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23061452 No.23061452 [Reply] [Original]

How does /lit/ feel about modern reinterpretations of ancient myths?

>> No.23061461

Feels pathetic
>Le perseus GETS KILLED by medusa instead le hecking girlboss shit
>Le circe was le good witch ackschually
Come on man

>> No.23061477
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>> No.23061480

Cheap fanfiction written by girls that grew up writing Mary Sue stories where Captain Kirk fucks them

>> No.23061481

You got me teehee

>> No.23061503
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I hate it. I like statues of the great heroes of old because usually they are large statues of hot athletic men, and upon seeing those statues I feel my peeny-weeny gain new life, and in my heart I feel happy knowing that beautiful men can and maybe even do exist.

>> No.23061505

I love femdom. Women should rule.

>> No.23061525

Do gay guys not know about sports??

>> No.23061536

Niggerball is filled with, unsurprisingly, niggers.

>> No.23061808

Is this like the Laineyball?

>> No.23061824

Do we even know wtf half of those myths were even about?

>> No.23061834

>stealth /pol/ thread

>> No.23061926

So that's what El Duce meant by "She has spaghetti and string beans for her hair"

I'm Shocked and Grossed
To the max

>> No.23061942

It's Judith & Holofernes. Their chauvinism is unhinged and limitless.

>> No.23061969
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If the statue looked good then possibly.
But I feel you could maybe just use another myth with le good chick.

>> No.23061975

It's actually medusa and perseus though I have seen girlbossing about those as well. Especially in regards to this female painter and her master.

>> No.23061976

>How does /lit/ feel about modern reinterpretations of ancient myths?
I hate women.

>> No.23062837

They're stupid. This is not a flattering image for women, because Medusa is a monster. I honestly think the sculptor was mocking feminism with this rather than supporting it.

>> No.23062876

Medusa used be beautiful but then she got raped in a goddess's temple and the goddess was like, stop getting raped in my temple, boom ugly snake hair and men petrifying power
Or at least if you trust Ovid that's what happened

>> No.23062881

>This is not a flattering image for women, because Medusa is a monster
Modern women are monsters, retard.

>> No.23062891

I'm tired of fantasyfags pretending women aren't weak.

>> No.23062904

jewish subversion of their host populations is as old as the myths they are corrupting themselves. it's comfy knowing nothing ever changes.

>> No.23062910


>> No.23062911

Do you know what the word flattering means?

>> No.23062912

they were mostly ok when they were properly subjugated

>> No.23062916

It's a matter of perspective, retard. This girlboss slay queen septum piecing shitty excuse of a generation of woman would certainly take being compared to a victorious Medusa as flattering. Nigger.

>> No.23062923

>It's a matter of perspective
A monster is a monster, dipshit. No perspective changes this. Get your own fucking material for your feminist icon bullshit.

>> No.23062928

>A monster is a monster, dipshit. No perspective changes this.
Double-digit IQ take right here.

>> No.23062933

She literally has snakes for hair

>> No.23062939

>Known for turning people to stone
>Rendered as a stone statue
It's all kinds of wrong on multiple levels.

>> No.23062941

So? Your perspective is very limited. I hope you're underage. The thought of an adult being this stupid is depressing.

>> No.23062996

Look cocksucker, you can't just take a well-established monster from ancient myth and transform it into an icon of empowering beauty. It doesn't work. The statue is retarded and so are you. There's nothing flattering about the image. This is a non-human entity holding the head of a demigod. Whoever relates to this image is a fucking edgy cunt.

>> No.23063002


>gay AND racist

Good boy. Come sit over by me and we'll start you on regimen of Greek reading and anal training.

>> No.23063026

I've already done that myself

>> No.23063028


I have nothing more to teach you. Entice other boys, then.

>> No.23063034

Sooooo... We're not going to talk about the time that Ovid rewrote half the Greeks?

>> No.23063051

You mean like Freud's reinterpretation of the Oedipus myth?

>> No.23063069

>I'm a complete fucking retard: the post
k keep me posted

>> No.23063070

Given that most modern interpretations are made to antagonize and belittle, I can't imagine many of the anons on here would like them. I sure don't.

