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21301348 No.21301348 [Reply] [Original]


Prev >>21296717

>> No.21301360

I mustn’t masturbate I really mustn’t. Please. No.

>> No.21301384
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There's a lot of good underground Japanese bands in the punk/rock/metal scene. Boris, Flower Travellin Band, Ghost and Shizuka come to mind immediately. I feel like that since Japan is so focused on appearances and collective harmony to the detriment of one's happiness, good artists dedicate themselves to this as not just a means tp make money but a lifestyle. It's the same deal with Rush or the Meat Puppets.

>> No.21301385
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want to stop being an underground man. Any books or anecdotes about people who successfully managed to stop being spiteful and ugly and become sociable? I just want to stop being so bitter and lonely.
Although I have to wonder if it is even worth it.
Reposting from previous thread.

>> No.21301390

I made that post, you can't repost it without my permission.

>> No.21301393

Are shadows material objects?

>> No.21301398

almosrt every man out there is miserable now
society is designed to make elites even richer than they are and to accomodate and entertain midwit women
it's just different flavor of disappointment and disillusionment even if you debase yourself to the level of high-functioning normie drone

>> No.21301399

3h10 to bedtime, I should study some geometry but I am demotivated.

>> No.21301413
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Reminder that there are only 36 days left of 2022 and the odds of you getting a gf by new years is zero to none

>> No.21301426

>still falling for the womeme

>> No.21301432

I changed my view. I am still an underground man but a content underground man. I now find my isolation from others quite enjoyable and no longer care what others may think or do. Actually, I’m quite relieved that I don’t have much in common with anyone and focus on cultivating my personal sense of aesthetics in everything I do. Of course, I must still interact with society but only through work and commerce. I try my very best not to be influenced by others because I’ve come to love myself.

>> No.21301435

I dont care about it anymore. Im not bothered by my virgin wizard status.

>> No.21301439

I stopped smoking weed and made it a goal to become a law enforcement officer shortly before my 25th birthday. Three years later I have many more friends, a girlfriend of two and a half years, and a stable job. I'm still bitter and lonely and miserable, but I do get some solace being with others.

>> No.21301450

>I try my very best not to be influenced by others because I’ve come to love myself.
One day that will be me...

>> No.21301456

aahhh I like building miniature sets so fucking much

>> No.21301462

you should start smoking weed again

>> No.21301471

I miss it sometimes, but it's not worth it. I've already blown through years of my life smoking weed and doing nothing.

>> No.21301480

whenever I decide to check /tv/ and /sp/ I end up laughing like a retard

>> No.21301489

how do i stop being a pessimistic nihilist? it doesnt seem like theres much reason not to be but im also aware that is a manifestation of my depression. how do non-depressed people deal with the meaningless monotony and boredom of being alive?

>> No.21301514

I wish the best for you Anon!

>> No.21301577

Wim Hof

>> No.21301590

What about him?

>> No.21301711

God I hate all of this.

>> No.21301751
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Today I finished reading the first part of my book (not a book I wrote, just a book that I own). I'm on page 210 and it's the longest book I've read so far.

>> No.21301762

Why do shut ins with no social experience think they understand social dynamics? I come into these threads and see you weirdos spinning these grandious theories of interpersonal behavior when you literally dont know anyone or ever go outside.

>> No.21301764

Not true at all. Ive been chatting with a girl in one of my classes. Might just have a chance

>> No.21301768

Weed is why you're miserable

>> No.21301784

>tfw people try to bait you out of misery by making you more miserable
>mfw it seems like it would work if i was any duller but the fact i can see through it just makes me fill with anger

>> No.21301815

Why the fuck is my Brave browser not blocking ads on 4chan?

>> No.21301820
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No, they are absent of light in the first place, in this case, it's rather light is what "material". Without light there is no shadow, and if you want to be really wicked with it, the whole world is in the shadow that is then illuminated by the light of creation.

>> No.21301871

I do not want to return to the midsts of Maya, money isn't worth it... i wish to go into the forest to complete the path.

>> No.21301914

i have a fear of looking at job postings because i know i'm not going to make it

>> No.21301928

Through the application of pure reason using deductive a priori synthetic judgements.

>> No.21301933

I understand the squirrels in my yard pretty well even though I'm not a squirrel. They eat, they run, they dig, they scream until another squirrel fucks them. What's not to understand? You want me to go live in a tree before I can claim I understand what the squirrels are all about? It's the squirrel's problem he doesn't know how to build a nice warm house, not my problem he chooses to live in a cold wet tree. I can observe his simple behaviors just fine from in here.

>> No.21301936

It's a difficult path to walk, to be a friend. Your counsel is needed as much as your silence. Neither are appreciated fully. It seems a commitment to last forever, but your parents illuminate the truth...
Friendships don't last, you can't save everyone from themselves, and sometimes it's best to just shut the fuck up.

>> No.21301952

Drinking fernet and reading Beowulf. Going to bed early for the first day of deer season tomorrow. Hopefully I will get a deer soon after dawn and I won't have to sit in the cold all day.

>> No.21302010

Why was Napoléon disgusted by pleasure?

>> No.21302028
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I am completely estranged and I revel in it. There's nothing else. I am left alone with my ideas which provide no comfort.
And even these ideas are paltry, half-baked and insufficient, only ever revealing my own biases and prejudicial attitudes the product of my environment and upbringing.
All things are insufficient. We are insufficient to ourselves. We cannot escape the smallness of our selves. Ants on the mound, proclaiming godhood, as the parcels we've accumulated slowly run out. The queen feeds on her followers

>> No.21302034

But you're not observing people. You need to actually have intimate relationships to know what its like to have intimate relationships. Your "observations" are memes and anecdotes from other shut ins who spin fantasies. It's the blind leading tbe blind

>> No.21302036

He wasn't. He was an "imagine the smell" poster IRL. When returning from campaigns, he would send a courier with a message to Josephine, telling her not to bathe because he wanted her ripe and rank.

>> No.21302048
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Is there anything more cucked than social anxiety?
It's like sabotaging yourself where it really matters.

>> No.21302050


>> No.21302053
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>only 5 more days
Hang on tight bros, we’re cooming home

>> No.21302059

It's not that I am not conscious of the pain I'm inflicting to the people that I love but rather that nothing seems to hold much weight in my mind at all. I simply can't bring myself to care.
It's kind of fucked up. It's like some outside force is actively trying to redirect my mind elsewhere everytime I try to think about what someone is enduring.

I must be some kind of super-egoist. Perhaps the perfect product of a godless society. I'm not trying to be edgy or anything. I just realized I don't think about my close family at all. All of my friends call their family at least once a week and I don't. I wasn't abused and everyone has been nice to me. I just don't care. I would cry if my parents died but I never talk to them while they're alive.

>> No.21302066

>a dream i had
>im driving and my car is falling apart
>gives out, i have to push it across the street while a crowd mocks me
>smoke shop is closed
>leave my car there, fuck it
>aimlessly wander the streets smoking the last of my vape
>get home
>have a heart attack in bed
>cant even grip my phone properly to call 911
>muster the strength
>want to call my mom instead to say goodbye
>feel my heart explode
yeah, a "dream"

>> No.21302081

You deserve this

>> No.21302148

Get with the times old man.

>> No.21302169
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>> No.21302173

Holy shit I'm dying for a cigarette. I accidentally got addicted. Fuck.

>> No.21302323

yeah real traditional to be posting memes on a japanese message board on your computer. no, yeah, youre old school, dude.

