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23297269 No.23297269 [Reply] [Original]

previous: >>23293951

>> No.23297272


>> No.23297281
File: 401 KB, 1024x492, zayre-store-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm starving

>> No.23297282

I cried in my girlfriend's arms last night because my mom died and today she's acting kind of distant and using her phone a lot. I'm glad I have her in my life, she's loving and kind :)

>> No.23297284

What do you want to do with your life?

>> No.23297285

kino, which country do they have these in? I would hang out in the storefront and smoke cigs here all day.

>> No.23297287

Finish my Masters and teach Highschool until I die

>> No.23297290

I like the Dorito: a hearty, consistent crisp. A Dorito would help you move house or change a tyre. A Dorito drops you a text when you've had a bad week, just to "check you're alright". Is the Dorito your best mate? Not quite, not really. The Dorito does sponsored 10k runs and has a really quiet girlfriend called Laura. The Dorito sometimes talks to you about F1 for a really, really, really long time. The Dorito is a good lad, but also the Dorito wears shorts slightly too early in the summer and slightly too late into autumn, and you can't really trust someone like that. Like: mate, it's March. Cool it with the shorts. Or: pal, it's September. Zip the bottom of your shorts back on.

>> No.23297297
File: 28 KB, 475x271, zayre 1971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

america but they don't exist anymore

>> No.23297302

Do you think I'd get cancelled if I ever became famous and people found out aboutautistic fanfic and porn images I made about a real life famous person? Yesthey are fairly creepy and deranged

>> No.23297308
File: 18 KB, 300x209, 1a10c75050419b7c35ead30f3c421907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad, mid 20th century American commercial design is so so soulful.

>> No.23297309

If I take my eyes away from my distractions, I am confronted with an overwhelming world in which I am much too small, much too weak, so irrelevant, so easily controled.
It would be just too easy to kill me. I feel like self-aware cattle.
I feel trapped in my own life. I keep waking up into this relentless world of carnage and evil from which I can only escape through mind numbing entertainment and extreme fantasies of cruelty and debauchery.
I tried looking away from the shiny screens for about a month, and now I feel like I have no soul (in both the literal and metaphorical sense). I don't know anything. I live on this place with a mind much too small and I am as clueless as any other cattle.
The day will come when my distractions will abandon me like a bad friend, and then what?

>> No.23297310

Watching some anime that was on my backlog, with Chinese subtitles, and it's starting to make me feel like learning the language. It is pretty fun to see the differences in characters and take guesses at what might mean what and for what reason.

>> No.23297317

So I've been going out to bars the last 6 months and meeting/hanging out with random people for the night. What I've discovered as we all get drunk and then eventually go back to someones house or bar hop is how addicted everyone is to porn. Also a little concerning how openly both men and women talk about porn and their 'porn stash'

What I'm getting at is I don't think anyone would care about the porn you have or what type of porn it is if it ever came out. Seems pretty normal, I'm afraid. But this is all a moot point since you'll never be famous anyway

>> No.23297327
File: 29 KB, 805x479, 1636829199207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will learn anciend dark magics so I can whisper to my enemies in their dreams and drive them to insanity and ruin.

>> No.23297337

Imagine wanting to cry in front of someone so hard you're willing to divorce someone.
But you won't marry anyway.

>> No.23297346

I wonder if any anons here are married. I doubt it. Only time I see someone mention a wife is when they are in the midst of a heated argument with another anon about relationships/marraige and then claim they have a wife and "know what they're talking about" but that often strikes me as a LARP. If they really had a wife they would have mentioned her from the get go, not 5 replies later. Just my impression.

I also know one thing: When I was in the middle of a nearly 3 year long relationship I rarely, if ever, came to 4chan. I was too busy with my day-to-day and spending time with her. Now that we've broken up I am here way more often. I feel like 4chan is for single lonely anons, for the most part, especially this board.

>> No.23297349

>Those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad
I'm glad you started believing in magic, anon; it helps keep Tinkerbell alive.

>> No.23297351

The problem is the stalkerish insane vibes of the pics but thanks for your input

>> No.23297353

Good luck. I too would like to do the same someday.

>> No.23297358

I've been married for 2 years with a girl I met 7 years ago. The only time I stopped browsing 4chan was during the first year of the relationship, then it just started worming its way into my life.
I don't browse for most of the day like before, but that's because I also have a job and other interests.
Makes me feel extremely shitty, but sometimes I still feel like I need someone else to talk besides her. I don't have friends, I don't know anyone who reads or talks about interesting things, I only have this place.

>> No.23297361
File: 85 KB, 826x464, Zayre,_Addison,_IL_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it moves me strangely

>> No.23297375

I guess it depends on the type of relationship you have. Me and my gf were generally very outgoing socially and had lots of friends. It kind of wrecked me when we broke up. It was really messy and she threw a lot of dirt on me about how it ended, and since we shared all the same friends and she had the first move with them, she isolated them from me. It was the first time in my life that I saw how dangerous and frankly evil women could be. She told people I had mental illness and was a psychopath and made up all sorts of crazy things about me to get them away from me so she could have all her old friends and her life just without me. Kind of fucked up, really. So I lost my gf and all my friends in the process.

