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23203194 No.23203194[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books on the future of relationships?

>> No.23203207


>> No.23203223

She's living in a world where she thinks she'll be relevant after hitting the wall (and shes already 3/4 of the way there)

>> No.23203250

>e-dating in the first place
ngmi clown

>> No.23203254

I fucking hate Tinder/Bumble/Hinge.
>Uh if you don't like them don't use them!
Meeting girls at bars after graduating college sucks

>> No.23203267

Only incels believe in the wall

>> No.23203268

Slow Tuesday Night, by R. A. Lafferty

>> No.23203276

The wall is real. It’s called getting old.

>> No.23203279

get off this board, schooler

>> No.23203289

I'm here offering free dating app advice for newbies. Here's your free lesson! FAT ARMS. What we've got here is a game of show and tell. She doesn't want to show you nothing, but her fat arms.. they're telling you everything.

Always look at the arms first.

Here's another free lesson: Does she have several pictures of herself where you can't really tell what her body looks like, but then one picture (usually the penultimate or antepenultimate) where you can see her full body and she looks thin? NOT SO FAST! She's pulling the oldest ruse in the history of women on you: the "Technically I did include recent pictures, so it's HIS fault for not knowing I'm fat as hell!" hornswoggle. She's fat as hell!

And above all, remember, always imagine the woman you're talking to is a man. If you were talking to a man on a friendship app, and you said "Oh I'm a huge Lynch fan, what are your favorite Lynch movies?," and he said "lol." would you spent 4 days trying to interpret "what you did wrong?" No, you'd say, WHAT A FAG! and never think of that retard again. And that's a MAN, a being actually deserving of basic respect by default! Remember always to treat women as sulky spoiled children until proven otherwise.

>> No.23203298

fat arms.

>> No.23203302
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>And above all, remember, always imagine the woman you're talking to is a man. If you were talking to a man on a friendship app, and you said "Oh I'm a huge Lynch fan, what are your favorite Lynch movies?," and he said "lol." would you spent 4 days trying to interpret "what you did wrong?" No, you'd say, WHAT A FAG! and never think of that retard again. And that's a MAN, a being actually deserving of basic respect by default! Remember always to treat women as sulky spoiled children until proven otherwise.
Very good pasta.

>> No.23203328

lmao. Roastie cope.

>> No.23203333
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>> No.23203363

she has the dating equivalent of skibidi toilet iPad kid brain rot

>> No.23204362
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grandiose delusions

>> No.23204371

Feminism is the only good thing happening from 200 years of democracy.
Feminism is good because it destroy the grotesque male narrative that men are the stronger sex. The truth is that women sit at the top of the sex market. Women are sex capitalists. It's women who organize the competition . It's men who compete for women and not women who compete for men. So they are right to be very strict about the rules. And since they are the queens, and 99% of men just live to provide for them, they have the luxury of rebuking any male quest they want and imposing on men various duties.
The even bigger picture is that Men never really managed to tame the female sexual cravings. Women cannot be contained in coats of conventions, the female sexual libido is too strong and too violent for this. A women is pure sexual energy. When she discovers this, when she peels off the phony social layers, she merges with her true whorish self and she will never ever be the same.
This is why all societies are flawed inherently. And it doesn't help that all men are eager to please women sexually and non-sexually. democracy is even worse.

>> No.23204394

What exactly will dating accomplish in my life? The answer is nothing. I'll tell you what happens if you're successful with dating. You have double the problems in your life and have even less time. The whole idea of finding "the one" to start a family with is a fantasy and if realized leads to even more disappointment. The issue with problems and the time constraints of family, is obvious, you and she needs to work. The actual time you have to devote to this ideal is minimal. The best case scenario is you trudge along and use each other for idle chatter, little events, and sex which is only done to deal as an existential relief to needing to work every day to feel as if their lives are significant while ignoring spending a culumitive 80 hours a week are spent to make ends meet.

>> No.23204587

kek and checked
but to be fair part of the issue is a good amount of quality girls in the younger range get permanently scooped up by top-tier men early on. Hottest (40-year old) milf I know has been with her current husband since she was like 17. Both of the best-looking girls in my high school class ('97) still look classy and fuckable but haven't been single since their early 20s when they got married to white guys in promising finance careers.

The wall is real but some women do hit much later and more gracefully than others. That bitch in OP's picture, though, is going to impact hard you can already tell.

>> No.23204703

The best of mornings to you sirs

>> No.23204712

It's objectively real. Not only do women get less attractive, they also aren't as fertile which is a major turnoff for our grug brains

>> No.23204923
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>> No.23204957

It's true that a woman could easily find a partner in her 30s and 40s, but she won't be able to find the kind of partner (money, status, height, etc.) she was attracting when she was in her 20s.
"Hitting the wall" doesn't mean she has become undesirable, it just means that her best years are behind her and it's downhill from then on.

>> No.23204965

Then men experience the same thing. Just cringey seeing guys who never even started to peak make fun of girls past their peak. It screams resentment. And lol at Tom Cruise and all his plastic surgery

>> No.23204976

>muh men
You fundamentally don't understand the relationships between men and women. The primary thing women have going on for them is physical attractiveness. That's pretty much number 1 in any guy's list of criteria. For women that's lower down the list and they're more interested in status.