>> No.21302342

Cool non sequitor

>> No.21302352

I think I'm beginning to sink into being depressed again. I tend to live a rather lonely life, I have friends, but they view me as something that I'm not and hardly really know me at all, barely remembering the smallest of details. I simply feel alienated for the most part and my means of escapism of no longer doing the trick. I might get drunk but ultimately none of this really matters and I should kill myself. I'd rather not, but it's the only thing that'd probably make people finally care and mean that. Wah wah

>> No.21302390

As a high-functioning alcoholic, and as someone who knows a few high-functioning alcoholics, I feel like people underestimate how dangerous drinking is because they have such normal, routinized lifestyles that fit their drinking into normal activities, like drinking with co-workers, friends, drinking to celebrate the little things in life, etc. The high-functioning alcoholic is exceptional at this kind of pseudo-sublimation. I honestly know that drinking improved my social life, and, hell, gave me a social life.

What I'm saying is that once I lost my job, the urge to drink, of course, was still there, except that I suddenly lacked the structure in my life that would normally structure my drinking habits. Suddenly there was no bed time, and nothing to wake up for. There was now functionally no reason to stop drinking.

I found myself on a bender almost overnight. I was "celebrating my freedom", I said. Of course the rationalizations exhausted themselves, and I was left to realize that drinking was like a little demon I danced with, and as soon as I had the slats pulled out from under me, I was defenseless against this demon.

The self-delusion became more apparent. I could no longer say, "Well, work hard, play hard!" The days are no longer busy, and while I'm still job-hunting, most of my days are filled with pseudo busy work -- and as soon as the sun sets I know it's time to get drunk.

>> No.21302394

I'm asking this genuinely for the people here who had a relatively normal upbringing and relationship with their parents. My parents (or mother at least) I suspect to be deeply mentally ill. I'm nearly 30 years of age. I don't live with my parents. I speak to my mother every day on the phone and see her once a week. The other day, in a throwaway remark on the phone, I mentioned that I had to reschedule an appointment this week because another appointment had come up. It was a psych appointment. She knows I see a shrink but it's not something I like to talk about with anyone. When she asked what the appointment was, I said it was personal and I don't really feel comfortable talking about it. She accused me of cutting her out of my life and for about 4 days refuses to talk to me. Is this unusual or unhealthy behavior? My sister, who has mental health problems of her own said I had done a good thing in setting boundaries and that she didn't have it in her to do the same.

I'm not dissimilar to you but since a personal disaster a little over a year ago I've opened up a lot more to my closest friends (they actually initiated when they saw something was wrong, 2 of them took me into their home for months to help me recover). I've found it freeing that I can be as close to the real me as possible. I'm still unhappy but it helped alleviate a feeling that I was months if not weeks away from suicide.

>> No.21302395

I feel this, but fuck it. Another round

>> No.21302425

>Read the original Conan the Barbarian short stories
>Mention of some sort of supernatural horror
>Supernatural horror always described as hairy or furry, with ape-like features

Is it just me or does it seem like the supernatural foes of Conan are just gorillas or dogmen with magical abilities?

>> No.21302454

Never read anything frfom sanderson before, should i start with mistborn or stormlight?

>> No.21302522

I think that I am in love with you.

>> No.21302592


>> No.21302594

How long have you been on a bender?

>> No.21302596

any literature that babbys you through the job getting process with encouragements like the boomer father pasta

>> No.21302601

Nice kitty

>> No.21302605

>Flower Travelin Band
Haven't heard that name in years. You like Guitar Wolf by any chance?

>> No.21302617

I used to criticize my mum for only having the Bible the only thing she reads. I gave her Ikigai a month back and she finished it within a week.

>> No.21302692

Bear in mind that I'm high-functioning, so I never truly let myself go for more than a day at a time. At worst I only drink from dusk till dawn, so I don't drink during the day. I also never entirely indulge to the point that I'm JUST drinking. I'll drink while doing other things, even while unemployed. I just spent over an hour talking about a job on the phone while taking shots of bourbon. Like last night, I'll be doing some busywork while taking shots. Eventually, even though my tolerance is high, I'll get so drunk that I can't control myself, and I'll definitely finish whatever alcohol I have in the house, and pass out. Tomorrow morning I'll spend nursing a hangover until dusk. By Monday, I'll quit it for a few days.

>> No.21302697

fave bourbon brand?

>> No.21302714

If you quit a hard job after only a few days, would you be embarrassed?

>> No.21302756

A little. But I would have to take in to account my experience as well. If I have no job experience, it'll definitely look off in my CV.

>> No.21302768

I need to find a woman, but as someone with no social life, this is somewhat difficult.

>> No.21302772

Been on Knob Creek.

>> No.21302773

He is a BPD femboy that wants a drunk daddy bf
So, kill him

>> No.21302814

I'm not playing that stupid game anymore. I can't talk about it, the thief— the thief of Miranda Street, that is, the one I told you of the other day— is watching again. He's always watching, ogling, squirming by the street lamps right in front of the butcher store. I can feel his gaze right now boring into my back. I can't believe it's sunset and he's STILL HERE. Why are we always drinking coffee here again? I know that if try to stare back at him, he'll just act as if nothing happened. And then I would be the crazy one. You're looking away. You don't believe me. No, shut up. You don't, do you? Motherfucker, I thought we were friends!
Alright, shut the fuck up. Listen. He's not following you home anymore. Since I noticed and told you about him, he's been following me. I think. Yesterday, I hear someone walking in the kitchen, so I got there, and guess what? There was nothing. I think he just became invisible like he does with others. I think he can do it at will, with anyone. He's just fucking with my head by appearing visible only to me. I know you don't believe me but, please, you knew me before— you know I'm not that crazy. And you know what? If I AM crazy, then fuck it. Even if I'm the only one in the world to see him, that fucking nigger thief is very real and he's going to be the death of me and I know it and I'm ready to take him on.

No. I won't fight him. I'm trying something new tomorrow. He'll follow me again, and I'm not letting him playing games with my head anymore. I've installed cameras. I'll show you then.

That the thief is real.

>> No.21302840

Anon, plz. She has 50 other guys "chatting" with her, all waiting for their own read receipts.

It is not real unless you are physically there with her.

>> No.21302847

I can't believe we're all just stardust gazing back at stars sometimes. I feel so small knowing I am literally truly nothing but a speck of dust. Why should I care about human customs? Why should I care about anything but the immensity of the Universe and the Being who made it? All of my troubles just vanish whenever I realize that I am naught. I'll be dead in less than a hundred years, and it's a little optimstic since I probably don't even have thirty years left in actual truth. Stopping myself for a single second is enough to remember I'm only kicking and walking on Earth for a few decades.

Why should I care about Elon Musk, about Great Wars, about anything? Everything I write now might as well disappear in the next few days, archived forever in some obscure internet website and never to be seen again. Perhaps picked up by some IA in the future, but that's optimistic, again. I'll disappear from Earth the same way my messages do on the day of my death. I will disappear from the memories of my loved ones, and leave nothing behind but bones and dust.

Very frankly, I don't care anymore. I just wish I was striken by religious devotion so that I have something to look forward.

