infinite different ways they could, and they fucking should. only people too stupid to breathe wouldn't take the opportunity, when it's put right in their hand. the rest of the world has already proven that the only thing they'll do if putin does something fucked up is cry harder, so why wouldn't he? you're being retarded.

>> No.20724138

I hope none of my class mates try to talk to me or befriend me when classes resume. I'd fucking HATE that!

>> No.20724139

removing off-topic threads and guenon advertisements isn't "dumbing down" anything

>> No.20724141
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As long as AI hasn't replaced human potential in its fullest capacity there is absolutely no excuse for deliberately destroying the fertility of eccentric, creative individuals.

>> No.20724143

I asked how how exactly, as in, how specifically. And you came up with nothing. You're a sensationalized CNN viewer, worse than a retard.

>> No.20724158

>>>/pol/ is that way
I come here to forget about politics for a while

>> No.20724166

oh, my bad, I didn't know you were actually retarded, I was just saying that. literally anything. they could sabotage the ship, lie that they need to keep the ship for longer, say they found weapons when they didn't, hell, they could just order people to piss into the cargo bay. there's an endless list of ways they could; I wasn't just deflecting, shit-for-brains.

>> No.20724168

Depends on a lot of factors but you wouldn't know. You can't evaluate anything. There is no moderation on this site, there are groups of low IQ propagandists that try to steer discussion away from certain things and towards others like they were brainwashed to do.

>> No.20724190
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Its been a crazy year bros and I've come a long way, definitely living a healthier lifestyle now compared to the rock bottom days. Still, those were funny times.
Feel free to browse the archive and share some of your favorite posts, ill probably share some of my favorites and maybe give some awards for best post and reply to a post.

To those who seethe over my existence, dont worry this will all be over some day, we just dont know when. Cheers.

>> No.20724207 [DELETED] 

>write what's on your mind
>war is on our mind
>no not like that!
so don't go in the off-topic thread then

>> No.20724218
File: 327 KB, 1166x1190, CC977574-932E-4FB1-8E23-0FAC1460163F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit random, but there’s no better generals up, and I can’t post new threads in this IP range atm. Looking for suggestions on completing a “trifecta” of philosophers to explain “everything” from the highest possible perspective with as little overlap as possible.
>Plato (pbuh)
>CS Peirce (better than Aristotle, completed the system of German idealism)
Who’s the third to complete the trifecta? Preferably a systematic philosopher who deals with chaos, multiplicity, progression, flow, “least resistance”, freedom, nature, etc., because that’s what I think I’m missing now. If it subsumes Laozi and Zhuangzi well, then even better. Then I’ll be able to have my own answer to the problem of the one and the many (my own personal little LARP dream).

I have a hunch that Deleuze is my guy, but I don’t really know much about him. I’m generally extremely inexperienced with French philosophy. Any thoughts?

>> No.20724266

A couple of weeks ago a guy in my philosophy seminar unironically brought up “The Call of the Crocodile” during a class discussion about Parfit’s “The Non-Identity Problem.”’ I see people shitpost about TCOTC all the time, so I kind of assumed it was just a meme, but he seemed to have seriously read it and actually explained its whole premise to the professor. I had to restrain myself from laughing.

>> No.20724280

>they could just order people to piss into the cargo bay
Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize you were an actual strategic genius.
>there's an endless list of ways they could; I wasn't just deflecting
And yet you came up with one, and not a good one. You admit that you were deflecting though.
This is your brain on CNN.

>> No.20724329

>he doesn't think that making shipments of foodstuffs inedible is a legitimate wartime strategy.
stop watching nick fuentes you drooling mongoloid.

>> No.20724330

gays are spreading monkeypox to each other… the consequences of sexual degeneracy can be disastrous

>> No.20724337

which of u autists was it

>> No.20724346

i went to the indian market to buy fruits yesterday cuz it's too hot to walk to the chinese grocery and they had these mangos out in front and they were all green and mushy i thought they all looked like shit but the guy was staring at me as i manhandled them so i bought one for a dollar just to be polite. man, so fucking delicious. seriously greatest mango of my life. i think i'm going to go buy some more.

>> No.20724348

Should I stop learning Japanese?

>> No.20724351

yes you pathetic weeb

>> No.20724356
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>> No.20724360


>> No.20724376

Do you plan to go to Japan?

>> No.20724391

>An action may be wrong even if it isn't wrong for anyone
This is your brain on nominalism, folks. Is your professor retarded?

