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22668244 No.22668244 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I go in right wing thought after becoming disillusioned with BAP? The quality of his podcasts has been trending downwards for the past 50 or so episodes anyway, but the episode he sided with Greeks being “gay” was some of the worst shit I’ve ever heard. And now he’s clearly siding with Israel despite claiming he’s just neutral.

Honest I didn’t think he was actually gay and Jewish until now.

I haven’t watched Keith Woods in a while what’s he up to? Any less boring?

>> No.22668246

>iphone poster
>posting about a twitter/podcast faggot
>wants to escape from his pseudery
>"What OTHER twitter/podcast faggot should I get into?"
Kill yourself you subhuman faggot.

>> No.22668291

>he’s clearly siding with Israel

>> No.22668297
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Scruton, Buckley, Waugh, Nikolai Tolstoy.

I’d suggest Douglas Murray but if you don’t like Israel you are going to hate him.

>> No.22668300
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>Scruton, Buckley,

>> No.22668305

Scruton advocated for subjecting non-white children to rigorous, pro-British liberal education to attempt to integrate them into society. Heaven forbid he try to solve the problem of non-integration in any many other than just killing them, I guess.

>> No.22668307

right/left is for retards. see the world for what it is and take action to accomplish your goals. don't waste your time with this shit. become really good at something useful so you can accrue resources and manipulate reality in the way you want. everything else is a spook. life is fleeting.

>> No.22668308

Yes. Heaven do forbid that nigger shit.

>> No.22668311

How about having the courage to call it out as the ongoing suicide of his country and civilization instead of "advocating" for slower suicide like a coward while mostly just watching it happen?

Buckley should never have purged the Birchers

>> No.22668316

Scruton called for an end to mass immigration and he was trying to integrate the immigrants who are already present. What else would you have him do.

>> No.22668317

He's good exactly because he's gay and Jewish tho?

>> No.22668326

>he's clearly siding with Israel
So he knows what he's talking about then. I might read his book after all.

>> No.22668327

Based. I believe this but also end up getting swept up in shit, I just cannot help but ranting about “truth” either to myself or a circle of friends.

>> No.22668329


You‘re retarded.

>> No.22668330

>integrate them into society
Oh, okay. So when most of the women in London are walking around in hijabs (inevitably), at least they'll know how to serve tea.

>> No.22668335

The right move, but untenable under international and even UK law.

>> No.22668337

Any real conservative worth the name should have gone from 0 to 50% Hitler by 1990, and from 50% to 100% Hitler by 2000, because the only thing to be CONSERVED, the nation made up of its people and their traditions, was destroyed at roughly that rate.

>> No.22668345
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>> No.22668347
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>> No.22668348

EU is tightening immigration laws and talking about sending people back after Oct 7th due to the spike in antisemitism. Strange times, hopefully it actually happens.

>> No.22668385

>hopefully it actually happens

>> No.22668395

The leftoids are right, Hamas proved that BAP and his sphere are hypocritical pussies.
>barbarism is LE BASED
>but not when it's done against MUH CHOSEN PEOPLE

>> No.22668409


>> No.22668418

Well BAP Is peak larp entertainment so I am not really sure there are any alternatives to that. KW is more of a philosophy, metaphysics and history guy. Even Nick Fuentes is more comedy and politics oriented. BAP's uniquely larpy flavour is not really something you commonly find.

>> No.22668422

And the pro-hamas side jumped from 'muh real bronze age warriors' to 'muh humam rights, dont bomb hospitals' to 'muh bronze age warriors bombing their own to tarnish Israel'.

>> No.22668578

I haven't seen any BAP slop since 10/7 and thank god these larpers quieted down. They're all israeli stans now and are basically lobotomized 2000s conservatives again.

>> No.22668678

It was over since the first time one of them decided to own the norwoods by tweeting "I am a deformed social reject spiteful mutant who never goes outside, I am Chūnibyō, I am Aryan"
Maybe it never even began, pretty sure they are pretending to be WASP nativists to own some or coalish E-celeb at the moment.}
Not that long ago I saw one saying some generic anime character was the most Nietzschean thing in existence.

>> No.22668695

I saw one of those vanity press people link an article or book(!) he wrote about how Batman is Nietzschean.

>> No.22668718


>> No.22668790

You don't need the weekly slop.
If you haven't already, read the material which inspires BAP.
>Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Heraclitus, Homer
>Steven Runciman
>Ray Peat

>> No.22668794

Have you tried going back to /pol/?

>> No.22668934

research the concept of the anarch invented by ernst junger.
Its basically "i just want to grill" as a philosphy

>> No.22668955

>EU is tightening immigration laws
read the small print, the eu itself isn't tightening shit. they're just waxing rhetorical in order to defuse the rise of euroskeptic far-right movements.

>> No.22669212

>Lobotomized 2000's conservative
That's all they ever were

It's been remarkable to watch /pol/ transform from libertines and neonazis into your average low info low IQ Facebook republican. And all it took was a slightly more homoerotic flavor of Jewish larping

>> No.22669217

I hate those larping anime nazi faggots.

>> No.22669251

You become a right-Hegelian and think that prussian cameralism and Meiji Restoration had the perfect modes of politics to exist on this planet. Drop the edgy Shoppy/Neetshit act and become a powerhouse politician in touch with the Absolute.

Sieg Heil Hegel

>> No.22669265

>It's been remarkable to watch /pol/ transform from libertines and neonazis into your average low info low IQ Facebook republican. And all it took was a slightly more homoerotic flavor of Jewish larping
The nail in the coffin was the start of the Ukraine war. I'm not a Putin fanboy but half of /pol/ advocating for Western glowie ops and meddling in Eastern Europe is pathetic.

>> No.22669268

>Where do I go in right wing thought after becoming disillusioned with BAP?
You go and read what you should have been reading in the first place. Reflections of Russian Statesman is a good start

>> No.22669282

I would never waste my time listening to a rambling podcast like this. Lectures should be focused on a specific topic so as to supplement your reading. This stuff is just entertainment.