>> No.23297379

I'm engaged
Been on 4chan since 2010 and never stopped coming here, relationship or not.
Only thing I do less is listening to podcasts/shows. Used to do that all the time while single, now only when I'm driving by myself.

>> No.23297392

Maybe it's because I was raised Catholic (don't believe anymore), but I don't get what's so great about sexual liberalism.
To me, the intimacy of being the only one that your partner has ever known is much more valuable than to have experienced somebody else's genitals for one brief period in your previous life.

>> No.23297395

I'll tell what I don't want to do with my life: work for most of it

>> No.23297397

>To me, the intimacy of being the only one that your partner has ever known is much more valuable than to have experienced somebody else's genitals for one brief period in your previous life.
I've never understood anon's who get so hung up on this. To me it reeks of having never been in a relationship before, general fragility, and insecurity. Once you're in a relationship you're never thinking about who they've been with before. It's an irrelevant and moot point.

>> No.23297400

I fully intend to die without ever being in a relationship

>> No.23297409


I want to affect positive change in some way that makes me feel satisfied.
I don't mind working. I just don't want to look back and say, "geez those 40 years spent working for that IT company to sell ads to kids to dupe them into buying Chinese toys was definitely worth it".

>> No.23297411

based Monk Mode

>> No.23297417

I said that to an ex once.
She was explaining how a friend of hers was still with her first love and how she was missing out on things.
I then told her that what she is 'missing out on' can easily be had. Clubbing, meaningless sex etc are easy. I then said that she (my ex) could never have what she has. A relationship where you actually mature together, grow up together.

She went quiet, kek

>> No.23297420

Win the lottery and relax

>> No.23297421


>Once you're in a relationship you're never thinking about who they've been with before. It's an irrelevant and moot point.

Only true, if you "upgrade". My 2nd gf was mid on looks and clearly dumber than my first. It bothered me, up until the bond I built with her surpassed what I had with my first.

>> No.23297422

Paralysis won. The city of Paralysis won, it stood in its moment of victory as it stands now and as it stood then: Old grottos, groves, crumbling vinyards painted blindingly pale in the moonlight. Somewhere within the parks of paralysis—right besides the brackish fountain before the split oak—lies the future, at first bloated, maggoty insides spilling from all sides, crawling out of the rags it wore in life. Flies take flight, the future is abandoned, its soul is dragged squealing across the sea into the Avernus, plunged deep underground into a coarce, humid cave, serenaded by an inderterminate weeping and gnashing of teeth.

>> No.23297432

it's all about the he said she said bullshit

>> No.23297433

I have no idea how people in IT or Engineering can find fulfillment in a job. I have a friend in engineering who spent 5 years designing hinges on a submarine missile hatch. Engineering huge missile hatch hinges. Like, what? How can you find that gratifying in any way? Similarly my roomate has spent 3 years working IT at a government agency trying to automate their payroll system. I don't understand how anyone could find that type of work fulfilling. And they both work a bunch of unpaid overtime, too.

>> No.23297436

Why do they always come up with that accusation?
What about it?
Maybe it is legitimate to be insecure about things that are plausible.

There's lots of girls who admit that their husband is not the best/hottest they had. There's lots who think they settled (even if they are deluded).
From the guy's perspective it also sucks if your ex is hot as fuck and then you end up with a nice girl, but secretly know she's not as hot.

>> No.23297440

this whole post reeks of insecurity. I'm an unironic 9/10 irl so I honestly can't relate, I've always been the hottest any of my ex gf's have had.

>> No.23297442


There are lots of amoral nerds in IT/Engineering. It's why the fields tend to be right-wing. Lots of people who only care about their skin and nobody else. You know, the kind that would happily be designing bombs or gas chambers...

Being a moralfag in the same area, you're constantly avoiding minefields, because almost every employer is doing some immoral.

>> No.23297445

>How can you find that gratifying in any way?
Autism. Of the proper kind.
Also, don't forget that you don't necessarily have to find the job gratifying.

>> No.23297446

I did not deny the insecurity. I said it was legitimate insecurity.

If you are sharing the elevator with a blood soaked guy with a huge ass knife soaked in blood would you not be legitimately insecure about your safety?

Insecurity does not have to be baseless.

>> No.23297448

We are discussing insecurity in the context of relationships.

>If you are sharing the elevator with a blood soaked guy with a huge ass knife soaked in blood would you not be legitimately insecure about your safety?

No, retard, I would be terrified and horrified. My god, am I speaking with a retard?

>> No.23297451

>Also, don't forget that you don't necessarily have to find the job gratifying.
That's true, and in both cases my roommate and my friend more or less tolerate their job but find gratification outside of it. I'm someone who would need to find his job at least somewhat gratifying to tolerate it as long as they have.

>> No.23297459

Posting this while I """work""" from home as an IT guy.
It is as soulless a job as it gets
Gets me enough time to read, write, browse 4chan, goon. I can do anything (except work!)
The pay is great (and will only get better)
I have done next to nothing and I get congratulated for it
I don't leave my home at all
u jelly?

>> No.23297465

IT is the accounting of the 21st century.
1. Pays well.
2. Is for socially inept retards.
3. Good job security.
4. Nobody respects you, job has no real prestige.
5. It give women the ICK.

