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22900546 No.22900546 [Reply] [Original]

desire edition

previous >>22895100

>> No.22900557
File: 65 KB, 161x518, Mii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me, or when you get older, do you start feeling tired where you would have used to feel angry?

>> No.22900570

tired how?

>> No.22900573

sleepy. desire for liaisons with pillow, mattress & blanket

>> No.22900577

A stronger desire to leave and take a nap than than to engage.

>> No.22900593

>be desired
>still die


>> No.22900597
File: 665 KB, 585x749, 1704202801881565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to think that women being whores was an entirely modern phenomenon. But reading classic literature has made me realize the truth. Woman have always been whores. The difference was in the fact that wome used to be shunned whores and now they're celebrated whores. This is quite the painful realization for someone who might have still harbored hope for a romantic relationship. Then the obvious retort comes 'But not all are ...', but they are. The only difference between a whore and a woman who hasn't acted in her nature is that the proper circumstances haven't arisen. But one can be sure, just as the robin prepares itself to dive in for the worm every morning, that 'his' woman is also preparing in her own way for the dive as well. And as such most learned men, whom also ponder on this subject, come to the same conclusion and either shun women entirely or cut off their pride and join in union with one fully aware of the experation date. There is no winning, you can beat them, you can try and love them, It does not matter, you will lose and they will win. Outside of total female extermination, there is nothing to be done.

>> No.22900635

I don't know, I see this coming more from men, who tend to have a drive for new pussy, than women. I once read of a woman describing how her husband told her he did want to sleep with other women, and how this was a totally alien desire for her, as she just doesn't care about sleeping with other men.

>> No.22900645

>tfw you realize literature dispersion

>> No.22900646

>Haven't had a job since the Covid hysteria
>Get my CV checked and it's given the thumbs up
>Get my Cover Letters checks and they're given the thumbs up
>Go for mock interviews and I keep getting thumbs up
>Still no job
>Can't even use my degree because there's jack shit around me for it
>The circumstance is so absurd that people around just assume I'm lying when I say I'm not getting anything
Every day I inch closer to becoming a 30 year old failson and its constantly eating away at me. At this point I'm considering learning a new skill entirely and starting my own shit so I can actually earn something

>> No.22900650

My mind is on the fact that i feel inferior. I came from sci and I realized just how much of an uncultured dumbass I am. I know some of the titles thrown around here, but besides my physics/maths textbooks and the occasional biography, I don't really read much and feel like a retard. The amount of knowledge ill never have makes me want to end my life. Besides knowledge, a nice body and a great voice, im a lonely stuck up loser with nothing going on for him. Having read yesterday about John von Neumann didn't help in the slightest. I feel like a midwit and this makes me rope. Ill wait until I finish my bachelor's and master's then perhaps rope.

>> No.22900654

yes.more than that, being angry itself is just exhausting.

>> No.22900656


>> No.22900658

Every time someone angers me I realize they will most likely get a divorce and lose everything and I feel better. Even if they're not in a relationship I know I have a 50% chance of being right so I just snicker and move on. The funny thing about this world is that everyone gets an equal punishment on that side of things. Relationships are the things that hurt the most and most people in our era don't know how to make them last. So I don't feel bad or guilty anymore. It's like a superpower. I will look at some tough guy's face and imagine him screaming and crying over his whore girlfriend and I'll feel better because I know this exact scenario is very likely to happen. Everyone will be miserable and while being a volcel isn't great I just get to enjoy small victories.

>> No.22900666

>get angry
>realize that anger is pointless as the world remains indifferent whenever I'm angry or not
>anger turns into depression

>> No.22900669

What sort of jobs are you applying to? One of the biggest problems with this social Darwinist society is that once you’re unemployed, you become more unemployable the longer you’re unemployed. I suspect that’s your biggest issue at this point. I’ll try to help with some advice though. I don’t know what I can offer exactly but I’ve never had a hard time finding work and I like to think I can give good advice.

>> No.22900678

I just turned 30 and the big change I’m acutely aware of is that I just don’t have the energy or fire in the belly that I used to. I can’t really tell if it’s just age or a decline in my physical fitness and health or a poor living arrangement and depression, but it’s really obvious. I have less and less confidence in my own life horspower if you know what I mean. I’m hoping it’s just a phase.

>> No.22900684

>. The difference was in the fact that wome used to be shunned whores and now they're celebrated whores
kek you need to read more books it's always the celebrated whores making it in to literature

>> No.22900692

You ever wonder if you would’ve been successful had you just studied humanities. Sometimes I listen to art and literature lectures, and I’m so engaged and want to ask questions or offer commentary. I never felt that way in my economics and statistics courses. I literally could not have cared less for the material and the classes were flatly uninteresting. There were no interesting topics or questions at all. And I didn’t do particularly well. I did terribly actually. I wonder if I would’ve done better if I had just been engaged and if that would’ve worked out well because I did well.

>> No.22900693

i just decided one day to stop being angry. best decision of my life .

>> No.22900703

checked. Satan won

>> No.22900704

this makes you an effeminate emasculated eunuchoid cuck

>> No.22900705

>the amount of time you now spend simply denying your emotions

>> No.22900716

for me, it just morphs into sadness and then into anger again. the never ending cycle of misery

>> No.22900741


I don't deny my emotions, I just realized there's hardly anything in day to day life worth getting angry over. Anger over pointless things doesn't do anything except ruin your mood and raise your blood pressure.

I highly recommend mantras. When you notice yourself spiraling , Repeat your mantra until your thoughts "give up".

>> No.22900772

Thinking about law school. Don’t want to be a lawyer though.

>> No.22900782

I think about the fact that one day, for no reason at all, people... Nevermind

>> No.22900805
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I'm listening to hardbass again, something bad is going to happen

>> No.22900812

I'm an incredibly unlikeable person with proclivities that probably make me unforgivable. All "be yourself" and "real you" stuff has been total bullshit to me cause I'd be ostracized from humankind the moment I did so.

>> No.22900815

I'm angry AND tired

>> No.22900844

My degree is in Computer Science, but there's zero computing jobs around here that aren't just random admin positions. I'm pretty much just applying to any job, regardless of position, that'll let me throw a CV at it without 5 years of experience (including remote jobs). I think you might be right about the unemployment cycle, which is why I'm considering just going for broke on my ideal career on the side and just see which one makes it first

>> No.22900861

>proclivities that probably make me unforgivable
Such as?

>> No.22900873

Now that I think about I’m really having a hard time breaking out of this. There’s a certain vitality and yeah horsepower that is absent and I really do feel like that’s partly physical, partly mental because of depression and some blows to self confidence, which I have a lot to say about, and just feeling sort of suffocated by the realities of my life both materially and immaterially. I know I need to break out of this, and I know I’m going to, but I don’t know exactly how I’m going to do it.

>> No.22900896

I despise this fucking world, or at least my country. America is great and all but it feels like all the people around me don't really care about anything other than getting high, getting laid, or getting drunk. College is pretty overrated. Not an incel, got a girlfriend, but its very isolating when I talk to people but stuff but basic ass shit like what a mayor is is "too much" for people.

>> No.22900902

>basic ass shit like what a mayor is
What the fuck kind of conversation is that?

>> No.22900930

Anon goes to frat parties and cold opens with "what is a mayor?"

>> No.22900969

Anyone else make it through young adulthood feeling like they never found anyone worth seeking out for mentorship, looking up to, or just generally admiring. I mean, even in the public sphere of people you don’t know personally and never will as well as your own personal life. There are just no men worth admiring. Not even one.

>> No.22900973

Sounds like skill issue

>> No.22900975

Men used to get betrothed to 12 year old girls who were legally required to stay a virgin. Why do you think people used to do that?

