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File: 29 KB, 624x411, doogin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22898323 No.22898323 [Reply] [Original]

>has a well thought out philosophical system
>has published many books
>speaks 8 languages
>associates with some of the most powerful people in the world
>actually exerts influence in the world
why hate him?

>> No.22898336

russian BAD! hohol GOOD!

>> No.22898337

>associates with some of the most powerful people in the world
>actually exerts influence in the world

Neither of these are true. Also, as a rusfag I can tell you most of his philosophy is just weird mysticism and nobody in the 'rusky mir' takes him seriously.

>> No.22898341
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>why would anyone hate a two-faced satanic antiwhite communist?
russian spooks get the bullet too

>> No.22898343

>two-faced satanic antiwhite communist
Imagine being this buckbroken by the (((Anglo))) establishment

>> No.22898348
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20 rubles have been deposited into your account

>> No.22898349

I feel like he's a speculative metaphysicist of the worst kind. Dugin is somebody who takes a superficial reading of Heidegger as a justification of "anything goes", along with a superficial reading of Plato that grants him to claim a kind of ultimate spiritual authority, allowing him to have his cake and eat it too while ultimately remaining thoroughly confused. He's clearly well-read on critiques of liberalism and can make a thorough account of them all, but it's all stuff we've heard before. I do like the vague notion of a "fourth political theory", but I don't think he answers the problem with any significant force because of his confused metaphysics that I pointed out earlier.

>> No.22898353

He isn't taken seriously even in Russia.
>speaks 8 languages
This is a meme, he makes tons of errors in interpretation.

Pidorashka pls.

>> No.22898364

>This is a meme, he makes tons of errors in interpretation.
You can find clips where he speaks them. I'll grant that his German can be iffy, but his English, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese are all excellent.

>> No.22898387
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If you can not understand pic related, your opinion is rejected.

>> No.22898393
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>cneante 3a wynepcknmn npnemamn

>> No.22898395

>>associates with some of the most powerful people in the world
This discredits him, nobody in the elites circle is good.

Seriously though russia has no free speech, not even a little bit, they disappear people and arrest dissidents without hesitation, and maybe you think that’s a good thing and that’s fine but it isn’t compatible with thought. And don’t get me wrong I’m not some globohomo ukraine redditor either, ukraine should surrender, the men should refuse to fight, all government is the same anyway.

>> No.22898422

>charlatan whose retarded hyperborian russian century bullshit got permanently proven to be childish nonsense two years ago
>and a zigger whose life is essentially worthless anyway
Need I go on?

>> No.22898427

Yes westsister, now let's donate another trillion to Hoholia!

>> No.22898429

Post a translation. I don't read moonrunes.

>> No.22898449

This is debunking of Dugin's interpretation of "garō.dəmāna". Dugin incorrectly interprets this phrase and then build the whole theory about his incorrect interpretation. And this is Dugin in a nutshell.

>> No.22898472

He was retroactively refuted by Alfred Thayer Mahan. Thalassochads always dab on tellurocels.

>> No.22899054

Boasian third worldist retardation

>> No.22899078

Putin and his crew come off kind of like the oriental equivalent of neocons to me, down to the amount of chosenites and ex-communists among them. So it is basic ideological hygiene to not take anything associated with them seriously, just like nobody worth taking seriously takes american neocons seriously, either.

>> No.22899095


imagine simping for this delusional cuck

>> No.22899116

why did they kill this dude's daughter anyway isn't he just like russian ben shapiro

>> No.22899121

His mystique doesn't survive the process of reading his writings.

>> No.22899143

Donbas separatists love him

>> No.22899149

Holy hell, is Jewkraine paying shills overtime today?

>> No.22899157

His Middle Eastern policy seems better than America though. It's better than the Israel-Dubai-USA axis.

>> No.22899164

He doesn't go far enough imo. Christianity is holding Russia back just like Islam is holding Iran back. Russia and Iran share ancient relations. What would be better is to support something like a revival of the Kushan empire and the formation of a new ethno-identity that includes both Iran and Russia united under the banner of (Sarvastidin) Buddhism.

>> No.22899171
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good goyim.

>> No.22899180

he is a government funded propagandists. Russia lacked their voice heard in contemporary philosophy because it called for people who can read the worthless works of Heidegger and the gang, and re-babble that sort of stuff. he rose up to the task and gave the Russian nationalism flavored version of it, "our third world shithole's ways are actually is the best" rhetoric to the field to gain influence. a philosopher is someone who is concerned with truth, he is a political apparatus for Russian government.

>> No.22899183

Russia and the US are two sides of the same shekel. They are like the eastern and the western roman empire, neither give two fucks about their subjects as anything but sources of income and cannon fodder to be mulched in the grinders of their senseless wars.

>> No.22899202

You're not wrong but you're either naive or dishonest about the degree to which politics and philosophy intertwine. The separation between the two is an illusion. Not that anon btw.

>> No.22899219

Not a Ukraine supporter. Read Ivan Ilyin or Nikolai Berdayev if you want authentic Russian philosophy. Dugin is just as much of brown skin worshipper as anyone else.

>> No.22899221

I am naive.

>> No.22899224

How so? What he's proposing would benefit Germany.

>> No.22899230

Thought you'd say that. It takes a lot more courage to admit to dishonesty than it takes to admit to being naive.

>> No.22899260

>The separation between the two is an illusion.
It's not.

>> No.22899268

We don't forbid you to eat shit, why so butthurt?

Modern Russia is a total shithole. I don't know why you compare it to the USA. You should compare it with Pakistan or South Africa, the same civilizational level.

>> No.22899271

NAFO glowie.

>> No.22899298

I was born in Russia. Why can't Russia's supporters just go and live there? God, is this too much to ask?

>> No.22899305

Ah, I see, Russian Jew.

>> No.22899329

The root of his thinking is Boasian anthropology if you failed to notice the first time I said it but I forget people here can’t read

>> No.22899331

Nah, I'm total Slavic with grey eyes and brown hair (if original Slavs had grey eyes, but I'm not sure). But it doesn't make Russia better, mate. You base your idea of Russia on some strange things like jews, etc. But objectively Russia is shit.

>> No.22899338

Exactly. The very fact people don’t notice this boils down to deep-seated oikiophobia.

>> No.22899339
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>exploits liberal parapraxis

>> No.22899353

Putin and his crew are stupid gopniks from the street, criminal skam, third-rate KGB rats and corrupted bureaucrats.
That's funny how litttle Westerners know about Putin and his crew.

>> No.22899381

>security spook
>gay antics to obfuscate being Redder than Zizek's Maoist LARP
>fucked around and his daughter found out

There's not an authentic bone in his body, and an absolute chinlet without the beard.

>> No.22899387

What he's proposing seems one means to reinvigorate Russia, but I think it's not drastic enough.
Secular liberalism has been a failure, so what can be done?
No one here is offering their own ideal geopolitical world order.

>> No.22899391

>>associates with some of the most powerful people in the world
>>actually exerts influence in the world
Is that supposed to be a reason to like him? What if you don't like the influence he has?

>> No.22899452

>Secular liberalism has been a failure
No, it wasn't. In Russia it was undermined by Putin and his crew. Secular liberalism would be a failure if Putin went away in 2008 (after his second term) and never came back, and after that you could argue that secular liberalism is a failure.

But there was so called "the problem of the 2nd president" in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. After the fall of the USSR the first president was not so popular guy, because he had been facing the post-commie economic trasformation, poverty, etc. But in the second half of 90s-the first half of 00s the situation began to change and the secon president skimed the cream (literally by doing nothing). Lukashenko and Putin used this situation to their benefit to stay in power eternally, and there are rumors that Kuchma (Ukrainian second president) declined an offer to occupy the third presidential term. So Ukraine and Russia/Belarus went different ways.