>> No.23204988

>The issue with problems and the time constraints of family, is obvious, you and she needs to work.
My wife stays at home taking care of the kids. She does internet entrepreneur business in her spare time (nothing influencer-related).
The main payoff is the children. The feelings of reward and satisfaction from children are something that you can really put into words. Not every man feels it and you can't really know whether it's worth it until you have your own children and its too late to renege anyway.
But yes, my life would be much easier if I did not choose to get married and become the head of a family. I'd have more freedom and more disposable cash. But what I would I do with it? Climb Mount Everest? Perfect my physique and admire my huge cock in the mirror? Read some existential cope about mortality and facing the later years of my life alone?

>> No.23205020

>What exactly will dating accomplish in my life? The answer is nothing.
Companionship. Being alone/lonely has been found to be as bad for your health as smoking cigarettes.
Either date/marry a girl with a real job or make good money and have her be a stay at home mom to take care of keeping the house clean and/or taking care of kids.

>> No.23205096


>> No.23205185

Well atleast you put some effort in your bait

>> No.23205240

Oh it's real, I'm pushing 30 rn and literally all women I know that have remained single are having quite pathetic and public mental breakdowns, either that or just regressive shit like posting a million selfies a day. Talk about a mid life crisis

>> No.23205551


>when women don't realise they waste their best years partying and by the time they grow up a little and realise their only asset - their looks - are long faded and gone and all the better men have likely settled with the majority non-whorish female population

Clean your mind! These types of women who d the swiping etc generally do not end up in strong, stable, long term relationships with happiness. They become bitter but in a different way. They are also a minority of women.

>> No.23206785

I had my mother talking to me the other day about how women over a certain age are "invisible" (a friend of hers is recently widowed and starting to date on apps for the first time).
I was surprised to hear it from her, she's not exactly plugged in, and a lot of modern cliches haven't made their way to her yet. But I was able to interrogate the idea a little and I think I convinced her that women over a certain age are only as invisible as men are generally used to being. I mean, it was weird to have to point out that the way her friend was talking about the "ugly, old" men (her age, she's not a special beauty herself either) is exactly the kind of attitude that would lead to her feeling "invisible" to them. Somehow it just wouldn't have occurred to either of them to consider whether their thinking and behavior was in any way comparable to the "substandard" men she was expecting to make an extra effort to pursue her.

>> No.23206849

What does being ‘invisible’ mean?

>> No.23206899

As a non-woman, I can't tell you for sure what they mean. But what it sounds like to me is that they've become acclimatized from their youth to being actively reached out to and invited into virtually every aspect of social life. After a certain age, that just stops happening to them and they start to feel lost and isolated when they try to break into a new scene. Like if you walk into a crowded bar as a man or a middle-aged woman, nobody notices. But if you're young woman, even a slightly ugly one, strangers are actively trying to talk to you, you can get served, you are "visible", people appear to care that you exist and want to engage with you on some level.

>> No.23207133

Kek. I'd say the pic on the right is definitely the 30+ category. I've seen some absolute beasts that're 31, 32. They have nothing to offer compared to their younger counterparts. And they know it, too, which makes it all the more pathetic. Opening up your age range on there is honestly one of the saddest things you can do. Also, checked.

>> No.23207195

There is no good way to meet women after college. You just have to get lucky.

>> No.23207374

it means they don't get as much attention, a woman's number one currency, no hollering from horny men on the streets or facebook, no invitations to parties, no interesting men in the bar approaching them, no tricking men into juvenile damsel in distress shit, growing old for a woman is hard, especially if she has no kids of her own to pester, a man on the other hand, loses his sex drive and becomes more influential, more wise and legitimate, why do you think millenials and xers hate boomers so much, the us economy is controlled by these few old men who get to do whatever they like like weinstein and epstein did, women can't even fathom such power since so many squander it in their twenties not understanding it's fleeting nature

>> No.23207824

this incel’s idea of women is taken from basket weaving internet forums

>> No.23207853

Find a decent partner, and don't look on Tinder and in your local gym or bar, I beg of you.

>> No.23207865

i validate your opinion femoid, are you happy now,

>> No.23207873

Too bad I didn't have a job that paid well enough to support a stay at home wife and feed the kids. Must be nice. I bet you're getting inheritance too.

>> No.23207945

hey king. Advice for university student? I'm in a male dominated course (statistics), all my hobbies are ultra macho or solitary (bodybuilding, grappling, reading, writing). Fastest way to find a first year 18 year old qt?

>> No.23207972

Take a liberal arts class and be outgoing. The class with the highest percentage of high quality cuties I ever took was Latin, fwiw. Lots of smart, attractive women who can speak half a dozen languages there, and that was a community college. Make it pass/fail and just have fun with it.

Also, cultivate a circle of female friends. This is even better than having a girlfriend, because it will:
1. Give you a social network to meet lots of cute girls, so even if the relationship doesn't work out, you've got a network to fall back on.
2. Allow you to be seen around campus with lots of attractive women, which will subconsciously improve your social standing in the eyes of other people.
3. You'll be able to have a selection of female friends to go out with, and even platonically you can get experience dating (and will probably end up sleeping with some of them, if we're being honest, but that shouldn't be the goal)

>> No.23208060

seems legit, thanks.

>> No.23208078

Relationships haven't changed. People have always been shallow and stupid. Technology hasn't altered the average IQ besides keeping more people alive and actually bringing it down slowly over time.