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21715903 No.21715903 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Explain Later edition

Previously >>21710514

>> No.21715912

badump badump

>> No.21715957

Can retards consent?

>> No.21715970

Not really.

>> No.21716011

saved, standing by for explanation
how retarded we talkin?

>> No.21716024

Severely retarded

>> No.21716040

Every time I'm miserable I read Houellebecq's "to stay alive: a method". It comforts me and helps me to get back in path. I should read it more

>> No.21716044

then no

>> No.21716049


>> No.21716084

i don't think you can meaningfully agree to anything if you're not even capable of understanding it and it's ramifications. that's why it's also generally frowned upon to fuck children and animals

>> No.21716096

Social media has destroyed my hability to read and write longer than a twitter post. Brevity may be the soul of wit, but I feel that without the alternative it's just a husk.

>> No.21716098

I can sum up all phenomena.
There are two types of concepts.
Concepts referring to material phenomena and concepts referring to abstract phenomena.
Material phenomena refers to God/Spirit, Mind/Soul, and Matter-Energy-Space phenomena.
Abstract phenomena refers to ideas in the Universal Realm(ideas that apply to all material realms), Abstact Realm(ideas that apply to the purely abstract), Mathematical realm or Metaphorical realm.

This is the vantage point of everything to be conceived of.

>> No.21716100

That can't be true.

>> No.21716107

You seem smart so help me out: how can I unexist? I don't want to have an afterlife, be it good or bad or another passage here

>> No.21716110
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Now forget all that and embrace the meaningless abyss (ego death)

>> No.21716121 [DELETED] 

lmao did you ever actually listen to the lyrics of this shit?

>> No.21716123

Do you think $30k is enough to quit your job without something lined up?

>> No.21716126

I've actually been getting better recently. Last semester was the first time since highschool (I'm 21) that I didn't drop out when I tried college, I'm going out and seeing the sun, and my room is usually clean and never as bad as it use to be. I was in a mental hospital last year, couldn't keep down a job, all i did was sit in my bed and rot and read, my parents are genuinely proud of the progress I've made and my siblinings no loner treat me like an absolute loser, yet after all my work all i want to do is regress and throw myself off a building. why did i pry myself out of that hole if this is all there is. It's not that I can't make friends, I've always had an autistic charm about me that people usually like, it's that I don't want any of these people as my friends. people that mainly talk about marvel movies, abusive alcoholics in training, girls that "like poetry" but have never read any poet other than themselves (they just like the smell of their own farts), the sex freak managers at my job that want me to be their bull ( I wish i was kidding you, I put my two weeks as fast as possible), people that are loud and annoying in class like we're still in highschool, and women that i gleefully let walk all over me just so somebody will talk to me in a friendly and familiar manner and tug on my worm ( they're the same people as the abusive alcoholics). I honestly wish i was back in the mental hospital because at least then i would empathize with the drug addicts because they were at least trying to engage with life with some sincerity. Will the people i talk to get better as i get older or will i always have deal with constant day dreams of defenestrating myself.

>> No.21716130

I am a retard and I consent. Therefore, retards can consent.

>> No.21716132

Have you read Infinite Jest?

>> No.21716147

if you take enough robitussin you don't even need literature to do that

>> No.21716148

I tried but the length put me off. should i?

>> No.21716166

No, haven't you heard all sex with women is rape for that reason?

>> No.21716240

It feels like I just can't get angry. When something frustrating happens I laugh or feel sad. I don't want to be a doormat. I don't know how to change.

>> No.21716245

It hurts so much

>> No.21716254

Is it vain and narcissistic to feel competition anxiety? I am 25 and relatively attractive and in decent shape, used to be a loser, late bloomer, etc. Noticing a lot of zoomers go to the gym and are taller and better looking than me. This makes me feel inferior, as I have a zoomer gf. Makes me insecure. I know it makes me sound like a faggot. I’m trying to erase these thoughts but it’s hard. I mostly think it’s from years of growing up ugly.

>> No.21716262
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Dear Haze,
Luck has been kind to me; I will be able to return to the country in two weeks. I can't wait to see you and tell you all these thoughts and experiences.
Please, stay beautiful for me.

>> No.21716265

You're not a doormat. You are typing, but doormats don't have fingers let alone a brain to know how to type.

>> No.21716274

You're right. Thanks.

>> No.21716303


>> No.21716347

>work has been nonstop nonsense and bullshit these last few weeks, even more than usual, coworkers and clients have been driving me insane
>the slightest setback is enough to get me swearing and on the verge of tears
>cousin tried to commit suicide. She survived but just thinking about her, my aunt, uncle, and her brother makes me want to cry
I'd just like a nice, easy week. Please.

>> No.21716428

just wrote something really good and was about to post it, thankfully i caught myself and put it in my diary instead so i can use it in a book later. cant let you fags have my good stuff

>> No.21716455

No they can't but if they are barely aware it probably doesn't matter too much

>> No.21716468

>frowned upon to fuck children and animals
That's never made sense to me regarding animals.
If we believe them to be incapable of consent, completely lacking reason how is it a violation?
Not a violation to kill and cook but to have sex is? Doesn't really make much sense.

>> No.21716471

l hate my dreams

>> No.21716480

Because one serves a livegiving purpose, the other is purely pleasure. The special status of sexuality is also carved into the soul, for example, despite the fact that feminists screech that sex is not special and sex-work is just like anything else, they hold rape and sexual assault to be more heinous than getting beaten or normally assaulted.
It's normal human psychology to realize that there is something special about sex, and that perverting it is disgusting.

>> No.21716481

are you saying we should fuck animals?
i've found that if i just stay up until i pass out from exhaustion instead of consciously going to bed my dreams are a lot less horrible. i'm tired all the time but it was getting to the point that going to sleep was like being tortured so this is the better alternative

>> No.21716483

Zoo doo mmmgoowah!

>> No.21716486
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What does Amazon mean by this? I should buy it for the lulz just to get a book and give an employee a laugh

>> No.21716519

I always regret whatever I write. Recently re-read an old essay and with some distance saw that it was poorly written, the ideas juvenile and full of awkwardly constructed sentences.
It's even more embarrassing because I shared this steaming pile of crap with a lot of people including family.

>> No.21716531

>It's normal human psychology to realize that there is something special about sex, and that perverting it is disgusting.
I agree that I also find it disgusting, but ask yourself would you rather be murdered or crushed to death?
The notion that we shouldn't rape other beings is usually not only because we find it disgusting, but because we believe that it harms the creature being raped.
So it's strange that this one harm is outlawed on the basis that it violates the animal's non-existent consent.

>> No.21716535

>are you saying we should fuck animals?
No, I've no interest and the idea disgusts me.
I was just showing how the reasoning as to why we don't but still are okay with killing animals seems contradictory to me.

>> No.21716545

*raped or crushed

>> No.21716546

Consent to what, anon?

>> No.21716563

I have no sexual experience. It doesnt matter now.

>> No.21716592

I saved it on my phone. Is that okay

>> No.21716600

Your problem is that you're way too pretnetious and gay. Stop sniffing your farts and imagining yourself as an aristocrat of the soul because you're too stuck up to make fart jokes and small talk.

>> No.21716606
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White Canada is a low trust society. Even white people don't trust amongst themselves, hence the excessive paperwork and background checks. If you have done business in China, you know that a simple handshake gets the deal done.

White Canadians are neurotic and fearful people. White Karens call the cops for the slightly minor perceived danger, like a van parked on her street for too long. Karens don't let their kids play outside anymore for fear of kidnapping. If you visit a school in Canada, you need to checkin and show ID. You cannot go inside by introducing yourself as the parent anymore. Low trust society.

It's a poor way to live.

>> No.21716612
File: 1.35 MB, 1462x822, CBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Canadians are known for being the nicest people in the world"
"Canada is the best place to live in the world with the freshest air"

The Canadian government created and promoted the marketing campaigns mentioned above. The intention is to deceive immigrants from third world countries and poojeets into investing their life savings in the Canadian economy and supporting the property market.

While polite, Canadians are not kind.
They might run into you and say sorry, but they won't befriend you or invite you out to dinner.

They are peculiar, paranoid, and neurotic individuals, and it shows in the laws they pass (massive internet surveillance of residents, 6-month jail sentence if your address on your driver's license is different from your home address, etc.).

As the rest of the world knows that Canadians, especially white Anglo Canadians, are the worst passive aggressive retards, 4channel hates Canada.

>> No.21716614

The work market in Canada is terrible and pays little. Each college graduate from Canada with sufficient mental power will move to the US in search of better salary. International students in Canada are routinely charged four times as much in tuition as local students.

Toronto has basements where thirty poojeet students are huddled together to stay warm. The one toilet is being clogged by 30 poojeets. Chinese students can afford to have their own rooms since they are wealthy.

It takes a special sort of ignorant fool, or a poojeet, to live in Canada since it is a dreadful and depressing shithole.