>> No.22899455

Is there any book that deals exclusively with post-Soviet thaw?

>> No.22899495
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There are some books, like pic related, but I don't know how good they are.

>> No.22899517

He got clowned on by Olavo.

>> No.22899523

not really. Carvalho revealed that he was a superficial thinker while Dugin tried to keep talking about higher level concepts but failed to grab Carvalho's attention.

>> No.22899524

He's considered something of a court jester even in russia mate

>> No.22899527
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>> No.22899532
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Make a martyr out of someone who is fundamentally irrelevant but looks good on obituaries and is somewhat well-known
t. lakhta

>> No.22899539

On a literature side, try Zahar Prilepin's Sankea
His writing is surprisingly self-aware for such a staunch russian nationalist

>> No.22899540

Exactly what I was pointing out

>> No.22899544
File: 150 KB, 570x426, live dugin reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were pointing out... what?
The anglos made him say he troonhearts niggers and is anti-white?

>> No.22899550

He's just saying that because he wants the West destabilized, which is understandable.

>> No.22899625
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>He fell for the self-promotion

Yeah they're Russian neocons. Gleb Pavlovsky, a former Putin advisor and "political technologist" who became a critic after Putin came back for a third term, said Putin saw George W. Bush as a role model for how a world leader should act on the world stage. There are some funny pics of Putin with Bush in the 2000s you can look up. Bush also did the duck hunting thing. Pavlovsky thought he shouldn't have come back and then he started making bad decisions, and would've gone down with a better legacy if he had just retired. But imagine if Bush was still president of the U.S.

Even being against "degeneracy" and "decadence" was a neocon thing, it's interesting. "Degeneracy" is an edgy word, but the neocons in the 90s were really blackpilled about what they saw as a decadent trash culture and that 9/11 offered an opportunity to become more martial and sheeit.

I'm not Russian and don't have a great sense of it, but there was a scandal a few days ago when a bunch of celebrities held a decadent nudie party at a nightclub which upset the hawks. But the same pro-Kremlin people love to talk about how well the bars and restaurants are doing in Moscow (this is legitimately true -- they are doing very well). But one explanation I've heard is that people are living in "now," and people don't feel like they have any control over what's happening, and then some mercenary goes rogue. Soldiers are dying every day. In that environment, why not live like it's the last day on earth?

>> No.22899634

How is any of this false?

>> No.22899658
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>He was retroactively refuted by Alfred Thayer Mahan. Thalassochads always dab on tellurocels.
You could make that a meme. They're always going on about how Anglo pirates with their decadent entertainment and raiding-and-trading strategies are so terrible. But people like pirates. They fight for loot rather than some weird metaphysical stuff. It's hard to hate them. If you're going to LARP as something, why not be a pirate?

>> No.22899666

I cannot read a sentence about this man in English which does not also attach epithets like "far right." He seems extremely interesting, there is obviously more thought coming out of his braim than the entire Brookings Institute of Professional Postgraduate Retards

>> No.22899758
File: 865 KB, 880x589, glubinny_narod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>George W. Bush as a role model
This is just thug—gopnik, if you will—mentality. Bush was showing Europe, Iraq, and Afghanistan who is boss. It's not that deep. See:

• This thread by Kamil Galeev on drug cartels, avocados, gopniks and thugs who can't brook competition from engineers: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1501360272442896388.html
• How Putin the two-bit thug sucked mafia dicks for money at a St. Petersburg seaport: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marina_Salye#Political_career
• A little more St. Petersburg context in the first maybe 20 minutes of the Palace documentary: https://youtu.be/T_tFSWZXKN0

>bunch of celebrities held a decadent nudie party at a nightclub which upset the hawks
For the last two decades, Putin's core base has been the so-called "глyбинный нapoд" (glubinny narod), literally "deeply provincial masses," as captured in the picrel. These are people who relate to Putin's phraseology—"whack them up in the toilet"—who lack most of their teeth by their 40s, who distrust anything that sounds remotely complicated, and who wear leopard prints when they come by money. Putin recruits his enforcers from these people. The National Guard enforcer who kicked an elderly woman in the stomach at one of the opposition protests was of them. These are not remotely neocons. They are upset because "this is not done"—"тaк нe пoлoжeнo."

>I'm not Russian and don't have a great sense of it
And this is true.

>> No.22899841

Engels was legitimately fluent in 12 languages. And is infinitely more influential.

Fourth Way or whatever Dugin wrote isn't a fourth way, it's just reactionary

>> No.22899854

Anyone with more than a casual understanding of Boasian anthropology will note any resemblance to race being extant is really only skin-deep in anyone who takes the theory at face value like Dugin has obviously done.

>> No.22899956

Yes, Putin was a narrow-minded 3rd-rate KGB rat and mediocre corrupted bureaucrat with the gopnik background. He is about money and power, not about ideas. But his political consultants thought that it would be nice for him to have a facade of thinker. That's how you get the mighty Putin, the savior of white race. And Dugin was/is merely a part of this facade.

>> No.22900002 [DELETED] 

The only political consultants Putin required was people who executed hostile takeovers of NTV, Vkontakte, and Yandex to deprive investigative journalists of popular platforms. Dugin is an opportunist nobody who tried to the extent of his understanding to be the ideological supply to loyalist demand, and at this he failed—the ideology that didn't confuse their simple minds was bestowed on them by Putin himself in the 2022 address, the ideology of "fuck them up." Dugin's most notable service to the regime is having had his daughter killed, and even this by accident. Still, he gets to give talks and interviews so long as he isn't trouble, eking out a pathetic livelihood.

>the savior of white race
This is such a race-obsessed western misreading. He's a savior of glubinny narod—delivering them from frightening and incomprehensible western values of individualism and change.

>> No.22900025

The only political consultants Putin required were people who executed hostile takeovers of NTV, Vkontakte, and Yandex to deprive investigative journalists of popular platforms. Dugin is an opportunist nobody who tried to the extent of his understanding to be the ideological supply to loyalist demand, and at this he failed—the ideology that didn't confuse their simple minds was bestowed on them by Putin himself in the 2022 address, the ideology of "fuck them up." Dugin's most notable service to the regime is having had his daughter killed, and even this by accident. Still, he gets to give talks and interviews so long as he isn't trouble, eking out a pathetic livelihood.

>the savior of white race
This is such a race-obsessed western misreading. He's a savior of glubinny narod—delivering them from frightening and incomprehensible western values of individualism and change.

>> No.22900039

Nah, Putin had to find an appealing appearance and he had to answer the question "What do people want?". Why do people want stolen Ukrainian lands more than increased income, equal rights, high standard of living or universal legality? I don't think that Putin could figure it out himself.

>> No.22900047

Thanks. I liked the analogy between the Z-gang and Mexican drug cartels.

>the ideology of "fuck them up."

>> No.22900095
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>> No.22900099

There is Russian mentality "we are small people, the chief knows better". But the chief should have an appearance of a thinker to appeal to this mentality. The chief should write articles like "On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians", he should be able to name "acts of historical injustice", etc. This was a part of Putin's facade, which became his second nature later, when he became more interested in finding excuses for staying in power.

>> No.22900102

i don't like bosnians either but i don't think they're third world

>> No.22900122

>A little more St. Petersburg context in the first maybe 20 minutes of the Palace documentary
Why can't Westerners just translate "Who is Mr. Putin"? This is the biggest enigma of the 21th century.

