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22811012 No.22811012 [Reply] [Original]

I work at a library, and you would be surprised how many boomers watch porn here. Not to mention the disgusting remains on borrowed laptops.

>> No.22811025

the boom coom must flow

>> No.22811029

I use to go to this very nice library in Chicago and about 90% of the computers were being used to watch porn. Some flash videos game and just a few on something actually important.

>> No.22811045

They jerk it in public. No fucks given. This is what porn does to your brain.

>> No.22811055

Lead poisoned retards imho

>> No.22811076

Sounds like an American thing. Never seen anything like this in my cunt (UK).

>> No.22811158

OP, what do you do when you catch boomers jerking off in the library? I bet you act like a cuck and pretend you saw nothing.

>> No.22811185

why yes, how did you know?

>> No.22811187

Lmao you can't jack off in public and blame the poor

>> No.22811190

porn is a hell of a drug. I've seen men lose everything for the porn.

>> No.22811191

Most of the public coomers I've come across were younger

>> No.22811199

Most of them do it because they can't get off from watching porn. They're like adrenaline junkies, but they seek high-stake cooms.

>> No.22811223

It's basically exhibitionism but for jerking off, thrn?

>> No.22812076

>I work at a library
Libraries usually employ the worst people, and if you work anywhere near a library you know the type of people I talk about.

>> No.22812205

I used to study in the pic related. Very comfy library, zero to none boomers, and a decent selection of books. I only disliked it when a lot of asian bugmen cs majors would occupy the space to write code on their laptops but other than that it was pretty good

>> No.22812258

Why? Did they bother you or are you just racist?

>> No.22812260

Go backto your own country instead of turning ours into the garbage dump you came from.

>> No.22812270

Why should someone tolerate foreigners in their country?

>> No.22812273

I actually remember when you could go to the store without feeling like you were in Mexico or Manila.

>> No.22812276

I didn't particularly care about their race (although most of them were from that race), but seeing bugmen writing code when I'm trying to read a comfy philosophical or religious text is not a pleasant sight because it reminds me of the near total dominion of technology over life in our time. I can't even run away from technology when I'm sitting in a study space that literally looks like Hogwarts

>> No.22812309
File: 157 KB, 604x617, beauty of it all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asian bugmen
I think he's racist. Don't get these hateful people. By closing your mind off to huge groups of people over some insecurity, delusion, or trauma, you end up losing access massive swathes of the world. You lose access to so many potential friends, connections, and partners. Everything becomes viewed through such a hateful lens or stress and loneliness.

I hope anon can overcome whatever demons he is fighting, accept people who are different, and open up his mind to the beauty of it all.

>> No.22812311

I doubt you remember anything like this. Other races existed before you turned 14.

>> No.22812317

No lie, I typed out an actual response to this as if you were rational people who could be reasoned with, then I remembered where I was, so I deleted it. I know you will not be having sex within your lifetime, but I hope you at least get the opportunity to touch grass someday.

>> No.22812329

What an extremely gay and catty response. Gonna screenshot this and send it to the mid alt girl you're trying to fuck? Literally no reason I should tolerate a bunch of rich chinks coming to my country to wear supreme hype beast clothes and cheat their way through a comp sci degree. Fucking buzzword nigger. I also go to dive bars and fuck fat girls that're into group sex.

>> No.22812335

Like it or not, being a bug man is correlated with being asian. You don't see too many "basket ball people" writing code

>> No.22812340

Not that anon and I'm sure he can handle a moron like you himself but

>mid alt girl you're trying to fuck?
Which weird insecure part of your brain did you pull this from. Nobody spoke of anything like this, you conjured it which speaks volumes about what you're upset about.

>to wear supreme hype beast clothes and cheat their way through a comp sci degree
More insecurity based on lame stereotypes which shows you don't get much real world experience outside of /pol/

>Fucking buzzword
In a post full of buzzwords. Pottery.

