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22021038 No.22021038 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good book that are against the whole idea of the liberal western world? I'm slowly realizing that The West in the long run isn't the good for the mankind, I'm not saying it's was all bad, it's brought some good to the world, but I believe that the time is due to a new thing to come to center stage, any book on China apologist books? What are some modern anti liberal western literature?

>> No.22021042

How’s the weather in Beijing, double agent?

>> No.22021046

I'm not a chink, dude, i just think that whole capitalist liberal democracy things isn't cut out anymore

>> No.22021188

Read Dugin

>> No.22021220

The Fourth Turning
Democracy the God that failed

>> No.22021233

Shit like the Concept of the Political by Schmitt and Reflections on Violence by Sorel. Latter day Pamphlets by Carlyle,
idk go look up neoreactionary or fascist book recommendation list on moldbug’s blog for more

It’s interesting to read about but I eventually came to the conclusion that liberal capitalist democracy is actually good.
Rebelling against it is just some fad for angsty twenty-somethings and authoritarian systems actually do far more to cause humans to ‘degenerate’

>> No.22021306

>capitalist liberal democracy
We're keeping capitalism; we are dumping liberal and democratic norms. You'll live to see severe erosion of two out of the three things you mindlessly rail against. And by the way, you already live in a debt-based pod and eat a health-inspection-passing-grade amount of bugs in all your processed foods, and are regurgitating approved opinions. You should ditch politics as a hobby unless you have a high net worth and can afford to either buy a politician or pool your money with other such wealthy individuals and rent one.

>> No.22021592

>what are some books that will affirm my preconceived notions
Why Liberalism Failed

>> No.22021603

>I've decided what I believe, now give me some books to validate me
fucking kek

>> No.22021614

China is trash. If some other country becomes the dominant power I hope it's Israel, Saudi Arabia or Brazil. Maybe India if they can get their hygiene infrastructure unfucked.

>> No.22021844


do you faggots enjoy daring god to destroy the earth?

>> No.22021878

Yeah I got one for you buddy.
>What is Enlightenment? - Immanuel Kant


>> No.22021882

nobody cares what the United N*ggers promotes for Agenda 666

>> No.22022054

'The West' doesn't exist.

>> No.22022087

Just read Marx

>> No.22022480

>People can't think for themselves and read for themselves


>> No.22022555

Whatever the alternative is, it is definitely dystopian

>> No.22022559

I've come around to thinking there is no good alternative to liberalism

>> No.22022560

Same here

>> No.22022579

Liberal/democratic norms are enabled by capitalism. Importing browns to consoom and work for substandard wages is profitable. Homos living DINK lifestyle is profitable. Replacing nutrition and exercise with junk and drugs is profitable. Throwing out classical culture for a new marvel movie every week is profitable.

Getting stuck in the directionbrain mindset is such a disease.

>> No.22023234

Why are Birch society baptists so weird about Catholicism?

>> No.22023244

>we are dumping liberal and democratic norms

No, we are not. The political is subsumed by the consumer society. Thinking one or the other -- "liberal" or "conservative" -- is exempt is just folly.

>> No.22023337

don't bother replying to that faggot, the olympians will throw him out of a helicopter

>> No.22023386

idc what your stupid theory is but there is not going to be anything resembling liberalism or democracy once you have a data-driven hydraulic despotism with the income distribution of South Africa. Liberalism and democracy (i.e. bourgeois republican society) does not survive a massive concentration of wealth, information, and power into the hands of a small pool of investor-technocrats who can then afford to merge the rest of society into a predictively governed and preemptively mangerialized mass, but capitalism does and will keep breeding itself at the expense of everything else. It just won't make any sense for you to have debates or elections or choices or anything of that nature since you are the pre-industrial savage to their cargo planes and aircraft carriers. Why would you be given an inch to reach for the mile when they can give you a centimeter and be notified when you veer off reservation?
slave morality

