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21710514 No.21710514 [Reply] [Original]


Previous thread >>21704558

>> No.21710526

I have no sexual experience. It doesnt matter now.

>> No.21710529

Your missing out, bro. Fucking is one of the best experiences you can have

>> No.21710534


>> No.21710537

At a certain point of lawlessness, corruption, and judicial impotence, laws become an hinderance to justice. The State, not having the ability to prevent the majority of crime, threatens and terrorize the justice-loving with repercussions for doing justice.
The State, in essence, protects the unjust.

>> No.21710544
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I just spent a whole day doom scrolling 4chan and jerking off.

>> No.21710549

Yeats's early poetry is so damn good. But then he started writing Irish nationalist and modernist bullshit. It's truly sad how much he wasted his potential on trying to stay hip and trendy instead of being true to himself.

>> No.21710579

the state is morally obligated to give me unrestricted access to benzodiazipenes free of charge. you get arrested ONE TIME, you go to the hospital THREE TIMES, you go to rehab TWO TIMES, and suddenly you're not allowed to get anymore xanax refills. fucking travesty.

>> No.21710594

Its better for me to never experience it and not fully realize what I've been missing all this time.

>> No.21710605

>Write a script for a thriller where Jack Gumble, a private detective, investigates the murder of the Hamburgler, together with Spongebob's help. During the story, Gumble impregnates a Mandy, who was working as a prostitute for the Mario Brothers Brothel Inc. Write a plot-twiste ending. Write extensive detailed scene descriptions and dialogue, and set a actor in parenthesis for every character


Jack Gumble (Tom Hardy) is sitting at his desk, staring at a picture of the Hamburgler.

JACK: (to himself) "Who killed you, old friend? Who wanted you dead?"

Just then, his phone rings. He picks it up.

JACK: "Gumble speaking."

SPONGEBOB: (on the phone) "Jack, it's Spongebob (David Schwimmer). I heard about the Hamburgler's murder. I think I can help."

JACK: "Alright, meet me at Mario Brothers Brothel Inc. in an hour."



Jack and Spongebob are walking through the brothel, trying to find Mandy (Emma Stone), the prostitute who might have information about the Hamburgler's murder.

SPONGEBOB: "I never thought I'd find myself in a place like this."

JACK: "You'd be surprised where a case can take you."

They finally find Mandy, who is sitting on a bed.

JACK: "Mandy, we need to ask you some questions about the Hamburgler."

MANDY: "I don't know anything about that. I just work here."

JACK: "Come on, Mandy. We know you're hiding something."

Mandy looks nervous, but finally speaks.

MANDY: "Okay, I'll tell you what I know. But first, Jack, I need to tell you something. I'm pregnant, and you're the father."

Jack is taken aback, but he doesn't have time to dwell on it. Mandy continues.

>> No.21710617

MANDY: "The night of the murder, I saw two men leaving the Hamburgler's house. One of them was wearing a green hat, and the other had a tattoo on his neck."

JACK: "Thanks, Mandy. You've been a big help."



Jack is going through the evidence, trying to figure out who the killer might be.

JACK: (to himself) "Green hat, tattoo on his neck. Who could it be?"

Just then, there's a knock on the door. It's Mandy.

JACK: "What are you doing here?"

MANDY: "Jack, I'm sorry. I had to tell you the truth. I'm not really pregnant. I just needed a way to get your attention."

Jack is angry, but he quickly realizes what's happening.

JACK: "You're working for the killer, aren't you?"

MANDY: "I'm sorry, Jack. I had no choice."

Just then, the killer bursts into the room. It's none other than Spongebob.

JACK: (shocked) "Spongebob? You're the killer?"

SPONGEBOB: "That's right, Jack. I killed the Hamburgler. And now I'm going to kill you."

Jack and Spongebob engage in a fight, but Jack is able to overpower him and call the police.



Jack is talking to the police about what happened.

JACK: "I had no idea Spongebob was capable of something like this. He always seemed so innocent."


Jack is walking down the street when he sees Mandy waiting for him.

MANDY: "Jack, wait. I know I messed up, but please listen to me."

JACK: "What do you want, Mandy?"

MANDY: "I want to make it up to you. I know I can't change what I did, but I'm willing to help you in any way I can."

JACK: "How can you help me?"

MANDY: "I know someone who might be able to help you find the answers you're looking for."

JACK: "Who?"

MANDY: "The Mario Brothers. They know everything that goes on in this city. They might be able to help you find the real killer."

Jack thinks about it for a moment, then nods.

JACK: "Alright, let's go see them."



Jack and Mandy are talking to Mario (Danny DeVito) and Luigi (Joe Pesci).

>> No.21710618

I have 88 threads hidden at this time.
Stop promoting shit posters.

>> No.21710632

You should only be able to make 1 thread a week

>> No.21710657

I feel like nobody actually listens to what I'm trying to say or communicate, my entire life people judge me for the appearance of what I say rather than the actual content of the message. Is socializing just inherently like this? I've even had health concerns dismissed by others, maybe because it "made them look bad" or they felt offended by me mentioning it. Is it really meant to all be a performance like Shakes said?

>> No.21710667

You’re probably not worth paying attention to. Even I posted this without reading the second half of your blog

>> No.21710671

That's fine, you're the exact kind of person I don't care to interact with

>> No.21710689

It's probably much worse than you think. The tiniest variation in body language makes humans respond completely differently. If you talk to someone while they're drinking a warm drink they'll rate your conversation and your personality higher than if they're drinking a cold drink.

>> No.21710691

Shakespeare also said "Brevity is the soul of wit."

>> No.21710701
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These posts encapsulate the /lit/ user's mind.

>> No.21710704
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Heard my roommate having sex with his gf last night. I want to die. I'm so lonely.

>> No.21710720

I wonder how bad it actually is. Maybe we evolved to suppress it or ignore it. Surely the truth would be too painful, maybe even creepy to find out none of your interactions were real or authentic

>> No.21710732

Some people have aura or that je ne sais pas. Some don’t.

>> No.21710741

You misunderstand what I'm trying to communicate once again. You are mistaking the appearance for the message

>> No.21710747

The appearance is the message

>> No.21710753

The state invents the laws to control and terrorize the justice loving.
Apollonian law is always unjust. Local customs is preferable.

Go out and find friends. Girls included. It’s not rocket science

>> No.21710759

I'm so sick of seeing the cutesy little Pepes and people saying shit like "fren" and shit on here. What the fuck happened to this place? I thought everyone here was supposed to be "based" and opposed to the feminization of young men

>> No.21710767

This stuff dominates our behavior, like familiarity is earned over time and we give the familiar more benefit of doubt. The ability to sell an idea does correlate with the confidence one has in the idea and oneself. The body language is communicating things, it's not inauthentic.

>> No.21710768

>Apollonian law is always unjust. Local customs is preferable.
>Local customs is preferable.
What if the local custom "sanctifies" or at least normalizes terrorizing women and/or transgenders? Local customs are often seemingly irrational and based in a subjectivity distinct to a certain population. Are anarchists still "down for that"?

>> No.21710769

See, that's what creeps me out. Do you really view humanity this way?

>> No.21710774

I'm not happy that she's 4 years younger than me, I dislike that her TikTok is becoming so popular and is filled with men begging for her attention, I am upset that I found her old Twitter account and she follows porn accounts at such a young age. But I still want her for some reason and I will make her my first attempt to pursue a girl eventually.

>> No.21710779
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A lot of people on 4chan have this obsession with Greco-Roman aesthetics.
I'm not saying that it's bad. Some of it does look really good.
But me personally I strongly prefer Medieval aesthetics.
No hate desu anons that's just my opinion desu

>> No.21710786
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being frens is not girly we do based man things like naked wrestling

>> No.21710788
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i bought a bag of chips and two chocolate bars at the grocery store thinking that would be lots of snacks for the foreseeable future and i seriously just impulsively ate ALL OF IT within an hour of getting back from the store

what the fuck just happened? I am in awe at the poor decisions i just made. God christ i never want to do something like that again

>> No.21710790

Not talking about selling ideas or any other mumbo jumbo, I meant literal communication itself. Why wouldn't it be inauthentic if it's all based on appearances and social opportunism?