>> No.20724392

you started something, don't disrespect yourself by stopping now.
Maybe you can even pick up some kawaii japanese tourist girl and get a taste of eastern manko

>> No.20724413

cheers, xi

>> No.20724496

apple music just recommended me this

>> No.20724495

I mean, I can’t really talk shit about my professor in good conscience, because I feel indebted to him after he went out of his way to help me last week. But discussing “The Non-Identity Problem” seemed pretty pointless to me.

>> No.20724503
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"easy on the michigans" from the michigan arc

>> No.20724526
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"how embarrassing" in response to one of my old drunken gibberish posts.
for some reason the simplicity of this reply amused me a lot.

>> No.20724528

I did but I’m not so sure now.

This is a multi-year something though. It takes a lot of time, which I’m just thinking might be better spent elsewhere now that my ambitions with the language are falling away.

>> No.20724557

>you started something, don't disrespect yourself by stopping now.
sunk cost fallacy

>> No.20724558

i want to be an explorer when i grow up

>> No.20724565

why don’t you explore some bitches

>> No.20724573

imagine doeing that at the source of the nile or some shit tho

>> No.20724576

Alright, if you feel it would be a total irredeemable waste of time I guess it's OK to stop but to me learning a language is never a waste of time
Being a polyglot enlarges your range of expression and gives you new ways of thinking.

>> No.20724578

one of you fags actually brought up that shit in class? embarrassing

>> No.20724585

why don’t you explore deez nuts?

>> No.20724586

i thought that, but eventually i realized i love being comfy more. a beautiful mountaintop might be breathtaking, but so is sleeping on a soft bed with fluffy pillows and blankets.

>> No.20724590

My life is a mistake

>> No.20724596

I have no identity, I don't know who I am, lost in the sea of being

>> No.20724597

>languages give you know ways of thinking
damn first you fell for the sunk cost fallacy and now you're promoting the warf-sapir hypothesis which has been discredited. on a real midwit roll of bad ideas today i see.

>> No.20724623

Hwæt wilt þū?

>> No.20724631

I donno why we hang around these Ill tempered tykes, Xi. We deserve better.

>> No.20724635

I don't think a half pint of piss is going to stop starving hohols from eating. Mouthbreathers think that. You think that.

>> No.20724653

It's not an idea it's a fact.

>> No.20724662

It wouldn’t be a waste of time but I do wonder if I’d be better spending it on something else.

>> No.20724666


>> No.20724702

Scandinavians are really cringe.
That’s all I had on my mind. :3

>> No.20724713

you're dumb as a box of wet hair

>> No.20724722
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>> No.20724730

Well shucks, at least I'm not as retarded as a CNN viewer.

>> No.20724764

It's my 27th birthday and my fiance is breaking up with me, any books for this feel?

>> No.20724769
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>> No.20724776
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In the end I went with a Hungarian penpal. Shoutout to Dora, I'm helping her learn English.

>> No.20724777

that guy talking about russians pissing in ukrainian grain made me think of that too lol

>> No.20724788

I wouldn't know, since I've never watched CNN in my life.

>> No.20724804

you can't give yourself awards. only RL Stein can do that.

>> No.20724815
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another iconic moment. the night i did this the woman i am now dating snapchatted me at 2am frantically apologizing for whatever she did for me to act so cold towards her. truly retarded, do not act like bogart

>> No.20724826
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its the one year anniversary of my trip, celebrate with me

>> No.20724827

why do I feel like I owe something to the bourgeois philistines i grew up with?
my life decisions are a joke to them, but why does it hurt?

>> No.20724840

if you can’t find perfection in every moment you’ll never find it ever

>> No.20724854

i grew up in a mixed town with professor's kids and factory chud's kids in the same schools, i did better than my factory chud caste as a whole but definitely underperformed the professor kids i know one is a documentary film maker and another one has an academic press book that gets posted on here rarely but more than never.

>> No.20724887

I will under one condition: find me a slash fic that is hot and plot heavy.

>> No.20724896

whats slash fic? is it like slasher movies but book form? if that's the case then fuck reading and just watch uhhh My Bloody Valentine (1981), yeah watch that

>> No.20724899

everything in my life is wrong
everything in my life is wrong
everything in my life is wrong

>> No.20724906

my god...
yes, they're about slasher killers, don't worry about it, don't look it up.
Congrats on your first trip anniversary!

>> No.20724916

i searched for that cuz i figured it was some lyrics from a shitty 2000s emocore band or something but i guess not

>> No.20724938


>> No.20724944


>> No.20724954

Well, you are not wrong.I don't know how to untangle the mess that my life has become and I know everything is my fault, either by fear of taking the actions I had to in the past or really fucking it up due to inexperience or stupidity when I actually did something. I also didn't actually "live", I am mostly inexperienced because of social isolation.
The result is this, emocore lyrics. I'm desperate.