>> No.22024111

you deserve whatever happens to you in space jail

>> No.22024133

I don't believe in meme pseudo-gnosticism

>> No.22024158

don't worry, soon god won't believe in you either

>> No.22024173

ok, all because I don't agree with you on your surrogate activities? That's cute, I hope your god roasts you too for being insufferable

>> No.22024191

you can eat your bugs in hell

>> No.22024271

They're already in your tendies

>> No.22024784
File: 10 KB, 300x316, kondylis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Political in the 20th Century by Panagiotis Kondylis

>> No.22025092

You're not keeping capitalism either kek, an economic structure based on the fed directly shoveling money into investment gigafunds for redistribution to megacorps is not capitalism
Actually I'm not sure what the point of your comment even is, "dude, we've already started failing and warping into something else" is like peak self-own

>> No.22025102

>the fed directly shoveling money into investment gigafunds for redistribution to megacorps is not capitalism
Why not? Because it grows without you getting a cut? Can't start a family, buy a house, own a car? We're importing ten thousand people a day; the people in the Norman Rockwell adverts aren't needed anymore for capital to reproduce.

>> No.22025109

this failed universe is such a crass violation of the laws of ma'at that higher density beings have been alerted, so enjoy your intergalactic mulatto stud farm while it lasts

>> No.22025131
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I've read the Buckgavad Gita and I know this is all as it is meant to be

>> No.22025216

Because the oligarchs have become a slave to their own public creation, private ownership does not meaningfully exist, and the role of investment in growing capital is also gone. "capital" has evaporated and the entire premise shambles along without a foundation. You will hold on to a disappearing concept of "too big to fail" until the failure comes because you are delusional and imagine this historical entity is somehow exceptional.
Your meme reply earlier was essentially that the west is evaporating and growing stronger for it in the terms that count - capitalism - which is also delusional, and now you'll put out some crap about how capital is actually transforming and becoming omnipresent and all powerful or some lazy dodge like that and how communists were wrong about muh contradictions
I'm not american and I don't care about americana or white america being obsolete or jews or anything like this. I realize you're trying to extract some vicarious pleasure from this entire disaster by resorting to schadenfreude against what are realistically your peers, which is a shallow very transparent cope and just embarrassing at this point

>> No.22025220

>I realize you're trying to extract some vicarious pleasure from this entire disaster by resorting to schadenfreude against what are realistically your peers, which is a shallow very transparent cope and just embarrassing at this point
it is the defining trait of the lumpen tho. You can't be surprised that a dog barks.

>> No.22025232

>until the failure comes because you are delusional and imagine this historical entity is somehow exceptional
yes any day now people will stop quantifying their desire to consume and capitalism won't survive moving from New York to Beijing or somewhere like it did moving from Amsterdam to London or London to New York
I'll probably make more a single year than you have to your name

>> No.22025252

a global systems collapse induced by climate disaster won't allow the rats to flee anywhere. All the ships are sinking at once. It must be comforting to wax poetic about human greed now, but one day the power will go out for the last time and the paid security will realize they can turn themselves into hereditary despots if they gut the scared piggy and steal his money

>> No.22025270

>mad max is the only thing that can stop capitalism
Fair enough, but now who is full of schadenfreude? You're hoping for a dark age to shuffle the deck?

>> No.22025271

don't mistake me for a communist

>> No.22025278

Are you describing technofeudalism? The next stage of capitalism? That's what it sounds like.

>> No.22025288

The Jesuits and Vatican are part of the synarchy. Doesn't mean lay Catholics are evil.

>> No.22025289

I thought hydraulic despotism was a fine metaphor to describe it as the data necessary to model and manipulate political outcomes will be controlled as if it were the water supply. So no liberalism and no democracy—those would suggest some sort of plurality of interest groups capable of being political, which they will be too downstream to do anymore.

