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/lit/ - Literature

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21695822 No.21695822 [Reply] [Original]

How do we deal with this? Can it be reversed? What will be the consequences, for mankind and for literature?


>> No.21695825
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>> No.21695829
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>> No.21695833
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>> No.21695835

>posting reddit screenshots from a twitter thread

>> No.21695837
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>> No.21695842

Of course, anon, bunch of losers on mongolian basket weaving forum totally have the power to make kids less stupid and lazy. Just sit back and read a book instead of reddit and twitter.

>> No.21695844

maybe try more entertaining books instead of going for the upper brow stuff.
If the goal is "just to read" then read easy stuff like Harry Potter, or Name of the Wind, something simple like that. If that's too advanced, then try smut novels. Just get the kids reading.

>> No.21695859
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The kids aren't alright.

>> No.21695880

>What will be the consequences
The consequences will be absolutely wonderful. It will be like the middle of the 19th century again, where basic literacy and an IQ of 110+ allows you to secure a solid upper middle class life because those completely basic skills are actually rare again. Couple that with a slave class of plebs, where the women will prostitute themselves en masse, thus putting massive downwards price pressure on whore pussy, and you've basically got my dream scenario. I get to live as a peak bourgeois in Belle Epoque Europe with 20 different mistresses a month for half a day's pay, but also with all the conveniences of a modern life.
It is going to absolutely rule.

>> No.21695882

I didn't consider this, but what if I'm not smart enough to be upper middle class?

>> No.21695891

More proof that americas liberalist culture is superior.

>> No.21695892

America will not be missed.

>> No.21695895

Prepare your anus.

>> No.21695908

Oh, and to add to this, the effect on literature - I reckon that literature will become a lot like it was in the 18th and 19th century. It will be for the upper classes and the vast majority of plebshit and slop will disappear.

You are literate - that should be enough.
You have no idea just how wretched these fuckers will be in an information- and IQ-based economy.

>> No.21695927

How could the information- and IQ-based economy fail to prepare more than a single generation for the information- and IQ-based economy? This is madness.

>> No.21695930
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>You are literate - that should be enough.
Is it? What's the IQ requirement to pass? Am I enough to survive or will I filter down into the zombie-like masses? I feel as if I have a sub-95 IQ at any given time, Every day I go into work I feel as though I know nothing, make no progress, struggle to understand despite my efforts. Is it enough to not be addled by a phone and some pushed anxiety? Enough that I'm not on any pills or drugs? Is it right that millions should be doomed to poverty because of the situations and environment and addictions pushed on them since birth? I guess it always has been that way, hasn't it?

>> No.21695934

The idea that your average person needs to be more learned than what he needs to navigate his lot in life is something progressives came up with to justify universal suffrage. Your average pleb not having the interest or capability to engage in the liberal arts, which used to be exlucsively an elite ruling class education, is neither surprising nor the end of the world.

>> No.21695939
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first of all, if you're an average-to-bright individual, then, reasonably, about half of the world is going to be dumber than you. If you're lucky enough to call yourself clever, or even intelligent, then that portion is going to be a lot larger. its not strange to look at a bunch of literal children and realize that they are retards. you were a retard then, too. it just wasnt as outwardly visible (also, these kids are raised by millenials. i have a hunch that zoomers will react strongly against ipad babies and other purely millenial parenting practices that produce this new and enhanced strain of retard).

the problem is that kids are identified and separated at a young age based on ability/proficiency/IQ/etc., thus created two parallel groups of students that never interact except for in the cafeteria.

Huge part of the problem is labelling kids "gifted" or "exceptional," and not just because it fucks with their self-perception. I know in the US they call them "gateway" or "gatekey" programs, or "challenge." Those are the kids who are clever or smart and have potential but need strong direction.

Amyways, in general, intelligent and competent people who are actually awake and paying attention in life end up in honors classes. everyone else (retards and/or kids who dont have enough foundation at home to even begin to consider using their talents/gifts) is lumped in at the bottom into normal/sped/etc.

kids in "smart kid" classes are treated with higher expectations, expect more of themselves, have a higher drive to please/succeed, and perform better. Kids in the "retard" classes are assumed to be retards. the very few with some potential to one day escape from underneath the retard label are identified and honed in on. the rest are ignored. the goal is not to educate them, its to literally physically shuffle them around for 18 years until they're old enough to work a job and not be economically dependent on someone.

the earlier this happens, the worse the reverberations are. when you are literally offering *two parallel modes of education* you will create this divide, and as they grow older the gap grows. schools do not have enough resources to give everyone an equal education, they have identify who is worthwhile.