>> No.21302864

I’m at a point where I have absolutely no idea what to do with my life. I’m halfway through college and my major is useless, I have no friends and I’ve never had a job. I’m miserable and don’t know what to do. The future terrifies me. My only ambitions in life are to have a well-paying job that gives me enough free time to pursue other interests and write two books (one fiction and the other nonfiction) but this is extremely unlikely. I’m an unknown person with no chance of being recognized for any sort of literary talent or critical analysis and my college major is garbage so I’m definitely not going to have a sustainable job in the future. I'm running towards a brick wall and every step of the way is misery.

>> No.21302869

First girl i fell in love with when i was like 12 was a tomboy. Later i havent had a chance to meet them much but i did text couple of them for a long while. From what i gather they usually have incredibly cute face, are flat like the other anon mentioned and they are too cool to play usual women mind games but they still do them in their own way. They can hang with the guys and yeah like that anon said have probably a strong fatherly presence in their lives but not necessarily strict one. In conversation they can be really direct and candid and tend to be mischievous and like to pretend theyre stupid. Like anon said theyre probably above average intelligence and in girl groups they feel overwhelmed with pettiness and gossip and irrational stupidity. They hate to put on an act and be fake like theyre supposed to in order to be in girl groups

>> No.21302873


> A job
> Friends
> Wife

Clearly you understand what is your problem (lack of social function). If you are a proper autist incel neet, it is going to feel weird, but you will have to just let things happen to you. Don't overthink it, don't read too much subtext into everything.

>> No.21302933
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this lady

>> No.21302941

> small head
> v shaped rat head


>> No.21302949

envious ugly bitch, shut up

>> No.21302956
File: 277 KB, 514x493, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a guy i just don't like people with small heads or rodent-like faces. Why is their head so smol, did someone put it on a vise? Is their brain damaged? We just can't tell. Better stick to big heads.

>> No.21302977

Another year successfully wasted. I read maybe one book this year. next year will be different(I hope)

>> No.21302981

>using brave
surprised it's doing suspicious shit
just use firefox with ublock origin

>> No.21302985
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louis gucci polo i rock all that shit everyday

>> No.21302995

Where can I find something akin to Dostoyevsky's 'Petrashevsky Circle' to join? Mavbe /lit/ is the modern day Petrashevsky circle...

>> No.21303031
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all i have is my pictures. without my pictures, im nothing -- prehistoric man

>> No.21303041

I really was there to attend class. I even asked my prof to contact the department admin and transfer our class to another building after what happened. I would never have tried to show up and meet you or anything. I wasn’t the anon who said that I wanted to kill myself. But its clearly what you want, and I don’t really see any other way forward for myself after what I just found out. I’m not trying to manipulate you; I just don’t think I can live with these images in my head. Really this is my own fault, and I know it’s what I deserve after the horrible thing that I’ve done. For what it’s worth, I had a reason to believe what I did in January: #19701924. And a more recent one, a poem, but maybe I really am delusional, and I know that you have no reason to trust me or to believe anything that I say. I never meant to hurt you, though I’ve behaved inexcusably. There’s something wrong with me. Really there’s no excuse for me anymore. I’m sorry for everything. That’s all I can say, even though it doesn’t fix it. I hope you can forget this and that the rest of your life will be good. I hope &amp works out. I’m so sorry if I ruined things. I understand why you hate me. I hate myself too.

>> No.21303069

She approached me and I talk to her in person. Go outside you fucking loser

>> No.21303073

Is Brave gay?

>> No.21303075

Cute but in an "is it an androgynous young man?" kinda way.

>> No.21303078

You took the AA cultist pill.

>> No.21303080

It sucks man.
It's held everything in my life back hitherto.
But things are getting better.
You just gotta find ways to slowly chip away at it.

>> No.21303103
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I'm losing motivation for losing weight and im so bored and unfulfilled holy fuck

if only a spiteful goblin creature could make snide plausible deniable remarks about me

>> No.21303115

I can’t afford a wife

>> No.21303214

I gave up on most of my dreams a long time ago. My dream right now is to work a stable job and to live in my own house. I don't even care if the work is shitty or if I have to rent.
Love? Personal achivements? Self-actualization? Experiencing great things or seeing great places? You've got the wrong guy, the people with actual souls are down the hall and to the left.

>> No.21303215

I had this dream where I was walking out of swimming pool (which was located underground) wearing nothing but speedos. I also was smoking a cigar, it tasted good and I was in unusually high spirits.

>> No.21303258

That's cool.

>> No.21303335

If you need "motivation" to lose weight you are approaching it wrongly. Motivations are fleeting.

Habits and autism are eternal, you have to make it part of you instead of contingent on some fleeting motivation.

>> No.21303346
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I am legitimately fucking tired of the "just be normal" people I encounter. Both IRL and on social media. Just being normal while weird shit was happening above us and around us is precisely what got the world into the shitty state it's currently in. Fuck being normal. The time for being normal has passed. For my own sake and the sake of those I care about, it's time to get weird.

>> No.21303418

It’s weird seeing anon have no life and just post in 4chan 24/7

>> No.21303435

Getting strong GPT-3 vibes from this thread

>> No.21303526

Getting ready to sleep and just prayed to God to end me already. I really hope I don’t wake up. I hope this is my last night.

>> No.21303545

It is beyond over.

>> No.21303556

I turned 25 a couple months ago, have been on the internet since I was a kid, found 4chan when I was 14.
Was talking to kids age 12-19 recently and its shocking how so much of their "youth culture", slang, memes, ideologies, ect. is derivative of 4chan/incel circle content from around 2016-20. Even the "cool kid" jocks and girls as well.
Its all exhausted 4chin tropes at this point, but its fresh for them. How do I convey that I am in the know, without directly stating I spent my teen years on this shithole, and how do I argue against their nonsense without coming off as a "normie" who doesn't understand?
I also want to extend this to older groups as well. So much of their bullshit stems from this site and I have a hard time explaining that I know the origin of their opinions without exposing myself

>> No.21303558

Stopped smoking weed, got a job, went back to school, finally got my dick sucked

>> No.21303559
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>> No.21303562

grow up

>> No.21303570
File: 1.61 MB, 473x498, kcansc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my gf, she is a kind and smart person who cares for me deeply. She has a nice body but her face is a little below average.
I am usually shallow so I gave her a chance and started dating her earlier this year, not expecting it to go anywhere. But it has, and christmas is coming up and she wants to meet my family.
Realizing right now how vain I am, scared I will be judged by the attractiveness of my gf even though I am attracted to her myself. Feel like shit

>> No.21303599

I am categorically closed minded and am not open to changing my ideas, only in the explanation of them. In this way, if someone were to point out a flaw, it can be resolved without necessarily having to appease their point of view if it is not convenient towards me. I say this, because the mere existance of this fundamental closed-mindedness will inherently frustrate the fuse of those who aren't patient enough to see the whole story before implying an improvement.

>> No.21303611

Never heard of them. I'll look into it. Thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.21303658

I encourage you to do it! Even if you feel like you won't do it. This will serve as practice for the next interview and you will get it eventually.

>> No.21303694
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Kill me, tyvm.

