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/lit/ - Literature

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22592074 No.22592074 [Reply] [Original]

"Ideals" Edition


wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:

Thread Theme:

>> No.22592094

It would take years, potentially decades, for an amateur writer to climb to the bestseller list on any platform by merely copying what's already selling well. Telling people to "just copy what sells" is abysmal hylic tier advice.
There are shortcuts to garnering interest immediately, but I think they should be kept from the likes of you.

>> No.22592104

OP you forgot the NaNoWriMo discord link.


November will be here soon and it will have a prize!

>> No.22592112
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I've considered making them something else other than zombies since zombies seem too saturated maybe my characters will learn they are alien parasites or something

>> No.22592118

Is possible to be a writer or indeed, any kind of artist of substantial worth if you're a loser? It seems like every author of some merit at least has some social life and was reasonably well regarded by his peers.

>> No.22592134

Wasn't JK Rowling homeless when she wrote Harry Potter?

>> No.22592144
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Hey guys, I'm running a little late on work for Penguin in Atlanta for the school district. How does this look so far? Thoughts?

>> No.22592200
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rate, bait, and critique!

>> No.22592203

I threw away all my morals and integrity. I used an AI art cover.

>> No.22592211

Looks good enough, I would niggafy the stanzas between Many and tried more.

>> No.22592217

tfw a big work project is hanging over my head and also a personal letter I need to respond to and I can't write until those things are done

>> No.22592299

this is genius. i love squid.

>> No.22592305

thank you thank you

>> No.22592335

i love the alternating tense. or perspective, without any indication.
how you simply tell us what we're seeing, and leave it to us to imagine the details
yet when you do describe something, it's vague to keep us guessing. that's fun-- and when we've had enough, you follow it with a cliche to bring us back to comfort.
a full course meal
i love how the unintentionally reiterate, as to give us time to catch up to your genius.

id continue, but i need to change my undies after cumming

>> No.22592342

gee wiz thanks mister

>> No.22592344
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Impressive, very nice.
>Ivy, daughter of Jay Z
Based niggerkino

>> No.22592357

i'm your #1 fan, mr. wiseau

>> No.22592406

My story is about a succubus living in modern society and the daily discrimination she faces for being a succubus. It is heavy on feminist themes because I wanted to craft a story that appeals to exactly nobody.

>> No.22592427

Almost everyone is in the server. Greatest happening in /wg/ ever?

>> No.22592451

is it viable to critique isolated chapters as opposed to entire books? I mean isn't something lost with that

>> No.22592463

there's plenty of things to critique that don't require context

>> No.22592474

outside of grammer, a poignant scene or a happy moment might be lost on someone reading only one chapter

>> No.22592500

and an agent would have dropped your manuscript on the 3rd word had it been this comment.

>> No.22592504

agents can suck my dick
editors exist for a reason and no I won't rewrite anything you coked out extrovert

>> No.22592507

don't ever call me that

>> No.22592509

every sentence and every paragraph and every chapter contains its own setup and payoff and how that's achieved via sentence structure, rhythm, pacing, action, detail, etc. can be critiqued just fine without knowing the plot or the characters. You build momentum and thrust the reader through your story via literary and grammatical devices which aren't so steeped in context that they can't be critiqued individually.

>> No.22592538
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I'm never going to finish my book because AI generating images for it tickles the same satisfaction without actually going through the work of writing it

>> No.22592557

i was the same, but as soon as i generated every (every) image, i got over it

>> No.22592559

yeah but then a new slightly better AI model gets released and the cycle starts over

>> No.22592626

So, in other words, no, your "intellectual" writing doesn't sell worth a crap. Nailed it.

>> No.22592636

Need some good examples of how to write out dancing. Detail about intricate movements, range of motion, body language, and capturing imagery of different positions.

Anybody know any good reading material or have some examples that come to mind? Doesn't need to be just /lit/ either, can be some of your favorite scenes from a script or film

>> No.22592661

The dance is mostly played for comedic effect but I thought the dance scene in Silver Linings Playbook was great, not because of the choreography but because of how carefully it was setup as a climax.

War and Peace is filled with dances. My favorite is the Daniel Cooper scene.

>> No.22592662

I'm writing a story about an alchemist who uses his concoctions to cure disabled or deformed people. They have been scorned all their lives and become extremely loyal followers as a result, and they form a band of mercenaries.

What are some grotesque or really debilitating things people in a pseudo medieval time can have while still reasonably surviving?

So far I have
>Conjoined parasitic twin
>Dwarfism, grotesque looking like Book Tyrion Lannister
>Disgraced former soldier who lost an arm in a victorious battle
I wanted people who could offer some useful skill as a mercenary, and are intelligent too, so mental disabilities won't work.

>> No.22592671

so like the eminence in shadow?

>> No.22592678

why tho

what themes does it convey

>> No.22592681

Never read it, and googling it, I don't think I want to read another manga at the moment.

>> No.22592687

Themes of outcasts and downtrodden getting together

Like Malacath from The Elder Scrolls

>> No.22592693

is the anon who was writing about the yakuza hiding their blow up sex doll still around? how goes the progress of your story?

>> No.22592709

Harlequin tho most of those babies don't survive (also nsfw)

>> No.22592723

Greatly appreciated, thank you. If any other examples come to mind please don't hesitate.

Obligatory bampu

>> No.22592728
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>Went in deep and fleshed out the protagonist's inner conflict
>Developed some really complex motives full of realistic contradictions, falsehoods, and projections
>Now find them utterly insufferable and have no desire to write about them any more
uhh I guess I can make them an antagonist?..

>> No.22592734

Protagonists don't have to be "good guys"

>> No.22592737

what does it look like, do you have a doc you could share or a series of steps? (if its not too much)

>> No.22592747

What's happening in November?

>> No.22592750

How's this?
>Each blow sends reverberations throughout my entire skeleton, even with my guard up. He's not even stopping to breathe, he's just hitting again and again and again, with no end in sight.
>I feel like my skin is about to rip from the pressure, but he doesn't even seem winded. I thought taking him here would make this easier, but it's even harder now. His eyes, with what little I can see of them in his frenzied assault, look almost detached, like he can't even register what's around him.
>I can't hit hard enough to hurt him with anything I have. My fists felt like they were battering an invulnerable boulder, my blades couldn't so much as scratch him, my kicks barely phased him, and my vapors did nothing but anger him. But at that exact moment, an idea hits me, and in the split second afterwards, I take my final gamble.
>I rotate my forearms so that the clawed parts are facing the flurry, and the moment I do, I feel something wet and warm against me. The barrage continues, but each blow is weaker than the last. I can't even follow what's happening, but if he's weakening then that's good.
>Soon, the once invincible rush of attacks degrade to slow, weak slaps before stopping altogether.
>I open my arms and gaze upon my bloodstained arms. Some of it mine, much of it his. I look a little further and see him collapsed, bleeding profusely from his arms. They're covered in so many gashes that they looked as if they were flayed.
I want you to guess what our protagonist did.