>> No.20724959

I love joy division.

>> No.20724964

sex with prostitutes is the only thing that gives me joy these days

>> No.20724967

I really don’t like when women post here.
They’re utter morons.
Constantly exposing themselves as pseuds.
Only here for attention.
Many such cases.

>> No.20724971

imagine how it would feel with someone who really loves you. you should strive to achieve this goal

>> No.20724973

watch out for monkeypox

>> No.20724999

The most hilarious aspect of this board is that literally no one is discussing new authors or new releases, especially in Fantasy.

>> No.20725008

That's a problem with literature as a whole, not this board. The sheer volume of new works isn't helping anything.

>> No.20725014

the threads that do die with 0 replies. after a while, you just give up.

>> No.20725025

also i don't trust /lit/s opinion on anything, especially books.

>> No.20725071

Fantashit doesn’t qualify as literature, you absolute pseud

>> No.20725103

I wish I was a teen again, when the biggest problem in my life was studying for a math test of finishing an English essay. I grew older and life grew more stressful. I want to go back.

>> No.20725123

i mean i'm sure it's great, but until that happens i'm not gonna stop. the thrill alone makes it worth it.

that's a legit fear of mine rn

>> No.20725140

I feel trapped, I don't know what to do, it is all falling apart


>> No.20725149

I realized my posts here have a pattern, I wonder if other anons can identify it's the same person everytime I post

>> No.20725150

Yeah, why isn't anyone lining up to discuss Sally Rooney's latest novella?
Shut up idiot, everything modern is soulless.

>> No.20725153

When my ex got good at sucking dick, which took her a while but she got there, I remember my first thought was "I wonder which dick she has been practicing on". The reality is that she was always perfectly reliable. She was my first gf. I'm beginning to think maybe this is a story that says something about the problems I have had with trust.

>> No.20725169



these are all my posts btw

>> No.20725197

Fantasy is stranger than fiction.

>> No.20725198

don't sleep on sleeping on your gains

>> No.20725223
File: 6 KB, 320x180, Icanttakethisshitnomoreman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "You only talk to me for nudes"
> Tries to have normal conversation
> Most stale boring shit ever
> mfw

>> No.20725240

Childhood ends.
And you wasted yours wanting to grow up fast.

>> No.20725419

date with ex-junkie tomorrow
what could go wrong?

>> No.20725427

You might just find out that there's no such thing. They just displace their addictions with something else.

>> No.20725428

>They just displace their addictions with something else.
like my penis?

>> No.20725431

Probably not, no.

>> No.20725434

I fist-bumped an actual schizo in work today.

>> No.20725442

Great now we're all going to catch it.

>> No.20725444

An actual schizo would never first bump you

>> No.20725479

will (you) be smoking weed tonight?

>> No.20725516

Is there any good reason to get a master's degree for literature?

>> No.20725534

Sure if you want to be the dumbest person working at Starbucks.

>> No.20725592

ur rich already

>> No.20725615

Only to make contacts for later attempts at tradpubbing.

>> No.20725618

I laugh but a part of me deeply resents that the uber-rich will have oppurtunities to study what they want, not what makes money. For them education is for its own sake, for us it is an investment.

>> No.20725624

you can teach rich boys to do poetry in some secret club, or something like that

>> No.20725629

Insurmountable debt is not an investment.

>> No.20725712

Is there any sci-fi setting that covers the possibility of the internet as a whole breaking down into separate networks as a result of increased desire for state control, corporate fuckery, and individualists wanting part of neither?

>> No.20725740

What is it with autist asking for niche shit no one cares about.

>> No.20725749

don't know about that but the AI race sets up its own internet within an internet in simmons' hyperion

what an odd response

>> No.20725757


>> No.20725937

I'm tired of it all

>> No.20725938

I've never had a single friend in my entire life and by age 13 I had pretty much stopped regularly talking to everyone in my family. However, everyone has always seemed to like me and be kind to me, and I haven't felt loneliness in a long time and don't know if I ever felt it. I am perfectly content.

>> No.20725974
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I am having r9k-tier thoughts.

>> No.20726065

Are you the black femboy anon?

>> No.20726069 [DELETED] 

do you ever go for a walk on a hot summer night and think about how you only have a finite number of summers left. you might still have 10-20 with vitality and 20 more of middle age, but there are only so many and only so many things can happen.