>> No.21695945

>How could the information- and IQ-based economy fail to prepare more than a single generation for the information- and IQ-based economy? This is madness.
We grew up as the technology and information economy launched, we had to learn how to use a computer, things weren't user friendly, and in doing so we had to learn the concepts relating to how technology worked so that we could make reasonable assumptions on how to get it to behave the way we wanted. (Assuming you were born in the early 90s late 80s and grew up on the early internet). Kids today not only cannot read, they can't type. They never have to use a keyboard because everything is on the phone. They don't have to tinker and play with settings and setup and files on a computer because every phone and tablet is designed to be fisher price tech, designed for retards and children so they can't fuck up the settings and break it. It's the same as boomer parents calling their kids to help because the remote for the fire TV or chromecast doesn't work, "Did you turn it on and off again?"

>> No.21695952

sounds like total bullshit and im 100% sure Bari Weiss or anyone else on this board cannot prove that. you will never catch me believing some alarmist's fake statistic

>> No.21695958

>schools do not have enough resources to give everyone an equal education, they have identify who is worthwhile.
Beyond basic education this is what the SAT/ACT do, is it not? The notion that colleges accept anyone, or have quotas to accept people based on anything than performance only drags the entire system down.

>> No.21695987

Immigration: I'm about to ruin this whole man's career

>> No.21695999

>using context to infer meaning
I noticed this kind of shit, especially common core math. They seem be trying to teach the mental tricks competent people use. Because I remember school and being gifted and in advanced groups and shit and I get these one on on interviews with my teachers or out of school officials. They'd often ask how I'd come to answer or present me with tasks I wasn't taught and have me try and work it out. I see some of these same mental short cuts in math in particular but this inference in reading sticks out at me because I remember an interview with one of my favorite teachers, 6th grade and we went through a ton of literature and words and I explained how I would interpret various things, context was a big part.
But the problem is these mental techniques or tricks only work because I had a background in the material. I developed mental short cuts in math because I hated showing my work. I can do math but I was never particularly fast so I hated all the time writing shit out. When it came to reading I was an utterly voracious reader all through school. From my mom's library of fiction paper backs utterly filled with dreck, to front to backing the classes textbook, to the giant stack of readers digest one class had laying the corner. I read everything. Years later I still come across words I knew in text but don't know how to pronounce or pronounce wrong because I've never heard the words spoke. Lol

These idiot educators are trying to take a short cut to boost the idiots and it's a disaster.

>> No.21696001

How so?

>> No.21696016

Belle Epoque ended with WWI, so make sure to really enjoy your time.

>> No.21696025
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>tfw you're actually the smartest generation that ever lived
millennialchads...we won

>> No.21696030

How dare you reply to me you filthy frogposter.

>> No.21696047

I wish a dumb zoomer sometimes
It's like they don't have a care in the world
They are so oblivious, it's amazing to watch them at work. They'll do a task and as soon as it's technically completed drop everything where it stands to shuffle off to do nothing. Leaving shit just sitting where they worked on it until someone tells them to put it away.
I've never seen anything like it. And they're not necessarily retarded per se you can talk and interact with them but it's like the world doesn't exist for them when they don't want it to and boy they don't want to deal with the world unleased forced to. I've been watching what they do o their phones, very mid TikTok videos at best some kinda funny and some just utterly insane but with a sound track and flashing lights. Or games good lord the games for some of them the game is buying the loot boxes or the pay 2 wins. That is the gameplay for a lot of zoomers.
It's a brave new world

>> No.21696066

>but it's like the world doesn't exist for them when they don't want it to and boy they don't want to deal with the world unless forced to.
That is because they are on SSRIs. you too can be a dumb zoomer, just go to any doctor and complain that life is hard, and they'll put you on all sorts of pills that turn you into a zombie too.

>> No.21696072

There is nothing wrong with using context to learn words. I bet most people do this without even realizing it. The brain is constantly grasping at things that will make the words relevant and there isnt a problem with that. I dont think the stressing of learning root words or sounding them out is going to lead to any better results desu, although I dont think it should be cut out either.

Basic grammar + intense immersion are what is needed for strong foundational reading skills. It shouldn't matter how that's achieved. Teachers are the ones that should be adapting in this regard. Most are too fucking lazy and entitled, however, so you end up with OPs pic blaming kids instead of themselves.

>> No.21696099

Words from context is how kids and second/foreign language learners come into contact with new words, it's fine. The problem is that you're then left with incomplete meanings that can lead to improper usage (and not being able to define the words you know, but for most people this isn't critical).

>> No.21696118

>That is because they are on SSRIs
Can confirm from my couple years on jew pills.

>> No.21696234

This is more extensively treated in https://www.apmreports.org/episode/2019/08/22/whats-wrong-how-schools-teach-reading

See above. This isn't just guessing the meaning of the new words, this is supposed to be a shortcut to reading the words you already know, without actually reading them, but just visually guessing what they're supposed to be.

>> No.21696250
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>teacher says you can’t use phones in the classroom
>f*moids LITERALLY (“literally”) start shaking and leave the classroom

Based ADHD phone-addicted Zoomettes

All jokes aside, I hate Western civilization and am literally planning the nuke strategic areas in Iran, Russia, and China as a satirical comment on the U.S.’s foreign policy in Minecraft. I am not joking and people are going to die soon. Please call the FBI. Help me. This is an actual threat in Minecraft.