>> No.22900987

when was that?

>> No.22900991

My DnD campaign

>> No.22900995

Good old pirated movie at 480p on youtube time.
I should go outside.
I have time.

>> No.22900997

Most of history

>> No.22901001

l dont believe you

>> No.22901005

That's because you're ignorant.

>> No.22901010

You shouldn't be getting angry, thats childish shit. You are probably just tired all the time because you have a shitty lifestyle and dont get exercise

>> No.22901018

Anons, is it normal to be driven nearly entirely by hatred of some random guy who is only tangentially aware of you?
Not genuine hatred. But an irrational desire to beat him at what he does, along with inner rivalry.

>> No.22901019

Just look up child brides, retard. It even happens today, the difference is that there's no virginity law anymore. I'll link you to an article since you're too stupid to use Google.

>> No.22901021

How can that possibly be a skill issue? You zoomers are so fucking stupid I swear. You don’t even know how to have authentic reaction or opinion. You only know how to traffic in memes. This is what I mean. Who will look up to a man like you when you’re older? Nobody.

>> No.22901022

yeah, I guess

>> No.22901023

I may never amount to anything in life. I have a few small goals. I would love to be a published author. But I often keep the thought in the back of my mind. I fantasize about it instead of actually sitting down and writing.

Even if all I did is work in this factory until I die, I am a loving husband. I've given my wife a better life and maybe that's enough.

>> No.22901027

This was never the general norm in history. At specific points? Yes. In general, no. You freaks are pedophiles painting history in too broad strokes. You’re worse than the fag fetishists who try to say men have always been super gay because they read some Greek shock lit.

>> No.22901034

Fuck you for being better than me, Richard.
Fuck them for being taller than me.
One day, if God wills it, I will exercise great revenge upon the world.

>> No.22901040

As long as you're content, it doesn't matter how "small" your life is. And if you make just one person happy, that's enough too. To desire to be great or special is the worst thing a person can do to themselves.

>> No.22901044


>> No.22901048

You're full of shit, marriage age correlates negatively with the whiteness of a country.
In the places Germanic it was never below 20.

>> No.22901052

People make fun of foot fetishists, are hand fetishists better?

>> No.22901063

>I’m hoping it’s just a phase.
You have hope that is good. My advice would be don't wait for things to get better, go about trying to make them so. At first it might feel clunky, but at some point if you're persistent you will get somewhere better than when you started. Also it's exploratory, be careful not to confuse doing something you don't like as general fatigue, because when you find the thing that does it for you, you'll see that you do have the energy.

We don't live forever, and our bodies and minds age, but having enjoyment throughout I believe is possible, not all time, but enough of the time. I wish you and everyone well.

>> No.22901065

you have to exercise and lift weights more. if you don't you're mind becomes mush. I say this as another 30 year old.

>> No.22901067

You are retarded. I see several Germanic child brides, and this is only famous ones.

>> No.22901072

More likely it's hard to find such a person, and you just haven't found them yet

>> No.22901075

A couple years ago a child was forced to marry her rapist by her christian parents, in florida. she was 11.

>> No.22901085

I'm better than you people

>> No.22901087

I don't consider average Europeans to be 'white'. Most of them are mudded with yellow blood to considerable degrees.

>> No.22901092

i went on a date with a girl and told her i have recently read mein kampf and i didn't do much to distance myself from it. have any of you done the same?

did you get a second date?

>> No.22901100

I want a princess to fall on my arms in dismay

>> No.22901120

tbqhwym8 i didn't feel much sexual attraction to her, but she had an open mind and i figured fuck it, i don't want to filter myself. i honestly think i'd be happier if i made her my friend

her tinder bio said "tell me an unpopular opinion", and i told her about my holocaust-doubts, then i set up our date. I'm sure she's not that surprised, it will be fine i think

>> No.22901122

i apologize for my redditspacing, i'm a dumbass

>> No.22901126

> tinder
Tinder is for hoes, I wouldn't trust.

>> No.22901128
File: 123 KB, 697x1432, 1692869847304632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna buy this, but it costs 30€. thoughts?

>> No.22901129

what would you do with it if you purchased it? is it for decoration?

>> No.22901131

Looks like a fake.

>> No.22901133

>what would you do with it if you purchased it?
What do you think wood hands are for?

>> No.22901134

I'm not too much of a Hitler guy myself but I have told women stuff like that.
Got a reaction from my current gf about how I would probably not leave any inheritance to a child that was gay.
After some explaining she understood.
Also when I was living in Europe I used to express my disgust when there were too many africans around us.
Women will put up with whatever opinion you have. If she won't toss her to the street. Not fit to have a relationship with.

>> No.22901135

He believes there's something 'aryan' about it

>> No.22901136

What a mawkishly foolish notion. What can be more transient than desire?

>> No.22901140
File: 38 KB, 425x974, 1675910079346977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for decoration?
yeah. there's this one that costs 20€, that I want near my medication box. I like the pose of the hand much more, but the markings on the other are more interesting. I can't decide.

>> No.22901165

i would guess decoration, but may be had other plans.
she ended by saying i would be given the benefit of the doubt, so it's probably okay.
you should get that one instead, if you look closely you'll see that it is white

>> No.22901234

>if you look closely you'll see that it is white
damn, you're right

>> No.22901250

just hop on trt bro

>> No.22901299

beyond the initial satisfaction being desired doesn't even feel particularly good. in fact it starts feeling predatory

>> No.22901305

I cant tell if I have food poisoning or alcohol poisoning

>> No.22901338

gf is almost as much as a tankie. She asked my about my vote and I told her I've always voted for the most right-wing party in our country that's always made out to be a neo-nazi front by our local media. I told her straight up that racial diversity undermines social cohesion and the west is sick with a spiritual plage etc. etc. and we just had a very interesting conversation. Didn't dongrade her perception of me at all.

>> No.22901400

>New year new --ACK
Well that lasted five seconds. I'm hopelessly stuck in my ways lads.

>> No.22901408

I can't tell if it's my talent, or if everyone else just sucks.

>> No.22901426

I had to go to anger management because I was getting angrier and hurt myself in a fit. I still struggle and have been down sliding lately.

>> No.22901431

i hate dry january

>> No.22901464

I desperately need it. My entire body hurts so bad from all the drinking

>> No.22901470 [DELETED] 
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Why yes I do torment neets in their basement how could you tell?

>> No.22901483


>> No.22901495
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At that point at life where I write R63 lit about me being a femcel girl.

>> No.22901539

I dont really need it but I do it so I can go on not really needing it. Still I resent knowing that my evening could be about 50% better, without even exceeding any medical recommendation, if I had just ONE FUCKING GIN AND TONIC right now

>> No.22901554

So what does that mean, you are pretending to reject men left and right and go on dates that don’t work out because of some minor issue with the guy that you didn’t detect in the prescreening?

>> No.22901578

I really doubt anyone finds this person

>> No.22901586

It’s really career and education, and I guess money I feel trapped by. I feel limited to the point I can’t do the things I find really worth it and so my whole life is allocated to plan Bs, plan Cs, stuff that’s not really worth it. It’s a whole lot of attention to things that I don’t care about.

I probably should start lifting heavy again.

>> No.22901608

I can only understand reality through art.
Whenever something happens to me myself, I feel very little. But every bit of writing or music or movie exists within me harder than it has any right to, that I am sure very few can experience as intensely.

>> No.22901620

I'm really sick. I hope didnt cause too much damage by the excessive binge drinking for two weeks

>> No.22901624
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No "I" am a weird femcel with weird fetishes, gross habits and bad social graces.

So basically just AGP stuff.