>> No.21716656

I'm really annoyed by how horny I am

>> No.21716662

It's not based on the animal's consent; that's just a liberal cope to hide their moral judgement. Almost all of our laws are pretended to be rational when at all times they are based on irrationality. (And that's a good thing.)

>> No.21716677

I am coping with suicide by reading books. Ah surrogate activities!!
But the intense tinnitus makes it hard to concentrate, and then think about my steadily progressing incurable illness, and then I think about the evil in the world, and the fact that while I read comfortably and will probably die (semi-comfortably by my own hand or from illness) children are being castrated, corrupt officials plunder the world, academics rewrite history, and other such atrocities.
I don't really have time to waste.

>> No.21716687

I want to use chatgpt but I dont want to give it my email and phone number

>> No.21716722

>It's not based on the animal's consent;
Then what is it based on?
You can use a different word than consent, but my point was that we usually are against rape because we believe it's harming the person being raped.
But if we don't actually care about the well-being of the animal, as shown by the fact that we kill animals regularly for food, then what is the law based on.
Someone else said that killing animals has life giving purposes, but most people don't eat meat out of necessity, but for pleasure. And with rape presumably the person raping is gaining some pleasure from it, even if the pleasure gained is a sick one.
So in both cases someone is profiting and taking pleasure off the pain of another creature, but in one case we are okay with the cruelty but not in the other.

>> No.21716729

Who's Mark Ofthebeast and why does he always want my info?

>> No.21716747

>Someone else said that killing animals has life giving purposes, but most people don't eat meat out of necessity, but for pleasure.
All food is eaten because it is life giving. Vegetarianism is a meme. Those who eat for pleasure are gluttons and fat.
>And with rape presumably the person raping is gaining some pleasure from it, even if the pleasure gained is a sick one.
And food must be eaten or you'll die.
>But meat isn't necessary.
Food is still necessary and humans are not herbivores. Humans eat animals. When an animal is killed, it's to turn it into life-giving sustenance. When a disgusting faggot rapes an animal, he's just looking to satisfy his wild eros.
>You can use a different word than consent, but my point was that we usually are against rape because we believe it's harming the person being raped.
Because it's disgusting. It's not based on harming the animal. People oppose it internally because they think it's disgusting and unnatural, but because we live in a psychotic 'enlightened' liberal democracy we have to obfuscate the motivations of our laws and ethics behind loads of bullshit.

>> No.21716767

>All food is eaten because it is life giving.
Clearly not true we live in incredible abundance, and most Americans eat for more than is needed for subsistence. That bag of doritos is not life giving.
I wasn't making an argument for vegetarianism, just exploring the contradiction.
>Because it's disgusting. It's not based on harming the animal. People oppose it internally because they think it's disgusting and unnatural, but because we live in a psychotic 'enlightened' liberal democracy we have to obfuscate the motivations of our laws and ethics behind loads of bullshit.
That's good enough for you that people feel it to be disgusting?
So the only reason you are against raping women isn't because it harms them, but just because the idea is disgusting to you? Seems highly subjective.

>> No.21716793

>Clearly not true we live in incredible abundance, and most Americans eat for more than is needed for subsistence. That bag of doritos is not life giving.
Just because we can or do eat food when we will not starve otherwise does not make food or eating any less life-giving. Sex with animals, however, is not and never will be necessary. We do not derive sustenance from that, and any 'need' for pleasure is imposed by the self.
>So the only reason you are against raping women isn't because it harms them, but just because the idea is disgusting to you? Seems highly subjective.
Harm is also subjective. It's a subjective matter whether we ought to be able to kill whomever we please, or whether you deserve freedom, or have such and such right. All of this is subjective. ALL laws are based on something that is subjective. Even whether the state should be smooth functioning or efficient is subjective.
>So the only reason you are against raping women isn't because it harms them, but just because the idea is disgusting to you?
It's because it is harmful and because it is disgusting, but this doesn't matter. I don't care about moral bickering.

>> No.21716794

Furthermore, with raping a person part of the rationale is that this is another person with thoughts and feelings that you are choosing to violate. You are deriving sexual pleasure from violating and taking advantage of a person. The personhood is central.
By contrast with an animal that argument doesn't make sense because we already believe the animal to not be a person, to be no more than a source of food.
So then what is wrong with using a non-entity for sexual pleasure. You can't corrupt what is legally defined as a non-person.

>> No.21716826

An animal can feel suffering, so it is bad to make it suffer just because you want your cock to feel good. Some people need to eat animals (subsistence farmers)
humans are not herbivores (argument for the natural reason to eat meat)
eating itself is not necessarily for pleasure, and even if some people pig out like gluttonous slobs, that doesn't mean all food that results in the suffering of an animal should be de facto banned.

God I hate these relativist arguments.

>> No.21716830

By contrast, sex with animals can be safely banned because there is no circumstance where is will be life-giving, whereas foods can be.

>> No.21716855

Watching this Netflix show. Its actually pretty good. Great premise, interesting characters, plot, suspense, etc. Then for literally no reason at all they throw in all this gay shit. It adds nothing to the characters or plot or anything else. Literally just gay shit thrown in there. Its not only disgusting, but its also jarring for how random and pointless it is.

>> No.21716856

>Some people need to eat animals (subsistence farmers)
>humans are not herbivores (argument for the natural reason to eat meat)
Outside of hunter-gatherers most meat eating is not necessary. The cases where it's necessary or life-giving are slim in contrast to the vast majority which are for simple pleasure. Most people eating that McDouble are not doing so out of subsistence. When I eat a steak at a restaurant I'm not eating it because I need it, but because it tastes good.
>An animal can feel suffering, so it is bad to make it suffer just because you want your cock to feel good.
Why does it matter if it's harmful to the animal? For all intensive purposes we already regard the animal as a non-entity not deserving of any consideration. We can kill animals in mass in the millions any way we want for sport or just for the pleasure of a single bite, but if a person derives sexual pleasure from the animal suddenly it's wrong?
Still seems like a double standard to me.
>God I hate these relativist arguments.
Nothing I have said is relativist.

>> No.21716882

Humans have been eating meat for over a million years. It's natural for humans to eat meat. It may be essential for a healthy diet as well; vegetarians require supplements and seem to be at an increased risk of disorders like heart disease even when they take supplements.
Just because some people eat meat when it is not necessary, does not mean meat should be banned; some people eat meat legitimately.
>For all intensive purposes we already regard the animal as a non-entity not deserving of any consideration.
We have not determined them to be 'non entities.' They are lesser entities. Killing them for meat is fine, because meat is a natural healthy thing for a human to eat, and its stupid to disrupt the lives of billions just because people can eat too much.
In contrast, there is no circumstance where having sex with an animal is necessary. It can be banned.

>> No.21716915
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>> No.21716916

>does not mean meat should be banned; some people eat meat legitimately.
I never claimed that it should be banned. I would never be in favor of banning it. Even if meat eating were immoral it would be far more immoral to attempt to restrict what people can and can't eat. Not to mention that banning it would harm all the farmers who make their livelihood of the meat trade. That would be equally arbitrary to destroy the business of so many farmers in the name of morality.
>It may be essential for a healthy diet as well; vegetarians require supplements and seem to be at an increased risk of disorders like heart disease even when they take supplements.
Isn't like all of India vegetarian? They seem to be doing fine. Weak argument.
>Killing them for meat is fine, because meat is a natural healthy thing for a human to eat, and its stupid to disrupt the lives of billions just because people can eat too much.
In contrast, there is no circumstance where having sex with an animal is necessary. It can be banned.
You are going in circles just repeating the same argument. In most cases today it is not necessary, but for pleasure. In which case the only argument that can be made in favor of mass consumption of meat--so outside of hunter gatherers or subsistence farmers--is that of the pleasure it brings. In which case we are accepting that it is okay to derive pleasure off the suffering of other creatures.

>> No.21716917 [DELETED] 
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I tend to forget that theres an /lgbt/ board on this site filled with transexuals, most likely theres quite a few trannies on /lit/ and possibly ITT...

>> No.21716919

Whats an escape goat?

>> No.21716920

They don't call it /tttt/ for nothing.

>> No.21716926

I have a lot of regret.

>> No.21716933

A goat you scape out of.

>> No.21716938

>Isn't like all of India vegetarian? They seem to be doing fine. Weak argument.
No, almost all of them eat some meats.
>You are going in circles just repeating the same argument. In most cases today it is not necessary, but for pleasure. In which case the only argument that can be made in favor of mass consumption of meat--so outside of hunter gatherers or subsistence farmers--is that of the pleasure it brings. In which case we are accepting that it is okay to derive pleasure off the suffering of other creatures.
I'm going in circles because you keep saying that because some people eat food when it is not strictly because they are about to starve, that it's only basis is pleasure. That's plainly false. If someone eats meat when they could have eaten rice, they still needed to eat something. If, after they're full, they decide to be a glutton and eat more meat, that doesn't mean that meat-eating is for pleasure, it means that they chose to be a glutron and eat more than they should have. EVEN IF he eats meat for pleasure, he must still eat. It doesn't matter if animals are harmed because he wants the pleasure of eating meat, he still needs to eat.