>> No.22900184

Yes anon, nations waging expansionist wars of aggression to spread their godless post commie ideology bad

>> No.22900199

Go back to /pol/

>> No.22900207

>Nooooo you can’t just ally yourself with non-whites to fight jewish international power!
I wonder who could be behind this sentiment?

>> No.22900218

>Ummm sweety. Violence is le bad ok.
Reddit moment

>> No.22900220

Isn't this the guy who has a fear of surfers?

>> No.22900242
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What exactly appeals to you in modern Russia? I can understand if Russian conservatism would be like Tolkien/Jünger-conservatism, gentleman's conservatism. But Russian conservatism is thug-gopnik-prison conservatism or peasant-drunkard conservatism (like "deeply provincial masses" here >>22899758), or something in between, like Russo turisto. Is that your ideal of white society?

>> No.22900255

you are a buthurt belter that has been propagandized you're entire life to hate Russia. You are in no way to give an accurate picture of Russian philosophical thought dumbass...

>> No.22900270

Russia can’t have philosophical thought because they kill people for speaking their mind, do you not understand the fundamental issue there? There is no way you can tell what a person thinks if they can’t say anything they think. We cannot just assume it is a happy coincidence that their ideas fall in line with legally sanctioned thought.

>> No.22900273

I was born in Russia and I know Russia. And who are you? /pol/tard, who never leaves mom's basement in some southern state of the USA?

>> No.22900275

>they kill people for speaking their mind
They kill certain people who oppose the regime by way of propaganda you mean? There are fewer restrictions on speech in Russia than in Europe, and I say that as a European.

>> No.22900310

Cry more vatnigger

>> No.22900313
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lmao Japanification in two weeks

>> No.22900317
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No one is buying it pidor

>> No.22900318

>Ahmed complains that it is not allowed to publicly express hatred towards jews in Europe.
So why don't you emigrate to Russia, this beautiful country of free speech?

>> No.22900339

I mean not being able to shittalk the Jews is already outrageous IMO, but it's not just the Jews is it?

>> No.22900352

This guy (you?) has something against jews >>22899149 >>22899305 >>22900207, so it's definitely his sore spot.

>> No.22900364

No not at all. But I do think he might be onto something.

>> No.22900371

>he might be onto something.
Jews under your bed? You should check it up now.

>> No.22900378

Not real philosophy. He is basically a Russian cultural/political polemicist. Then again, most of his “philosophy” is not even available in English.

>> No.22900386

I dunno man, I just think something's up with them.

>> No.22900392

What people find attractive about Russia is precisely that it’s not fake conservatism of the 19th century Western nations. They like that it’s soil-rooted peasant piety, completely with the sort of alcoholics, wounded veterans, and anti-heroes that you’re liable to find in a Dostoevsky novel. It’s almost the complete opposite of Western high culture conservatism, and more easily identifiable to the sort of Rust Belt American conservative. Americans have never had nor identified with a European high culture after all and look at it as effeminate or elitist, which they dislike in either case. The novels of Dostoevsky resonate with them far more than the compositions of Mozart or the poems of Marvell and that is the source of much American Russophilia. Russia and Appalachia share a commonality that Vienna and Appalachia don’t. As an American europhile from the rust belt, this is just insanely obvious to me.

>> No.22900394

I should have name dropped Schiller rather than Marvell…

Schiller fits what I’m trying to say here better. Marvell’s pastoral poems in English are somewhat identifiable to Americans, while Schiller is totally impenetrable. Any American who has ever professed an affinity for Schiller has was lying.

>> No.22900396

>with them.
With jews? Maybe. But it has no relations to Dugin, Russo-Ukrainian war, this thread, etc. That's funny how Westerners interpret all thing through the prism of their own expirience and prejudices.

>> No.22900402

I'm just answering that Anon's question as a gesture of goodwill. As I said, being unable to criticize the jews in certain ways is really just one example of the speech issues we have here in Europe.

>> No.22900405

Your beloved Russian culture in action right here. It is obvious they have no values other than might makes right and lick the boot that stands on your neck.
It is insanely obvious that people who look up to Russkies are just brainwashed or working at a troll farm.

>> No.22900412

lol nobody finds Russia attractive you fucking dork,

>> No.22900420

The same post could be made about any other country, just with a different cherrypicked video.

>> No.22900424

>They like that it’s soil-rooted peasant piety, completely with the sort of alcoholics, wounded veterans
You talk like you are in a zoo and contemplate amusing animals. I know that your rednecks remind of Russians, but to be a redneck is not very desirable fate, and to be a marginal Russian is desirable even less.

>> No.22900435

>being unable to criticize the jews in certain ways is really just one example of the speech issues we have here in Europe.
You are unable to criticize other ethnic groups also, but you are able to criticize your government. In Russia it's opposite, you are allowed to blow off steam in hate speech against other social groups (gays, jews, etc), but you shoud be in critic of corruption, for example.

>> No.22900442

>shoud be cautious

>> No.22900445

Yeah, so? The government is just one entity. It's in effect a much more limited infringement on speech.

>> No.22900459

From the point of view of a tyrant, who own a country and all its money, it is a desirable effect to deflect criticism from your own person. You have all power in the country, but people should blame gays, jews or your political opponents for people's poverty, etc.
So, what is the point of free speech, if you are allowed to blame only people, who have nothing in common with your problems?

>> No.22900461

>who owns a country and all its money

>> No.22900465

You're just defining free speech in a way that is convenient for your argument. 'blame' has nothing to do with it. I just want to be able to call a nigger monkey a nigger monkey. Not because I blame them for anything, but because they're different and cause me visceral disgust when I see them. I would trade my ability to criticize the government in a heartbeat if it meant I can be honest with these 'marginalized groups'. I barely encounter the government in my daily life.

>> No.22900468

I don’t have any particular affinity for Russian culture. Neither do I have any distaste for it. I think you have poor reading comprehension if you failed to gather that from what I typed there. That, or you’re a paid shill, mentally ill, etc., etc.

You just live under a rock.

At this point, I’m starting to suspect I triggered someone and am replying to the same person…
You also have poor reading comprehension fwiw.

I forgot this board is filled with people eschewing undergraduate who lurk /pol/ but unironically don’t read and also paid shills. You even conceded every single thing I wrote when you said (not I) that rednecks remind of Russians. Why reply? Bizarre.

>> No.22900470

Cringe contrarian

>> No.22900471

The only countries which trigger people when portrayed in a light that is not explicitly negative are Russia and America. That alone suggests this thread isn’t sincere and never can be. I suspect it wasn’t sincere to begin with.

>> No.22900473

If you think Russia is waging expansionist war to expand some ideology you are an actual fucking retard. It really seems like the Slava Ukraini internet army is just out in full force now that it’s obvious the war is lost.

>> No.22900479

>Russians are big meanies for doing a le war on the precious Ukraine
>Also: Cry more

The JIDF/NAFO folks are not sending their best lmao

>> No.22900494
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>I just want to be able to call a nigger monkey a nigger monkey.
This is not a problem of free speech, but of ethics and moral, social interactions/traditions/norms, survivability of society. Someone wants to walk naked in public, for example.
>I barely encounter the government in my daily life.
Maybe you should be grateful for this.

>At this point, I’m starting to suspect I triggered someone and am replying to the same person
Nah, pic related.

>You also have poor reading comprehension fwiw.
Nah, mate, if you like miserable Russian life, just go and live this life yourself, don't be a hypocrite. Borders are open.

>> No.22900500

> if you like…Russian…
Nigger, you cannot read.

>> No.22900505

>Um sweety, did you just go against the western media consensus on a current event topic? Cringe.

