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22855796 No.22855796 [Reply] [Original]

Will you accept Stephen King in your country

>> No.22856077

>island filled with consenting, well paid, pubescent whores
>oh no, the horror! better be intellectually dishonest and use terms like "child" and "trafficking"

>> No.22856091

The whole purpose of the island was to control people with guilt, like a humiliation ritual, the cia is all about this crap, they will force you to do something so they have dirt on you so they can trust you.

>> No.22856097

Why are leftists like this?

>> No.22856103

if the people in charge governed well i wouldn't care if they raped children, as it stands this is the cherry on top of their bullshit

>> No.22856108

maybe, maybe not. that's not really the point anyone brings up though. what they bring up is the same as usual: that women have no personal accountability, that they're always the victims of men and whatnot

not an argument, roastoid

they didn't rape anyone, and no children were involved

>> No.22856118

imagine being an evil elite and not raping trafficked ukrainian nymphets. i refuse to believe it, it would be too boring.

>> No.22856126

Anon, I...

>> No.22856125

You're so naive.

>> No.22856132

nonsense term with no real meaning. pretty much always translates to "women knowingly and willingly became a whore because it was easier than xyz"

>> No.22856134

>no children were involved
children is anyone under 18, legally.

>> No.22856137

look i'm just saying if they DID fuck children it wouldn't exactly be beyond the pale

>> No.22856141

Do you genuinely believe a bunch of orphaned whores wouldn't consent to a life of luxury in exchange for sex? Haven't you ever walked down a street in the third world? Or even just read a book to actually take you out of your sheltered experience lol. A lot of these "trafficked" children sell themselves for less.

>> No.22856146

Here it translates to "children were kidnapped and forced to be fucked by creepy old men in an island"

>> No.22856147

Sure they do it by choice but it is a requirement to enter these circles, there are humiliation rituals for this express purpose.

>> No.22856149

Who's saying they were forced? Girls of that age are full of hormones and often attracted to older men.

>> No.22856152

Amber alerts is a child trafficking scheme, the clintons traffic children from haiti, do you even into pizza gate?

>> No.22856157

why would bill want to fuck ugly niggers? that's what the ukraine is for

>> No.22856159

These people also probably sacrifice children and fuck babies

>> No.22856160

FBI, this guy is a rapist pedophile.

>> No.22856162

It's a requirement because they're all the same. It's like saying a kid's smoking weed for the first time or being a tough guy and downing a bottle of strong liquor in middle school or being urged by his dad to lose his virginity to the whore he got for this express purpose is a humiliation ritual.
They love it. Sure it's a rite to prove how real you are, but man you're fucking rich and your instincts make it clear.

>> No.22856164

maybe in feminist dominated dystopias it is

i just meant that they were well beyond puberty, maybe not the right term. late adolescence? i mean, they were grown women, regardless of what some arbitrary law somewhere says. they could give birth. and as women, it's not like their brains were gonna develop beyond toddler level anyway

>> No.22856169

They're attracted to chad teenagers. They're not attracted to ugly balding Jews.

>> No.22856170

>They're not attracted to ugly balding Jews.
Explain Harv then, chuddo.

>> No.22856176

They're actually attracted to money and safety. They don't care it comes from chad teenagers that will whore them down the street or ugly balding Jews with a lot of money.

>> No.22856177

>maybe in feminist dominated dystopias it is
No, that's the legal definition.

>> No.22856183

>They love it. Sure it's a rite to prove how real you are, but man you're fucking rich and your instincts make it clear.
wasn't there some freemasonic ceremony shit where they rape their own kids?

>> No.22856185

The legal definition in a feminist dominated dystopia, yes. Do you think there's some metaphysical dividing line that the law somehow only figured out in the last 40 years?

>> No.22856187

just like how there was some ceremony shit in ancient greece where they buttfucked their disciples?

>> No.22856188

>They're actually attracted to money and safety.
You're thinking gold diggers in their 20s. Someone who's like 14 is not willingly attracted to some ugly old Jew.

>> No.22856189

The CIA literally makes people do things to collect dirt on them so they have be trusted and affiliated

>> No.22856191

You're thinking first world teenagers. Someone who's starving will fuck the ugly old Jew.

>> No.22856198

Fine literature thread here. A perfect example of using a book or writer as a proxy to talk about something that belongs on another board. Least you could do is post in WWOYM

Be better

>> No.22856200
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>> No.22856202

If they are forced or coerced, not out of their own will. They have pimps.
They have different tastes. Some perverts like boys.

>> No.22856204

To be honest no thread about Stephen King is bound to be good. I'm just here to argue this type of moralism is a weapon and the girls were better off fucking the pervy old men.