>In which case we are accepting that it is okay to derive pleasure off the suffering of other creatures.
It is to a point. Food is necessary. Meat is food. Harming an animal for food, even if it's because the food is pleasurable, is still fine, because we still need food.
We do not need sex with dogs. Sex with dogs does not sustain life. While meat MAY be eaten for necessity, dogs will NEVER be fucked of necessity.

I will go around in circles ad infinitum, if you would only persist, we should go around forever in orbit.

>> No.21716939

In some places sex with animals is okay if the animal fucks you and you let it happen, not the other way around though.

>> No.21716940

Whats a scape?

>> No.21716949

>6-month jail sentence if your address on your driver's license is different from your home address, etc.).
Seriously. Do they actually prosecute that often? Here in the US, my address was wrong on my license for a couple years.

>> No.21716951

short for goatscape. you have to use goatscape navigator.

>> No.21716952

Benis in bagina

>> No.21716956

Femanon, make your bagina ready for my benis for tomorrow we commit an act of sodomy

>> No.21716959

What show?

>> No.21716966

Red Rose. Only on ththe 4th episode but in the third some fag kid goes to a sketchy public bathroom to hookup with a rando he met on generic grindr

>> No.21716971

imagine being scandalized by some gay shit in a tv show in the year 2023.

>> No.21716977

I wont be desensitized by propaganda

>> No.21716978

Well you know how it is nowadays. They have to make almost everyone gay or struggle with their sexuality. The vast majority of people are not gay.

>> No.21716980

>No, almost all of them eat some meats.
According to google, about 20-39% of Indians are vegetarian. So using 20% that's about 230 million or 2/3 of the U.S
>he still needs to eat.
He doesn't need to eat meat. He needs to eat something. And again in most cases it's not need but want. You are coping hard core and pretending like the millions of Americans eating meat are like subsistence hunter gatherers.
>even if it's because the food is pleasurable, is still fine, because we still need food.
In cases where it's needed I agree. I have no issue with hunter-gatherers doing it, and most wild animals will die anyway so in those cases I don't give a shit.
That's not most cases. Most meat we are eating is from big farms animals raised for precisely for us to consume.
The argument from necessity fails because it is for simple pleasure not need in most cases. Most meat eating is not about sustaining life. We do not live in the Siberian hinterlands.
You keep repeating this point and I keep showing its irrelevance. Find a new one or admit that you have no reason.
I will admit that the cases are different in one central respect, and that is the indirectness of the harm. When I eat a hamburger I am not directly taking pleasure in the suffering of the creature, whereas the rapist is and that's an important distinction.

>> No.21716982

well maybe you should watch reruns of tv shows from the 50s on the granny channel instead of netflix then.

>> No.21716984

My mother is a thieving whore with no sense of decency. A particular Mel Gibson quote repeatedly comes to mind.

>> No.21716986

Isaiah 55:12

>> No.21716992

I'm not OP, but i don't have a problem with gay people. I don't believe it's as natural or common as they make it out to be. I think it mostly arises from multiple factors, one being sexual abuse during childhood. It makes no sense for a lot of people to be gay. What would be the point of gay people. They can't have children.

>> No.21716994

You are beyond stupid. I am going to simply explain:
A man may need to have sex with a woman to continue the species. May he also do it for pleasure? Sure! It may be distasteful. It may be possible to use in vitro fertilization. But he still may need to have sex with a woman or the species may die out.
Contrarily, he will never need to have sex with a child. Just because he sometimes has sex with an adult female for pleasure, doesn't mean he can have sex with a child.

>> No.21716995

Maybe you shouldnt be such a faggot

>> No.21716997

>Do they actually prosecute that often?

sometimes, like jay walking. sometimes.

>> No.21716998

what if said "child" isn't actually a child?

>> No.21716999

you can't have children either. what's the point of you?

>> No.21717000

Commit suicide.

>> No.21717001

>it’s another spergs dominate the thread with an autistic discussion episode

>> No.21717002

Where do you think you are

>> No.21717005

How do you know if you have or don't have it within you all along? What if you don't have it? How will you know unless you're at the end? What if you did have it all along and because you didn't try, you can't have it anymore? Why do humans have such stupid feelings of not being able to do things because they don't know if they can? Can humans always do it? Is it just a matter of patience?

>> No.21717008

You're not understanding what i'm saying. I'm not saying gay people are pointless themselves, i'm saying what would be the reason for naturally being gay. If it is, it's probably a hormone imbalance and may be a nurture factor. I doubt it's genetic.

>> No.21717009

it's that same guy who makes those long boring hinduism threads and replies to himself to make it look like anyone cares about his shit. i guess he finally realized we all scroll by those without a second thought he decided to bring his schtick to the wwoym.

>> No.21717010

It's a bit ridiculous to lump 7 year olds with 17 year olds. We let 17 year olds drive cars, alone.

>> No.21717013

More irrelevant rambling, necessity isn't relevant because most meat eating isn't strictly necessary.
Some amount may be, especially in certain contexts like subsistence hunter-gatheres, but not the vast amounts we produce and consume today.
We are okay with inflicting suffering on animals on a mass scale slaughtering billions mostly for one second of pleasure, but we are not okay with a man raping an animal which arguably harms the creature far less.
That is the contradiction, no amount of continuing to insist that it's necessary will make it so.

>> No.21717015

>We let 17 year olds drive cars, alone
Not in California

>> No.21717017

We live in an atomized hell state. 17 year olds 200 years ago may have had the family, support, and mental development required to be able to have a relationship, but now it is so easy to take advantage of them that they're basically tiny children that fuck their entire lives up at the smallest thing.
Yes, 18 is an arbitrary number. But we have to go with arbitrary numbers sometimes, to cut off as much bullshit as is expedient.

>> No.21717024

Age of consent should be 13+

>> No.21717035

In most states. The weird view towards teens makes the whole thing look ridiculous. We let 17 year olds have sex and they want to have sex. Children don't behave like that. If you can create life, you're no longer a child. Acting like a 17 year old or a 20 year old, since that seems to be popular now, is a child is ridiculous. There's a stark difference between a 7 year old and a 17 year old. There's a process that takes place where your body changes a lot. It's a very significant change. There's high schoolers with facial hair. It's absurd to use child as a catchall for anyone below the age of 18 because they aren't children.

>> No.21717037
File: 36 KB, 800x486, 130431001-dogs_surprised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animal turned into food - food necessary. It doesn't matter if eating meat was unnecessary at the time. It's still food. It is OK to harm an animal for food, even if the food wasn't strictly necessary.

Animal raped - never necessary ever. There is no product besides something unnecessary. This is no special biproduct. We gain nothing necessary.

I am sorry that you have such a strong emotional investment in this. I hope that before you rape your dog again you come to your senses and brain yourself. Poor fucking dog.

>> No.21717039

it would be cool if there was a bizarro /lit/ with people from /lgbt/ instead of creeps from /pol/

>> No.21717049

We turn everyone into children. Everyone's development is so arrested. 30 somethings act like children now. It's retarded. We baby people for way too long. As far as relationships go, it's kinda an argument, but there's nothing stopping another 17 year old from being abusive. There's nothing stopping anyone from being abusive. What difference does it make if the guy or girl is 17 versus 25. It's still abuse.

>> No.21717050

>Animal turned into food - food necessary.
Doritos aren't necessary. Coca cola isn't necessary. Gummy bears aren't necessary. The amount of meat produced and consumed by Americans has nothing to do with necessity.
Get a new argument you are such a fucking brainlet it's unbelievable.

>> No.21717051

Dunno bro, I'm 24 but Im still living like I'm 16

>> No.21717055

/lit/ is basically a meeting of /tttt/ and /chud/ already. All faggots should hang b.t.w.

>> No.21717076

It's a retarded view that is only held right now. No one else really thought like that throughout history. Another thing is a lot of it is self imposed helplessness. We let 16-17 year olds operate motor vehicles alone, but we don't let them do other stuff. It's schizophrenic and ridiculous. In what world would anyone let a child drive a fucking 1 ton hunk of metal at 60 mph down a fucking road. It's insane. Then all of sudden they get considered a child again. Why the fuck would we let them drive if they were some little child. It's absurd.

>> No.21717079

And rice isn't necessary- I could do without that. And grapes, too. And apples. And oranges, and potatoes, and bread and grain, and we could remove oils and nuts, and milk too. No food is strictly necessary, ALL foods are.

