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22645804 No.22645804 [Reply] [Original]

>God created the universe
>computer guy programmed the universe
>yes very reasonable
atheism bros, have we failed?

>> No.22645810

Neil DeGrasse Tyson is living evidence that you can't educate the stupidity out of niggers

>> No.22645814

lol this is like lex fridman josha bach for the shines

>> No.22645820

you post here. are you gonna go to hell or just disappear?
9/11 was a terrorist attack

>> No.22645821

i want to be charitable and say it's all just a shtick he does for money

>> No.22645873

You know what’s fucking wild, dude. This sort of sentiment is mainstream, and not just among blacks.

>> No.22645900

Athiesm is pretty fucking gay.
I mean think about it.
Quran, God lets bad things happen because he wants you to be tough also usury is for infidels.
Bible, God lets bad things happen because he wants you to be tough.
Torah, who the fuck knows but we're gonna get rich.
What guiding Principle does Athiesm have?

>> No.22645912

Atheism practiced by intellectually honest atheists (hurr hurr oxymoron) is a negative position disavowing the ability to demonstrate or disprove any sort of First Principle.
Not that that's much of a consolation. Do drugs and fuck as many people as possible until you die! Whoopeee!

>> No.22645919

fact is atheists are ignorant schmucks that have no clue where the cosmos came from, nor any ability to explain consciousness. simulation hypothesis is just a convenient modern metaphysical-ontology that is dumbed down enough for them and avoids the God-word so they don't seethe and shit their pants over it

>> No.22645925

>you need principles written by a bunch of jews to live your life

>> No.22645934

Everyone needs a guiding principle.
Judging by the downfall of secular society, filled with people who are afraid of hard work and hardship and are willing to mutilate children because <0.0001% of people have genuine gender dysphoria, I'd rather listen to the Quran which hasn't changed in more than thousand years than some schmuck whose lack of principles has led to people being legally authorized to geld children.

>> No.22645945
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yes, minus the jewish part. the west needs to come up with a new religion

I vote for Jungianism and esoteric Greek mysticism to lead the way

>> No.22645953

A marriage of Christianity and Islam is probably the best.
A powerful God who demands you forsake a lot of retardation but also forgives you pretty easily.

>> No.22645965

still too jewish, i dont trust that the abrahamic god isn't a semitic demonic mind virus, just look at the shit show that is the middle east, all the fault of these religions and their omnicidal "god" promising each branch eternal paradise as long as they murder each other and destroy the planet first

>> No.22645968

Christianity and Islam are literally fundamentally opposed.
Christianity is already the reformation religion par excellence, imho we need the Western and Eastern churches to reunite. No more brother wars.

>> No.22645972

I think all three of the Abrahamic religions are good and should join against Secularism and Athiest fags.

>> No.22645984

What's your opinion on whether Catholicism's Saints constitute heretical belief since they create a state of people who are associated with God (polythiesm)?

>> No.22645985

With the Quran you still get child brides. The jews had it right that most people need the threat of demons sticking pitchforks in their dicks for eternity to maintain social cohesion, but a lot of Abrahamic religion is a framework of cultural minutia that dosen't really apply to societies closer to post-scarcity. The ideal would be a reworked set of ethics, but people are also largely too incredulous of any new explicit religion that isn't a good few millennia old.

>> No.22645998

Islam is not Abrahamic. It's LARP to lend legitimacy to a pedophilic warlord.
A state of people who are associated with God isn't the same as equating them to God. I'm not a raised and catechized Catholic by any means but the various Saints are largely regional culture figures anyways.
Leave the specifics of the theology to the clergy, Christianity needs major reform.

>> No.22646001

Literally sounds like me at 16 years old drunk off my ass in my dads basement. Sounds about the right pace for our zeitgeist’s token physics-nigger intellectual.

>> No.22646007

>post scarcity
There's no such thing as post-scarcity.

>> No.22646011
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>> No.22646012

I'm honestly just trying to choose the best form of Christianity to go with.

>> No.22646018

the torah is part of the bible you dumb fuck

>> No.22646024

Fuck off Jew. We're going to get involved in a World War because you guys couldn't genocide the Palestineans sooner.

>> No.22646026

NTA and have no idea what’s the most rightly or true but catholicism is the lest gay by miles

>> No.22646028

I'm in the same boat funnily enough. I think I'll fall into Eastern Orthodox and give that a try when I move somewhere the denomination is more prevalent; Protestantism seems to me an obvious grift and Catholicism is too tied to secular matters at the current moment and I'm not much one for play-acting initiation.
Self-guided study of the bible and the Church doctors will have to do for now.

>> No.22646031

Yeah, but if you took a shepard from the Paleochristian era to the cereal aisle in any Walmart, they'd still probably wig the fuck out.

>> No.22646036

Sadly, my personal research (despite my belief that the Saints are somewhat heretical) tells me that only Catholicism and Islam (which is not Christian) have a chance of surviving in the modern world since both strongly urge followers to reproduce as much as possible (with Islam even saying 'do not worry if poor, let Allah handle it').
As soon as you tell him an ounce of silver is functionally worthless in 90% of interactions, though, he'd probably kill himself out of despair.

>> No.22646070

Just let religious art tell you which was inspired by a real God, and culture too for that matter. How many youths are turned away from christ because of corny ass protestants jumping in with both feet asking them if they’ve “met” jesus. Of course they havent you fucking retard, look around. Catholics understand that a stupid smile and a handshake isnt going to win over hearts.

Im failing at being christian but I know for a fact the modern path is NOT protestantism. In fact I can guarantee you it will be desiccated in the next hundred years.

>> No.22646087

The problem with Protestants is that more than half of them welcome LGBT. And honestly, I don't really care about LGB as long as they're willing, sinful adults, it's the mutilating kids part that we need to take a strong stance against.