>> No.22900507

He is just going to keep repeating that same dumb talking point lol. Everyone who is not a disingenuous shill realizes you can tacitly support governments that fight the great Satan while not agreeing with everything they do, right?

>> No.22900515

>They like that it’s soil-rooted peasant piety, completely with the sort of alcoholics, wounded veterans
Go and live such a life. Or you just like to read about human misery and such a life doesn's appeal to you personaly? So, what exactly appeals to you in modern Russia?

>> No.22900527

Because he is a complete and utter retard and his philosophical system is based on wishful thinking.

>> No.22900530

>This is not a problem of free speech, but of ethics and moral, social interactions/traditions/norms, survivability of society.
First of all, it doesn't have to be an either-or. Second of all, it sounds to me like not being able to criticize the government can be defended with the exact same argument. Third, I never consented to this set of morals and they were forced on me by entities that are unaccountable and thus illegitimate.

>> No.22900538

>to me like not being able to criticize the government can be defended with the exact same argument
Nah, calling someone a nigger isn't able to make your life better objectively (except moral satisfaction, but it's subjective). Criticizing the government is able to make your life better objectively by achieving desirable politics, subsequent increase of your income, etc.

>> No.22900545

Not him, but whats the problem with Boasian anthropology?
I'm a newbie retard. And I barely recall who Franz Boas was.

>> No.22900549

>Criticizing the government is able to make your life better objectively by achieving desirable politics, subsequent increase of your income, etc
Oh really? The majority of the British public has been against migration for at least 70 years. What did that get them exactly? You think I can increase my income by criticizing the government? Okay, please explain how step by step. Draw me the logical sequence of events between 'I criticize the government ' and 'I get more money'.

When I call a nigger a nigger I discourage it from interacting with me and feel a measure of stress relief. This benefit if expressed in monetary terms far eclipses any benefit I can achieve from criticizing the government.

>> No.22900551

Fucking kek
>Its not a big deal that there is a special class of people you are often forced to interact with daily and also can’t criticize or offend
>Its more important that you can vote for red/blue team and make fun of the corporate puppet candidates on Twitter

>> No.22900554

Kamil Galeev is a unispook. I wouldn't take everything he says at face value.
He is there to grift for free tatarstan.

>> No.22900566

It's crazy how his philosophical system embues his own country with a world-historic metaphysical system, and his country's enemy represents everything that is bad in the world. Funny coincidence. He is to Western-Eastern relations what Irving Kristol was to Western-Israeli relations.

>> No.22900574
File: 107 KB, 604x433, Россия-люди-890614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You think I can increase my income by criticizing the government?
You don't understand it because you are not encircled by elite houses of bureaucrats, built by your taxes, while tens of millions your fellow citizens live in abject poverty.

>The majority of the British public has been against migration for at least 70 years.
At the same time they don't want to work as toilet cleaners in offices.

>> No.22900581

>You don't understand it because you are not encircled by elite houses of bureaucrats, built by your taxes, while tens of millions your fellow citizens live in abject poverty.
Of course, assume things about me rather than addressing the substance of my point.

>> No.22900596

Level of corruption correlates inversely with standard of living.

>> No.22900598

Russia probably does have a world-historic system of its own.
>You don't understand it because you are not encircled by elite houses of bureaucrats, built by your taxes, while tens of millions your fellow citizens live in abject poverty.
Criticizing the government won't solve this.
T. Spic

>> No.22900602

In fact, they'd probably just wink at you and call you pidorash or something.

>> No.22900609

Weird, I could say the same thing for darkness of complexion. Correlation means nothing and Transparency International is not a legitimate authority that I recognize.

>> No.22900629

Rednecks don't know about any of this stuff, those that do like Russia (of which there are not that many) do so because they view the Democrats as anti-Russia.

>> No.22900653

“Rednecks” have college educations and are highly online now. If anything, your retarded reply is an affirmation that the rust belt and Appalachian “rednecks” find the aesthetics of Russian culture more appealing than the phony and misguided veneer of the coastal middle class who doesn’t understand them and often even resents them. You don’t actually know anything about these people or what they’re like, but they know you and they don’t like you. And who can blame them? If you don’t see the commonality between Anthony Oliver and Fyodor Dostoevsky that doesn’t overlap with, I don’t know, whatever coastal MFA writer or pop puppet you listen to these days, then you’re just blinded by your own preferences and pretensions. It’s almost too ironic that you wouldn’t see that.

>> No.22900657

>Criticizing the government won't solve this.
Maybe, maybe not. Still, rotation of political figures in office helps more, than its absence. And openly criticizing the government, you have a chance to achive both this rotation and your political goals.

>> No.22900661

Are you actually a fucking retard? What part of “I have no particular affinity nor dislike for Russia” can you not understand? Are you an ESL? Is Ukrainian your first language? Or can you just not fucking read because you’re an imbecile?

>> No.22900665

*metaphysical significance

>> No.22900685

>rotation of political figures in office helps more, than its absence
Hard fucking disagree. The power is in the institutions and the bureaucracies, not the government. Having a rotation of political figures is a measure of concealment and distraction that works very well on retards such as yourself.

>> No.22900695

So, you can find nothing appealing in modern Russia. Why did you try to answer my question at all? To say that there are people, who like to read about Russian alcoholics?

>> No.22900698

>“Rednecks” have college educations and are highly online now. If anything, your retarded reply is an affirmation that the rust belt and Appalachian “rednecks” find the aesthetics of Russian culture more appealing than the phony and misguided veneer of the coastal middle class who doesn’t understand them and often even resents them.
I am literally related to rust belt rednecks, one of whom is a "Russophile" now and even has a degree (it's not from a flagship state university in the Midwest so it doesn't really count desu). They do not know anything about Russian aesthetics, they have not read any novels of Dostoevsky or Tolstoy, they have not listened to any great Russian composers, they do not know the slightest thing about Orthodox Christianity, which is hardly even practiced nowadays in Russia anyways. The thought process is in fact "I think America bad, mostly because of the Democrats -> American allies bad, opponents of America good -> Europe bad Russia good." It's just contrarian tribalism.

>> No.22900728

Nigga no one is falling for your dumb concern trolling.

>> No.22900739

Not him but you are expressing a tacit admiration for Russian life, if nothing else.

>> No.22900760

>The power is in the institutions and the bureaucracies, not the government.
It totally depends on degree of acquisition of power by the government. It would be silly to say, for example, that Stalin had less power than all clerks in the USSR.

>> No.22900768
File: 3.90 MB, 350x638, 1703703448266520.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright Pidor, breaks up. You're in the next human wave assault. Get moving of the Chechen blocking detachments will get into your ass, literally....

>> No.22900778
File: 1.20 MB, 320x586, JtfNePVAqYke0LSX.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Global homo bad, gulag homo good.

>> No.22900791

>Russian life
Maybe Russian life wouldn't be so bad if Russians had money and resources to decide themselves what life they want to live.

>> No.22900807

Explain how Russians have it worse off than a poor person in the modern west without mentioning the prevalence of cheap consumption goods

>> No.22900808

Stalin wasn't the entire government. Also you're comparing an autocracy to an oligarchy. Of course power distribution in these two government forms is different.

>> No.22900820

The western system is not all that it's cracked up to be.
Anarcho tyranny is worse than normal tyranny, ironically.
This is true. Same reason why hispanic duginists exist.

>> No.22900826

This is Chita.

Chita is a city and the administrative center of Zabaykalsky Krai, Russia. Population: 334,427(2021 Census).