>> No.21303700

I am sorry that I couldnt be the gf you wanted but at the same time I feel relief to be able to be who I really am and not who others want me to be. This is also a struggle I have with my father, i feel like a disapointment if I dont take his advices and he doesnt understand I cant be like him. Also my mom is very manipulative and I encounter conflict whenever I try to set boundaries. All this family conflict make me feel inadequate to be in a relationship forever. I feel like I won't be a good fit as a wife and will never be loved.
Does anybody have book recs about relationships, how to be a better partner (without losing individuality) and love?
Thanks beforehand

>> No.21303703

nah i'm like this >>21303694
but with a job

>> No.21303752

nice suicide note
since you’re such a fan you should submit it to &amp before you kys, schizo

>> No.21303757

it won't be and you know it. Tomorrow find one thing that has real beauty to you. Spend the day looking for it, and once you have found it, direct all your energy to thinking on just why it is beautiful. Write about it if you are so inclined. You'll be right

>> No.21303822
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I used to drink socially, then I started drinking every night alone, then every night + whole weekends, then for 3 months i was a constantly drunk. 100 grams of vodka just to get up from bed. I was working drunk daily, drove drunk daily. Then one morning i couldn't even drink water and went through delirium tremens and 4 day withdrawal with no sleep. I'm now 24 days sober and frequent AA meetings daily.

>> No.21303916

whats your hot take

>> No.21303919

ive never had a gf but i sympathize with you

>> No.21303992

I know you better than you know yourself.

>> No.21303998

sure is a hot one today huh

>> No.21304060

I just woke up and can’t go back to sleep. I wish I could find something beautiful anon. I don’t know where? I used to find beauty in art. But that’s long gone. What should I do?

>> No.21304078

I was supposed to grade undergraduate papers today, but the sun shone for the first time in 14 days or so (unironically, fuck northern winters), so I went for a four hour walk instead. Now, it is nearly time for my saturday drugs.

So, decide for me /lit/ - do I do my drugs as I would normally, or do I press on and grade shitty papers all night? The students really want the feedback, but I can almost guarantee that individual feedback is pointless, because the problem of each and every one of them is that they cannot structure an argument or reason.

>> No.21304091

beauty is in willing strive to goodness

>> No.21304100

ah another winter alone
if only i had the strength of will to end it (i don't mean suicide, i mean getting a gf)

>> No.21304131

whats your stack

>> No.21304144
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I had to carry a 20kg box because I was too unconfident to ask the deliveryman to leave it on the back of the house.

>> No.21304174

Getting sober is godsend but i'll wait and see. There are guys in AA who have drunk themselves to death after 13 years of sobriety.

>> No.21304388
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Last thread an anon posted a link to a video he uploaded where he described why he left 4chan that day (or at least tried, he could still be here. I hope not). When looking for that video again on my own, I found this video, which is (relatively) ancient, but is still very relevant despite how much 4chan has changed.
This video was uploaded a few months before I first started using 4chan frequently. I had used this website a bit before the summer of 2014 but never really got absorbed into it until then. I wonder, if I had seen that video around that same time, would I still be using this website? Had I never used 4chan (and later 2x4chan) I know I would be in a much better place today. Anyways, it's true that this website is a time-waster and is not good for the soul. I've managed to quit it for months at a time but always seem to get dragged back in. Hours upon hours are spent on this place day after day. It has been said time and time again that literally anything is more productive than this place. I don't know what I'm going to do to fill this vacuum of time that has been created, but it can't be any worse than browsing here for hours each day. Maybe I'll actually read all the books I've told /lit/ I was going to read. I doubt this will be goodbye forever, but I hope to stay off of this place long enough to change for the better. I've archived all my reaction images and memes and flung them to some far off place in my hard drive, and I'm going to uninstall 4chanX immediately after posting this. I might even block the website as well, but that probably won't do much to keep me from coming back since I can get past web blocks pretty easily. No one probably cares about all this but if there's at least one other person here who wants to quit this place I hope this post can help them take the right step forward.

So long. Adieu. See you. Goodbye.

>> No.21304411

im really not an expert on topic but maybe it was some temporary neurosis or God knows what in your case. i know 3 months is bad but some people do it for years. Maybe you got it out of your system and you're good to go. Please dont take this the wrong way, like i said im not an expert on alchoholism, just trying to get your racks up

>> No.21304554

I really regret the career I found myself in. There’s really nowhere to move and so much time has been wasted.

>> No.21304557

We must destroy capitalism

>> No.21304583

I can read most people and I can cold read them all but this one I can't. The woman is absolutely impenetrable, my bag of circus tricks is running on fumes. I haven't even gotten a "fuck you" out of her, at least that'd be something. Just a complete indifference towards me; she already forgot I exist. That must be the case!

>> No.21304606

Time pass and work fills the gap
Time passes and hangouts fill my social latter
Is it family or friends? Could you choose between the two? It’s hard in such cases but i for one cannot see how vague this world i was born
The man and women are soulless. I still think if they have seek it.

But I still mirin

>> No.21304614

Do any of you who are or have been in a relationship know the feeling that 'you are never enough'?

Like all your efforts are not sufficient, you keep doing everything wrong even though it should be easy, you always lack the courage, energy and charisma to be a good man to your woman and make her feel comfortable.

>> No.21304620

The eternal pseud
Many people appear intelligent, but then you realize they only have the capacity to label ideas. The ideas, and their consistency or truth, are largely unimportant to this person, though they make a big show of acting like an intellectual & displaying knowledge of all kinds of different labels.
These labels inside the mind organize ideas as being close or similar to me = good v.s far away = bad. The substance isn't considered, only how far/close the idea is to their own ego. Actually thinking or considering the substance is impossible, as that would involve them being able to temporarily dissociate from their own enlarged ego.
Yet this type of person, the eternal pseud, doesn't posses the introspective capacity to reflect on how their own psychological tendencies might lead them to like some ideas over others.

>> No.21304625

Insecurity in a relationship isn't unheard of.

If you let your insecurity control you, it becomes worse (I think) because then her behavior will be influenced by your insecurity, and this will warp the relationship on a feedback loop. I would try to remove the feelings of insecurity somehow.

>> No.21304640

Im still stuck at puberty. I cant answer one simple question - who am I?

>> No.21304649

a fgt

>> No.21304651

So chasing the material lifestyle and external highs is the sign of having a soul? You seriously need to read more.

>> No.21304666

My family's politics is funny.
They're establishment moderate democrats, the type to constantly talk about how we need to save democracy etc etc.
Yet also the type to hate populism in all its varieties.
Populism, for them, is a bogey word they use to refer to any political figure who criticizes the figures they fetishize. I highly doubt they could even define populism beyond "it's when people are extreme and do le bad things".
And for the figures they do fetishize they develop a cultish attitude that these personalities are perfect and can do no wrong. All critics and journalists who criticize these politicians (politicians like Obama or Hillary Clinton) are automatically labeled as "Bernie Bros", irrespective of the actual political orientations of these critics.
They also see no contradiction between these two attitudes: claiming to love democracy while hating on populism, when arguably democracy grew out of populism. It was the populism and turmoil of the 1800s that led to the increasing expansion of the franchise/right to vote to more and more people.

>> No.21304668

Why (the fuck) do you talk to teenagers 12-19 years old? How's there even an occasion? I'm not a secluded person by any means but shit like that just wouldn't happen in my whole 20s, I'm in the 30s now and I only could imagine it could due to my own kid when it gets older. I think that's weird.

>> No.21304673

Are they not original enough?

>> No.21304682


>> No.21304688

Keep remembering my more embarrassing moments and feeling like they’ll hurt me down the road

>> No.21304692

No they're not original. Independent thought is a bad word, and extreme partisanship and group think is worshiped. I wouldn't care about their politics if it weren't for the fact that they're constantly shoving it in my face.