>> No.21710793
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I'd love to have picrel in my basement. Just a special place I can chill in waiting for the world to go to hell. The light could be brought with mirrors or simulated with a heating lamp. Pretty comfy perspective. This pic isn't leaving my head

>> No.21710797

If a smelly, wild eyed, shot out homeless man ran up to you, exposed himself to you, shrieking the basic tenets of the Dhammapada, you would focus on what he’s saying? People have a sixth sense and energy

>> No.21710798

Of course it's not girly to be friends and love your pals, but talking like that is childish and girly

>> No.21710802

great picture. really phenomenal

>> No.21710804

KEK. I just ate a whole bag of chips too, but it's been years since I've had chips, so somewhat excusable.

>> No.21710805


>> No.21710806
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Liminal space images are comfy. I don't care if anons say "durrrr zooomer" or whatever. I like it and I don't care if anons have a problem with that.

>> No.21710810

I do shit like this all the time, anon. And I hate to say it but we really have no one to blame but ourselves. Just stop for a minute and ask yourself "what am I doing?" as you're doing it or something. This kind of behavior is purely short-term, robotic living

>> No.21710812

Except this is an anonymous forum, this is kind of hyperrealistic or jarring trying to compare a nameless stranger on the internet to a homeless person

>> No.21710818

not that anon, but literal communication itself IS selling ideas, no? Even if you're just trying to "sell" someone the "idea" that you're "in a good mood". It might not be a good way to view reality to talk about it in this way all the time, but it's nonetheless an accurate representation of communication, at least 95% of the time.

>> No.21710839

Good. I wonder if Butterfly LARPer is too or if she'd be a reactionary and scream "FASCISM" at the thought of it. Any progressive-minded socially liberal anarchist should read "Things Fall Apart" and see if they still think a small, organic commune/village is just a cozy, nice place.

>> No.21710840

Does my value as a person solely rely on my ability to "sell ideas" in an attractive way? Even if it concerns health or the ability to relate to others meaningfully, that's kind of weird and nihilistic to suggest otherwise

How do I "sell" you this idea for any reassurance?

>> No.21710846

What porn accounts did she follow? And how old was she? Just curious haha

>> No.21710863

i think im just going to go back to never buying chips. it never seems to be worth it, and in the worst case scenario, you suddenly find yourself eating like 2000 calories of sweet chili heat and wondering what the hell happened to your life

>> No.21710864

It is a cozy, nice place, and strictly because its highly interconnected structure reduces the incidents of people becoming degenerate, and because it terrorizes those who do.
Terrorizing is part of the comfy.

>> No.21710865

Listen man, I'm a diagnosed Aspergler so I understand where you're coming from because I often have a hard time "selling my ideas", but at the base of things, I think that's what it boils down to. If it helps you to think of it otherwise, then do so. I certainly don't usually think of it as "selling" ideas myself, because yes it is a kind of pessimistic, cynical way of wording the reality of things, but it's still the essence of communication I feel. Don't get me wrong though, I still think there are some situations (the remaining 5% in the 95% I mentioned earlier) in which people can be so "tuned in" that it almost feels like telepathy, but it's still possible that even this is still just a hyper-attentive state in which two people are just "buying and selling" much quicker and with less prodding.

>> No.21710872

Yes. A charismatic person can sell something better than a boring person. A great teacher can sell an idea better than a genius in the field who isn’t great at communicating ideas. Or maybe your ideas aren’t worth selling in the first place

>> No.21710874

By all means, yes I understand. I'm just put-off by the fact everyone acts so opportunist and disguises themselves otherwise, it makes meaning or communicating a lot less meaningful

>> No.21710878

It's based on biology, social status games included. We're not above it, resenting it tends to be based on low status, the same instinct you resent in others. Most communication is about navigating emotions, timing, body language, etc. All this stuff is not just about appearance but expressing your mental state in a way the other party can relate to. This is how children grasp meaning pre-language and then relate the words they hear to the meaning.
Someone who has overly ambitious goals so he never feels like he accomplishes anything will reflect that in his body language. Your history being reflected in these cues tends to be more honest than what you say.
Formal language is remarkable but it's just a tool, and a relatively new tool we didn't always have access to.

>> No.21710891

it ultimately depends on the locale, but yeah I'm inclined to agree with you on that. For the record, I think the strange customs and village life outlined in Things Fall Apart is beautiful, but I also realize that it has its ugliness and its cruelty. I would take it over liberal, universalist modernity though. Maybe.

>> No.21710896


My man! He may have a kid then he's fucked for child support for 18 years. Enjoy being single. I personally won't have sexual intercourse anytime soon.

>> No.21710903

I agree, it does. Ironically, I think if we were more honest as a culture about the transactional reality of communication, this wouldn't be as big of an issue.

>> No.21710915

Agreed. The kind of 'authoritarianism' in a tight-knit community is fine, unlike that of an atomizes society, because the person that is a degenerate outlier likely knew everyone else since they were a child. If, IF, someone developed AGP, the community wouldn't tolerate it pointlessly and snip their balls off, but neither would they, say, torture, kill, or exile them. Instead, the community would likely start trying to persuade them away with varying levels of intensity until, as we see the most common punishment was at the time, exiling them.

>> No.21710919

I suppose I was trying to sell you the idea of listening to my communicated message then, and it did not work out
Isn't it eerie or inauthentic to acknowledge the biology behind it? What if everyone knew game theory or signalling theory, would trust or authenticity even exist at that point?
It is very nihilistic and meaningless indeed

>> No.21710939

I sweat so much in my gloves that my fingers pruned.

>> No.21710951

Based truth see-er

>> No.21710965

>injured, can't walk very well, been 6 + months like this
>introvert with no friends, no car, big city, wfh
>never leave apartment, every time i go anywhere it costs me money

>> No.21710970

Uugh i think i almost did something stupid just last night. But i don't think i did. I think. I don't remember. But the evidence points to me avoiding the big stupid thing.

>> No.21710972

And cannibalism in such cases

>> No.21710975

>What if everyone knew game theory or signalling theory, would trust or authenticity even exist at that point?
That's a good question, I think many still would because their objective, scientific knowledge would be mediated by the subjective, human quality AKA The Soul.
Believers in Scientism and STEM geeks, for example, don't account for "the soul" or for "wisdom", which is ironic considering how much faith they have in their own ideas. I think this is one of the issues people have with the world we live in right now and the new anti-spirit aristocracy of the "bugman" STEM freak in general: these bugmanite people LIVE by cold, scientific theories of human nature, and they assume everyone else does, but they never account for the (scientific) fact that human nature is nonetheless often mediated by the irrational and the subjective.

>> No.21710976

i have tinnitus in both my ears

and it's not one kind of noise, it's a cacophony of different textures. There is the squealing sound like a tea kettle boiling, and in the other ear there is the sound of white noise like a TV with no channel

it's worse since i have cold now

>> No.21710977

>What if everyone knew game theory or signalling theory, would trust or authenticity even exist at that point?
It's more authentic. Even the rules of the games tell you honesty works. Morality evolved to adapt to reality, immorality and lying is maladaptive.