>> No.22900850

Being unable to "criticize"—really, draw attention to the machinations of a corrupt official and be heard rather than threatened—the government means that even in Moscow you can have an illegal landfill not thirty meters from your apartment building and no recourse. It's just great to keep your windows closed on a summer night because trucks come there to dump dirt under the cover of darkness all night long, and you don't want brown dust on your desk and windowsill, come morning, just so some government thug could be enriched since a bribe is easier and cheaper than finding a legal site to dump the waste.

t. Russian

>> No.22900854

Wow so a gigantic country thats always been relatively impoverished compared to the West and is currently banned from using the global financial system has poor areas? I guess I better support global homo in that case!

>> No.22900862

This just demonstrates that Russia should have a sovereign internet. Same kind of video could be made about the US but the US just happens to be a soft power hegemon so it wouldn't matter.

>> No.22900867

Come to America and try to point out any corruption you see in the government lol. You might not get Gulaged, but nothing will be done about any issue. I would also much rather deal with a government of self-interested bureaucrats than ones who actively hate me and want me dead.

>> No.22900892

>and is currently banned from using the global financial system
That video was recorded in 2019. Navalny's video about Putin's palace was recorded at the same time. So there is money for the palace and there is no money for garbage disposal.

>> No.22900893

You really should think through the consequences of the absence of a functioning court system, difficult though it may be for an American to imagine, "lol." No, politically biased courts in some parts of the US aren't remotely in the same category as a de facto lawless state throughout.

>> No.22900899

Freedom to complain won't mean it's actually actionable. Though, you'd get latin america.

>> No.22900911
File: 3.45 MB, 1280x720, 1703770340004763.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well for one, a poor person in the West doesn't get conscripted and forced to assault entrenched positions in 60 year old poorly maintained vehicles after freezing in a trench and starving for months so that a 70 year old man can play IRL Hearts of Iron and secure his "legacy."

>> No.22900914

>No, only the corruption I don’t like is bad

These are all fascinating arguments, and yet everyone can be applied to America as well. Your only response has been, “nuh uh its not as bad”. I don’t believe you, sorry. For every video of a dirty city in Russia I can show you a city in America overrun with criminals and garbage

>> No.22900915

You're framing it as if the same entity is responsible for these two things. Do you hold the governor of Texas responsible for the content's of Hunter Biden's laptop too?

>> No.22900919

Until Israel calls and wants goys for their wars lmao.

>> No.22900940

>You're framing it as if the same entity is responsible for these two things.
As I understood you, Putin is responsible for nothing. He is just a poor guy, who seats in the presidential chair for 20 years and is responsible only for his palace and his yacht. You are a pretty good goy desu.

>> No.22900944

America hasn't had conscription in half a century. Russia has taken 300,000+ casualties, the equivalent of America eating most of a million casualties when scaled to population, in two years for a war now solely based on Putin's political future.

7,000 Americans died in 20 years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Russia throws that many mobiks into pointless human wave assaults in a week sometimes.

>> No.22900947
File: 41 KB, 458x485, axo4O9n_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only the Tsar new what the recalcitrant boyars were doing!

>> No.22900948

And now you're framing it as a dichotomy. It's either 'Putin is responsible for everything ' or 'Putin is responsible for nothing.' Meanwhile I never suggested anything close to this.

>> No.22900950

See, Russian government is incompetent.
American government is malicious.

>> No.22900955

So, Putin is responsible only for good things, and someone else is responsible for bad things. And Putin just didn't know about the problem with garbage disposal in Chita. If only he knew...

>> No.22900962

That only makes sense if you are a retard who thinks Ukraine/NATO never did anything wrong and totally weren’t going to attack Russia. Meanwhile, Americans were conscripted to die fighting vietnamese and iraqis in service of global jewry. Again, you can claim one side is worse (lol), but that doesn’t make me care. I live in America and it sucks, I don’t care that Russia also does.

>> No.22900966
File: 519 KB, 848x480, 1703283305360755.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, we consider the exponentially higher HIV rate, the fact that despite projecting itself as trad that Russian girls lose their virginity earlier and have more partners and that Russia has far more Muslims and plenty of migrants. We could consider that poverty is much more widespread and life expectancy absolutely shit, the rampant alcoholism and drug addiction on par with the worst parts of the US, or the extremely high homicide rate on par with ghettos and shit tier states.

>> No.22900967

NTA. Of course the same entity is responsible for those two. That's the entire point of Putin's "vertical of power." You can't replace the government of Chita so long as Chita's government is at Putin's beck and call, delivering properly adjusted electoral results and gifts to cram the coffers of Putin and his associates. It doesn't matter to Putin how much trash there is in Chita's streets, and how opulent the mayor of Chita's McMansion is—taxes redirected to fund this rather than trash cleanup—so long as Putin's demands are met. And if Chita's people find the trash distasteful, what of it? At worst, should they opt for a protest, the Rosgvardiya can be sent in to pacify the population.

>> No.22900970
File: 20 KB, 500x385, 1210212301_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one who discusses or expresses opinions on Dugin online actually read his works. Literallly, you see people just regurgitate to you opinions of other people from youtube, or cherrypicked quotes that they stumble upon, take out of context, place them in the framework of their Western political narrative in the most simplistic way "USvsThem" or "LeftvsRight", and then jump to all sorts of conclusions, discussing these memes and impressions with other people, and actual Dugin and his philosophy are always missing from this type of public mud slinging.

>> No.22900974

Not not at all. Putin operates in a complex intersection of constraints, pressures and resources, just like any other world leader. Expecting him to fix a localized problem in a specific city is not reasonable any more than it's reasonable to expect Biden to stop the niggers in Chicago from killing each other en masse.

>> No.22900990

Have you read Dugin? If so please do say.

>> No.22900994
File: 2.67 MB, 2000x1334, Soldiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans were conscripted to fight Iraq
Why should I expect the truth from a Russia booster then again.

And yes, the US was clearly going to attack Russia any day now, what with most of the security apparatus being too scared of "escalation" to even give Ukraine slightly modern weapons with decent range. I suppose the attack involved the "bio labs" making Slaves killing super viruses, to be dispersed by bats like the Kremlin claimed too.

Bro, if Russia is better, just go move there. They are dying for military aged men. Go enjoy. Do yourself a favor first though and Google "dedovschina."

The US also doesn't dump its dead in mass pits on foreign lands and then refuse to pay out widows.

>> No.22900998

>Ukraine/NATO never did anything wrong and totally weren’t going to attack Russia
NATO and Ukraine have planned to attack a nuclear country because of what? Elaborate.

So Putin and his crew weren't able to fix the problem with garbage, but were able to build palaces to themselves. Mayb they are just incompetent corrupt people, who merely want to stay in power and don't give a fuck about problems in the country?

>> No.22901012

Attempt number 100 to use the “just move there” line. Im sure it will work eventually.

>> No.22901015
File: 36 KB, 720x540, tumblr_lj3yn6TN9u1qfb41mo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, i read some but not all. I like his views on classical German philosophy, he has some original ideas for classification and invents new categories, tying different influences on Heidegger. I feel like its a starting point, and everything else should be understood after i get over with this.
But people in this thread not discussing philosophy, but rather politics and different propaganda narratives. Press Ctrl+F and see how many times Putin is mentioned and how many times Dugin is mentioned. They even post battle pictures of dead soldiers, as if the last argument. If the philosophical discussin descends into posting "funny dead people memes" then it never was a philosophical discussion.

>> No.22901020

Russia is worse than America because Putin is turning it more like America!