>> No.21304696

I'm so fucking burnt out, man

>> No.21304702

Oh nvm thought you were replying to my other post>>21304666

>> No.21304710

Speaking from personal experience?
I think I have to process criticism in a more healthy way, but I'm sensible and once I do something wrong, and she notes it, even when she only mentions the fault and not me as the guilty one, I feel stressed and react in a way that makes everything worse.
On top of that I really sometimes feel I try my best, but as I'm naturally lazy and pathetic, this requires so much energy for tasks that other people do with ease, even happily, that I feel unappreciated but this feeling is misleading.

>> No.21304715

No not at all original. (The person I have in mind is my brother). They basically haven't intellectually matured since they were a child. The kind of person who loves to talk a lot about Virtue and the Good, and it becomes increasingly clear when you talk to one of these people that it's more or less about feeling better than other people. Basically a cover for a secret feeling of inferiority.
This is a lot of these people on /lit/.
I invariably find this type kind of pathetic. They usually just like the pose of being part of the crowd that can truly contemplate "the good", unlike everyone else.

>> No.21304786

It does sound like they talk about Virtue and Good but never actually do it. Maybe they like thinking about thinking.

>> No.21304797

No he is not contemplative. He is a coward who cannot develop his own views on anything.
There is no complexity to his thinking. Just constant signaling about "the good" which is clearly an expression of a desire to feel better than others.
Which I wouldn't mind if he had the self awareness to admit that's what it's really about.
He has the mind of an actual child.

>> No.21304807


>> No.21304808

Maybe he's just really young and depends on other people than himself.

>> No.21304824

He's 25. Time to grow up

>> No.21304838

>singular they

>> No.21304839

i don´t have anything in common with people but at least i try to speak without inhibition with women i´m interested in, even then most normies hate my guts because i´m not like them, luckily i don´t give a fuck because i´m not mediocre like them

>> No.21304846

because i´m intj based retard

>> No.21304850

It was an accident my guy. Im not an sjw it's just awkward to write he/she it reads weird.

>> No.21304853

Also arguably it could be grammatical as a said "people" which could ne singular or plural

>> No.21304854

it´s over

>> No.21304861

They do, but on a cold, purely objective observational level. It makes sense that these people also have poor empathetic skills, little to no emotional intelligence, and absolutist ideals regarding social contracts and events (e.g; nobeerpill chuds thinking that having drinks with friends after work = degeneracy)

>> No.21304864

Don't be such a coward, God himself favours the brave.

>> No.21304871

Actually "Fortune favors the brave" is the correct phrase but go on, that's alright

>> No.21304872

Alcohol is non-trivially unhealthy.
Sometimes you see the best from outside-in.

>> No.21304877

thanks but I'm rather a burden to everyone else, even these people in here.

>> No.21304879
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2023 is gonna be my year bros

>> No.21304893

No one except wine-moms who heard a glass of red promotes heart health thinks that alcohol isn't unhealthy. I'm glad you cherrypicked that point though; now I know I struck a nerve.

>> No.21304909


keep on brain damaging yourself to own the imaginary wine aunts

>> No.21304913

>imaginary wine aunts
You must not get out much

>> No.21304917

We can already witness your brain damage by your limited first order reading comprehension capability (the fact that there are some physical beings that might be called as 'wine aunts' are completely separate from the things rent free in your head).

>> No.21304923

The fact you think I drink (I don't, and haven't for four years or so) to "own imaginary wine aunts" shows your reading comprehension is pretty abysmal yourself, anon. Have a drink and loosen up, you could sure use it :^)

>> No.21304925
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>> No.21304932

Damn Mormons ITT

>> No.21304933

I think you meant to use the npcjak, anon
The chudjak is more fitting for the people he describes in that post

>> No.21304937

I've drank once in my life to pretend to be a normie, it barely did anything to me. I was still the same stone cold maximally reserved me, just bit slower reaction time back then. Makes me think "getting drunk to loosen up" is an excuse.

>> No.21304938

Or he's projecting

>> No.21304953

Anyone been to NZ? How are the bitches?

>> No.21304956

It is a very expensive place.

>> No.21304964

Anon, if you only ever drank once, and not enough to be truly drunk, then of course you're not going to have an accurate perspective on what it feels like to have the lowered social inhibitions that alcohol is famous for.

>> No.21304972

> "true alcoholism has never been tried"

My aunt died shitting herself on her kitchen floor (she literally shit her guts out) after 20 years of non-stop drinking, I've witnessed the lowered social inhibitions too.

>> No.21304978
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I'm reading how to read a book by mortimer j adler. I am reading the 1940s version then i'll probably skim through the newer version to see if theres anything new. I'm 28 years old and I want to learn how to read and write, I feel like I am 20 years behind. I wish I had seriously tried to learn in school when i had plenty of time. Now I am pretty much only reading on the weekends. During the week I dont sleep much and at the end of the day my eyes hurt too much to read after spending most of the day looking at my work laptop.

>> No.21304982

It's literally impossible to be a burden to us faggots
you're words on a screen, you reduce boredom and make cucks seethe if you're lucky

>> No.21304988

What, are we trying to one-up each other on alcoholic family trauma now? I come from a long-line of alcoholics, am one myself, and just watched my uncle rot away from alcohol-induced dementia only two months ago.

>I've witnessed the lowered social inhibitions too.
Then why do you think that "getting drunk to loosen up" is an excuse? An excuse for what, exactly?

>> No.21305036

is my initial question so pathetic?

>> No.21305096

Sometimes I wonder if I’ve missed opportunities to mature by not entering a profit driven career or starting a business.

>> No.21305174

Me too anon. I chased a 'dream job' and became heavily disillusioned when the pay was shit and allowed me no time for myself.
>prioritize personal fulfillment over money!
>pursue your passions and find a job where you're happy to wake up and go to everyday!
>enjoy what you do and you'll never work a day in your life!
Money matters more when it comes to life satisfaction than people are often willing to admit. A job should interest you enough to keep you motivated and pay you enough for you to live the way you want to live. Anything else is extra and not worth exhausting yourself in pursuit over.

>> No.21305248

>Audentes deus ipse juvat.
>God himself favors the brave.

Ovid, Metamorphoses, X. 586.

>> No.21305274

This board doesn't read, never mind about acquiring useful skills. In fact, I'd bet most people here waste a lot of their free time shitposting and playing vidya/watching tv shows.

>> No.21305300

any anons the rising champions of nnn?

>> No.21305572
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same for me, fuck normies

>> No.21305587
File: 117 KB, 1280x960, 278155102_351465517018548_4333615105392584671_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My aunt died shitting herself on her kitchen floor (she literally shit her guts out)
That's kinda hot ngl

>> No.21305594

My life goal is
Leisure, leisure, and more leisure

>> No.21305602

I feel my attention span deteriorating every day. I can't read for longer than 5 minutes. My reading speed is slower. Comprehension is worse. Is suicide the best option for me or can i be saved?

>> No.21305655

I fucking locked myself into a project i didnt want to take because I dont know how to say no

>> No.21305772

I have not read one (1) book this year.

>> No.21305790

don't worry, neither has the rest of /lit/

>> No.21305868
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I'am not deserving of love. Also thinking of finding a job in a flower shop so i can finally learn all the different flowers and not have to goggle them all the time when i meet them in text.

