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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 100 KB, 1300x1908, hitler-goebbels-daughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21915857 No.21915857 [Reply] [Original]

>The unsuccessful writer and occasional
journalist failed to make an impression on the bourgeois intelligentsia.
Suffering from depression, he set out on an existential quest for salvation,
which he eventually came to believe he had found, not in religion or in cultural
revolution but in the politics of the völkisch movement.

>Of all European
countries, he confessed, he held “holy Russia” in the “deepest respect.” This
positively rhapsodic veneration of Russia was above all the result of his
intensive reading of Russian literature, particularly Dostoyevsky

>“Our so-called writers
are nothing but bunglers, intellectual snobs, would-be witty aesthetes and
coffee-house heroes. […] No one has found the cry from the heart that
expresses the despair of every German.”

>> No.21915863

" After further dark thoughts, he drew up “ten commandments” designed to snap him out of his mood of depression:

1. Be good to everybody, especially to mother, father and Else […].
2. Do not talk much, think a lot.
3. Be alone often.
4. Try to make your peace with life.
5. Get up at 8 and go to bed at 10.
6. Read and write the bitterness out of your soul.
7. Take plenty of long walks, especially alone.
8. Do not neglect your body.
9. Try to come to terms with God.
10. Do not despair.

>> No.21915877

Pretty based.

>> No.21915901

>10. Do not despair.
based goebbels wisdom

>> No.21915911

Self help tier cringe, he holds being kind to others that he values their genocide.
>Of all European countries, he confessed, he held “holy Russia” in the “deepest respect.”
How did he react when his Holy Russia stormed Berlin?

>> No.21915913
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>he holds being kind to others that he values their genocide
99iq post

>> No.21915916

thats above average in Germany fyi

>> No.21915917

i could have said it was a 105iq post and i would still be insulting you

>> No.21915924

>Self help tier cringe,
Imagine not understanding the difference between published work and personally significant advice. He's not writing some code to live by, but reminding himself of things of significance in his life.

>> No.21915928

that wasnt my post you 110iq smoothbrain

>> No.21915941 [DELETED] 

Kill yourselves kike faggots

>> No.21915952


" In mid-December he attended a lecture on Vincent van Gogh, which he
found “deeply enjoyable.” He wrote that van Gogh was “one of the most
modern men in new art, a God-seeker, a Christ-person.” He perceived
similarities to Dostoyevsky and to his own “Wanderer”: “All modern artists
—I’m not talking here about half-hearted snobs and epigones—are to a
greater or lesser degree teachers, preachers, fanatics, prophets, to a greater
or lesser degree insane—like all of us who have active minds.” However:
“We younger people are being ignored. Perhaps a later generation will be
able to capitalize on our broken hearts. How unutterably heavy is the
sorrow of the seers!”27 These lines express his hope that the “redemption”
he so fervently sought might arise out of a complete cultural revolution
along Christian-socialist lines—and Goebbels was obviously convinced that
he was destined to play a prominent role in such an upheaval, as a
“prophet” or “seer.” He went even further when he noted during the
Christmas period: “I can feel myself driven toward the whole, toward men
and mankind. If God gives me a long enough lease of life, I shall be a
redeemer. Whether for myself, for one or two, or for a whole people, it’s all
the same. I must become mature enough for the mission.”28
Craving “redemption,” Goebbels now saw himself as the redeemer and no
longer just speculated about the godlike nature of the artist29 but boldly
stated: “If God has made me in his image, then I am God like him. "

>> No.21915959

>How did he react when his Holy Russia stormed Berlin?
Not the same countries

>> No.21915987

despite my typo, my point is legitimate. you can't detest populations as intensely as he did and still pretend to have any principles of morality.
I'm an arab muslim.

>> No.21915995

"being kind to others" is underdefined, normal people think of it as applying to your neighbors and tribesmen, not to the foreign enemy. inimicus vs hostis. your head's been fucked by english.