>> No.23297467

>u jelly?
Honestly no, and that's because I hate staying pent up inside all day. I love that my job gets me out of the house and socializing with colleagues and clients. My work is also somewhat soulless but at least I am interacting with people and out in the real world. If I were someone who hates going outside and socializing, and would rather stay inside all day and get paid for doing next to nothing, then I guess I would be jelly. But I hate that.

>> No.23297469

1. Pays well.
2. Is for socially inept retards.
Yes (8/10 of my co-workers are awkward as all hell, even the 2 girls)
3. Good job security.
4. Nobody respects you, job has no real prestige.
5. It give women the ICK.
Fucks given: 0

>> No.23297470

>It give women the ICK.
My roommate said he had a blind date end on the spot when he told her as they sat down that he was in IT, and he wasn't kidding.

>> No.23297475

Yeah. How'd you manage to get it? Teach me your ways, master.

>> No.23297482


My ex was still hung up on her first boyfriend.
She left him for whatever reason (she wanted to tour the world or some stupid shit like that) and he killed himself.
Despite this she was still in love with him after some 7 years since the incident. She basically friendzoned me in the relationship.
His ghost cockblocked all her intimacy towards me.
She loved my company but basically told me in many ways than one that I didn't match up to her ex in terms of attractiveness.

That is only one of my experiences. I honestly don't think you can relate.

>> No.23297486

post face

>> No.23297488

Be happy :)

>> No.23297493

I used to live in a tech campus university in Germany, and not only was this city a huge sausage fest, but the very few girls that you would (rarely) meet, would immediately ditch you if you said you studied computer science or engineering.
It would literally be more attractive to them if you said you were going to trade school.

>> No.23297496

What subject do you want to teach? I dream of having a high school philosophy class and force the fuckers to learn truth tables

>> No.23297500

Theatre or English, my degree will allow me to teach both, but probably theatre

>> No.23297505

cheating is one of the most exciting things that anybody in this reality can do

>> No.23297508

It's because you can't talk about IT work at all with your wife/gf.
A tradie can tell funny stories about what happened. What does an IT nerd say?
Whatever he says she doesn't get it and it's probably boring even if she did understand.

>> No.23297511

Tfw no porn addict gf

>> No.23297512

I took an internship (shit pay, had to go far away from home) in some company. That ended, I didn't get hired but I added it to my CV.
I got a CCNA in the meantime
Then I took another internship (I was still in college back then). Halfway through it, the company decided we could work from home for souless corporative reasons I dont know. And this time I got hired by this company
Although I am a retard with poor social skills, my coworkers and my bosses like me, I'm sure that was critical in me being chosen for the job.

>> No.23297515

It was very surprising that so many of the guys wouldn't care that their gf's were porn addicts. Very concerned for future generations.

>> No.23297516

Gotta keep your hoes separate from your bros

>> No.23297517

That strikes me as shallow.
I don't care about being happy.
I do so many things that clearly make me unhappy.
If I wanted to just be happy, I would live with my aging parents and care for them.
I'd cook everyday and just do gardening and work on old cars and motorcycles.
And maybe marry one of the fat (or stupid) local girls.

Instead I fly half way across the world to live in a cupboard and work 60 hours a day to try to do something that I can be proud off.
I struggle trying to socialize and date weird foreign people and I lead a life of mostly loneliness, stress and anger.

>> No.23297521

Counter point: sex feels good. No sex feels bad

>> No.23297525

That's part of it, but mostly they didn't want a guy with a lack of social skills. Most of us in STEM would have spent the last of our formative years in sausage fest environments so we were lacking in how to talk to girls.

>> No.23297528

I believe in love and live my life accordingly

>> No.23297529

One of my IT bosses is a German guy. He's almost 50 years old and is banging 20 year old girls because that's how well this job pays.
All of my bosses have families with hot women younger than themselves. My coworkers are nerdy shits but they still have girlfriends and wives. The few that are like me (kissless virgins) spend their money on anime shit or hookers.

>> No.23297532

Because it doesn't involve another guy, so why would I care?
Guys and girls care about different things.
Girls care about the girls that he loved in the past. They also care about porn for whatever reason.
Guys care about the guys that she fucked in the past.

>> No.23297533

From what I heard being a tradie in Germany is not as low status as it is in america

>> No.23297536

I have basically no personality (no value judgement here). I read one of those enneagram type lists and I don't really have a concrete image of myself. I am very skeptical of being able to do so, but I'm even skeptical of my own skepticism

>> No.23297538

Either gay or a hebophile

>> No.23297540

I get that, but to me the stronger bond that you'd have with somebody that is your unique sexual partner is worth the lack of sex adventures.

That too.

>> No.23297543

I don't know man, I think after a certain point, celibacy becomes a very negative thing.

>> No.23297544

I went to a technical IT highschool and the place was filled with men. In 12th grade our class had one girl, and thirty boys. She was obese and nobody bothered with her. The other classes were even worse, there were some with 50 boys and not a single girl. Also they teached us nothing.

>> No.23297546

IT pays well, but it doesn't pay THAT well, outside of the US.
It's not on the level with the traditional professions.

If you wanted a chick magnet degree, being a doctor or a lawyer is better.
The girls who go for old rich guys are not going to go suck the cock of some 25 year old greasy IT nerd, either.