>> No.23063217
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>> No.23063225

Myths are reinterpreted all the time and have always been even in ancient times. Anons should acquaint themselves with the purpose of myths and what it symbolizes and why they are deeply intertwined with humanity. How many versions of the flood myth do we have? Think of its deeper meaning. It can be twisted to fit into context in current times. I know we don’t like women but take a deep breath here and try to learn a thing or two without sperging out that you can’t breed

>> No.23063303

Greeks actually hate those gay interpretations.
I talked to them, and they hate the "Aquilles" was gay" myth the "circe" shit, the "hades was literally Satan" myth and much more.
(they also hate the conception of "greece" as just "ancient greece" not representing anything beyond thst, but that's another topic, not relevant to this one, just wanted to mention it as an extra.)
They literally said to me:"non-greeks (non hellenics) may think we are well represented in fiction and in the worldwide, but we actually aren't, how will you feel, if we said," beowulf was actually gay" or "king Arthur was literally a demon" to you? That's what grreks have to deal in internationaly fiction about "them" "
So yeah, just wanted to say the Greeks perspective, as the image was from a greek myth, and i actually talked to them, and let me tell you, they hate these" modern reinterpretations" of their myths, if it wasn't alredy obvious.
They think its a pathetic attack on their culture by foreigners, and want them to stop their bs.

>> No.23063340

>How does /lit/ feel about modern reinterpretations of ancient myths?
There is nothing inherently wrong about them - nearly everything that we know as ancient myths is fanfiction of fanfiction or fanfiction of a forgoteen oral tradition. But most specific examples now are just fuucking lame. Countless "original" ancient examples were probably also lame and so did not pass the test of time and were forgotten, but that's not an excuse. Most of the "fresh takes" on antique mythologies that I know were neither fresh, nor really benefitted in any way from the connection to the mythology in question.

>> No.23063342

>Greeks actually hate those gay interpretations.
>I talked to them, and they hate the "Aquilles" was gay
They should blame their ancestors for that.

>I shall speak first about Homer, whom we rank among the oldest and wisest of the poets. He mentions Patroklos and Achilles in many places, but he keeps their erotic love hidden and the proper name of their friendship, thinking that the exceptional extent of their affection made things clear to the educated members of his audience.
Aeschines, Against Timarchos 142-3
>Aeschylus talks nonsense in claiming that Achilles was in love with Patroclus (rather than the other way around), for Achilles was more beautiful than not only Patroclus but all the other heroes as well; and besides, he was unbearded, and thirdly, far younger than Patroclus, as Homer says. Well, anyhow, though the gods really hold in very high esteem that virtue which concerns love, they wonder, admire, band confer benefits even more when the beloved has affection for the lover than when the lover has it for the beloved.
Plato, Symposium 179e-180b
>And you did not respect the chaste consecration of the thighs, oh ungrateful that you were for those countless kisses!
Aeschylus, Myrmidons, Fragment 135
>I honored the intimacy of your thighs by bewailing you
Aeschylus, Myrmidons, Fragment 136
>No, pleasure was the mediator even of their friendship. At any rate, when Achilles was lamenting the death of Patroclus, his unrestrained feelings made him burst out with the truth and say "The converse of our thighs my tears do mourn with duteous piety."
Lucian, Amores 54
>That Achilles loved Antilochus you must have discovered in Homer, seeing Antilochus to be the youngest man in the Greek host and considering he half-talent of gold that was given him after the contest. And it is he who brings word to Achilles that Patroclus has fallen, for Menelaus cleverly devised this as a consolation to accompany the announcement, since Achilles' eyes were thus diverted to his loved one; and Antilochus laments in grief for his friend and restrains his hands lest he take his own life, while Achilles no doubt rejoices at the touch of the youth's hand and at the tears he sheds.
Philostratus, Imagines 2.7
>Alexander laid a wreath on Achilles' tomb and Hephaestion on Patroclus', hinting that he was Alexander's eromenos, as Patroclus was of Achilles.
Aelian, Varia Historia 12.7
>Again by your delicious lips I supplicate you. . . . We’ll be to one another like Achilles and his friend.
Theocritus, Idyll 29

>> No.23063344

Go and put this shit here:>>23059647 you idiot.
Nobody cares about your gay fanfiction.

>> No.23063345

midwit tranny contrarianism
next question

>> No.23063346

You will be punished severely in the afterlife.

>> No.23063394

For what, for saying the truth?
The gay interpretation is pure fanfiction other greeks after homer did, annd then used by modern gay writers.
Thats why i said greeks hate it.
So shut up you gay retard.
Nobody actually cares about your gay fanfiction.
So shut up you idiot.

>> No.23063403

Why do Greeks hate what their most celebrated writers invented? You seem upset.

>> No.23063412

Because its actually pure retarded fanfiction.
You know that is not what homer, wrote, or what the illiad shows.
Your gay interpretation is pure cope from post homer gay greeks and modern retarded writers.

>> No.23063421

We actually don’t have Homer’s entire corpus. There is lots that is missing.