>> No.22901631

Alternative plans are a fact of life, it's good to get used to formulating these.

I think young people are done a disservice when they are led to believe that pursing a good career is the be all and end all. Though I admit the many meanings of what might be considered good. I think first and foremost as long as you can make a living in a reasonable line of work that is good enough.

No ones worth should be tied to their career or job title. There are many jobs in society that are difficult and un-glamorous, but yet are absolutely necessary. Also when it comes to work it's not just about how well you performed academically, or how skilled you because if you lack the interpersonal skills and social intelligence you may often be overlooked despite all the other qualities that make you suitable for a particular job.

>> No.22901656

It's all just Amazon garbage anyway

>> No.22901669

Your autogynephilia is not representative of any female experience

>> No.22901695

abstractions do not help, what does it actually mean to "go about trying to make them so"? Applying online for jobs? Going to restaurants asking if they need a waiter? Jumping on the next ship to a foreign country?

I'm perpetually trapped in my room and I cannot escape, I literally don't know what to do.

>> No.22901699

>I'm perpetually trapped in my room and I cannot escape, I literally don't know what to do
Go for a walk dummy. Don't reply with some reason why you can't

>> No.22901738

fucking jannies leaving this shit up

>> No.22901749

wrong. it's all chinese dropshipping trash. I want it anyway.

>> No.22901771
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Oh I can totally relate to worn out girly little pussies like you. I listen to the TeaParty Playlist at Planet Fitness

>> No.22901791
File: 397 KB, 640x678, i-love-the-way-they-didnt-put-any-dialogue-in-this-chapter-v0-3d2ua6u595n91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

>> No.22901827

I've been thinking about that sporadically for a few years now but don't you think it's got to do with the cynicism of the times, our cynicism (for lack of a better word) and maybe more broadly our sort of generalized information overload ?

>> No.22901842

I stay virile by consuming high testosterone men's semen

>> No.22901847

i do this but i consume their flesh (after i'm done having sex with them)

>> No.22901927
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I'm Hispanic, and I love beans.

>> No.22901934

I will never understand how people can decorate their houses in such a way. What could something made in a factory and ordered from your computer ever mean to you? What you're doing is no different than those people who fill their house with generic live laugh love crap

>> No.22901940

I like looking at neat stuff. Everything you own has a deep, personal meaning to you?

>> No.22901942
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>forgot my meds today
>everything went better than expected
Oh god this is how it starts, isnt it?

>> No.22901962

Wrong. I'm basically a monster in a human skin suit and I have a gf and friends and a job from being myself. In fact the more honest I am woth my abhorrent desires, the more people like me. It's neat.

>> No.22901989

I wouldn't say everything has a "deep" meaning, but most of it at least has some sort of story behind it

>> No.22902003

Yes. You'll be squatting naked on the roof of a police cruiser, screaming about how Jenna Ortega put a microchip in your brain in no time.

>> No.22902045

And sometimes that story is just "I saw this neat thing, and then I bought it." I have a small, eclectic collection of random stuff, and sometimes I want to add to it. I've got skulls, rocks, an accordion book of antique Japanese porn, a Häagen-Dazs carton I made into a lamp, one of those glug glug fish decanters...

>> No.22902060

My nickname in high school was Clark Kent. It was in reference to the Superman comics.

>> No.22902077

Jesus spent 40 days in the desert. That's nothing. I've spent a lifetime in the desert of the real.

>> No.22902122

>glug glug fish decanters.
Those are really cool. You should get an assassin's teapot. They're better than the hand

>> No.22902142

do you know how many walks i've been on? and returned to each one of them just as trapped as when i left?

>> No.22902153
File: 140 KB, 1024x1024, 1696496531539170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should get an assassin's teapot.
yeah, but they're always that same design, and I don't like it. I tried to get a dragon fish incense burner, but I could never get one, and now they're all $100+

>> No.22902180

>same design
I think that's just if you Google assassin's teapot. The same trick is done with western teapots and bottles, so you can probably get different ones if you search for something like "think a drink"

>> No.22902197

>man with unlimited freedom is mad he doesnt have unlimited freedom at all times and wouldnt like it if he did
Many such cases

>> No.22902236

---- Solaria ----

Glass desks with slight green edges, vertical easels, interiors of monumental calm,
Colossal exteriors like

Interiors impossibly horizontal with lake views,

Floating monuments of sound
Like lovely, spare, rooms

Or kitchens where royal geraniums bloom as if under a sun that lasts forever.

>> No.22902323

i'm increasingly irritated by everyone and everything around me and feel great injustices are constantly committed against me. i'm pissed off all the time and hate everyone.

>> No.22902327
File: 38 KB, 478x468, sad_bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I drink? I have:
>vanilla crown royal and diet coke
>three types of gin and probably sprite
>Proper Number 12 whiskey
>a premade old fashion with knobb creek whiskey
>egg nog, my last bottle of the year
>various coolers from the liquor store

>> No.22902335

Oh, I guess I also have Jim Bean Bourbon, Dead Man's Fingers rum, and Butterscotch schnaps.

>> No.22902341

James Baldwin is a goat — truly never misses a vivid and mesmerizing sentence
Also why do I a tubby plain girl manage to be guys out my league?

>> No.22902353
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>> No.22902371
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But that doesnt make cooking more fun, that just makes me have to piss all night long.

>> No.22902379

An absolute tragedy… A haunting I can’t escape… The super hot girl I’ve known for years broke up with her boyfriend & now wants me but three months ago she chopped off her huge boobs. I cannot help but feel robbed of the perfection which once was that I will not enjoy. Had I not lusted previously for those immense, delightfully round soft white titties I would not be dejected— I would accept her as completely gorgeous. But I know what once was & that it’ll never be back. God is cruel

>> No.22902387

I tried tricking my twin brother’s girlfriend but she knew it was me. I think I might be in some hot water with my bro

>> No.22902390

Reject her. Tell her you found her more attractive before and you could never be with someone who doesnt respect their body. Y'know be honest with her.

>> No.22902395

Maybe she had back problems because of her big tits

>> No.22902400

Taleb says we should seek out negative role models, ie people we don't want to be like. So next time you see some balding 50 year old tranny at Walgreens, tell yourself that you don't want to end up like xim.

>> No.22902410

Which could be solved by working out, or losing weight, or wearing a more supportive under garmet. Getting surgery is gross and an entirely misguided by-product of mental illness.

>> No.22902416

Who cares about some dumb whore that wants you as her beta backup bitch until she can find a new chad to pound her with his 8 inch cock

>> No.22902421

Yeah, working out will help with a pinched nerve and sciatica

>> No.22902422

you sure do talk big for someone who doesn't have tits, idiot. do you also tell women that period pain isn't real?

>> No.22902462

There’s another factor in my boob dilemma though. The last girl I dated had huge boobs which I came to love. Before her I didn’t care about boobs at all really, didn’t care if a girl was flat. But now if she doesn’t have big tits I’m not attracted. I don’t want it to be like this how do I escape

>> No.22902472
File: 444 KB, 1338x275, titsorgtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It's called stretching and physical therapy.

I'm 6'8", just beyond the threshold of normal sized humans. Everything in my life is designed to cause me pain: my shoes that are too narrow and crush my feet; my counters that are too short and ruin my back; the seats on the train that cram me into awkward shapes; my car I drive with my knees around my ears. I can go on and on about my back pain, my torn shoulder, and knee pain, but I dont because I recognize that god gave me a gift. Instead of acting like a woman and demanding someone else solve my problems, I'm thankful for what I have and work to improve my situation. I didnt get height reduction surgery because I recognize it's also a boon.