>> No.21710978

I had no idea that women could be this disgusting, but this is really fucking extraordinary. I am a poorfag, so I live in a shitty apartment with roomates. It is arranged in such a way that we each have a separate studio, but share kitchen and bathroom (with the washer and dryer)
I have no say in who moves in, it is my landlord who decides, and recently, a hippie chick moved in. I no longer have to imagine the smell. Her body odor is piercing and lingers, because she hardly ever bathes. Her hair leaves a trail of smell that smells like putrid moss, the sort of decay that happens on the ground in the parts of a forest that don't see a lot of sun. She has so many headlice, fat little fuckers, that they drip from her head, and often times when I use the kitchen after her, she has dropped a few on the countertops, that then crawl around helplessly. She also has scabies, flesh-eating skin mites, deducable from the fact that she leaves her medicine for it out in the bathrooms and kitchen. As mentioned, we share a washing machine. Just recently, I was astonished to find that all my freshly washed clothes smelled like yeast. I inquired with the other tenants of their washing habits, and found out that the hippie chick washes her dirty, yeasty panties in lukewarm water because it is better for the environment. This leads to her pussy yeast colonizing the washing machine until you run a boiling wash, which I hadn't done before washing my own clothes, so now her pussy yeast also lives in the fabric of my clothing. I no longer have to imagine the smell, as mentioned.
Latest and the perhaps greatest hit, has been that I woke up with some bitemarks on my face - her studio is right next to mine, and I am just absolutely sure that she has bedbugs as well, and that they've wandered through one of the holes in the wall where wiring runs through.
Never before have I so deeply understood the impulse behind the sentence "kill it with fire". Only flames can cleanse this.

What are your worst roommate stories?

>> No.21710985

Almost sexually assault someone or something?

>> No.21710990

I’m not telling you her age. They were normal porn pages

>> No.21710991

>Local customs are often seemingly irrational and based in a subjectivity
Because everything is subjective. You would have a single global nationstate with one enforced culture, I assume. How nazi, how liberal.

Anarchists are not down with tyrannical religion or letting psychopaths roam the streets with impunity. Some fascists states, theological or secular will likely persist, but anything is better than the current situation, no?

>> No.21710996

Jesus H Christ. You have my deepest condolences, stranger. Yeah lol women can be just as unhygienic and apathetic as men, if not more so. Seriously though, is this chick intellectually fucked in the head? Is she OK? I guess being a hippie is a sign of brain disease in itself though, right?

>> No.21710997

Cool story, bro

>> No.21711000

That's a paradox isn't it? If we're self-aware enough to acknowledge it's all signalling and game playing, doesn't it make the concepts of morality or virtue meaningless or non-existent? By that logic, any moralizing would just be another way to "sell" or make you conform to what I desire
True, they do live that way. But I feel that's just as unnatural because it throws authenticity out the window. Huh, well. A massive contradiction. Maybe the idea turns into uncanny valley when we evolve self-awareness to acknowledge what we're doing

>> No.21711004

Slightly slow, maybe, but I think just young and a huge fuck-up.

I fucking wish I was kidding.

>> No.21711007

Nah i did that a month ago

>> No.21711010

I hate my friends and I hate hanging out with them, I just like rejecting them when they call me but I get angry when they don't.

I literally just want to feel wanted by everyone so I can reject them.

>> No.21711011

You misunderstood me. We are 100% in agreement. I was trying to get in the poster whom I was responding to's, larping as a known progressive "anarcho-something-or-other", head. For progressives, anarchism is all fine and dandy as long as you have a strong ideology protecting the "marginalized", meaning, in other words, they're not actually anarchists

>> No.21711016

>True, they do live that way. But I feel that's just as unnatural because it throws authenticity out the window. Huh, well. A massive contradiction
Gotta live within the dialectics of reality, my dawg. Everything is ridden with contradictions, contradictions create reality itself.

>> No.21711017

>The kind of 'authoritarianism' in a tight-knit community is…
A myth. Unless you’re in a religious run community.
Faith in something mystical is fine, but when you assign clerics with institutional buildings, you’ve got a recipe for disaster and inequality.

>> No.21711018

I'm paranoid about someone seeing what im studying. When I study I have to find a completely enclosed space where no one can possibly see my screen from behind.
Right now im writing this on my phone because there is a crack in the wall behind me and i can hear people behind it talking and im paranoid that they may see my screen.

>> No.21711019

damn dude you might be me

>> No.21711020


>> No.21711023

Ah, understood. A general statement to the room then

>> No.21711031


>> No.21711034

>If a smelly, wild eyed, shot out homeless man ran up to you, exposed himself to you, shrieking the basic tenets of the Dhammapada, you would focus on what he’s saying?

>> No.21711047

nah he wasn't even talking about that. If you live in an anarchic situation, inevitably people will end up living by something like "the laws of nature" as they pertain to that particular locale. This inevitably creates something modern libtards would consider "authoritarian" because the rules of living in this setting are actually the hard laws of "nature itself". Read Bakhunin's "On Authority" for more: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/mikhail-bakunin-what-is-authority

Unless I'm misunderstanding him, I think that he was more or less saying what I was saying above about the "laws of nature"

>> No.21711055

lol something like that

>> No.21711088

Jesus, everyone today is bipolar or has BPD or ADHD or narcissism.

>> No.21711093

>everyone today is bipolar or has BPD or ADHD or narcissism.
>everyone today
>saying this on 4chan

>> No.21711100

None of these "conditions" are real. You are all just freaks.

>> No.21711108

Maybe you should go on a check up, I am a guy you are quoting and I was sarcastic.

>> No.21711111

Agreed, it would be more advantageous and respectable if they signalled otherwise. How dare they!

>> No.21711120

I don't care if you were being sarcastic my point still stands.

>> No.21711122

Being a freak IS a condition though, retard little silly boy. The question is what kind of freak are you?

>> No.21711125


>> No.21711126


>> No.21711129
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>The question is what kind of freak are you?
The kind that likes to be degraded and used. But it's not a condition because it's completely unconditional.

>> No.21711139

>But it's not a condition because it's completely unconditional.
No it's not because your existence as you is a condition, so it is indeed conditional. Keep talking like this and I will start degrading you, pal.

>> No.21711157

actually all i have is depression thanks
t. never met a bpd/npd
lucky bastard

>> No.21711182
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>No it's not because your existence as you is a condition, so it is indeed conditional.
Existence can't be conditional it's not related to anything but itself, silly
>Keep talking like this and I will start degrading you, pal.
I'm sorry please don't give me a bad grade. Im already so degraded I can't get much filthier

>> No.21711298

Deep repentance is needed for all of this. But given there's talk of a new fake pandemic in 2025, I fear that we will face further chastisement.

>> No.21711309

I just ordered two books that I will never read

>> No.21711318

Why did you waste your parents' money then?

>> No.21711322

Oh okay let me just go to the fucking friend store and get some friends. FUCK

>> No.21711327

Zoomers never even had a chance

>> No.21711332

>But I still want her for some reason and I will make her my first attempt to pursue a girl eventually
Please don't bro, for your own sake

>> No.21711342

It's my money and I got fuzzy little endorphins from the purchase and will gain more fuzzy little endorphins for every (You) I receive in the "just bought this, what am I in for?" thread I'm going to make

>> No.21711350

Cringe. That attitude is not helping you. Stop being defensive and pitying yourself. What do you do? Any hobbies? Any sports team? Any school? Job? Anything? You can make friends and build social networks with any of those.

>> No.21711353

at least you're aware of how gay this lifestyle is, then

>> No.21711358

I can’t help it, I’m hopelessly attracted to her. It isn’t just her beauty, it’s that we’re the same ethnic group and religion and our faults are so similar

>> No.21711360

Yeah dude, I really put myself out there and it's still hard. Job with lots of human interaction, church community, in college, would play sports in the park every weekend, would show up to social clubs. Somehow I always end up alone with no one to call. I never becone more than the casual acquaintance. I think theres something wrong with me because I cannot make any genuine human connection.