>> No.23297547

I just think there's something erotic about it. A perverted mind to play perverted games with

>> No.23297551

>they teached us nothing
So I see

>> No.23297552

Nah, it is.
It's exactly like the US.
If you are not just an employee but manage to setup your own firm then you can make decent money.
But the grunts who work for other people are just paid really poorly.

>> No.23297555

Why's that? Not gay and I've never even had a leigtimately gay thought in my life.

>> No.23297560

Yeah okay Peter Pan

>> No.23297561

I don't care what other people think.
I just hate that my chances of meeting a nice girl who is still a virgin like me are basically none.

>> No.23297562

>Because it doesn't involve another guy, so why would I care?
I guess to me, my girlfriend watching porn where a guy is railing a girl, and self-inserting as the girl getting railed by a guy, is like her being with that guy. That's just me, though.

>> No.23297563

>That too.
I'm disagreeing with you though.
Thomas Hardy said a lover without indiscretion is no lover at all.

>> No.23297565

One piece of wisdom that I shall pass onto my sons and daughters (in the unlikely event that I will ever procreate).

>> No.23297566

I don't understand, there are plenty of straight men in theater. Maybe your little /lit/cel brain can't think outside of stereotypes. Or maybe you were touched by dad when you were a little boy and have repressed homosexual urges so you last out at others over it.

>> No.23297568

Probably the most bizarre school in this whole city, honestly. We had 10 hours of programming classes in a day, and the teacher would always just come in, sit in the class for the first hour, then just walk out and return nine hours later to take attendance. We would just sit there playing old games the whole time. Also, there wasn't even internet in the school, for some reason.

>> No.23297569

You're a nice a virgin girl?

>> No.23297571

>tfw stopped smoking and will never again know the pleasures of a night's smoke at the edges of urban expanses

>> No.23297575

That's a pretty gay fantasy you just dreamed up

>> No.23297576

I can separate the fantasy from the reality.
Do you actually want to partake in all the fucked up porn that you watch?

>> No.23297578

Oh and also, I could have actually gone to some bigboy highclass school in my city, but I specifically picked this one because I "wanted to learn how to program". Needless to say I want to go back in time and tear off my retarded face.

>> No.23297580

You're over thinking all of this shit. Here's what has happened in 9 out of 10 relationships I've seen (and even been in when I was a virgin with my first gf): The girl wonders 'what else is out there' and starts pining after other men, if not outright cheating on her current bf for them. You are living in a fantasy world where you meet another virgin and you both get married, be eachothers first, and never wonder or have sex outside of it. And perhaps what I find most amusing is that you want this perfect relationship where you are both eachothers first but you aren't even religious, assuming you are >>23297392 who said he doesn't believe in Christianity anymore.

>> No.23297581

I don't see how that resolves the risk that your lover might just be settling for you while secretly wanting for one of their past lovers.

>> No.23297586

Well yeah. Why else would I watch it?

>> No.23297588

>never again
i never understood that. why not just quit smoking or drinking or class A drugs, but have one every once in a while?
though i don't think i relate to real addiction

>> No.23297590

Sounds like a badly run institution that you were prey too. It wasn't your fault anon.

>> No.23297596

There are risks in anything real, it doesn't matter, we must do things for love otherwise we're fools.

>> No.23297597

In my experience in the regional theater circuit and tours, the gay men in theater tend to be dancers in musicals. Most of the men in plays or who are the leads in musicals are very heterosexual, often times having sex with most of their female castmates. To me, it sounds like cope and insecurity from you. Typically, men insecure about their own sexuality, or ones who have had negative expereinces with gay men, are the ones who perpetuate the gay stereotypes.

>> No.23297599

I know plenty of strong couples who were each other's firsts.
Statistics also disagree with you.
Risk of divorce decreases monotonically with decrease in lifetime sex partners.

>> No.23297601

>Also, there wasn't even internet in the school, for some reason.
Then what games did you play? Solitair or galaxy pinball or whatever games came with the computer?

>> No.23297602

>the stage isn't full of homos
i've heard it all now

>> No.23297603

To the guy who thinks theater is gay: do you realize that cinema is just theater with a camera?

>> No.23297605

You sound upset

>> No.23297606

>I can separate the fantasy from the reality.
The reality is you are masturbating to two people having sex, and most men are not comfortable with their gf or wife doing this.
The irony is still that you aren't religious but want a traditional religious relationships wheere you are both eachothers first and it stays that way until death. That is the Christian paradigm. I can also garuantee you that the divorce rates that are so low if each person were eachothers first are from couples that are highly religious. You are living this bizzare secular fantasy.

>> No.23297607

Fine, I tell myself I would accept an experienced gf if she was truly worth it.
Like if she was hot enough and intelligent enough I can put up with it.

But if she was worse than me at everything and "experienced" on top of it, then it's not worth it.

>> No.23297608

>Implying Hollywood isn't gay

>> No.23297610

Just sharing my experience. You're free to believe whatever you want.

>> No.23297613

orson welles said film is more analogous to music than to theatre. and more literary.

>> No.23297617

>orson welles said film is more analogous to music than to theatre. and more literary.
Where did he say this? Not saying I don't believe you but I'd be curious to see the whole interview and the context.