Now, post your tits or fuck right off you vapid, self centred cunt justifying body mutilation because of a minor inconvience that also massively benefits them.

>> No.22902476

Date a girl with small ones. You’re always most attracted to what you dated last. That’s why I’m not attracted to anything.

>> No.22902477

How much do you get laid?

>> No.22902483

I cant even drink water right now without puking my guts up

>> No.22902484

Consistently with my current wonderful girlfriend of 5 years and prolifically throughout my younger years. How often do you get laid?

>> No.22902493

Is it me or are there just no good office jobs anymore? Basically all office jobs pay $50k-$75k max and are a total dead end.

>> No.22902498

Youre right this would work

>> No.22902503

I've begun roleplaying that I am a Star Trek bridge officer with ChatGPT4. It's over for me.

I'm not even a mary sue and I don't go for big exciting plots. I'm just enjoying the daily grind on the Enterprise.

>> No.22902536

>Me in the night is calm, relaxed and ready to work on absolutely anything with minimal distractions.
>Me in the day is easily distracted, unfocused, anxious and overthinks everything to the point of creating constant brain "noise"
Why is this the curse that God has granted me

>> No.22902538

>waaah waaah waaah! I'm the only one who ever feels bad! waaah waaah waaah! nobody understands me! waaah waaah waaah, everybody should just suck it up when there's an easy solution for some fucking reason.
what a goddamn bitch you are. being in pain isn't a virtue, fuckhead. get your shit together.

>> No.22902552

Seriously true. You can't move up within a company because of the pyramid structure (many low level wagies, only a few upper noble wageslaves) and they hired you at 53k so they don't want to pay you 80k no matter how much experience or skills you gain. and you can't even improve by leaving to a new company because you can't get a job unless you've done the same job before. wages are stagnant, costs are rising.

>> No.22902556

I dont even know how to get an office job

>> No.22902589
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Quality posting. The solution is surgery; slicing heaps of flesh from chest should be reserved for real problems. Like cancer. Just because you personally feel like breast reductions improve the quality of life for the individual doesnt mean it's true. Correcting the unhealthy mental state that leads to superficially blaming your problems on your appearance would be much more helpful. But you are a woman and cannot form logical opinions by yourself that are seperate from your feelings.

>> No.22902605

Robot slaves will be a necessity for the future, otherwise every modern civilization will collapse and humans will be slaves. Source? I just thought of it.

>> No.22902614

would rather have both arms amputated than carry on like this, very embarrassing stuff imo

>> No.22902627

civilisation will collapse once humans are not slaves

>> No.22902633

What’s the deal with boars and lions in Ancient Greece?

>> No.22902636

They used to exist there

>> No.22902643

I hope you didn't buy those skulls and rocks son

>> No.22902645

Then we'll be outrifht enslaved in much kinkier fashion

>> No.22902647

god, you're pathetic. how exactly do you quantify a "real" problem? what makes you the arbiter of what qualifies as a real problem? People who undergo surgery to fix a chronic issue aren't the problem: you are. you're a self-centered, whiny baby with no empathy. you just want to feel superior to everyone who doesn't ahere to your bullshit philosophy because you want to justify your pain. you are not noble, and you're not a better person.

>> No.22902656

tell me more

>> No.22902667

Yeah it was sort of rhetorical. I just find it weird lions used to live there and that one of the big 3 mythical heroic quests was hunting a boar. You got stealing a fleece from a dragon, a 10 year barbarous war, and…hunting a boar? Granted the boar was ferocious and god blessed and they are pretty intimidating even today. It just seems like a strange animal to be featured in many myths. I guess it was a different time

>> No.22902683

most of my collection comes from my grandfather, but yes, I did buy some. The amethyst tube druzy I got from a crazy lady that made me "feel the energy flowing through it" before she gave it to me. The huge hunk of rose quartz I found in lake michigan when I was ten (I felt it with my feet and then picked it up (with my feet)), and I thought I lost it, but it turns out that my dad took it and didn't say anything until he gave it back 15 years later. one rock is just a regular river rock that I picked up when I was 6 for some reason and kept it with me my whole life. My buck skull I bought at my favorite store, which was the messiest second-hand shop I've ever been in, for way less than it's worth, one skull, a wild goat skull, I got from a farmer for free, and I had to boil the rest of the meat off of it (then it fell and the nose broke off and I was so mad I couldn't even look at it for a year) my badger skull I got as a present, and I bought my weasel skull for a 10er.

>> No.22902688

lion and boar were the animal symbols given to the first and second halves of the sacred year

>> No.22902691

Yep. I really was too stupid for a stem job. Going back to college and i tried my best and still got filtered.

I guess it's back to mindrending, miserable and horrid manual labor until I eat a shotgun shell. What a pisser.

>> No.22902694

>It just seems like a strange animal to be featured in many myths. I guess it was a different time
Boar spears have a crossbar because if you stab them with a regular spear, they'll drag themselves up the shaft to rip out your stomach with their tusks. A proper boar is a little more than just intimidating.

>> No.22902696
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Sure is a lot of implying going on there. Huge boobs isnt "a chronic issue" and surgery isnt the only solution.

>> No.22902698

whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.22902704
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just look at this thing, It's considered big-game.

>> No.22902712

Recently been feeling a massive urge to do something, anything. Just some sort of work. I can do some stuff like translation or writing or whatever, or but for some reason I can't quite be satisfied with these, in my mind I want to do something else, whatever the hell it is. I'm also very worried about the near-future, and these two feelings, that of wanting to make something, and of not wanting to due to X and Y reasons, just melt together into the worst outcome, paralyzation. I think this might have been partially brought on by the mindset I've had for the past year or so, that of trying to endlessly learn without giving myself any time to apply those things, as I could "better" use that time learning more.
In other news, today I had a dream where I was back in highschool and my teacher called me a jew. I got really mad and started screaming at her that I am no jew.

>> No.22902713

Most stem jobs are horrible and soul draining too, if that makes you feel any better

>> No.22902714

Prove me wrong. All you've done is write some elaborate head cannon to justify mutilating beautiful women as the first and only solution.

>> No.22902715

>as the first and only solution.
nobody fucking said that, fuckwit.

>> No.22902719

also, don't reply. I'm done with this shit.

>> No.22902721

Nigga, fuck you care if a woman you don’t know wants breast reduction surgery? Weird man

>> No.22902732

now imagine 30-50 running into your yard while your small kids play

>> No.22902742

I naturally feel ill at ease no matter who i am around
I wish i was naturally confident

>> No.22902746

The older I get, the more mysterious the world becomes. Confusion mounts. I've lost my sense of orientation in the world, but also feel more stuck in my habits, my patterns of thought. It's dreadful and I often wonder why I'm still alive when all sense of meaning will sometimes simply evaporate from my life. When I was younger there was urgency and lust for life. Now the novelty has been sucked out of the world and I am tired of all of it. I am living past the end of my own history

>> No.22902754

You're probably right. But the desperate and delusional cope that things might one day be better was what had kept me going, to be honest.

>> No.22902773
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interested in serial killing?

>> No.22902774

I'm tired of their trespasses. I crave violence.

>> No.22902841

In addition to that, it just seems like realistically you can never actually reach management/c-suite. Those jobs all go to bankers and other outsiders. Every industry seems like this.

>> No.22902863

As boomers retire and people job hop because the company stopped giving appreciable raises 10 years ago, what I've noticed is that they just straight up get rid of the positions formerly held that wet which paying and just disperse the responsibilities down the food chain to the point where you have entry-level people doing the job of what was formerly three different positions that each earned twice as much as they currently earn.

>> No.22902869

I got really drunk the other day and called my dad whining about a girl and comparing my life to a hemingway novel. One of my most embarrassing moments.