>> No.20726084 [DELETED] 

unexpectedly good jam on that new jack white album

>> No.20726109

there comes a time every night where i start to feel sad. now is that time.

>> No.20726275
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similar thoughts are darting through my brain at pretty much all hours of the day. I've just been drowning them out with alcohol for the better part of a decade. I recently started getting daily liver pains. I'm at an inflection point here, boyos

>> No.20726281

The light bulb bunned out in my room. I have been sitting in dark for about an hour now.

>> No.20726328

In a distant desert, the people huddled around televisions, watching with bated breath, the battle for the world was being fought and they couldnt do anything.
One group hidden in a basement cursed, their plans all ruined, while destruction of the kingdom was what they planned they didn't want utter decimation.
One woman strapped into armor and than into a mech, which stood at around 18 feet, armed with a chainsaw and a gattling cannon.
beneath their feet the earth quaked and cracked, people scrambled to run to safety as the mech rose its engines flaring as it flew out of the ground, its eyes shimmering with a golden light.

screams of terror rang out, the ones huddled around the televisions fell back in horror and despair as they watched as a great blue light wash over their neighboring kingdom, watched the monster fire a purple beam,
And washed as the blue light expand only for the televisions to pop and explode, the planet shook, cracks and sinkholes taking form everywhere as the planet struggled to keep itself together.
The desert people rushed to their airships hoping to find sanctuary in the skies.

The "Mobile suit" flew past a couple of airships, the woman clicking on the radio and asked "So what the hell was that just now? did that bastard do what I think he did?" The response was one she wished she didn't get as she grimaced "The bastard destroyed Acrios. it's completely gone! Just a fucking crater!" she punched her console in anguish hearing those words, stopping mid flight to stare ahead, she made it to where the Realm of Forist used to be, nothing but flames and cracked earth stretching into infinity, a blue light shining in the horizon before her, tears rolling down her cheeks at the absurd destruction before her. "Hey, March? are you okay? you don't have to do this if you dont want to." She stared at the radio than back to the ruined land before her

"yes I do" as she launched forward at a great speed.

Working with a character limit kinda sucks, but heres a new part to my autistic anime story

>> No.20726334

It's "baited".

>> No.20726341

Is it? shti now im unsure lemme google

Definition of with bated breath
: in a nervous and excited state anticipating what will happen They waited for the answer on their application with bated breath.

google and dictionary disagree anon

>> No.20726361
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I did it bros. I made a bait.

>> No.20726378

Oh hah hah good job. any other feedback you got though? hopefully I did better than last time.

>> No.20726385
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>> No.20726401

I uh honestly just kinda stopped reading there. Hold on a minute.

>> No.20726433

someone make the new thread so i can type up this mopey post in my head i don't want to do it in a dead thread

>> No.20726443

/k/ here, "Gatling" is a proper noun with one T.
>people scrambled to run to safety as the mech rose its engines flaring as it flew out of the ground
This is a little clumsy.
>screams of terror rang out, the ones huddled around the televisions fell back in horror and despair as they watched as a great blue light wash over their neighboring kingdom, watched the monster fire a purple beam,
>And washed as the blue light expand only for the televisions to pop and explode, the planet shook, cracks and sinkholes taking form everywhere as the planet struggled to keep itself together.
This is very clumsy. Trim your sentences down and try to do more with less so the reader doesn't get lost.
>"yes I do" as she launched forward at a great speed
Try replacing simple descriptions like "great speed" with something a little more interesting. Breaking out a thesaurus may help.

It's obvious you have a vision in your mind that's trying to get out. The execution just needs to improve. Consider re-reading your work, and instead of thinking how closely it aligns with what you're imagining, read it from the perspective of someone seeing it for the first time. What details is your brain filling in that a new reader won't get?

>> No.20726481

yeah im still struggling with the second portion, and yeah with the last point im also working against a character limit so I had to be super simple there.

Thank you very much, I will keep doing my best to get this right.

>> No.20726542

all the music I like seems to be mostly popular among teenage girls

>> No.20726543

Actually on second thought, I need an example of how I should trim that part down please and thank you.

>> No.20726591

did you fuck them or did you just 'infer' they were down to fuck? you know i thought the same but i've come to realize that women love to feel desired and just getting you to the point where you're asking to fuck them is enough for some of them. ive def met the ones with the on-off simpy bfs but others just love to lead people on to elicit attention.

>> No.20726607

ya many women will flirt u to death but then at the last minute teehee my bf, she's not down to fuck until it's a done deal as far as i'm concerned

>> No.20726614
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New thread >>20726590