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/lit/ - Literature

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2284973 No.2284973 [Reply] [Original]

I thoroughly enjoyed The Hobbit.

>> No.2284975

it's a children's book. you are children for liking it.

>> No.2284983

I enjoyed Infinite Jest.

>> No.2284986

The Stranger

>> No.2284988
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>> No.2284991
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Come at me

>> No.2284994

Lord of the flies
Brave new world

>> No.2284996

I highly enjoyed George MacDonald's "Lilith" on audiobook.

>> No.2285007

We: That's not how space rockets, totalitarian states or black people work.

I really enjoyed it.

>> No.2285013

Go back to high school

>> No.2285024

>throughly enjoying things
Never heard of them it must be hipster crap you're only reading to yourself look smart
cause you're not smart
It would have been a lot easier to just watch the movies you idiot
>not getting the braille version instead
>lilith is a stupid name

In conclusion, I hope you all feel very bad for enjoying things. Please know that your taste is shit and revel in the sad feeling this knowledge gives you.

>> No.2285028

Farenheit 450
Animal Farm
A Brave New World

>> No.2285029
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>> No.2285031

If you read the clumsily-retconned Second Edition you might as well go watch Greedo shooting first. And feel bad.

"Never even heard of the King" indeed. An exemplar of hackwork.

>> No.2285042

The Time Traveler's Wife


>> No.2285044

I enjoyed Gone With The Wind...

>> No.2285051

I really love The Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.2285053


>> No.2285055

Thats not even a reason, perhaps you should learn to read again anon.

>> No.2285065

That's great, but if you just want something to schlick to you could've gotten some Tor romance novels cheaper

>> No.2285079

You're reading literature at the maturity level of those who do not know how to use their penises yet

>> No.2285085

on what do you base this assumption? Provide me reason why you claim that the maturity level of these books is so low.

>> No.2285102

Disfruta tu masturbación con necrofilia incluída al cadáver del boom latinoamericano, mezclado con imaginería barata mexicana y una bohemia acartonada y ridícula.

>> No.2285104

I liked the Years of Rice and Salt

>> No.2285286

Nine Stories

>> No.2285290

Stephen King's Dreamcatcher is one of my favourite books. Have at it.

>> No.2285313

oh god the shit weasel. the fact that the crazy military guy is named kurtz. it features a magical retard. the only thing positive I can say is that there's a 400 page chase scene that's thrilling but nonsensical. it's a fucking HORRENDOUS novel

>> No.2285344
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Elric of Melniboné
The Black Company
The Call of Cthulhu
Conan the Barbarian
The Space Merchants
The Gods Themselves

come at me bros

>> No.2285357

I love any of the Blizzard novels that aren't written by Knaak.

>> No.2285364

>Stephen King
He's the Justin Bieber of modern literature.

>> No.2285375

No, Stephenie Meyer is. Stephen King is more like Lady Gaga or some shit pop singer

>> No.2285391

i like the bourne identity

>> No.2285396

I enjoyed reading the Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.2285412

3 books read on this thread and liked: stranger, lord of the flies, BNW

okay: stranger; contrived! i get it the protagonist has emotion but so what he is till a dumpweed. just didn't care about him or his pathetic life, nothing to do with emotion. same as Holden Cauflield.

L.O.T.F.; Simon is NOT a Jesus character. period. Piggy is totally unappreciated for his contributions which wouldn''t occur in democracy like the author suggests. Didn't find those following Jack believable as a transplant of militarism or ideology driven dictatorship, but, I do understand it in a WWII context.

BNW; far too much capitalism. the T ford symbol replacing the cross?? any capitalist society would immediately disregard god and yes I used lower case on purpose. over all, okay, but, personally I hate sci fie as a genre.

>> No.2285413

skulduggery pleasant. (read 1-3. if you're gonna tell me why i shouldnt like it, please dont spoil 4-6, or at least give warnings)

>> No.2285414
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Snow Crash

>> No.2285420

I very much enjoyed Justine by Marquis de Sade.

