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File: 92 KB, 1024x683, 1024px-Jordan_Peterson_280585997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23206042 No.23206042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's been 5 years. Why did Jordan Peterson calling out neo-Marxists cause such an uproar when he's literally correct? In the Communist Manifesto, Marx talks about how capitalism will inevitably erode all borders, nations, religions and cultures so that communism will occur. In the globalized world today we can see this is happening as he predicted. Society is fundamentally broken because of liberal capitalism taking over and disintegrating all the social features Marx talked about, and this process is being enabled via "woke" ideology. It just so happens that the overwhelming majority of people who support all this stuff brand themselves as leftists and Marxists. They support the consequences of liberal capitalism BECAUSE it creates the conditions for the system imploding and leading to communism. Leftists are hyper-liberals who want to accelerate capitalism to the point of implosion and thus the dialectical step to socialism. If not, then why do Marxists universally side with institutions on LGBT, BLM, transgenderism, social justice, etc? People were basically mad at Peterson for calling them the same thing they identify as.

>> No.23206059

fuck off already

>> No.23206076

>t. r/politics

>> No.23206078

Your post isn’t even talking about an actual book. Just go.

>> No.23206080
File: 45 KB, 500x500, this thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23206092

>t. r/dankcommunismmemes

>> No.23206094

he's talking about an author who is well read and respected by many. You're just simply mad that he's calling out the politics that you align with. he even mentioned another author (marx) and his book (the communist manifesto) literally everything about op is accurate to reality. go play with your funko pops you scrawny or giga overweight faggot.

>> No.23206098

also just to add it's hilarious that you literally solidified op's point about you faggots throwing a hissy fit anytime someone acknowledges what is clearly and obviously true. you just don't like hearing voldemort's name actually spoken

>> No.23206136

The Communist Manifesto is a book retard

>> No.23206141
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>> No.23206147

Not literature

>> No.23206155

>another "retard seething at cultural Marxism" thread

>> No.23206162

Immigration is not ''communism'' moron, your country is importing immigrants to make GDP line go up, not to establish communism, I swear yanks are the most hilariously brainwashed cattle on Earth.

>> No.23206191

>a book was mentioned so this is not off topic
kys you faggots

>> No.23206301

Many such thread on /lit/.

>> No.23206402

I don't really think that Marxists are actually a thing anymore outside of very niche circles. You sound a bit confused. Also Peterson has been refuted so many times at this point it's kind of low hanging fruit to pick apart his "arguments" in ways that haven't been done a thousand times before already.

>> No.23206413

>and his book (the communist manifesto)
It's laughable that anyone would try to critize Marx and cite the comunist manifesto as their main source of information about his ideas when it's basically a political panflet made to simplify his ideas for general population. If the communist manifesto is your beginning and ending point when it comes to criticising Marxism then you can't expect anyone to take you seriously as an intelectual thinker.

>> No.23206414

The 'Marxists' or leftists in general, still exist in universities and other centers of educational power. The problem is that they are functional to the international Jewry, but Mr. Peterson is not going to talk about that

>> No.23206416

Peterson and those similar to him on one side and their ideological opponents, blue-haired feminists and woke libruls and so on, are the two sides of a false dichotomy which presents the problems of the present as the creation of one group and the solution as the actions proposed by the other. You could spend literal years of your life immersed in this dichotomy, convinced that you are on the cusp of realizing some kind of Great Change in the world, that soon your opponents will be defeated and your side will make things right, and meanwhile the forces which truly move and shape the world will sweep past you without being seen.

>> No.23206419

He doesn't even make that argument, stop putting words in his mouth

>> No.23206442

>Society is fundamentally broken because of liberal capitalism taking over and disintegrating all the social features Marx talked about, and this process is being enabled via "woke" ideology.
It's far easier to point the finger at Derrida and Foucault for the advent of postmodern cynicism than to ask whether an ideology built on the axiom "everything has its price" might have something to do with declining faith in eternal values.

>> No.23206443
File: 3.07 MB, 4044x2500, antifa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're trans btw

>> No.23206463

Ah yes the Jews that make their profit in Wall Street but also happen to be pushing global Marxism. Nice falacy there retard

>> No.23206478
File: 477 KB, 989x1280, jewish communism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no fallacy there.