>> No.21696280
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>"There was no rhyme or reason to reading for me," she said. "When a teacher would dictate a word and say, 'Tell me how you think you can spell it,'
what the fuck

>> No.21696299

>blaming kids instead of themselves
He legitimately gives examples of how the administration and shortage of supplies like hard copies of books hampers his own teaching, as well as throwing in special-needs kids and foreign language kids who can’t speak English, and there’s also the fact that he only has access to whatever grade and age-group he’s teaching with whatever skills they have, meaning if they were systematically passed through all the former grades even while being functionally illiterate, he now has to deal with functional illiterates.

It’s like if someone went to a third-world nation on a humanitarian aid mission, a nation filled with violence, savagery, poverty and illiteracy, and complained how impossible this task was and how it was only a bandage over systematic and widespread failure and corruption, putting the blame on that person on the humanitarian mission.

>> No.21696344

Thanks for the article.

>> No.21696369

the purpose of public schooling is to create an underclass of permanently stunted but highly obedient workers who live in constant fear of losing their lives and jobs and will do anything to protect themselves by doing what they are told even at the direct expense of other people in his or her class. The program is functioning exactly as planned and is working correctly. Read John Taylor Gatto's various teardowns and history on the public schooling system. We have reached the final stages of this system, by the way. Their goal all along was to create people so stupid and gullible that they wouldnt even want to reproduce, and coincidently we have all this lgbtq shit becoming mainstream.

>> No.21696373

>The consequences will be absolutely wonderful. It will be like the middle of the 19th century again, where basic literacy and an IQ of 110+ allows you to secure a solid upper middle class life

Hey, you stupid goy. What do you think all that ai shit is for? to replace the majority of the middle class. You will own nothing, and you will be happy, neo-peasent.

>> No.21696386
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>> No.21696388

immigrants keep wages low and cripple the middle class's ability to gain an economic foothold. your government prints money to inflate your currency so you smile when housing prices go up but then when it comes time to repair the boomer shit shack you inherited you realize it costs more than its worth so you sell the property to goldberg at a loss (but you think is a gain because you dont understand the value of wealth or power). Your children will be slaves within 2 generations, and you will tell yourself the same thing your boomer parents told themselves: lol il be dead before there not my problem xD)

problem is, you wont be dead by then. all the life extension technology made by the boomers will keep you living through this dystopian nightmare for decades and decades, until your psychopathic zoomer children finally put you out of your misery with agentle pillow to the face so they can get those sweet final scraps of generational wealth you inherited so they can blow it on cam whores and twitch streamer charity scams for 5 minutes of fame and satisfaction.

>> No.21696415

Did you even read his post? His whole idea is that the dumbing down of schools will create a Neo-aristocracy of the upper middle class people based on those being actually intelligent and functional being much more desirable to those who are functionally and chemically lobotomized by the school system. How does importing more neo-serfs impact what he's saying at all, besides giving you a very very intuitive link to post your inane /pol/ tier schizo ramblings (you're right, by the way.)

>> No.21696427

See? That's the problem.

>> No.21696455

Anyone who thinks phonics is a good way to teach English is retarded

>> No.21696461

Depends on how stupid the middle and lower classes are
If OP's pics are anything to go by, just having a college reading level will put you pretty high up

>> No.21696466
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>"Oh no," Goldberg thought. "That is not reading."

>> No.21696479

When I was in Catholic school we learned with hooked on phonics (And the nun's ruler) and I like to think I'm a good reader.

>> No.21696489

Good post

>> No.21696508

i was so nervous reading this. this may be the only topic that fills me with dread

>> No.21696515

Only God can fix things at this point. It's Over. The Great Falling Away isn't just humanity turning away from God, it's humanity falling away from reality, becoming something that "was not, is not and is to come".

>> No.21696517

>the problem is that kids are identified and separated at a young age based on ability/proficiency/IQ/etc., thus created two parallel groups of students that never interact except for in the cafeteria.
This is no longer true thanks to common core and class restructuring. They teach the retards and the honors students in the same classes now, often with the same curriculum. A lot of school districts are even pushing to get rid of honors classes because the majority of honors students are white and asian, the district where I live is trying to do this as we speak and specifically stated the reason being there's not enough diversity in honors classes. Basically, kids who are smart are being denied the opportunity to live up to their potential because all the districts care about now is creating equal outcomes (a stated goal of common core) and are dragging down everyone at the top to achieve this.