>> No.22592783

Insufferable as in 'bitch needs to go to therapy' not their moral leanings
It's absolute spaghetti across several docs atm
Essentially just pulled out each flaw they had, inverted it or put it against an outsider's perspective, and then drew a bunch of lines showing how those are both inputs and outputs into one another in a feedback loop, usually with emotional states pivoting from one loop to the next. Then I mapped how those are (or aren't) portrayed in their life
ie they're compelled by guilt to do X but because they receive some joy from doing it, this furthers their guilt which devolves into frustration towards the person the guilt stems from, but the more they stew in it, the more they realize they're just seeking that person's approval, making them feel even more guilty, now they're frustrated about feeling guilty, guilty about being even allowing themselves to get frustrated in the first place, etc etc and this manifests in X and Y but unexpectedly not in Z

>> No.22592787

I'm not arguing a commonly accepted fact among professional authors with a 4chan retard who's sold 3 books in his life (if that)
Copying trends in a market works. Period. You go to the customer, not demand that the customer comes to you.
t. someone who has literally made a career doing it

>> No.22592790

This sounds like average woman brain

>> No.22592800

Exactly why I was impressed and disgusted by it
it's on me for to trying to make her a likeable protag

>> No.22592818

Straight off the bat, drop "entire" in the first sentence and move
>with my guard up
to the start of it. You want the reader to picture the protagonist with his guard up, being shook by several attacks. If you put
>even with my guard up
at the end you're changing the image they had in their heads a touch too late.
>He's not even stopping to breathe, he's just hitting again and again and again, with no end in sight.
Is fine, but
>he's doing this
>he's doing that
To say that we're in first person present tense, the speaker's thoughts while he's underattack lack urgency. What you've written would fit better in past tense, or if you're sticking to present then drop the "he's"
>Not even stopping to breathe, hitting again and again and again, with no end in sight.
Sorry anon, your second line doesn't read well to me either so I'm not making it the whole way through.
>Even with my guard up, each blow reverberates my skeleton. Without stopping to breathe he strikes again and again and again, with no end in sight.

>> No.22592856

I think you must have me confused with some other person, but thanks man. I really appreciate your warm words

>> No.22592882

Interesting >>>>> likeable

>> No.22592888

I've been using Claude through AWS to talk to my characters and try out plot points and it's been the most fun I've had writing in years.

>> No.22592945

There's a song that I like. I want to include a verse from it at the very beginning of my story (before the actual story starts, just a quote on the very first page), and I want to title my story after one of the lines in the verse. How fast will I get sued?

>> No.22592955

This is something even trashy fanfic authors look down upon, and you want to do it for a novel?

>> No.22592956

you'll never get sued because nobody is going to read your story unless you stop fantasizing about making something important enough to be sued over

>> No.22592970

you're nuts if you don't think record companies actively look for every possible lawsuit they can. it's basically free money for them.

>> No.22592981
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>> No.22593002

paying a team of lawyers to sue a guy living in his mother's basement with a net worth of -30k from student loans is, in fact, the opposite of free money

>> No.22593019

They did it to Jammie Thomas, despite never receiving any money from her.

>> No.22593020

Jeez that is deformed

But yeah looking at the low survival rates, may simply just be impractical. Although there is magic

>> No.22593024
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>finally sit down to write for the first time
>idea ive been mulling over for months has become concrete and im finally ready to start
>my keyboard craps out and i dont know when ill be able to replace it
>type out the first paragraph with the onscreen keyboard so i have something, then stop, even though im ready and willing to keep writing

God damn it

>> No.22593027

>the first file-sharing copyright infringement lawsuit

>> No.22593031

Because this is totally the same thing as including lyrics in a self-pub book that sells 0 copies LMFAO

>> No.22593032
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Me when they reject my pitch

>> No.22593033

You're so broke you can't afford a 10 dollar crappy keyboard from walmart?

>> No.22593034

I know it's absolutely never going to happen, but just to satisfy my own curiosity, let's assume the book does get published and it does sell reasonably well. What kind of legal trouble would I get in?

>> No.22593037
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>> No.22593040

If you mean reasonably well as in hundreds or thousands of copies sold, then yes, it's fair to assume you'll have lawyers annoyed at you. Because who the fuck does that?
Not that any of us are lawyers, lmao, but this is a really obvious question.

>> No.22593041

Legal trouble? Lol. They're above the law, they'll just take you out

>> No.22593043

Homie start self-pubbing erotica shorts on Amazon. at least you can earn a few bucks, even if you're terrible. Get yourself a new keyboard

>> No.22593044

yes, obviously copyright infringement is a legal liability

>> No.22593048

You will be arrested and executed

>> No.22593054

Holy shit bros, it's not just lit agents going to this thing. There's a fuckton of movie people too.
I bet I won't find a way to fuck this up.

>> No.22593055

Does using a single verse of lyrics really count as copyright infringement? Isn't that covered under Fair Use?

>> No.22593059

They don't care. They're above the law

>> No.22593062

fair use is to stop companies from using copyright to suppress critical reviews of them and their products. It's a journalism protection, not a "it's ok if it's just a tiny bit of infringement" protection.

>> No.22593068
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no. i have $92.40 but im unwell and i dont know when ill be able to work again, so its needed for groceries since my mom is also off work for surgery and possibly another 9 months of chemo, and i also still have to fix the hole in my bedroom floor bring all my shit from storage that was put away to deal with bedbugs

i sure hope suffering actually makes you a good writer like they say lel

>> No.22593069

Reminder not to take legal advice from a forum for unemployed writers.

>> No.22593077

Can you not just credit the lyric?

>> No.22593080

Anon, I sympathize, but what about this precludes you from trying to make money with writing? It sounds like this is an ideal time to give up any notion of 'pure art' and focus on writing genrefic that sells. It'd make you better at writing anyway, for when you're in a better place and want to focus on what you really love.
But if this is just depressionposting, whatever. Hope things work out.

>> No.22593085

Well yeah, of course, I would definitely cite the album/songwriter. But I don't think that gets me out of legal trouble.

>> No.22593088
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>give up any notion of 'pure art' and focus on writing genrefic that sells

>> No.22593093

>just write something that sells bro
This is as useful as saying "write better"

>> No.22593096

Idk how to help you with your bottom energy.

>> No.22593104

I'm not a lawyer but I from my limited knowledge on the subject I believe it falls under "fair use" if you credit the source and don't try to pass it off as your own writing.

>> No.22593109

Studying and honing in on a market increases your odds of selling 100-fold. Have you seen what people post here? Shit literally nobody would want to buy.

If you're as broke and in as dire straits as that other anon, then surviving is more important than another schizo manifesto. I have no problem with the non-pseud litbros. Write what you want

>> No.22593115

Studying the market is a far cry from compromising your integrity in a vain attempt to chase market trends.

>> No.22593124

That's kinda what I was thinking. I feel like I could probably get away with the verse (as long as I cited it), but if I titled the whole story after one of the lines, they might argue that I was using their work to promote my own.

>> No.22593126

In both cases, the defendants are poor & can never possibly pay, but the record-company lawyers still deem them fit for the 3rd degree. That's the connection you're willfully missing (because you can't possibly be that stupid).

>> No.22593127

Stop stressing over shit that won't matter for years, if ever, and start writing.

>> No.22593135

You weirdos are so annoying. Writing lowbrow fic because you need money is 'compromising your integrity'? You're such a fucking unpublished turbo virgin.

