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23243447 No.23243447 [Reply] [Original]

During the last 6 months the following has happened:

>only brother has cancer
>the girl I hoped to make my girlfriend found a different man
>I got fired from my job
>My last friend moved abroad

I am probably in one of the worst times in my life. Any good novels for dealing with this? Self-help is also welcome, but in my opinion 90% of it is slop.

>> No.23243462

Come to Uruguay, if you're not gay.

>> No.23243472

>>the girl I hoped to make my girlfriend found a different man
You weren't even dating her. What did you expect?

>> No.23243481

>I am probably in one of the worst times in my life.
It doesn't sound so bad. You should read the Bible, but don't expect God to be like a genie in a bottle to grant wishes just because you opened his book once or twice.

Maybe you should start with the Proverbs, plenty of wisdom, some of which will likely apply to you now or help you in some way. Don't expect to understand everything on your first reading too. Many of the psalms were also written when the psalmist was at a low point in their lives.

>> No.23243482

Read Seneca

>> No.23243486

If you like biographies you might like Mind on Fire, about Emerson. He overcome some serious shit.

>> No.23243498

You only have one problem, your bro. That girl may as well not exist and you're going to have 10+ jobs in your life. See it that way, 5 years from now, you won't be talking about Karen or having been a Janitor on 4chan, and if your friend is a real one, he'll keep in touch.
So if you believe in God, read the Psalms. If not, anything about stoicism will do.
If you're too down for big words, read Hellsing and Berserk, two good manga for people in need of some burning blood spirit.

>> No.23243501
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I was expecting to meet her in April.

>> No.23243558

I hope you didn't spreg out and like a retard to her? Be glad, it's hard to find an honest woman. It could've been worse, women aren't honest about their flings, so you would've been a back up or even worse, only found out about it after your relationship becomes serious. Then she would've manipulated you saying how you shouldn't care about her past.

>> No.23243565

She was someone you had never met? Someone online?

I think it's time for Walden if you haven't read it already. Thoreau was ahead of his time in realizing how miserable we can become dwelling on abstraction. Focus on the concrete - the actual physical world around you, the real people in it. For me, this was the key to going from living in anxiety and dread to marveling at my own experiences.

"Shams and delusions are esteemed for soundest truths, while reality is fabulous. If men would steadily observe realities only, and not allow themselves to be deluded, life, to compare it with such things as we know, would be like a fairy tale and the Arabian Nights’ Entertainments. If we respected only what is inevitable and has a right to be, music and poetry would resound along the streets. When we are unhurried and wise, we perceive that only great and worthy things have any permanent and absolute existence, that petty fears and petty pleasures are but the shadow of the reality. This is always exhilarating and sublime." - Thoreau

>> No.23243571

>distance e-relationship
You custom-ordered a piece of poop over the internet that was never going to arrive anyway, and now someone else has the piece of poop and you can't have it

You lost nothing and gained back your time and dignity

>> No.23243576

How did you reply?

>> No.23243584

>>only brother has cancer
Remember it's happening to him and not you.
>>the girl I hoped to make my girlfriend found a different man
You'll learn to care less about such things as you get older.
>>I got fired from my job
Don't ruminate and be sure to find another.
>>My last friend moved abroad
Keep in contact and make time to go for walks (you'll meet people, even if it's just a few mins at a time)

>> No.23243592

Damn. My heart broke too. This is why I don’t approach women. Too much heartbreak and disappointment.

>> No.23243661

Oh you're that dweeb who was complaining about how and he penpal fell in love over letters, she arranged to come to your country and then last minute told you it was to meet another guy. Lmao, you're a stupid cuck. I bet you even funded her trip in some fashion. How much money did you send her to make the trip possible? Lmao, you got played like a retard.

>> No.23243796

I didn't. I figure it's best to just cut my losses from here.

This is a different girl. I never claimed I was a Chad. But I never spent any money, thank god. Also, recommend me something.

>> No.23243805

>I didn't. I figure it's best to just cut my losses from here.
Good. Forgot about it completely. Don't let it take any space in your mind.

>> No.23243828

Stop with the online long distance BS. Being disappointed over one of them, aka a girl you’ve never met, is just silly.

>> No.23243879

Peterson's 12 Rules to Life

Its like self help 101, he gets memed on but I think there's some very good realistic and practical advice in there.

Just because some bad shit is happening doesn't gie you an excuse to stop working out, eating right, keeping your space clean, seeing the sun on a regular basis, getting human interaction as much as you can despite being a 4channer.

The advice sounds surface level cuz it's like "Yea no shit I know this stuff" but you really gotta take the time to sit with yourself and be honest about whether or not you've actually taken care of your base needs during this time

>> No.23243892

Read The Collector by John Fowles. I think you'll relate to it a lot.

>> No.23244273

Uruguayan anon here. can we become friends?

>> No.23245213


just use discord if you need to attention whore mr. namefag.

>> No.23245231
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Here's the problem with female autonomy. Women, under no circumstances, should be allowed to decide their partners. You're the man, use your brute strength and make that bitch petrified to even leave you.

>> No.23245234

>t. basement-dwelling virgin

>> No.23245287

Nah, 41 year old man with plenty of experience, I've been with seven women over the years and women really dont respect you unless you're brutal with them

>> No.23245288

Also, post your HRT so I can ridicule you

>> No.23245471

Absolute newfag. I'm sorry you're terminally retarded.

>> No.23245496

Holy Bible

>> No.23245501

Wash your penis

>> No.23245937

The fag only wanted to be first comment. Shame of that Uruguayan, that's why we Argies Master Race always top them

>> No.23246368


>> No.23246438

Sorry dude, I can't really give empathy since I haven't had such a rough time as you in my life. But I'll give sympathies, just go and do something fun dude like watch a movie or something.

>> No.23246442

Are you marrier now old fag?

>> No.23246714

You may enjoy Siddhartha by Hesse, it’s a fairly quick read. Suttree by McCarthy is one of my favorites, I’ve read it during many low points and it usually cheers me up. Dandelion Wine by Bradbury is also excellent. GL anon.

>> No.23248358

I'll look them up. Many thanks, Anon.

>> No.23248451
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>> No.23249811

The only decent self-help books are the writings of stoic philosophers.
They teach that the only thing in your control are your emotions. Your brother's cancer, your friend's departure and other such problems are outside your control but not how you react to them.
I don't mean that you should detached yourself from your surroundings and stop giving a fuck (stoicism tends to be interpreted in that way) but when you face adversities, you should rather ask "What now? How do I overcome this adversity?".
I cannot answer that from you but know that time will make many of your present adversities redundant. You will get another job, you might meet another woman and you might make another friend or perhaps your old one might return. The only real problem is your brother's cancer but it might not be the death sentence that you assume to be.
If I was in your situation, I would focus on him and cherish his company for as long as you can. Don't let those other people like the woman distract you from it, she won't matter in a month from now.

>> No.23249819

The Holy Bible (KJV)

>> No.23250785
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>> No.23250810


No, because it describes a false god and a false messiah, both of whom are capricious assholes. What were you thinking with this suggestion?

>> No.23252453

Not approaching women will make you live with nihilism, heartbreak is a terrible feeling but it's better than eternal loneliness.

>> No.23252461

And both are better than ending up in an endlessly bleak relationship with a nagging foid

>> No.23252473

I'm guay, can I come?

>> No.23252476

What is more fruitful in life than finding genuine love with a femoid?