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/lit/ - Literature

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22009170 No.22009170 [Reply] [Original]

How would you go about this? If I see a girl reading/studying hard but she's kinda hot, should I just bug her a little? Obviously if she's not attracted to me she'll tell me to fuck off but if the is, won't she be grateful? Thanks.

>> No.22009173

Cosby style

>> No.22009178

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.22009177

you will get banned from the library if you do this

>> No.22009181

Whoops, wrong board! Omg I can't delete it. Sorry guys.

>> No.22009183

If we had jannies he would be banned from /lit/ instead

>> No.22009192

That's what happens when u get too horny lmao

>> No.22009213
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>search image with google

>> No.22009221

decline of the west

>> No.22009225

>is..is that a porn star being paid to fuck a black guy!?!?! The west has fallen!!!

>> No.22009231

she's also legitimately retarded

>> No.22009319

>she's also legitimately retarded
“Retardation” is usually classed as having a sub 70 IQ score.
I sort of doubt this is exactly the case with Hannah Hays.
Also, her “Mental Retardation”, is supposedly the result of brain damage from an auto accident.
If the book she’s holding is one she’s actually reading, it’s ‘American Empire: Blood & Iron’, by Harry Turtledove.
I have no clue how easy turtledove is to read, but it’s a 500+ page book, and a large percentage of high schoolers wouldn’t even bother with a book that long.

>> No.22009419
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>If the book she’s holding is one she’s actually reading
Yea no. It's just a photoshoot.
She can barely compile a tweet let alone read a book

>> No.22009535

It has. Make it illegal for black “people” to have sex

>> No.22009545

Well this just turn into a pornstar thread

>> No.22009551

name one thot that isn't

>> No.22009568

>won't she be grateful?
For being perved on in the one public space she assumed would filter creeps.

It's the same as at the gym. If you see each other regularly, don't initiate but after 2nd or 3rd time say hey or good morning. If you get a good reply or smile over the next few times strike up small innocuous conversations.

It's hard to articulate this to people who don't know anything about social contracts, but this should all seem natural.

>> No.22009580

>social contracts
what is that?

>> No.22009590

Dont approach the library girl then

>> No.22010639

Or when you grow a third arm.

>> No.22010660

Just take your dick out. If she’s dtf, she will start sucking it and find the public exposure exciting and stimulating. If not, you will go to jail but it’s worth taking that risk

>> No.22010675

No flirtation, no stupid pick up lines. Read the situation and take your dick out. This is how sex works in 2023. Trust me bro

>> No.22010690

Talking to women is still 2019. It’s all primal now. Either you’re a chad and she will suck or you will be charged with attempted rape, sexual harassment and indecent exposure. That’s how it goes.

>> No.22010743

>quotes an utterly absurd circumstance of reality
>acts as if it is normal, or implicitly even good
The west has indeed fallen. I don’t know why you’re pretending it hasn’t.

>> No.22011003
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Like this

>> No.22011042

I guess I never got the message because my life is going great as a straight white male. If the “le decline of le west” anons stopped spending so much time online and investing themselves in whatever culture battle, their lives and outlooks on life will improve immensely. They are basically accelerationists at this point hoping for the world to burn

>> No.22011063

Literally half of America got incinerated in the nigger Floyd protests.

>> No.22011069

Society is still collapsing around you even if you got yours.

>> No.22011081

My wife had a guy creeping on her in the library a couple years back, texted me to come pick her up because she was afraid to leave.
When she walked outside he handed her a folder and ran away without saying a word. It was filled with a bunch of really bad drawings of pop culture shit and anime, all females, and one of my wife as some kind of anime furry thing, titled it "library girl" with a bunch of hearts around it.

>> No.22011097

What are you talking about retard

>> No.22011100

well back to another episode of "Chad... or just autistic"

>> No.22011104

>he thinks the existence of whores is a sure sign of decadence

>> No.22011122

It’s more likely that individual lives are collapsing because the individuals do nothing, or even worse, stew in their misery and hate

>> No.22011139

Desu I tried getting a girl’s attention at the library once because she was reading Tristram Shandy and I thought she was pretty patrish but she wouldn’t look up from her book but kept squeezing her shoulder like it was sore so I finally asked her if her shoulder was alright and she looked at me like I was crazy and said what and I repeated it and she said I guess little sore. So I started massaging her and she muttered some things and started to get up, then just started reading her book again and sighing. I expected her to say something but she was quiet and eventually I got tired and left

>> No.22011141

Anyone can hold a book, anon, it doesn't mean you've actually read it.

>> No.22011162
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>> No.22011172

I want my folder back.