>> No.22669383

That's the problem with these idiots, basically they pretend to be anti-civ, pro-chimpout based warriors. But really such a thing does not exist, when savages are murdering your babies you always get upset and cry about it. Basically they try to deny the value of their ren, their humanity, but they feel sad just like everybody else when that leads to a shit world.

Civilization good, barbarism bad.

>> No.22669520

>he sided with Greeks being “gay” was some of the worst shit I’ve ever heard.
I mean, isn't that kinda true, in the sense that they didn't look down on gay stuff in the same way a post Abrahamic society would? Did you watch that video from that Leather Apron Club guy who made that the argument that they were 100% hetero lmao?

>> No.22669528

Jonathan Bowden

>> No.22669533

I think there was a taboo against penetration though.

>> No.22669534

Why don’t you try escaping midwit post-modern bullshit on Twitter and YouTube and actually read some books? Just a thought.

>> No.22669560
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Ethno-centric, authoritarian nationalism.

>> No.22669566

Gays back then were the same as gays today: an extremely vocal minority that the general public found off-putting.

>> No.22669604

Somehow I don’t think it’s any less gay to thrust deeply into the thigh gap of a three men

>> No.22669605
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Yeh that's true, but it wasn't looked down on to do the penetrating. Plus men were described with terms like beauty and stuff.
Nah, they weren't like exclusively homo and forming a political block, more like the people did gay stuff and it didn't mean the same thing as it would in later times because of the lack of Christian influence. It was looked down on to be in the receiving position.

To describe the greeks in terms of gay or straight isn't correct in the first place, that Leather Apron Club guy made that video where he presents his selective evidence. The dude's obviously a pollack.

>> No.22669614
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Is anyone else really tired of all these twitter fags whose takes on everything can be summarized as "I don't have any unique idea but here is what Nietzsche would have thought about any given issue".

>> No.22669621

>Is anyone else really tired of all these twitter fags
No, because I don't go to twitter, but yes, they are insufferable, which is why I don't go to twitter.

>> No.22669642
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New morality is needed.

>> No.22669666
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I liked him until he blocked me after posting this. To be clear I do believe the Holocaust happened but my point was that both sides rely on slave morality. He's clearly a Zionist. That's it.

>> No.22669668

>but the episode he sided with Greeks being “gay” was some of the worst shit I’ve ever heard.
That's the dumbest reason for disagreeing with BAP, considering that he is somewhat correct on this point (unless he said that homosexuality and homoeroticism was accepted by all strata of society – in that case he would be wrong).

>> No.22669670
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>> No.22669671
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So, basically what the romans did? Based

>> No.22669679
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>Gay jewish right-wing grifter has dual-loyalties, more at 11.

>> No.22669691
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>The solution to drilling holes in the boat is to simply fill them immediately after drilling them
>Why not just stop drilling holes in the boat?
>stfu racist

>> No.22669699

Not going to lie, the Nazi overalls look a bit silly juxtaposed with the suits of the negro gentlemen here.

>> No.22669707

Hegel didn't support the prussian monarchy (since he favoured constitutionalism, while Prussia was an absolute monarchy); moreover you cannot derive any political program/model from Hegel's philosophy (if one can fully introduce a form of government in the philosophy of right, then that form is already dead – check the Preface of the Elements of the Philosophy of Right if you want to see Hegel spell that out in explicit terms).
Oddly enough Hegel's actual political philosophy is quite vitalist, active and realist (in the sense of realpolitik). Politics, according to him, is made through action, and not with concepts and theories. Whatever you do, philosophy will never give you any guarantee in the present moment, you're always taking a bet whenever you make a political choice. All that philosophy can do is give a conceptual explanation of what has happened once the present has passed (this is done by showing what was the logic behind what he calls "the cunning of Reason", which is always unkowable to us in our present existence). I say that this is odd because it seems to go against the general view that people have about Hegel. People seem to think that the systematic tendency in hegelian philosophy should apply to political action too, but Hegel is adamant in denying exactly this point, and in affirming the radical contingency of human affairs (only in retrospective we can see the logic behind what we have done).

>> No.22669709

Even if this was true (it's not) you would still have to admit that under the rule of those gays Greece became the pinnacle of Western ancient civilization. If anything your objection seems to be an argument for giving power to the gays.

>> No.22669730


>> No.22669755

>To be clear I do believe the Holocaust happened
You’re an idiot.

>> No.22669803
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The real question is what prompted the lolocostm

>> No.22669843

based post

>> No.22669885

You forgot the Talmud.

>> No.22670224

That's what every establishment goon in the West has supported for decades. That program is currently failing in real time and now the UK and France are talking about deporting people lmao. It's over, civic nationalism has been thoroughly debunked.

>> No.22670263

Not him but I trust David Irving: it happened but it was probably in hundreds of thousands and the gas chamber stuff was probably fake. I think the American propagandists after WW2 had to synthesize a lot of childish and conflicting material, partly from idiotic Soviet exaggerations and partly from Jewish opportunists and frauds, to create a cohesive narrative. They settled on "gas chambers" and then crushed anybody like Leuchter, Faurisson and Zundel who tried to challenge it, but decades of revisionist challenges still resulted in them walking back the laziest claims. There are hundreds of cases of things like the numbers for individual camps being walked back from millions to "just" a million, or proof that the tour guides at the camps would say that the current buildings on the site were the original ones, etc.

Over time, wooden door questioners vs. establishment propagandists + opportunists reached a kind of steady state or equilibrium of what the latter can get away with, through a combination of downplaying the craziest claims and simply ruining revisionists' lives through lawfare.

Now the "mid point" between the strongest revisionist claims (nothing happened at all, it was only typhus) and the mainstream is "6 million died in gas chambers." But the mainstream is obviously heavily skewed in favor of the propaganda narrative, so a reasonable and intelligent person, capable of thinking for himself, should manually adjust the needle a few notches toward the revisionist view. If one does that, one ends up with Irving's belief that yes Himmler probably did want some organized killings to rob the Jews, but holocoasters and super-ovens and massive death totals are highly questionable.