>> No.23063425

Achilles' heel is not in Homer either. Do your Greek friends seethe about that? If not, they will be punished.

>> No.23063426

And false.
We know homer only wrote the illiad and the odyssey.
Everything else in the epic cycle is not attributed to his name, and its written by other writers.
So you are actually lying here, idiot.
So shut up you gay retard.

>> No.23063430

>We know homer only wrote the illiad and the odyssey.
NTA but how do we know that?

>> No.23063436

I was reading a different Greek text and it cited a lost Homeric quote which doesn’t exist so you are wrong.

>> No.23063440

They know. Idiot.
They know the Achilles heel became a thing in the roman/middle ages.
They also take issue with it.
But they mind the gay thing more, because it destroys Achilles character in movie or book interpretations.
Weres the Achilles hell adds to Achilles character.
Thats the difference between the 2, idiot.

>> No.23063448

Why does it destroy Achilles' character? Do you think Aeschylus "destroyed" Achilles character? Aeschylus was a more noble and more masculine Greek than any modern Greek that has ever lived. He defended his country against the Persians and wrote some of the finest poetry that has ever graced the human race. And there is nothing more beautiful than the self-sacrificial love between two people, regardless of their sex. You deserve eternal punishment.

>> No.23063458

Here's how we know:
The books of the epic cycle:
Cypria by Stasinus
Iliad Homer
Aethiopis by Arctinus
Little Iliad Lesches
Iliou persis ("Sack of Troy") Arctinus
Nostoi ("returns") by Agias
Odyssey homer
Telegony Eugammon
Only 2 are homer, the illiad and the odyssey.

>> No.23063491

Point is Achilles and Patroclus were not "lovers" but brothers of war.
That Aeschylus interpreted them as lovers dosen't mean anything idiot, it just means he was wrong.
So shut up you idiot.

>> No.23063494

You can be lovers and brothers of war at the same time, it is beautiful and noble.

>> No.23063499

Not in the way Aeschylus, interpreted.

>> No.23063506

Why not? Fool.

>> No.23063507

You can only be either lovers, OR brothers of war.
Achilles and Patroclus were not "lovers" but brothers of war.
So Aeschylus was wrong.
You understand now????

>> No.23063514

>You can only be either lovers, OR brothers of war.
You can be a best friend of your wife and her lover simultaneously. You can also be a comrade and a lover at the same time. The Sacred Band discovered this.

>> No.23063520

But Achilles was not that.
There is no reason to think that reading the illiad.
So go shove your "secret band" on your ass, gay idiot.

>> No.23063531
File: 256 KB, 608x935, Screenshot 2021-12-23 at 22-53-47 Achilles and Patroclus in Love on JSTOR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are several passages in the Iliad that ancient Greek critics thought were inauthentic because they suggested pederasty

>> No.23063543

Why is your interpretation of those 2 verses (only 2,surprised how gay the illiad is, sarcasam) the correct one????
They say there's different interpretations of the 2 verses, so don't just assume that you are correct, idiot.
Additionally its probably not the correct interpretation because apart from those 2 verses there is nothing like that in the rest of the illiad, so it would be surprising if that's what homer intended.
Which means he probably didn't intend, "the gay interpretation".
Which means you are wrong,again, idiot.

>> No.23063551
File: 199 KB, 682x526, Screenshot 2022-12-04 at 11-31-30 Achilles and Patroclus in Love on JSTOR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is your interpretation the correct one? I never asserted that Achilles and Patroclus were definitively homosexual, but you are definitively asserting that they were not. You need time out and a nappy change.

>> No.23063559

You implied it though.
Why else would you show that, than to not prove a point.
You want me to say thst "Achilles and Patroclus were lovers" because you like that interpretation.
But they weren't actually.
So your efforts here do nothing, and you are waisting your time.
So shut up you idiot.

>> No.23063561

No, I was simply saying that "Greeks" getting their panties in a twist over the "gay interpretation" are pathetic mutts who disrespect their ancestors.

>> No.23063563

I wanted to fuck medusa since the first time I saw a depiction of her
I Imagine, FANTASIZED she blows my dick with her snake hair or has fingers with no finger joints but they are also tiny snakes she uses to jack me off in some fucked up humiliation ritual before she vores me with her huge snake mouthvagina with another woman with who I will lead sticky saliva covered sex in whats essentially a tight fleshy sleeping bag
I'm glad Lamias are getting attention

>> No.23063564

It's "satanic", these are not just stories like modern fantasy, it's religion with actual theological meaning.

>> No.23063568

Nothing compared to the disrespect Homer's epic got by people like Aeschylus.
At least modern greeks dont go passing fanfictions as literally the same story as another poet.
So shut up you idiot.