>> No.22011187

If you want to bitch about the job market or the housing market, fine. But reality is much different from online. I bet you read a lot of propaganda and ragebait. Walk away from the computer, nigga

>> No.22011369

She's there to study not to be harrassed by an ugly incel. Don't approach her. Don't approach women in general. Opt out of life and opt out of the gene pool.

>> No.22011376
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Anon… I…

>> No.22011384

>She's there to study
But then the man of her dreams arrived. OP, approach her. Approach all the women. By into life, you must continue your gene pool.

>> No.22011389

>every major metropolitan city in America was vandalized and burned during the elections in 2020
>he didn’t watch the news, didn’t get the memo, didn’t pass go, didn’t collect $200
>the things we don’t perceive aren’t actually real, right?

>> No.22011396

>spaz tries to chat up random woman on the bus
Goes about as well as you would expect.
This is what will happen to OP of he starts approaching women in the library.

>> No.22011409
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What level of social or cultural degradation needs to occur before faggots like you start thinking about the bigger picture? I’m not saying that you don’t have a point to certain degree, but to deny the observable misery in modern life is to be utterly ignorant at best or intellectually dishonest at worst.

>> No.22011439

My friend, the problem is that YOU’RE RIGHT, but a little TOO right. You see, there are too many people who spend too much time on the internet, and they ALL swallow the propaganda. When everyone with a cellphone has a twitter, Instagram, Facebook, tik-tok, and YouTube, then the majority of people you encounter have some fucking retarded perception of reality by which they act. This is the reason why education and culture is in the shitter. It’s the source for many problems, and because it’s pandemic, it’s no longer an individual issue; it’s a societal issue.

>> No.22011441

Rate the amount of subconscious fear people have of getting doxxed and cancelled on a scale of 1-10 and realize that that's everyone all the time and that anyone with a smart phone can basically make it so that everyone around you hates you. It's a real outcome of modernity and it's absolutely merciless - I know it doesn't impact 99% of people but the fear of fellow people is palpable.

>> No.22011456

you gotta be even more retarded than her if you actually think she actually read that book

>> No.22011470

>It's hard to articulate this to people who don't know anything about social contracts
Ah yes, the "if you're a poor male just roll over and die" contract. How dare men show such blatant disregard for social norms. Trying to seek out human connections in public places, I mean, the NERVE of these creeps.

>> No.22011528

Maybe the girl doesn’t want human connections from OP. You can’t infringe upon others. It would be a different story if she was giving hints like smiling at OP

>> No.22011541

Wish I could gift you some 4chan gold for that one my friend. I audibly laughed out loud!

>> No.22011559

Why are modern women like this?
'I'm calling the police'
'Why won't any men talk to me'

>> No.22011574

Stop being creepy.

>> No.22011720

Well if a person can read social cues, they'll know women aren't interested.
But the idea that all public spaces should be prohibited from talking to girls is just retarded.
Women are way too afraid of basically everything

Of course, I don't have this problem since I'm charming and handsome

>> No.22011726

I read your funny urls, anon.

>> No.22011748
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>> No.22011921

Anon, what is wrong with you? Are you trying to get arrested?

>> No.22012055

This is so cringe inducing that I believe it may even be true. Some of you are so pathetic that I think you’d still be incels even if you looked like Ryan Gosling.

>> No.22012061

Please don't let it be true.

>> No.22012202

Not that Anon but what exactly did he do wrong? He had the balls to approach her, and when she wasn’t interested he departed tactfully

>> No.22012226

Every time I come on /lit/ I'm constantly reminded that there are people on here with genuine mental illness which makes it difficult to discern between them and baitposters.

>> No.22012296

It's really not that weird to ask if her shoulder's alright

>> No.22012326

Yeah it is schizo. An actual human being would have asked about the book she was reading and began the conversation that way. /lit/ posters really don't fucking read do they?

>> No.22012343

yes, but that's just a bit weird, and can be normal in some contexts. Starting to massage her, on the other hand, is very creepy and intrusive

>> No.22012376


Woman detected. Women always say this when they can’t articulate a serious or substantial criticism

>> No.22012379

Are you for real?

>> No.22012406

>How would you go about this?
I don't.
I been raised not to bother strangers especially when they are in the middle of something such as studying.

Besides being rude it could also come off as harassment. The library isn't for socializing anyway. Be quiet and read your damn book. Go hunt females in the dance club or something more appropriate.

>> No.22012436

>because the individuals do nothing, or even worse, stew in their misery and hate
Saying in their head, for example, "gradually I began to hate them?"