>> No.22593139
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Legal trouble? Other than the Jammie Thomas example...keep in mind that the music industry is literally run by the mafia. This book exposed it years ago, but as usual, our government utterly failed to do anything about it.

>> No.22593140

Anon. That ruling has absolutely 0 to do with writing song lyrics in a book. It was over internet piracy.
You're a neurotic.

>> No.22593142

(i've learned better than to argue with idiots like you)

>> No.22593146

>Writing lowbrow fic because you need money is 'compromising your integrity'?
If it's bad and you know it's bad, yes. If it's good and you know it's good, no.

>> No.22593150

Unless you have the money & lawyers to prove it was Fair Use, you're SOL. One of the few people to triumph in a Fair Use lawsuit was 2 Live Crew vs. Roy Orbison's estate, because 2 Live Crew had the money:

>> No.22593158

you can "get away with it" because nobody will ever read your book or care enough about you or your writing to even register that you might be infringing on copyright
actually, you can use a lyric as a title. Titles are the wild west and not subject to copyright.

>> No.22593159

Another unrelated legal case.

>> No.22593160

Ugh. It was an example of the petty lengths the recording industry will go to destroy someone. If you don't think it has parallels with an anon quoting a song lyric in his book, then you deserve whatever happens to you. I'm done trying to help you. Enjoy getting assraped by lawyers. See if I care. Fucking hylics.

>> No.22593166


>> No.22593168

You are not a lawyer. Stop giving legal advice.

>> No.22593180

this is what people don't understand about fair use
fair use only covers parody because it was once successfully argued that parody is criticism and falls under journalistic protections
fair use is not a carve out to use copyrighted material for artistic purposes just because you only use a little bit

>> No.22593183

I like to subvert tropes, but only the bad ones
>Mentor death? Nah, fucker survives, undergoes an actual arc, and is genuinely useful, outright taking out several major threats on their own

>> No.22593187

stop masturbating to the idea of becoming an acclaimed author. if you had the innate talent required to make a persisting piece of literature, you would know by now
instead, you write garbage and think it's good, then feel superior to people who actually have readers and don't excruciate over making 'perfect art'.

>> No.22593204

You know you come across as having a pathological need to insist people write in the most unfulfilling profit-motivated way possible.
It comes across more like you're trying to justify your own life choices (choosing to be a shitty amazon genre fiction writer) than you are actually trying to give people advice.

>> No.22593211

No, I provide suggestions for people explicitly asking how to get readers, and there's always some pseudointellectual chiming in with how if you're not writing "real art" you shouldn't be writing at all. You're literally projecting your own neuroses onto me--justifying YOUR choices to masturbate to the idea of your 'amazing art' and perpetually having no success in any field. I already said people can write whatever they want. You're the one saying the opposite. Just stop being an annoying fucking dweeb

>> No.22593229

Different writers have different goals. Not everyone is looking for advice on how to be a bestselling genre writer.

>> No.22593236

no shit, hence me saying people can write what they want. I chime in when people are asking 'how to get readers' or 'how to make a living' or, in the case of broke anon who can't afford a new keyboard, a way to easily make a few bucks assuming writing is a skill of his. If people say they write to fulfill an inner purpose of theirs, I say cool, awesome. Only you dork pseuds freak out when people write something that isn't 'pure art', because ... i don't know, why? From your projection earlier, I assume you feel threatened that you're wasting your time. Don't care--just fuck off

>> No.22593244

Have you considered relaxing?

>> No.22593248

>complete pseudointellectual behavior and insecurity is revealed
>relax bro
Sorry for striking a nerve. No but really-- I don't care what you write. So stop inserting yourself every time genre fic and writing to market is mentioned. Nobody likes you

>> No.22593254

>Nobody likes you
Better to be feared. Love comes later.
Anyway, you give terrible and unsolicited advice. Anon might have better ways of making money to buy himself a keyboard than whoring himself out to the soulcrushing genre fiction rat race.

>> No.22593266

My 'terrible advice' is industry standard advice which most professionals agree on.

>soulcrushing genre fiction rat race
I work 15 hours a week wrapped with a blanket and sipping on coffee, making more than median wage by writing schlocky dumb-fun genre fic. Oh, it's so terrible. If only I didn't do that, and instead had a full time wagie job. Then I would have time to pursue passion projects on the side. Wait ... something's backwards here
Anyway, enjoy your perpetual obscurity. This argument has run its course

>> No.22593270

I have little care for the advice of so called professionals.
You appear to be a professional author of shit.

>> No.22593311

You two could have wrote a description of a dance instead of all this. Everyone would have been better for it. Now our fate is written and the dance never was.

>> No.22593322

It was a dance.

>> No.22593364

National Novel Writing Month. The server is having a big mystery prize for the winner.

>> No.22593389


>> No.22593392

This guy hates what he does and hates himself for doing it

>> No.22593406

Idk if we can deduce that. Maybe he likes what he does. Maybe he's perfectly happy.
But his one-size-fits-all "you must excise your soul and rotely copy bestselling genre fiction authors and trends: your only goal should be making money, and if you disagree I'm going to call you a virgin as if that should insult you" "advice" is exceedingly grating, and terrible for people who might have other goals like ... refining their craft, writing to any audience other than amazon bestselling genre trash readers, people developing a personal style or writing about their own interests, people who write anything other than genre fiction... etc.

His advice might be good if all people wanted out of writing was to "make it" on the amazon bestseller list, but it should be obvious to him that people may have many reasons to write.

>> No.22593421

Plenty of info, just read what he wrote. Nobody makes posts like that without serious insecurity issues. He is seething with self-hatred.

>> No.22593447

I'm seething at how annoying pseuds are, because they chime in whenever I try to talk to someone about how to write to market, despite explicitly making it clear I'm giving advice for how to sell, and that people can write whatever they want.

I promise my 15-hour work week with no boss, no set hours, no commute, etc isn't something I secretly hate myself for. I already said I write schlock, and so it's implicit that I don't find it especially fulfilling--but I've worked an actual job, and writing genre is tens of times more enjoyable. It's fun at times, a slog at others. I was fuming above because pseuds can't help but chime in with smug comments whenever I talk about writing to market with other people who might want to find a similar career. I have fulfilling side-projects that my genre novels afford me to pursue.

But, whatever. I said all of that already, you people just can't read. And I've seen what gets posted here. The smug condescension of day-1 writers is, if anything, affirming. Becoming a pseud poster who lurks 4chan and posts horrendous excerpts is genuinely the person I want to be least.

No wonder F Gardner is the most accomplished writer this board has produced. I'll leave you all alone to your embarrassing circle-jerk.

>> No.22593450

I actually have a lot of fun writing schlock, and somehow my prose improves when doing so.

Why does this happen?

>> No.22593456

So you aren't big on the whole "self-awareness" thing huh

>> No.22593457

I'd love to learn. What am I not self aware about?

>> No.22593462

I'm glad you asked.
You rail endlessly about imaginary smug pesuds who take pride in writing self-important trash. But you are a smug pesud who takes pride in self-important trash. Only your measure of importance is earning bread and butter.