>> No.22901029
File: 60 KB, 531x640, lissiwifv0ba1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Russia
>Attack Finland, the Baltics, and a
Poland and colonize them with oppressive rule.
>Lose war with Germany you started by being the first to mobilize, have revolt.
>Carry out genocide of several million Ukrainians and several hundred thousand Poles.
>Attack and try to subjugate Poland again. Lose
>Attack and try to subjugate Finland again. Lose.
>Second War.
>Decide to reconquer and oppress half of Europe, even though they helped you win the war. Brutally crush independence movements in the Hungary and the Czech Republic, put totalitarian 1984 style rule in place across the Baltics, Poland, Romania, etc.
>Collapse. People overwhelmingly vote to leave union with Russia because it sucks.
>Invade neighboring Georgia for land grab.
>Soft annex Belarus and use military to prop up old Boomer dictator Luka.
>Send in military to prop up Boomer dictator in Kazakhstan when the people revolt.
>People revolt in Ukraine.
>Use military assets that are obviously yours even though you claim they aren't to annex a bunch of Ukrainian land by force.
>Also continue to threaten Baltics, Finns, and Poles. Actively work to subvert them, carry out cyber attacks on their infrastructure.
>Act completely shocked that neighbors begin trying to form a defensive alliance against you.
>"Poor, poor Russia. Why does everyone always hate us!? It must be Russophobia."

>> No.22901033

And what, exactly, is not malicious about what the Russian government is doing—enriching themselves and their children (who have been moved to the west) at the expense of the vast majority of Russians? Does the low life expectancy mean nothing to you? I can't buy cottage cheese in Russia without a research session into which producers lie about the ingredients because they bribed whichever official stamped their license. The most popular brand has starch in it, according to a chemical analysis, and this is not listed on the package. This is a routine example. Everything is like this.

>> No.22901042
File: 285 KB, 1480x1419, Russia-Emigration-062916_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great reading comprehension dumbass. Russia as a whole, the entire thing, is essentially as bad as US ghettos on these metrics. The HIV is worse than anything in the West. So is the life expectancy. And that's as a whole, there are plenty of even more shit places.

If Russia is not any worse, why have millions of Russians emigrated and why do they overwhelmingly move to the degenerate West?

How many Americans and EU citizens move to Russia?

>> No.22901046

yes to the first one

>> No.22901056

Do you think people are gonna read this butthurt moralizing? Get bent nigga while Ukraine conscripts their 70 years olds lmao

>> No.22901058
File: 2.51 MB, 1920x1080, talking to the forest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorite lections from Durin is his "Talking to the forest"
He literally just stands in front of the old German forest and talks to it


>> No.22901066

>Gigantic country with large swathes of land that were unindustrialized until the 1950s has poverty and crime that rival areas in America

Shocking stuff! I totally support Judeo-America now wtf!

>> No.22901068

The government itself is corrupt. Not malicious.
Western democracies have perfected their own brand of controling malice.
In that way, a despotism os at least more honest than the UK. Leeches sucking the country dry do not have an objective in mind.
Westoids do not have this privilege.

>> No.22901080

>The government itself is corrupt. Not malicious.
Corruption _is_ malice. The corrupt official knows he is personally benefiting at the expense of people's health and well-being. He knows someone will have to live near that illegal landfill, and he knows people will eat that starch-filled cottage cheese. This is not incompetence.

>> No.22901094

Man, the West was giving Russia money for its gas and oil for 20 years. Without this money there would be no war. And there is something in Russian nature to become more arrogant when they get free money.

>> No.22901097

This thread just shows how completely sheltered people can be from world events. Let me let out what them American equivalent of what Russia is currently doing would look like:

Imagine we decided we had to invade Mexico two years ago. In those two years we have made it like 30 miles from the border, just 5 miles in some places.

We had to abandon our attack on Mexico City with heavy losses.

We have had to start the draft again and we've had about 800,000 casualties (the comparable number for the US population). With that number, it means you almost certainly know young men who have died and you may have been pressed into service yourself.

Those mobilized are spamming videos of how they have no leadership, broken equipment, and are stuck with rusted World War II, or in some cases World War I era rifles.

Some of their equipment, carriers for armor, etc. seems to be air soft gear purchased off Ali Baba.

Videos are coming out of US forces getting raped trying to attack using Korean War era equipment.

The US is relying on Nigeria and Zimbabwe for it's weapons (North Korea/Iran for Russia).

Guy Fieri, the famous chef, has been put in charge of a large contingent of soldiers and prisoners to lead major parts of the war effort because he is buddies with Biden, despite having no military experience.

Guy Fieri is also an ex con who explicitly knows Biden through his organized crime work.

Guy Fieri begins calling the Sec Def and head of the Chief of Staff faggots in video after video, claiming they are embezzling funds.

Several generals get scape goated for poor performance and disappear. Bloggers critical of Biden disappear (Strelkov)

Guy Fieri claims the Pentagon fired missiles at his base.

BTW, the prison population has fallen by almost 50% so many people are being put into the army (and then dying). Protestors get thrown into the army as well.

It's revealed that local cops were used in the invasion attempt and got massacred.

Guy Fieri declares he will be removing the Sec Def in a coup and seizes Miami and high level members of the the armed forces.

>Guy Fieri marches on Washington and Biden flees to Boston.

>Guy Fieri's forces shoot down several US aircraft and make it to Baltimore before going home with a full pardon.

>Guy Fieri is filmed returning to America a few weeks later to pick up a bunch of guns, gold bars, foreign currency, and packages of white powder.

>Guy Fieri gets assassinated by having his plane blown up over Kansas. More generals go missing.

>A native American warlord who runs his own private army is allegedly dying. Oh no wait, he is back, but his doctor, who he accused of poisoning him, has disappeared.

>Months later, US soldiers still making videos about being starving and cold, without ammunition, despite being 20 miles from the US border.

>Inflation is three times as high as the bout of inflation we just had. Shelves are empty and foreign brands have pulled out of the US.

>Victory nowhere in sight.

>> No.22901101

>And there is something in Russian nature to become more arrogant when they get free money.
Typical "rising from its knees".

>> No.22901106

take your copypasta back to trash, bot, return here when you become human and learn to actually discuss Dugin instead of kindergarten level political programming top-to-down sanctioned for consumption

>> No.22901119

Oh and Houston and San Antonio keep getting hit with drones and helicopter attacks.

The White House got hit with a small drone attack.

Shit is blowing up in sabotage attacks every few weeks, including huge ammo and fuel depots that light up city skies with fire.

And US rebels who want to depose Biden are attacking into Texas and holding territory briefly at times.

And to top this all off, everyone KNOWS Biden will invariably win his 5th fucking term in a landslide because the elections are rigged and any serious candidate gets thrown in prison and/or poisoned with nerve gas.

>> No.22901124

NTA but I've read him. I've read a number of his essays and some chapters of various books. He's not too bad but other thinkers do things better.

>> No.22901138

>comparing Iran to Nigeria or Zimbabwe
New research shows Iran's average IQ is 97.

>> No.22901142

So you mean that Russia is experiencing hard times while fighting a war against the entire Western world? Shocking again

>> No.22901148

>against the entire Western world
Pretty good promtion for Ukraine.

>> No.22901176
File: 141 KB, 768x1024, 352564351_56e4253fa6_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>against the entire Western world

>> No.22901241

No it isn't, it's a basic sense of self-interest.
Often, it's also a form of transaction.
It is wicked, but it isn't statewide malice. It is thousands of issues compounding together. The corrupt bureaucrat wishes to obtain a benefit.
The anarcho tyrannies of the west (Most seminal being the UK), are in fact just downright malicious.
Take the UK for example, the anarcho-tyranny by excellence.
The government functions perfectly while letting crime run rampant and repressing the upstanding citizen for the stupidest things.
It's a bureaucratic machine working in full force for some unspecified and senseless purpose.