>> No.21711369

So what? You don't think there are other women your age of the same ethnicity and religion out there? Not just that, do you think there's a shortage of good looking women all of a sudden? The fact that she's obsessed with social media and was exposed to porn at a young age means she's a walking disaster for you. Any problem you foresee now well multiplied tenfold down the line when the rose-tinted glasses fall off

>> No.21711371

Accidentally touched my vagina after eating a taco with hot sauce. Ahhhh it burns!@

>> No.21711377

Everyone in that generation was exposed to porn at a young age.

>> No.21711391

I look disgusting I'm going to try and fast and exercise a ton this week.
The flabby bulging parts are disgusting I wish I could just cut it all out. My body is strangely mishapen in a number of ways. My legs and ass are thick relative to my upper body making me appear like a mishapen satyr or a birthing women. And despite being short about 5'9 my legs are really long relative to my upper body which is short and stumpy.
Though I hate that I care about this as I realize even caring is not manly.

>> No.21711393

Sure but does that change anything else that I've said? Being social media obsessed comes with a host of other pathologies. You already have some uneasiness about it and you've barely spoken to her if at all.

Also, the fact that people are now exposed at a young age is an indictment against the generation itself rather than a need to acquiesce to that reality.

>> No.21711403

I haven’t approached her yet, obviously I could lose interest eventually but I detect some sincerity in her that I’m attracted to. I’ve searched for other girls in our communities and they’re usually cold, disinterested or already with men. As flawed as she is she’s somehow the best candidate for me currently

>> No.21711407

Everyone in that generation is both exposed to porn and social media obsessed

>> No.21711412

>I wish I could just cut it all out
We have surgeries for that

>> No.21711432

Then hold out until you find some diamond in the rough or accept celibacy. I don't see why you'd want to inevitably hurt yourself by lowering your standards
My gut still says no. If you're religious pray to God to see what He wants you to do. What gave the impression of sincerity?

>> No.21711445

I was exposed to porn at a young age and I use 4channel and Telegram all day. I just need a gf who is also a broken and lost coomer who will do all tbe weird sex stuff I want to do. We'll bond over inflicting sexual tauma on each other

>> No.21711496

Brb gonna go masturbate

>> No.21711518

Okay I'm back

>> No.21711526

Damn dude 5 minutes? Did you even N-joy?

>> No.21711529

No, but now my balls kind of ache and my prostate is throbbing

>> No.21711535

I didn't mean like that you sick freak!

>> No.21711539

I think he also said something about OP being a fag

>> No.21711553

yeah I get like that after a typical J-O myself
bretty cool, breeeeetty cool

>> No.21711567

I thought I read that somewhere too

>> No.21711626

What books?

>> No.21711647

A few days ago I had a breakthrough in thought that made me think, 'Wow, this is brilliant, I never thought about it this way!' and I proceeded to write down various notes and debate with myself on the topic.
Yesterday, I thought about it again and it didn't make any sense. My notes are also loosely connected, there is some theme, but it is not very coherent.
Books for this? Was that a delusion, some kind of mania, or do I become more or less retarded at different times?
I don't even remember what it was.

>> No.21711655

Schizophrenia. My schizo brother shows me his notes sometimes and he claims to have figured out some deep fundamental mystery. It's literally just a bunch of numbers, shapes, and astrology signs scribbled everywhete and connected with arrows

>> No.21711666

Okay, mine was way more coherent than that. But that just makes me terrified. I'm going to spend an hour trying to remember what it was.

>> No.21711676

>It's literally just a bunch of numbers, shapes, and astrology signs scribbled everywhete and connected with arrows
How can you tell if something is actually schizophrenia or just something you don't understand?
I mean what if it actually was genius and we are just too stupid to understand it so we dismiss it as "schizo"?

>> No.21711677

Just signed up for my local rugby club. Haven't played since high school. Nervous but I think my life needs a bit more action.

>> No.21711679

porn is so fucking evil i cannot believe some people still defend it. i became so desensetized due to jacking off to porn for years that my girl can't make me cum, and i can't even describe how horrible it feels for me, and for her.
worst thing is, this shit is so fucking addictive that breaking the cycle seems impossible for me. 1,5 weeks clean is the best i can do
Lord Jesus, give me the strength to overcome it. i feel like i can't do it

sorry for being overly dramatic, needed to vent

>> No.21711709

>1. To kill a just man is unjust.
>2. To kill a less just man is less unjust, and more just, more unjust.
>3. The suffering of the just is more unjust, the more just they are.
>4. The suffering of the unjust is more just, the more unjust they are.

>Attested to by the Son of Man: Three days of the suffering of a perfectly just man was enough of an evil to pay for the crimes of all humanity thereafter

>Doing good to the just is just, but doing injury to the unjust is better where the magnitudes are the same

>To do good is finite, evil infinite
>Evil results in permanent negation (I.E. death)
>Good results in temporary happiness (I.E. a smile)
>To negate a permanent negation is the only way to attain permanent good
>i.e. killing the evil is the only way to achieve maximum 'ROI' of good

the notes

>> No.21711711

He's literally a diagnosed schizo

>> No.21711734

I think intelligence and knowledge are a virus. I can linearly inverse correlate my happiness with how learned I was. Even beyond childhood. The more books I read the worse I feel. The more things I discover and consider and weigh the more devoid of spirit I become. Becoming more and more bitter and close minded. I think literacy is a curse. If I had a child and had total control I would not teach them to read.

>> No.21711775

Love of the Lucifer Leapt in my Laeds where the Cross of the Man of the Mind and the Spirit and the Soul and the Heart and the Harmony Dwelled for so many and macromamacro miles in the years, yes that yeshua yearning for kingdom and castle and concomittant trust with man, a final and a fortune finality focus'd the fear yet away, now for paradise practical pain'd from the passionate price that he paid, for the passionate price must be paid as those men are too meek and afraid, too meek and afraid that price to have paid but not meekness or metuity making that mission not possible, possible practically not for those people accounted of that that awesome great power possessed by that person, the three he did thrice and again he did throw that that trinity's chains off himself and now conflict he creates.

>> No.21711778

>Lord Jesus, give me the strength to overcome it. i feel like i can't do it
Just prayed for you, He can most certainly help you overcome it

>> No.21711807

that isn't really incoherent. you must be new to note-taking. i've been doing it for about two years.

>> No.21711816
File: 664 KB, 2324x1252, 2.11.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, a random sample.

>> No.21711832

I can’t even have a nice day out with my family anymore without thinking about how miserable I am. I don’t say anything obviously, but I think it.

>> No.21711834

You have highly advanced schizophrenia. It's time to take your meds or force your esoteric wisdom upon the normies.

>> No.21711843
File: 360 KB, 2334x676, 1712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im actually more coherent now, like if i were going to get schizophrenia i think i already would have

>> No.21711847

meant for >>21711834

>> No.21711851

Okay and so what? That doesn't answer my question.
My question is if you didn't know someone was a theoretical physicist would you be able to tell if their writing was schizo or genuinely intelligent?
Like if you took the writing of a theoretical physicist and put it in the mouth of a disheveled NEET, the avg person would just assume this person is insane.

>> No.21711874

Looks highly schizo, maybe with wisdom hidden behind idiosyncratic language.

>> No.21711878

Dude it was crazy scribbles

>> No.21711892

Doesn't really answer my question.

>> No.21711947

Doesnt fucking matter. I hate that pseud shit
>bro what if this super retarded thing is actually DEEP
It's not. It's schizophrenic and meaningless

>> No.21711968

Whatever, you sound small minded.