>> No.22593467

Dude, I literally couldn't give a shit how someone makes a living. What they choose to write. Literally whatever. The reason I'm pissed and ranting is because smug posters are interjecting themselves every time I give advice to people asking how to gain readers and make money with writing. Are you seriously this illiterate?

>> No.22593469

and if you mean me shitting on the writing quality in this thread, and the advice I see in it, then yes, I suppose I'm smug about that, because it's objectively fucking awful. that's not being arrogant though. this thread is a shitshow

>> No.22593473

Your advice is boilerplate and pruely an excuse to rant, chasing windmills, and assert your dubious life choices as the correct ones.

>> No.22593475

I don't recall broken keyboard anon ever asking your advice.

>> No.22593478

This is indeed being arrogant Mr. Pesud

>> No.22593479

Christ you're clueless. I can't do it. I can't have a conversation with you illiterate mongoloids, unable to understand anything I write.You think I'm asserting a 'correct way to live'? holy fuck

enjoy rolling around in your filth

>> No.22593482

>write something dumb
>"that's dumb"
>"ugh you just don't get it"
Wait a second, who's trolling who here

>> No.22593483

What's the best/easiest books in the Christian bible to write exegesis/commentaries on?

>> No.22593490

John or Peter or something

>> No.22593497

Wow you're so cool anon. Tell me more

>> No.22593519

How are you dumb fucking retards still arguing about this dumb fucking shit when every other post is "I'm not going to argue anymore"
Shut the fuck up, holy shit, nobody cares about your stupid shitflinging spergout

>> No.22593542

>"I'm not going to argue anymore"
Sometimes anons who end their posts with that are trying to appear "above it all" more than they actually have the sense of self control to stop arguing.

>> No.22593689

>I open my arms and gaze upon my bloodstained arms.
>I look a little further and see him collapsed, bleeding profusely from his arms.
Say "arms" again, kek

>> No.22593695

>I want you to guess what our protagonist did.
He made his enemy strike his claws and maim themselves. Written awkwardly though.

>> No.22593713

Try all the time, if you're going to do something you should just do it rather than claim you're going to do it.

>> No.22593718

Could you add back the discord server for the /wg/ description? It won’t be around when November ends and will be a fun time for those who join.

>> No.22593723

The server is for NaNo exclusively.


>> No.22593801
File: 30 KB, 300x462, Catelyn_Stark[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was reading ASOIAF and recalled how Catelyn kept wanting to make babies with Ned because she wanted a son that looked like him, especially because Ned has a bastard that looks like a Stark.

I'm wondering what other sort of actions a wife with that sort of insecurity would do to try and be a good wife. I have a story where a ruling queen marries a foreign king with a daughter that looks almost exactly like him, and she's quite insecure especially because the new king and queen look very different, and their eldest son resembles the mother.

I thought of an idea where she eventually DOES birth a son who resembles his father, and she is always carrying him around, unintentionally favours him, and always wants to be seen next to the living proof that she outdid the king's first wife.

>> No.22593816

good morning /wg/, i will now read all the bickering that i missed-- and dont think that my tone implies that im above it. i will try to rekindle the fire if an opportunity arises

>> No.22593862

i did the same awhile back. came buckets

>> No.22593918 [DELETED] 
File: 190 KB, 794x1723, more words.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted here >>>22586872, took in critique and added more words. Pls rate/hate, thank you. It's for a writing contest whose rules are:

it's for a writing contest. Any good?

>all short stories must start with the line "It was the farthest north they had ever been."

>> No.22593976

About the NaNo server? It’s not bickering. I’m excited about NaNo and wanted to be certain it’s available to those who wanted to participate. About 70 people in it now and I think that’s most regulars here.

>> No.22593988
File: 576 KB, 794x1723, 169694925048298110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted here >>>22586872 , took in critique and added more words. Pls rate/hate, thank you.

It's for a writing contest whose rules are:
>all short stories must start with the line "It was the farthest north they had ever been."

>> No.22593990

Do you know where pearls come from?

>> No.22593995

it looked like they were arguing about monetization and artistic integrity. but i ended up ignoring it anyway
everyone in the nano server is a sweetheart. every last one

>> No.22594003

Yeah the guy running it is awesome. He’s fucking killing me with his constant Willy Wonka LARP.

>> No.22594014

Critique and suggestions please? Lemme knoe if it's trash


>> No.22594015
File: 119 KB, 745x625, D1B50D3A-E767-4788-BA30-1B63E266AFB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22594024

His mother likes pearls and kid's retarded, what can I say. Pretend it says diamonds then

>> No.22594070

I liked the words lol, its very well written and makes good use of imagery. The dialogue however made me lose interest mostly because it contrasts with how well done the other parts are.
To me it seems like an interesting point in time.

>> No.22594105

Thanks! The dialogue felt a bit off to me as well. I'll try tweaking it by adding something more symbolic and interesting to read, not as "plain" as it is right now.

>> No.22594116

You're trying to give legal advice, too. What an amazing lack of self-awareness. All that matters now is if anons are dumb enough to listen to you...in which case, they get what they deserve.

>> No.22594119

no one fears you
you are irrelevant
enjoy settling for "critically acclaimed" when your crap doesn't sell...assuming critics give two shits about your work

>> No.22594211

How long might you fuck around with an idea before committing?

>> No.22594218

zero days
if an idea interests me I start writing and only stop at the dreaded 5k-10k were I usually get stuck and have to decide to commit

>> No.22594305
File: 39 KB, 1413x670, guy looking at roads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you describe this scene in your book? It's a guy standing on a hill overlooking some roads but I don't know how you would describe the roads and the way they split off and shit, keep in mind how some split off before others and shit like that.

>> No.22594311
File: 102 KB, 680x672, 1657162946374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone need a cheap editor? My business meeting fell through, so I'm free this week.


>> No.22594388

Like tectonic plates grinding against each other?

>> No.22594389

im a new writer, and after writing the first few paragraphs of my first story, i realize i am shit.
do you ever feel like when you are trying to be vivid or stylish, you are sacrificing clarity? and ittnot that clear how much is enough?
im also constantly fucking up tense, which i find funny as an avid reader

>> No.22594395

>im a new writer
what does that mean, new writers could be writing for 1 day or 5 years

>> No.22594399

im new new. i read a lot but have never done creative writing
does someone writing for 5 years fuck up tense several times on the first page?

>> No.22594402

>im new new
give me a timeframe, and yea. Unless you want to anally write a paragraph an hour its best to ignore small things like that and fix it during editing

>> No.22594410

Ok so if im looking at it right, there's 4 roads? 1 main road and then 3 offshoots. The first one turns left the second one right and so on. They alternate between going left and right with the main road going right. Am I seeing this right?

>> No.22594414

>Am I seeing this right?
I guess so, I never intended for them to alternate though, it's just an image that popped into my head one day.

>> No.22594415

Hi anons, I have a comic book idea. I am able to lore dump and write backstories, but am completely stuck when it comes to implementing those ideas in the form of a short story. I can't create micro dialogue between characters or even progress the story in a meaningful way. I think what I've tried so far would work if I had any form of writing experience to make it sound elegant, but I do not. I am using AI to create the panels and plan to combine the individual panels into (at least) a webcomic. I have attempted to use AI to turn my pleb writings into something better, but I haven't had much luck. I'd like to get some experience putting together a webcomic before I tackle my own project, do you guys know of anyone or any place where I can find writers with ideas but no artwork looking to team up with someone like me who can provide said artwork?