Fucking dogs is NEVER necessary. It's amazing how stupid you are. You have dug yourself so deep that the only way you can get out is humiliation. It's just an internet argument bro, it isn't a serious matter. Turn the computer off, take a deep breath, have a nap, cringe at yourself, and then move on. Lmao

>> No.21717080

What if the dog fucks the human?
Plenty of women let that happen.

>> No.21717084

That's disgusting and should be banned.

>> No.21717088

Am I gay for liking women?

>> No.21717091

I agree and it is illegal, but women still let it happen.

>> No.21717098

In a discussion about morality, the necessity has no relevance because we are not in a survival situation.
You need to make an argument as to why killing millions of animals for that one second of pleasure when you bite into a McDouble is ok, but inflicting suffering is not okay when it's sexual. It's clearly not about the harm to the animal, when animals are treated horrendously in slaughterhouses.
You just keep repeating this shit about necessity, which has zero relevance to this conversation.
We are not in a scarcity situation. Most of us choose the food we eat based off what we like to eat.
Fucking a dog is not necessary I agree, but neither is slaughtering animals in mass necessary we don't need to do it, and the amount of meat the average American consumes is far greater than would ever be needed. Necessity is not relevant, make an actual argument.

>> No.21717103

Adolescence is a liminal period. Its only sensible that granting privileges be a gradual process. It's not like we have to just flip the switch overnight. I know a lot of teenagers and the fact is that they're in an in-between. Everyone who thinks a 17 year old is exactly the same as a mid 20s adult is either a weirdo or without experience

>> No.21717127
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God I wish I was a kid again. Adulthood is such a joke. It really is over. Everything is ugly now. Even things that I liked as a kid. Wtf am I supposed to like now?

>> No.21717176
File: 57 KB, 333x500, epic frederick turner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic poetry

>> No.21717179

They aren't a child though. Most of those who consider them children, have zero problem with them having sex, experimenting with drugs, taking hormones, but omg having sex with a 24 year old is going to ruin them. It's a complete joke. It's the same people who have no issue with a 7 year old at some drag show seeing twerking or being show dildos at a gay pride parade. They freak out when someone a decade older talks to a 20 something year old. They have absolutely no problem if said teen is on birth control and fucking tons of guys, god forbid one of them is 24. The horror. Like that's going to someone make a difference when he's the 6th guy she has fucked.
>You can actually consent to sex, but not with a 18 year old because reasons.
It's got nothing to do with protecting children.

>> No.21717239

Homer and Virgil don’t do it for me anymore. It really is over for me.

>> No.21717241

I want to kill my ancestors. Like, an insatiable blood-lust. I want to rip open their bullet holes and wounds and piss on their dirt graves. I want to punish those who came before me for the destructive, rotten fruits of their labor, and till the unstable ground they constructed. I want to unearth the secrets that lie beneath the soil and expose them for their corrosively selfish ill-intention.
I want to rob them of their glory and have the same done to my own. When my grand-daughter's grand-daughter feels as disillusioned as I do, I want her to live in a world were she can uproot my legacy and reconstruct a new one in her own image, I want the cycle to continue. I want progress and development, the status quo has beaten and battered my bloodline to a pulp and I want to be the first one to rip it out by the arteries. I don't want to invest in my own future, I want to construct permanence, something that sticks, something that will prevent those who succeed me from feeling the same egregious boredom and the same intensity of suffering as I have.
I want my grand-daughter's grand-daughter to wake up in the morning and not want to die because of the social conditions I constructed for her. I want her to breathe clean air, and feel the sun on her shoulders without chemical "sunscreens" and moisturizers preventing it from really touching her. I want her to be able to pick berries and catch rabbits and feel complete when she goes to sleep at night beneath a sky full of visible stars.

>> No.21717244

Interesting, what provoked this kind of emotion?

>> No.21717246

Enjoy the stages as they go. Warning you.
Otherwise every decade will be looked back on with the same regret of wasted time. Learn this.

>> No.21717256

No, teenagers are immature. If you want to take the view that sex is flippant and casual then sure okay. But if you hold the view that sex is deeply intimate and emotionally impactful then the fact is that more mature individuals fucking impressionable and uncertain teens becomes dubious. Teenagers can be taken advantage of for their bodies and predators will use the uncertainties adolescents harbor to their own gain. Sex needs to be held sacred across the board. The contradiction you're identifying isnt about age per se but rather about people selectively choosing to apply the sanctity of sex. The issue is about sex itself, which needs to be held to a higher standard across the board

>> No.21717260

Resentment against life itself.

>> No.21717263
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So many things to know, so little time

>> No.21717275

>wasted time
It’s not even remotely about this. I don’t regret anything. It’s just everything that meant something to me as a kid has vanished. There is no more joyous wonder. It’s gone. I don’t care for literature or art anymore. I don’t care for girls anymore. It’s all pretty ugly now.

>> No.21717284

Nobody fucking reads.

>> No.21717290

I feel you.

>> No.21717291

Are there some people naturally more sensitive to sound than others?

I've lived in the same apartment at the same complex for more than six years. All this time, I've enjoyed listening to music late at night on my Bluetooth speaker, and occasionally speaking aloud at night. For the vast, vast majority of my time at this apartment I have prompted no noise complaints whatsoever. But clearly there's a new tenant below me and she or he keeps complaining about noise. What happened? Did I just have an old deaf person below me before? Or is this new tenant below me more sensitive to sound than most people? The building I'm in has pretty good insulation.

>> No.21717302

Autists can get triggered by some stimuli including sound.

>> No.21717318

>It’s not even remotely about this
>There is no more joyous wonder
Stop contradicting yourself. You are wasting your time waiting for joy on a plate, or a delivery to your door. Wake the fuck up and care again.

>> No.21717321

Your old neighbors were betas who were too afraid to complain. You now have a chad neighbor who doesn't want to hear you talk to yourself all night while listening to shitty music. Also, you're an inconsiderate neighbor and an ass hole.

>> No.21717326

>waste yet another day trying to decide what to read
>end up not reading anything

>> No.21717332

People just hate fun. And they especially hate it when other people are having it. Mostly because they themselves are not having it.

>> No.21717358
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Mediocrates: Socrates, friend, why do we say that it is okay to kill an animal for meat when it is not necessary, but not rape an animal when it is not necessary?

Socrates: Dearest Mediocrates! You have taken the wind out of me, and I scarcely believe my ears. I feel that I have gone mad, and may, as Ajax, 'fall upon my sword'!

Mediocrates: Dearest Socrates, it is not my contention, but rather the contention of a certain catamite which I encountered at the market. Stupides was his name, if Memory serves.

S: That is a great comfort, that I shall not have to suspect of you so heinous a crime. But as for Stupides, I can only wonder at his befuddlement. Whence come you upon this topic?

M: I was at the market, searching as it were for garnishes and lavish foods for the Panathenaeum, when I chanced upon a rather enticing Eleusian hog. It was at this moment that I was assailed by the madman, his eyes wide and ass gaped from beneath his tunic. He smelled strongly of an ass, the kind which the husbandmen from my demes use, and small furs coated him from head to stubby toe. I pinched my sorry nose and asked him to slow his fevered babbling: 'May I have sex with that hog, before you eat it?'
I assure you, Socrates, that I was in a strait for words. I had half a mind to knock them out of him as well, only with a fist rather than his mad raving if only Athena herself had not bid me:
"Down from the skies I come to check your rage
If only you would yield."
And so I listened and, as Achilles,
'Stayed my burly hand.'
But this is besides, and the story is long, so at length I asked of him, 'Of course not. Such an act would be a perversion of nature.' But the stranger quickly rejoined: 'Do we not avoid hurting the animals, where necessary?' I assented to this, and he came again, 'And is it hurtful to rape an animal?' To this I assented as well, and he replied 'But is it not both hurtful and unnecessary to eat meat, when you could eat grain, and both hurtful and unnecessary to rape them?' I could see his member swelling as a miniature satyr might. Before responding, I checked his confidence with a strong blow to his temple, and it is to you that I have run, Socrates, and I fear the rage of Athena will shortly bear upon me; do not you think, in your wisdom, you could help me find if my action was meet, and in so knowing, supplicate the Wrath of Athena?

S: My Mediocrates! What a dire circumstance! I suppose there could be no greater task than to help a friend in need, but as for my wisdom, I cannot be sure I have any. Therefore, I think we must enjoin ourselves and seek an answer to this at once. Seeing you are in a strait, and we must begin quickly, I will now drop the prolixity of my speech, as you should yours. Should we not?

M: We should.

S: Then, is food necessary?

M: It is.

S: And is meat food?

M: Most assuredly.

S: And by this, we can conclude that meat is necessary?

M: By our premises, we can, but I am not so sure.

S: And why not?

>> No.21717359

>do you ever think theres more to life?
>oh okay

>> No.21717362

M: Because we could have eaten any other food besides, how can we say that meat, of all foods, is necessary?