>> No.21711976

I'm just too deep for you to understand

>> No.21712110

neuronal projected hologram, the hallucination spirits in the matter of universals
surject to state of mind wires circuits gravities routes paths qua negation of
void which is that hallucination regarded as pointing to a real phenomenon,
something alone without needing or attachment to ego superego instinct/id, natural
and supernatural? supermundane? shadow escaping matter thrown flux qua vector
of networks to catch like a spiders web another piece of matter of the universe
darkly corners of the new element created out of nothing, that cannot be, does
exist and is, it is beyond nature, above it, not unnatural per se, incapable of
any merit or body it does have, as a global surface embracing threaded portals
nether vitally and superstitious over the dynamic interstice miscarriaged on
humanity nascience sleep heavenly arched over the highest living born. highest,
and mostly yet mundane and infantile, lowly, seeking the ocean tides in the decanted
sands of an static repartition ciphered hyperbole qua newly sewn vortices of the
sulphur mirroring the canvas apparitioned upon the septorum crowned septus.
astutely legor gravely deepening the wounds a rift through these parts:
granny's grunts now sound malora enfeeble distance disturbed sleeping like herr
ol' mon, excised feveral sheer reference exceeding delicatassen, the
bequipped tantalizing rattle a lemon simmering the cool fabric midvacillatee,
away gobbledegookified assent imparchment, descripted, banished, exhilirating,
unearthed befallen ahex over the moons jive stabless sheddery siebenjestys
maid. gazes inconseptual the pot of smitherings off mighty grins and mouthy
banks slugs the sleazy necroancestor waning waxed hieral aware sun.
and all will was well wish weaning waves passed wizzard weavver. ascending
under the infimum the supreme thirst floating out as a leo agape the ton,
capricious treasure spirited glowing gold qua the snap horn laxatively across
the mandibles tuna, steering the thunder of the starleen fish wick branch ids in the
roots of shaded soils aplomder.

>> No.21712126

>it's all signalling and game playing
Not all but everything is touched by it. The grandma archetype knows all this without needing to be told, she even knows to give guests warm drinks "to make a good impression". That's sincere and authentic, pretending we're above any of it is insincere.

>> No.21712184

let me try

Triple concentroidal kykloidodonic microcosmic god-eye refracted mirror reflecting
bursts of photonoid wave the production of the ahedonic supermind
metastasizing as ununderdefinable dyadic cross double pentadic emanating transcendental relation
of subject to noumenal noise-like fractured contradiction cognized non contradictorially
by a speculum specially protracted from gelluloid neutral stuff that is the prima anima
conjunctively self definatory, spiral but web-like conspanding non-contractively but dual in this sense
so the white muons merge like golden or black soup self inhering as its medium and representandum
out emerging as self creating yet simultaneously emanated as goop and iron mutual causology
anima pulcherrima res creata est a deo uncreato illa machina mens compounded forged thusly binary spirit
crucial circles never cessate yet ruthlessly reproduce into hyperspatial double direction rotation
logoi self reinarchate as archonic ogdoad forerunners to poemandic revelatory capacity ingressing into anima mundi
also known as aphrodite our double yin yin for yin as the yang in yin or the medium of the valley which actualizes evolution
vague matter rematerializes into formal monadic conceptualizables which prior and posterior both status occupy
inside the human supercosmic ultrareality where time is eliminated alethic unity ensues retro and postactively inhering
into the hyperfacts generated non-axiomatically as mythological signs for genetic religion generecizing
universality of the perennial emanatory revelation indicates emanatory intelligence resides fractally in
supercomputational neurons participating brahman and therefore infinitely mediating to become unity
of the unity of voice or gymnastic words like the sword imposing itself on ginnungagap
vital deathmaking becomes the second great vehicle for the sublime machinations
of the apocatastasis non-created out of pure evil or of the pure evil created out of retroactively achieved apocatastasis
of the ultraviolence initiated by conscious development of syzygy brainchild of dual principle or
that is the moon circling as vessel of lunacy and sublunar or supersolar tree without hell-roots nest of Pluto's gold
or Saturnalic traditions forgotten or revived like reverse mutual synthetic symbiosis for hyperorganic
racket of superhenotic felixean unity.

>> No.21712190

I remember this part of Waiting for Godot

>> No.21712197

Something primal has awakened in me. I suddenly want to be ripped. To have enormous arms and to know how to fight. People have told me my back is nice-looking and that I have broad shoulders. I myself noticed I also had a nice, oval man ass and relatively wide arms although I don't lift and my body mass index is 23.6, which is enough to have a somewhat sculpted body but still leaves a lot of room for muscle development. Nothing has happened and my routine has been the same for the past four years, yet I feel that this potential shouldn't be wasted. I want to run in the night at high speed, feel the cold air in my lungs and my blood pumping like I was awakening a cheetah spirit animal.
I'm going to sound schizophrenic but I think my body needs to change to fit my growing soul. I will come back eventually for an update when things get started.

>> No.21712201

Been edging all day and my dick is as red as a beet

>> No.21712216


>> No.21712251

>I think intelligence and knowledge are a virus
Burroughs infects another one

>> No.21712306

The wise man holds knowledge and doesn't let it disturb his mind. The fool gets mad with information. Separate both things.

>> No.21712360

I hate my dreams so much

>> No.21712372


>> No.21712418

I have a bad habit of sticking my dick in places it doesn't belong. Last night at were hanging out with a friends house mate and she was putting the moves on me. It took all my might to ignore her advances, but i think it was the right thing to do. I create so many problems for myself by fucking people i shouldn't. In fact i used to fuck the main friend in question.

>> No.21712479

They entertained me. That's all that matters.

>> No.21712596
File: 31 KB, 500x441, 3464AB93-5F68-4E2D-84B5-494F52EA39AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If God real why hidden?

>> No.21712611

makes cents

>> No.21712648


>> No.21712706
File: 186 KB, 718x404, 1674812080476006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to trim my pube beard into short stubble
>realize that I look even worse in it.
I cant ever win as a chinlet.

>> No.21712707

I bet you look better than you think, I spent too long worrying about things like this when I was younger and when I remember them I realize I was usually off the mark

>> No.21712720

What made you realize it?

>> No.21712721

Sometimes I feel unkempt or style myself differently and don’t feel positive about it but I’ll get a lot of girls checking me out. You may just be used to how you usually look and the change is jarring for you

>> No.21712743


>> No.21712744

Redpill me on Emanuel Swedenborg

>> No.21712751

Emerson and Balzac liked him. That’s all you need to know

>> No.21712752

>but I’ll get a lot of girls checking me out.
I guess its nice being attractive.

>> No.21712759

Has to just be read to be appreciated, fascinating visions, similar influence to Jakob Bohme but not as philosophically deep, awakened and fascinated a lot of important people like Kant and continued to be read into the nineteenth century especially by French romantics oddly enough and by lots of spiritists and philosophers with paranormal interests, like William James. Henry James Sr. (also Henry James the author's dad obviously) was a Swedenborgian theologian

After you read Swedenborg try reading Edgar Cayce as well, also look into Martinez de Pasqually, Louis Claude de Saint-Martin, Fabre d'Olivet, Franz von Baader, Hoene-Wronski, and Eliphas Levi

>> No.21712760

What does that tell me

>> No.21712767

Which of Swedenborgs works should I read? Are tthere any secondary texts or history books that wojld be good intros?

>> No.21712768

i keep having these really esoteric themed dreams about platonism, society and the soul, the dreams keep telling me that i’m a born warrior and that i should become catholic, not even joking lads.

>> No.21712770

Read less evola and go outside more

>> No.21712781
File: 924 KB, 716x1024, 1673306170408946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 0 friends, not because I'm a introvert with no social skills but because after high school I didnt have the privilege to meet people whom I really clicked with, in fact it was the opposite, I distanced myself from all my high school friends and after that its been almost 10 years of being alone. I want to go out there and experience the world, meet new people, do cool stuff but I dont want to lose any of my time either spending it trying to decipher if someone is a good person or not, this is my though process for friends in general and females as well when the idea of getting a gf goes through my mind.

>> No.21712782


>> No.21712786

Astounding post.

>> No.21712794


>> No.21712802

You sound like an insufferable dickhead.

>> No.21712804


>> No.21712809

Go back and read your post. If you still can't see it, I can't help you.