>> No.21305874

Are home computers just going to be around forever? It's a radical technology that has been surprisingly stable, what with the sheer freedom of being able to sit comfortably and browse to your heart's content. Smart phones, by contrast, are far more limited. The UI of smart phones is geared toward minimal complexity, and so you get apps like TikTok that are nothing but scrolling, which makes it more like a TV than a home computer. When you use a smart phone, you're using a product with limited built-in capabilities, whereas a home computer is customizable and private. You can't have folders on a smart phone. You really can't run multiple programs at once on a smart phone.
Home computers truly feel like an old technology. I noticed zoomers don't really use computers. I noticed that in Asia most people don't really regard home computers as a point of personal entertainment, but more as a home office or something to use for shopping.

>> No.21305887

So this girl i have been seeing for a while recently picked me up for us to go eat at our favorite place. after we ate and needed to pay she realized she left her purse in the car and asked me to get it. when i came back she was already waiting at the counter/bar area to pay and i reached into her purse for her wallet and this ball of toilet paper with a giant turd in it fell out. i was like what the fuck as i smelled it and realized what it was, her face was like a ghost and she put it back in her purse and ran out. i ran after her as the cashier stood there wondering wtf is going on. when i got out to where we were parked she was already starting the engine and had the door locked, and then she drove off leaving me there. i had to walk home and it took like an hour. i had been trying to text her but she wasn't responding, so i had my mom drive me over to her place. when i got there she didn't want to let me in but after some insistence she finally did. she held her face in her hands and was crying from embarrassment. i asked her to explain what was going on and after like 10 minutes of her crying she finally told me. apparently, she had been to her friends house earlier that day and went to use the bathroom but the toilet had a problem, so the turd was just floating there, and nothing happened when she flushed. she was too embarrassed to leave the turd so she picked it up and wrapped it in toilet paper and put it in her purse with the intention of throwing it away later but i guess she forgot. after hearing this i called her disgusting and broke up with her.

>> No.21305892

you are observing the dumbing down of technology for consumers. newer versions of windows will also hide the computer's file systems and wont let you use the command line. terry davis predicted this

>> No.21305894

if your a gurk ill live you call me baby sometime now

>> No.21305900

>too unconfident
too lacking in confidence

>> No.21305905

if you keep lifting heavy things your confidence will improve

>> No.21305918
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I'm scared that when I finally find love, it'll be far more prosaic than I imagined.

>> No.21305975

>newer versions of windows will also hide the computer's file systems and wont let you use the command line
This is exactly what I should have said. When I got my first office job, I started to notice that it's sort of odd that these are the exact same consumer model OSs that I have at home, hence so much hand-wringing about employees wasting time on YouTube and such. I'm really expecting, as you said, for new OSs to be rolled out not just for offices but as default OSs when you buy a new home computer, that completely limit the experience.

The web will probably be very different in the near future. As I recall, in places like China, the web is so poorly designed that people don't even use it. On top of that the web is censored in China.

I'm actually not that pessimistic that the limiting of internet access in the West will come from our politics. Even if you were an authoritarian, you would probably have little interest in the web-browsing habits of a minority of aging channers, aside from probably occasionally banning anti-PC content to appease another minority, that is, those who even notice the web still exists. The corporatocracy doesn't care. As long as the Zoomers keep spending $1200 on a new iPhone every six months where they can make in-app purchases, then slowly but surely the old school web-browsing Millennials will be replaced.

>> No.21305976

All I read is that you've wasted a perfect opportunity to get inside that girl's heart. Yes the turd story is disgusting but most men on earth could totally condone it this once if she was good-looking enough.

>> No.21305990

How the heck did you not smell it.

>> No.21305993
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Seconded. I mean her explanation makes it pretty understandable. Like she did it to avoid embarrassing herself to her friend, not like she was just keeping a turd for the fun of it lol

>> No.21305999
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Why does everyone expect you to have a perpetual car payment? Even my family jokes that they need a tetanus shot if they ride with me (2002 Camry wagon). That's even with my actually maintaining it and keeping it nice and clean.

What's their fucking problem?

>> No.21306017

Is there any literary, artistic, or philosophic tradition that centers around desecrating and destroying what different society's value?
Some edge-lord shit.
Like something which just revels in pointless grotesque destruction & hedonism.
Closest thing I can think of are post-modern writers, but I've hated every post-modern writer I've read.

>> No.21306026

They're not going to explicitly state this, but it's a class/status thing.
Your poor person 2002 Camry is embarrassing them and their company. They expect you to have a nice car because it fits the company image.

>> No.21306032

nah, she was always complaining about being petrifyingly insecure and i was getting annoyed with it anyway, so it was a good time to exit.

>> No.21306036

Lmao get shit on

>> No.21306038
File: 131 KB, 1024x900, emma-roberts-baby-bump-pregnant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many years ago my wife used to be a complete psycho and extremely abusive. Mentally, phsyically and emotionally. Got so bad to the point where she pulled a knife on md with a genuine attempt to kill me. I managed to stop it and subdue her, but then had like a mental breakdown in front of her and cowered on the floor. I fully expected to die that night but then from that day on she stopped all her psycho shit and we eventually got married. It's extremely upsetting and weird when I think about it now lol

>> No.21306042

You married someone who tried to stab you?

>> No.21306051

how often does she peg you?

>> No.21306084

It was weird because after my breakdown she just held me in bed all that night. From that night on, all of her psycho shit completely stopped. She never expliccitly apologised of it, we have never even spoken of that night or all her craziness. But she had been nothing but supportive and loving ever since. It was like a new start or something with us. We didn't get married until around 2 years after that incident.

Lol never

>> No.21306103

You trauma bonded

>> No.21306137

nta but i dont think that's what is going on here, she probably just had a reality check and it snapped her out of her retardation

>> No.21306153

>From that night on, all of her psycho shit completely stopped.
I don't know you or your relationship, but I feel like the psycho shit has got to still be there under the surface.
But I could be wrong

>> No.21306176

I feel like my short lived relationship with a mentally ill girl has made me mentally ill. Never been so hurt in my life.

>> No.21306181
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Iron Mountain Report on the Alien Armada:

They've been stationed above and below the Horizon of the Solar System for over three decades. Reports are coming in that the Telepaths here on Earth are seeing strange "Boxed Equations" that are so complete that it is virtually impossible to decrypt.

One of the Telepaths states that they have a sense that the Aliens may indeed be amongst us,; Incarnated as humans, meaning that they do not need to impregnate nor abduct any human whatsoever to plant their "seed."

When trying to gauge the situation on how to interpret the myriad of symbols equations that are being seen by regular civilians now based on the reports on the internet community forums, the Language is Programming in nature yet ALIVE somehow.

We will continue to lure the "Nobody" to 4chan /x/ Paranormal to see if he can be persuaded to explain what the Aliens (possibly the Anunnaki) want with Earth.

That is if it turns out that HE is one of them.
According to one of the Telepaths, the SUBJECT may be one of the higher-ups among them if not their "COMMANDER."

>> No.21306182

Life's clarity has been blinded by cataracts of time. The Sun of its purpose is eclipsed, indistinguishable from the surrounding night.

>> No.21306190

Do you guys like it when there are lots of things you don't understand in a book? Things that are mentioned by name, but not explained? Especially things about magic and the world order?

>> No.21306195

i hate that stupid larp so much why are you bringing it here?

>> No.21306239

Just started reading the three body problem and I don't understand shit so far

>> No.21306242

Congratulations, anon.
Why do you think we're all shut-ins with no social experience? Do you think that someone with a lot of social experience would go to r/books or a facebook group dedicated to the discussion of 21st century "literature" instead?
Nowadays it's easier to reject the world than to be rejected by it.