>> No.22594417

>i realize i am shit
Everyone starts as shit. Study writing craft, write 2k words a week and edit them intensively to learn
>do you ever feel like when you are trying to be vivid or stylish, you are sacrificing clarity?
It's a constant balance to keep in mind
>im also constantly fucking up tense, which i find funny as an avid reader
Again It's a practice thing. All these small things you juggle like tense and dialogue formatting and whatever become 2nd nature background noise after you have 50k edited words or so under your belt

>new writer. what does that mean, new writers could be writing for 1 day or 5 years
Obviously he means he just started the last week or so, you hairsplitting absolute drooling fucking retard. Great contribution to the conversation

>ignore small things
Too dumb to be real

>> No.22594418

Today new. I just found it interesting how much we (readers) might take the foundational stuff for granted
Ill take your advice and just gun it and worry about fixing things later

>> No.22594423
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, potter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make every chapter at least 3k words
>one is only 2.6k
>it has everything I wanted to say with it

How the fuck do I bullshit 400 words more into this? Without it reading like obvious filler.

>> No.22594424

Is there more to do this? This is genuinely good.

>> No.22594430

>How the fuck do I bullshit 400 words more into this? Without it reading like obvious filler.
You don't, you already stated that it has everything you want to say in it, why would you ruin it with useless bullshit? Why do you care if it's 400 words off? That's not a big deal.

>> No.22594434

Ok How significant is this for the scene? What's the story?

>> No.22594437

>noooooo it has to be perfect, everything has to be exactly how it should be in the end product when you start it
great way to handicap yourself with something thats easily fixable
yea don't worry about it, write what you want and fix it later. It's better to get your ideas out there first then to worry about it being well or badly written

>> No.22594440

It's just a scene, just do your best to describe it. It's just an image that popped into my head the other day and like I said, I have no idea how to describe it. A lot of things have been popping into my head lately that I have no idea how to describe, they range from actions to scenery to physical attributes.

>> No.22594445

>Why do you care if it's 400 words off? That's not a big deal.

BECAUSE it really bothers me to have a nice, clean list of 3k+ word counts and then there's one miscarried bastard mixed in! Anyone seeing it will point at that 2.6k and say "lol the lazy bastard didn't have the skill" and that'll be my legacy to the literary world

>> No.22594446

>Anyone seeing it will point at that 2.6k and say "lol the lazy bastard didn't have the skill"
No one will do that, no one will care.

>> No.22594451
File: 2.12 MB, 4032x1960, 20190609_193011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write my screenplay passionately for 2 weeks
>all motivation dies suddenly
Help me finish this thing

>> No.22594455

thats the hardest part brother, finding the motivation to continue it after a certain point and you don't have any ideas and it seems like shit

>> No.22594458

You burnt yourself out, just take some time to recuperate and get back into it when you feel ready, nothing good will come out of forcing yourself to do something.

>> No.22594459

>it seems like shit
Yeah that's what holding me. I'm about to start throwing up whatever I can think on the page, but I really don't want to

>> No.22594460

No one will care anon, but if it bothers you so much add an extra scene. Perhaps there's some foreshadowing you've neglected to insert or something which would lend toward your theme(s) more.

>> No.22594464

I kinda agree with that, but the ability to continue doing something after that point is what distinguishes a writer that finishes books from one that doesn't.
I think I read a qoute that went something like "my grandfather never got farmers block, so why would I get writers block?"

>> No.22594477

>but the ability to continue doing something after that point is what distinguishes a writer that finishes books from one that doesn't.
No, it distinguishes someone who pushes themselves too hard and in turn creates lesser content from someone that recognises when they've gone too far and allows themselves time to rest in order to put out the best content possible.
>"my grandfather never got farmers block, so why would I get writers block?"
Did you see this on an alpha male-esque Instagram page? This is really dumb.

>> No.22594480

perfectionist alert, @ me when your 4 year long writing project comes out

>> No.22594482

It doesn't matter how long it takes to come out, it will always be better than anything you put out because I know when to stop and how to think.

>> No.22594483

Also, oh no, I want things to be as good as they can be.

>> No.22594489

Throw whatever you want on the page, even if it's just writing one word over and over. At least you're writing, and you can come back to edit it later

>> No.22594504

Nobody said perfect. Not being able to write 2 consecutive paragraphs in consistent tenses is like being unable to walk 10 feet without tripping and then rushing to run a marathon.

How about you take 10 fucking minutes to read an article about grammar (think of it like physical therapy to walk in a straight line) and then learn AS you write so that you don't have to rewrite half of your sentences later?

>> No.22594505
File: 27 KB, 897x380, msedge_NUrEa1qC0j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22594509

Writing a novel and working fulltime is nigh on impossible. I've made a lot of progress but part of me is tempted to quit my job and live on benefits/in poverty until I finish the thing

>> No.22594512

you are asking people to walk before they even grow legs, at day 1 writing is more important than whatever dumbass line in the sand you want to draw

>> No.22594514

my employment insurance has just run out. im about to look into 'benefits'. I WONT GO BACK. how about we snap eachtothers spines so we get claim disability?

>> No.22594516

You'll finish it, make no money and still be living on benefits/in poverty. How is that an improvement?

>> No.22594517

don't brother, it takes at least 3 months of consistent effort to see even an ounce of money
if you are not already making a decent living off it I wouldn't

>> No.22594532

You telling people to not bother with the MOST BASIC elements of writing craft is sabotage. People need to juggle both - write often and also reserve some amount of time each week to learn by self editing and read/listen to free craft advice to form their own well informed opinions on various craft topics. "Just dew it" will result in people chugging out 10k of grammatically incoherent nonsense that will be an avasolute punishment to read or edit. They'll give up, thinking they're the failure rather than just poorly trained/not educated on the basics.

>> No.22594534

Sounds like a plan

The first part of your sentence - and it'll be better than it would be otherwise

Yeah I get that - it's more about making something as good as it can be, dedicating all my time. If I die in poverty but have managed that, sounds better than half-committed to something while I spend life working a job I hate

>> No.22594544

Sounds more like bad time management. Wake up earlier, write for a few hours, go to work.

>> No.22594548

if its so basic you can learn it while editing your work, nobody ever said anything about not learning.
I don't think anyone should bother with anything other than writing when they start. And your demand that some guy who started yesterday start studying to learn how to write instead of write will cripple 99% of writers who write because they love the act of writing.
I don't think you are helping anyone like you think you are. And beyond that you sound like an ass, which leads me to think you are just another crab in the bucket of failed writers who don't actually write.

>> No.22594556

nobody who has ever ranted about grammer or poor writing on lit has ever come across as happy and doing well

>> No.22594560

but why?
>their own
is it a strong woman

>> No.22594623

>some guy who started yesterday start studying to learn how to write instead of write
I'm not talking about some involved course of study - I'm informing him there is a world of writing craft to explore (learning this helped me immensely early on) and letting him know he needs to get the basics down early so that he can write well.