>> No.23297618

We all noticed that very early on, not a single day would pass without the school being cussed out.
All sorts of things. We would just pirate some random game back home, put it in an USB, then come to school with that and install it on every PC. Many LAN matches were had, too. There were some spergs watching anime too, but I was too afraid to do that myself. The computers were pretty good for the time, donated by some organization. I think my fondest memories back then were that of me playing CoD2 and RA2.

>> No.23297620

My understanding of religion is that it is basically the revised wisdom of an old culture, with the supernatural sprinkled on top, to justify it to the masses.
As such Christian morality is not unbased per se, even without the existence of God. My insistence on a "Christian marriage" is not based on any religious morality.
I basically just believe that it results in a happier and stronger union. That's it.
And if you look at family studies, they do support this thesis.

>> No.23297621

>I would accept
>worth it
What sort of talk is this?
Does love ever enter into your ideas about relationships

>> No.23297625

We had a tech class where we would play Counter Strike on LAN the whole class while the teacher browsed on his own computer. It was only an hour a day class but some fun memories.

>> No.23297627

How did you end up?
Did you do further education?
What work do you do now?

I hate negligent teachers like that. Should honestly be thrown in prison for ruining the future of so many kids.

>> No.23297629
File: 102 KB, 1598x274, Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 19.37.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in his book of conversations with henry jaglom

>> No.23297632

I've always been lazy. I blamed on the outside world, I blame depression, but perhaps I'm just lazy. It's been a month I don't leave the house, even when I used to go to parties, I'm always the first to leave. I hate school and work, I hate other people in general. If I can order something online I do it, I have doctor appointments to make, but everyday I leave it for tomorrow. I have documents I need to validate in person that are sitting on my drawer for years, I graduated in 2018 but still didn't pick up my certificate. Traveling is a nightmare to me. I signed up to a gym, but don't go. If I can walk to the place, that's less terrible, but if I have to take transportation, I need very good reasons to move. I'm always afraid of being robbed when I'm outside, even when it's not really that dangerous. I have lost several opportunities because of it, but the truth is that I am not even mad, I was secretly happy I lost those opportunities. I have had several jobs, taken courses and so on, but everything is tiresome and against my will.

I've always been like that, I'm torn between wanting to change, because reality is telling me I have to, at the same time I just don't want to change a thing. What the fuck is wrong with me? Am I the only one like that? Is it social phobia? Pure depression?

>> No.23297634

I do fall in love, but none of the girls I ever met seems to believe in love. They all seem to rationalize relationships in a very calculating manner.

>> No.23297636

Yeah you don't understand religion or Christianity at all. It isn't based on morality but rather a spiritual revelation in the universe that changed the nature of man and our relationship with God. Marraige is the spiritual union that represents Christs relationship with the Universe, where the man acts as Christ and the woman the Universe. Your failure to understand this is one reason for your confusion. But this probably isn't the place for you to learn or understand it. Maybe one day you will. And until you do you'll never have a fulfilled, permenant marraige.

>> No.23297641

I don't believe in the supernatural. It's impossible for us two to come to any agreement.

>> No.23297646

Post the whole interview, please. That screenshot you provided is still out of context. I need to before and after of their conversation to understand what they mean by 'drama', 'literary', 'narrative', etc. Thanks in advance, look forward to reading the full interview.

>> No.23297650

I hate being an immigrant. It’s so humiliating. It’s basically like sucking the teets of another civilisation. Admitting that your own people are inferior and fleeing to another country to participate in a better system like some sort of parasite. I can’t believe my father dragged me to another country like a fucking consumerist traitor. And when I finally gained some racial consciousness and asked him why he did this he just said “My homeland is wherever I can get food.” Really. What paucity of honour! I just know that any time someone hears my foreign name they think of me as a mosquito. Everyone hates me instinctively. I have no friends here. From childhood I’ve had to fight on account of bein foreign. I can’t participate in politics because I feel like a guest dictating the house rules of my host. And yet I’m interested in politics. So all I can do is watch from the sidelines. I’m ashamed of the more ungrateful people in my immigrant community some of whom never even learned English and act like leeches. At least my family always worked. God damn it, why didn’t he at least move to America where it’s a genuine melting pot of Europeans.

>> No.23297651

Then you will never have a fulfilling relationship, that's just a fact. Godspeed.

>> No.23297662
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well it's an entire book long, so

>> No.23297665

I know that feel. I grew up in a wealthy but irrelevant country so I was forced to immigrate just to be able to do something productive and worthwhile.

On a positive note, at least my homeland does not engage in imperialism.
My homeland is also not supporting Israel in the current genocide.
All the big relevant countries are all basically tainted by this evil.

>> No.23297689

Currently in an university, software development. I kind of have no fucking clue what I'm doing. Our class was the svperseriovs one filled with all the kids who get high grades, and we were expected to go straight to university, which is what I assume most of us did. I have some shitty intern experience, but it's not even the funny kind.
>I hate negligent teachers like that.
The whole place was just weird. Almost none of the teachers wanted to teach, and the students didn't want to learn either. Since the students hated their schoolwork, the teachers avoided trying to teach us and that just kept worsening over time. Even the exams were compromised, for a good half of them the teachers just let us copy off of eachother or right off the textbook. The Ministry of Education didn't help either, changing their methods every half-year and fucking over every single teacher and student every single time. Ours wasn't all that "clean" of a school either, there were some students going around selling drugs and doing other dubious shit, every once in a while the police would come and take some kid away.