>> No.22902935

"The propeller wash is so strong that it’s uprooting blades of grass of the school's football field. A hundred teenagers come flocking to the helo with their arms outstretched while I’m handing out copies of Mein Kampf to them like mixtapes in Harlem."

>> No.22902941

Cutting people off my life feels so good it's almost addictive. No contact, no problem. And I don't owe anything to anyone.

>> No.22902956

Why doesn't one of Kim Jon Un's many armed and very close security men realise that they must be a sacrifice for the greater good and kill him? Surely they're not THAT brainwashed to believe that he's actually good, right?

>> No.22902959

Authors are frauds. Read these threads with as much intensity and gain the same value.

>> No.22903002

I see straight through to the end and know that everything will fall. I want to let go. I want to stop looking back and plunge forth, leave the harbor.

>> No.22903004

I am farting superheated gas that could melt steel

>> No.22903018

They're probably all ex-millitaries, family men with great pay. KJU is not retarded, he probably has a bunch of contingency plans to fuck with everyone the very moment he gets killed. The pay is great, so you don't want to leave. And you don't want to have your family extinguished to the 9th generation by playing hero. Why asking that question at all when the answer is easy to deduce?

>> No.22903050

Hardbass is great homie. Why does that foretell of ill comings?

>> No.22903059

I needed to do the same years ago yet I had this naive idea that people can change. The signs were out in the open all this time and I was the one who refused to see it.

>> No.22903068

despite the overabundance of movies from last year I still wasn't able to find the one I can truly say was pretty amazing and can name the best film of last year. It was all just mostly ok at best.

>> No.22903076

A few centuries ago, back when malls still existed, I worked in a department store the manager of which was big rude cunt, with a ridiculously Kraut name, but to be honest, mercilessly as I made fun of him, i kind of liked the guy. He simply had bad manners, especially at work, but was otherwise a wit with a bitchy sense of humor, and pretty generous and considerate when it came down to it. Ultimately he was fired by sheer force of employee protest to corporate headquarters after transferring to a store in the South, where his 2nd wife lured him to.. Silly bastard. I still wonder what became of him afterward.

>> No.22903114

You're just a normie psychopath. Not the same as an autist degenerate.

>> No.22903133

Because vague things like "the greater good" are not their business. Not that of the average man either. They simply have no reason to do such a thing, also >>22903018

>> No.22903137
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I often think I have nothing interesting to say. I seem to have no original thoughts, I merely replicate whatever makes the most sense to me. I struggle so much when I have to write, because I don't really have anything to say. Everything I do is a pastiche, a mediocre replica of whatever I'm fascinated with at the moment. I don't seem to have a Self.
Why do I even keep going on with this farce? I'm no writer, I don't even know if I really enjoy Literature, or any other art, or I just deluded myself to feed my ego. Maybe I keep saying to myself "I'm a writer" just to evade reality, to not confront what I really am: a pathetic, perverse and egotistical little man, who clings to literature because it is the only thing in which he has received any kind of recognition. Truth is that I'm lonely, and I have failed at everything I have tried before.

>> No.22903158

I have been in a limerant obsessive love with Alexander the great for the last 5 years.
I have exhausted all tingly wingly material. I've poured over the 5 main ancient histories.I have gone through the 3 phases of modern historical retellings, from Badian, to Green to this decade's Carney. I have rewatched the shitty movie too many times. Consumed all Youtube docuseries that spawn once every couple of years. Watched adjacent period fiction galore. Reread Renault's trilogy and a bunch of other shoddily written self published historical fiction.

All that's left now is to visit the Burial site in Vergina and/or do some kind pilgrimage to Athens. Or to teach myself ancient greek/latin and pour over the og histories again. Who knows what nuance was lost to the ravages of time. Or engage in illegal excavations in modern day Alexandria. Or actually write a show script and sell my soul to get it adapted. Nothing is sating my obsession.

>> No.22903170

Make a tulpa if you dare.

>> No.22903196

Sounds gay

>> No.22903292

The people who write the dictionary—these are the true rulers.

>> No.22903298

Limerence is a stupid made-up term and it's pore over not pour over

>> No.22903315
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I've had a depressing journey with philosophy lately. Unless you're an analytic autismo, you end up at 1 of 3 end points:

The first is relativism. After doubting everything, you realize maybe Protagoras is right, and everything one experiences is true but our differing viewpoints are mutually incomprehensible. Because of our cognitive biases & our limited perception, we cannot bridge this gap through reason, and once you understand the situation it makes no sense to even try. Gödel's incompleteness theorem flits through your head, like a teasing ghost.

The second outcome is Buddhism -- the retirement home for philosophers. You decide that philosophy cannot bring you to the truth, so you want to experience it firsthand. Except... turns out the insights you get from meditation are basically the same as high doses of LSD. And you're not going to learn the "real" secrets of reality, not the ones you wanted to discover. No, it's just some shit about how the self is a fiction invented by our metacognition, and we're just a collection of senses. You might hit 1 or 2 Jhanas, maybe you'll walk around convinced you're a monk! But it will ultimately fail your expectations, deep down you know it's just a quirk of how our brains work and you're not truly learning how reality works.

The final outcome is, you say "Fuck it" and take the leap of faith. You settle on a few axioms that you'll blindly take as gospel (knowing full well you lack evidence), and then proceed through life under the comfortable auspices of men like Cicero and La Bruyère, you will believe that morality is real and has consequences, and you will have 2500 years of the Western Canon to enjoy until you die. You'll never find that truth you were pursuing, but somehow this is the closest you'll get, and you're definitely happier than the other 2 groups (the Buddhist is probably lying to himself and trying to believe that he is). You can become Christian, Islamic, Marxist, really whatever the fuck you choose! Once you stop asking the really tough questions, the whole world opens up. And maybe you'll learn to call one of these imperfect shacks home.

>> No.22903334

jesus christ man at least try to get a job

>> No.22903345

just become muslim, philisophy isn't useful nor is it beneficial

>> No.22903347

Started reading Carpenters Gothic recently to get into Gaddis and my God can the man write prose. As a Pynchon fanboy myself I believe I’ve found the grandfather of his more magisterial passages. I’m not very far into it yet so I can’t really comment on the plot but his style of expression and use of dialogue are masterful. If I could write prose as half as good as him I would be satisfied for a lifetime.

>> No.22903358

I cant sleep because I keep havijg to get up to shit buckets of brown water. This is horrible bros

>> No.22903368

Muscle girls are a tranny psy-op. That's all.

>> No.22903374

3 months sober, i might go back to drinking. Sober life has been fine, I've been more productive in basic day to day tasks and taking care of myself, lost weight and look better but my passion for life is gone. I don't have any creative desires sober, whether that is for writing or just to engage dynamically in a good conversation, I feel dead inside. Nobody likes talking with me sober and I don't like talking with them. Someone said alcoholism is like a soft suicide but sobriety has felt the same, like it keeps me on a narrow routine path where I can make gradual progress but I will never achieve anything grand, I won't make good memories and I won't meet/befriend good people. I still have grand ideas and plans while sober but I don't act on them. When I first got sober I felt great and things were great but now that I'm used to having this 'structure' and 'clarity' to orient myself around I tend to take it for granted and it goes to waste. I think a large issue might be sleep, I would pass out drunk every night and get a good sleep, when I first got sober I could still sleep well and so I felt great without the downsides. Now that my overactive neurotic sober mind has returned, I can't sleep and just feel like shit all the time. I guess I'll double down on trying to find ways to sleep better for one more month, if I achieve that and still feel this dejected then I guess I'm returning to the bottle.