Proper tenses is non-negotiable - I'm not asking him to even master semicolons or anything. If you share writing with alternating tenses and fucked up dialogue formatting you will be 1) laughed at and 2) dropped instantly by any reader with a 7th grade education. Sorry if that's not how it works in your anime light novels, but that's how actual readers work even if they lack the vocabulary to explain why your writing feels amateurish.

>you don't seem le supportive and heckin nice! Crab!
Shut up faggot, we need to encourage our own betterment. I'm very happy with where I am writing-wise and have done a lot to support anons

>> No.22594627

to be fair -no one- on lit is 'doing well', besides Frank. This isn't a place where successful people hang out

>> No.22594650

Ah yes, the meme that is 7 book sales is a success and I forgot to take my lithium Frank.

>> No.22594660

cope all you want, everyone knows Frank is lit's only real artist

>> No.22594673

That says a lot about how shit and unsuccessful lit is.

>> No.22594674

My dear fellows please add the National Novel Writing Month server again to the next general. November will be here soon and we have so much time and so little to do! Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it. Please add the link to the server again so we can practice for November and make friends. Behold. The link which is your own digital Golden Ticket to eternal and pure imagination!


>> No.22594703

I write with most all my free time - still that's about 3 hours a day when all is said and done. I have to travel, get ready, eat, walk the dog, try and read as well. If I woke up earlier I'd be getting next to no sleep. So nah.

>> No.22594743

3 hours a day is plenty. You should easily be able to finish and edit a 100k novel a year in that much time.

>> No.22594787

I will outline my novel before November 1st and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

>> No.22594894

>Myri isht rai le Vai Ko!

Do people like made up languages? And why are the words always one syllable?

>> No.22594915

I'm fine with harem, Isekai, Progression, Cultivation but I really don't want to write LitRPG, but if that's where the money is...

>> No.22594951

Every genre has money. Just because 0.0001% of the population is making money off Isekai litrpg, doesn't mean you will. There's a real fishbowl effect with the genre.

Write a western with cowboys fighting werewolves and if it's good, you market well you'll find readers.

>> No.22594952
File: 1.06 MB, 498x376, 1673589120311037.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Create RR account
>Read only /lit/ books
>Rate all 5 and favourite
>Leave comments
We help our bros where I'm from.

>> No.22594962

what's the difference? what the litrpg uses stats? can't you just stuff that in after?

>> No.22594969

Which ones?

>> No.22594975

The Gatekeeper NPCs, they choose whether or not we exist.

>> No.22594980

me2, with 2 different accounts.
wasnt favoriting though, that matters? ill do that another time

link your series and ill get you

>> No.22595044
File: 2.80 MB, 498x249, tom-cruise-top-gun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't understand. I don't have a real RR account. I just made one to support /lit/ anons.

>> No.22595064

same.. my only follows are anons

>> No.22595083

Maybe instead of circlejerking you should write better fiction

>> No.22595095

make me

>> No.22595098


>> No.22595142

The money is in all of those genres just as much as LitRPG. They're all trendy. The money ISN'T in stuff like trad fantasy, sword and sorcery, that kind of stuff, these days.

>> No.22595158

All good LitRPG stories don't actually need their system and read like trad fantasy is what bugs me. Do I really gotta include the literary version of Skibidi Toilet to get attention?

>> No.22595170

My personal belief is that it's not the system stuff and stats that people like so much, it's just that the tag [LitRPG] signals to readers that progression, getting stronger, and a concrete focus on certain litrpg tropes (dungeons, loot, adventures, etc) will be present. So people click, because they want to read that kind of story. It's not REALLY the 'litrpg' that most of those readers care about.

>> No.22595242
File: 22 KB, 574x122, discarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The contents are completely irrelevant. As long as it's litrpg and has enough chapters, anything goes.

>> No.22595255

Untrue. If a story is tagged litrpg and there are no stats, people get fucking pissed.

>> No.22595587
File: 152 KB, 1080x1334, excerpt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked ChatGPT to revise some of the writing (pic related is what I originally wrote, not ChatGPT). Some of the revisions beautifully improved clarity while others seemed to make the writing worse. What do you guys think?

>> No.22595711

What's the difference between narrative and story?

>> No.22595731

nothing except maybe pedantically "narrative" doesn't imply direction and destination the same way "story" does—we expect a story to go somewhere, while you can narrate anything—but it's such an inconsequential difference that it's not worth thinking about

>> No.22595740
File: 284 KB, 720x732, chrome_eQSi1SlMVL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is probably not ok
how does your essay start?

>> No.22595751

The story is more or less the plot, the narrative is how it's told. If someone tells you a story you're getting a series of events, if you're hearing a narrative, it's warped around the narrator's interpretation of events as well as what they're willing to tell you.

>> No.22595812

theres a few /lit/ adjacent publications but they don't get a ton of submissions, i think there's something intimidating about submitting to something printed. a lot of us obviously want to share work but perhaps not in something that needs formatting. i was thinking of making a Wordpress blog where people could submit pieces of writing they'd like to share, a bit of an archive that lasts longer than just a thread where people can go see what /lit/ is up to. people would be able to attribute their work to anon or a name of their choice. id format the blog to look like a blue board and just host it on Wordpress, super simple blog format.

i like reading what everyone writes here but i hate pastebin and most people don't have personal websites. i also often miss threads and it would be cool to leave comments on a piece after the thread has expired. the bar for quality would be lower because its not a pub for sale, its just a collection of stuff /lit/is up to without the pressure of a more legitimate publication.


>> No.22595891

couldn't hurt. and i'd be interested
if you're doing the bare minimum, something like wix might give you better returns. unless you're familiar with using wordpress and themes and that sort of thing

>> No.22595906

im not a web designer but i know some CSS and i think i could reasonably make the Wordpress blog look like a blue board, as each post was a 4chan post but had actually readable formatting for longer works. im a bit of a tard and like to put effort into things. i was thinking about replying to people who post wips and asking permission to post them. kinda like even a catalogue of what /lit/ is up to, finished or not. i think i could also enable it so people can leave anon comments.

>> No.22595964

Just an introduction paragraph detailing that I'm going to agree with Putnam about how logical behaviorism should be "buried". Not entirely worth including.
>this is probably not ok
Do you mean the body of text should be separated into smaller paragraphs?

>> No.22595973

>You're trying to give legal advice, too
No clue what post of mine you're referring to. You sound schizo.

>> No.22595998

Start of a short story based on a prompt from a writing group. i tend to write horror stye stuff so with this one i wanted to write something that didn't use my typical horror themes.

"I need some strong boys to help me," Miss Robinson said, scanning the small group. "I need to put the chairs back after we're all done today. So if you'd like to stay for a moment, I'm sure your parents won't mind the extra wait in the parking lot."

We were at youth group. It was the first and last time I would kiss Thomas, but I didn't know it yet. We tried a single smooch in the back of his mother's van on the way home. His mouth made a loud SMACK, and his older brothers in the middle row turned back toward us; they laughed and jeered. It was too dark to tell we were holding hands; it was too dark for them to see our faces, but they had heard something and knew.

