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/lit/ - Literature

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21956468 No.21956468 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone explain the current &amp/Unreal Press drama? Are the doxxing allegations true? Why are they doing it?

>> No.21956474

Nobody knows and everyone involved is a massive faggot.

>> No.21956482

Unreal fags are massively insecure losers who publish straight schlock but LARP as if they have qualified control.

>> No.21956492

All you have to realize is that ANYONE on this forum that even tries to write is shit upon and attacked.

Name one positive thread about an author here?

>> No.21956495

I agree, but I am cautious to say more because they report all kinds of posts that they don't like, and they are the kind of plebbitors that applied and successfully gained janitor status.

>> No.21956501

it’s tranny discord drama. they doxxed the &amp best of editor and a bunch of unreal contributors, plus some girl who apparently was somehow involved? it would take years to explain all of the discord faggotry that lead to it but it seems like the one of the unreal hosts left because of someone trolling the server and now he’s gone rogue and wants revenge

>> No.21956504

>Name one positive thread about an author here?
the zines and anthologies get good comments but the inexperienced lit authors who really want the spotlight are bound to get shit on

>> No.21956514

I have never seen an actual positive thread here and I've been lurking for 3 years.

>> No.21956526 [DELETED] 

They’re in league with the tranny jannies. I got a 2 week vacation for criticizing their coordinated doxxing campaign but somehow they still have blanket permission to shill their garbage and shit up the board every day.

>> No.21956527

The Nesmer threads where he’d give out copies of his books for free we’re cozy

>> No.21956531 [DELETED] 

fuck off nesmernigger

>> No.21956533

Nesmer seems like a chill guy, but if I remember correctly he was attacked pretty hard in some threads too.

>> No.21956534

Implying/lit/ has jannies

>> No.21956540

Haha, see?

>> No.21956546
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>> No.21956553

I would bet you anything he doesn’t care. The guy put his email address on the board.

>> No.21956593


>> No.21956597 [DELETED] 

Nesmer is a Hispanic paralegal living in California with a wife and kids. He’s pretty open about who he is.

>> No.21956608

It's the angloid who is the problem

>> No.21956614

It’s literally an anti-Gardner coalition. The fact they write at all is a disguise to keep you from noticing their mission to dismantle Gardner (/lit/‘s Napoleon). Keep your eyes out for some big news coming from the F man. Let’s just say pretty soon there’ll be more than one magazine in town.

>> No.21956616

Is this a reference to something I’m not understanding or is this the infamous unreal doxxing?

>> No.21956630 [DELETED] 

disgraced Unreal host RhymeAndGrind, soon to be an MFAg at the University of Florida, is behind it all

>> No.21956638

Imagine paying money to get an MFA at the University of Florida hahahahahahha kwab

>> No.21956651 [DELETED] 
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F Gardner has serious childhood trauma. This explains why he is so deranged as an adult.

>> No.21956658

Gardner is the #1 hero of /lit/, stop attacking him.

>> No.21956662

>discord screen name
>university attended
Anon, this is the lamest attempt at a doxx I’ve ever fucking seen

>> No.21956665

Lmao I'm leaving this thread because it's swarming with janitors. And if you say anything good about F you will get a frivolous ban.

>> No.21956666

Shit, I recall back in the day when he emailed me a copy of Eggplant. Good guy.

>> No.21956671

as you should

>> No.21956681

Why would they do that? Obviously that shit’s just going to fuck up their reputation on /lit/ and make people distrust them.

>> No.21956696 [DELETED] 

nesmerniggers gtfo

>> No.21956711

Guys have already imploded from what I understand. Only 1/4 hosts remain and they’ve lost the guy who runs all the Amazon stuff. Whoever is left seems to see scorched earth as his own option.

>> No.21956713
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>nesmerniggers gtfo

>> No.21956725

whyd they leave in the first place?

>> No.21956750

Krake, Rhyme and L.A are all MIA.
Krake got out the second the doxing shit happened. He was not involved in any drama and when it came out what they were doing he called them all discord trannies and left.
Rhyme and L.A were actively involved in the doxing and have only gone radio silent because they can see /lit/ is turning on them.
Only guy left is Miles, but Miles doesn't know how to do anything.