>> No.22025292

I don't care about shuffling the deck, I only care about these people seeing everything slip from their fingers, possibly within half a century of their total global dominance. It's absolutely schadenfreude.
The difference being that I'm saying "I told you so" and you are throwing a tantrum to save face in the midst of your entire civilization's core premise being revealed as a suicidal farce

>> No.22025307

Who is throwing a tantrum? You are begging for the apocalypse in order to win an argument. I am simply agreeing with you that capitalism cannot stop eating. Even when it hollows out an entire civilization it still manages to acquire more materials and participants. I agree of course that if the entire planet were severely disrupted such a complex system would screech to a halt, but you are assuming there is going to be some evenly spread impact, as if today there is x everywhere and tomorrow x is nowhere. That won't happen. You'll get a Holy Roman Empire after the fall of Rome. Suppose there was this great climate catastrophe that destroys half the population or whatever. If anything that could be the catalyst for MORE capitalism, like the Black Death enriching everyone who survived it. Who run Bartertown?

>> No.22025373

You're openly justifying your enabling of a ravenous demon on a globalized but also finite planet, while also claiming that no collapse will ever be permanent or all-reaching. No, in this round we've burned all the cheap and easy resources, including the entire global supply of pre-made hydrocarbons, and the next round won't be able to climb out of what you'd consider to be a dark ages. The means to do so would not exist.
The black death enriched everyone who survived it not because medieval institutions were weak and repressive, but because they were actually incredibly resilient and therefore functioned to enrich the survivors. That's not the case today. Your globalized system shits itself for years if shipping is disrupted for a week. Nobody knows how to be a subsistence farmer anymore and the planet is spent. Rome is a terrible example. You are looking at something like the Bronze Age Collapse, but far deadlier, and in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if this time around also there are regions which forget how to write and work metal.
The future will be landowning stone-age warlords stoning uppity peasants to death, forever. That is the death of capitalism. Civic society itself will never exist again.

>> No.22025547

How is reading books thinking for yourself? It's the opposite

>> No.22025866

And you expect this in what? 300 years? 3,000 years?

>> No.22025872

Joseph De Maistre and Carl Schmitt come to mind. I would say Ernst Jünger and Julius Evola would qualify as well. None of these people would’ve believed Chinese dominance would be a good for the world though.

>> No.22026622

>Rebelling against it is just some fad for angsty twenty-somethings
Textbook case of projection. You choose your opinions based on memes and whatever an algorithm feeds you.

>> No.22027094

it's going to happen within 30 years based on modeling described in Limits to Growth, and the models have stood the test of time

>> No.22027114
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This anon understands.

What you call the 'West' is just the forefront of the global capitalist current.

>> No.22027125

>why is a centrally planned economy where the government colludes with the largest corporations to redistribute all the wealth through banking machinations not capitalism
Is this a real question?

>> No.22027146

30 years seems unbelievable to me.

>> No.22027150

Burnham's managerial revolution + the surveillance state / surveillance capitalism (Zuboff)

>> No.22027680

Wait a minute, are you telling me printing fiat currency and giving it to black people and illegal immigrants isn't a free market? woh!!

>> No.22027709

>The next stage of capitalism?
Hydraulic despotism is the logical outcome of Communism, not Capitalism.

For reference, hydraulic despotism refers to the states that emerged after the initial collapse of agriculture in the Middle East around the control of water and hydraulic infrastructure for the purposes of agriculture. These early societies (such as Sumer, Assyria, Egypt) get an incentive to maximize agricultural output. Agricultural output has the input of human labor. Thus, population is maximized. Eventually, a point is reached where it's easier to import foreigners than make more natives, resulting in an increasingly entrenched elite and an increasingly disenfranchised labor-caste. The elite become ever more racially distinct from the laborers (or worse, are replaced by foreigners who actually are racially distinct), and as such the elite becomes increasingly cruel to those beneath them. They begin patronizing the lowest elements of the labor-caste as janissaries to keep the higher elements in check.

Eventually the dam bursts and the elite have to enact a crushing police state to keep the basic unit of society (agriculture) from collapsing.

>> No.22027740

Sounds like Peter Thiel's wet dream