Either way, the sheer amount of bullshit and doublethink piled on top of the objective historical record is a cautionary tale in how reality can be constructed and conteste.d

>> No.22670264

A selection of Bowden's articles and talks:

>> No.22670573

Hamas never claimed to be bronze age warriors, retarded Jew.

>> No.22670576

That's why Jews infiltrate right wing spheres. They want to lead the herd towards Zionism and away from nationalism.

>> No.22670816

His claim was that homosexuality was not just that it existed, which everyone acknowledges, but that it was central to Hellenic society. He bases this off some shit a bunch of faggot 19th century krauts wrote.

>> No.22670826

His claim wasnt just that homosexuality existed, which everyone acknowledges, but that it was central to Hellenic society. He bases this off some shit a bunch of faggot 19th century krauts wrote, and otherwise cites the few instances of recorded homosexuality as evidence that all of Greek culture comes from their love of cock.

>> No.22670878

jewish twitter trash

>> No.22671486

>all of Greek culture comes from their love of cock.

If they didn't love it they never coud have produced all that beautiful sculpture and other art.

>> No.22671492

Return of the strong gods, Keith Woods, Nick Fuentes

>> No.22671575
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You're just going to be guided to the next jew-shilled establishment grifter.

There is no organic "right wing", it is all a fake front because the "left wing" is just another front to keep people stuck on the plantation.

>> No.22671748

There is no 'right-wing thought' because right-wing behaviour does not arise out of a rational plan of action, sometimes not even a mentally sane objective... right-wing behaviour is usually enacted by people who do not have an academic philosophy. That is why it is meaningless to write a book to defend right-wing behaviour and why Leftists will always dominate this domain. That is not a criticism of the Right though. It is precisely this which is why the Right is superior to the Left.

>> No.22671757
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Costin is a faggot and a Ziondog

>> No.22671765
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What "men" would even attend University at this point? All institutions and most big businesses are all woke as fuck with women and diversity hires in positions of power. Funny how everyone completely bought the COVID lies and if you were a dissenter, Canadian society gave a blank cheque to hate on purebloods.
>do we tolerate these people
Then it comes to find out that the "vaccine" didn't do jack shit to stop the spread and 95%+ of the people dying were over 75 and already sick.

Remember when the media said a 14 year old boy died of COVID in Canada, and had to bury that when the family came out and said he had like stage 4 brain cancer?

>> No.22671779


Is he posting full-on gay porn now?

>> No.22671791


>> No.22671932

Vegeta is based as fuck. He's indeed extremely Nietzschean.

>> No.22672066
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You can go down the modern alt-right route and just get gayer or you can realize pic rel is correct and work to reject modernity.

>> No.22672069

Yeah but like that's not equality

>> No.22672106

Equality before the law is as far as most Arch-Cons would be willing to go, which is fine with me.

>> No.22672118

is he actually gay. I honestly thought people were joking when they said he was Jewish for the longest until he posted it himself.

>> No.22672119

I was speaking in jest. The only equality I would accept is also before the law and in a social sense, one's dignity as a human being made in the image of God. Moderns conflate genuine altruism with wanting equal representation lesbian black Muslims in STEM. Anyway, I believe a theocratic monarchy is the best for of government
>inb4 larp

>> No.22672126

Of course you think that, you worship black cock.

>> No.22672128

He is the most blatant example of a faggot neocon kike, how can anyone NOT see it?

>> No.22672130

another fine literature thread we're having on /lit/ - Books From /pol/ Charts

>> No.22672133

This might be related to your interests


>> No.22672145

He is jewish and was groomed by jewish elites... why do you think his book is pushed so hard?

>> No.22672154
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I've come to realize in the past weeks, after being disillusioned with BAP like yourself, that all political ideology post-1945 is directly captured or controlled opposition by Jewish interests. In fact, I think it goes so far that I believe all of political life in our time is circled around one issue at the core and that is to protect and serve Jewish interests. Moreover, gentiles who subscribe to these political views not only know it, but are actively on board with this mission because the post-war narrative has been so strong they think the greatest litmus test for the Goodness of any ideology is how it treats the JQ.

I advice you and any anon who feels the same to start from the basics of philosophy and reject all pre-made political parties and/or ideologies. I think Heidegger should be a great foundation for us, as he likewise was concerned with the same fundamental question of Being and disillusionment of modernity.

>> No.22672160

Here's the famous Rector speech by Martin Heidegger (1933). A concise text that should be a good starting point into Heideggerian thought.


>> No.22672164
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>> No.22672189

Look at all the mainstream published books... all serve ZOG.

>> No.22672230
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>that all political ideology post-1945 is directly captured or controlled opposition by Jewish interests.
In the west, maybe. This is an absurd claim with respect to places like Asia, etc.
Anyhow, the fact of the matter is that Judaism is only a big deal in countries with Christian faith as the major (or a significant) social force, because Judaism is the fountainhead for that religion and the culture that was, for centuries, downstream of it. In those cultures, though, it is a huge fucking deal: In 2020, 43% of men in the English speaking world had names originating in the Old Testament. The British Coronation is based on the Coronation of Solomon in 1 Kings 1:38-40. One of Washington's first acts as president was to write a letter to the Touro Synagogue extending the protection of the United States to any Jews in her borders. The Jews are Christendom's pet and Christian Empires (especially protestant ones) tend to be very obsessed with Jews. This is something your society chose, not something the Jews imposed.

This is to say nothing of Freemasonry, which in the 18th and 19th centuries allowed Jewish and Christian men to mix on equal terms and, arguably, develop a syncretic faith that many would carry into public life.

>> No.22672243

Are there any facts or figures anywhere about who owns how much of the money in the world and what nationality they are? Comprehensive ones? I'm not sure where'd I'd begin looking.

