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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 197 KB, 428x402, Screen shot 2011-11-18 at 6.39.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2200467 No.2200467 [Reply] [Original]

Rage thread on /lit/?

I stumbled upon this while on le facebook.

>> No.2200471
File: 542 KB, 1105x795, 1319809767940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2200470

fuck is this "le" shit

>> No.2200474


>> No.2200475


>> No.2200476

wow have you idiots even been to reddit?

>> No.2200480


lollllllll nope

>> No.2200481

my #1 rage

stupid neckbeard kids on /lit/ with who hate anything that isn't willfully ignorant

>> No.2200483


Why would I go somewhere as shitty as Reddit?

>> No.2200485

Did it ever occur to you neckbeards that OP is a filthy Frenchman?

>> No.2200486 [DELETED] 

Best be trolling nigger

>> No.2200488


"on" in french is "sur" not "on"

>> No.2200492

Why would this make you rage?


OP, i dont know if you mean the picture as a whole should make me rage (it doesnt) or that the part about the english teacher over analyzing should make me rage (it somewhat irritates me)

>> No.2200510

I remember when /lit/ was not populated by children.
Ah, the good days.

>> No.2200513

>/lit/ is like 2 years old or some shit
>reddit fags should still gtfo

>> No.2200514

Even in french you don't put "le" before facebook, that doesn't make sense.

Sure that "*le whatever" is the best meme ever and is funny as hell, but Frenchmen don't put "le" before evert damn word.

>> No.2200529 [DELETED] 
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>best meme ever

>> No.2200533
File: 30 KB, 310x350, youmustbenewhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2200540

Thats what derpette said to Le me, but i replied with le fuck off.

>> No.2200546
File: 52 KB, 760x360, smug eddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2200558

> on a lit board
> doesn't know how2irony

>> No.2200560
File: 23 KB, 500x254, howtheinternetworks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le facebook

>> No.2200564
File: 32 KB, 534x443, 1302201360188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

original content on 4chan?

>> No.2200565

You forgot SA before 4chan

>> No.2200569

seriously the only thing i fucking hate is the fact that certain books are ridiculed because of their origin. has anyone ever read felidae. that book fucking rocked my socks. i remember back in highschool when everyone fucking loved that book. yesterday i tried to get my son (12) to read it. he found out it was german and decided it was made by nazi. and thats another thing i hate. having to bury kids.

>> No.2200576


That image will be more accurate if you have Something Awful and 2ch shitting in 4chan's mouth.

PROTIP: 4chan isn't where memes begin, it's where memes become popular among the elitist nerds of the internet.

>> No.2200580
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>> No.2200600

eh what's more annoying is people thinking what the author meant matters

>> No.2200601

A real parent would never joke about killing his child.

>> No.2200605

close /lit/ forever nothing better than this could ever happen

i do have to say OP image always pissed me the fuck off

>> No.2200609

turn off pc and go to bed now

>> No.2200611

but it's only 7:20 PM...

>> No.2200616

Yeah, and we automatically hate them for stealing all their shit from better websites... like this one, fucktard. That's why we reacted with a "gtfo" attitude.

>> No.2200617

>doesn't know what irony is and/or shitty troll.

>> No.2200618

oh yeah also reddit blows. i guess that's a topic of conversation itt? it's not because they steal from other websites, though, its' because they're even fucking dumber than 4chan.

do they still claim to be a good and intelligent website? another virtue of 4chan: at least we admit we're a pile of shit

>> No.2200619

You forgot that this isn't 2005.

>> No.2200622

It *DOES* matter. It isn't the ONLY thing that matters and it isn't the most important thing in analyzing a work by any means, but you're mentally ill if you think it doesn't matter at all. That's like saying that the culture that produced a book doesn't matter.

>> No.2200625

No, 2ch and 4chan should be sewn ass-to ass right at the start of the whole thing

>> No.2200630


That was dumb and you should feel dumb. The authors and artists have no power over how people interpret their work and they should just shut the fuck up.

>> No.2200631
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>> No.2200635

Are you retarded? I never said they had any say in how the work is interpreted -- only that intention is an important part of the work's context. Before you argue that you can interpret something with no context -- you can't. You automatically add your own where the original is lacking. Understanding the author's intent can lead to a better understanding of the work, wether the intent was actually executed or not.

>> No.2200639

so the author's intent (or things about her life and writing) represent a context for her writing, although not necessarily the only one? so it's not that interpertations at odds with her intent are necessarily wrong, but that interpretation is one of the most important in the universe of outside facts which we may take into account when judging a work. is that right?

>> No.2200654

>le facebook
Go back to reddit, dumbass

>> No.2200659

>Rage thread on /lit/?

I see what you did there. Pic unrelated, right?

>> No.2200668

There are never enough sage's or "fuck off"s in response to this reddit shit. Leave it where you find it.

>> No.2200906

I actually lol'd at that. Thank you.

>> No.2200923
File: 75 KB, 589x553, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]