>> No.23297712

>'As we shall show,' he declared, 'defense is a stronger form of fighting than attack. ' 'I am convinced', Clausewitz went on to say, that the superiority of the defensive (if rightly understood) is very great, far greater than appears at first sight.
I'm one of the greatest strategists of all time for being a shut-in NEET.

>> No.23297722

I was an immigrant, brought to Europe when I was 8.
Granted I was half of the original stock from my mothers side.
But I decided to move back. It's the only respectable thing to do really.
Where are you from originally?

>> No.23297723
File: 485 KB, 1598x1150, Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 20.04.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he says this too

>> No.23297731

>my experience
You were having lots of sex with the leads in musicals?

>> No.23297733

I only watch videos or still images of a single woman squirming in bondage

>> No.23297738

Go back and not waste the years of 15-24.

>> No.23297739

This looks really good.

>> No.23297740

Switzerland? Maybe Ireland? Denmark?

>> No.23297741

she's faking it

>> No.23297743

Sometimes I dream of being a hermit.
Just grab a few essential tools and move to some desolate place.
Patagonia maybe.
Build a hut and spend my days hunting and gardening.

But then I realize that is my form of escapism. My way of giving up.
And I don't want to give up just yet.

>> No.23297745

Don't care, it's still arousing

>> No.23297747


>> No.23297748

Ireland is the closest guess. It's a very similiar kind of country. Very similiar history.

>> No.23297750

it was a joke

>> No.23297751 [DELETED] 

>>I can also garuantee you that the
>This guy can't spell gaurantee
>He expects me to take his marriage advice
>I wouldn't bank with a bank that can't spell gaurantee
>The bank guards my money
>I would pay a lot of money for a good marriage
Hey This guy isn't even a banker. What gives?

>> No.23297754


>> No.23297772

I’m from Poland my family moved to UK when I was a kid

>> No.23297778

Not really, even if I only had to do real work 10 minutes per day, that would be enough to ruin my mood because IT/CS is so mind-numbing to me.

>> No.23297787

Dude, with all due respect, if you cannot bland in as a Pole in the UK, it's cause you got issues.
Sure the UK has its own classism nonsense, but with all the different immigrant groups, a Pole surely cannot stand out that much.
My cousin and his wife are both recent immigrants who are having a family in the UK. They got no issues.

I thought you were a Turk living in Germany or something like that.

>> No.23297798

I would gladly give up, but I'm not allowed to.

>> No.23297802

polish people are arrogant

come LDN if you want knocking out in front of both your mates

>> No.23297810

Yeah I do have issues. But still. I feel like a parasite and politically homeless.
Lol, what’s your problem tough guy

>> No.23297811

I simply don't know how to live. I am chaotic. I can never relax. I am not good at anything. I am alone. All I feel is stress, anxiety, bitterness and anger. I can never rest or relax. 2

>> No.23297813

I should never have become a teacher. All I do is wake up, go to work, fail the kids. I am not the role model they need. I am not the prepared, responsible adult they need. I am permanently, irreparably incompetent not just at this job but everything else. When this contract expires I'll either become a barista or just rope.

>> No.23297816

>I feel like a parasite and politically homeless.
Maybe you just swallowed to much right wing ideology?
People actually convinced you that you don't have a right to live where you grew up, lol.
And by what right do you belong to Poland?
Your dad contributed nothing to Poland. So why do you get to have a right to live there and not in the UK?

>> No.23297818

i'm joking bruv

>> No.23297823

>fail the kids
I thought you legally weren't allowed to do this any longer.

>> No.23297826

how tf is that "giving up" thats making it

>> No.23297829

Oh, no, everyone passed my class except kids who are super low skilled *and* always in trouble *and* too unlikeable to plead their case. There's been exactly one of those.
The failure is me. I'm not the adult they need. I'm not a person to learn from. I'm bad at my job

>> No.23297834

teachers only job is to keep the children out the parents hair

>> No.23297837


>> No.23297842

It’s more about the shame that is involved in leaving your country for a better job and stuff. It’s like admitting we’re incapable of building our own country so we need to rely on the superior English to pay us better wages. And yeah I know I have the right to live here - I own property here and am a legal resident, and unlike some other immigrants we always worked and never relied on the state - however I don’t feel like I have a right to participate in politics. It’s not my country. My ancestors didn’t spill their blood for it. I’m just a guest here. How can I tell the British what they should do? And yeah I’ve always been a social outcast partly because I’m autistic but also partly because they will always see me as an outsider and we’ll always have different mentalities. Idk. It’s like I have no homeland anywhere.

>> No.23297861

you need to get laid asap

>> No.23297862

half of Kafkas diary reads like wwoym posts.
Zum beispeil: 'This morning for the first time in a long while the pleasure again of imagining a knife twisted in my heart'
many such examples.