>> No.2285422

I hated "The Idiot" by Dostoyevsky - depressed the hell out of me.

Why should I feel bad for hating that book?

>> No.2285423


Because Prince Myshkin, Nastassya Filippovna and Rogozhin are excellently written characters.

>> No.2285424


Haha oh wow.

>> No.2285431

I enjoyed Slaughterhouse-Five

>> No.2285439

Fight Club and American Psycho

>> No.2285453

This will be the next book I'm going to read. I really much enjoyed The Diamond Age, so this must be great too.

>> No.2285457

Starship troopers, one of my favorite books.
Other than that one I guess I, Robot and The moon is a harsh mistress, recently started reading Caves of steel and I like it so far.
I really enjoy Heinlein and Asimov as authors.

>> No.2285459
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Tao Lin - Eeeee Eee Eeee

Come at me bro, I don't give a fuck, I shoot cops.

>> No.2285460

no actual content in this book. just a lot of pages. strictly for bragging rights.

>> No.2285463

this book is phenomenal.

>> No.2285477

>god and yes I used lower case on purpose.
Reasons you should feel bad for existing in no particular order:
>You think you're deep and also edgy
>Your grammar is atrocious
>You think your opinions matter
>You're a cunt
>I don't like you

>> No.2285526
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One-hundred years of solitude

>> No.2285542
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The Very Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.2285546

Catch-22 is my favorite book.

>> No.2285547

Too Grimdark, You are worse than WH40K fags.

>> No.2285548

I was gonna say Bro fist but then I noticed you were a trip faggot.


>> No.2285549
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Vardeman & Milan's War of Powers series...when I "post a book" I don't give you just the title, open in wordpad.

>> No.2285550

Fuck you, I couldn't understand that and therefore no-one can. Fucking hipster with your toodeep4u bullshit

>> No.2285551

I liked The Unbearable Lightness Of Being

>> No.2285557

The collector was pretty good

>> No.2285558

self important asshole of an author who thinks sex is more important than it really is

>> No.2285560
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when I'm at university I want to do my phd thesis on this.

>> No.2285563


I read this when I was 14 and thought I was smart.

>> No.2285566


Also, I just realised you're in High School. This is probably the intellectual level you're at then ...

>> No.2285570

The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.2285574

The Golem


>> No.2285580

Norweigan Wood

or any Murakami

>> No.2285581

House of Leaves

>> No.2285582

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.2285585

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

>> No.2285588

You read Atlas Shrugged. I'm not going to insult you, you've suffered enough.

>> No.2285589

That book is sexist and you're a misogynist for liking it.

>> No.2285592

Norwegian Wood

>> No.2285593

>That book is sexist

okay i can see the argument

>and you're a misogynist for liking it.

cmon son

>> No.2285595

Madame Bovary

>> No.2285598

That book is a thorough description of a very classy slut

I liked Brave New World though

>> No.2285601

The Bell Jar

>> No.2285608

Grow a vagina and kill yourself.

As I Lay Dying was thoroughly enjoyed by myself.

>> No.2285637
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I don't care what you pretentious faggots say, John Grisham is God tier.

>> No.2285643


Sounds like the gentle cooing of the Butthurt Feminist. Fuck them, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest rules & I wanna bang McMurphy.

>> No.2285646

Sherlock Holmes
>You will never help an autistic man fight crime in late 19th century London

>> No.2285648

One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest is a chauvinistic rant against matriarchy and women. It should be burned along with our bras, sisters.

>> No.2285652
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She wrote the Henry Huggins books.
Great tale of a woman going to college in the 1930's and how she became a writer.

>> No.2285653

somehow i doubt you're posting in good faith

>> No.2285663

You hurt my feelings. I wonder, when I will realize that I'm in High School? I'm glad you know my intellectual level too. You're great.

>> No.2285667

Game of Thrones

>> No.2285671
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OP are we supposed to explain why you should feel bad in a joking manner or is this a free for all thread on being pretentious as fuck? Judging by the butthurt of those who get responses on their books it's the latter.