>> No.21306284

So pure still. I wonder how long life waits to break this particular soul?

>> No.21306286

Alright. I've been telling everyone I still loved her and she didn't come back. It's been more than a year. Things get somewhat tiring, right?

I guess I'll just pretend I'm fine now, love her quietly and get on with my projects.

>> No.21306288

anon, you either misread his post or are you saying that
>personal achievements
>experiencing great things
>seeing great places
are materialistic things? I'm curious.

>> No.21306291

What do you do when you get lonely but also don't want to interact with people?

>> No.21306292

Post on 4chan

>> No.21306297

Yes, that's what I'm saying. All of that is in vain, a lie, not coming from within. it's basically just a different kind of pleasure.

>> No.21306305

Nah. I hate it. Unless I'm reading something very academic wherein familiarity with the jargon is a prerequisite.

>> No.21306306

Yes but it's 95% of the times not satisfying

>> No.21306309

>She never expliccitly apologised of it, we have never even spoken of that night or all her craziness.
She has you exactly where she wants you.
You're her bitch.

>> No.21306312
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>Is there any literary, artistic, or philosophic tradition that centers around desecrating and destroying what different society's value?

>> No.21306326

Thanks ill look into it
Which Jewish authors would you recommend?

>> No.21306331

Life didn't wait for you to post, if you were really wondering. I've tasted most of what the human world has to offer and it didn't appeal to me. I have a chronic disease and don't have very long to live. I don't give a shit about alcohol, drugs, women, partying, friends. I still get sad on occasions and when I do I indulge in the feeling because it feels good.
Did you really think that post sounded smart? What did you even mean? Millennia ago, warriors and philosophers who went through worst shit than every shitposters on this site combined developed similar views on life.
Yes, so pure. I'll apply the cosmic principles right away: It's somewhat of a relief to know that you will die one day and take your condescension with you.

>> No.21306338

I'm texting a girl who is about to try to get bottom and top surgery and testosterone.
I asked her if there could be another reason she wants to "transition" and if it could be something like hatred of the self, and she actually replied in a positive manner. She said she feels unhappy with her appearance, that is lacks femininity, and that transitioning would help her come to terms with her self. She then started railroading that transition was the only way.
I want to convince her that it's not without committing too much of what she would think of as "transphobia." How do I go about this?

>> No.21306348

do you create art or just enjoy it?

>> No.21306358

Not that anon.
Every last one of these things are materialistic. They can all be taken away from you. And in due time, they will. Except maybe self-actualization, and even that I'm not sure of. Have you ever heard of Alzheimer's?

>> No.21306377

Depends. I like it when some things can be inferred as they are. I don't like it when everything (emphasis on everything) is purposely kept vague. It just gives off the sentiment that the author doesn't want to engage in the story seriously.

>> No.21306383

Is there anything that is not materialistic?

>> No.21306391

Spirituality and devotion cannot be taken away from you.

>> No.21306420

My burning hot poker up ur ass begs to differ

>> No.21306426

Who's responsible? It's the trannies, isn't it?

>> No.21306448

Who is the most interesting person you know personally?

>> No.21306456


>> No.21306463

that probably happened to a christian martyr

>> No.21306467

someone tell me what to paint and ill paint it

>> No.21306468

It's pure because you write like a 16 year old

>> No.21306527

Yeah probably. I would pay to see it. Nothing funnier than watching zealots bash eachother's brains in

>> No.21306576

i've always known i was going to an hero. i've always thought "i'll delete all my social media and porn from my hard drive"
well, now i've done it. i'm so sorry for my brother, i love him more than myself

>> No.21306587

Should suicidal people tell their families?

>> No.21306592

i'm the guy above you. i don't want them to feel guilty afterwards, so i see no justification for it

>> No.21306598

Paint a wall with eggshell white, medium texture.

>> No.21306610

do some impressionist work of your local bakery's street on a busy rainy day

>> No.21306622

>your local bakery
Kek what European village are you from? Local bakery, lmao.

>> No.21306623

Have you thought about the decision? I had a friend whose brother killed himself when were younger and he never quite recovered from that.

>> No.21306631

Point being, I think they will feel some sort of guilty and a whole lot more no matter no what you do.

>> No.21306668

Huh what's that?

Maybe it was a reality check . During my mental breakdown I didn't even care if I died. I was just curled up there on the floor sobbing that I still love her anyways and I want to die loving her lol. I remebered just sitting there for some time with my eyes closed repeating that I loved her fully expecting her to grab the knife again to stab me. It was the most intense night of my life and it's kind of embarrassing to think about

She hasn't shown any signs of it and it's been years since it happened. We don't talk about it or have ever mentioned it. Nor have we ever brought up how crazy she used to be when she got in one of her moods. I really don't know what it was about that night that made her switch

>> No.21306672

kek'd myself at that. I don't know what went through my head

>> No.21306677


>> No.21306690

Hey nigger, walls need to get painted. Cant just leave sheetrock exposed.

>> No.21306704

I like to pretend that my car is a space ship and when I drive I am flying to other planets. I like to go on really long drives, and then when I step out I try and feel the earth under my feet as though I was stepping on a new planet for the first time, and I look around to ascertain if it is habitable or not

>> No.21306707

we are all afraid to feel precisely because it forces us to face the grand and innumerate injustices we each commit and perpetuate daily, mostly not by fault of our own, but by the coercive influence of a system that doesn't accommodate for any other alternative. These apparent injustices threaten the integrity our very identity, so we choose to close ourselves away, because the alternative is to face death, personified, alone. Inoculated by the banalfication of everything we grow cynical towards others and alienated from even ourselves, left to occupy an anaemic hellscape where everyone hates everything and nothing has any meaning.

>> No.21306708
File: 107 KB, 512x512, IMG_2867 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm struck most by the insufficiency and imperfection of all things. The fragility and meaninglessness of life. The banality of daily life.
All there is left to do is to rotate between mediocre pleasures and then eventually you die.
Life is tragic no matter your belief system. If there's some ideal better world, an afterlife or God, then your own individual life is not your own but must be enslaved towards that higher ideal.
And everything you do in the now has no meaning in the scope of infinity, which would render all works of material--politics, art, work, etc--pointless and futile.
If there is no ideal, in short if atheism or reductive materialism is true, then there are only these brief mediocre passing pleasures in a world that is becoming ever more crowded and chaotic.
No matter what there is no ideal even if there is an ideal, and life remains brief and bleak. All is continually wasted or expended even in the consumptive moment of enjoyment .

>> No.21306712

Paint a picture of a broken clock, the wallpaper behind it has started to crack and fragment.
In the background a bloodshot eye encompasses the clock

>> No.21306720

i don't want to leave him alone

>> No.21306728


>> No.21306730

Any book recommendations on love written by men? For context, I don’t believe men can love women for more than their body

>> No.21306731

show me your fav painting and ill do my version

>> No.21306732

What do you mean?

>> No.21306734
File: 83 KB, 750x199, C35947F8-63DF-436B-A830-1064039B21CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic rel

>> No.21306743

Demanding one aren't you?
Maybe show us a painting you like, or have done, so we can get an idea what things you like to paint.

>> No.21306745
File: 181 KB, 483x470, 1669234865869643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the past year or two I have only read books whilst on the toilet. Ranging from basic crime novels to Hegel. Can't mentally focus to read anywhere else anymore.