>> No.21696520

>tfw millenials only have a few more years to automate the economy or it will all collapse when the zoomers come of age

>> No.21696542

Zoomers and nogs entering the economy is already destroying it, did you see that whistleblower shit about airlines hiring nog pilots after 2weeks of training? Lmao

The millennials are just going to accelerate it by refusing to acknowledge demographic trends and continuing to remove tests and barriers to entry because they're racist

>> No.21696543
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>All jokes aside, I hate Western civilization and am literally planning the nuke strategic areas in Iran, Russia, and China as a satirical comment on the U.S.’s foreign policy in Minecraft. I am not joking and people are going to die soon. Please call the FBI. Help me. This is an actual threat in Minecraft.
Godspeed my homie

>> No.21696552

Eurofag here. My brother's sons are like this. People who work are so tired they just give up when it comes to educating their children, so their attention span is horribly eroded. Kids are like a sponge and they should be learning something every second they're alive, and this shit is just a horrible sink. And I don't want to impact them in any way because my own life choices have put me in a corner and I'll kill myself soon. They were interested in art because I'm a painter but I just kept it all away from them because what's the point. I don't even want their parents telling me *I* ruined them because I taught them wrong dysfunctional things. But it's really a shame that kids are getting hit like this because they're really like sponges and there's an instinct that kicks in within you to teach them everything you can. It would be amazing to have kids and just beam all this shit onto them but this society at large has made this impossible. I don't like kids or anything but this is hands down the most tragic loss that this system has brought onto humanity. We've effectively cut off a thread of human exchange that lasted for thousands of years, since perhaps the Paleolithic. It's over. It's all severed.

>> No.21696580

I know. the same thing is happening with my best friend's son. He specifically told everyone in his family, "Do not get my son a tablet." and someone did. Now he will scream and holler if it's not on, endlessly playing YouTube kids videos of paw patrol or Thomas the Tank Engine or whatever else the algorithm feeds him. Every waking moment the tablet must be on and playing videos, even if he's not actively watching it and doing something else, or he throws fits. I'm not sure how it is in Europe, but here so many children are on SSRIs, ADHD meds (They don't have ADHD, they are just addicted to the screen and fed sugar all day. You are using drugs to give parents peace. you might as well give them whiskey.)

Kids don't go outside anymore, and if they are outside they're dragging a fucking kindle with them. They just stare at screens watching nonsensical "Kids programming" filtering through by some algorithm. At least my friend had the common sense to pull his kid out of a daycare that had "Optional masking" Which meant "We ask them to wear the mask, and if they don't want to we don't force it." But his kid is shy and will just do what the teacher says, so he was the only kid wearing one and getting ostracized for it.

We'll all pay for the world we are creating.

>> No.21696697

>reddit thread

kys OP unironically

>> No.21696721

Im a senior in highschool and this is pretty exaggerated. I do live in a wealthy area in California, so I don't know how poorer areas are doing, but i'm not scared desu.
>>21695939 Is pretty accurate, though I do want to add that recently they have slowed down normal classes to almost a SPED level. Like how you would teach 4th graders. So on paper normal kids get higher grades (because the curriculum is easier), but all it really does is deepen the divide between smart kids and normal kids.
I will agree that the english department does need the most work. There is zero creative writing curriculum at all, nobody really reads, and you honestly don't learn much. But there are a shit ton of books available, it's mainly just the kids themselves.
If anyone has questions about highschoolers or highschool curriculum feel free to ask. Honestly you guys are a little too scared about the future we are doing fine.

>> No.21696745
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>admitting to being underage

>> No.21696747

Im 18 silly

>> No.21696759



>> No.21696763

>So on paper normal kids get higher grades (because the curriculum is easier), but all it really does is deepen the divide between smart kids and normal kids.
Schools get less funding if more kids are failing.

>> No.21696777

I tutor high school kids. Tech literacy is really bad too, very few students know how to use computers. This leads to a lot of problems with typing essays. Hand written essays are often illegible so a lot of my time is spent reading bad hand writing and offering feedback. Reading isn't that bad over here where I live. Mainly it's hispanic kids who started learning English late or don't have anyone speaking English at home. The kids I don't worry about are asian kids, at least with their academics. They are usually fucked up emotionally though. White kids are the hardest to generalize, but I agree with the phone addiction problem. Problem with white kids is the lack of any long term ambitions. Lots of smart kids but you could call it a self-esteem issue where they really hate getting constructive feedback since in their brain it's the same as negative. This leads to them procrastinating a lot and seeking help at the last minute.

>> No.21696786
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>>tfw millenials only have a few more years to automate the economy or it will all collapse when the zoomers come of age

It's so incredible to watch the rise and fall of empires, the grand tragic arc of history with its legions of silent dead bearing mute testimony to the merciless final arbiter of us all, Time...

...foretold in random prescient shitposts on a Mongolian throat singing forum.

>> No.21696841

>heir goal all along was to create people so stupid and gullible that they wouldnt even want to reproduc
Who benefits from this? Surely not the elite who need an underclass to serve them?

>> No.21696863

So the Mexican kids are lazy studies, the Asians are studious but emotionally alien, and the white kids are apathetic.

Do the black kids eat watermelon?

>> No.21696864

so there will be just more blue collar wagies in the end? I am somehow not really disturbed by this, but be careful with my amazon packages zoomers!