S: My, Mediocrates, what a novel question! I suppose we could peel away any number of foods. I haven't felt any need to eat the olives such as they grow in Lacadaemon, nor yet the Prammian cheese, or perhaps our confections. It would not be long before we would be forced to subsist on air of necessity!

M: I understand now, Socrates, but the catamite Stupides meant that we kill animals for meat when it is not necessary for survival (we may both live on cheese and barley meal, you see) and thus we do it for pleasure. In essence, we hurt animals for pleasure, but is this not the same as raping them for pleasure?

S: Ah, like Argos you have caught me as I tried to slip past you! But we shall soon find if the argument holds! (Reader, do not be alarmed, but I must 'retract the prolixity of my speech,' and as such it will be quite vulgar!)

M: Then, is there a difference?

S: Tell me, do we wish to avoid the needless suffering of animals?

M: By Jove, yes!

S: And when we could choose to eat barley, yet eat meat, do we not cause needless suffering?

M: I am forced to assent.

S: But we shall examine this further. Is there a difference between eating and raping? I mean, do they fulfill anything beyong wild Eros?

M: They are different, I should say.

S: In what way?

M: The one provides nutrition and pleasure, the other, only pleasure.

S: And did we not see, with Callicles, that to seek after pleasure as if it were good, was not meet?

M: Surely.

S: And does raping an animal serve any purpose?

M: Only pleasure.

S: And meat, though eaten for pleasure as well, also provides nutrition.

M: But what if the man were gluttonous and fat, and in no need of nutrition?

S: Why, I should be sorry for him! But no matter: have we already agreed that no food is by nature necessary? I mean, that at the time of our choosing, no food must necessarily be chosen.

M: Why, of course. And to choose meat, when there is any other option, is to choose pleasure at the expense of the animal.

S: But is not it possible to eat without a view to pleasure merely?

M: Who would deny it?

S: And when any food is chosen out of a multitude, the one chosen is chosen with a view to some good, like pleasure?

M: I assent.

S: And we agree that, to harm animals to sate hunger is an appreciable compromise, this because hunger is something which is necessary for life?

M: Granted.

S: And because no food is necessary, and meat is no exception, and it may be necessary for the well-doing of gymnastics, or it may be good for the (diabetic) who would wish to cut down on confections, we can see that the eating of meat has uses besides pleasure?

M: Yes.

S: And I must again make it clear, it is okay to harm animals because we are hungry, even if we may choose barley or fruit?

M: Yes again.

S: And we say this because the eating of meat may sate our hunger?

M: Assuredly.

>> No.21717367
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M: Assuredly.

S: Will the raping of an animal sate our hunger?

M: If we mean that Eros(hunger) of the Satyrs or the madman Stupides, it may.

S: But we are speaking of the hunger which is excited in us, that drives us away from starvation.

M: Then it is obvious, that we may not be sated by raping animals.

S: And is there any way in which this unnecessary harm of rape will benefit us (without a view to pleasure)?

M: I can think of none.

S: But the unnecessary eating of meat can help us survive (we have already agreed that no particular food is necessary)?

M: Absolutely, dear Socrates.

S: Then as for a difference, we have found it.

M: Why, where is it?

S: Oh, Mediocrates, you are always looking and never finding. Don't you see that harming an animal to sate hunger is fine, that in nearly all circumstances in which we find ourselves, food is chosen between with a view to which is best or most pleasurable, but that all food is necessary, meat not excepted?

M: Why, of course, but where is the difference?

S: While meat is always necessary by virtue of being food, rape is never necessary by virtue (or rather vice) of it being rape.

M: Dear Socrates! I do believe you have wooed me with your wisdom!

S: Mediocrates! Stay those brutish hands! I can hardly keep my robes upon myself!

M: But as for Athena...

Athena: Mediocrates! You have betrayed the word of a god, what say you in your defense?

S: Do not tremble my friend! I shall supplicate her! Hear me, Athena, my friend here struck down a madman- he sought to end Stupides' wiling for vicious delights and could hardly control his rage! He is not like brilliant Achilles, but a meager soul. Have mercy upon him, as he only sought to end a madman's query.

A: Very well- but I do favor only to you, my friend, as you have entreated me with many lovely words, that I know the things divine (Theia noousa) (Cratylus) and others. You are, after all, my child, child of Athens.

(Mediocrates is in a tizzy disrobing Socrates, while Socrates is driven mad with the pullings of the burly Mediocrates and Splendid Pallas Athene. End.
Wait! What's this?)

Stupides: But eating meat isn't necessary! It isn't! I don't care about intellectual complexity! I will reduce everything to absurdity and demand that--

(Stupides is impaled by a large spear)

Athena: Enough! I am ready to return and 'enjoy the delights of Olympus' and I need not hear from the likes of a Satyr!

(True end)

>> No.21717370

Absolutely brilliant, anon. Very well done.

>> No.21717406

I desire sex

>> No.21717407


>> No.21717408

So do many children.

>> No.21717414

>Stop contradicting yourself
It’s not a contradiction. There is no regret of wasted time. My youth was fantastic. But it’s over. It wasn’t wasted. It inevitably ended.
>wasting your time waiting for joy on a plate
What should I do anon? How do I go back? How do I like things again?

>> No.21717442

How to avoid this? There's so much to read and so little time.

>> No.21717449

If a book interests you, start reading it. Give it a few days before dropping it, if you decide to

>> No.21717487
File: 40 KB, 400x457, IMG_20230226_225334_360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow I managed to avoid beconing a high functioning alcoholic this long. But lately I've been drinking daily. Bad arc ahead.

>> No.21717650

I can't do "cute" little things like bake bread without getting self-conscious. The thought just appears in my mind that I don't deserve to do it, that I'm a twisted creature, that it just isn't something for me. It's the same thing that happens when I catch myself smiling, even when I am smiling to put on appearances. I am so out of place in this world.

>> No.21717657

Are you female

>> No.21717660

Seriously thinking about cutting my wrists

>> No.21717664

Of course she is. Do you really have to ask her that? I can't relate to her. I don't even smile when people ask me to, not even when getting photographed. And there is an awkward silence when I refuse.

>> No.21717668

Look maybe some dude likes baking and feels gay for it. How the fuck should I know? We're all anonymous here.

>> No.21717674

No, I'm not. You forgot the first rule of the internet.

>> No.21717681

We should fuck. I'll make you feel dirty ;)

>> No.21717685

I said I'm not a female.

>> No.21717688

I'm surrounded by philistines.

>> No.21717713

I know

>> No.21717715

I'm not here
This isn't happening
I'm not here
This isn't happening

>> No.21717729

The internet used to be so safe for us men, now we have to watch our backs for bussy predators lurking in the darkness...

>> No.21717733

Better clench tight or the bussyman will get you

>> No.21717742

I feel a deep rooted depresssion settling in. Ive been in a state of friendlessness and alienation for 10 years now. My adolescence and even young adulthood are now gone, passed by in isolation. I cant ever have those formative experiences nor can i ever break out of this mental prison. Its already over for me.

>> No.21717775

I asked chatgpt to write me this song. I like it.
Verse 1:
I've been holding on too tight
To memories that haunt me at night
I try to move on but I can't
I'm stuck in the past, lost in my own trance

Learning to forget myself
Is harder than I thought it'd be
Trying to erase the pain
But it still lingers, haunting me
Verse 2:
I'm tired of feeling this way
Wishing I could go back to yesterday
But time keeps moving forward
Leaving me stranded, feeling ignored

Learning to forget myself
Is harder than I thought it'd be
Trying to erase the pain
But it still lingers, haunting me
I wish I could just let go
Of all the hurt and all the woe
But it's easier said than done
When you're the one who's come undone

Learning to forget myself
Is harder than I thought it'd be
Trying to erase the pain
But it still lingers, haunting me
I'll keep on trying, day by day
To let go and find a new way
To live my life without regret
And learn to forget myself.

>> No.21717777

Hamsun is the best writer in the world

>> No.21717784

Asking chatgpt to write me emo song lyrics. Its doing a really good job

>> No.21717792

I just wrote the beginning of a short story for the first time in many years. I'm going to post it here for feedback, even though my gut tells me that that's a horrible idea. .rtf file here:

any feedback is appreciated

>> No.21717795

Instead of reading a good book I'm reading your shitposts. Again. Damn I need to stop. That's it, I'm getting my book out NOW

>> No.21717796
File: 64 KB, 828x730, snip1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are two screencaps if that makes it easier

>> No.21717798
File: 68 KB, 810x773, snip2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rest is in the link I replied to

>> No.21717932


>> No.21717972

Don't do it bro, it'll be extremely painful. If you want to kys there so many better methods.

>> No.21718078

No you dumb ass. You have to save it on your PC.

>> No.21718087

F**koff back to Eton?