>> No.22856209

>not out of their own will
Really man? Seriously? How sheltered can you be?

>> No.22856233

Yes, they're forced by adults. You think some kid from some obscure town knew how to contact the rich socialite Jeffrey Epstein?

>> No.22856240

You think some slut from some obscure town would pass up a chance to join an incredibly rich man's entourage?

>> No.22856246

where do you think you are?

>> No.22856248

Do you think they're forced or do you think those adults walk over genuinely miserable orphanages where half the kids are starving and offer very handsomely paid help and a chance to escape in exchange for their services? Like the guys running these centers for destitute children are in on the deal and take their cut but they're dealing with the cards they were given.
And do you think these girls don't know about sex, or that some don't have their own children?
You're so cut off from reality lol it'd be one thing if they were kidnapping girls but these fucking old Jews were actually helping in their own perverted ways.

>> No.22856253

Yes chud, /lit/ is a leftie board

>> No.22856264

why are you suddenly bringing up and deflecting to the greeks? did your dad actually rape you?

>> No.22856269

All of you are pedophiles
>inb4 based (hyuck hyuck hyuck!)
based as in the base of my penis grinding against your mothers gaped pussy, yes!

>> No.22856275
File: 43 KB, 976x549, 1693321886126962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not one person here wants to fuck a teenaged girl

>> No.22856281

we can go way younger than that bro

>> No.22856285

>The CIA literally makes people do things to collect dirt on them
You can always say "No". Sure you might never get to be famous but a quiet life is better than being a rapist

>> No.22856286


>> No.22856288

Ok sure whatever the point is there are humiliation rituals and they serve a purpose

>> No.22856291

Epstein was just a modern James Bond with a private jet and island full of 16 year old whores. Nothing aybody can say will change my mind on this.

>> No.22856302

OK Jew, very edgy.

>> No.22856308

pretty much. just whores being whores to the rich as they tend to do

>> No.22856311

Nooo you have to be chaste! Our leaders have to be pent-up chudcels!

>> No.22856332

Kevin Spacey lives in the UK. Why are self-described "redpilled" people so gullible?

>> No.22856459

'ate Stephen King. He's an ego tripping potential pedo. Don't like 'em. Don't want 'em
>In B4 whatsboutism
Don't care. Don't like Stephen King. Simple as..

>> No.22856515

>that women have no personal accountability, that they're always the victims of men and whatnot
Those poor women were given hundreds of dollars for a massage, flown out to private islands in the bahamas, attended parties with the richest and most powerful men in the world, cruised around on million dollar mega yatchs, and asked to have sex with famous celebreties. THEY WERE BARELY 18. How can you be so heartless to what those poor, angelic, victimized CHILDREN were FORCED to suffer through. When a rich, habdsome, sophisticated man hands a 16 year old girl $500 to pay for sex its no different than if he put a gun to her head. Its called RAPE.

>> No.22856540

Just because every single erotic novel on wattpad is a description of getting fucked by an Epstein-like-character in the jacuzzi at his million dollar mansion doesnt mean that women ACTUALLY want that. Its called fantasy you incel. Plus, women are forced into desiring that. By, uh, the patriarchy. Women are all wonderful people, and if they arent, its because a bad man is at fault.

>> No.22856579

these were children (both girls and boys)

>> No.22856607

Exactly. 17 year old Children.

>> No.22856617

As young as 14 years old, actually.

>> No.22856638

>On December 19, 2023, New York judge Loretta Preska ordered a list with names of more than 170 Epstein associates to be unsealed on January 1, 2024. Anyone on the list has until January 1 to appeal to have their name removed.

>> No.22856833

>Anyone on the list has until January 1 to appeal to have their name removed.
So basically its going to be nothing then.

>> No.22856973

Fake News!

>> No.22856981

why would anybody accept bourgeois coomers form the media industry lol

>> No.22857064

>barely legible commie post

>> No.22857135

This makes me realize that this will probably get weaponized in the upcoming electron

>> No.22857208

What's the point if they can simply ask to have their name removed. Kek nice "justice" system

>> No.22857280

Burgers' opinions on what "children" and "rape" are are so confusing anon. I live next to a country where the age of consent is 14. I've been in high school and I know what these people are like. It's like the "17 year olds are children" crowd have never been around adolescent girls in their life.
I would like to say I just disagree with them but to be honest I don't grasp their position at all; what magical quality makes a 17 year old literally incapable of consent? Some 25 year old whores will have lower intelligence and a worse ability to make decent choices than a 14 year old girl, but nobody says having sex with stupid college roasties is rape.

>> No.22857323

>I swear officer! The CIA forced me to have sex with underage girls!
Found the nonce.