>> No.21915997

the entire 3rd reich leadership was lit bros who just had enough of the Jews bullshit

>> No.21916004 [DELETED] 

Genociding the kikes is a virtue for all mankind. It instantly makes everyone on the planet's life better

>> No.21916010

>I'm an arab muslim.
Oh those guys who rape little boys then throw fags off of roofs? stfu retard

>> No.21916011

maybe considering "jews" a foreign enemy is already an issue, null skull.
Also defensive wars are not comparable to systematic genocide. You're an embarrassment.
Et d'ailleurs, voudriez-vous qu'on continue la conversation en Francais, si l'Anglais vous accable autant que vous le dites?

>> No.21916017

stfu kike, DOTR just around the corner, tick tock

>> No.21916018

>maybe considering "jews" a foreign enemy is already an issue, null skull.
feel free to propose that, it's a separate matter from the goebbels quote we're discussing
>defensive wars are not comparable to systematic genocide
now THIS is a 106iq post, not only have you been fucked by english but by the entire anglo mentality

>> No.21916021

>helps to propagate a war that killed millions
Damn these personal convictions fell out the window really quickly once he got the taste of powery, didnt they.
Guess you cant blame him, its a tale as old as time.

>> No.21916023

are you actually 14?

>> No.21916024

lol you are a jew, kys

>> No.21916027

>5. Get up at 8 and go to bed at 10.
kek all great men struggle with their bed times

>> No.21916029

>despite my typo, my point is legitimate. you can't detest populations as intensely as he did and still pretend to have any principles of morality.
There is a difference between people and their works. I believe you to be unaware of major points.

>> No.21916031

does the anglo mentality signify a disgust for genocide and ruthless slaughter?
Is that why Anglos were some of the most ruthless and barbaric killers overseas?

>> No.21916038

you're 14, and I've said before that I'm not jewish but arab muslim.

>> No.21916039

>I believe you to be unaware of major points.
is this your attempt to write good English

>> No.21916045

>does the anglo mentality signify a disgust for genocide and ruthless slaughter?
no it's the old "kick the dog until it bites, then shoot it in self-defense" trick. many anglos have mindfucked themselves so hard that they actually think nitpicking over who did the first technically-violent act in a long chain of mutual escalation actually has any moral significance. genocide as "self-defense" has been practiced throughout history and probably half of the time they weren't even wrong in their self-serving claims.

>> No.21916046

lmao @ this Jew. Everyone come watch this Jew try to Jew me

>> No.21916053

Was Goebbels a prefiguration of Jordan Peterson?

>> No.21916055

okay, well, I'm against genociding people.

>> No.21916057
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>I'm against genociding people

>> No.21916058

None of these are /lit/ except for 3

>> No.21916070

What genocide? The Holocaust? It unironically never happened. For starters, read Articles 19 through 21 of the articles of the court if you think that there was a fair trial on this matter. This is where the official narrative is born. Yes, later stories make sense, but they were never put to trial. The stories that were put to trial had to disallow them being contested in order for them to stand. That is why we have all of the ridiculous ''I was just following orders'' defenses - because they were not allowed legitimate defenses. As a broad stroke, almost all of the bodies were supposed to have been buried first, then exhumed and cremated. Yes, this is ridiculous, but it is the official narrative. Soil studies have been done and no massive disruptions were ever made around Auschwitz, which was supposed to have had the greatest magnitude of deaths. It is generally recognized that the chimney and the air vents were fraudulently emplaced. The excuses for this are ludicrous. These are literal monuments of false evidence. It's a fraud. The fact that such a huge fraud was perpetrated should horrify everyone. The first question to ask is ''why?''

>> No.21916084

i kneel

>> No.21916085

I wonder how much Jordan Peterson plagiarized from it.

>> No.21916092
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>> No.21916097
File: 85 KB, 850x400, quote-i-m-so-despondent-about-everything-everything-i-try-goes-totally-wrong-there-s-no-escape-joseph-goebbels-92-7-0728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. He even has a dark, cynical side.

