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/lit/ - Literature

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22259350 No.22259350 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22259357

So tell us OP, what were you're thought on it?

>> No.22259359


>> No.22259387

While I was reading it I thought to myself
>...this reads very jewish.
And I was right.

>> No.22259409


>> No.22259559

I relate so intensely to Gregor, how he finds himself in his predicament, and the treatment he receives from his family. Here's a guy who's dissociated from his own humanity and became a soulless automata in order to abide by the standards and expectations of a cold and impersonal career and a family that took his contributions towards them for granted and that wholly embraced his death when he could no longer provide for them in a purely transactional sense which they've been happy to thanklessly indulge in. When he no longer can fulfill his role due to the miserable and jarring situation he finds himself in they resent and neglect him then celebrate his lonely demise.
I've struggled with issues for many years in essence because I've resigned myself to being a doormat in hopes of being treated like a human being by the very people who originally denied me my humanity and who never will fully afford me such until I relinquish my assigned role and allow myself to thrive as an individual in my own right. The story has motivated me like nothing else I've come across to stand up for myself and get my shit together because I realize Gregor's fate is the same one I accepted years ago that I've been unable to wriggle out of because I never understood how I've found myself here and the story has shocked me into self-awareness.

>> No.22259570

Check the catalog retard...

>> No.22259580

kek the bearded men seemed like caricatures

>> No.22260668

How so?

>> No.22260680

You both sound like you suffer from the same egotistical illness. Your mistake is thinking your personal resentment accurately describes existence. The story reads like the bitter tears of the self-made victim desperately placing all blame on the accused that surround him. No different from the 80-IQ gang banger on the defense stand thrusting out his lower lip and pouting that he didn't do anything wrong, it's everyone else's fault.

I find your pathology truly contemptible.

>> No.22260719

>it's all bullshit man everything is just peachy
>just wash your shell and be yourself bro

>> No.22260720

>tfw Gregor’s “invalid” dad gets a full time job after his son cant continue giving him neetbux

>> No.22260723

Lol & Kafka continues to go neck and neck with Hemingway as the ultimate pleb filter

>> No.22260744

>it ze bug
>eat ze bug

>> No.22260768

Aside from entirely missing the point of the story and the post, you have an oddly defensive boomer mentality and assume you know the truth of a situation that in reality you have no clue about. If anyone talks about the problems they face in any capacity, even if they resolve to try to change their own situation, do you instinctually shit all over them for some reason?

>No different from the 80-IQ gang banger on the defense stand thrusting out his lower lip and pouting that he didn't do anything wrong, it's everyone else's fault
It's very obviously different to someone with reading comprehension

>> No.22262143

You write like a child trying to jam in all the SAT words he's learned. Your post could have been under half as long and communicated your point more clearly.

>> No.22262157

Literalisch mich.

>> No.22262193

Ayo this nigga grading a 4chan post

>> No.22262200

mom's gonna freak!

>> No.22262229

Truly pitiful take. Metamorphosis is one of Kafka's more straightforward and easy to understand works. If you have takes this embarassing about this one, don't even bother with the more challenging parts of his work.

>> No.22262711

your writing reads like satirical obfuscation and sounds like a fucking bit

>> No.22262725

Nigga I forgot about the bearded men but yeah I’m picturing it now fucking hilarious

>> No.22262738

Kafka is one of the least jewy jew authors THOUGH

>> No.22262750

The Trial is about being a Jew being isolated and ostracized in a Goy society

>> No.22262753

>a bloo hoo hoo nobody understands me
>why do they resent me for being a useless manchild and contributing nothing?

No wonder the worthless parasites of 4chan identify so strongly with him.

>> No.22262782

grading was warranted

>> No.22262790

You would likely be a far happier person if you didn't try this hard all the time.

>> No.22262825

Anyone else not see what the fuss is about with this particular work? I read it a while back and thought it was completely mediocre through and through no better than any other pieces of fiction but literature that I had read. I’ll give it another shot I’m willing to admit the fault is most likely with me but maybe it really is all just some big circle jerk

>> No.22262833

Extreme neuroticism is a Jewish trait. Which is why it’s so funny 4chan hates Jews - anons are spiritually Jewish.

>> No.22262838

The work is quite middle of the road, in instrospective gleaning and prose. That's not to say it is absolutely devoid of substance, but it's not particularly notable. It's relative accessibility begets didactic interpretations which further reiterates this holistic sentiment.

>> No.22262840

Do you really not understand what was written? Sure it's a bit long-winded and self-indulgent but I can't imagine which part you struggle with.