>> No.23297866

The kids need to learn. And by the numbers, they don't learn from me. Admin is hounding me for being a mess and called me out for being bad at my job at a whole school meeting today. I don't know why they keep me. I'm a failure

>> No.23297870
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>> No.23297893

>It’s like admitting we’re incapable of building our own country
You are not responsible for the fuck ups that the previous generations of Polish people committed. It also makes perfect sense to try to build yourself in a place of opportunity rather than to try fruitlessly to toil flooded marshes. If you were Somali would you try to build a success future in Somalia?

>My ancestors didn’t spill their blood for it.
Hold on. Read some history. Why do you have less of a right than the native British? First of all the landed gentry in the UK are basically the grandchildren of thieves and mass murderers who got their land through violence. And they are themselves immigrants from Northern Germany, Scandinavia and France. Why are they more deserving than you? And the wealth of Britain? A lot of it stolen through imperialism.
That same imperialism is what inspired Germany to try to take over Poland.

And one last thing. Nothing guarantees that if you grew up in Poland you'd feel at home there. I grew up amongst my native people and I never felt at home or belonging. And I still don't.

>> No.23297899

All I want is a model gf who look a bit like an alien

>> No.23297904

Yeah I do. I'm about to turn 23 and I'm still a virgin. Porn addiction is destroying me. Unfortunately, the only way I could have sex at the moment is by hiring an escort. I'm a little afraid of that though and money is tight too. It is what it is. Maybe I'll do it this summer.

>> No.23297920
File: 131 KB, 620x830, vvvvv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you get your tabs down
i try work through them to close them and end up reading something and opening more
it's suffocating me

>> No.23297935

what's preventing you meeting a normal girl

>> No.23297943

Not him, but for me, the actual physical meeting of girls is the hard part. There's no places I can think of where I would have a shot at meeting girls my age who I would have much in common with.

>> No.23297945

My purpose in life is to make cute girls happy, and to that end I must first achieve demigodhood through study.

>> No.23297959

Thinking about it in terms of "making it" is giving up on where you are
I feel the same way even though I get laid regularly, what do I do?

>> No.23297964

you're still young and I think you'll be ok. I lost my virginity when I was already 25 y.o.
I think you don't even need to hire a hooker, you can simply find a girl on tinder or some social event or some shit, just have to get out of your comfort area a bit and find some fun event or gathering somewhere

>> No.23297971

>I feel the same way even though I get laid regularly, what do I do?
find an engaging hobby, interest or purpose in life

>> No.23297996

Iceland? Taiwan? Belgium? Netherlands? I'm running out of guesses

>> No.23297999

some people spend a lifetime looking for treasure that was buried in their backyard the whole time

>> No.23298001

Why not alien gf who looks a bit like a model?

>> No.23298007

Dude, I won't fuck my mom.
I don't think that's the answer.

>> No.23298008

You can rule out the last two on fighting imperialism

>> No.23298047

there's a lot i admire about buddhism, there really is. i have always been fond of their ideals, these ideas of discarding materialism, of self-denial, of meditation. but now in my older age i have found myself life in Christ instead, from a few key tenets:

>salvation is from God and God alone, paid for by the Christ, compared to the Buddhist notion of you being responsible for your own enlightenment
>that suffering is bad according to the Buddhists, but from a Christian perspective, had not Jesus suffered under the cross, there would not have been salvation. plus we all have crosses to carry, suffering is a part of the world to be embraced, not something to avoid
>ultimately a lack of worship and praise, for a Buddhist to my knowledge meditates and relies on himself, compared to a Christian that relies on God. have Buddhists made a God of themselves, of the Buddha? it is ultimately a kind of idolatry

i don't know how hot these takes are but it is certainly interesting how while there are parallels between Christianity and Buddhism, the fundamentals and core teachings really are in conflict and contradiction

>> No.23298054

A lot of personal bullshit prevents me from trying to get a social life. I also don't want to spend much money on going out. I am still a student and I work too but I don't earn much. I would rather save up money and support my parents. I'll probably stay out of the dating game until my mid to late twenties. I'll just keep on working out and trying to fix my mind but sometimes I just want to die. I need to relax but I don't know how. There's too much pressure in my head. Feels like it's gonna explode

>> No.23298057

I don't get spirituality.
It just does nothing to me at all.
I just don't get what you would get from like by imagining a mystical dimension full of supernatural shit.

I grew super religious so I get why you would believe in that if you are religious.
But for the people who grow up without any strict religion and then go to Nepal or whatever and come back as Buddhists.
I don't get it.

I just never felt like I needed that.

>> No.23298062

Talk to the girls at work.
It's literally better than trying to meet some chick at a bar.

>> No.23298061

30 years of loneliness. Time for the world to end. Just make it quick, and let nothing remain, nothing deserves it.

>> No.23298071

feel like you've got to be 1000% sure before you throw a pass at a girl at work

>> No.23298077

That's what flirting is for.
Flirting is asking the question in increasingly direct ways, but with a plausibly deniable out for the both of you.

>> No.23298083

I work from home so no colleagues. I talk to girls at college but pretty much all of them are taken and even if I met a single one, I wouldn't try anything. There's too much shit on my head right now. Dating seems like just more stress. I don't have much energy for people

>> No.23298085

in the middle of this rn. been flirting with a qt on my shift. I botched asking her out to drinks and now I gotta let it go. can't ask twice. the flirting is reciprocal, so it's confusing. whatever. at least I shot a shot, now she knows.