>> No.21718129

Is it always going to be like this? I feel good for a while, I feel great. I'm productive, I'm hopeful. And then I just start feeling mellow, and then sad for no reason. ANd then I nothing gives me pleasure. And I naturally gravitate to my old coping mechanisms. What kind of disorder, what mental condition do I have. It's not depression. And if it is how many more years of my life will it eat away. Why me? Is this why people eventually kill themselves? Because they finally realize that they are fundamentally out of tune with life. That simple inconveniences throw them out of loop. That sometimes, even after a great day, they'll still lay down and feel like shit for no discernable reason. That it doesn't really get better. They just get better at coping, until they get tired of coping, so they end it.
Things would have been much simpler if id had a good old fashioned brain tumor. That is a justified grievance. Not this inane neurological deficiency that I have.

>> No.21718171

>Is it always going to be like this?
yea its called life bro

>> No.21718193

this is just the same expression of classism / privilege that you’re denouncing him for.

>> No.21718222

For the last 3 years, I’ve had a job that allowed me all the time in the world to write and I’ve written nothing. I’ve read a ton, but written nothing.

>> No.21718234

Did you do anything exciting in your 20s?

>> No.21718241

I'm afraid that when I look back on my 20s it'll only be a black hole of procrastrination and shitposting and I'll go insane for having wasted all that time.

>> No.21718268


>> No.21718286

Me: studying epic style with a least 1 liter of water and my phone charger.
Ghosts: whoa I'm so impressed by this seeker of knowledge.
Me: ignore the sexy ghosts and keep doing academia like who was dna
When you want to be dark academia you cant always have sex with all the ghosts.

>> No.21718456

I finally get it. God wants for me to kill myself. Those lifelong failures finally make sense.

>> No.21718514

It’s not my biggest hurdle but one of my biggest hurdles has been my total inability to get any sort of restful sleep. My doctor asked me when the last time I woke up feeling rested was and when I said at least 10 years ago he didn’t believe me but it’s true.

>> No.21718580

Jannies are such faggots. I never understood the hate the get until they banned me for "off topic". I'm sorry you don't understand a literary reference, niggers

>> No.21718582

The pirate on the boat sat in contemplation. For hours the pirate on the boat would sit with no sounds heard but the creaking wood as the boat rolled in the gentle waves. He would think of many things but none of them have any bearing on our story. The small cabin smelled but of what has no bearing on our story. Another pirate entered the cabin and soon asked about the smell. "It's not relevant" said the pirate as he drifted away into contemplation again. His mind broke through the thoughts like the bow of the boat broke through the waves. The contemplation of the pirate continued with no end in sight.

>> No.21718607

Enduring self: The path, necessity, destiny, the violent virtues of the ancestors and the inculcated teloi which are actualized by yourself, the Will. Accessed through intuitive knowing of self and therefore unknowing of fear and other which implies dwelling in pure actuality of the unfolding process rather than merely intellectual sight. Symbol: the breath or Prana. Tao for self.

Enduring other: Compassion, frugality, humility. Focus on "otherness" to eliminate self and neuroses of self. The "word" or the world taken as a sign for the represtanda, the forms of pure experience, "the world is a vast represantamen" for the development and growth of God. Accessed through unknowing of self and intuitive knowing of others and the other, through focus on the concerns of other humans. The Great mother. Symbol: The Voice or words of other humans or of God, implying your own Silence. Tao for other.

>> No.21718618

Stop posting off topic, zoomer

>> No.21718755

I would do anything to get 5 years of my life back. It sucks being able to identify exactly when you made a wrong turn but not being able to go back and fix it.

>> No.21718891

I don't understand nofap, i legitimately start feeling depressed if i don't masturbate.

>> No.21718916
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it's lit

>> No.21719004
File: 153 KB, 821x1000, 71tG9Mvj-kL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my God, I love Socrates so much. Hearing his wacky tales of wisdom, his journeying and jokes, his 'ironical style,' and his tragic death.
I cried during Phaedo... It hurts so much bros....

>> No.21719010

I made that doge it seems 10 years ago I think
Crazy to see it revived

>> No.21719017


I would save the image onto my computer but I'm phoneposting and can't

>> No.21719027

what publisher/translation of Herodotus Histories do i get??

>> No.21719029

The tried and true
>newer = badder
works in almost every circumstance.

>> No.21719059

that's such a stupid thing to say

>> No.21719066

Had an unbelievably huge fart last night. Probably the largest fart I've ever had my whole life. I laid in bed to sleep and it exploded out of my ass.

>> No.21719075

he was all right but i can't imagine loving the fella

>> No.21719092

How did Americanism become synonymous with state-enforced LGBT insanity and PoC worship? When I consider that my neither my grandparents nor the grandparents of anyone I’ve ever met in this country ever wanted this shit, it’s hard to ignore the possibility that this state has been hijacked by a subversive group that wants to destroy it.

>> No.21719100

When doesn't it work? The only thing that I've found improved by newer translations is Alexander Pope's Iliad and Odyssey or a few novels.

>> No.21719121

Imagine going back to the Raegan era and telling the oldest war veterans that one day, the US would prop up a Jewish actor as the President of Ukraine and use him to fight a proxy war with transsexuals against a no longer communist and now (at least nominally) nominally Christian and conservative Russia. They’d nuke D.C. first.

>> No.21719127

is weed legal in Boston?

>> No.21719152

Natural development of christian morality. It’s taking place in America because America was the most religious nation. The religion was revitalized in America after being reduced to mere tradition and institution in Europe. The reason that it is happening so fast is due to the cultural upheaval caused by everyone giving up Christianity, yet still retaining their cultural values.

>> No.21719160

i'd like to see an otherwise reasonable person defend this rule in their own words
considering one justification for newer translations is to be rewritten in contemporary english (a fundamental point of translations)

>> No.21719185

depends how independent you are
30k is nothing if you're a debt slave or a rent pig

>> No.21719193

ive done it with $0

>> No.21719194

christ on a pipe.. i don't want to be a quitter and say that philosophy isn't for me because the myth of sisyphus has been raping me raw. fucking cioran's essays fooled me into thinking all philosophy is accessible. I should've read Camus in Fr*nch.

>> No.21719203

No debt. Rent can be up to $1400 per month in my marked. Otherwise minimal living expenses. Just groceries basically.

>> No.21719208

You didn’t read philosophers though. Philosophy is about metaphysics, epistemology, ontology, the forms, God, the universe, reality, the eternal, speculative systems to interpret anything in reality and unify the manifold contents of perception. You just read a bunch of bullshit written by pseuds who cant decide whether they want to be philosophers or poets and don’t have the most basic intellectual rigor that would allow them to determine which judgements are in the domain of philosophy, which in art, which in science, which in religion, and therefore refrain from making false statements by applying methods that don’t work to a given situation.

>> No.21719209

you need to create and rise above it all or you'll drown in other people's demiurge feedback loop shit

>> No.21719212

this book I am reading right know is pretty good even though im only at 50th page, too bad I can't talk about it because its very obscure

>> No.21719213

It’s quite obviously not though. Like I said, none of this was in the church at all a few generations ago and even shallow research shows how the churches were only infected AFTER they were infiltrated by non-profit groups and colleges. I think just blaming Christianity displays such a shallow level of thought on this topic and really a less than distorted picture of of what Christianity actually is historically.

>> No.21719216

living in the human equivalent of a chicken coop is not fun and you shouldn't be having it
no fun for slaves

>> No.21719217

There are no NEETbux in my country and I’m not able to lean on family so that’s not really an option.

>> No.21719222

I don't have peanutbrains in mind. If you need your translations to say
>Shabba dabba muffugin bix nood
Then I don't know what to say.
Most newer translations seek to ablate as much specificity as they can. Word like 'thee,' and 'thou,' for example, have uses besides seeming antiquated.

>> No.21719225

I read through this entire post expecting some new novel argument.
Instead all those lines wasted just to reassert the same baseless claim of necessity with zero argument beyond: "my tummy rumbles and it's nutrional".
Yes, I'm sure your 5th daily mcdouble provides your fat ass with all kinds of necessary nutrition.
The word necessity implies a lack of alternative options, that it is unavoidable or required.
That eating meat satiates our hunger, makes it no more necessary than eating a bag of doritos, which does the same.
I've already acknowledged the necessity in survival situations, subsistence farmers, or tribes who depend upon hunting.
We live in a world of abundance, and most food while it satiates our hunger, is a choice we make as to what pleases us. Hence why I brought up Doritos or gummy bears.
All sorts of things may satiate hunger, but that is no argument. Eating human meat would also satiate your hunger, and likely provide some nutrition too. Would that make it moral?
You seem like one of those small minded imps who does not understand the point of a hypothetical. Who thinks that the person who raises a contradiction is arguing for it.
I'm not the one in contradiction here, as I neither eat animals nor sexually abuse them.
You are the one in contradiction, as you argue that harming them is bad, implying their existence has some worthy consideration, in the case of rape--but then in the next breath assert that killing them in mass for that 1 minute of pleasure biting into the McDouble is justified.
If I were to believe killing animals in mass was ok, then it would be no farther step to assert that raping them is no large crime either. You cannot violate, be immoral, or mistreat a non-entity who you already treat as nothing more than a source for nutrition.
Fortunately for me, this is no contradiction for me as I believe both to be wrong.