>> No.21306756
File: 126 KB, 752x992, lyjQsk3vKQ7BGMVsayZC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also depending on the artwork you like, it can be hard to describe in words a painting.
Personally I like surreal and abstract art (and a.i art like pic rel) but that's a bit hard to describe in words.

>> No.21306818

thats not a painting stupid

>> No.21306819

I'm not doing so well these days. I got into a pretty big argument with my parents yesterday, and I'm in a period of transition. No, I'm not taking hormones your castration myself. This argument will pass, and things will get better soon, but I hope they blow by quickly. Say a prayer for me or something. Thanks.

>> No.21306823

I despise myself because I'm not the man I want to be.

>> No.21306824

>If there's some ideal better world, an afterlife or God, then your own individual life is not your own but must be enslaved towards that higher ideal.
You're enslaved either way; to life, pleasures, desires, or God. There is no meaningful difference.

>> No.21306825

of course it is !

>> No.21306829

mostly i dig modernism and expressionism and primitivism. mostly i repudiate any "movements" past 1940

>> No.21306851

Disagree. Sure we're limited by our own biological system--which determines the kinds of desires we can have.
Yet without a God or a higher ideal, there's no necessary reference point, other than our own desires, determining which impulses or actions are inherently good. Whereas if a person assumes there is God, they typically believe certain desires are inherently good and other inherently bad.

>> No.21306859
File: 317 KB, 1200x898, Rufino-Tamayo-2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paint something like this

>> No.21306870

I’ve got burst capillaries on my nose bridge from smoking a cigar as well as the normal smoking
Gotta cut back.

I’m literally a psychopath on schizophrenia meds because the cops sided with the retards.

I’m trying to deconstruct human motivation and purpose as well as the game theory surrounding power and violence or money.

No more significant akithisia but life is still an empty void. Can’t even get high to enjoy things.

>my life is a Greek tragedy defined by my hubris and downfall and subsequent enlightenment regarding the true nature of reality

Deterministic evolution of humanity is fated to reach absolution and restart the cycle
Ala interstellar.

>> No.21306875

no shit tamayo is one of my favorites

anyone else feel free to add more pictures so i can paint in various figures

>> No.21306880
File: 131 KB, 1072x688, iJmdN4PNolWddU4Y7b52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based psycho. I wish that you may give free vent to your psycopathic desires

>> No.21306892
File: 83 KB, 900x422, rufino-tamayo-transfiguration-of-objects-dan-hill-galleries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of a /lit/ kinda guy, but I got into Tamayo cause I had to write a paper about him for a class on magical realism. Interesting fellow. I love the colors he uses, very simple and stark

>> No.21306902

i got to see some of his paintings in mexico and LA. the mexican modernists are seriously underrated

>> No.21306929

pick another tamayo. not digging the dogs

>> No.21306931

I'm so disappointed with how things turned out.

>> No.21306932
File: 27 KB, 327x500, B0060MGHK4.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_SX500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to start don quixote

Am I supposed to read the "prologue" and the "to the book don Quixote of la mancha" chapters.

Just flicking through it it roughly the latter doesn't seem to make sense

>> No.21306939

I'm back on my ADHD meds and I feel like I'm bursting with creative thoughts and desire, but at the same time, I can't output anything creative. I'm like a race horse at a starting gate, just waiting for the gun to go off. It just never does.

>> No.21306971

Don't be yourself; be your best self. When forced to speak with others, look long enough to find the color of their eyes. Ask people who are good at what they do about something they do. Listen as if you want to know. Let them correct you and do more of the talking while you interject and laugh and make the joke here or there and they find you warm company like a charming buzz. Walk outside for thirty minutes. Don't put pressure on yourself. Listen to something you like if you get bored, or don't. If you eat junk food, don't eat junk food with too much sugar. Have a burger over a shake. Have a cup of veggies you like for every meal. Hate cooking? Rotisserie chickens are your best friend. Pour tikka massala sauce on it if you want cozy spices. Life is but the small comforts we stumble upon. Don't stay static. Look for change. Aim for the pleasures which reward you. Don't take the strides of a river in the zeal of self-improvement; set a trickle upon your tranquil stream. Once that stability is found, your ambition will grow humble and effort turns into a breeze. This is your world.

You might like my post. Or not.

>> No.21307052

I should've put him in his fucking place.

>> No.21307054

my brother. i don't want to stay but i don't want to leave him alone

>> No.21307060

i don't think it's about what you want

>> No.21307066

ok retards im going for a walk
but when i come back i want some prompts for paintings
i have to let a big picture dry so i need something to paint in the meantime

>> No.21307087

Paint a bird mourning the K/T extinction at a dinosaur memorial mourning the 65 million

>> No.21307092

be less passive

>> No.21307098

I really wish I had the wings to muse tonight. All I ever do is think up story ideas , draw and fill in personality templets for characters or sketch out basic plots , then I get moderately exhausted and call it a day. Also , even ideas have been sort of hard to come by these days so it really amps up the stress of failure.

>> No.21307141

nothing but meme answers from you philistines

>> No.21307157
File: 419 KB, 976x556, 1656527344673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21307178
File: 112 KB, 1187x454, 1640553424575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe this simple script could RCE so many frontal lobes.

>> No.21307182

celestial engines

>> No.21307208

why does /4chan/ share many of the same demographic groups as a typical prison ? you literally have the classic white supremest group, the christian preacher group, the deviant contrarian group and even, even the pedo weirdos.

>> No.21307221

could not stop laughing also ye24

>> No.21307227
File: 95 KB, 992x752, hflXLikNQfQddCVAhDsK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to use this post to vent.
My brother is a vain, superficial person. He's always cared more about appearance than me. There's something admirable about crafting a careful appearance to an extent; it takes some artistry. With age I'm disappointed to find there's nothing more to him.
It's one thing to care about presentation, but it seems like there's nothing behind the mask.
Everything with him is nothing more than a popularity contest. Maybe we are all like that to an extent, but I always hold out the hope that people have some individuality to them beyond seeking material markers of success. It doesn't seem like there's anything more to him. Like a real life Patrick Bateman.
He definitely views me as beneath him.
At thanksgiving he would hardly look my way, and when I interjected to say something at one point he just gave this short, kind of dismissive response. Like I wasn't valuable enough to him to be acknowledged.
Though I can't deny my own jealousy either, that my motive in criticism might be no less superficial. He sucks all of the attention in the room, and next to him I always appear insufficient and lesser.
Always the little brother in his shadow. I'm tired of being in his shadow, a lesser appendage.
I remember a year, or maybe two, ago he tried to include me playing videogames with his friend on discord.
I don't think he understood why I couldn't join in. Felt like I was back in high school tagging along with him and his friends. An awkward unwanted third wheel.

>> No.21307231

I disagree but only when you talk about very unique women that are not only physically beautiful, but have a beautiful mind and soul. Otherwise, yeah, most men love a woman for their body. That's why marriages deteriorate after she gets old and the couple stops having sex to the point that they stop loving one another or they get a divorce. Anyways, you'd like Plato's dialogue on love in the Symposium. Of you want to reply to me, it's probsbly best to do it in the next thread since this one is dying soon.

>> No.21307235

You could've made it a reality, but instead dampened joy with your own melancholy. Remember the 65 million.

>> No.21307262
File: 396 KB, 1275x1479, IMG_8864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next thread


>> No.21307299

That’s not helpful advice

>> No.21307926

this is a good post