When Miss Robinson was done with her sermon, we played hide and seek, running about the church. The building was beige, dumpy, ugly. It was squat, and the parking lot seemed ten times the size of the structure, but I didn't care about architecture; I only cared about who was in attendance, so it was the most beautiful church I'd ever seen. Thomas was my new boyfriend. We'd been together for about two weeks by that point. His mom had picked me up at 5:32 PM. I had been waiting outside, ready to run for the car. My mom met me at the door when I got home that night. She asked who picked me up, I told her it was Jenny. I thought I was good at lying. It's her mom's old car, I added, even though I hadn't been asked. My mom looked out the door, but the car was gone. I had been picked up in a strange car, but it was at the right time for youth group; I had been dropped off in the same strange car, but at the right time to come home, so she couldn't fuss. It was safe for her to assume I had been at youth group, and all of her conditions had been met so she couldn't complain.

I would eventually use Wednesday night youth group hours to venture out into the city. I was free to do what I wanted and be with whom I wanted, as long as I was home at the right time. Good thing there weren't that many hymns; it was easy to name a few when asked what we'd sung that night. Good thing there weren't really that many lessons taught by Jesus; it was easy to cycle through them when asked what we'd discussed in the sermon. Eventually, I would stop trying, but at the time of the kiss, I was still partially wound between the thorned branches of Jesus' crown, not yet trying to cut myself free with my teeth.

link to the rest: https://pastes.io/h37emehr5f

>> No.22596004

yes, it needs formatting. and i only quickly skimmed, but it was using some interesting style/language (and unsupported claims). probably not ideal if this is for class.

>> No.22596058

I wish there were a YouTube channel or something, just an attractive girl encouraging you to write. Is there? I could use something like that.

>> No.22596097

before i started reading, the 5:32PM jumped out at me. are you being autistic or is this relevant?

anyway, first chunk seems pretty good. looks like you write, so i'm going to jump right into arbitrary thoughts you can easily ignore:

you would need to do more to pull me into this setting. it's hard to relate, or convince myself to care about smalltown kids-- you don't have the same expectations or cheatcodes movies might be working with.

>> No.22596141

>from a writing group
Didn't read but can already tell it's shit.
Writer's groups are cancer.

>> No.22596160

maybe YOU are the cancer

>> No.22596161

i mentioned the specific time because shes waiting for the car to pull up, so she knows exactly what time it is when it does arrive.

im not sure about your other comment. im not sure how to convince you to care about something it seems you wouldnt already be interested in. if you dont care about the lives of small town kids, im not really sure how i could portray things to draw you in, it might be best to just admit you arent my target audience. do you have any suggestions?

>> No.22596165 [DELETED] 

well its a a /lit/ adjacent /wg/ writing server so you're right, it is cancer. but at least they write.

>> No.22596184

>The building was beige, dumpy, ugly. It was squat, and the parking lot seemed ten times the size of the structure, but I didn't care about architecture; I only cared about who was in attendance, so it was the most beautiful church I'd ever seen.
Seems like you slip into a third-person narrator voice here, the way she contradicts herself at the end. Seems like you could find a way for her to describe the church in such a way that it communicates that the place is a dump in the positive language of the protagonist.
Overall it's mid. It doesn't have much of a narrative, which isn't inherently bad, but the exploration of the location wasn't interesting enough to engage me.

>> No.22596187

Baby I'm the chemo

>> No.22596195

are you saying this after having read just the post or the full story? for context

>> No.22596196

*Seems like you slip into a third-person narrator voice here, the way she shits on the church and contradicts herself at the end.

>> No.22596201

I read it but I was skimming by the latter half

>> No.22596204

>re: 5:32
sure. but, the car finally pulls up, a flood of thoughts rushes into her head, none of which are what time it is. unless she was already watching the time closely, but that may have implications as well.

anyway... i would read about ANYTHING, so long as they hook me. either way i'm in the horror section looking for a book, not the smalltown kids section-- and reading about miss robinson fucking SUCKS.
what is the effect of the first scene? 80s horror parody? an adaptation of and adaptation.

read IT, or something.

>> No.22596213
File: 13 KB, 474x266, smichael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My readers like my snuff film works the best and don't like the comfy noire stuff I do, guess I got to give the people what they want

>> No.22596214

thanks for takng the time!

im not sure what you're talking about. this story isn't horror. i specifically said this story was written on purpose to NOT be horror lol i think you misunderstood, this isn't a horror piece.

>> No.22596221

LOL, ah. i saw horror but didn't want to be influenced by your preface and was ironically overinfluenced by it.
however my point on reading about miss robinson stands

>> No.22596241

>didnt even read all the text presented
>gives feedback assuming a totally wrong intention and audience

this is why its important to post here, learning to deal with these types of behaviours is a necessary skill when putting any kind of work out into the world.

>> No.22596250

I'm not surprised you have the memory of a goldfish.

>> No.22596252

So you pretend to be the cure, but mostly just make us more sick? Sounds about right.

>> No.22596258

I've finally found a balance between writing and life. I'm a teacher, so I have two months free every year. one in July and one and a half in December/January. I spend the year planning a outlining and then I rush it during vacation. Meanwhile I write some short stories and stuff too. Even if I don't get to live of my writing that's ok, I'm happy with the way it is.

>> No.22596270

i don't want to read someones excuses before reading their work.
i also dont want to see pictures posted alongside poems, or things like that.
you also have very little time to grab someones attention.
im almost intentionally stacking against them-- why would i be super considerate (though i am in my own way), when no one else would be?

very naive

>> No.22596278

No wonder they don't like it. Noir genre stuff usually confronts the uncomfy side of life

>> No.22596282

nice excuse.

>> No.22596288

based schizo

>> No.22596292

your writing is probably less interesting than my excuse

>> No.22596313

having a group of writers together isnt inherently bad. but most of them suck, they have to be carefully curated for an intended purpose. the biggest issue is social clubs that pretend to be about writing, they only offer a place for people to bitch about how hard writing is but don't require any actual effort.

i tried joining discord writing servers for ages, but finally quit. the last one i joined had a rule that you cant discuss any living political figures. instead of just outright saying 'dont argue about trump' they had to make some bullshit rule as if that's not what they were talking about.

artistic communities in general are ass, even here. but at least this is anon so you can call someone a retard when they act like one.

>> No.22596318

I assumed she saw the time once she got into the car. Seems like something a kid would take note of as if it's important.
This might be part of my problem with it. I feel like this piece never evolves out of depicting a child. She experiences a crisis of faith, sure, but there's no resolution ending in character growth. She starts off the story smooching her boyfriend and that's still what she's doing at the end.
As a result the whole piece just comes off like an annoying kid won't shut up.

>> No.22596325

yeah, considering you went into a non genre piece expecting horror, im not surprised you think its boring. no matter how many times you reread it, you wont be able to shake that initial impression that you were looking to be grabbed by a horror piece. thanks for taking the time to read it anyway, looking back at my intro the way i say 'not use my typical horror themes' doesn't explicitly say its NOT horror either. ill be more careful in the future with how i introduce something.

>> No.22596329

The biggest issue is actually all of the bad advice that gets passed around and cemented in members' minds due to groupthink.