>> No.22672261 [DELETED] 

Millions and random Americans (most of them gentiles) via their retirement plans and brokerage accounts via Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street + the pension and sovereign wealth funds of western europe and a few Arab petrostates. Jews have been getting proportionally less wealthy for centuries (there are more prosperous Jews than ever, but their share of global wealth has dwindled).

t. Professional asset manager

>> No.22672275

Nice I’m gonna jump into Heidegger after I finish up WtP and TSZ. Im already beginning to see how things lead up to Heidegger.

>> No.22672617 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22672619

jannies mods

>> No.22672623

>muh integration
lmao can Americans really not comprehend that we just dont want niggers here

>> No.22672626


>> No.22672627

tell that to the first anglo slaver

>> No.22672630

very NatSoc of him

>> No.22672631

this isn't /b retard xo

>> No.22672632

>(((anglo))) slavers

>> No.22672648
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>> No.22672852

>His claim wasnt just that homosexuality existed, which everyone acknowledges, but that it was central to Hellenic society.
Ahh I see. I was just saying viewing homosexuality in the same lens as today isn't the correct way to go about it, and there are stories of homo love like Alexander and Bagoas, Phillip and his Bodyguard, Poseidon and Nerites. It was just something some people did at some point, but the expectation still was to marry and have children.

>> No.22672875

anything that isn't retarded, jewish, and an e fag

>> No.22672877

The UK writes its own laws, those are only an impediment if you don't want to deport the migrants.

UK has a veto on the UN security council, what the fuck does international law matter?

The real issue is that the public has accepted the religion of anti-racism and it's impossible to function when you have to work around that.

>> No.22672882

UKIP would have solved it

>> No.22672900

BAP's never been big on /pol/, it's Trump that turned them into facebook-tier boomercons.

There are still plenty of people chanting TKD on /pol/ anyways, it's not totally gay, just dumber.

>> No.22672911

Greeks just had Saudi Arabia types views of women, which meant access to them was restricted and so horny guys fucked prepubescent boys as the next closest thing. More like prison gay than what you see at the local library today.

>> No.22672916

How can anyone defend Fuentes after the Ali Alexander stuff

>> No.22672917

heidegger mogs this jewish retard

>> No.22672925

You must be joking

>> No.22672932

What “stuff”? Ali Alexander bandwagonned off Fuentes Stop the strap rally. Later he became an associate and started live-streaming on Cozy. When the allegations came with receipts Nick denounced him and banned his Cozy channel. So I ask again, what “stuff”?

>> No.22672948
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I do find BAP entertaining and I enjoy some of his takes, enough to listen to Caribbean Rhythms whenever it comes out. What I do find suspect though is his refusal to set out his own vision for where the modern political right should be aiming for. He uses a lot of time arguing against certain forms of the modern right (most notably the trad religious right), but he always stops short of describing a realistic alternative. Wat means?

>> No.22672956

a jew grifter never comes out with a plan beyond "illegals bad" and posting on the internet (donations accepted)
wow, never saw this coming

>> No.22673231

I agree with you, but a right-Hegelian interpretation(an interpretation) does lead to think that society should be as in Philosophy of Right. Philosophy in hegelianism does come after action, that is true. Owl of Minevra and all that. People during Hegel's time wanted him to write an Ethics books(which he never did), but I do think there is a hidden ethics in his philosophy. I can't exactly explain but I've come incorporate some kind of it in my daily life.

>> No.22673234

Most people in a country that would be ruled by an epic BAPist cult should be normie religious people, so that the country is actually rulable. Otherwise you'd get an unstable society of degenerates. Only the elite can afford to be degens and that is a golden rule of civilization since its inception. Our little stint after 1968 where normal people could live in hedonism like elites I will end by the end of this century. Not to say that people will end up religious, but the material and psychological conditions of mass hedonism aren't sustainable. Props to degens if they make a way for it to work.

>> No.22673676

>This is to say nothing of Freemasonry, which in the 18th and 19th centuries allowed Jewish and Christian men to mix on equal terms and, arguably, develop a syncretic faith that many would carry into public life.
Can you elaborate with more details about Jewish/Christian syncretic faith? As far as I know esoteric jews still hate Christ with a passion aside from a select few Kabbalists that think Christ was the Messiah.

>> No.22673689

>I'm not a Putin fanboy but half of /pol/ advocating for Western glowie ops and meddling in Eastern Europe is pathetic.
That /half/ of /pol/ were obviously raiders and they were always called out whenever they came.

>> No.22673690

I bet it's a private school.

>> No.22673694

Straight up, he looks like gay faggot wannabe red-pilled.

>> No.22673701

I think many masons considered Jesus a mere prophet or moral teacher.

>> No.22673727

>Buckley should never have purged the Birchers
He was just doing his job

>> No.22673734

second that

>> No.22673736

I'm sick and tired of this bullshit. Although the modern world is shit, nazism will not solve it. Nazism is probably one of the most Middle-Eastern forms of government doable in the West. The truth is that from the beginning of times the power in Europe was never put into a single head and in the times and places where it was done, Italy and Greece, kek, it ended in catastrophe. The Graff, common figure of the Middle Ages, was not an authoritarian ruler, but an elected leader who's power ended when it contradicted the interests of the nobles who had elected him. Equally the king of France was only absolute as long as he did everything as his truste told him.
If you want to do anything to save the West the best thing is to buy some land and become self-sufficient and have lots of home-schooled children.
There's not really much else to be done that won't lead to more chaos.

>> No.22673741

His purpose was to ruin identity politics with larp autism.

>> No.22673755

Telling people to isolate themselves and hope zog doesn‘t pick on them while discouraging National Socialism seems very jewish.

>> No.22673756
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>If you want to do anything to save the West the best thing is to buy some land and become self-sufficient and have lots of home-schooled children.
And becoming committed Christians.

>> No.22673854

Good question, anon.
Is correct but to elaborate-Masons fetishized the Old Testament and were the first western fraternal order to admit Jews on equal terms. Many Christian masons felt that certain Old Testament wisdom had been obscured by time and the machinations of the Catholic Church and were thus very eager to learn from Jews and regarded with a kind of mystic awe. As part of this exchange, many Masons came to question the resurrection of Jesus and shifted toward a form of deism that acknowledged the existence of the god of Abraham but treated much of the Jewish and Christian canon as metaphor. This is why the founding fathers, for example, invoked God or providence constantly, but never Christ.