>> No.21956760
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Holy fuck I'm glad I left barely a few days after I joined
The server was full of gay retarded muslim larpers who banned several members for arguing with F. Gardner

>> No.21956762 [DELETED] 
File: 1.02 MB, 882x1059, B7EBE2CD-C184-4DBF-960F-1677F11DA3CF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LA? You mean Zac Labuschagne? This guy?

>> No.21956771 [DELETED] 
File: 2.03 MB, 2748x1481, 30FB5864-AACD-43A5-BB83-D2DAA7004D31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this your hero? KEK

>> No.21956774

hahahaha holy fuck

>> No.21956776

I can tell this isn’t Gardner because of how cool he is with not making sales. If it were really him he’d be lying and trying to distract people with some larp about being a flat earth truther. This poster also seems to have a sense of humor which Gardner is to stupid for.

>> No.21956778

Yes, Gardner is a cool guy.

>> No.21956796

lol, miles is even more of a talentless hack than the other three. tales of the unreal sucked and his story was the worst part of it by far, yet he’s still trying to shill it by paying for ads

>> No.21956815

I don't wanna hate Miles. Say what you will about the quality of his work but I haven't seen him be malicious like the other two. He just seems to like the idea of being on a show and having his name in print.

>> No.21956816 [DELETED] 

This Zac Labuschagne? He’s the one you mean?

>> No.21956824

Spoken like a true incompetent faggot. Others do, and you just fling shit. Sad!

>> No.21956833
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all of you suck. almost none of you write shit that is actually enjoyable to read. if the editor had actually enforced quality control then the magazine would be empty. if you want to avoid fading into irrelevance then keep writing

>> No.21956855

Why did they doxx the first guy anyway? Did he do some shit that pissed them off?

>> No.21956870
File: 90 KB, 828x377, 4F420D40-3329-4FD0-94CB-B8755A311FC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. (Self) published author Zac Labuschagne.

>> No.21956873

That was the &amp best-of editor. From what I've heard, it was because the guy didn't want to do an interview with them and said their content was shit. I don't know the in-betweens of that and actually doxing him though.

>> No.21956879

you laugh at this shit, but that's pretty damn based.

>> No.21956884 [DELETED] 

“a tribe of inbred people” literally describes unreal press and its orbiters, KEK

>> No.21956898 [DELETED] 

Stfu Miles, you’re the most pathetic Unrealcuck of all

>> No.21956907

>Hahaha! This guy writes!
I really don’t understand why I’m supposed to have issues with this. Honestly my guy have you considered you’re the only one who gives a fuck?

>> No.21956910

>implying that anon isn’t Labuschagne posting his own info to try and capitalize on the drama and get his name out there

>> No.21956923

even his excerpts are cringe

>> No.21956924

>doxing contributors on 4chan of all places
Did they not realize this was going to come back at them tenfold?

>> No.21956932

Ah yes, because “drama” is so popular here on this anonymous image board.
It’s pretty obvious you’ve got some issues with these dudes, don’t know why and don’t really care. As long as anons don’t blow up the board with blatant shilling like Gardner does, then it’s fine by me. Also you’re fooling yourself if you think random people are going to harass these guys just because you post their info

>> No.21956942

nah it was because he derailed their server for months schizoing out about some girl who he said was stalking him and then they found out he’d used a bunch of alts to fake the whole thing and doxxed him because they were pissed off

>> No.21956954
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youre all very stupid AND gay but i will do yall a solid and recommend some real Literary Literature, even though most of you fucking PEDANTS will choose to remain lost and forsaken

>> No.21956960

>typography on forehead
Oh nonononono

>> No.21956989

Is that book about the Oklahoma City bomber? based

>> No.21957018

Look at the number of deleted posts in this thread. Unreal are reporting everything in full force to stop people from exposing them.

>> No.21957026

>look at the deleted posts
Are you honestly this retarded?

>> No.21957032

look at how many posters replied to posts that are now deleted man, makes the jannying obvious

>> No.21957038

We really need people to review /lit/ books, but people seem to be more interested in picking fights?