>> No.23063576

Nothing disrespectful about it, freak. You and your "Greeks" think you have a better right to determine what Homer meant than actual ancient Greeks...

>> No.23063580

Great. Its the perfect embodiment of Feminism. The good gets killed by evil women. you can even see the evil feminist stare in her face. glorious.

>> No.23063583

Yes because homer means a lot to the hellenic identity, idiot.
They prefer his epic and characters, over people after homer doing their own stories ripping apart everything homer and probably his early line of poets did.
So shut up you idiot.
I hope you can see why modern greeks dont like the gay interpretation created by people like Aeschylus, specialy if they get used by modern writers as an attack to their culture.

>> No.23063615

They only perceive it as an "attack" because their minds have been corrupted by Hebrew morals.

>> No.23063617

they weren't gay
so shut up you idiot
i write every sentence on a new line
so shut up you idiot
my skin is brown, i'm 90% turk
so shut up you idiot
they weren't gay, aeschylus lied
so shut up you idiot
they weren't gay and i'm not crying
so shut up you idiot

>> No.23063632

No they percive as an attack, because it an attack.
Like i said, greeks prefer the homeric characters, over whatever people like Aeschylus were doing.
They read the illiad and odyssey in school and not Aeschylus poem or whatever he fucking wrote.
So they take this stuff seriously.
But you probably didn't know that, because you never actually talked to a greek or been to Greece.
So shut up you idiot.
Your gay interpretation is fake, and Achilles and Patroclus were not "lovers" regardless of how much you try to say it with lies.
So nothing about hebrew morals, idiot, just because they have the ortodox church dosent mean they are corrupted by "Hebrew morals" idiot, since they still read pre-christian shit, just not fanfictions.

>> No.23063635

If it were an attack, why weren't the ancient Greeks upset by it? Aeschylus defended his homeland from the Persians, twice. His brother died in the war. Do you think he wanted to "attack" his own culture? Sorry that your Judaized mutt race is offended by it, but it's not an attack.

>> No.23063645

Aeschylus was living at a different time, and it allowed him to get a different interpretation.
I don't hate Aeschylus, idiot, i just find his interpretation of Achilles and Patroclus incorrect and greeks agree with that.
So im saying that saying "muh Aeschylus" is just retarded as his interpretation is not in the fucking illiad.
He made it up,because he was bias.
Understand now??????

>> No.23063646

>The books of the epic cycle:
That's what we called the epic cycle now, collected from the works that have left parts or mentiones in survived texts. How do we know that Homer never wrote any other epics which were simply lost without a trace?

>> No.23063652

So it is a legitimate interpretation, just one you disagree with and are not fond of. That is fine, but it is not an attack by foreigners. Notably only inferior peoples who do not produce anything worthwhile anymore worry about this sort of thing. No Anglo-Saxon ever felt insecure about chinks and Africans making their own interpretations of Shakespeare

>> No.23063656

Today, only the Iliad and the Odyssey are associated with the name 'Homer'. In antiquity, a large number of other works were sometimes attributed to him, including the Homeric Hymns, the Contest of Homer and Hesiod, several epigrams, the Little Iliad, the Nostoi, the Thebaid, the Cypria, the Epigoni, the comic mini-epic Batrachomyomachia ("The Frog–Mouse War"), the Margites, the Capture of Oechalia, and the Phocais. These claims are not considered authentic today and were by no means universally accepted in the ancient world. As with the multitude of legends surrounding Homer's life, they indicate little more than the centrality of Homer to ancient Greek culture.

>> No.23063661

>faggot seething about the church not letting him rape boys
Every time in these threads.
The gayreeks meme has nothing to do with scholarship, its just used by pedo faggot groomers to try and faux intellectually justify their illness and discredit the church (cause they are demons I guess idk why it makes them seethe so hard)

>> No.23063663

It is an attack. You are just an idiot that can't understand it.
Because you are not from that culture, idiot.
Greeks take their history very seriously, and foreigners like you, pushing your bs interpretations on their myths are a problem.
Understand now?????

>> No.23063671
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But anon, the Church also says the Gayreeks did it...

>> No.23063673

Thats not what I said homo

>> No.23063676

Why did you pretend not to be Greek earlier? Are you ashamed of being Greek?

>> No.23063682

Also i never seen "chinks" or African interpretations of Shakespeare, so show evidence for those interpretations,that those actually exist, idiot because i feel you just made it up.

>> No.23063686
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>African interpretation of anything
They cant read

>> No.23063688

Its idiots like you that force me to do that.
No im not ashamed, i just like my pivacy, ok?