>> No.22673858

any books on this. intredasting.

>> No.22673893

Carlsbad is that you?

>> No.22673925

>And becoming committed Christians.
That's really the only serious thing one can do but obviously man-on-man fister demi-jews like BAP would rather have the current thing.

>> No.22673942

> hope zog doesn‘t pick on them
What will they do about it? If you become a natsoc people will show opposition to you. Why do you need opposition? If you buy a lot and have 13 children people will just think: 'he's just a weirdo', but what will they do about it? Only you have to know that you are doing it to save the white race and to make non-faggot men educated after your own principles. Think about it: alone, you can do little about the degeneracy of the West. But you can literally breed 13 children technically speaking, of wich, on average, 5-7 will be men. If you teach them right, there's gonna be 5-7 based and red-pilled men in the future generation. Meanwhile whatever movement you achieve to temporarily make by gathering a bunch of weirdos of all sorts is probably going to die quickly or become severely unpopular.
This, but I take Rousseau's advice of not teaching a child much about religion until he reaches his teens. Taught in toddler age, he might become an anthropomorphist, or, worse even, reject his religious ideas as childish when he becomes older.
He has to reach the age of 15 and ask passionately: 'what is actually God?'

>> No.22673949
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Do any of you have kids? I do.

Somehow I doubt you people do.

>> No.22673951

Delusional, where were the limits to absolutism during the crown's conflicts with the huguenots? This ignores any and all reform projects the Reich had prepared after the war, the Fuhrer as fusion of chancellor and president among them. This also has nothing to do with BAP and your advice is barely better than his (don't organize and just make yourself a base of power). Christians should be ejected from the Right, they have proven themselves ineffectual.

>> No.22673952

That's very insightful anon. The connection to deism is something I never thought about before but it makes a lot of sense in a lot of ways.

>> No.22673960

Yeah with your "baby momma" you fucking shithead loser

>> No.22673978

Although its still less inspiring than I thought it would be. I thought there would be a gnostic-tier non-Paulian interpretation of Christ reimagined as an Old Testament figure with as many secrets as Moses and Elijah (with whom he had a very intimate interaction with during the transfiguration) in an entirely novel way aside from the tired old claims about how he fulfilled Isaiah's prophecies for example.

What you're describing is more of a Philo-Semitic inclination on the part of a predominantly Protestant sect that led to themselves slowly being drawn away from Christianity and dominated by Judaism. It really isn't a harmonious syncretic overlap since there's a clear teacher/student relationship in the interaction. What you described is probably the source of all the Israel worship evangelicals and other boomer Christians partake in now that I think about it.

>> No.22673988

Cope faggot, you will never even have kids.

>> No.22674002

I didn’t mention it but I should have - many Jewish became more secular and warmed to Christians due to this exchange as well, so it’s not just Christians becoming Jewish but rather both groups becoming more deist. That is a big step for the Jews too, although most Christians will fixate on the rejection of the resurrection of Christ and read it as Christian masons Judaizing, that presupposes that Jewish masons didn’t abandon many of their traditions, which they did.

>> No.22674006

I already do lol

>> No.22674007

> Delusional, where were the limits to absolutism during the crown's conflicts with the huguenots?
What, how does the catholic church persecuting the protestants of France have anything to do with anything?
> This ignores any and all reform projects the Reich had prepared after the war, the Fuhrer as fusion of chancellor and president among them
Nazism simply sucks ass. It has everything of socialism except for a few minor, academic disagreements. I simply find nothing appealing about living in a nazi society. Yayy the Jews are gone and the state is oppressing everyone yayy, instead of learning how not to fall into the Jewish tricks and how to stay fairly independant from society as an individual.

>> No.22674091
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Threadly reminder that bap is a brown

>> No.22674098

>Where do I go in right wing thought after becoming disillusioned with BAP?
idk I like VitruvianSpeed
I still miss Xongkuro

>> No.22674099

ah, yes, the famous - we just want to grill and our highest goal in life is to have a wife and kids - you know; the thing - that for whole of history wasn't even a goal - but matter of course.
while your enemies want power, dream about power and aspire to power.
good luck, my dude.

>> No.22674106

Ohh, don't think I just want to grill. I'm an infamous man, a dangerous man, a vengance-seeking man, a disagreeable man.

>> No.22674110

NTA but our enemies are literally so incompetent they're killing themselves (by demographic death) through the exercise of their power. Literally if we just have children and inculcate them with generational knowledge we win by attrition.

>> No.22674112

I'm South Euro, EU is tightening exactly 0 laws. The only thing that's tightening is Han's bank account (but sadly not his daughter's pussy for me to enjoy during her summer vacation here with her slutty friends)
You'll take in all the new muzzies and you'll be happy. And if you try something funny we'll just smuggle them through your borders like we've done before.

>> No.22674131

No, nobody did that. It's actually jews crying about le human rights of jews, and some commies crying about le human right of muzzies. Right wingers who are "pro-hamas" are simply anti-Israel.
Saying that their motivation is "muh human rights" is a strawman attempt to try and frame them as ideologically inconsistent, which they aren't, and it's usually BAPoids who do it so it's projection lmao
Martin even tried that shit on a muzzie, the muzzie called him a retard and told him to show where he said anything about "muh hooman rights".
It's just retarded cope by jewphiles and actual unironic jews who are naturally pro-Israel since it's in their blood and they aren't self-hating.

I 'member when someone tried to say that "antisemitism is low class". Throughout history it was western elites, especially ancient ones, who were of the gas the kikes type, naturally.
BAPism is just a LARP by people who desperately don't want to feel "low class" lmao. Anything else is just a wordceling cover for this

>> No.22674136

>the material which inspires BAP.
>>Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Heraclitus, Homer
None of these inspired BAP lmao. Read his thesis, BAP is inspired by a boomer-tier reading of pop archaeology slop and (((Strauss))).
There's nothing Nietzschean about BAP besides when he pretends to write in the spirit of him.
This is actually his best work when he does that, but that's basically 1% of his work. The rest is midwit trash.