>> No.22262847

You would likely be a far happier person if you were a productive member of society.

>> No.22262854

No, I understand what was written. Hence I prefaced with "satirical" because it sounds very contrived in exasperating brevity. Not to note the hogmog of diction dropping in congruence towards the end which abets my point of it being contrived.

>> No.22262887

>He felt a slight itching on the top of his abdomen. He slowly pushed himself on his back closer to the bed post so that he could lift his head more easily, found the itchy part, which was entirely covered with small white spots (he did not know what to make of them), and wanted to feel the place with a leg. But he retracted it immediately, for the contact felt like a cold shower all over him.
What was this?

>> No.22262904

Ah yes, an obfuscation with exasperating brevity.

>> No.22262918

I can't tell if you're humoring me or concurring.

>> No.22262929

I actually liked your post and I think it felt very heartfelt and honest.

>> No.22262932

The ah yes oscillates between patronization or zealous agreement? In my interpretation at least...hard to differentiate.

>> No.22262951

It seems like you're essentially saying the post tries too hard and you don't like the choice of words but the fervor with which you criticize it seems strange.

>> No.22262960

Yes, the post tries quite hard in communicating the point, most identifiably by the odd mesh of choice words and deterioration of diction towards the end. If my fervor seems strange, I would prefer it to be idiosyncratic

>> No.22263168

Good post, there's nothing wrong with what you said

>> No.22263200

Gregor work pays his dad’s debt to his former employer, then his dad sacks him after his sister, Grete, says she cant go with it anymore.

>> No.22263208

Dissension is healthy. agree to disagree.

>> No.22263250

never before seen someone on /lit/ get so irredeemably fucking filtered by the most straightforward book there is, surreal

>> No.22263278 [DELETED] 

the atrocious rhetoric "No different from the 80-IQ gang banger on the defense stand thrusting out his lower lip and pouting that he didn't do anything wrong" is tell tale

>> No.22263297

isnt moot a kike? hiroshimanagasaki certainly is a spiritual yid at heart.

>> No.22263304

how does one manage to warp it into an egocentric perspective.....as if the atrocious rhetoric "No different from the 80-IQ gang banger on the defense stand thrusting out his lower lip and pouting that he didn't do anything wrong" wasn't tell tale enough

>> No.22263566

Being an ESL is not healthy

>> No.22263638

Are you projecting? "an"?

>> No.22263729

Anon... you don't even know that rule? The rule that explains why it's 'a hospital', but 'an ambulance'?

>> No.22263731

Good post anon, I had the exact same experience when I first read it. People who don't get it are incapable of empathy, spiritual niggers.

The reason to become a doormat is to please others that you care about. There's something innocent and heartfelt about the attitude, chivalrous even, when it doesn't go to the extreme of you being a doormat to people who don't treat you with respect, and it's instead done out of fear and cowardice. People don't get that not all parents or teachers teach one how to learn to stand up for oneself when boundaries are being crossed. This transfers into adulthood. When I was coming of age and read Metamorphosis I realized I had been too afraid to stop acting out what other's around me expected of me. But if the acting to others comes from a place of fear and not love, you'll be living in regret the rest of your life, and people will never respect or love you. The Death of Ivan Ilyich has a similar message. Gregory never knew love, only duty to unloving parents. Thus he never learned how to love. And many can relate to this. Some parents are just horrible and use you for their own self interest.

>> No.22263753

Dear entity of nil, care to use relevant terms? ESL? You don't even know how to express yourself in contemporary times?

>> No.22263763

Your inability to not make 60 IQ grammar mistakes in English is exactly why I called you an ESL and you've only reinforced that observation since.

>> No.22263771

I shit you not, he turned into a bug.
Funniest shit I ever saw.

>> No.22263787

What do you even mean by ESL?

>> No.22263788

please someone paint kafka standing right by that bug, holding it by its legs, and, rapping it.

>> No.22263810

bug aware that he's a bug
bug and proud

>> No.22263817

your silence is incriminating....are you sure you're not an ESL? whatever you're alluding to...yes it's quite easy to minimize grammar mistakes when you have the liberty of a keyboard and visual transcription.

>> No.22263824

I loved the part where he woke up and was like ay caramba!

>> No.22263889

Thank you anon, this is exactly what I was trying to convey! And it's really cool to hear someone's had such a significant experience with the story in such a similar way.

>> No.22263920

I'm glad to hear that you found alignment with the story and are using the insights to improve your life.
This an underrated value of reading fiction.