>> No.21696873

I used to think "straight A student" in American media was an unrealistic exaggeration until I realised Americans don't give children an intelligence test at 12 and then segregate them into different classes and instead have all the classes at the retard level. It's hard enough to keep a class interesting and useful enough enough for 30 randoms with similar IQs, if you make the 85s sit with the 115s you don't stand a chance

>> No.21696874

>How do we deal with this?
We don't. You can't force people to care about things they don't care about. The average person has always been relatively uninterested in academics and literature. Just let them get their general education in K-12 and stop forcing the higher education meme on people that don't need it

>> No.21696882

anon, that would be racist

>> No.21696892

Think more along the lines of more package thieves. We're going to be more South Africa-style gate closed, garage closed, it is now safe to exit the vehicle (hopefully)

Amazon will likely open a shotgun position for its trucking staff.

>> No.21696917

>If you are above the age of 20
Public education was very bad when I was in school. I was in National Honor Society despite never doing homework at home or studying in my life and sleeping in class. Every single day I went home and played video games until like 2AM, and I was in all the honor classes. In 3rd grade the school made us do a reading level test, and I scored the highest measurement which was grade 11+.

>> No.21696935

Isn't the parent a little spineless for letting their kid play with it all the time?

>> No.21696939

>millenials saving anything
Literally zoomers lite with extra depression

>> No.21696942

Millenials create revolutionary AI technology, zoomers can't handle tech beyond ios desu

>> No.21696944

All of my friends were in national honors despite being retards. I was in regular everything, but with terrible attendance and almost no completed assignments to speak of.

When it came time to take our MEAPs I outscored them across the board. Ya' can't teach smart.

>> No.21696946


>> No.21697038

oh well

>> No.21697055

Quit fucking needling us, you prick.
We'll solve it tomorrow. Just chill the fuck out.

t. millennial

>> No.21697061

This frankly sounds like a problem that's almost exclusive to English and languages like it. Languages with perfect phonetic writing do not have this problem, seeing as spelling out a word and reading it may as well be the same action, and what's important is that this rule is always consistent.
Is English going to die out?

>> No.21697069

>Languages with perfect phonetic writing
could you name some examples?

>> No.21697094
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>...foretold in random prescient shitposts on a Mongolian throat singing forum.
The joke that keeps on giving.

>> No.21697099

That person doesn't know what he's talking about. He's referring to phonemic orthography which happens because of how new the orthography was created. Of course writing is going to match the sound if the writing system was just created. The sounds change away from the writing system over time for every language. English doesn't match it well because English has an old orthography. But this has etymologically advantages, so you can't really say a phonemic orthography is automatically better in general.

>> No.21697105

>Hand written essays are often illegible
One my my brother's kids writes with a fucking weird grip that prevents him from actually seeing what he's writing. He literally just guesses where the pen tip will be. I've tried to fix it but he really needs something long-term. I suggested his parents that they buy him a silicone writing aid (just google it if you have shit handwriting) and they were like uhh no this is WEIRD?! Like I was telling them that his kid would have to go around on leg braces. I was like, what the fuck it costs literal cents, you make him use it when he's doing homework at home, literally put it on the fucking pen and it will fix his posture, it will help actually write like a normal person. Nope, weird and uhhh no? Nobody does this so uhhh??? I'm not going to step over because it's not my kid, so he'll write like shit forever.
I swear to God everything is wrong. I'm completely appalled by the idea of having children but I probably would've been fitter to be a father. At least I'd be fucking trying instead of acting like a fucking retard. Then people don't seem to give a fuck about actually raising their kids have multiples. It's all backwards.

>> No.21697125
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I always that thought that it would be easier to get highschoolers to care about their education a little more if you first got them to just care about taking good care of their mental and physical health first. Ideally I would teach books like Atomic Habits - James Clear or The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck - Mark Manson.

Because when I was in high school just a few years ago, I got absolutely no teaching on just how to be a functional person, it was all theoretical fictional stuff like Earnest Hemingway and Charles Dickens.

I understand where fictional books like that can be important, but teaching self help books could both teach kids how to read and how to take care of themselves, two in one.

>> No.21697156

You guys have to realize kids today aren’t the way they were 60 years ago. Back then it was possible for a 20 year old to have a job, wife, children and house. A 30 year old today is probably the equivalent to a 20 year old decades ago. With lifespan growing and boomers not stepping down, there isn’t much room for upward advancement plus with population explosion jobs are more competitive. A teenager today isn’t going to take school that seriously because they are a teenager. Corporal punishment also had an effect to motivate those without motivation. We are probably seeing today the new phenomenon of a sliding maturity level that has never been seen before. The future will certainly be interesting

>> No.21697157

As the other anon said, they both work. If it keeps him happy at the end of the day, they aren't going to fight endlessly about it. He's not as bad as some of my other friend's kids- but he has to have it playing all the time (as long as he doesn't notice it's off, like if he's outside or something, he forgets to scream about it)

>> No.21697159

You beat me to it. Text-to-anything technology is being developed for iToddlers to replace anyone with a functional brain. Learning to proompt real good and edit Ai slop won't help you when the illiterate masses can't tell the difference anyway.