>> No.23063690
File: 90 KB, 980x551, noongar shakespeare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are even Aboriginal performances of Shakespeare
What could happen? Also I feel bad for insulting you anon

>> No.23063691

>These claims are not considered authentic today and were by no means universally accepted in the ancient world.
I understand. But what does that have to do with the possibility of Homer actually ever writing works of which no mentions survived? Those attributions being erroneous does not contradict the possibility of other works existing and being authentically attributed to him, but never reaching us in any form.

Like, if we assume that Homer was indeed a real historic rhapsode, then once he was also a young rhapsode of little fame, making his first attemps at composing epics. Those would probably suck, and so they would not get much recognition and he would not give many performances of them, so they would be forgotten and lost before being written down. Or maybe a number of them were written down, but in only a few copies which never drew much attention, so few knew about them and the copies could be lost along with the scant few sources that ever mentioned them, But those would still be epics that Homer wrote, and which are not the Illiad or the Odyssey.

>> No.23063694

So yes i am Greek, and now that you know that, can you please shut up, gay idiot???

>> No.23063696

I think you are only upset because you have been Judaized...

>> No.23063703

Nah, its because your kind don't respect old stories and have to push your sexuality into them.
Nothing about jews, there, ok???

>> No.23063707

You only perceive it as disrespectful because you think of homosexuality as something wrong or degrading (Jewish morals)

>> No.23063708

Point is Achilles and Patroclus were not "lovers", but brothers of war.
So please shut up now, idiot.

>> No.23063711

Its because its actually inmoral in nature.
Its nothing jewish, i admit that Christians contain those ideas but they aren't exclusive to them.

>> No.23063714

Why is it immoral?

>> No.23063717

Because its disgusting.
Male to male love is not a kind of natural love.
It shouldn't be put on characters that are clearly not that.
But even characters that are that, are still disgusting.

>> No.23063724

Something being "disgusting" to you personally has little to do with morality. Many straight men say that they find vaginas disgusting, but that does not make the vagina an immoral part of the body. There are gay men who find heterosexuality repulsive. Does that make heterosexuality immoral? No. As for the idea that it is not "natural", homosexual behaviour has been observed extensively in the animal kingdom.

>> No.23063728

>Many straight men say that they find vaginas disgusting
Again just making shit up.

>There are gay men who find heterosexuality repulsive.
>Does that make heterosexuality immoral?
No because faggotry is a mental disorder so their opinions can safely be discarded

>> No.23063732

It does, because im not the only one that finds it disgusting.
There is many people which form society that find it that, so what ends happening it that it turns inmoral, beyond a personal level, since now all of society finds it disgusting.
So thats how it has to do with morality.
I dont care, some animals gay fuck.
Most of them still are heterosexual.
So its still not natural.
So do you understand now???

>> No.23063733

>Again just making shit up.
I see straight people saying it all the time. Ask your friends.
>No because faggotry is a mental disorder so their opinions can safely be discarded
Why didn't Aeschylus share your disgust? By all accounts he was straight. Perhaps because he wasn't Judaized?

>> No.23063735

Definitely not the next Plato.

>> No.23063745

What has plato has to do with this, you idiot??
Plato was anti-homo, so i dont know why you bring him up, you gay idiot.

>> No.23063747

>I see straight people saying it all the time. Ask your friends.
Straight men love women and their bodies and love stimulating their vaginas, playing with it before fucking. I am taking a hot guess and say your "straight" friends are porn addicted zoomer virgins or simply dont exist.
>Why didn't Aeschylus share your disgust? By all accounts he was straight. Perhaps because he wasn't Judaized?
I dont fucking know, ask him. I am talking about society as a whole not some writer.
I guess after the nuclear war when a future civilization finds Death in Venice they will assume that Germans were a gay culture who openly lusted after young boys because Thomas Mann (a married man) was a weirdo

>> No.23063749

Your reasoning skills are nigger tier.

>> No.23063753

But im right though.
You just refuse to see how disgusting your sexuality trulybis, idiot.

>> No.23063761
File: 418 KB, 1150x1190, the tolerant left and the bigoted right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just another worthless leftist.

>> No.23063762

>Plato was anti-homo

>> No.23063768

He was, you idiot.
Its only retarded gay academics thst push the "plato was pro-homo" lie.