>> No.21916106

I don’t think he would need to plagiarize much, seems a bit too vague to be original. If he said walk this much a day or be good to mother by doing y, etc it might represent resolve. “Read and write the bitterness out of your soul” sounds like something a stupid woman or smart girl in Mark Twain would resolve because it feels like she is being decisive and life changing without actually being accountable to anything since she isn’t starting how much she has to read a day (or even if every day) or what, or how much she has to write etc

>> No.21916153


Maybe I can find a genocide in my future, too; courage! :3

>> No.21916170

wholesome as heck

>> No.21916197

I don’t see how any of the things you’ve chosen to highlight are related to ‘politics of the völkisch movement’, he seemed to be interested in a number of different things that have no relation to each other. The great politician always suffer from this type of epilepsy, falling over and trying to cling to whatever he can topple in on himself.

>> No.21916335

It seems to mostly be about religion yet the first post says he didn’t find salvation in religion but ‘politics of the völkisch movement’, how that came about isn’t defined by any of the other posts, so I’m confused

>> No.21916454

I can't find these articles, can someone spoonfeed me? If its super legalese I'm gonna need more than a copy and paste cause I'm dumb

>> No.21916560

Some of it may be difficult to understand. This won't be, though -
>Article 21.
>The Tribunal shall not require proof of facts of common knowledge
This ''common knowledge'' to which they refer is the witness testimony for the prosecution. In short, the defense was not allowed to contest the fundamental holocaust narrative. Regarding the physical evidence, a chimney was required to reduce the bones as stated in testimony. There was no chimney. Both the physical evidence and spyplane records confirm this. The Russians built it. Poison pellets were supposed to have been dropped through the roof. Once again, evidence indicates that there were no hatches. Defense was allowed to contest the spyplane photos. Prosecution got caught faking photos for the hatches. Defense pulled images from spyplane passes both before and after the one in question, and no hatches were present. So, not only is there no real evidence for these, there is falsified evidence, which should damn the whole trial on its own. Do not get lost in the massive amount of details on this topic. Stay with the low hanging fruit. The fundamental argument is unsound. I have to go, but I will return later if the thread is still up.

>> No.21916605

No way. Wtf

>> No.21916627

I don't really care whether the holocaust happened but this is pretty funny, they're so brazen and careless

>> No.21916716

Back to r3ddit you stupid nigger retard

>> No.21916754
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I was reading this biography of him and passing on towards "Fateful Choices" by Ian Kershaw. Never even thought this post was going to many replies.

>> No.21916763

Arabs are honestly just less intelligent Jews. They behave the same, only the jew is more slippery because he is more intelligent. The Muslim community couldn't care less that their violent savages brutalize their host nations. In fact Muslims are more likely to praise the fact that there are so many innocent victims of Islamic violence in the West than they are to come out against it and admit that there's any problem.

I've talked to some of these subhumans and they brag about getting citizenships in multiple Western nations to maximize the amount of money and services they can take. They are welfare queens. In White cultures doing this makes you a parasitic subhuman. For 3rd world garbage like Muslims (across all castes) this is perfectly acceptable.

And it's not like these turds will fight for the country they or their faggot parents moved to. Tens of millions of white men died competing for the West, but you're an idiot if you think any of these shitskins will stick around to help as soon as the going gets tough. The fact that they're even here in the first place is because they've already fled like snivelling cowards, even from their own homelands. Now they've come to turn our countries into disgusting 3rd world toilets too while making you pay for it. Fuck 'em all.

>> No.21916778

>west bombs Muslims countries
>complains about Muslim violence against westerners

>> No.21916801

>father spanks child
>child hits father
>why is father mad?????

>> No.21916868

>helps to propagate a war that killed millions
Never happened.

>> No.21916880

>father breaks daughters bones and knocks her teeth out
>daughter stabs father
>father confused

>> No.21916890

Nobody in their right mind would worship propaganda rat man if he was walking around in 2023.

