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/lit/ - Literature

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22464255 No.22464255 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me books that will make everyone around me think I'm extremely smart and based whenever they see me reading them. I don't give a crap about what the books are about as I will only be "reading" them (if you catch my drift).

>> No.22464266

Perhaps you should read with intention; not to impress but because you take a genuine interest in said book.

>> No.22464280
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Grow up. I listen to audiobooks in public. I might as well be listening to music to the people around me. Meanwhile I'm exploring some new world. I feel no need to make strangers think I'm deep or smart. They only get to know that if they ordain to speak to me.

>> No.22464288

Marvel comix

>> No.22464332

People will assume you are smart because you are reading. You would have to read something that people would recognize as “smart”, but also not go too niche.
The problem is if someone recognizes the book and ask you about it, which is what you want, you’d fall apart because you aren’t reading it, or at least caring about understanding.
Start with the Greeks. In Greek.

>> No.22464347

Do not you neglect to effervesce divers ejaculations of wit & wisdom, as: "aha", "indeed", "indubitably", "quite so", et caetera; whilst imbibing the said literary oeuvre.

You should play "transgressive" audiobooks out loud in public, like an urban youth on the subway.

>> No.22464357

I found a Mein Kampf audiobook on Archive.org.
That is all.

>> No.22464360

this will just make people assume he's a wog

>> No.22464506

In my first year of college a cute girl liked to go around carrying a copy of the capital and everyone talked about how smart and cultured she was. saw her at a bar hooking up with drug dealers a couple of times. later she got into that social justice phase where they let go of their appearances and I think she became a lesbian because I only saw her around those butch types. anyway, this >>22464288

>> No.22464521
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Could be worse.

>> No.22465098

Looking back, it’s embarrassing to recognize the degree to which my intellectual curiosity those first two years of college paralleled the interests of various women I was attempting to get to know: Marx and Marcuse so I had something to say to the long-legged socialist who lived in my dorm; Fanon and Gwendolyn Brooks for the smooth-skinned sociology major who never gave me a second look; Foucault and Woolf for the ethereal bisexual who wore mostly black. As a strategy for picking up girls, my pseudo-intellectualism proved mostly worthless; I found myself in a series of affectionate but chaste friendships.