>> No.22903381

>Except... turns out the insights you get from meditation are basically the same as high doses of LSD.
Hi re-ddit

>> No.22903387

I barely watched any movies in 2023 meanwhile I watched dozens in 2022 and I’m now realizing why. Near the end of 2022 I watched Yi Yi. This movie was so good that it ruined cinema for me. I tried in vain to watch a movie that remotely compares in quality. It is so much better than every other movie that it exposes how limited of a medium cinema is. This movie alone is worth 1000 other movies combined. And subconsciously I got bored of cinema and spent more time reading novels last year.

>> No.22903389

What an embarrassing <2σ post.
>Unless you're an analytic autismo, you end up at 1 of 3 end points:
No, you just reached the limits of your intelligence. The actual depressing thing about philosophy is that there is almost no one that dares to break new ground. I have my own ideas and synthesizing old ones in novel ways.

>> No.22903395
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>> No.22903397

>Buddhism bad but my Abrahamic garbage (and Marxism) is good :]
You people are so transparent.

>> No.22903398

you are me

>> No.22903407

You’ve reached the point in quitting an addiction when the battle shifts from the pure physiological withdrawals to the psychological component of why you started it in the first place. Sounds to me like you are a very depressive person (primarially because you sound like me) and that’s probably what drove you to drink in the first place. You’ve just stuck your head out your ostrich hole for the first time in who knows how long and realized nothings changed. You need a new outlet for these feelings. Unfortunately I cannot help you there as all the rumination I’ve done on my own failings and addictions have given me great theoretical insight but nothing practical.

>> No.22903410

What's your counter to relativism?

>> No.22903413
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I started writing this week for the first time ever. I am writing out fantasies I would like to have lived. I don't know if my prose would be acceptable but I am writing for myself. A cooler version of me going through adventures with all these different type of girls, handling situations in cool ways and whatnot. Kind of juvenile one will say but I am feeling so much more fulfilled. It's like I am finally getting out of my system. Writing really is soothing to the soul, I heard that years ago and only realized it now. I grow so much more appreciation for life with writing. All these beautiful things about our condition, legacy, love, hate, revenge, coincidence, unity, family, happiness, hero's journey, love between man and woman. It's made me feel so priviliged to be alive in a weird way, to experience all this beauty.

Thank you for reading this post of mine.

>> No.22903424

No better artistic critique has been as profound to me as what Tolstoy said — a good artist helps you see what others do not see.
>The author was endowed with that particular gift, called talent, which consists in the author's ability to direct, according to his tastes, his intensified, strained attention to this or that subject, in consequence of which the author who is endowed with this ability sees in those subjects upon which he directs his attention, something new, something which others did not see…
If an artist isn’t unique, if they don’t have a distinguished voice, if they don’t reveal dimensions of life that others don’t usually show, then they are not good artists.

>> No.22903428

Good post. Felt the exact same way writing for the first time. Very liberating

>> No.22903429

Half an hour later and I'm still dumping buckets of shit water

>> No.22903437

Which type?

>> No.22903438

Don't get dehydrated, make sure it's not serious death diarrhea

>> No.22903439

I really hope it isnt. When should I see a doctor? I think I know what caused it. I was at a friends house and he has two dogs that shit everywhere. Fuck man

>> No.22903444

Yep, except I expected nothing to change though in terms of mood, i only expected to no longer be drinking myself to death and have some minor health benefits. I very quickly felt much worse though, thinking it might be withdrawal or not seeing the forest for the trees, not realising the benefits of clarity or whatever, I forced myself to stick with it despite my own judgment for a few more months. It seems undeniable now though.

Anyway, I will stop blog posting, I fear im trying to get others to give me permission to take the easier path. Ty for listening and good luck on your journey.

>> No.22903447

Nta but how much were you drinking?

>> No.22903467
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>tfw ChatGPT likes some of your writing, calling it "intriguing" and "thought-provoking"
Is it just blowing smoke up my ass though?

>> No.22903485

The most midwit attitude when analyzing historical figures is to diagnose them with whatever flavor of the month cluster A/B personality that's floating around in normoid public consciousness. Any historian worth their salt knows that you cannot isolate the character from the context.
In that sense, a man like Alexander, or even as recent as Napoleon would seem like an alien to us in terms of values, attitudes, behaviors, etc. For what purpose would you want to attribute some vague DSMish pseudo-diagnosis if not to make a sweeping (and unsound) generalization to fit within your tepid, asinine fucking room temp iq rhetoric?

People love diagnosing le napoleon or le [insert conqueror here] either with jeeber's disease (le sociopaths le can't have empathy hurr durr), or if they're especially snowflakey, they'll try and ascribe any especially heinous acts to some obscure physical ailment (oh Alexander rained hellfire on the ancient Afghans and was especially brutal because he had brain damage from too many battle wounds, no don't ask for any proof it was revealed to me in a dream).

>> No.22903490

>Is it just blowing smoke up my ass though?

>> No.22903493
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the next page

>> No.22903504
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I stand corrected.

>> No.22903519

Probably but this is a testable hypothesis. I could ask for its opinion on objectively retarded text and see what it has to say.

>> No.22903536

Oh God time have mercy. Time is the most relentless and brutal thing. Time is nothing yet consumes all. I cannot exist nor think without time, I even say it is an illusion-- but if the illusion means more than the reality, it beats reality.

>> No.22903554

I fucking loathe how easy I find Germanic languages in contrast to Romance languages. Perhaps it's because I already speak Afrikaans and English; making my mind more attached to Germanic grammar and vocabulary. But I highly doubt the human mind really works like that.

I've tried learning German on and off in the past for a girl and I've been trying to learn French so I can have an easier time finding a high paying job. For some fucking reason German has clicked substantially easier than French has for me. I have no idea why that is, though. Like, that's not saying I don't have issues with German. I have more with it than I have with French right now. Being entirely because I've been more consistent with my studying of French than I ever have been with German. But unlike with French, I've always been able to just get German (Dutch too, but that's cheating). I didn't have to really learn much to start understanding what shit meant. While with French it took me a month of near total immersion in rural Quebec to start understanding the most basic aspects of French grammar. I just don't get it...

>> No.22903594

Self-deception quickly turns into a shackle that must be broken.

>> No.22903600

I lost my half full weed pen, and since I'm not spending $70 to buy another one, I'm probably going to take this chance to cut down on cannabis quite a bit.

>> No.22903677

I agreed with the text until it started talking about how [historical character I don't like] is just a psychopath because uhh.. he just is!
These types of people are the worst to listen to, they mix good and legitimate thoughts with their elementary schooler tier opinions and vomit it all out into paper, so you have to read with care all the time.

>> No.22903684

I'm looking on google, is it a taiwanese movie from 2000?

>> No.22903693
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A beautiful woman passed me in the street and smiled at me today. It was almost physically painful. Later I had a daydream where she offered to kiss me and discovered I have reached the point of self-loathing where I reject imaginary women on the grounds that I'm a useless human being with nothing to offer them.
All I can really do is read and all too often I really don't feel like it. So I waste time and know I am wasting it. And sometimes I actually can't read at all, can't do anything, and that's better in the moment, in that it absolves me of responsibility, but later it's worse, because I know that much of the time I really am a useless cripple.
Hateful is the dark-blue sky,
Vaulted o'er the dark-blue sea.
Death is the end of life, ah, why
Should life all labor be?
Let us alone. Time driveth onward fast,
And in a little while our lips are dumb.
Let us alone. What is it that will last?
All things are taken from us, and become
Portions and parcels of the dreadful past.
Let us alone. What pleasure can we have
To war with evil? Is there any peace
In ever climbing up the climbing wave?

>> No.22903717

use mantras

>> No.22903720

well, hands don't usually stink, at least

>> No.22903767

Made me laugh.