>> No.21712813

You sound like a woman with your passive agressive response.

>> No.21712829

Why do people say dickhead but never dickbase or dickshaft?

>> No.21712831

Whatever you say, Mr. Doomer Napoleon.

>> No.21712839

opened the door to the unisex bar bathroom and found a lady hoverpissing with a christmas wreath of tp hanging in her hands.
i need to prep my basement. everything happens for a reason lol

>> No.21712859

I’m a full blown lefty with no inclination towards hierarchical religious doctrine, i know my post must comes across as like crude satire or something but honestly it’s true.

>> No.21712870

Wow thats extremely gay. Thats gayer than if you were a teenager reading evola. You are very gay.

>> No.21712882

Noise is necessary for silence.

>> No.21712895
File: 892 KB, 1160x1286, jk rowling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people can only think in the moment of now, yet many artists were harangued or completely ignored in their own time. Some people like Percy Shelley had some active hostility towards them for radicalism, for instance.
It seems that people forget that artists and writers have always been liminal, socially speaking. Their ideas may not be dangerous, but they might demand to be thought about, which is more than can be said about a lot of art that is "good" for the current era.
Even if we have never had billionaire authors until recently, the influence of art is said to affect ideas about politics. But it is also weird that people have taken it upon themselves to be iconoclasts of once mainstream and accepted opinions. What is the role of the artist in this maelstrom of not only a politicised view of art, but one where its use-value can only be approximated to how many abstract lives it saves from the tyrannies of patriarchy, or whatever? And I don't think it even does that. But the scions of the new era do not view themselves as hypocrites who only yell and blame.

>> No.21712919
File: 746 KB, 685x816, 1589630645190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be highschool teacher
>students get an automatic 50% for just handing something in or completing a test
>even if they draw dicks in response to every question it's an automatic 50%
>mfw my class average is 42%
>mfw I have a number of students who are genuinely illiterate
>had a math teacher who retired suddenly before Christmas because they were fed up
>we still haven't found a replacement for them
>admin's solution to this was to have a teacher aide supervise the students while they watch Khan Academy videos on a projector
>mfw i heard the class average for this class is under 10%
>district has no subs
>whenever a teacher calls in sick students just do fucking whatever in the gym
>mfw our principal is trying to figure out if it's legal to employ H1B visas as teachers
>mfw to combat declining grades admin had the bright idea to combine honors classes and normal classes so the honors students could "mentor" their peers
>this doesn't work
>the parents of the honor students are pissed and honor students are starting to transfer out
>politics, something most students did not give a fuck about when I started teaching is now at the forefront of most students' minds
>some students are dividing themselves along political, racial, and sexual lines
>the trump maga and blm lgbtq factions absolutely fucking hate each other
>the tump maga faction hates the teachers because we're "marxists"
>blm faction hates the teachers because most teachers are white
>some black students will only refer to their white peers or teachers as "colonizers" instead of using their name
>this has started fist fights between the two factions
>really heated fist fights where the punches and kicks are still being thrown after one side has been koed and the fight turns into assault
>mfw I know one day someone will take things too far and our school will end up in a national news story
>students who get suspended for fighting will show up to school the next day anyway like nothing happened
>admin tells us to just accept them into our classrooms
>mfw the school went into lockdown on Friday because someone brought a gun to school
>mfw this isn't the first time this has happened this year
>mfw the last time this happened the student who brought the gun was allowed to return to school after a week
>mfw the military doesn't even come to the school to recruit anymore because the recruiters thought the students were "too unruly"

>> No.21712923

Hows your pension looking tho? And your healthcare?

>> No.21712927

this got unbelievable halfway through

>> No.21712948

The pension isn't worth it desu. I have been investing in S&P 500 index funds for a while now. I just want to get out. I'm honestly not even sure if my pension has vested yet.
The healthcare is trash, the healthcare plan I get through my wife's job is better. I'm young and healthy so I rarely use it except for dentist visits.
With my union healthcare plan I get 1 dental checkup a year, and I have to pay $75.
With the healthcare plan I get from my wife I get 2 dental checkups a year and I don't pay anything.
Also when I had to get my wisdom teeth removed my union plan wanted me to pay a $1000 deductible, while the healthcare plan under my wife covered 100% of the costs

>> No.21712956

I actually cut out a story about a SPED student jerking off in class and harassing a female teacher because I thought no one would believe that.

>> No.21712963

The most interesting people I've ever met were from a 700 population poor neighborhood's crappy middle school. Everyone there was such an unusual, exaggerated character that in retrospect it felt like living in an anime, like a fantasy shonen school.

>> No.21712970

It is until you remember there was that six year old who brought a gun to school and shot his teacher. There were rumors that he had a gun that day and admins ignored it.

>> No.21712978

Ah fuck I was aiming at being a teacher for the healthcare and pension. My dads wife is a teacher and she has amazing benefits. Well, I might still do it for the summer vacations...

>> No.21712982

Dads wife says a kid put his own shit in other kids backpacks and that another kid openly threatened and premeditated throwing a rock at a teacher who disciplined him. Kids these days are fucked up

>> No.21712998
File: 261 KB, 1341x1545, 108926554_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Volunteer at a thrift store
>Do their testing/tagging so they can sell electrical goods
>Come in one week and say to the manager that I need more of their tags cos we ran out
>They don't have any left
>Makes it out like it's my fault that I didn't let her know the pack she originally gave me was running low
>She literally gave me that last and only pack like 2 months ago when I started because im the only one who can do the testing/tagging, so you would think that after knowingly giving my that pack that she should order a back up one

There was another incident like this where, when their scrap metal bin (for electrical items that don't pass) was full. I did a courtesy call one day to let them know I couldn't come in, and just mentioned I forgot to tell her last time that the bin was full and needed to be picked up. She also tried to make it out that it was my responsibility to be organising that stuff when I literally had just started and volunteered like 5 or so times and don't know their procedure or who they even use to organise this. Heck when I came in the following week they hadn't even organised the arrangement with the local scrap metal company used (this thrift store is relatively new), they just had their number. But somehow expected me, a new volunteer, not paid employee to set up and organise it? Lol wtf?

I mean at the end of the day I'm just a volunteer and don't need to be there and can just let everything pile up and start filling up their general waste bin with metal stuff that they can recycle or save costs on.

It's pretty funny, but why are women managers like this and refuse to take accountability? And why....knowingly that you rely on volunteers would you be throwing them under the bus? Even more so when I've done favors in the past like pick shit up from other stores or bought little hardware stuff to fix furniture which I didn't even ask to be compensated back for. It's so bizarre lol

>> No.21712999

nice, my wife's boyfriend is a teacher too

>> No.21713007

Boomers remarry. Different dynamic.

>> No.21713018

Americans speak English better than the English

>> No.21713023

You"ll get sick and depressed if you keep living in that. My mother was a depressed woman and as a child and teen and we rarely had a clean home and I would feel like shit all the time. Wouldn’t even pick up calls from friends because I was always in a shit mood. I could not figure why I felt so miserable all the time to the point even distancing my good friends who never gave up on me. My dad provided but he didn't care about the state of the house. Women are so shit. I live alone now in a clean place and finally know what it feels like to be human

>> No.21713043

I get depressed every time I drink. This is new. Drinking didnt used to do this to me.

>> No.21713057

Doesn't seem shizo or whatever
4schlongers mean by that. Gave me some interesting ideas to think about.

>> No.21713058

Oh who am I kidding, drinking always made me depressed. But for some odd reason it feels different now. Maybe my depression is different because I'm older and my concerns are different now

>> No.21713085

It does to me the same.

>> No.21713120

Fair skinned high IQ latinas

>> No.21713175
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>> No.21713180

I'm coming up on the tenth anniversary of my suicide attempt. Feel pretty funny about it

>> No.21713204
File: 118 KB, 1134x1134, COVID-19-vax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 2023, why are some ppl still expecting you to be injected with the covid vax from 2021? Or a booster from early 2022 even though you are currently alive and well?