>> No.21719230
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then you can doss off for a few months and then you need to figure something out.
the idea should be that increased leisure time is an auspicious foundation to some sort of future creative and profitable endeavour.
good luck faggot

>> No.21719234

It's okay, Stupides, no one thought you would be able to understand.

>> No.21719239

I’ll be creatively productive. I just worry a little about spending more than 6 months, unable to make any income, and unable to get a job for being unemployed too long.

>> No.21719241

As lonf as you observe outward doctrinal manifestations and not the development of the underlying values you will of course think it’s “obviously not.” You’re the one with a shallow understanding here.

>> No.21719247

not like you're going to starve, and you don't even own your own home to lose.
the worst that can happen is you die, so what.

>> No.21719261

>I don't have peanutbrains in mind
read herodotus in the greek then.
translations are written for the non-classical public, and it goes without saying the people buying them are primarily concerned in coherence.

>> No.21719265

It's ok I can tell you are experiencing some nasty cognitive dissonance, keep coping.

>> No.21719269
File: 61 KB, 483x400, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I broke up with my gf last week because she was going travelling for an unspecified amount of time. Our relationship was very near perfect, but it seemed like the sensible thing to do, considering I don't know when I'll see her again. Now I just feel lonely and empty but not sad, which I guess is a good thing. I didn't realise how much I took having a gf for granted. I want to start writing my bachelor but it seems my gf took all my inertia with her to Spain. Books for this feel? Also, how long do you wait before getting back on the market after a breakup in your culture? In my home country (Scandinavia) it's quite normal to start seeing new people right after the breakup, but I don't think that's appropriate.

>> No.21719277

I have a feeling, that you are the type of person when Onions Green becomes a reality will quickly bend to justify it, since it's obvious you have zero moral compass beyond what your tummy dictates to you.
"I need to eat my Onions Green man-meat my tummy is rumbling!"

>> No.21719280

* S oylent

>> No.21719285
File: 148 KB, 500x500, unnamedg#.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shakespeare's The Two Gentlemen of Verona and The Taming of the Shrew.
You did right anyway lad because a modern woman's 'travel' is measured in miles of dick.

>> No.21719288

I'll be the first to eat you-- Extra Söy edition!

>> No.21719373

you don't say

>> No.21719401

Tired of my OCD. Been feeling super lonely.

>> No.21719409

clearly you don't have ocd regarding sentence structure

>> No.21719450

Americucks (strangely fitting word considering the divorce rate in your country) turned their back at God and reaped what they sowed. The question isn't how but rather why as a people are you letting satanist media institutions fuck your kids brains all the while being perfectly aware they're pushing an agenda and desensitizing people to mental illnesses and deviant behaviors.

>> No.21719461

they're murderers, no hope for them.

>> No.21719510

why do I suspect you are Polish

>> No.21719516

take it to /pol/ ya fuckin homos

>> No.21719578

you're just angry because your broken nation has no literary tradition just like it has no military tradition.
every novel is a cheap rehash of losing to mountain goat herders and jungle rice farmers.
now you are past your prime and overrun by usury jews and basketball niggers, there's no hope now.

>> No.21719585
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i'm surprised you autists haven't been all over this. seems right up your alley.

>> No.21719597


>> No.21719611
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I love Ameri.

>> No.21719632


>> No.21719668

I’ve been struggling to come up with a topic for a non-fiction book.

>> No.21719674

Then you probably shouldn't attempt one.

>> No.21719676

I like that essay too but I also find it depressing.

>> No.21719680

The underlying values don’t suggest that either.

>> No.21719730

i miss covid

>> No.21719764


>> No.21719774

They’re currently trying to make it stronger, anon.

>> No.21719814

why do you like it then

>> No.21719820

Pussy ass bitch nigga is an actual term in this God forsaken language. It meas coward

>> No.21719848

None of those words mean anything strung together. Don't make this mistake again.

>> No.21719866

It is vulgar slang only
...for "ignorant homosexual" with implications of a violent character in the word "nigga"

>> No.21719939

>it'll be extremely painful
For you

>> No.21719970

>You're dead to me
Ok? So i'm dead to 1 person but alive to 8 billion? Nice!

>> No.21719979

colourful language! outrageous!

>> No.21719983

Racist. It's called AAVE.

>> No.21719993


>> No.21720002

And faggots,
And there was god.
No more.

>> No.21720010
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Is this why I keep sneezing?

>> No.21720052

Does anyone else use 4chan as an outlet for their depression? I basically just got rejected by my crush ("im busy, maybe the weekend") and now I'm here so that I don't have to think about how lonely and miserable my life is.

>> No.21720064

I've never had a crush who existed because they're figments of another man's imagination >>21719611

>> No.21720103

I'm thinking about the sexy girl whwho sat in front of me in class today. She leaned forward and her jacket pulled up showing her perfect hourclass waist and back. I damn nearly coomed all over her right then and there

>> No.21720152

What would you have done differently if you did get your years back?

>> No.21720211

Different anon. I probably would have avoided becoming a religious and political extremist and just got a gf

>> No.21720235 [DELETED] 

ya getting fooled into marxism when i was a naive college kid with no life experience was so so dumb but open source bs by privileged assholes like rms while i am worked class started me down the rabbit whole of ideological whininess. now i live in the real world, but the years are still gone.

>> No.21720246

i mainly use it to procrastinate on parts of personal projects i don't feel confident about and some time to blow off social energy if i had a long day of meetings and my head is still buzzing with zoom chatter

>> No.21720255

what women would want such a pitiful pussy? stop being sorry for yourself, get up, be a man and go accomplish shit.

>> No.21720262

All your experiences make you who you are now a series of choices and consequence to create a unique individual distinct from others. There's no such thing as missing years because each year isn't some separate thing but connected.

>> No.21720284

I've been finding it increasingly uncanny how a complete stranger's political orientation can be determined with almost certain accuracy based on little else but their voice. Not even their vocabulary or accent but just the way they speak, their cadence. I have no idea how it works, technically it shouldn't work, but it simply does. Like physiognomy.

>> No.21720292

Have you tested that in other countries though? Other ethnicities?

>> No.21720313

I've only experienced it in English, mostly on youtube. Time and again I found myself clicking on a video by a channel I did not know the slightest bit about, about topics that are by no means explicitly political and whenever my sixth sense started to tingle I practically almost always got it right when they start saying something decidedly political later on in the video. I've considered that it has something to do with the editing style that people of the same political persuasion share but it has happened even when that style was not present at all, so my best guess is that it has to do with something like the political equivalent of the gay lisp.

>> No.21720334

i am going to destroy AI

>> No.21720333 [DELETED] 

ya but youtube videos are made by actors so they are probably affecting that on purpose. try it with real people. when i meet people in the street or at work they don't go "huuWHUT IZ up GAIZ!" to open a conversation.

>> No.21720346

How would she know I'm a self-pitying pussy?

>> No.21720352

I dunno why but I always harboured this desire to make some kind of art that I would be remembered for once I died and that could have an impact on others. Lately I've been grappling with the fact that statistically, I'll never contribute anything meaningful to the canon and I will be forgotten a generation or two after my death. How do I cope with the fact that I'm just like everyone else?

>> No.21720355

even if you do contribute something to the canon, you're still dead, so immortality projects are ultimately futile.

>> No.21720358

There's nothing wrong with being ordinary.
t. ordinary guy

>> No.21720359

I keep making astonishingly poor decisions while under the influence of alcohol and don't deserve my girlfriend

>> No.21720391

What the fuck is a crush? That's like saying you got rejected by your "boss you'd like to have" because a manager at a company who rejected your resume and has no intention of hiring you said "Ok" when you texted him "I think you guys such have a great company. I would have been so honored to work there"

A woman who doesn't want to fuck you was never going to fuck you, it's like a collapse of the wave function. What is a "crush." If I see a hat I want and a guy says "oh sorry that's not for sale, that's my hat" I don't call it my secret longing hat. It's just a hat I can't fuckin have. Go get another hat

>> No.21720393

Realize that education indoctrinated you about famous people and so you think you have to match up.

>> No.21720442

Are you a sperg? A "crush", to use your analogy, would just a be company you wanted to work for and, in my case, that didn't hire you/ignored you.
>Go get another hat
Fuck that, women are tiring.

>> No.21720448

I died last week for several seconds before being brought back. It felt exactly like those times you have a dreamless night and wake up unsure of where you are. This experience made me realise there is nothing after death, consciousness is just a fluke of brain chemistry that is temporal.
I've cut out every negative aspect in my life and have been doing everything I wanted to try. Don't waste your life anon because for better or for worse this is it. And then it's gone for eternity.