>I also go to dive bars and fuck fat girls that're into group sex.
Written like a professional pepper spray tester. Nothing that can defend itself wants you near them anon.

>> No.22812344

>umm umm you're insecure!

>> No.22812358
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Hit a nerve there, eh?

>> No.22812363

You're the one typing up and deleting posts defending immigration

>> No.22812366

Defending? I don't give a fuck about it, I just find your anger toward it hilarious. Seethe, my angel of music.

>> No.22812370
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>aint no ching-chongs gettin a edumacation on mah watch!
>try that in a small town!!
>roll tide

>> No.22812371

This is the kind of post that made people make soijaks

>> No.22812374

And this stereotype of an Alabama mechanic is wrong because..?

>> No.22812376
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That would be furries.

>> No.22812379

The know your meme oldfag has arrived

>> No.22812381

Because he is impotent in his misplaced anger. He has strong opinions about how others access higher education while never having been part of higher academia himself. He is a sad farce in human form.

>> No.22812382

Lmao. Reminder to the angry bugmen that there are three wmaf couples for every one amwf. And if youre a pasty yt boy, piss off back to whatever gentrified coastal city youre from.

>> No.22812385

He fixes the university's fleet vehicle when a chink drives it 6000 miles overdue on an oil change while his daughter goes to nursing school at Alabama yet he doesn't get a say in *his* community? Yeah, not a fan of this rootless globalism tbqh.

>> No.22812413
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Looking at these racists posting here makes me sad because I see how I could have turned out. Have you at least tried talking to the people who feel so much hatred towards? Have conversations, hang out with them a couple times, see what they're really like, and then after doing your actual experiments, if you still don't like them then fine, but that is that individual anyway.
I understand your anger at the things in your life that you are blaming on them. I used to be just like you. But then I grew up and opened my mind. I traveled to places full of people the internet had told me were "violent" and "backwards." I saw for myself how beautiful and kind the world was.

My wife is asian and we have a bun in the oven. I have never been happier. I would never be here if I never opened my mind and got out of that angry place all those years ago. You can have this too. Talk to the people you hate. Love the people you thought would never love you. They will, you have what it takes.

>You are now thinking of an angry response. Probably gonna say something about yellow fever. Or you will revert back into a trained defensive loop of some racist ramblings.
Maybe stop that, lower your defenses, and let us have a normal conversation instead? I do not feel anything negative towards you.

>> No.22812434
File: 102 KB, 1019x931, on-january-19th-1979-warner-bros-released-sleep-dirt-by-v0-upd0jxl6a2da1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever think you're projecting your own life onto anonymous internet posts? I grew up playing soccer with the kids of Mexican oil field workers. My cousin went on a mission trip and married a Chinese guy. He's a nice guy, and they have a kid together. This doesn't mean I should be okay with chinks buying up real estate or Guatemalans devaluing manual labor. Here's my original post
>Why should someone tolerate foreigners in their country?
This was met with unfounded assumptions that I was mad at Asians because I can't get laid. But no, the world traveler who met foreigners on his gay little bourgeoisie tour with his give peace a chance 1995 message has it figured out. Congratulations on your child.

>> No.22812447

>Why should someone tolerate foreigners in their country?
Because simply being born on the other side of an imaginary line doesn't make their presence on your side of it a threat to you. You frame it like going to college in another country (assuming they're even foreigners) is some kind of violation upon you.
The premise of your question is so asinine, it's no wonder nobody engaged with it and just called you a squealing incel instead.

>> No.22812453

Actually the Alabama guy is a serial killer and an HIV+ rapist who dumps car batteries into the local water supply. This isn't a group project, I'm writing the backstory for these characters.

>> No.22812454

>Congratulations on your child.
Thank you.

So you're upset about specific things -- mostly economics related -- that you assume are spearheaded by specific races or immigrants in general? And the examples you have were the taking of jobs and real estate. It's understandable that you would be upset about the economy in times like these, but do you ever thing you are blaming convenient targets for your woes?