>> No.22901264

There's a lot of support and the Ukrainian ethnicity is essentially dead at this point.
No people could get back up after shredding most of their able male population.

>> No.22901275


>US congress has sent almost $75 billion

I know you retards are just shilling but cmon now. The Ukraine has been better funded than Russia throughout this war, and the entire Judeo-west has been sanctioning Russia in an attempt to cripple them for decades. Yet the Russians have still made every Ukrainian man under the age of 55 either flee their country, or blow-up.

>> No.22901283

If your claim is that bureaucrats and law enforcement officers in the UK are not individually operating in their own self-interest, then that is an extraordinary claim which I am not at all prepared to take seriously

>> No.22901304
File: 12 KB, 262x192, EE4B3EEC-CF62-4CE3-AF19-AEBA79BE9C66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are UK cops taking a knee in support of BLM activists, a group whose founding mission is to dismantle the police. Do they seem very self-interested in the way you claim Russian civil servants are?

>> No.22901309
File: 46 KB, 720x405, 107279735-1690886257754-Russian_military_equipment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The West gave Russia trillions of dollars and its military technology to develop Russian military complex through the years. So it's Ukraine fights against the entire Western world, you stupid fuck.

>> No.22901311

>Buying weapon parts = getting them for free
Again, NAFO is not sending their best

>> No.22901320

I'm not denying that they are to a degree self-interested.
They are not corrupt in the way Russians are, just look at the indexes. They have a vision, they are competent, and they do their jobs correctly. My point is that they don't do back alley dealings to make themselves richer all that often, rather they fuck with you in service of an ideology. Whatever it might be.
The political dealings aren't so they can buy a new french riviera villa most of the time.
Plus, not everyone is necessarily an amoral bureaucrat or an upjumped thug. Especially not in the first world.
My point is that Russian state is dysfunctional and corrupt. The UK is functional and actively attacks its own people.
Different kinds of evil.

>> No.22901328

>Do they seem very self-interested
Yes, of course. Genuflecting to the dominant ideology confers social status in their social milieu, and possibly career benefits. This is self-interest, myopic it may be.

>> No.22901329

This competence, usually expresses itself in being massively ass-hurtedly bureaucratic and taking idiotic decisions. But this is just a feature of anarcho-tyranny, not a bug.

>> No.22901332

Uhh, Russia's military budget is still significantly larger, more than twice the size. And it was spending like $60 billion a year every year for almost two decades to prepare for this. It's just that it was very clear most of the roubles were simply stolen, vehicles left I upgraded, and shit like the T-14 and Su-57 never actually built.

Russia has had a plenty large budget and Ukraine received almost no lethal aid through the opening of the war, during which Russia still took heavy losses. Through the collapse of the Kyiv axis and their chaotic retreat Ukraine has been given no armored vehicles, no tanks, no artillery, and no AA outside of MANPADS. Russians progress after that point was grinding and slow.

Aid in the form of tanks, IFVs, and MLRS only came months later, and has not been in particularly stellar quantities.

Despite this, Russia has been unable to stop the Ukrainian air force from launching sorties, raids and strikes into Russia, sometimes deep into Russia, and has taken 1.4-1.7 casualties for every one Ukrainian loss despite having a 6:1 artillery advantage and a huge armor advantage to start the war.

Ukraine never claimed to be the "second army in the world," and a peer of the US. Russia stalled and began retreating before significant Western aid even began to arrive.

It's a tale of incredible incompetence and massive corruption.

>> No.22901335

Uhh, they are still winning tho

>> No.22901339

This reads like a shill wrote it. Almost like copy-paste from a handbook. 1 shekel has been deposited in your account.

>> No.22901359

Also, the Russian military budget is currently at most $100 billion annually.


Ukraine has received $75 billion from America alone, $40 billion from the Uk, and a ton more from the other globo-homo countries over the past 2 years. It was also being stockpiled with weapons under the table since 2014. Pretty pathetic to be losing so badly when you are better funded

>> No.22901363

The UK is, in my opinion, a rather efficient state.
A machine working full steam head towards some purpose. But I'm not sure even the bureaucrats of the UK know what that purpose is.
It simulatenously
>Imports hundreds of thousands of people every year
>Restricts the building of houses with inane and idiotic regulations, which further chokes the housing market
>Is fully capable of arresting you for being mean
>Let's crime and rape run rampant on its streets
>Turned its elected representatives into people who "manage" the public and try to make them acquiese to the blob's massive whims rather than listen to their voters.
>Essentially coups itself whenever something that they don't like happens.
>Has a cancerous overbloated healthcare system and equally bloated social services.
>Reminder the current PM was not elected by anyone and just came into power after idiotic wheeling and dealing in parliament.
All this seems like it has a clear purpose, I just can't see it.

>> No.22901373

A side effect of "the process" is definitely the near destruction of the british nation as we know it.
But I think there's supposed to be a further goal.

>> No.22901388

>$100 billion annually
So, $100 billion annually is less than 75 + 40 for 2 years, right?
>It was also being stockpiled with weapons under the table since 2014
A couple of Javelins and NLAWs? Yeah, that was a pretty impressive stockpile.
> Pretty pathetic to be losing so badly when you are better funded
That's right, to be losing so badly when EU gives you $30 billions/month for oil and gas is pretty pathetic.

>> No.22901406

I think their purpose is some kind of Kaballahist or Freemasonic Messianic bullshit that relates to transhumanism and AGI. Look into Vilna Gaon. It's something like that. It's why a lot of pop music have Kaballahist symbology mixed with transhumanist imagery. The first transhumanist was a literal Kaballahist Rabbi.
The main text of Freemasons is the Kaballah.

>> No.22901414

You know you have lost when you tactically misunderstand pretty easy concepts. How many ZOG-bucks do you earn per post

>> No.22901418

the seething never stops

>> No.22901421

This is your brain on russophilia.

>> No.22901427

You are just a stupid fuck, so I earn all pleasures of the world for talking with you.

>> No.22901428

You're a literal shill not arguing in good will. Your posts read like they were copy-pasted out of a playbook. It's as if you're literally being paid.

>> No.22901438

If you are going to get into the Ukraine shilling business, maybe improve your English grammar a bit lmao

>> No.22901452

You think there is an argument to be had with someone who uses the ordeal of Russians—and Ukrainians—to segue into some mash-up of triggers for conspiracy theorists? Whether the poster is himself genuinely deranged or is wittingly deranging the thread, the prognosis isn't promising.

>> No.22901472

I've seen your posting style elsewhere. They need to hire a new shill besides you. I kind of get a sense what will happen in the future by reading your propaganda from the angle of "predictive programming". You're not arguing in good will. You are arguing from the angle of manipulating public sentiment to better facilitate a certain end. It's time you spill the beans.

>> No.22901522

I see you've run away after being exposed. Know there's a hell for the likes of you. If you were truly honest you would detail the plans for the Great Reset, depopulation agenda, artificially engineered WWIII, and more. This "useless eater" here, me, has far more luminous awareness than you. I know you have special immunity from being banned and can check the IPs of each poster, looking into their history of activities online and more. Don't think everyone is confined in the little matrix you and the elites have set up. Don't think just because you can build the Third Temple over my corpse that you've "won".

>> No.22901526

You are, in a paroxysm of schizo ideation, oblivious of a basic economic incongruity—in much the same way as US Democrats a few years ago. A politically knowledgeable Russian might be able to name the two US parties and their presidential candidates, and that segment of the population is tiny. The stratum of the Russian population that can write in passable English—much less have a meaningful discussion—is tinier still. Someone matching these criteria is easily in the "C-suite" tier, not in the "write comments for 5 rubles an hour" tier. And so, please breathe deeply and take care of your mental health.