>> No.21916892

That has little to do withthe majority of my post. It's shitskin cope. Still,
>implying Muzcucks don't behave like this in their own "countries"
>implying all of the 3rd world garbage currently entering the West is because of muh Western bombings
>we wuz peaceful before dats
>implying the children muslimes abuse daily are responsible or even alive for Zionist activity in the ME
>implying the dumb apes running around like niggers in European cities give a shit about any of this
This is exactly what I'm talking about. Muslims are garbage-tier people who cannot accept any responsibility for your actions, and are totally ungrateful. It's not their fault that they behave like feral ungrateful apes in White countries. Watch for this inferior semitic tendency.

>> No.21916891

daughter misread the situation, after all that thrashing she wanted cummies but the cummies never came. father should've known better.

>> No.21916904

I like Goebbels.

>> No.21916919

but how does his interests in art, religion and philosophy directly link to his 'political salvation', isn't that what you were trying to highlight.

>> No.21916925

That has nothing to do with it. Muslims behabe like savages in their own countries too. They behave like this no matter where they go. You're also assuming that the average dirty shitskin stealing from or groping people on the street is doing it because of geopolitics, which is absurd. He's doing it because he's a dumb ape that isn't afraid of the repurcussions. Also, the vast majority of human garbage currently entering Europe is not doing so under pressure danger from warfare. Actually, >70% of the poomen entering Europe from the turd world are military-aged men. So again, this supports my claims. These "people" leave their own women and children to suffer, and come to the West for cellphones and cool shoes.
>dey work and send money back
Oh, so they're leeches?

Anyway, that isn't even the full story. Half of them (men and women together) don't even work, amd a massive amount collect welfare.

Really, when you break it down, these are very low class people, like white trash. Actually white trash are better, since they are normally too proud to collect welfare and they are good mechanics.

>> No.21916950

Also, to make this explicit, muslims are very much like jews because they only care about other muslims. That's why they specifically target non-muslims for their nigger antics and never speak out against Islamic violence against women and children or other innocent people. Or Islamic violence against Indians for that matter.

Indians and South Americans are a much higher caliber people than arabs

>> No.21916965

Go directly to loo, do not pass go, do not poo until you do

>> No.21916970

So you're admitting that muslims are hostile foreign enemies that the West should kick out? Damn based!

>> No.21916985

I'm not any form of shitskin, I'm English and Scottish. From what I've seen, spics and jeets are much better than arabs/muslims. The latter are only couple steps above subsaharans, only because a white man created a religion for them.

>> No.21916994

I think Muslims should get out of the west as soon as the west gets out of Muslim countries

>> No.21917011

Most Muslims are not Arab and most Arabs are not Arabian but general Mesopotamian

>> No.21917022

The fact that you can't even refute any of the numerous arguments made just proves my points further.

Anyway, shitslums should be sent back either way, they offer nothing of value and are actively ruining the places they move to with their 3rd world donkey "culture" and high amounts of crime, just like blacks. You're making a huge fallacy when you imply that the only reason all these Muslim donkeys are in the West ks because of muh bombs btw. I've already adressed this, i guess you have trouble with English or you're just another cowardly arab.

>> No.21917027

Wow all different forms of mutt, islam is amazing!

>> No.21917036

What arguments? All you have done is throw a bunch of random accusations around no different from Muslims who claim unbelieving women are all sluts but especially need Muslim men because white men wear tampons and can’t do anything but bitch about Muslims having toxic masculinity

>> No.21917118

There are arguments made with evidence, there's no way you use this board but are too stupid to read them, stop being emotional.

>> No.21917202

What's interesting is that more Pre-Islamic/Christian groups survived in the Middle East than Europe. This includes groups like Mandaeans, Yazidis, Zoroastrians of Yazd, etc. It wasn't until ISIS that many were seriously threatened by extinction.