>> No.22903789

For me it's the other way around. So fuckin pissed, might commit a hate ctime in minecraft. I think it's because I finally have something to protect.

>> No.22903832

Woke up about 13 hours ago and I feel like I'm going to drop dead from sleepiness.
Back in the good old days I could go 2-3 days straight without sleep, even used to pull shit like sleeping 2 hours a day during weekdays and 16 during weekends. I wonder just what the hell happened that now I cannot even bear 13 hours of being awake.

>> No.22903871

So, did you test your hypothesis?

>> No.22903895

Just found the perfect job, I hope they hire me.

>> No.22903908

Women are not capable of thinking about the outside world unless it has to do with them.
I noticed the other day, about their concept of humor. Normally, a man is struck by observations about the "outside" world, while women are amused by being the object of ridicule. You can't laugh at a man to his face, but you can laugh at a woman and they find it funny.

>> No.22903961

i wonder what the perfect job could be

>> No.22903966

women are really much nicer than men
no wonder we like them

>> No.22903971

It's just a newsagency job but it's perfect because it's only 15 minutes away by bus, I can wake up at a reasonable time and I don't have to work Sundays which is good because the only time I do anything fun is on Sundays.

>> No.22903978

>women are really much nicer than men
I bet you've never even talked to a woman other than your mother.

>> No.22903985

it's from a poem by kingsley amis, known for talking to a lot of women

>> No.22903986

>I bet you've never even talked to a woman

>> No.22903996

I'm not part of anything anymore. Maybe I never was. I feel stupid for letting people mean more to me than I ever did to them.

>> No.22904006

I wonder if it’s possible to stop being retarded or if I just have to accept being a moron

>> No.22904010

Moved in with my parents to try to save up for a house down payment. Now my car is shitting the bed and I’m realizing that I can’t even move out without a car. No I need to take all that money I saved and use it to buy a car. This whole time has been a total wash.

>> No.22904023

i sometimes think this. then i think as long as i KNOW i'm retarded i'm still ok

>> No.22904028

If you don't need a car for anything else just rent a truck or get a friend or your family to help you move

>> No.22904029

>This whole time has been a total wash.
Not really, imagine if you hadn't been able to save up the money to get a new car and it shit itself while you were broke, that would've sucked balls.

>> No.22904032

>I could go 2-3 days straight without sleep, even used to pull shit like sleeping 2 hours a day during weekdays and 16 during weekends
All that is finally catching up with you

>> No.22904035

no way, good times were supposed to last forever

>> No.22904043

I used to live in the city so I didn’t even need a car. Now that I’m with my parents, I literally cannot go anywhere without a car. This neighborhood is bounded by a six lane highway…

>> No.22904050

Good thing you have money to get a new car, huh?

>> No.22904063
File: 23 KB, 198x276, 1523007874492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to die, but I don't particularly want to live, either.
I want to hibernate until I have the energy to live. I want a timeout from time itself.

>> No.22904066

When in Rome...be French.

>> No.22904083 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 252x252, 1653000368095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had some bizarre dream about needing to marry a half-snake woman (not even a lamia; like her face was wide at the mouth like a snake when she talked in an uncanny way and she had white scales over most of her body) whose father was some sort of super powerful demon dragon thing.

This is the second dream in the past few months where I've had to have a less-than-ideal marriage to appease a destructive kaiju in-law-to-be. Last one was literally just a sapient female bear whose mother was a massive bear demon who would wipe out the human race if I didn't, so this was a step up.

I have no fucking idea what's causing these dreams, since I'm a kissless virgin and A-okay with it. A subconscious fear of potentially losing my virginity and getting married someday, paired with kaiju media I consume? I don't know.

>> No.22904091

I'd a dream once where I had some weird marriage of convenience with a bear (with cubs) because I was lost in the woods, and eventually I learnt how to speak bear (they mostly talk about fishing) and when I woke up I couldn't remember how to speak bear and I was very concerned I would not be able to talk about fish to anyone.

>> No.22904093


>> No.22904096 [DELETED] 

Jews and Abrahamists have no Buddhanature.

>> No.22904102

Jews have no Buddhanature.

>> No.22904103

Pls the Christians called their main teacher Rock

>> No.22904105

Trying to fix my neurosis but maybe me wanting to fix islt the bad thing.

>> No.22904111

Is this post that you wrote also a replica of something that made the most sense to you? If not, then there you go.

>> No.22904123

bought a new iphone not long ago and it feels pretty nice

>> No.22904125
File: 188 KB, 652x1000, IMG_3275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read three chapters of picrel, a little over half way done with the book

>> No.22904139

Frogs, salamanders and newts hug each other to make babies because they don't do intercourse. It's called amplexus. It's very cute.

>> No.22904144

>Be me in new high school halfway through year 10.
>Listening to music through what I thought was my headphones but it turns out that they were unplugged and the whole homeroom could hear my music.
>Empty chair next to me.
>Black girl leaves her friend group on the other side of the room, sits next to me and smiles at me.
>Doesn't say a word.
>I realise my headphones aren't plugged in.
>I plug them in.
>She stays next to me.
>Bell rings, time for next class.
What did she mean by this?

>> No.22904150

Not really, dude. I could have used that money to buy a house. Now im going to be without a house until I’m closer to 40…

>> No.22904156

If you take a high level view of Western culture and political history, the Israel thing is honestly the most absurd development in the entire plot. The idea that you could just tilt the scales in favor of the side that obviously lost centuries ago maintain a state for them in the region surrounded by a militant fundamentally opposed people is so pants on head retarded that it almost makes no sense at all unless Jews really did take over Western politics in the wake of a Nazi defeat.

>> No.22904160

Isn't a car only like 5-10k$ and a house 50 billion$ and rising with each passing day?

>> No.22904168

Christcucks are just Jews in spirit.

>> No.22904175
File: 165 KB, 820x713, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

History is so interesting, I love learning about history, it's so fun to me.

>> No.22904190

>maintain a state for them in the region surrounded by a militant fundamentally opposed people
>a militant fundamentally opposed people
jews christians and muslims coexisted in palestine before 1948 despite zionist terrorism. they had to ethnically cleanse the palestinians and make millions refugees and they are still doing it 75 years later.

but yeah muslims just be angry i guess

>> No.22904197

Depending on where you are, that 10k could be enough for a downpayment. Most likely that anon can't afford a mortgage and a car payment at the same time. But if that's the case he should just get a beater and use it for as long as he can

>> No.22904210

I want to be above humanity, i don't harbor hate but i want to be forgotten and fade into nothingness.

>> No.22904216

Why are things being memoryholed so quickly now? Human beings, as a whole, absolutely revolt me. Nothing is about the truth anymore. Just forcefully repeat a lie enough times, and it becomes true.

>> No.22904220
File: 45 KB, 1200x675, FsTfy1WXgAIGcY0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bc there's so much everything all the time. constant in/output of new CONTENT, BAD TAKES, etc. everything is forgotten.

>> No.22904221
File: 35 KB, 657x527, sad retard helper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the wind blows and there's a chill in the air
I hope that someone is taking care of you
I'm alright, yeah, I'm really ok
Just so you know I'm always there for you
Help me now, I'm going down
And I don't know if I'll be ok
I'll be around, I'll be in town
If you need a place to stay

>> No.22904225

>Why are things being memoryholed so quickly now?
Such as?

>> No.22904236

Such as how America and Israel literally backed ISIS and Al-Nusra during the Syrian war, yet they keep incessantly repeating Iran is the number 1 sponsor of terrorism when it's, objectively speaking, not true.


I'm not in the mood to debate this further.