>> No.22646101

The problem with the Protestants is that their theology is inherently nonsensical.
>God just let every single one of his disciples get literally everything wrong for 1500 years and one random German happened to be divinely inspired to get everything right.

>> No.22646105

Kinda funny that they're even more wrong than Islam viewed through the least charitable interpretation.
At least Islam and (most) Catholics agree that mutilating Children is a crime against God.

>> No.22646106

>maybe universe was created
>but definitely not by the magic jew in the sky
Why do you have such a hard time understanding this concept?

Also >>>/his/

>> No.22646112

>Islam agrees that mutilating children is a crime before God
>Islam also agrees that impregnating and genitally mutilating young women is fine
>ergo Islam must not believe women can be children
At least the exegesis tracks

>> No.22646113

I've read the Quran and I didn't see anything about cutting off parts of children.

>> No.22646117

>Islam's only theological source document is the Quran
Show me the muslim who believes this and I'll show you a kuffar.

>> No.22646122

I cannot. I am in a Christian territory, which is why I am becoming a Christan.

>> No.22646150

NTA but what the fuck? I just looked this up. Like 85% of Christians holy religion book is the same as Jews? How the fuck you fight so much? Aren't you basically just a type of Jew?

>> No.22646161

>how do they fight so much
Jews added a part about it being fine to financially enslave non-Jews.

>> No.22646241
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Yeah I've never understood how atheists can fall for the "the universe is a computer simulation" idea without seeing the massive hypocrisy and contraditions. How is "the universe is a simulation programmed by a programmer" in any way functionally different from "the universe was intelligently designed by a deity"?

>> No.22646281 [DELETED] 

a guy in a dress can't clean your sins bro
>but a lot of Abrahamic religion is a framework of cultural minutia that dosen't really apply to societies closer to post-scarcity
the enlightenment idea of secular humanist star trek utopia has been failing catastrophically fro 300 years anon. It simply doesn't offer a strong enough foundation and operates too optimistically about human nature. I'd argue the quicker we evolve technologically the harder we must keep traditions in order to maintain societal cohesion.
right, it's definitely not reactionary atheists willing to believe in a god as long as it is a compsi major.
>is a negative position disavowing the ability to demonstrate or disprove any sort of First Principle.
wait isn't a first principle by definition unprovable. That's where atheism fails by pretending to be purely scientific while unknowingly building their so called ethics around first principles.

>> No.22646296

Is posting on 4chan inherently a sin?

>> No.22646299

Grind culture and obsession on the economy are the new religions

>> No.22646315

I will never ever believe priests have the authority to absolve of sins. Also iconolatry is heresy and no matter how much catholics cope that they're definitely not doing it they still fret a lot about touching pictures and corpses to cure diseases.
hard to say since in my experience denominations aren't very theologically established as internet research makes it look like. They're not very worried about theology and each pastor inside a denomination kinda just has their own ideas and builds their own church culture. For the best experience I'd avoid youth oriented fashionable churches and look for one with a choir where the women wear dresses in a poor neighborhood. I don't know enough about orthodoxy to know where it stands.
>but a lot of Abrahamic religion is a framework of cultural minutia that dosen't really apply to societies closer to post-scarcity
the enlightenment idea of secular humanist star trek utopia has been failing catastrophically fro 300 years anon. It simply doesn't offer a strong enough foundation and operates too optimistically about human nature. I'd argue the quicker we evolve technologically the harder we must keep traditions in order to maintain societal cohesion.
right, it's definitely not reactionary atheists willing to believe in a god as long as it is a compsi major.
>is a negative position disavowing the ability to demonstrate or disprove any sort of First Principle.
wait isn't a first principle by definition unprovable. That's where atheism fails by pretending to be purely scientific while unknowingly building their so called ethics around first principles.

>> No.22646318

>wait isn't a first principle by definition unprovable.
No, but it is impossible to disprove. So in effect yes atheists are larping retards claiming towards divinely inspired knowledge, just divinely inspired knowledge of a negation rather than a position.

>> No.22646335

The Talmud.

>> No.22646789

You should read his PhD dissertation

>> No.22646812

Science and Atheism are utterly retarded and super easy to debunk like a trumpian-russian fake news: you have atheists who claim that immaterial math formulas they themselves invented run the material universe every millisecond across billions of light years, since 13 billions years ago LOL. how is this not retarded.
Oh and by the way, when they are asked to say where do those immaterial formulas live and where they come from and how they act on matter, they can't fucking answer, can they?
If the universe is uncaused then why does it have physical laws that it must follow? Clearly those laws are actually imposed on the universe.
Ask an atheist how a photon, stemming from the annihilation of an electrons and a positron , knows that it has to follow Maxwell's rules, as soon as the photon comes into existence whereas what they call ''physical laws'' are not found inside their tiny particles (inside particles there are just other particles lmao who scripted this crap).... Just ask him. And I can tell you what you will observe, because it's true cause and effect: the atheist will be in his most vulnerable state, drymouthed, sweating profusely, hands trembling, in a state of intense anguish, because he knows he has no comeback. Zero. Jack shit. At this point in time, the atheist is consumed by a fear that is darker than the terror of death, which will never leave him until he dies.
You know how atheists say a bunch of deformed illiterate inbreds rolling in shit, beating their children and women anthropomorphized Nature when they said gods were an amalgamation of the base fears of early humans. Well since the day a few atheist bugmen created computers, they are saying the universe is like their high-school calculators too, but bigger lol. That's their big brain idea and that's how dumb atheists are lol.

>> No.22646828

>Islam and (most) Catholics agree that mutilating Children is a crime against God
90-100% of muslim males are circumcised. I think you might want to rethink this one