Don't give any credence to these anons.
Just sad souls sinking deeper into their cesspits, trying to drag you down with them.
There is no substance to your criticism -- reflect on why you posted anyways.

>> No.22264066

neurotic self-insert self centered MC with persecution complex, to the point of delusional paranoia; incestuous undertones
>all that want to work and not even getting out of his room
always blaming others, always being the victim
also: that commie propaganda subtext

>> No.22264787

Why a cockroach? Why kafka didn't make him a spider or a butterfly? Is there any symbolism in the coackroach?

>> No.22265004

Cockroaches are vermin with no redeemable qualities. They're unwanted and disregarded. As is Gregor when he can no longer provide.

>> No.22265204
File: 452 KB, 671x1024, Vladimir_Nabokov_1973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cockroach is an insect that is flat in shape with large legs, and Gregor is anything but flat: he is convex on both sides, belly and back, and his legs are small. He approaches a cockroach in only one respect: his coloration is brown. That is all. Apart from this he has a tremendous convex belly divided into segments and a hard rounded back suggestive of wing cases. In beetles these cases conceal flimsy little wings that can be expanded and then may carry the beetle for miles and miles in a blundering flight. Curiously enough, Gregor the beetle never found out that he had wings under the hard covering of his back. (This is a very nice observation on my part to be treasured all your lives. Some Gregors, some Joes and Janes, do not know that they have wings.) Further, he has strong mandibles. He uses these organs to turn the key in a lock while standing erect on his hind legs, on his third pair of legs (a strong little pair), and this gives us the length of his body, which is about three feet long. In the course of the story he gets gradually accustomed to using his new appendages—his feet, his feelers. This brown, convex, dog-sized beetle is very broad.

In the original German text the old charwoman calls him Mistkäfer, a "dung beetle." It is obvious that the good woman is adding the epithet only to be friendly. He is not, technically, a dung beetle. He is merely a big beetle. (I must add that neither Gregor nor Kafka saw that beetle any too clearly.)

>> No.22265284

I dream that I might save someone's life with my writing, that I might increase the sum total of good in the world.
Good post.

>> No.22265296

You don't have a job or else you'd be too tired to waste your precious energy posting here.

>> No.22265303

Is that the part where an apple gets lodged in his shell?
Or maybe a reference to bug sensory organs? Like he touched his bug spiracles and it gave him a shiver of revulsion or a shiver due to being a strange new organ?

>> No.22265309

He means you need to lurk moar before posting, you literal child.

>> No.22265332

I get what this guy is saying but cockroaches can fly, there's a squintillion varieties of them, and many are cylindrical rather than flat but you can find them in all sorts of shapes, sizes, colors, etc and I don't know what kind where alive in Germany at the time the story was written and/or set in.
Pet hissing cockroaches are right on the edge of being able to interact with their owners and it's weird. Fucking bugs.

>> No.22265686

are there families that operate on purely transactional level? i always thought that part was unrealistic

>> No.22266262

ESL as in English Second Language? Lol I have to lurk more because I said agreeing to disagree is fine interesting

>> No.22266268

>(This is a very nice observation on my part to be treasured all your lives. Some Gregors, some Joes and Janes, do not know that they have wings.)
It's like he's reaching out from the afterlife and stroking both my and his own cock

>> No.22266313

If you didn't grow up with narcissistic parents it's tough to fathom. But imagine 2 people who have trauma or something that become scared of their own emotions and feel deeply insecure, then imagine them having children. The kids get mistreated naturally because the parents are immature, then if the child tries to stand up for itself or gain independence it's taken as a personal slight to the self-consumed parents. Emotional life in such a household becomes completely restricted and since the fun human parts of living are extinguished all there is is performing, again, for people whose chief concern is avoiding their own emotions and perpetuating the charade.

>> No.22266387

matilda (1996)

>> No.22266461

It's in the fourth paragraph, before he has gotten out of bed.
The middle school essay websites say that it represents tuberculosis (?) or his emotional hurt (??).

>> No.22266466

I watched two Charlie Kaufman films, and saw a meme about seeing anti-semitism in a parking sign, so I know that this shit is true.

>> No.22266475

Boy does it feel good.

>> No.22266497

I have also experienced this. It's a hell of a thing.

>> No.22267557

>hissing cockroaches
Didn't know about these, very neat

>> No.22267711

Did you find it fucked you up in some way and if so were you be able to break away and be happy?

>> No.22267830

I just can't seem to form deeper connections with other people, and it's not getting easier with age. I don't remember the last time I was happy, unless happiness is the absence of sadness. I'm usually not sad.