>> No.21697161

This never happened

>> No.21697182
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I stopped caring

>> No.21697184
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I'm a teacher, and I feel like I can blame other left-leaning teachers here. I hate to bring politics into this but there are some teachers who purposely teach on a very low level so that the SPEDs and the ESLs can be "equal" to the smarter children who grew up with the language as their mother tongue and it results in the smarter kids getting a bit stunted or having the love of reading snuffed out by having to read things too simple for them and write copius essays and quizes on it

>> No.21697197

>Im a senior in highschool and this is pretty exaggerated.
Oh wow, ok

>I do live in a wealthy area in California
Ohhh there we go, wealthy parents are much more invested in raising their kids right. You're not a good example anon.

>> No.21697209

I was using dumb person words, but yes, though you're wrong about something: Latin has pretty clear phonemic orthography in spite of its age. Some romance languages actually derive this trait from it (good example: Spanish). English has its own advantages, but I'm exclusively learning about the ease of learning proper phonetic reading and expanding one's vocabulary exclusively through script.
Korean, a good deal of Slavic tongues, and even fucking Japanese once you understand how to break down its characters into understandable phonetic components (a boon of its structure) all retain some level of phonetics to their scripts that avoids the usual pitfalls actually talked about in the article I was replying to. Phonetics doesn't have to be a method of teaching because the phonetics are ingrained in the languages, and symbiotic with the act of reading.

>> No.21697217

>but I'm exclusively learning about the ease of learning proper phonetic reading and expanding one's vocabulary exclusively through script
talking about the ease of learning proper phonetic reading and expanding one's vocabulary through script*
But case in point. I hate English so fucking much.

>> No.21697305

It used to be like that, at least where I grew up. Although they segregated us based off GPA rather than an IQ test.

>> No.21697313
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>> No.21697320

Fuck off spic

>> No.21697328

>He specifically told everyone in his family, "Do not get my son a tablet." and someone did. Now he will scream and holler if it's not on, endlessly playing YouTube kids videos of paw patrol or Thomas the Tank Engine or whatever else the algorithm feeds him
Sounds like your friend's problem
Don't want to give him a tablet? Then take it away. If I had such a rule and someone disobeyed it and gave one to my kid I'd just take and give it back to them or sell it

>> No.21697338


>> No.21697363

I don't get it. They're at the very least glued to social media, right? Places like twitter, reddit, or even here.
How can they not read? Literally all we fucking do all day is read. Sure, social media crap isn't exactly high brow literature but they should at least be able to form coherent thoughts.

>> No.21697364
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Relevant vids on slow attention spans:



Basically, everyone nowadays can read or consume at a much smaller rate. Remember when YouTube used to be a place where people would watch videos that are much longer than 5 mins? Well nowadays the trends lay in a single 10 second short.

Today's audience, and no, its not a "HECKIN ZOOMERINOOS!" problem, its an audience/population problem. The population has failed to focus on real problems like building a family or trying to work towards their goals. Now its consume at a much slower rate with little critical thinking.

This is a problem with how people are brought up, they don't want to bring people up thinking, they want to bring them up with, ahem, technology.

And technology has made us less intelligent

>> No.21697369
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I'm just gonna shit out some of my thoughts about zoomers:
I feel like they're getting into politics way too early. 14 year olds getting hemmed up over homosexuality or racism can't be healthy for a developing mind that hasn't even filed taxes yet.
When I was younger none of us gave a shit about politics until college and sometimes not even then.
And in theory getting into political issues as young as possible could be a good thing, but they're too young to really understand geopolitics, the economy, etc. All they can really grasp are social issues since those are the simplest and the media makes that out to be a nightmare that's beamed to their phones 24/7.

>> No.21697373

>If it keeps him happy at the end of the day
what a wonderful way to raise a child
Candy for breakfast!

>> No.21697386

>I have 50 tenth graders and there's no copies of The Alchemist left
at least there's a silver lining

>> No.21697611

It isn't just SSRIs. It's technology-induced ADHD. Zoomers are glued to their phones all day, scrolling through Instagram and watching hundreds of 30-second TikTok. Little kids are constantly playing games on their phones or watching videos on their ipads. Their attention spans are being shortened to the point that they're incapable of the most rudimentary forms of planning and discipline. It's a truly horrifying state of affairs.

>> No.21697681

True, people like me have it way better and I bet poor areas see more stuff like the reddit post describes. But at least you can take comfort in the fact that educated, driven students from areas like mine will be the ones making decisions and running shit in the future. The kids in the reddit guys class will just be working in factories and not really destroying society that much. The most they will be able to do is press the wrong button on a factory machine.