>> No.22674141

Lol sure you are buddy

>> No.22674144

This is me desu. I just want to see the mudslime barbarians burn down Tel Aviv. I naively assumed every right winger thought felt the same way.

>> No.22674146

that's not how they reproduce.

>> No.22674149

BAP was groomed by jews at his University and propped up by the establishment.

>> No.22674150

That really made them go mask off and basically betray that their entire ideology is just an excuse
>when you do it it's LE BAD
>when I fantasize about doing it (I will never actually do it) is LE GOOD
that's what it boils down to. All else is making up a justification for their very pressing emotional need to feel like this.

It's literally a bunch of women. Only women and sois do this

>> No.22674159
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Pic related.

>> No.22674166

Homosexuality was frowned upon everywhere. It's pederasty you have in mind, which is also overblown by modern gay scholars. Erastes/eromenos, basically some boys whored themselves out to rich degenerate men.
There was no limited access to women, everyone could go to a brothel or buy a slave, or just get married. Even fucking literal hobos had access to pussy, see the story of Diogenes jerking off and then telling the escort he had hired to fuck off because he was "relieved" now kek.

>> No.22674168

The Bacon Lettuce Tomato types can't reproduce in any meaningful rate without hierarchical support from the managerial class, who can't themselves reproduce at all due to the shortcomings of their core axiomatic beliefs about the world. The parasite dies with the host.

>> No.22674176

the funniest/worst think about the BAPsphere is not that it's full of jews, it's that it's full of midwit jews. None of these faggots is the supposed 120 IQ Askhenazi giving chinks a run for their money. They're all aggressive midwits.

>> No.22674184

I know a way to make it to national news, but I don't know wether I will use this power.

>> No.22674189

You have to go farther right

>> No.22674190

the parasite will parasites your children. And there is no amount of schooling or shielding that will change that, if the culture and institutions are theirs.
Unless you want to by a pet like the Amish, in small numbers - safely in the zoo, gawked at.

>> No.22674191

I too liked BAM and his thesis (despite it being incorrect), but he's just a grifter. He has no actual vision, his """ideas""" is to """subvert the enemy""" by... working inside the system lol. Or """intensifying vice""" by becoming a... drug dealer, pimp and stuff like that.
I legit thought it was just a critique the first time I read BAM and his "solutions" were just trolling, but apparently he really pushes for that.
He's either actually paid to do that and create a parallel rightwing movement that is pro-Netanyahu (the heckin based jew as BAP himself has said), or he's just a dumb sheltered domesticated academic urbanite. A bugman.

>> No.22674200

> if the culture and institutions are theirs.
I can found my own institutions. I don't have to respect an institution I lost all respect for.

>> No.22674202

I am immune to demoralization, faggot.

>> No.22674204

I would be more interested in a practical guide on becoming a pimp.
The information that BAP puts out doesn't help you to achieve any of these goals.

>> No.22674206

It's not even about disliking kikes but about worshiping NIETZSCHEAN FORCE of WILL and FIRE against BUGMAN URBAN DOMESTICATED CIVILIZATION and all that. Weird how quickly that went out the window once some Jews died lmao, and also weird how it was primarily Jews who had an issue with it... wot mean

Didn't take them a lot of work, since he is jewish himself.
He's a simple man, he just doesn't like people "obsessed with the small state of israel" kek

>> No.22674215

Damn shame the people with that career experience are illiterate.

>> No.22674219

Just open a brothel. It's legal in my country. The tricky part is finding hookers/escorts. Main countries of origin are Russia and Colombia, and you need connections with scouting agencies there. I haven't looked more into it so I can't tell you how it's done. Hiring a madam (the "manager") or two for the shifts of the brothel is easy, usually ex hookers do it. Or actual literal misanthropic grannies.
It's just running a business like others. It's pretty boring actually, but has a lot of profit.

>> No.22674225

also Romania

>> No.22674229
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BAP is the #1 most talked about person on /lit/ and the kike doesn't even come here and says nothing relevant to the average /lit/ writer, or reader, for that matter.

Astroturfed 100%

>> No.22674230

>I can found my own institutions.
Because powers that be just let's you build those. Right.
>I don't have to respect an institution I lost all respect for.
Your child what to be a surgeon. Respected profession. Do you want to train him in your living room? How about a basement? Maybe you can pick some hitchhiker too?
Or you send him in one of the capture institutions, where he will learn and soak in all the sludge.
Hey maybe you were a good father, guy isn't completely brain dead. Sure he function in a hell hole, but oh well.
Do you think every child of your "compatriots" will have that relationship? Or will they be parasitized?
Maybe you don't want your son to be a surgen. Maybe a farmer? Good profession. Amish in the Zoo seem to like it.
As I said. Good luck.

>> No.22674241

just move to a poorer country

>> No.22674248
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you are such a big boy

>> No.22674251

>Maybe a farmer? Good profession. Amish in the Zoo seem to like it.
Terrible fallacy, all humans like farming. Only niggers don't like it actually.

>> No.22674254
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>BAP thread
>degenerates into "how can i become a pimp and further ruin and disgrace countries already left comatose by communism and parasitized by finance capitalism"
Kill yourself immediately.

"Democracy is the most serious error of the past century. If we want to live, if we want to work, if in public life we want to possess the highest human guarantees for production and culture; if we want to preserve and increase the moral, intellectual, and material capital of civilization, it is absolutely necessary to destroy democratic institutions.

Ideal democracy is the most foolish of dreams. Historic democracy, realized in the colors that the modern world knows it under, is a mortal illness for nations, for human societies, for families, for individuals. Brought among us to establish the rule of virtue, it tolerates and encourages all forms of license. Theoretically it is a regime of liberty; practically it hates concrete, real liberties and it has surrendered us to great companies of thieves and to politicians leagued with financiers or dominated by them, who live on the exploitation of the producers.