What research have you done, what data have you compiled, that conclusively points at groups of people or immigrants as being behind specific things you're upset about. Why do you assume it is (insert race) which is responsible for something, and not the policy makers and government itself?

Even if you found an area and said "look, the entire economic center of this area is almost entirely owned by asian people." Why would your instinct be to blame an entire race and become intolerant, rather than specifically blame the few rich families belonging to a class and is responsible for the high property prices and economic issues.

The people who play the game and are winning want you to blame everyone else (entire races) but them (a few specific wealthy families). You've got the model mindset for blaming the wrong people and letting the issues continue.

>> No.22812457

Also, I forgot to mention. I am not trying to convince you to trade one prejudice for another, I am making the point that you're drawing circles around groups of people you imagine to be the source of your problems. It's stupid and has no merit.

>> No.22812459

>This doesn't mean I should be okay with chinks buying up real estate or Guatemalans devaluing manual labor.
Sounds like someone isn't a fan of free market capitalism.

>> No.22812463

help them finish

>> No.22812471

>takes up space, time, and learning resources that could be used by a citizen
>foreign TAs with heavy accents make undergrad education worse (I've taken labs where the TA spoke worse English than an illegal line cook)
>drives up the cost of education by paying any price the university asks
Fucking epic bro, it's just lines on a map why can't you understand the guy that literally doesn't speak your language?
No shit

>> No.22812476

libraries are just homeless jizz stations now. librarians are homeless jizz janitors now. we keep voting for it, so its what we keep getting

>> No.22812486

If my issue is foreigners buying real estate and pricing citizens out of the market then xenophobia is the quickest way to solve this issue. Countries with high amounts of white expats usually don't let them own property in that country, like Thailand. If the policy maker lets this happen so he can profit, then rampant xenophobia will cause the worm to turn out of fear and pass xenophobic legislation that prohibits foreigners from owner property. Why should I bother to learn the intricate nuance of which Chinese family sucked off the party enough to buy real estate in Toronto when I don't have to?
>le source??

>> No.22813386
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I went to the local library a few years back, and about 30 of the computers were being used for porn by old dudes. I could've fucking sworn I walked into a film set for some comedy sketch. It was insane. Some of them were flat out fullscreened, playing audio, and were clearly rubbing themselves. How long this sort of thing had been going on, and why the librarian never called the cops I'll never know. For fear of deleting someone in a psychotic break I've never gone back, and now I just buy whatever it is I want to read online. All things considered I have a nice library now, I guess.

>> No.22813393

>you can't jack off in public and blame the poor
I can and I will

>> No.22813394

>are you just racist?

>> No.22813400

It is precisely the imaginary line that makes their presence on this side of it an issue dumbass lefty

>> No.22813438

The “people” in this thread defending immigration and chink bugmen is actually a one person. He wants to create an illusion that there’s bunch of people on /lit/ who are against racism lol when its just a singular asian boy who seethes in rage when he sees asian girls spreading their legs to skinny white boys. Imagine trying to pull this shit on /lit/ one of the smartest and one of the most racist boards on all of 4channel.

>> No.22813450

Do you not understand what culture is? And are you not aware of China and the US's global tensions? The Chinese that infiltrate our university systems are here as sleeper agents. Wake up!

>> No.22813974
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Tech is more "real" than any bullshit wordcel book and I say that as a religious person. Tech and art have sovl, philosophy doesn't.

>> No.22814022

most of the boomers live a miserable life. they are the wealthiest generation ever, but their soul are empty.

>> No.22814037

>22 posters
>56 replies
probably true

>> No.22814533


Instead of worrying about the bug men you should worry about the BBC epidemic that is dangerously stretching out all your women.

>> No.22814538


I don't understand why they dont' have filters on their internet.

>> No.22814540

How do you know are you a nsa spy looking at them fuck?

>> No.22814544
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Ricecel moment

>> No.22814560

I'll be extremely generous and assume you're a qt yellow femboy playing the tease. Bussy or gtfo.