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File: 42 KB, 593x517, 1687456057539830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22264095 No.22264095 [Reply] [Original]

I wasted my life reading philosophy.

>> No.22264101

What would be your ideal life?

>> No.22264114

It's ok anon. It's not too late to read something worthwhile instead.

>> No.22264117
File: 525 KB, 670x1280, IMG_7189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every speck of light in this is a sun. When you look at this you should realize every single thing every single person does is wasting their lives. Just be happy. Stupid ass frog poster.

>> No.22264128
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>> No.22264129

>you will be happy (eat bugs and live in a pod), because LE STARS
Bravo Klaus!

>> No.22264131

Movie name?

>> No.22264132

Let me guess…you’re in your 20’s?

>> No.22264135

Then I guess you didn't read closely enough.

>> No.22264136
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>Every speck of light in this is a sun. When you look at this you should realize every single thing every single person does is wasting their lives. Just be happy. Stupid ass frog poster.
I didn't want to have to dig through the Cobson folder, but you made me

>> No.22264137

Sopranos season 6 ep 4

>> No.22264143
File: 547 KB, 680x847, 1689379196014246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasted my life defending capitalism.

>> No.22264144

Oh. It's a tv show. Nevermind

>> No.22264154

creative mode

>> No.22264157

so refute it, cuckolds. i’ll wait.

>> No.22264158

Who are you quoting, faggot?

>> No.22264161

>dude big thing compared to small thing means nothing matters
No you

>> No.22264169

you did not refute the initial point. you are still insignificant but now also wrong.

>> No.22264171
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>> No.22264175

Why are you saving my posts?

>> No.22264179
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>> No.22264184

now that reddit hates this nigger i actually kinda like him

>> No.22264185

I have to say I agree with anon here tone

>> No.22264191

God created the universe for white men and white men alone. Also Jesus was just joking about the love your neighbor thing and the rich people can't get into heaven thing. Now fuck off, fedora.

>> No.22264194

you are a literal monkey. grow up.

>> No.22264195

where is god in that image? can you point him out?

>> No.22264200

You have yet to explain why the more matter something has the more significant it is.

>> No.22264202

There should be a comma in that sentence. “I wasted my life, reading philosophy.” If you did in fact waste your life, philosophy is not the reason for it.

>> No.22264203

I wasted two minutes reading this thread.

>> No.22264213

>two minutes
Were you subvocalizing?

>> No.22264226

More like skimming.

>> No.22264230

We are the only sentient life in this universe, tho. This means God made all those stars for our amusement.

>> No.22264239

Why do reddit hate him now? Did he say something based?

>> No.22264248

I, too, base my opinions on what others think

>> No.22264260

>stupid ass frog poster

>> No.22264266

I've read everything Margaret Atwood has written at least twice. I envy you.

>> No.22264280

>read everything Margaret Atwood wrote
Now that is truly wasting your life anon

>> No.22264893
File: 1.46 MB, 2289x1701, 1611312397491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are the only sentient life in this universe, tho.
Actually we are not, because NDEs are real and prove that there is an afterlife and that we are eternal and will go to heaven unconditionally when we die. And they say that the universe is filled with civilizations, trillions upon trillions of existences out there and beyond.

And NDEs are more real than this world, in every way. For instance, NDErs report expanded intelligence. One NDEr said that the greatest supergenius who ever lived, with the help of the greatest supercomputer of all time, would be immeasurably dwarfed by the intelligence she had access to while in the light, so much so that it would be closer and fairer to compare the intelligence of Einstein to that of an ant. Literally and seriously. And as another NDEr described their cognition during their life review:

>"I looked up, and saw four translucent screens begin to appear - and form a kind of gigantic, cubed box all around me. It was through this method that I was shown my life review. Without ever having to turn my head, I panoramically saw my past, present, future - and there was even a screen behind me that displayed a tremendous amount of scientific data, numbers, symbols and universal codes. I was in complete amazement because (as all of this was occurring) I realized I understood absolutely everything I was seeing - even in the most microscopic detail! There seemed to be no limit to the thoughts I was able to think or the ideas I was able to absorb. In this space, what we tend to think of as a limited comprehension or single-mindedness here on Earth, becomes truly infinite and limitless here! I kept thinking over and over how true it is what they say: that when we go back home - we all really are of one mind!"

From here: https://youtu.be/U00ibBGZp7o

Another way NDEs are more real is how one NDEr said that he saw more than 80 new primary colors in the NDE world, compared to the 3 primary colors we have here.

From here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mysteries-consciousness/202204/does-afterlife-obviously-exist

So heaven is undeniably real.

>> No.22264900

You are genuinely retarded. Even if you think you're trolling, you're a mongoloid.

>> No.22264911

If that is true then how come consciousness occurs in the penumbra?

>> No.22264943

I long ago considered that the frog was a cryptic metaphor for the meme itself. For the cryptic and bluntly fast-extinguishing nature of humor. To post a frog, is akin in it's rhythm to posting bluntly "nice meme". A short cough of a reply, small and sporatic like a tadpole.

>> No.22265040

I'm sure this sounded profound in your head.

>> No.22265080
File: 14 KB, 236x314, CD697486-8064-408A-B463-1FC14C5371B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there’s something in this, ESLposter. Pepe has been so persistent in meme culture that it’s hard not to see him as some kind of symbol from the collective unconscious. At the end of the film “Feels Good Man” (which I’m ashamed to say I’ve watched in full) a Reddit-y looking “memeologist” suggests something like this without speculating precisely what he might symbolise. But your guess of the “meme itself” is at least a nice meta explanation.

>> No.22265110
File: 43 KB, 656x455, 1667494355611138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting frogs is cool

>> No.22265200

Your life has only been wasted if you never smashed any hot Lebanese pussy.

>> No.22265241

I wouldn’t consider that a wasted life

>> No.22265271

You are 22
You didnt read anything
craving for attention

>> No.22265276

they hated me because i told the truth

>> No.22265417


>> No.22265460

> muh basedence
There is only life on earth.

>> No.22265490


>> No.22265494

One of the reason why western states are so shit is that they cannot sustain themselves and have their citizens make children.

>> No.22265516

Unironically true

>> No.22265528
File: 48 KB, 735x703, 44efcd7d646e517642baeb26bac84c32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not dead yet. You can pursue whatever you think is worthwhile. Go do it.

>> No.22265861

>he thinks the west needs children when they can just immigrant anyone anyways

lol you poor sod thinking your country actually matters.

>> No.22265920

>woah dude the universe is like sooo big and we're like soooo small duuuude

>> No.22265980

I can’t fathom why an anon would do this. Are you in prison and they’re the only books in the library?