>> No.21697696

I feel like we're definitely going to start seeing the ramifications of this in 5-10 years. These kids are going to burn out on life extremely quickly when they realize how incapable they are of doing even basic tasks

>> No.21697733
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>That first video
I now know how it feels to be a literal schizo. Fuck that is terrifying. Meds are definitely not optional.

>> No.21697753

The new generation of refugees aren't even harassing women anymore, they get phones and just sit around on benches in packs watching loud TikTok vids mesmerised.

>> No.21697763
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Ah... yes. I saw that post on r/stupidpol the other day as well (probably the only place on reddit worth visiting anymore).

It's terrifying. Genuinely terrifying. Combine this with the advent of text-AI like ChatGPT -- which will make instantaneous plagarisim and forgery extremely easy and nigh-impossible to detect, -- it all points towards an extremely grim vision of the future.

I wonder how we'll actually be able to teach things like writing going forward. The only way we'll probably be able to detect whether kids actually wrote the essays they turn in will be to have specialized word processors that record every one of thier keystrokes. But even if we DO do that, it'll eventually lead to an arms race.

Hackers will develop automated essay-writers that mimick the correct key strokes: making fake mistakes and then correcting them in order to simulate actual writing. Teachers will probably be forced to point actual cameras at their students' fingers on the keyboards after that, in order to verify that it's really them writing. But even then, there'll probably be a tool that can generate AI video footage of you typing things in onto your keyboard in real time. And when that becomes the case, I'm not sure teachers will have any tools left to circumvent plagarism.

It's a horrifying prospect. We may well have been one of the last generations to have ever been taught how to write. I don't know how kids are going to learn going forward; at their age, I very much doubt I would've been able to resist these tempting tools myself.

>> No.21697772

>But at least you can take comfort in the fact that educated, driven students from areas like mine will be the ones making decisions and running shit in the future
Your state is responsible for 90% of everything wrong with America. No one takes solace in the fact you kids will do anything.

>> No.21697815

NTA, but the problem with doing that is that it'll isolate the kid from all of his peers.
This was the dillema my parents faced when I was growing up. They wanted to keep me away from video games and television (which I obviously tantrumed on and on about), but they eventually realized that without games and TV, I didn't share the same culture as all the other kids my age. It didn't help that I had an autism diagnosis, so any lack of common ground between me and the other kids on the playground made my situation a whole lot worse.
So they relented, and then of course I got addicted to games, and then the internet, and then games on the internet, and then every other form of mindless entertainment that was available at the time. It sucked, and it really stunted my development and potential, but in retrospect I have no idea what else my parents could've done, other than listen to my idiotic cries.
I think I'm better now. Getting addicted to online entertainment really fucked up my life in a lot of ways: I always performed well below my scholastic abilities and even dropped out of college at one point. But I think I managed to recover. I clawed my way out of the hole I was in, and even managed to get back into college and finish my applied math degree, only a year ahead of schedule. I managed to teach myself coding using online courses and get a job after that. So by all standards, I did pretty all right (even if I am still on 4chan). But I know for a fact that I could've been capable of so much more, and am still trying to improve myself in many ways in order to live up to what I think is my own potential. It's an arduous road; my attention is still dogshit and I can't seem to complete most of the personal projects I set out for myself (unless there's some kind of financial incentive behind them). But I think I'm getting better.
But anyway, the point is, I have no idea what I'm gonna do when my own kids come along. I don't know how I'm gonna handle this. Will I give them the latest device they're asking for? Or keep them isolated from their peers and ignorante of their generation's common culture?
I don't know. I suppose I'll cross that bridge when I get there. Only time will tell.

>> No.21697829
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This doesn't make me feel that much better about our situation, but it helps a little.

>> No.21697843

I envy them not.
I spent my life trying to improve my own dogshit attention span. I fought tooth and nail to avoid becoming an eternal child.
It's fascinating. I thought I was so much more at risk for these things because of my autism diagonsis. And I probably was, but I look all around me now and everyone suffers from the same problems that I did. They're all suddenly finding autism extremely relatable, somehow. Many of them declare themsevles to be autistic, when I can see for a fact that they don't have autism at all.
But anyway, I hope we can survive all this. Again, I have no idea how I'll raise my kids, but I know I'm gonna have to prepare for whatever technological horror will be designed to enslave their minds.

>> No.21697878
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Yeah zoomers, and even worse their eventual kids, are pretty much screwed.
You can tell just from talking to them. Poor education, borderline indoctrinated and brainwashed. You'd think they'd at least have high media/tech literacy but unfortunately you'd be mistaken there too...
Oh well I probably won't be around to see the worst consequences of it.

>> No.21697887
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Kill all leftists.