ISIS and Al-Nusra were actually backed by Israel and USA. What's funny is that USA/Israel have killed more non-Muslims in the Middle East than actual Muslims. Just look at how Israel is arming Azerbaijan to genocide Christian Armenians. Humorously, Iranians are the ones defending the Armenians. Ofc, this nuance is beyond your /pol/brain.

I think all of this stuff with Muslims overrunning Europe was by design. For what ends, I'm not sure. Perhaps Adam Green on Know More News is right in that Jews are trying to manipulate the descendants of Esau/Edom (Euros) and Ishmael (Arabs) into mutually annihilating one another, but there are a lot of puzzle pieces that don't fit well together.

>> No.21917234

I should have just said NATO since France and other Euros just follow suit.
Sunni fanaticism was largely backed by NATO, which seriously threatened groups like Yazidis.

>> No.21917240

Cool but that is irrelevant. Muslims are savage animals who are just less intelligent Jews. I am fully aware of Israeli/Jewish infiltration of Western establishments, that isn't the matter at hand. These people are 3rd world classless garbage, very low-caliber people. Below Indians and Hispanics/central/south Americans, a couple steps above blacks.

>> No.21917260

Atrocity propaganda and the corruption of the west's origin myth. It's so the nat soc ideology appears evil so people dont look into it and the jews can be perpetual victims

>> No.21917264

That's why their religion is so harsh. Cover the women up so the weak men don't get excited and rape them, cut off a hand for theft, murder gays, etc.

Still they aren't the main threat to the West.

>> No.21917271

>I think all of this stuff with Muslims overrunning Europe was by design. For what ends, I'm not sure
Ya who knows, white genocide is just a racist /pol/ conspiracy theory.

>> No.21917276

All the intelligent Middle Easterners reject Pisslam, but I consider Christcuckery marginally worse. Hypocrisy and feigning moral high ground are ingrained in Christcuckery, hence why you get shit like causing massive shitstorms, while creating a fake narrative depicting oneself as the oppressed, and then opening borders to "virtue signal", even though that may serve ulterior objective, at the detriment of one's own people.
All Christians are effectively Jews and all Muslims are effectively Arab, and Jews are much more dangerous due to higher intelligence. After all, Arabs would have never started the disaster of industrialization due to innate limitations in manipulating abstractions.
As a /pol/tard, I recommend you read up on the modern geopolitical disaster rather than constantly self-victimizing yourself. All post-industrial countries are fucked.

>> No.21917289
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>> No.21917305

Yup more racism, crime stats have nothing to do with it, don't research what happened in Sweden.

>> No.21917314

Muslims are 3rd world donkeys

>> No.21917323

Industrialization is unnatural and has caused more harm than good. Being a third world donkey is better than a profane technophile who believes in "muh progress".
I don't see anything good in the modern world. I see massive biodiversity die-out, hypocritical large-scale wars, increasing ethnic tensions from opening borders, loss of autonomy as Big Data grows, and much more.
And at the end of the day, it's Christcucks who *started* this shitstorms, and Christcucks are effectively Jews.
I agree Arabs are just retarded Jews, but I hope you realize that Arabs were in negligible numbers until Western "aid".

>> No.21917482
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>> No.21917648

Sure, that is the correct answer, but I do not go about it that way. I use what is referenced as Total Participant Involvement in pedantics. As in Philip K Dick's Inception, you get the audience to ask the question and come to their OWN realization of what happened. If you give them information, then that is one thing. If you get your audience to have a personal realization, then that is something much more powerful.
tldr; do not just tell them the truth, instead let them find it for themselves

>> No.21917723

I fell so hard for the anti-german propaganda. When I first saw pictures like this I was befuddled.

>> No.21918150

>2. Do not talk much, think a lot.
>3. Be alone often.
That's 2 out of 10.

>> No.21918167


Stop pushing Christianity and Nazi shit to other boards. I noticed an organized propaganda brigade from Pol lately and it's shitting up every other board, I want it to stop.