>> No.23063770
File: 25 KB, 1200x1067, Pink_triangle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ernst Röhm
Executed with his faggot friends, faggotry used as an excuse for it
>Ernst Jünger
Ah yes, 1944, the perfect time to be gay in Germany. After all he wrote that passage.
>Wyndham Lewis
>Antony M. Ludovici

>> No.23063775
File: 613 KB, 670x2038, plato lysis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plato was a disgusting groomer and his books need to be banned. I don't care if he turned against homosexuality in his Laws, he is pedo filth.

>> No.23063799

Ok fair enough.
Pedo shit is very disgusting.
So plato is indeed disgusting in that one.
Fortually enough in greece we considered people like plato "anti - greek" in their thinking, since they went away from the ideas of normal society, to develop their own ideas.
So we can separate plato's disgusting pedo shit, with his other ideas,the less shitty ones, the ones more closer to other thinkers.
So yeah, i don't like the pedo shit in plato.

>> No.23063811

read the actual dialogues instead of watching tiktoks you absolute bugman. for plato, the body of a boy is the closest earthly approximation of transcendental beauty, pederastic lust is the origin of all philosophical inquiry and while he thinks that lust is best sublimated into philosophical pursuits, he explicitly describes moderate sexual relations with a boy as having a positive impact on a man's immortal soul, as bringing him closer to transcendence. for plato, only a pederast could ever hope to be a philosopher, the two are intimately linked, if you don't go mad at the sight of a boy then your soul is base and blind to beauty.

>> No.23063832

why does this even matter to you, you monkey? you've never read those books and you never will, they only exist to you as memes, if you tried reading them you'd go crosseyed because of your 85iq - but you sit there and boil with rage because of how people you'll never meet interpret books you'll never read. why not have some ice cream instead?

>> No.23063833

But he doesn't say that in the symposium and laws, though.
The one case, you are mentioning is a conversation between an adult men and a young men, but they don't do anything sexual in the dialoge, though.
So you are wrong.

>> No.23063837

>destroy homosexuality and fascism will disappear
How could such a midwit as Gorky be so correct?

>> No.23063838

You are making a lot of untrue assumptions there about me, idiot.

>> No.23063850

everything i said, including explicit praise for boylove in moderation as soul-improving, is explained in detail in the phaedrus. you haven't read shit and you don't know shit.

>> No.23063858

you're dumb as a brick and you've never read any plato. deny it all you want but everyone can see it from your posting

>> No.23063862

And where is the supossed pederastry in the phaedrus, then????
They get close, but they never do anything sexual.
So its just, dialoge and conversation.
Plato says some things that are close to that, but again it never shows actual sex.
So you are ultra wrong, idiot.

>> No.23063869

Plato does have Socrates say in the Phaedrus that pederast couples who avoid sex are superior to those who have it, but also says that those who have it are still destined for enlightenment in their future lives. He seems to have lost his tolerant attitude by the time of the Laws, though.

>> No.23063873

do you have actual brain damage? the pederasty is in the part where plato has socrates praise and defend pederasty. no, the dialogue doesn't have to "show actual sex" to be pro-pederasty you fucking subhuman roach, it just has to make pro-pederasty arguments

>> No.23063881

You get what im saying.
He changed his mind by the laws.
I agree he said the enlightenment thing, but he also mentioned that the ones who avoid sex are better than the ones who do.
So yes, it gets close, but then he changed his mind.
So im still right, plato is more against it than the opossite.

>> No.23063889

>He seems to have lost his tolerant attitude by the time of the Laws, though.
not really, it's just a different subject. the laws describe what's pragmatically convenient for the state, ie men nutting in their wives instead of chasing boy butt, which has to be seen in the context of athens being massively depopulated at the time. but what's convenient for the state has no bearing on what's good for the soul.

>> No.23063909

you're retarded and you haven't read the dialogue. the hierarchy is:
>pederasts who remain celibate: immediate transcendence
>pederasts who fail to remain celibate: slightly delayed transcendence
>pederasts who don't even try to be celibate: missed chance at transcendence
>non-pederasts: no chance at transcendence at all
this, to you, is not a pro-pederasty worldview?

>> No.23063920

Its saying thst the pederasts that dont do it go into inmediete transcende, than the ones that do it.
So i don't see what your problem is.

>> No.23063926

Women shout for equality, but what they really want is over privilege and enslaving men.

>> No.23063931

the problem is that he's telling you if you don't feel intense lust for boys you're an inferior person incapable of philosophy and doomed to reincarnation as a rat and you still think he's "anti-homo" somehow. the problem is you're an idiot and practically a rat already

>> No.23063934
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It does nothing but show how envious and ignorant these "creators" are.
They have a billion myths with female heroines, but instead of glorifying that shit they just go look for something about men to take it over.