>> No.22596341

>but at least this is anon so you can call someone a retard when they act like one.
It also means that advice given by complete failures or beginners has the same weight as advice given by experienced writers, so I don't know if this is really a plus.

>> No.22596355
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Thoughts welcome

>> No.22596358

learning to avoid bad advice is a skill, its impossible to just avoid seeing any bad advice forever. a good group of writers can really be a benefit but it has to be hunted for or even made personally. every group about anything is going to have some sort of culture and learning to be an individual is a skill worth developing instead of just avoiding groups altogether for the rest of your life.

same with

learning to identify what is and isn't good advice is a skill that needs practising. experienced writers give shit advice all the time, so we need that skill even when looking at their advice. its important to read something like 'this doesn't appeal to me' and consider if the person saying it really is ones target audience or not, for example. i wrote a middle grade book and im not about to post snippets of it here because i know its not what people like to read, so it would only ever get a bad response even if its good in the eyes of the intended audience.

>> No.22596368

interesting. Creepy.
Could you tell us a little context?

>> No.22596371

I think the name of the game is variety and open-mindedness. In other words, be in multiple groups.

>> No.22596375

It's sci-fi, kid's being raised by holograms

>> No.22596378


>> No.22596382

I strongly dislike dialog written in dialect—most people do and it's common wisdom to avoid it as much as possible. Just say in narration that he had a strong bavarian accent and that his Th's slipped into Z's, but write it properly.

>> No.22596383

yeah for sure. I think one good approach is joining writing groups not for the entire community, but to pick out the individual members you like and talk to them privately to trade work.

The Nanowrimo server might be a good first attempt for some /lit/ people to interact with other writers and make a couple friends.

>> No.22596387

that wasn't directed at you, or maybe it was. doesn't matter.

>> No.22596392

nah it was me you were replying to i just decided to stop being a dick in my replies

>> No.22596407
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>most people do and it's common wisdom to avoid it as much as possible
This is the kind of bullshit people spread in writer's groups. "I don't like it. Also nobody will like it at all."
If I were in a group with this cretin I may have to change my great prose or risk excommunication.

>> No.22596411

If you were caught in a torrent of bad advice that ended your writing career before it began, I would believe you were appropriately filtered.

>> No.22596424

>pick out the individual members you like and talk to them privately to trade work
This is the name of the game for feedback. Don't form groups, work with people as individuals.

>> No.22596437

>this *example* is why you should avoid writing groups
>is talking about something directly posted in a place that isn't a writers group

the call is coming from inside the house bro. bad advice is everywhere, not just in writing groups. you have to learn to pick out bad feedback on literally on any platform and weight out the benefits.

>> No.22596448

>this *example* is why you should avoid writing groups
Nice misquote cretin

>> No.22596459

explain why my summary of what you said isn't accurate then. You pointed at a retard comment on 4chan and then turned around and tried to say stuff like whats said is why you should avoid writing groups, without also saying you should also avoid this place where the original offense actually came from.

>> No.22596466

What you wrote is the *kind* of bullshit spread in writer's groups.
Lecherous cretin.

>> No.22596468

its also the kind of bullshit spread right here, but here you are, and not warning people against it. So what's the difference between here and a writing group then

>> No.22596481

"don't write in dialect" is simply an extremely common piece of advice based on thousands of years of better writers than you trying and failing to do it. It's not some cargo cult of bad practice. It behooves you to seek out and understand the wider consensus on writing practices, and it behooves you to experiment, test the limits, break common wisdom and critically examine the results—this is the process of achieving mastery in craft.

>Lecherous cretin.
oh you're just retarded...

>> No.22596490

>not warning people against it
You just did it yourself so there's no need.

>> No.22596491

>"don't write in dialect" is simply an extremely common piece of advice based on thousands of years of better writers than you trying and failing to do it.
[citiation needed]
Lecherous, insipid cretin

>> No.22596512
File: 179 KB, 800x981, c02-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't write in dialect
written like a true non-reader

>> No.22596516

The dialect is a little hard to understand here. I suggest googling 'good examples of fiction written with dialects' and looking at a lot of examples. You don't have to write out that every word is pronounced a certain way; sparingly is best. And its best to not do it at all if it isn't done really, really well or else its just a distraction.

>> No.22596522

google it, loser
and stop using words that you don't understand the meaning of, it's embarrassing

>> No.22596527


The dialect is awful.

You cannot use "ze" anymore because that is now a legitimate pronoun. You will just confuse the hell out of all the trannies.

>> No.22596532

cretanon is a little funny

>> No.22596536

Write in dialect specifically to piss off this guy >>22596527

>> No.22596541

Thanks anon

Hopefully, transfolk can read context clues.

>> No.22596547
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>thousands of years
Insipid, lukewarm, lecherous cretin

>> No.22596569

Write in dialect because it's great when it's well-written and trying it will challenge you to write better.

>> No.22596576

"The problem with smart people is, sometimes they sound like crazy people to stupid people." -Stephen Hawking

>> No.22596646

I just think resentment is a great motivator.
Imagine if ze dialect anon became the best living dialect writer purely out of spite for a random 4chan naysayer

>> No.22596652
File: 167 KB, 640x720, james-bond-ebonics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's how Ian Fleming wrote dialect in the 2nd James Bond book, "Live Or Let Die".

>> No.22596665

there's no way this is real

>> No.22596670 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1294b
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>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
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>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
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>> No.22596718
File: 194 KB, 640x720, james-bond-negro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally real. And so is this.

>> No.22596732

Crazy. Also crazy because I'm reading Typee right now and Herman Melville was so not racist considering the time and place and things he lived through and wrote about. He should get more credit for not being racist.

>> No.22596756

>He should get more credit
Go cry about it with the other sensitivity readers. No one here gives two craps about it.

>> No.22596826
File: 58 KB, 600x331, Disappointment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm just going to say it.
Just because something is popular, doesn't mean you should do it too. It reads like shit.

>> No.22596838

it reads poorly, but the achieved effect outweighs the difficulty of reading it. A talented author can do that.

>> No.22596839

>A talented author can do that.
I can only hope I can do that too.
Or cope, and rope.

>> No.22596875

You're only saying that because you can't read it. If you were a better reader you'd see how amazing it is.

>> No.22596937

Do you guys not actually read books? Half of the black characters from any pre-1950s book spoke like this

>> No.22596942

>Do you guys not actually read books?

>> No.22596947
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they speak normally in the books I read

>> No.22597007

It’s the best /lit/ sever I’ve seen.

>> No.22597330

>"Sorry, you need MacOS 13 or higher to run this publishing sofware :^)"
End me. I refuse to get rid of my 11 year old MBP.

>> No.22597518
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>Want to take part in nanowrimo and get involved
>Stuck in the trenches of editing my finished book

>> No.22597541

There were 3 Discord links posted here for NaNoWriMo. I picked the most recent one.

>> No.22597582

Does a Mac that old even get security updates anymore?

>> No.22597677
File: 175 KB, 480x480, 1624513743918.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I'm going to the shop, does anyone want anything? Answer in prose only

>> No.22597953

>Do you guys not actually read books?
Not every book was written by a somewhat racist American circa 50s retard.