Finally, democracy has allowed, in the economy and in politics, the establishment of the capitalist regime, which destroys in the polis what democratic ideas dissolve in the spirit, that is, nations, the family, and morals, by substituting the law of gold for the laws of blood.

Democracy lives on gold and the perversion of the intelligence. It will die of the awakening of the spirit and the establishment of institutions that the French create or recreate for the defense of their freedoms and their spiritual and material interests. It is to favor this dual undertaking that we will work in the Cercle Proudhon. We will fight mercilessly against the false science that served to justify democratic ideas and against the economic systems that their inventors have destined to stupefy the working classes, and we will passionately support the movements that restore their freedoms to the French, in the forms appropriate to the modern world, and which allow them to live by working with the same satisfaction of their sense of honor as when they die in combat."
- The Founders of the Cercle Proudhon and the Editors of the Cahiers: Jean Darville, Henri Lagrange, Gilbert Maire, René de Marans, André Pascalaon, Marius Riquier, Georges Valois, Albert Vincent

>> No.22674261

> Because powers that be just let's you build those. Right
> the power: faggot sympathetic effeminate retards deluded with the idea that there will be an equal society
> me: a guy who knows how to construct houses, how to socialize with people, how to deal with money and how to push normies to the ground with one hit and most importantly, douted with the intellectual means to justify my actions (at court for example)
> Your child what to be a surgeon. Respected profession. Do you want to train him in your living room? How about a basement? Maybe you can pick some hitchhiker too?
I tell him 'well son, you want to become a surgeon? Very nice. You have my permission to leave the house and go somewhere and become a surgeon. Don't return until you bring good news. Here's a pair of boots and five bucks. See you!'
> Do you think every child of your "compatriots" will have that relationship Or will they be parasitized?
I'm not affected by the modern idea that politics is something I have to convert other people to. I have my political views and other people have theirs. That's the point. I don't care what the other people do. Wether they want to become degenerates. I only know that I have no respect anymore for the shithole my European nation has become and day by day I find less of a reason to support it. If this shithole of a nation still thinks they have the ability of imposing their shitness totalitarily over everyone, they have wronged their calculations. Because I will no longer follow them and I will be so radical in my actions that, for the beginning, I will do something as mundane as settling an unused lot of land and claim it.

>> No.22674270

Thread filled with pro-kike bots.

>> No.22674279
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>Democracy and plutocracy are equivalent in Spengler's argument, and he said the "tragic comedy of the world-improvers and freedom-teachers" is that they are simply assisting money to be more effective. He believed that the principles of equality, natural rights, universal suffrage, and freedom of the press are all disguises for class war of the bourgeois against the aristocracy. Freedom, to Spengler, is a negative concept, only entailing the repudiation of any tradition. He said that freedom of the press requires money, and entails ownership, meaning that it serves money. Similarly, since suffrage involves electoral campaigns, which involve donations, elections serve money as well. Spengler said that the ideologies espoused by candidates, whether Socialism or Liberalism, are set in motion by, and ultimately serve, only money.

>Spengler said that in his era money has already won, in the form of democracy. However, he said that in destroying the old elements of the Culture, it prepares the way for the rise of a new and overpowering figure, who he calls the Caesar. Before such a leader, money collapses, and in the Imperial Age the politics of money fades away.

"The coming of Caesarism breaks the dictature of money and its political weapon, democracy. After a long triumph of world-city economy and its interests over political creative force, the political side of life manifests itself after all as the stronger of the two. The sword is victorious over the money, the master-will subdues again the plunderer-will. If we call these money-powers 'Capitalism,' then we may designate as Socialism the will to call into life a mighty politico-economic order that transcends all class interests, a system of lofty thoughtfulness and duty-sense that keeps the whole in fine condition for the decisive battle of its history, and this battle is also the battle of money and law. The private powers of the economy want free paths for their acquisition of great resources. No legislation must stand in their way. They want to make the laws themselves, in their interests, and to that end they make use of the tool they have made for themselves, democracy, the subsidized party. Law needs, in order to resist this onslaught, a high tradition and an ambition of strong families that finds its satisfaction not in the heaping-up of riches, but in the tasks of true rulership, above and beyond all money-advantage. A power can be overthrown only by another power, not by a principle, and no power that can confront money is left but this one. Money is overthrown and abolished only by blood."
- Oswald Spengler

Read the first chapter of this, on "The Romans," to understand what has happened to modern society because of late/finance capitalism:

>> No.22674283

Not at the slightest what I was getting at. There is no power in being a farmer. This is not early roman republic.
>Because I will no longer follow them and I will be so radical in my actions that, for the beginning, I will do something as mundane as settling an unused lot of land and claim it.
Are you a child? Have you learn nothing from history? If this is how you really think it will go down I have nothing more to say.

>> No.22674285

> Are you a child? Have you learn nothing from history? If this is how you really think it will go down I have nothing more to say
So you say my actions won't cause trouble? Good. You say my actions will cause trouble? Also good.

>> No.22674291

I have never had a communist regime in my country, and prostitution is based.
Didn't read. Cope

>> No.22674298

> There is no power in being a farmer
Very disinformed take.
The idea that, when a decent percentage of the population was farmers, that these farmers had no political power and that they were oppressed serfs, comes from the idea that, because some farmers in early modernity were serfs, it is because all farmers I'm early modernity were serfs.
Although there were serfs, most European farmers were farmers because they preferred poverty to being dependant.
If you own your own lot, people might spit on you, people might resent you, but you don't owe anything to anyone and can basically do whatever you want on your ground.

>> No.22674300

Power over society? Nobody has that anymore unless he's a banker or Musk or whatever
touch grass

>> No.22674303

No. What I'm saying is that this is faerie dust - there will not even be an action.

>> No.22674312

There already is an action. I've moved away from the first world to a country in the Slavs.
Now I don't pay any taxes anymore.
The following step will be military training in my first-world country of nation.
After that, I will quit my job and chop down a forest and build a house there all alone and plant a farm.