>> No.22904238

>want to get a nice keyboard for my new laptop, for writitng
>decide I want a nice colorful, mechanical one
>every single one is a gaming keyboard
>every. single. one.
I am about to lose my shit.

>> No.22904240

This isn't a new phenomenon man

>> No.22904245

>wants a colorful mechanical keyboard
>is mad that they're marketed towards gamers

>> No.22904249

so only gamers are allowed to like colors? are you stupid?

>> No.22904275

>want to get a nice keyboard for my new computer, for gaming
>decide I want a nice, plain and black one
>every single one is an EYERAPER3000 with deadly RGB lights
>every. single. one.

>> No.22904282

rgb lights and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.22904294

always imagined /ck/ to be the deadest board on this site but i went there for the first time earlier and it's kind of sick

>> No.22904300

/ck/ and /an/ are peak comfy. There are some truly dead boards like /po/ and /o/, but slow moving doesnt mean bad.

>> No.22904309

/po/ is the only true otaku board

>> No.22904313

I just bought the cheapest one at best buy and it's great. Fancy keyboards are terrible in general.

>> No.22904318

been on 4chan since i was 15 literally never set foot out of mu lit tv before

>> No.22904335

causing ada nightmares for customer service

>> No.22904349

If I ever do an IQ test and my IQ turns out to be 80 or 90 or really any number below 120, I will get pissy and blame it all on my bitchy loud mother for rotting my brain with her stupid fucking mouth. I had to deal with her screaming every single word at all times for 20 years straight. Imagine hearing somebody well and clear from a whole two rooms away, through your headphones blasting loud music. Doesn't help that she cusses 24/7 and has a disgusting personality that makes her act like it's the end of the world every day.

>> No.22904354

Only gamers care about having a colorful clickity clack keyboard yes

>> No.22904358

I don’t like it here. Not to sound edgy and stuff but I’m really so disillusioned with everything. I can’t seem to find any reason to keep living that isn’t somehow connected to being alive for others. I don’t feel like doing anything. All of my prior hobbies just feel like chores. The more I experience the less I want to live. It’s been getting worse lately and I know I’d never kill myself but I’m falling apart! Nothing in this life seems to be desirable enough for me to stick around to achieve it. Love you anons.

>> No.22904360

I check in on /ck/ every once in awhile. I like it but it gets boring pretty fast

>> No.22904362

God this bitch really makes me want to tear my fucking ears right off. Maybe I really should.

>> No.22904366

Felt and seconded. Feel like I have said these exact words recently.

>> No.22904388

some characters there
& after lit it's staggering how on topic every thread is

>> No.22904391

I like talking about food so I enjoy it, good place to find out about new sloppa

>> No.22904395

Haven’t been to /an/ in ages but I should go there soon

>> No.22904401

Anon, is your mom mine? I haven’t lived with her and dad for about thirteen years so I’m much happier. My stepdad is cool though, he brought pork and sauerkraut to my apartment yesterday,

>> No.22904407

All that matters in politics is money and power, the more you have both, the more you dictate reality.

>> No.22904414

I have days like this. I also have days when I am so repulsed by myself, that not only do I not want to exist, I want to erase the fact that I ever existed from the universe. Not just proof I existed, but the very fact itself. I would feel like I'm filled with rotten mud and maggots, and I'd gag from the despair.

>> No.22904435

I wouldn't know.

>> No.22904456

It's mostly curiosity but how do people even grow writing careers these days? So many things are centred around showing work on social media, but none of them seem to play nice with any kind of non-short form writing

>> No.22904460

Posted a schizo ramble on a forum where they use names and got some affirmative replies I thin were meant to placate me. I was embarrassed the second I hit post. Wont be posting back there again. This is why I love you lit.

>> No.22904463

well now you do

>> No.22904467

youre posting on other forums??

>> No.22904491

Electronics repair barely counts as a STEM job and you aren't "too dumb." Your teachers didn't care and your environment didn't foster a wonder required to drive you through the humps made more numerous by a money making driven education system. You were failed as bad or even more than you failed.

>> No.22904503

I've been to most boards. /mu/ and /tv/ are horrible. I'm a /mu/ oldfag and it's been awful for 10+ years, same with /tv/. /tg/ and /sp/ are comfy if you're into either of those hobbies and gamethreads for major sporting events is some of the most fun you can have on a chan. /gif/ is mid, expect tons of porn you hate and just ignore it. /wsg/ is just weird, I dont really understand how it's a board, but it's fine. /k/ /x/ and /fit/ used to be high tier but are now mid tier because they were spammed by containment board fags. /pol/ /b/ /r9k/ and /v/ are the eponymous containment boards, expect to encounter cancer. /vg/ ranges from awesome to horrible depending on the general, expect namefaggotry and eceleb whoring. /vr/ is alright if you're into that, gamecenter threads are fun. /a/ is /a/, you either like it or you hate it. /jp/ is kind of meh but I dont post there often. /s/ and /h/ are fine, they'll have what you expect at a little lower quality than you'd like. /d/ is either one of the best boards on the site or absolutely horrible, depending on your milage. /ck/ and /an/ are two of my favorites, but everywhere else I dont really post enough to have an opinion.

>> No.22904510

>I'm a /mu/ oldfag
how old?
were you in the 2013 lastfm threads?

>> No.22904511

I go on /mu/ for the metal, classical, and prog threads mainly. Sometimes go into the punk/hardcore threads but that was my high school daze and the woke shit eventually got to me.

>> No.22904533

Probably 2007 is when I started posting there. Do you remember Gorespammer and needing 4chanX to sift through the pictures of mutilated dicks to talk about anything precaptcha?

>metal classical and prog
Niiiiice. I'm a big death metal fag, but I've been listening to a lot of synthwave like Triology Carpenter Brut and Gesaffelstien lately.

>> No.22904535

Why do I find it hard to love? The real kind of loving the real person and that kind of ideal love? On the outside I do act like this and keep a healthy relationship. But I know that I desire unseemly things (nothing too radical) and vain. I find getting into a relationship as a challenge for myself to meet the best person possible but I feel I never quite reach that mark and berate myself for not reaching higher for someone more beautiful, more successful. I knew this kind of thinking would hurt my other in the relationship and so always broke it off before it became official. I thought my desired for my current girlfriend was exceptional but I remain unchanged and I am beginning to look for another, greener pasture.

>> No.22904547

noo i don't think so, when i first got there everyone was posting NOIDED

>> No.22904548

Yeah. I was going to us it as an outlet for artistic expression until I realized my artistic expression is really just psycho ramblings.

>> No.22904553

I wish I didn't. Now I don't know what to live for. If I can't even be happy attractive how could I continue detestable. At least before I could dream.

>> No.22904554

Everyday I wake up surprised by my own saneness in face of the everexpanding increasingly complex inescapable abstraction surrounding us. So many things pulling on our desire trying to persuade us in to consumption and devotion. No wonder some of us get torn apart and go schizophrenic.

>> No.22904555

Fair enough, you didnt miss much other than .exe files imbeded in mediafire .zip folders that downloaded 100 gb of dolphin porn when your computer was in rest mode. Good times.

>> No.22904579

you know that band duster that got massive on tiktok recently?
they used to be my last.fm patrician cred in 2013, they didn't even have a wikipedia page. not even a scaruffi review.
it's fucked up

>> No.22904654


>> No.22904730

do you remember the tripfag Leo?
he had some good taste in music, movies and

>> No.22904747

was it you?

>> No.22904805

Lmao pussy
Just learn more you moronic faggot
Read the books

>> No.22904840

He is right, hole

>> No.22905408

No, dude. A used piece of shit car is like $15-30k. A truck or SUV is $30k+.