>> No.21720458

Scared of actually living alone. I just know I will go full degenerate alone

>> No.21720468

You're right I know that. I know a legacy like that is meaningless to pursue. I just feel like I need to make a mark on the world or it'll all be for naught. I know I need to get over this obsession and create art to understand myself better and not for fame.

What's the best way to unravel this?

>> No.21720492

What do you like to do?

>> No.21720608

/lit/ is filled with nothing but bait threads, /pol/+/r9k/ threads, tradcath larpers, and retards. Truly a cursed board

>> No.21720619

it was bound to happen

>> No.21720620
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Troll culture forbids our topic any repose

Abandon internet. Develop communication skills
Classical education has always included rhetoric.
(Which is far more than "debate class". But I don't even know if they still do that in schools)
Anyway. We need to escape. Good luck to you all.

>> No.21720629

The 2016 Reddit migration has been a disaster for 4chan culture

>> No.21720651

It is 4chan culture to coddle the trolls

>> No.21720655

to or from? i can't even tell anymore. blaming reddit at this stage is a copout imo

>> No.21720690

What happens when you come to the conclusion that ideas themselves are a physical phenomenon?

>> No.21720729


>> No.21720744

My philosophy is that you should use the toilet instead of going in your pants.

>> No.21720792

Trolling used to be an art with a hint of truth and a subtle wink involved. The “trolling” nowadays is dead serious

>> No.21720793

today on my run i stopped by an abandoned warehouse i always passed. in one of the sliding doors there was a gap at the top which I was able to climb through by the beam and then climb down the other side of the door because of wood cross sections on it. i was surprised there were no homeless people inside. there was just a bunch of old farm equipment including two horse drawn carriages. there was nothing there that indicated anyone had been there in 20 years. there were holes in the roof. it started raining so I walked up and down the warehouse reciting poems and sections of prose I had memorized, and there was a big stack of these long wood platform things that I climbed on top of like a stage to practice my recitation while I waited for it to stop raining.

>> No.21720839

It's so beautiful bros... The waxing moon above my head, the cool spring air, the gentle creaking of the trees and the nightbird's quiet song.... Even in this industrial wasteland, fading nature holds me in its dying embrace. Why is life so painful...Why am I like this bros...

>> No.21720857

The toilet isn't real, the turd is the primordial substance.
The petit faeces A

>> No.21720945

Does this board ever host writing prompt threads?
I saw a good prompt I had fun with in the last /wg/ thread, but I would like to do them more often.

>> No.21721020


>> No.21721078

Don't know why i always do this. Studied like crazy yesterday and now today my head hurts and i can't study at all.
I can ne we stop myself when i get unto studying again ill just read and study for 10 hrs straight and then the day im burnt out

>> No.21721272

>read way too many eroges as a teenager
>can't listen japanese women without getting an erection
epic simply epic

>> No.21721275

I woke up at 1am again, I wonder if I should just get out of bed and write some code.

>> No.21721305

I feel strangely drawn to that which is abandoned or forgotten. Books that very few people read nowadays, about topics that very few people care about, passion projects of people on the internet who never made it, niche, old games or anime, dilapidated houses, small town city streets at 3AM. Their loneliness calls out to me. Not in an emo or a hipster way, but in the sense that they have a strange pull to them that is hard to explain.

>> No.21721314

I feel like I’m wasting my life.

>> No.21721335

I sometimes do the same thing. Honestly, I don't know if it's bad, sometimes it's just harder for me to motivate myself every single day, so once I find that motivation I want to keep going. Also sometimes it's easier to remember all the context that way, rather than starting over all the time.

>> No.21721336

You are.

>> No.21721371
File: 41 KB, 480x640, 23065505-83EA-41DB-9B4A-5DD4A2447FB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people say shit like “you’ll only work at Starbucks” if you mention studying the humanities? Surely, I’d have the same job prospects if I didn’t go to university anyway, unless they think EVERYONE has to have a STEM degree (which waters down its value and competitiveness if universities focus on passing them). The only thing that stands for the anti-humanities types is that I might fall into debt or waste my time, but I don’t see why that’d affect my employability in the long term in whatever industry is deemed low-end.

>> No.21721380
File: 67 KB, 860x1024, D8A8C8A7-94A2-4744-BDC0-BC593E8710BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I too old for politics? I just got twitter and followed all these ‘cool’ anon twitter accounts that are rightoids, followed all the ‘cool’ left kids like Kantbot and stuff, followed the super ‘cool’ red scare, perfume nationalist — this whole online blend of anti-woke far left and far right esoteric nonsense and I’ve realized something. I don’t care. I don’t care anymore. What do these peoples personal lives look like? They’re smarter and have more will than me, but why do they care so much? Am I demoralized? I only did this because my gf unironically cares about this shit more than me.

>> No.21721422

Yeah you've been demoralized.
>Born as I was the citizen of a free state and a member of its sovereign body, the very right to vote imposes on me the duty to instruct myself on public affairs, however little influence my voice may have on them.

>> No.21721426

Politics actually favors old people (at least in the US), young people think tweeting about things matters while old people actually vote at high rates. So no, you are not too old for politics. Just ask a politician if they have ever considered for a second getting rid of social security and medicare. Even the most conservative know they would never win an election on that platform because too many of their constituents are benefitting from those programs.

>> No.21721460

I wish there was a medical service that provided voluntary sterilization. If you're unable to attract a mate then you could just go get the desire to do so removed. It doesn't really seem all that different to the right to death for terminally ill patients.
I suppose SSRIs can kill your libido. Perhaps I'll look into those.

>> No.21721478

Political discussion on Twitter just looks like autistic screeching to me. Politics are important but I don't feel like the discourse on Twitter, or on 4chan for that matter, is in any way productive. There is also an over saturation, how can you think clearly about politics, when you are constantly bombarded with 200 character posts of half truths? Sometimes less is more.

>> No.21721479

You should unironically read Serotonin. It covers this exactly and might change your mind.

>> No.21721480

But it’s too much. It’s too much ‘shit’ to follow. and it’s all a blend of status games, twitter personalities, podcasts, etc.

>> No.21721485

Sitting cross legged upon the slate tiled roof was the apparent source of the clamor the group had been forced to pass through. The ominous figure clad from head to toe in fluted, ash-black plate. Gaunt in body, the ridged, finned embellishments of the fitted armor terminated in sharp hooks. Putting images to mind of the razor talons of predatory birds. Distorting his perched silhouette as he twisted bodily to gaze at the new arrivals. Tilting his head until the circular slots in the faceless mask woven with the mail hood that christened him locked eyelines upon them. Offering the first true and unmistakable glint of the abhuman within that dark shell.
"Oho," He exclaimed. Taking only a short moment to recognize who it was he had sighted. The somber voice dripping with delight and amusement. "I had not expected to see my benefactors so quickly." He jovially lowered one hand, palm tilted up, letting the other cross his heart. Theatric deference offered only half in jest, as the strangers had, somehow, brushed aside and destroyed the most potent asset of his hated foe. The capability of defying such dangerous ordinances so suddenly and so brazenly troubled him. The friction of new concerns and contingencies began to burst together like dazzling sparks behind his eyes. Though he betrayed not the tiniest hint of anxiety, the true heraldic voice of his instinct rung out like a clarion in his mind, clearing all distortions of doubt with immediate purpose.
"I will kill them afterwards" he thought to himself, out loud.

>> No.21721488

This is ultimately how I feel — I genuinely feel disoriented on twitter following all these alt left and alt right types. They’re all undeniably intelligent sure, and I’ve read the edgy meme books like BAP, etc. but.. it’s all half-truths and bullshit. Internet personalities. My gf cares about this stuff but she has even less of a real understanding of it than I do, she is just anti-modernity. But she’s so invested in these online personalities and their takes and what they like or dislike, it’s really weird and offputting.

>> No.21721534

I've read it, and loved it, but I didn't really come away from the book with that impression.

>> No.21721562

Twitter is literally designed to induce mental illness

>> No.21721578

I got into internet extremism amd started meeting these people irl. They are not nearly as cool as they posture online. Whenever I see political sperging here i know exactly what that person is actually like irl

>> No.21721656

Why do you say that?

>> No.21721662

did i just fuck something up or does wikipedia no longer have a "table of contents" for their articles where you can quickly click through different section like "early life" etc

>> No.21721681

It's on the left side.

>> No.21721797

Only self pubber losers use Twitter to shill their books to the void, and go insane in the process, then there’s a bunch of squabbling political scions of major parties or fringe movements who have no sex. Their political zealotry is a product of their lack of sex.

>> No.21722102

Hello, /lit/. I'm now going to type using bold text in order to st𝐚nd out.

>> No.21722112


>> No.21722123

Never mind. Forget what I said.

>> No.21722139

Next thread



>> No.21722198

No. I'll remember