>> No.22012626

>dude just spent $100 a night every weekend and live in the trendy downtown district of a medium to large city, you don't want to be rude do you?

>> No.22012646


>> No.22012648

this is worse than that scene in Notes from Underground

>> No.22012720

Ruh roh, raggy…

My boy, you’re fucking retarded, and not even smart enough to be aware of it. Holy shit.

>> No.22012738

I'm too old to be here.

>> No.22012742

How old, brother?

>> No.22012743

This thread is a reminder that incels are not incels without reason. Not only do they lack any awareness and are nasty to boot. It has very little to do with looks. Blame women all you want, but I bet you don’t even have male friends because no one wants to put up with you people.

>> No.22012755

Don't generalise incels

>> No.22012769

I don’t have friends offline because I’m introverted and most people are normies, but I have plenty of friends online or I wouldn’t bother with the internet very much

>> No.22012787

This. I’m 34 and feel like I’ve outgrown this place and the majority of anons. There are a handful of anons who keep me hanging on. Thank you guys (or fuck you guys, maybe)
This. This. This. Incels are incels for a good reason. Women have a sixth sense and sniff this stuff out easily. If normal guys can see it, imagine how it must be for women who have to deal with it

>> No.22012808

>Women have a sixth sense
For incels, sure. How about the assholes who will beat them up and abuse them in every single way?

>> No.22012811

Just like men they confuse assertiveness and confidence with being an asshole

>> No.22012827

>Women have an incredible sixth sense!!!! They can just tell when a man is a good person
>But also they're just like men don't judge them for their faults
Stop putting women on a pedestal you fucking tard.

>> No.22012861

Women can tell if a man is an autist who can't communicate. Men can also tell if a man is an autist who can't communicate.
Women can struggle to differentiate between a man being dominant and assertive and a man being an asshole. Men can also struggle to differentiate between the two.

>> No.22012889

The most important thing is to be casual. Talk like you would dip from the conversation the moment it gets boring (and if it does, she'll be praying you get out anyways).
Then I'd just talk about the book if you find it interesting, or if not to relate it to something else - a book you find interesting, or even the girl you're talking to (e.g. ask if the book resonates with her).

Also, don't be superficial. A 10/10 reading a book you think is for idiots is probably worse than a 5/10 reading a book you like and think a lot about. People of substance also tend to produce better conversation, so you'll be less awkward.

>> No.22012896

Late 20s. Don't be like me.

>> No.22012897

>Men can also struggle to differentiate between the two.
You must be a woman.

>> No.22012900

>You must be a woman.
I post on /lit/. That's impossible

>> No.22012903

I am nearing 30 myself.. I accept my wasted life.

>> No.22012913

It didn't have to be like this. And we can't undo what's been done. But we can still be better than our former selves.

>> No.22012922

This is my advice I give to all young guys. It's called the "cute girl game." Every time you see a cute girl, no matter where you are, you have to go up to her and say something. If you do, you win the game. If you don't talk to her, you lose the game.

The game isn't about getting dates. It isn't about flirting. You don't have to simp, either. It doesn't matter what she says to you or if she completely ignores you. If you walk up to a girl and say anything, you win. You can say "cute shoes," and she can ignore you, but you win. You can say, "hi," and she can say "I'm calling the cops, you freak" but you still win the game, because you talked to her.

It's incredibly fucked up that guys ignore cute girls, and this game is just about getting you in the mindset that it's ok to interact with them, even if the experience is negative. Which it probably will be because lets face it, most women are horrible.

>> No.22012957

This won’t go well for most anons. You don’t want to be known as “that guy” in your neighborhood. Anons should probably try talking to old men first and working their way up

>> No.22012967

Good advice but you need to have good "energy" for this. Not even to succeed but to do it. Anons should basically just relax like everything is totally fine no matter what. If you are not in a good emotional state or lack masculine frame then it will probably demoralize the guy trying this because of negative reinforcement and it would just cause a downward spiral, knowing 4chan users. When women test you they test your energy and your frame. If you can genuinely achieve and keep a state of good humor, act natural, own everything you do and say, that all displays your stability which is what women want. You can literally call yourself a loser but if you are confident, grounded and congenial while saying it they not only won't care, they can like it. It's not what you say, it's your energy while saying it.

>> No.22012971

There is a greentext of a guy who followed this advice and became known as “that guy” in his college. He ended up worse than when he started. At first women just didn’t notice him, but in the end they did notice him and avoided him like a leper, and made sure all the freshmen girls knew that he was that guy.

>> No.22012976

Oh and he never picked up a single girl.

>> No.22012977 [DELETED] 

That seems like a horror story. Good God. Let me look it up.v