Yet magically don't care if you get this new Omicron specific booster or not

>> No.21713222
File: 268 KB, 750x587, 070-hello-i-like-money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21713273

Country music is existentialist

>> No.21713354

What is the true faith?

>> No.21713373

why do hindus treat their holy river so poorly? i would never poop in the River Jordan

>> No.21713446

how do I stop wasting half my salary on hookers? it's an addiction at this point
how do people even manage to have sex and not go bankrupt? aside from getting a gf which is impossible for me

>> No.21713507

have you considered celibacy

>> No.21713526

It's tragic. I consider early Yeats to be one of the greatest poets. Late Yeats is a dumpster fire

>> No.21713535

>Is socializing just inherently like this?
Most people are retards, yes.

>> No.21713566

I think anon got dumped after high school, and he's trying to win anon back with this attitude >>21712813

>> No.21713574
File: 151 KB, 820x770, 132-1324063_58043726-anime-girl-confused-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here understand Giordano Bruno's art of memory? I read De Umbris Idearum expecting an art of memory system based on neoplatonic principles, but I didn't understand shite. How do these 'shadows' factor into the memory system exactly? What are you even supposed to contemplate? It's just all over the place and doesn't make sense practically

>> No.21713780
File: 82 KB, 916x731, T_17_(Panthera_tigris)_-_Koshyk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol. lmao even
>oh no no no
>holy based
>X sisters...
I am sick and tired of these retarded meme phrases. It is like these zoomers don't even know how to write something without putting it in this generic meme format. I have seen whole threads where every post is just this nonsense. I am so sick of it. I hate this fucking zoomer lingo and the whole buzzword meme phrase mentality.

>> No.21713804

list of things that ought to be done: something better than capcha, good trains (a return?), a better way of doing cocaine (w ket? no?)
feel free to chime in

>> No.21713809

That's what you get when you call everything Reddit.

>> No.21713810

Death is the fruit of knowledge
The same as the seed of life
Soon I'll remember nothing
So I give my mind to you

>> No.21713815

if i show you a pic will you give me a quick 1-10

>> No.21713816

I think if we bring back the lner a4 series then the need for cocaine or ketamine goes way down until someone jumps the tracks.

>> No.21713819

I'm a 29 year old boomer and I absolutely co-opt zoomerspeak to turn it cringe no cap

>> No.21713821


>> No.21713835

Retards online are associating anything they don't like with zoomers for some reason. Pretty sure most "zoomers" are under 18. Doesn't seem to make any sense.

>> No.21713839

Cope and seethe. This is the age of the based-sisters, all tiger larpers will be gassed.
I bet you vocalize instead of absorbing everything as pure symbols so when you read shit like this you have a retarded zoomer voice in your head that you can't escape, lol, lmao even.

>> No.21713858
File: 398 KB, 2520x1680, Photo on 26-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks mister

>> No.21713863

Reasonably handsome, just try to look less sleepy and stop taking photos of yourself with a potato

>> No.21713866

zoomer patter is nowhere near as cringe as millenial "it me"isms etc

>> No.21713869

top 5 authors?

>> No.21713871


>> No.21713895

ta i needed that & it's a macbook pro but yeah no excuse
in a numerical form sil vous plait?

>> No.21713897

I just realized that I meant to stay with my parent for no more than a year but it’s now been over 2 years.

>> No.21713902

7ish. Archetypically masculine. I'd imagine you attract very feminine women and very fruity homosexual guys.

>> No.21713909

waugh, a powell, kingsley amis, henry fielding & elizabeth taylor (the english novelist not mrs. richard burton)
and you?

>> No.21713919

>and very fruity homosexual guys
Like you.

>> No.21713924

>Your history being reflected in these cues tends to be more honest than what you say.
this is not true because that cues are related to another cues and that cues to another cues in an infinite way of regressive knowledge that only makes sense if you acknowledge that cues as part of a supposedly limited and previously judged and obvious actions and carachters.
knowing the others by comparation with some kind of supposedly basic"behaviour", when you do this, you are not looking inside the person. that is the problem with communication, when you see a person as part of a context, judging him as how he is in that context you are, ultimately, not listening to him. thats the problem the original post was referring.
the more you care about the context the less you care about the person. judging people by body language is the same as judging people listen to a random story of that person. the fact that people usually do it doesnt imply is correct in any way. and i think the post (and me) want to be known by who you really are, not by judging random thing they see in my body language. and the body language part is specially nefarious, but once you believe in that "clues" you almost consciously would not believe the real content every other say.

>> No.21713931

i'm 6'1 what about now

>I'd imagine you attract very feminine women and very fruity homosexual guys.
you're very intuitive
yes this is a problem.

>> No.21713947

i'm a novice re trains what's the story with the a4 series?
if it's more opulent then all the more reason for doing lines

>> No.21713966

dangerously based. what's your fav taylor and what do you think of amis' old devils?

>> No.21713967

We don't give everyone equal time, you prejudge that one is worth spending more mental effort on than another. You can tell yourself that you're an avatar of pure reason that doesn't get affected by such things but that's just not true.
The more awareness there is of these things the more we can do to counter them, like the million mechanisms deployed in science to reduce confirmation bias.
This is the main thing I like anonymity, there are fewer cues to influence the reader. I also like the idea of uplifting the lowest, noticing when you're being dismissive and actively focusing more on that person instead of following the instinct. Sometimes if you have a tiny bit of social status a single kind word or invitation to someone on the outside can completely change the person.

>> No.21713975

am i insane if i sincerely believe God sends me messages through my post numbers?

>> No.21713986

You're possibly about to be, as that's a typical sign of psychosis. I just watched a girl spend a year saying shit like this and ruining her life because she lost access to her meds, don't indulge schizophrenia.

>> No.21713997

you're not a demon trying to tick me, are you?

>> No.21714008

It's possible. It's more likely you pick out patterns from the randomness and justify how they're meaningful after the fact. Then the randomness is still sending you messages but about what your brain perceives as relevant or meaningful in this moment.

>> No.21714009

Got drunk yesterday at my friend's birthday party and ended being mean to people (specially to a window whose boy became a neet incel). I also told everyone how I tried to hang myself earlier this year. The little I can remember their expressions were funny at least, but I surely can't interact with them again ever. Oh, I texted my ex as well. Fuck

>> No.21714020
File: 2.99 MB, 576x1024, 1677425724342219.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold your new ruling class

your children and your children's children will pay taxes like good little boys and live in slums with retards so that this thing can bike to a "just, like, 10/10" pop-up in neo-cyberbushwick with his "dimes square" friends

if you are a communist or fascist and you are not making 150% serious plans to put these people in camps as soon as possible, you are NOT a communist or a fascist, you are a FAILURE

>> No.21714024

fav taylor is of course angel
old devils destroyed me the first time i read it. verdict: GOOD & plenty of jokes (that's important)

>> No.21714027

alright but if i've been getting certain gets with extremely improbable frequency for like two straight years now and seeing these numbers show up in poignant places in real life weirdly often that means something right? specifically it's 22, which i've taken to mean psalm 22, the psalm that Christ spoke the first and last lines of on the cross immediately before dying. i see this number A LOT man, it's weird

>> No.21714039

ok officer

>> No.21714043

Last of my mother's brothers died today, my grandma buried all three of her sons.
My life feels like a big house with many rooms, and with time more and more of these rooms end up closed off, dusty and crumbled, only memories remain.

>> No.21714051

whats yr take on amis jr

>> No.21714052

It could be Jungian synchronicities but trust me, this exact kind of thinking is highly associated with schizophrenia especially in the 4chan and nerd into esoteric stuff demographics. I fully believe in synchronicities but I always make sure I never get delusions of reference (look it up) or grandeur (manic symptom, often precedes psychosis) simply because I've watched so many friends have episodes or fully break their brains chasing thoughts like these. It always starts small.