>> No.2285673

I took it as joking. Every other thread is pretentious as fuck, always, so I took this thread to be sort of the meta/lit/ experience. That said, other people are retards and don't know how to take a joke.

>> No.2285676
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>> No.2285745

You are a rapist.

>> No.2285769

you mad, that book's too weird

PS:I love it too

>> No.2285771

Zalacaín el aventurero

>> No.2285795
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Bio of a Space Tyrant and Incarnations of Immortality.

>> No.2285804
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Tell me why, /lit/. Author's other works do not count. Tell me why THIS book.

>> No.2285820

>One of the greatest pieces of dialogue I've ever seen in the KOTOR series
>Obsidians writer is a god among men for developing Kreia.


I never felt so much anger when I learnt they retconned the entire fucking story and replaced it with this load of tripe.

>Darth Bane
Seriously. SERIOUSLY?

>> No.2285821

it changed my lyfe

>> No.2285825

To the Lighthouse

>> No.2285828

>do you read?
>yes, I really love reading!
>awesome what do you like?
>I really love Harry Potter!
>...uhm... okay... have you read anything else?
>Eh... not that I can talk about or remember...

She was fuckable too

>> No.2285843

it is a very good books though
ashame about the lack of pictures howeevr

>> No.2285852

the inheritance cycle.

give me all you've got

>> No.2285853
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Did she maybe have other interests?
Maybe she was wanting you to save her. Teach her the world of literature. And you blew. She's back sucking my manly, football watching, bro before hoeing, dick.

You could have been the best thing for her. But now she is depressed, watching me pump iron and watch the big bang theory. She thinks about you a lot. But not when I'm fucking her. Oh, not when I'm fucking her.

>> No.2285863

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.2285875
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Liked this series back when I was in school.

Since then Cook wrote some more, good.

>> No.2285976
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Power of now
Master and margarita

Liked them all for different reasons

come at me hoes

>> No.2285987


>> No.2285995
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Come angst me, bro.

>> No.2286000

on my desk--> next read after i finish a bukowski.

>> No.2286001

I like Palahniuk.

>> No.2286004

I've read about a dozen Warhammer 40K novels.

>> No.2286007
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Pic in relation to content of post. In case you're wondering, the text above is German.

>> No.2286009
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>Fahrenheit 450


>> No.2286016
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Come at me, brah

>> No.2286030
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I love all the books in both series come at me /lit/

>> No.2286041
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Abarat by Clive Barker.

Anything else like this (intriguing alternate worlds, adventurous nature, etc.)?

>> No.2286045

It seems like /lit/ is the most accepting of other people's taste in media of all the 4chan boards when one glances at this thread.
I approve. I want that people read first, and that people read good books second (not in chronological but hierarchical order).

>> No.2286053

Agreed. Let's be honest, falling down the paths that shit boards like /mu/ take is unbelievably counterproductive and annoying.

>> No.2286054

Hunger-Knut Hamsun
Kiss of the Spiderwoman-Manuel Puig
To Kill a Mockingbird-Harper Lee
House of Leaves-Mark Danielewski

Also, I despise Joyce and Dickens.

>> No.2286057


Jim Butcher indulges in childhood fantasy every chance he gets. It's as bad as Stephanie Meyer.

I do like When the Wind Blows / The Lake House by James Patterson

>> No.2286072

>Hunger-Knut Hamsun

it's like reliving a fever dream. a good book and for that very reason you should feel bad.

>> No.2286078

>Calls out Jim Butcher
>likes James Patterson
I hope you like the last maximum ride.

>> No.2286129

Yeah, it's a pretty tough book to get through. I like reading it whenever I'm REALLY down in the dumps and super nihilistic.

>> No.2286132

Mistborn: The Well of Ascension, mostly because Sazed is fucking awesome

>> No.2286227


3 short stories that were unfit for print, hastily combined into a so-called "novel" with no cohesive point. you sure know how to choose em.

>> No.2286248


Battle Brother.

>> No.2286385
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