(And, you can't have seen my posting style elsewhere because I had never written in public, on the topic of Russia, in English before, my darling schizo.)

>> No.22901534

Europe can’t have thinkers either

>> No.22901542

Lol maybe you aren’t a paid shill, just a cringe pseud doing it for free

>> No.22901579

Is he relevant in any non-political context? His entire career as a person of public interest was tied to politics. During his early days in Russia, he was a political activist, later he traveled the world networking and promoting the Russian-Eurasian agenda. He was flexible enough to adjust his rhetoric to suit his target audience, switching between anti-colonial third-worldist narratives in Latin America and Africa and New Right narratives in Europe and North America.

>> No.22901587

Do you like bears?

>> No.22901593

No, you can’t be allowed to comment on him until you have read every article he ever wrote about Heidegger before you can talk about his political ideas. Otherwise, you might offend some anon who wasted their time reading them.

>> No.22901594

He is so stupid and so annoying, that I think it is Trump himself. Donald, what the fuck are you doing here? Those paid shills, that you are loooking for, are under your bed.

>> No.22901595

How odd. I have never been right wing. I genuinely like Jews more than any other people, and am a frustrated non-Jew. I find nationalism repulsive.

However, I enjoy interesting thoughts and creative worldviews, especially forbidden literature of all types. Precisely because it makes milquetoast parrots nervous, and I adore seeing the average well educated liberal mind quake under the weight of its own unexamined assumptions.

The future of human thought, miserable as it is, belongs to such men as me.

>> No.22901637

We live in exhausted times.
Maybe in a century or two, the world will have renewed itself.
Thanks for responding, dariafag.
Opinion on his cultural analysis?
From what I've skimmed seems like an extra thorough, although probably less erudite attempt at Spengler-larp.
He has made a lot of books about the subject.
Shame his book on my specific region isn't translated to a language I can read.

>> No.22901646

Imagine making this image to “own” the country bombing your home and raping your women. Pathetic

>> No.22902070


That's genuinely what will happen if Mexico is backed by China.

>> No.22902082


That's genuinely what will happen if Mexico is backed by China and all the Latin American countries.

US can't even win against Taliban yet mutts want to believe it can win against mexico.

>> No.22902084

No way! The TV tells me that the US military, composed mainly of Mexicans and transgenders, is the best in the world and never loses! We could totally take on the global financial system and still easily win….right Ameribros?

>> No.22902088

Lol exactly. The unstoppable US military (lost basically every war it has entered since 1945) will surely be able to beat China!

>> No.22902099
File: 299 KB, 1920x950, Hispanic_and_Latino_Americans_by_state.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


US is not even at war with mexico and is already loosing this much territory.

>> No.22902106

>The US couldn't turn Afghanistan into a functional democracy so they couldn't win a war where they would be willing to demolish cities like Russia did in Mariupol.

Go look up US combat fatalities in Afghanistan by year. For the last 8 years there was like 4-16 each year. The US didn't have to leave Afghanistan because it was militarily defeated but rather got sick of spending money on a state that was so corrupt and dysfunctional.

Russia meanwhile has well over 100,000 dead and another 200,000 wounded. Russia's death toll is soon going to be 20 times that of the US spending 20 years at war lol.

And let's not forget, Russians move in droves to the US and EU while no one moves there. Why? Because it is a weak shit hole filled with cowards who will die in meat assaults before standing up to getting butt fucked by their geriatric elite.

>> No.22902146

>Invades country to topple extremist government
>Spends 20 years and trillions of dollars
>Extremist government is more powerful than ever
Wow, total US victory! Nevermind the fact that Afghanistan was basically an empty landscape of nomadic steppe people while the Ukraine is one of the best funded militaries in the world.

>> No.22902186

>China could get aid past the US Navy.

Patently ridiculous. China doesn't have a prayer fighting the US at sea outside their own littoral and they know it.

>> No.22902190

Lol good luck manufacturing any more ships (or anything) without resources from China

>> No.22902195

Imagine dying face down in a trench because Monke wants to go down in history as le ebin warrior.

Imagine getting your brains bashed out with a sledgehammer on video if you refuse to go on the next human wave attacks.

Imagine simping for a country where people still overwhelmingly vote for Stalin, a Georgian, as the greatest Russian in history (Lenin, a Jew l, takes #2 and Catherine the Great, a German, takes the #1 spot for women)

>> No.22902205

Russia shills extra active today because Russia bombed their own town today, announced that a new super duper high tech counter battery radar was going to the front to help them regain artillery superiority and then a video of it getting blown up less than 10 hours later came out, and another Su-35 for shot down, probably by Russian air defenses again, their 9th aircraft/crew in two weeks.

>> No.22902227

Idk man only side has all their men already dead while their women get railed at UK nightclubs

>> No.22902233



>> No.22902244

No one in the west cares or even knows about that happening

>> No.22902269


Putin and his crew mostly just mind their own business. It's Americans who want to export homosexuality and nigger-love to every corner of the earth

>> No.22902321
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i got you

>> No.22903096


>In 1979, Aleksandr entered the Moscow Aviation Institute. He was expelled without a degree either because of low academic achievement, dissident activities or both.[26] Afterwards, he began working as a street cleaner.
Sounds like a real winner you've latched onto, OP.

>> No.22903219

he's communist though. disguise it all you want but what he wants is nothing less than the return of the ussr.

>> No.22903295
File: 338 KB, 1280x960, im-51320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes anon, nations waging expansionist wars of aggression to spread their godless post commie ideology bad
>If you think Russia is waging expansionist war to expand some ideology you are an actual fucking retard. It really seems like the Slava Ukraini internet army is just out in full force now
If Russia did have an ideology then they'd at least have a fig leaf of moral and intellectual respectability for what their government is doing. Without it they'd stand before history, at best, as only the last of a long succession of cruel and wasteful Russian rulers who have relentlessly forced their country on to ever new heights of military power in order to guarantee the external security of their internally weak regimes. Say what you will about Marxism-Leninism but at least it was an ethos.

>I would also much rather deal with a government of self-interested bureaucrats than ones who actively hate me and want me dead.
I know this sounds insane, but at some point, people will have to realize that they can write their own social contract for how to live together without an iron fist from above.

>And Putin just didn't know about the problem with garbage disposal in Chita. If only he knew...
But they have Sobyanin!

>If Russia is not any worse, why have millions of Russians emigrated and why do they overwhelmingly move to the degenerate West?
I know the answer: they had a snap realization one morning that "oh my God I live in a shithole."

>And to top this all off, everyone KNOWS Biden will invariably win his 5th fucking term in a landslide because the elections are rigged and any serious candidate gets thrown in prison and/or poisoned with nerve gas.
Or this but it was Dubya still being president and shoving Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party in Gitmo.

>he's communist though. disguise it all you want but what he wants is nothing less than the return of the ussr.
You know there's a communist boomer party (or well they claim to be communists) in Russia that wants to bring back the USSR or pretends it never collapsed. I feel like we're leaving them out, and maybe someone should probably go check on them.

>> No.22903737

Frank Boas was a jew who promoted the noble savage meme, tried to do away with the racial element and generally turned anthropology from a respectable science into the clown fiesta it is today.
His disciple Margaret Mead's "Coming of age in Samoa" for example, is a direct fruit of boasian anthropology

>> No.22903756

Your opinion is worth less than dirt

>> No.22903870

Pretty simple from my perspective, I am not Christian and I do not agree with multi-culturalism. An ideologue like him, his Russia will be increasingly tolerant, fast forward 100 years and it will be a different version of the West. What am I supposed to be excited for?

>> No.22904088

He woke up and got right back to it