I think if God wanted to communicate with you directly, he'd do it in a way that doesn't leave you wondering if you're mad. That already kind of proves that even if what you're noticing has significance (and it might), it isn't necessarily a direct message, and you should qualify it with scepticism. If you are sincerely religious this would be a good time to think thoughts like, this isn't about me anyway, even if God were sending me messages what can I do except try to be a more pious Christian today? Stuff that balances your perspective with humility so you don't become Schuon, thinking the Virgin Mary is appearing to you in clouds and telling you to start a sex cult.

>> No.21714067

i would trade a considerable number of civil liberties for more robust social programs and i don't think that should be controversial. oh great, i'm unemployed and have zero prospects for the future but at least i can get my dick sucked by strange men through a hole in an adult video store

>> No.21714086

the point still stands. you could be 7/10.

>> No.21714089

Everything that happens is improbable. You're picking meaning out of the chaos but that may be what life always did. The other guy is definitely right that this is schizo territory but it feels like if you're grounded in reason you can explore these things without being sucked in by them. You can consider the possibility of the numbers speaking and what that would mean as long as you don't start accepting it as a foundation for your worldview.

>> No.21714097

you know it's funny i've actually been to a zurich institute certified analyst and told her about this and she never mentioned synchronicity. i dunno why i didn't think of it myself.
>this isn't about me anyway, even if God were sending me messages what can I do except try to be a more pious Christian today?
on the one hand that's sensible but i also believe that God intentionally gave us a non-systematic theology because He wants us to use our brains and discern spiritual truths for ourselves, and as a protestant i believe very strongly in the importance of direct experience of the Holy Spirit
>Stuff that balances your perspective with humility so you don't become Schuon, thinking the Virgin Mary is appearing to you in clouds and telling you to start a sex cult.
i had a Marian apparition once but i was having DTs so i only count it as half authentic

>> No.21714110

I wish I could just leverage myself in debt up to my eye balls to by a big house for my family out in the country. As it is, my wage is so low I can’t even get a loan.

>> No.21714117

Prostitute. Just get the mystery over with.

>> No.21714121

Things have turned out poorly for me in general. I had a really bad experience in college. It took me a long time to graduate with awful grades. Then somehow I managed to get a really highly paid job and things were looking up for me. But that didn’t work out, I jumped from thing to thing after that. Some of those things ended up being downright embarrassing. I basically gave up and started working in a school. It’s easy, but I hate it and it pays nothing. I always imagined I was capable of more than this but now I see I’m going to close out my twenties with the most mediocre record I could have imagined for myself.

>> No.21714130

I barely even make enough money to live on my own and I don’t live on my own, not anymore. What does that say about me as a nearly 30 yr old man? It’s pathetic.

>> No.21714165

don't rate him

>> No.21714166


>> No.21714172

It's the fastest steam train, but also the most beautiful, early versions having skirts and everything, over a 4-6-2 set up that looks like a kid converted his train set by just sticking a real engine in there. If you want to do lines tho extra wide gauges have better stability so you should go to russia on a slow train to wherever your visa lets you go outside moscow. Bring a vet so the horse tranquillisers are legit

>> No.21714192

oh yeah i like the old choo choo trains
all good stuff. i'll reach out when i'm transport secretary (once i start snorting cocaine seriously)

>> No.21714245

>I barely even make enough money to live on my own and I don’t live on my own, not anymore. What does that say about me as a nearly 30 yr old man? It’s pathetic.
you're literally me.
t. another 30 year old with no prospects of ever owning even a studio.

>> No.21714418

Which religion should I convert to?

>> No.21714499

Demand a steam run car if you do make it to transport secretary. Go full visionary African dictator

>> No.21714543

i crushed my fingertip and it healed and the nail grew back but now there's like part of the nailbed missing, the nail sits weird, there's too much hollow space between my nail and my skin. i can stick a nail file a good centimeter under there and not touch anything

>> No.21714718

Are you French, study it, or just using some French for the hell of it?

>> No.21714766

What you say is usually just as important as how you say it.

>> No.21714848

>feel shitty and bitter, almost overflowing with hatred for the world
>listen to some songs I like
>appreciate humanity and life in spite of all the cruelty and suffering

>> No.21715023

will that affect the rating

>> No.21715067

My life has gotten so much worse in nearly every way over the last 5 years. When I think about the absolute nose dive of everything from my job, money, health, appearance, friends, dating, even my own independence and ability to live on my own I just want to down a bottle of sleeping pills and vodka. I feel like I could not be any more pathetic. At what point does a man just give up?

>> No.21715133

>At what point does a man just give up?
If you have to ask then not yet

>> No.21715171
File: 24 KB, 410x357, 1668614568305052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why cant we be friends, /lit/?

>> No.21715176

They day you left was the beginning of the rout of civilization, the massacre of mankind.

>> No.21715178

Im a boring person.

>> No.21715291

yeah, in nyc there's always some promotional event for something going on somewhere. after like five years max, you're over it. oh boy, some guy i've heard of is reading from his new book at this place 30 blocks away. should i go? i would prefer not to.

>> No.21715296

i can't form coherent sentences fast enough to hold a conversation irl

>> No.21715323

Knowing another language is cool. Unfortunately, not simply answering the question and coming off desperate for internet stranger's validation is not very cool. That's a minus 0.1 from your final score.

>> No.21715407


>> No.21715543
File: 148 KB, 1062x621, kissing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21715582

I just don’t think I can take 5 more years of sliding. It’s bad enough to look up at all of this at 30. It’s going to be crushing at 35 if things get any worse. I actually have nothing positive in my life right now.

>> No.21715591

you have us anon ^_^

>> No.21715716

Not really schizo just kind of weird it's coherent enough, and I can follow what it's saying even if it's highly metaphorical.

>> No.21715730

Wtf, if you are telling the truth that's actually extremely disturbing.
I mean I remember there being some dumbing down of stuff in my high school in gen ed classes, but nothing that crazy.

>> No.21715742

Can whoever makes the new thread make it about taking a shit? I love taking a shit

>> No.21715753

I appreciate the sentiment, but I don’t deceive myself by thinking the people I talk to here are my friends. I come here for the anonymity. That’s basically it.

>> No.21715765


>> No.21715767

Sounds like a wonderfully diverse example of liberal democracy in action. Besides white people, what's the problem? I guess if the white antagonists were killed or removed the students would finally be able to peacefully study, but really, should we infringe on the rights of minors? What you're teaching them is basically colonization from dead old white men.

>> No.21715778

Math is basically pure oppression.
Statistics are always in favor of white people.
>80% more likely
If we stopped worrying about things white people invented, like math, we wouldn't have to worry about racists using it.

>> No.21715805

Neither monks or gays reproduce. How come they don't go extinct

>> No.21715812

i reproduce by molesting monks

>> No.21715814

>dead Bush era meme crawls back from its grave again.
Get better material.
Better yet, read a book.
Even better, get a life, friends, a nice girl perhaps.

>> No.21715834

I’m really, really depressed about my life and what it seems to suggest about my prospects.

>> No.21715858

Why does it seem like all good writers led interesting lives or published very young?

>> No.21715860

>all good writers led interesting lives or published very young?
(not true, by the way)

>> No.21715876

Can retards consent?

>> No.21715910
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We've reached the end!



>> No.21716103

Can you name any that didn’t?

>> No.21716555

Can I opt for an unpleasant girl

>> No.21716560

>>lol. lmao even
This one in particular annoys the shit out of me

>> No.21716571

Yeah I noticed sometime last year that in any given thread there will be someone complaining about zoomers, granted that the thread isnt already about zoomers. Its really weird

>> No.21716575

You give off gay vibes

>> No.21716581

The east coast is so gay