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22632887 No.22632887 [Reply] [Original]

Selective Breeding and the Birth of Philosophy’s ostensible project is to prove a connection between philosophy and tyranny. However, the exploration of this connection requires nothing less than the retelling of the origins of the West, from the very genesis of the Greeks as the product of conquest by (Aryan) pastoral steppe peoples, through the Homeric age, and finally to the birth of Platonic philosophy in the context of that culture’s aristocratic decline. The connection between Philosophy and Tyranny, though interesting, serves as the scaffolding for this more ambitious project, the elucidation of a truth BEHIND philosophy, the very basis of the philosophical project.
That truth revolves around the IDEA OF NATURE, which here means, at base, the knowledge of heredity and its implications for the quality of the people born in a society. Thus, “selective breeding” is the main concern of this book, along with the elucidation that it is the main concern of Plato and Nietzsche as well. It’s a seductive, erotic thesis, which promises to make explicit that which is implicit even in Nietzsche, seeking to reframe the axis of western value away from Christian clericalism and toward a cultivated vitality.
We could forgive a reader for having basic skepticism around the claims made here about Plato’s esoteric project, as this is the part that requires the most leaps and context. The idea that Plato’s corpus is effectively a cover for a truth that only the most discerning philosophers could see is of course self-serving for those philosophers, whether it’s true or not. This truth also speaking to the founding myth of a conquering warrior race and their strict breeding program is also seductive and fanciful, whether true or not. So Alamariu does have work to do to counter this skepticism. How well does he make his case?

>> No.22632892

The main argument here, that the foundational, CORE truth of PHILOSOPHY is the understanding of the importance of eugenics (as such), feels a bit thin. What the evidence seems to point to, as quoted by a more temperate Kojeve, is an “aristocratic prejudice.” I do believe that Plato and others in his class at the time would have been biased in favor of those of “good breeding,” but to position this “prejudice” as the key to the entire Platonic project, based on what’s NOT said in a single Socratic dialogue (the Gorgias), asks a lot of the reader. The link between philosophy and tyranny is employed here to shore up this reading, but what’s really needed here is a deeper exploration of Platonism, which would be appropriate for a book but perhaps tangential for this thesis. For example, it would be nice for the implications around Plato’s actual proposed eugenics program to be explored. An elaboration on Christianity’s appropriation of Platonism would have been appreciated as well, though more to understand Nietzsche’s point of view than Plato’s esoteric project.

What’s more, the “deep truth” of Selective Breeding as Philosophy’s core insight actually feels a bit underwhelming. Most people today arguably learn about heredity in terms of dog breeding first, then more elaborately in 6th grade science class. These are interesting subjects, but they don’t necessarily evoke the more traditional cerebral pleasures of philosophy. It would have been helpful for Alamariu to trace more explicitly the evolution of thought from Platonic philosophy all the way back to the contemplation of the idea of nature. We’re instead left with a less satisfying supposition, which I will reductively paraphrase: you can’t even do philosophy if you weren’t born with a high enough IQ.

>> No.22632904

There is a tentpole element of this thesis that appears more explicitly in Alamariu’s more famous work, Bronze Age Mindset, which is the metaphysical exploration of the idea of nature, beyond the mere fact of heredity, into something more mysterious and uncanny. This idea has its roots in Schopenhauer and is elaborated on in Nietzsche, those elaborations being touched upon here. Nature, according to all three thinkers, is something that appears to have will. Its will appears to be to “ascend,” to manifest in the forms of creatures more beautiful and more capable. This nature is not revealed to the mystic, but observed by those who contain the most of it. This idea is the core of what is increasingly known as “Nietzschean vitalism.” In this context, the “idea of nature” at the root of Philosophy is intriguing - but in this thesis we never really see nature explored as such in Plato, only the shadows of its implications.

Thus, the idea of philosophy as the perennial doctrine of ever-ascending nature embodied in aristocratic breeding doesn’t hold up, at least not on the bases argued here. The case that philosophy and tyranny are connected by a specific context in history is a much easier one to make, and less controversial.

>> No.22632971

Boring af and actually meaningless drivel

>> No.22632993

The bronze age faggot is not literature
Do not post bronze age faggot
Do not post kostin whogivesafuck
Do not reply to BAP/kostin threads
This is a board dedicated to LITERATURE
Not some alt right faggots blog posts
If you think BAP is intelligent literature,

>> No.22633930

Did you write this?

>> No.22633941

>fake wewuzzing from some jew

>> No.22633963

It seems like a very good summary that's why I'm asking.

>> No.22634117
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it’s afraid

>> No.22634182

Yes, once I finished reading it this morning I had to write my thoughts down, and I figured I would just post them here, to be read by one or two cretins, and to then disappear forever until I am strung up and eviscerated publicly for my thought crimes against the regime

>> No.22634516

The weird bulgarian patrimonialist did it better. Still, good effortposting, anon.

>> No.22634526
File: 83 KB, 850x400, quote-a-nation-lives-forever-through-its-concepts-honor-and-culture-it-is-for-these-reasons-corneliu-zelea-codreanu-81-96-70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Codreanu instead.

>> No.22634538


This was interesting to me in the same way "Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind" was back when I was getting stoned in college. I'd love to see more genuine discussion of it and not the astroturfing and partisan whatever that surrounds BAP

>> No.22634580

I only read a few pages here & there, but the Platonism as concealed eugenics program thesis immediately seemed like bullshit to me. BAP (as Nietzsche also) is probably just hostile to metaphysics hence he prefers to uncover some kind of practical bio-politics as the essence of Platonic philosophy.

I don't really understand why he does this. The Greeks definitely gave more thought to human breeding than later Europeans, so it would be more interesting to discuss this as merely one (very noteworthy) aspect of their culture. BAP's approach is too grandiose.

I'll say though that I've never read Strauss (and I don't really have the desire to) so I'm not really familiar with esoteric readings of Plato.

>> No.22634584
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>> No.22634588
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Have you read the glowing words Evola said of Codreanu?

>> No.22634589

>I don't really understand why he does this.
It's a result of his Straussianism and Zionism.

>> No.22634595

Distract the goy with anything that will keep him away from ethno-nationalism and the JQ

>> No.22634618

>I'd love to see more genuine discussion of it and not the astroturfing and partisan whatever that surrounds BAP
Yeah, but there is the issue that the only reason people are even paying attention to it is because BAP/Costin's history and status as a far right influencer, which naturally leads to everything being de facto about that instead of the book thesis(which is, as you noted, fairly questionable and reliant on dubious interpretations of greek history and Plato's works).

>> No.22634619

There are a lot of parallels between /lit/'s relationship with BAP and the average BPD girl's feelings for your local heroin dealer.

>> No.22634648

I personally quite like the guy but find the thesis very unconvincing.

>> No.22634706


>> No.22634757

I did.

>> No.22634911

BAP is entertaining. That's enough for me.

>> No.22634986

the nig is gay, jewish, and a larper but can do funny voices at least