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21352132 No.21352132 [Reply] [Original]

is there a place i can listen to audiobooks? i like fantasy and science fiction, thanks frend

>> No.21352196
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>science fiction

>> No.21352235

One can listen to audiobooks anywhere so long as they have a way to play the audio

>> No.21352721


>> No.21352732

i would give anything for a woman who is genuinely nice, sweet, happy and positive, has never had a "whore phase," isn't bitter or entitled about everything, wants to have a family, has sincere religious values and sees life as a gift and a responsibility instead of an opportunity to be an entitled hedonist

>> No.21353109

Anywhere you like as long as you have earplugs and won't disturb other people.

>> No.21353234

She's just doing house chores

>> No.21353379

I don't disagree, but most tradwives are just as stupid as their "liberated" counterparts. You should wish for a woman who wants to raise a family that is wise, learned, moral, pious and not addicted to social media. Sort of like the Cornelia, the mother of the Gracchi brothers.

>> No.21353965
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yes and i'm sure that woman is waiting whole her life for a deranged schizo neet

>> No.21353971

Just listen to a fucking podcast, it's clear that all you want is to be entertained. Embarrassing post for a grown man to make.

>> No.21354020

Libraries are a thing

>> No.21354051


>> No.21354204

Why is she so perfect? I assume she is married by now?

>> No.21354209

she takes dredd on of now

>> No.21354255

>t. Obese bulldike who supports biden and has green hair

>> No.21354258

In English, Paco.

>> No.21354286
File: 232 KB, 506x438, C30C3C16-8307-4E1B-94B1-B247E3FF671D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks a lot like a girl I had a brief summertime romance with. She was fun, smart, and innocent; she was younger than me. She was obsessed with me for a couple weeks, but she soft-ghosted me after we had sex. I think of her a lot. I wish she was my girlfriend. I kinda love her a little

>> No.21354454

You can listen to them on audible but many books you can just search on YouTube

>> No.21354485

You can torrent them from audiobookbay

>> No.21354537

Most young people are stupid in one way or another. I also don't disagree with your post (and also am NTA) but the key word here is "mother". Wisdom comes to both men and women with age and responsibility, and this is very pronounced in case of motherhood. This, incidentally, is also why so many women these days never really emotionally or mentally mature at all.

>> No.21354558

One can listen to audiobooks anywhere so long as they have a way to play the audio

>> No.21354652
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Audiobooks are highly portable so feel free to enjoy them anywhere, just be careful when crossing the street as you might not hear approaching cars, so make sure you visually confirm that it's safe first!

>> No.21354689

Nahh, I want a woman, that is genuinely sad with mental health issues, who had a whore phase, but grew out of it, hates kids and her family, has a thing for esoteric and occult texts and traditions and sees life as meaningless or maybe even as a punishment but still endures out of spite or because of the withering hope that there still might be a chance of some kind of essence to be found.
Oh wait, that's just me as a female.

>> No.21355383
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>> No.21355397

Audible. And you can convert the .aax file into DRM free mp3 if that's your thing.

>> No.21355420

>And you can convert the .aax file into DRM free mp3 if that's your thing.
How do I do this using Android? I don't have a PC.

>> No.21355550

>had sex outside of marriage

>> No.21355664

There’s a difference between purity and innocence I think. There are many an innocent soul from here to Caracas that have given themselves over sin more than once. No one is truly innocent besides Christ, but there are shades of it in the heart

>> No.21355690

Right agreed, yeah I was conflating purity with innocence.
>The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise

>> No.21355705
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DM’d you queen.

>> No.21356059

Do you realize 'me as a woman' means 'me if I were female,' anon?

>> No.21356064

Ah shit I wish I could read.

>> No.21356126

Every public library in America has licensed access to tens of thousands of audiobooks which all cardholders have access to via app or webapp. I'm constantly amazed how few people know this. Just ask your library how to access it.