>> No.21918184

This is /pol/ though

>> No.21918508

You sound troubled, friend. I recommend Communism with the Mask Off and Bolshevism in Theory and Practice by Joseph Goebbels. It calms the mind and soothes the soul.

>> No.21918516

We taught /pol/ how to be Nazis and Christians, they didn't teach us.

>> No.21918746

I read Goebbels Life and Death and realized he would definitely post on 4chan

>> No.21918823

It is me speculating. He allowed too many permutations for me to begin deconstructing his argument. He made a classic ''spaghetti on the wall'' affirmative case. It is almost impossible to tell if this was an intentional dialectic, or just a physical manifestation of retardation.

>> No.21918857
File: 93 KB, 498x468, chudjak-poljak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone in this thread

>> No.21919074

His diary reads like incel r900k green texts all over the place.
However this is not a compliment. I wouldn't think high of such person.

>> No.21919096

>His diary reads like incel r900k green texts all over the place
The dialectic is so badly damaged by successful propaganda that this is inherent to any analysis. There is naturally reliance on terms common to multiple parties wherein differing perspectives have differing understanding. We can perform an exercise if you like. I can demonstrate the natural confusion of the problem that appears to be confusion of the person solving the problem.

>> No.21919151

nta but show it to me

>> No.21919164

BTW, I forgot to add that Hitler actually pointed out this problem in Mein Kampf. So, for this context, who is the enemy that Goebbels needs to articulate?

>> No.21919267

Goebbels’ Sportspalast speech (“Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg”) is the greatest speech since Cicero - In Catalinam and should be studied just the same.

>> No.21919308

>A muslim trying to lecture anyone on genocide
my fucking sides. isnt the goal of your religion the global caliphate? it sure isnt going to happen through missionary work the way the chrsitcucks do it now is it? you are a fucking fraud my dude

>> No.21919311

>maybe considering "jews" a foreign enemy is already an issue,
Again .... from a Muslim .... this is too much. Why do the Buddhists have to fight the mudslimes in Indonesia? Why do the Christians have to fight with the Muslims in Egypt and other areas in the ME? Why do the hindus in India always have to fight with the mudlimes in Pakistan and their own homeland? Seems to be a pattern here

>> No.21919319
File: 9 KB, 195x258, SoyAntiafag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21919405

>t. an heroes entire family after being Fuhrer for a couple hours

>> No.21919437

hey I love that little fella!

>> No.21919453

The Holocaust should have happened

>> No.21919468

Where can I learn more about this man and these ideas?

>> No.21919555

it looks like you wandered into the wrong place, please step through the wooden door over there. bye!

>> No.21919576

He was well aware of how animalistic and vengeful the Jews are and saved his family from being tortured and used for propaganda. Very honorable, being a leftist or jew or leftist jew or whatever you are it is no surprise honor is a foreign and bizarre concept to you

>> No.21919596

sweet summer child...

>> No.21919705

Anyone has that picture of Göbbels and Hitler together, wearing fancy suit and bowtie?
It also had the caption: "Find yourself a bro to scare the hoes with."

>> No.21919773

has anyone read michael?

>> No.21920403


>> No.21921623

It reveals his mindset - that he gloats in that having happened.

>> No.21921632

what a guy

>> No.21922395
File: 53 KB, 800x597, Joseph_Goebbels_mit_Familie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didnt have to waste all those lolis and nice shota though. Dick move, even for an ratlike evil nazi chud.

>> No.21922453

He is an obvious Jew, many such cases

>> No.21922463

He always gave me that vibe, but I would not have bet my life on it. If he really were a Muslim then he should have had some inside track story for how his particular splinter of Islam loves ''Jews''. People of truly unusual perspective usually have an acute relationship with important material facts to which only there specific group is privy. He brought none of that - just bad vibes.

>> No.21922499
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Two of my favorite Nazi

>> No.21922532
File: 226 KB, 1242x551, Edda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the wrong side has lost indeed...