>> No.21697909
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I don't know whether you're saying the honors/non-honors class divide is a bad thing. But if you are, you can go straight to hell.
They're trying to do away with honors classes in certain woke school districts. Lump all the kids, gifted or otherwise, into one giant heap of retards. It's appalling.
And you know what the chief irony is? You want to know why they're actually doing this? Get this: it's because they want to REDUCE INEQUALITY. Which is INCREDIBLE. Rich kids aren't going to stay in the public schools where they don't have honors programs. Hell, the overwhelming majority of them aren't even there in the first place! They're in private schools! They're just gonna go to private schools more and more, while lower- and middle-class kids stagnate in these dead-end school districts while doing nothing regardless of whether they have the skills to rise above or not.
It's amazing. It's utterly appalling. Don't get me wrong, the left does plenty of retarded things. But I've never seen something that was gonna accomplish the EXACT OPPOSITE of what it was supposed to do quite like this. Hell, even quote/unquote "antiracism" wasn't this bad.
But yeah. Sorry to go off on a tangent there. The rest of what you said in your post seemed more or less accurate, and I didn't want to incorrectly assume that you were saying classes for gifted kids should be abolished. But if you were: fuck you.

>> No.21697919

The anti-phonics movement is hilarious and tragic. Bush was very strongly pro-phonics, so liberals, especially those in education sperged about about it, and have insisted on teaching the context-based alternative means despite the mountains of scientific evidence that it is completely fucking useless.

>> No.21697921

this is, in effect, the same thing we are all doing here on this forum

>> No.21697932

>All they can really grasp are social issues since those are the simplest and the media makes that out to be a nightmare that's beamed to their phones 24/7.
This is true, especially in regards to the climate. Most politically active teenagers are convinced they're going to die from climate change before they hit 50.

>> No.21697933

NTA, but German, Slavic, Finnish and ancient Greek and Latin orthographies are highly phonemic. There's ofc no perfectly phonemic orthography, that anon was exaggerating, and some of those are more distant from the theoretical ideal than others, but overall the non-phonemic elements of Russian orthography are relatively trivial, and Croatian/Serbian and Finnish orthographies are impressively consistent.
I would also suppose that many new writing systems for previously illiterate languages, designed by linguists, are unproblematic in this case too.

That's like asking if grass will die out. English is the most widespread language in human history.

>> No.21698041

>English is the most widespread language in human history.
The lingua franca, as it were.

>> No.21698066

of course they can't "communicate freely" if they say the wrong thing the Stasi will be on their ass

>> No.21698072

>then try smut novels.

>> No.21698141
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Lmao we're all fucked

>> No.21698161

>the problem is that kids are identified and separated at a young age based on ability/proficiency/IQ/etc., thus created two parallel groups of students that never interact except for in the cafeteria.
This hasn't happened anywhere in the USA for over a decade. It's illegal at the constitutional level. The ENTIRE POINT of public education is to prevent this from happening.

>> No.21698162

the education system is fundamentally broken.
>get a high school student who can't read.
>know as a teacher what you have to do:
>scrap your entire lesson plan for the next several months
>get out some alphabet flash cards
>start drilling phonics and sight words like it's a kindergarten class
>if you don't do this, D'varius will never learn how to read The Very Hungry Caterpillar
>but the state-mandated syllabus reads D'varius MUST read The Great Gatsby and write an essay about it in three months
>failure to do so will cost you your job because administration wants you to usher these illiterate students to gradation by any means necessary (or government funding will be cut)
>also administration will punish teachers for failing students by doubling the teacher's work load, so most teachers will pass students just to avoid doing the work of three or four teachers
>also the students who do know what sound the letter "a" and "b" make would be wasting their time waiting in class waiting for D'varius to catch up-- you can't teach kindergarten English and high school English at the same time
>also D'varius himself doesn't want to learn, will admit defeat three seconds into any exercise, probably scared other kids will make fun of him for his lack of ability
>teacher tries to discuss this problem with other teachers and administration
>most other teachers shrug and say they have the same problem and there's nothing they can do
>other teachers give out bullshit teaching theory answers: "do more assessments," "do differentiated instruction," "make more rubrics."
>failing D'varius will draw the wrath of his parents and the faculty and they will accuse you of racism
>school puts D'varius into special education classes even though he's not retarded, so he can sit out standardized tests and they can artificially inflate testing scores
>government steps in and says they're going to help D'varius by installing a new projector in the classroom, twenty new macbooks in the library, a language learning lab, and some tablet that can read special QR code signs for comprehension check questions
>total cost of new equipment: $200,000
>their assistance in D'varius inability to read: none
>D'varius advances to the next grade having learned nothing where the next teacher will have the same exact problems you did, but compounded
>at the end of class tell D'varius to have a nice weekend.
>D'varius replies "fuck you, cracka."

>> No.21698174

Anon I'm really not trying to brag but I'm like 3σ and the experience is so alienating it's almost difficult to describe. I basically don't interact with anyone unless absolutely necessary. As it is, I already can't integrate with normieworld unless I pretend to be someone I'm not. Most of the things people are interested in or like to talk about are completely insipid to me and every conversation seems to be some sort of godforsaken status game, that is when everyone is not on their phone, which is nearly all of the time. Does this mean it's going to get worse in the years to come?