>> No.21957045

If that’s true then it sounds like he deserved what he got

>> No.21957050

Really makes me think

>> No.21957053

>rent free
You need a hobby.

>> No.21957055

Have you ever even seen the movie gaslight? You just larp like you have?

>> No.21957056

I already have a hobby, it’s called fucking your mom.

>> No.21957060

You should probably learn how to write fiction, as Unreal schlock was remarkably worse than the collective fiction that /lit/ produced. Took the easiest genre and produced writing that is worse in quality than all YA writing

>> No.21957062

It's genuinely amazing that Unrealfags managed to produce writing worse than the output of the average untrained first-time writer

>> No.21957066

It’s a call it a &amp thread but it’s really an unrealie tranny discord drama dox thread. Again.

>> No.21957071

LOOOL absolutely seething

>> No.21957073

If the unrealies would stop doxxing people then no one would have to make threads about them.

>> No.21957074

Sounds like you and your recessed chin buttbuddies are seething at each other since you retards are doxxing each other

>> No.21957076

Bro I’ve never even read a single thing unreal has made, it’s just hilarious how buttblasted you are.

>> No.21957079

The only thing this drama is doing is making this place more and more toxic.

>> No.21957081

>Bro I’ve never even read a single thing unreal has made
Damn, even the unreal “press” “staff” didn’t even read what they published. Sad

>> No.21957082

p much, according to the last thread hes apparently calling himself jet now to try and go stealth and ditch his bad rep

>> No.21957103

The opposite actually. These Unreal people getting outed as the piles of shit they are can only be good for this board. Should they be allowed to dox another half dozen 4chan users in the name "curbing toxicity"?

>> No.21957114


>> No.21957125

why did they claim the doxxing was to curb toxicity?

>> No.21957137

Why the fuck is anyone doxxing anyone?

>> No.21957158

the original doxxing was retaliation for someone derailing the server and trolling

>> No.21957254

They’re doing it for kicks.

>> No.21957377
File: 80 KB, 212x320, cover shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you are seeing is the rising of the great /lit/ renaissance.
It will be spoken of for decades to come.
It will, of course, be lead by an Australian.

>> No.21957429

Someone once said that Lit Quarterly Volume 3 had a nice cover but then they said "It's a shame that everything inside is shit."

>> No.21957461

What ever happened to that guy anyways?

>> No.21957522

He’s in the /wg/ discord (formerly an unrealcuck gay-ops community)

>> No.21957548
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Spot the difference

>> No.21957581

what are wendy's feet like

>> No.21957593 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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discord tranny shit. also Frater Anselm doesn't find webm related erotic, faggot

>> No.21957599


>> No.21957617

There were three decent things there. The first story had some heart, the boat one was good, then the Siberia thriller thing too. I have downloaded worse.

>> No.21958396

those were the only three readable stories in the collection

>> No.21958487


>> No.21958760

Does anyone actually have sources on the Unreal doxxing? Like screenshots, archived threads? I don’t want to distrust them without proof that they’re shady

>> No.21958818
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I just wanna write.
Save me Chickenpunk Man.

>> No.21958870


>> No.21959049

Keep doing your work. This stuff goes in cycles:
>hardworking honest anon develops a project which gains legitimate interest
>other interested anons join and begin investing time and energy
>idiot grifter sees honest attention developing and tries to steal or destroy it
>everyone gets tired of dealing with idiot grifter, group dissolves as everyone retreats to work on personal projects
>idiot grifter gets bored and gives up
>hardworking honest anon develops a project which gains legitimate interest

>> No.21959086

Who was the idiot grifter?

>> No.21959116

I don't think that's at all applicable here.

>> No.21959279

wtf? that’s not what happened at all

>> No.21959280

Doesn’t matter. This will be an ongoing cycle. It’s a minor annoyance, but productivity remains in spite of it. Everyone can believe the bullshit or not.

>> No.21959322

Genuinely unhinged.

>> No.21959368

schizo thread

>> No.21959472

You’re the unhinged one.