>> No.21356135

this except me and a porn phase

>> No.21356147

The fact that such women are somewhat impossible to find is the very proof of the declination of humanity. Even some animals don't whore themselves around. A man, in this case a woman but that wouldn't sound right, should focus on higher purposes to at least attempt at creating a legacy for generations to come.

>> No.21356187

Don't bother anon. Nobody cares about the future anymore. You may have to go to church for that kind of thing. I'm not religious but I'm starting to think it's the only way. But even church girls these days...I met a Christian girl on a date app. Told her about waiting for marriage. She said she lost it this year because she was "afraid if being 30 and a virgin." Then tells me she doesn't regret it and has been with 3 or 4 guys. 3 or 4, why even bother saying that? As if she wasn't really counting but adding the 3 makes it better. As if being with that many guys isn't already physical and emotional baggage. It seems hopeless. Then you have the zoomer girls who might be virgins. but they're covered in tats because millenial and boomer parents don't want to be 'stifling' and let them do stupid shit like getting ugly face piercings. That shit is so fucking ugly. Forget about makeup and hair dye. I hate what has become of us.

>> No.21356189

>she soft-ghosted me after we had sex
this means you have a lil small dick

>> No.21356200

you stupid fuck there is no decline, we were always in the muck. Women acted like whores in the old testament. There is this weird thing people do were they assume shit was different.

>> No.21356244

Things are different but in the opposite way. Modern people are puritanical.

>> No.21356786

And what do you offer?

>> No.21356789

Welcome to the reality Gramps.

>> No.21356792

Women are liquid, they will form to whatever container they are poured into. If you don't raise your kids right they become retards and losers, if you don't raise your women right they become retards and whores. Simple as.

>> No.21356793


>> No.21356800

>stop pooping your pants
>oh yeah? got any good card tricks to show me?

>> No.21356804

Is the tradwife the one shitting her pants in your analogy?

>> No.21356805

Without clicking on this thread, I’m going to take a guess; few answer OP’s question and just argue over women, and probably trad women. I’ll bet the word “whore” is dropped a few times. It’s a r9k thread thinly veiled isn’t it?

>> No.21356809

The moment she gets a taste of the modern world, she's going to ditch you and ride lots of penises, especially if you're not too different from her.

>> No.21356849

The difference is women acted like whores in the OT in spite of the norms of their society assuming they were Israelites. Now they act like whores and are encouraged to do so. Also, I highly doubt men were as spineless back then to allow their daughters act in such a way or act that way with no repercussions as is the case today. Imagine if you showed a normie certain parts of Proverbs or Sirach.

>> No.21356904
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No. I have an above average penis. It was the first time I had sex since I was with my ex who cheated on me, and I prematured. And then we were lying awake for most of the night cause it was a hot air condition less apartment. It wasn’t a good night. I’m sad over it. I don’t have issues with getting on well with women, but she was the best one since my first-love. This savage world

>> No.21357034

It's genuinely astonishing how awful women have become.

>> No.21357051

I want a girl who actually knows how to fuck. Guaranteed ol' "lie down and don't enjoy it or else the devil will steal your soul" Sally, over there doesn't know what pleasing a man means because pleasure is "wrong". Boring frigid bitch.

>> No.21357058

You put the penis in the hole and move it. Not exactly rocket science chief

>> No.21357074

I know a girl in real life from school whose in an open relationship with a boy who visits this board and even owns the Totalitarianism in a Tundra book, so seeing posts like these never surprise me anymore

>> No.21357083

If you're implying I'm a girl, cope. I just enjoy having sex.
>t. virgin

>> No.21357090

I could be so lucky. Been with seven women too many now. You’re the one who sounds like the virgin, or maybe the ape, with how you idolize sex

>> No.21357098
File: 46 KB, 700x641, 59EB0C23-452C-474A-B3BE-4069AD359A2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're implying I'm a girl, cope. I just enjoy having sex.
Boy you really are a fucking retard aren’t you

>> No.21357175

I had to look this up.
>first affiliated with /asp/
Post discarded.

>> No.21357636

>I prematured
Can't you just transition to using your tongue and fingers when that happens? It's not like that has to be the ending

>> No.21357664