>> No.23063988

Well he's clearly wrong then.
But to be fair he changed his views later in life, so he can still be "anti-homo".
Also you are the real rat, idiot.

>> No.23064300

She looks like she's on the verge of liver failure

>> No.23064314

kek all the bitches in this thread who have read none of the Greeks and think their thoughts on anything are worthwhile.
shout out to whichever anon was quoting Lucian, you're alright

>> No.23065412

They don't usually bring anything new to the table. They either cheap subversions of the trope with no depth or a "how would X look in modern times" which sometimes can be good but not that many writers can pull it off. Paradise Lost comes to mind as an example of a retelling done right.

>> No.23065479

>modern reinterpretations of ancient myths
potentially based
>what if le well known story but...LE OPPOSITE

>> No.23065496

We're entering an Age of Villains, because literally every hero of myth is being demonized and their villains, in all of their psychopathic tendencies, are being glorified and painted as being in the right.

>> No.23065524

I'm guessing the people behind this statue have never actually heard the full myth

>> No.23065527

So are we pretending to be upset by the time the Romans de-gayed Hylas and Herakles?

>> No.23065531

It was a good book; did not paint circe as a good guy. She looks back on her pigmanning days with shame.
Not gonna deny it wasnt feminist manhating drivel, but it was well written drivel worth reading.

>> No.23065538

Tbf Circe and Odysseus are both kind of dicks I think they could have been a great power couple except for the muh homeland plot

>> No.23065723

>To sniff petrol, or not to sniff petrol, that is the question

>> No.23065739

Why does she store fat in her brow

>> No.23065748

>woman portrayed as evil monster slaying upstanding man
This is correct at least.

>> No.23065778

Why dont you make your own myths, losers.

>> No.23065854


>> No.23065857


>> No.23066091

The funny thing is that Medusa displaying Perseus's head is the perfect embodiment of these keyboard warriors. Why not Poseidon who raped her? Why not Athena who punished her? It can't be because P is an easy target and not a bigger figure of authority...

>> No.23066093

I'd say Medusa is probably too much of a schizo from loneliness and the whole rape curse deal to ascribe her that kind of pettiness. Bitch probably just snapped

>> No.23066123

Did you have an issue when King Kong beat his chest and celebrated after taking down a plane even though the pilot wasn’t the one who captured him or paraded him around in captivity?

>> No.23066193

Isn't the Metamorphoses just Ovid rewriting myths to portray the gods as negatively as possible because he was seething about being exiled?

>> No.23066325

Medusa was a priestess of Athena, a Virgin goddess, Medusa left the temple and fucked poseidon, her punishment was just, all she had to do was stay in the temple

>> No.23066638

Historical fiction is to literature what entertainment journalism is to journalism.

>> No.23066671

The same thing, but with more self-awareness?
I think you're selling historical fiction a bit short here.

>> No.23066759

you're acting like there's only one version of the story. There's also versions where Poseidon raped Medusa, and even if he didn't completely force himself on her, could you imagine being able to say no to a god? There's literally a myth about a nymph becoming a tree to escape Apollo raping her. The important thing to realize about these stories is that they were oral traditions passed down for the purpose of instilling cultural values in the people being told them, unless a society has access to ways to distribute ideas and maintain culture uniformity across great distances (i.e, easily reproducible written documents), people will take the same story and change it to suit the values that best represent the lives they hope to live in a geographical area. The other, less important, but still relevant aspect of these stories, is of course entertainment, which folds back into modern interpretations of myths, what people are doing now, is no different from what tribes of common descent but differing geography would experience, they are living different lives than the originator of the story, and change it to suit their tastes

>> No.23066772

Can’t expect a board full of brain damaged autists to understand this, sadly

>> No.23067022
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>No Anglo-Saxon ever felt insecure about chinks and Africans making their own interpretations of Shakespeare
it doesnt make me insecure, more just filled with rage and disgust.

>> No.23067153
File: 56 KB, 720x696, 1554123226082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well written drivel
>drivel worth reading

>> No.23067155

Not that anon but his post reminded me of the fact I enjoyed Song of Achilles. It wasn't literature, but it was enjoyable on the level of good anime.

>> No.23067167

I'll let you know when I finish Shelley's Prometheus Unbound

>> No.23067234

Both men and women regard you with the contempt normally reserved for rodents and parasites.

>> No.23068057

"Metamorphoses" would have been called "Transitions" nowdays.

>> No.23068443

i mean medusa did nothing wrong it was just atena being a bitch (depending on the origin myth)

>> No.23068462

one pic and 4chan gets mad at women existing
goddamn you think Greeks had male-female dynamics like you niggas

>> No.23068482

"villains" in pop culture tend to have behaviours more characteristic of old heroes than pop culture heroes have had for decades now

>> No.23068486

I was mad at women existing long before that pic was posted.