>> No.21922639

It was such a tragedy that Rudolf Heß could not grasp the nature of the war such that he falsely imagined that there was a possibility of a peace with Britain.

>> No.21922969

I think it's a shock strategy to provoke some sort of quasi fascist uprising (all controlled of course) by flooding all sorts of psychotic left wing idpol stuff into the culture and discourse over a relatively short period of time.

That's why you've got guys like George Soros going from being a Nazi officer to being a US anticommunist operative in Eastern Europe, to now being a 'cultural Marxist' Jewish guy who just really loves BLM. It doesn't make sense unless you consider the possibility that this is all directed towards provoking a backlash. Maybe the imperialist faction wasn't able to hype up white Americans enough after 9/11, so now they're destroying the pillars of western society in retaliation. I hate all of them. Our whole ruling class can go to hell, and for all the shit incels talk on 4chan those somolian immigrants on welfare with twelve kids are far more decent and down to earth than some "based" white guy with an American flag snapback and raised truck. It's all so fucking stupid.

>> No.21923425

>somolian immigrants on welfare with twelve kids are far more decent and down to earth than some "based" white guy with an American flag snapback and raised truck

Somalians are only capable of creating Somalia, Amerimutt consoomer creates America, both are not based, for their own separate reasons causing destruction of body and mind alike. Tribal hellhole or shartmart panopticon are not good options for sane and civilized people, even though kikes are trying to sell them as such.

>> No.21923734

>Get up at 8 and go to bed at 10.

>> No.21923780

>It doesn't make sense unless you consider the possibility that this is all directed towards provoking a backlash.
I mean, yes, that's what I figured out awhile back.
Industrialization and modernity were all failures.
I also feel the conflict between USA and China is largely controlled to some extent, hence why you had the Corona hoax supported by most world leaders. Only a few opposed the narrative, such as the Tanzanian President, but he mysteriously died afterwards.
I think all of those videos in Wuhan were most likely fake or crisis actors.
It's kind of funny how we came out of the biggest hoax in history, yet incel chuds haven't processed the full implications and have moved onto scapegoating random minorities again.
A bloody race war isn't going to make anything better and would probably wind up benefiting the technocratic elite.

>> No.21923818

>12 hour long sleep
what the fuck

>> No.21924281

>math is hard

>> No.21924288

Meant to say 1000 hour sleep, my bad.

>> No.21924322

It's probably to thin the heard, more than anything. Too many young men as it is, my guess is we'll see some sort of "based" "fascist" "coup" where government is shuffled around a little bit and Jordan Peterson gets on the jumbo-tron tell convince men that now they have a government that values them and puts their interests first, and that's why they need to die en mass in Mongolia or some shit. And none of their deaths will mean anything, it's just a way to reduce population before peak oil now that AI can replace most of humanity.

COVID was real, but the 'vaccines' were just beta testing for different MRNA tech. Each batch was a different formula and the world population was the testing grounds. That's what I was told by the scion of a wealthy political family I used to know anyways.

But people would rather get upset about Ahmed and Aicha down the street having three kids and dark skin. Humanity is a joke.

>> No.21924472

>But people would rather get upset about Ahmed and Aicha down the street having three kids and dark skin.
These are all connected issues, you know? Exactly how are you supposed to feel about enemy pawns?

>> No.21924565

he was a dysgenic manlet pseud so yes he was a litizen

>> No.21924600

I recognize that even 10 is a lot. He may have been one of those cogitators that does his best work during the peaceful hours of bedtime. Maybe he was getting it on with the old lady for several hours each night and that went unstated. There is a lot of latitude for variability here.

>> No.21925120

I prefer 6-7 hours of sleep but it’s a good list.

Also I read his book and I didn’t think it was bad but it wasn’t great.

>> No.21925127

Don’t insult Goebbels Christ. Even if you hate his politics you can recognize he was a smart guy