>> No.22674322

>moves to a country he has no connection to chop wood

>> No.22674323

Heh, well, but what if I did it, say, somewhere in Germany? England perhaps?

>> No.22674333

>is master of his own life in a time where 99,99% of the world's population is bugman zog slaves
i find that pretty powerful. you sound jealous

>> No.22674332

The point is that it's good to live among the people you are actually related to. Otherwise you're just another foreigner.

>> No.22674334

I understand how farmers were perceived, that's why I mentioned roman republic, where being a farmer was an ideal.
However, we are not in the past my friend. Decent percentage of population will not be farmers or own land.
There is little to non-power in today society given to the farmer.
As such, if you want to - presumably - influence the state, being a farmer isn't a way to go.

I'm not talking about power akin to a king in a one person, but institutions. Also, as I have mentioned aspiration is important. If you want to be just left alone and all you incels heart want is a wife, you life is small, you will be subjugated or killed eventually. It isn't good solution to the problems of today's society.

>> No.22674337

What if I can claim descendance from Erik the Red?

>> No.22674341

And all of that can be taken by people that didn't run into the woods by people that are just doing they job. There is no action. Just putting head into the sand. Meaning less.
And if you live among Slavs, just ask them. They know.

>> No.22674345

You're not an explorer. You're a bugman who travels by car and commercial airplane, just like everyone else.

>> No.22674346

> As such, if you want to - presumably - influence the state, being a farmer isn't a way to go.
Why should I want to influence the state? My point is... plain disobedience, in today's era, has far more potential.

>> No.22674354

> And all of that can be taken by people that didn't run into the woods by people that are just doing they job
What will they do about it? Send me to court at most.
> And if you live among Slavs, just ask them. They know
There's not even such a thing as an income tax, among the Slavs. But your normie brain can't even fathom such a social condition. Paying your taxes as a zog slave is your first and most important duty.
I don't do those things, but even if I did, it doesn't matter. If I can claim descendance from Erik the Red I can go to any place in Europe I want to and settle it. It's my land, after all.

>> No.22674356

well you can't have your institutions in our times, so what is your solution? sit and cry?
>If you want to be just left alone and all you incels heart want is a wife, you life is small, you will be subjugated or killed eventually.
sounds like sour grapes to me.
and what's about aspirations if they don't make you do anything? also, why is X aspiration better than Y (in this case being a famer) aspiration? you don't justify your position in any way

>> No.22674361

oh no! you called him a bugman now, this means you automatically win.

>> No.22674367

>Erik the Red I can go to any place in Europe I want to and settle it
Yeah everyone can, it's called the EU. The question is why you'd want to leave your country if you're a right winger.
Doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.22674368

Because living among people not of sound mind incur a cost. Because hostile state will come for you sooner or later. All you are doing is just heroically waiting. Subjugation or death will come for you eventually.

>> No.22674377

> u'd want to leave your country if you're a right winger
Just temporarily. I'm solving a tax issue.

>> No.22674384

why would leaving your country when you can do nothing in it with the intention to return, or to perhaps create a new country be anti-right wing?

>> No.22674387

>creating a new country

>> No.22674394

>you don't justify your position in any way
I did many post above. Your aspirations are what was matter of fact in the past. They are small compared to rest of history, even of common folk.
>well you can't have your institutions in our times
I know you think that. But resignation isn't helping. Coping on edge of society also isn't helping.
>Send me to court at most.
A cage for you.
>There's not even such a thing as an income tax, among the Slavs
There is, you just have to make enough money to matter.

>> No.22674395

>take action to accomplish your goals.
why? what if i like the left/right dichotomy

>> No.22674396

Sir, this is a literature board. Please, go back to r/podcast

>> No.22674400


>> No.22674402

> Because hostile state will come for you sooner or late
Again, just empty threats from empty heads. What, exactly, are they going to do about it? The idea that the modern state is all-powerful is exactly falling into it's tropes. The modern state is only powerful if you think not sticking to the rules in the slightest will have any consequences. I bet it won't.
> Subjugation or death will come for you eventually
I'm not becoming a subjugate, I am doing everything in my hands not to depend upon the state, upon capitalists, upon Chinese shoe makers. And all they can do about it is nothing. What will they do about it? They tolerate homosexual faggots having a house and adopted kids. I could theoretically say: 'I'm anti-capitalism/working/money/the state/taxes whatever'.

>> No.22674404

I think he's making things up because Eastern European countries definitely have an income tax lol. I know from friends that tax evasion is actually a more serious crime there than in the West.

>> No.22674414

a very based aspiration indeed
you're the one resignating when others are following their own paths to a less cucked life. you just sit there and make abstract thoughts about things you name aspirations
>Coping on edge of society also isn't helping.
nobody is doing that but the fact that you frame it this way is saying a lot about you
>There is, you just have to make enough money to matter.
i'm NTA retard, not to mention your logic is retarded

>> No.22674418

> A cage for you.
A place where I can express my political opinions to a whole tribune and shit on faggots in front of a public.
> There is, you just have to make enough money to matter
Doesn't matter. The majority of Slavs doesn't pay taxes. The influence of the state over it's citizens is minimal. The West was like this once too, but normie brains were conditioned to believe it was some sort of feudalism dystopia (like feudalism can be dystopic in any way, yeah, life was rough, get over it)

>> No.22674459


>> No.22674536

Christianity. But people never want the easy answer. They don't want to be told that just eating less and better is enough to lose weight, they don't want to hear that showing up consistently is how you build muscle.
But whatever, continue down the path of ecelebs, Autist Spergerstein's system building, secular attempts at religion and whatever else. Maybe you'll see one day that it was never hard.

>> No.22674540

Lol ok tough guy. You're so strong. Can I feel your muscles?

>> No.22674547

>I am doing everything in my hands not to depend upon the state, upon capitalists, upon Chinese shoe makers
How are you posting here right now

>> No.22674556

Reminder that by BAP's logic, if you are angry at the Chinese you have resentment against them and you are an inferior seething at your superior winners.