>> No.23068497

what would your
great great great great great great great great great great great great

great great great great great great great great great great great great

great great



Greek grandparents say?

>> No.23069166

Exile just made him extra horny, that's why half his work from then is
>I miss my wife

>> No.23069177

>about a nymph becoming a tree to escape Apollo raping her.
Turning into a tree doesn't really stop him, he makes her his tree, which is supposed to be the origin of him awarding laurels to people because she was called Daphne (Laurel)

>> No.23069288

dangerously based.

>> No.23069598

"Phone bad because not book" level stuff for people with PhDs

>> No.23070858

It's nothing more than gossip

>> No.23071436

Kind of? Except not really. As far as we can tell, the versions he collected did exist prior and even used to be, we think, relatively mainstream at one point or another [not always at the same time] but had fallen a bit out of favor in what was recentish times for Ovid, like his parents life time, we think, at the latest.

With that said it's believed to be he probably tweaked some minor details and used specific lines and references that would have stood out at the time, along with the fact that he picked those versions to collect in one place, and the fact that it was him and people who knew him "knew" what/who he was taking fucking shots at because it's Ovid and he would have had a reputation and they'd fucking know what he was about, to make it political.

It's like if a regular guy tells a bunch of stories about animals and they just so happen to usually have like, squirrels be greedy dicks or whatever then maybe that's it, but if Marx does it you know damn well from that context who he's talking about because it's fucking Marx.

>> No.23071439

For those who didn't realize, it is an airsoft gun.

>> No.23071443

>They should blame their ancestors for that.
Well specifically they should blame mostly Athens because Athens was full of closeted fags. Honest to fuck Athens is probably where the problem with gays being fags started. The rest of Greece was like "So you were fucked like a girl nobody fucking cares" and moved the fuck on, Athens though developed some fucked up complex about it where it was illegal for a huge part of their history, they accused everyone else of doing it and pederasty constantly, and all the while they were by far the most avid practitioners.

Created the entire obnoxious faggot mindset wholesale themselves desu.

>> No.23071452

Largely full of resentment issues.

>> No.23071453

NTA but the Church's standards for historical documentation and post-facto study of other cultures and religions is often like 90% coping, seething, and projecting like fucking crazy, and that's when they don't lose track of their own psy-ops and political rewrites and start thinking they're the real thing.

Which I mean that was like 90% of what Athens did so I guess it's fitting.

>> No.23072610

>she got raped in a goddess's temple
>Why not Poseidon who raped her?
didn't happen

>> No.23072686

if greekoid faggots rewrote their myths into fujo fanfiction then I can reinterpret the myths to be based and heterosexual
total greekoid death

>> No.23072762

Women have not achieved anything and will never achieve anything. Don't waste your time with counter examples, it's intuitively true.

>> No.23072829
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as a cultist of Athena, I personally think heretics against the holy myths should be prosecuted as criminals and executed by the sword. Ave Minerva

>> No.23073563
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Unprincipled examples themselves are gay and stupid to principled truth. A turn of conversation does not lend itself to proof.

>> No.23073569

women will never rule because any state that is ruled by women becomes sick and weak, and quickly gets conquered and destroyed by a strong empire led by men.

>> No.23073576

I don't really care about reinterpretation as long as the original has it's space. My main issue is that the reinterpretations are crowding out the original. You can go to a community theatre and see a dozen plays like "Orestes but everyone is black" or "Medusa but girlboss" or "shakespeare but everyone is gay and latino and it's set in modern day Miami".
Meanwhile it's almost impossible to find regular productions of the play.

>> No.23073813

He got exiled after he released the Metamorphoses

>> No.23073824

> where it was illegal for a huge part of their history

>> No.23074423


>> No.23074427

He was exiled afterwards but the circumstances are so murky no one knows the exact reason.

>> No.23074428

Is it supposed to look like she's about to fall over backward?

>> No.23075013

I don't mind

>> No.23075082
File: 51 KB, 360x568, Dialogues with Leucò.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this.

>> No.23075090

I like to read Helen by Euripides
I think the myths about the Trojan War are stupid and the motherfuckers who made Troy are fucking evil and vile cunts
I hate sex

>> No.23075098

Sorry by myths I mean the judgement of Paris and Helen being taken away
Athena shouldn't have been a judge, it is stupid and degrading

>> No.23075478

Sounds hot...
Im intrigued, which books do you recommend i read while doing anal?