>> No.23298088

Na nana na hey jude

>> No.23298089

Well belgium and the Netherlands haven't had meaningful empires in a long time

>> No.23298092

After dodging Cupid's arrows for what felt like eons, I decided to dip my toes into the world of dating apps. First outing was a dud. We just didn't vibe, you know? Tried to force it, but I saw her as too immature and odd. So, I dialed it back until it fizzled out. Then, I revamped my profile with actual smiling pics, and boom! Suddenly, I'm drowning in likes from genuinely attractive women. Matched with one who felt like hitting the jackpot. Sparks flew.

We set up a date a few days later. In the meantime, I chatted with some other matches from round one. One caught my eye, a bit older than me, a university teacher. Thought she wasn't into me, so I ghosted her.

Day of the big date arrived with my second-chance Bumble match. She was cool, and we hit it off. Spent four straight days together. By day two, she's talking exclusivity, and I'm all in, thinking she could be the one. Came back from a three-day trip, and bam, mind-blowing sex. Everything seemed perfect.

Three awesome weeks passed. Then last Sunday, she gets distant. I'm scrambling, thinking I screwed up, but turns out she's dealing with some real family drama. Thought we patched it up, but Monday, things are still off. We hang out, sort things out, and end up in bed. But yesterday, something's off. Her vibe changed, and the honeymoon phase feels over.

Out of the blue, I get a message from the teacher asking if I ghosted her. Turns out, she's actually into me. And on top of that, I'm out with coworkers, and the intern is laying on the charm when I walk her home.

Starting to wonder if I'm too young to settle down. I've always been a one-woman kind of guy, sometimes ignoring the warning signs to spare feelings. But my last serious relationship left me messed up. I realize I need to prioritize myself this time.

Today, I'm calling it quits with her. I'm nervous, sure, but after thinking it over, I know I'm not ready for a relationship. And maybe I never will be—and that's okay.

>> No.23298094

I just read about some astronaut that as a kid was not allowed to borrow books from a library because apparently libraries were segregated in 1950s US.
The history of racism in the US is fucked up beyond belief.
And to think that they are now supporting the same exact form of racism in Palestine.
And Germany too.

The two countries who pretend to have learned their lesson are doing the exact shit they did back then.

>> No.23298096

lol wut? you can always ask multiple times as long as you didn't get a clear no.

>> No.23298103

yeah now you gotta go back and there's this awkwardness. unlucky.

>> No.23298108

I wish I wasn't short.
I know online dating sucks, but I think it would be fun to go on dates and shit, if you don't take it seriously.

>> No.23298110

i wish i could meet other females that i bond with and have one or two friends but i probably should continue working on my own self love and getting back into my hobbies instead

>> No.23298111

Just move back to Poland. Make your uk money and leave

>> No.23298116

That's the danger of meeting online.
She met you, you were just 1 out of 999+ other matches. She knows she can just get another exciting match if she tries a bit.

For me online dating is a red flag. I don't a single nice girl who actually touches those apps.

>> No.23298126

I'm 5'7". I've seen my friends use their dating apps and I've seen them match with shorter guys. Honestly most of the time they like guys that don't seem like creeps/idiots and have a brief and not douchy/stupid Bio.
You would be surprised by the amount of weirdos and douchebags that are present on the women side of dating apps.

>> No.23298129

you're right, and it wasn't a clear no. I just need to tread lightly now. wait for a clear, undeniable sign and then ask again. she is too cute not to. fuck man this is a real psychic burden I need to chill.

>> No.23298132

I find that it can be very difficult and demanding to live a life in which one keeps both consciousness and obedience to God, but that it is what opens the gate to humble repentance and unspeakable bliss. To keep consciousness of God, one should establish a daily and regular habit of prayer.

>> No.23298141

was laughing maniacally at this


>> No.23298144

i felt that way in my youth, but over time i have increasingly been humbled. i am an arrogant person, i tried to pretend i knew what i was doing and that i knew better. i didn't. i made mistakes. regrets i can never undo. people hurt.

what do i get out of religion? what do you get by loving your family? loving your father? is religion a transaction to you? i realized that i simply needed help when i hit rock bottom, and things have gotten better for me personally. listen i grew up religious too, but there is a child's understanding of religion and an adult's understanding of it. do you give alcohol to children? they would say it is bitter, but to an adult it is a wonder

if you can survive in this desert of a world without water, i respect that. but for me, i grew thirsty and what i was doing in my life wasn't working. the man fom galilee said i would never grow thristy again, and he was right. this is religion: the truth, the way, the life

you say it is imaginary, but there are things in this world that exist whether you personally believe it or not, whether in your own eyes you say it is imaginary or not. do not be arrogant, else be humbled

>> No.23298145

Hahaha fuck you faggot boss, suck my fucking balls you cunt. Fucking douche.

>> No.23298152

One more thing about the technical school, one day while I was playing vidya there I started hearing weird sounds from my left. When I turned to look I saw three girls watching porn and laughing to eachother, and when I saw them they looked right back at me. I just laughed and went back to what I was doing, and they stopped after a minute or two. Keep in mind that they were the only three girls in a room filled with a good 15 or so boys, and that as a result of the computers being packed tightly anybody could see them at any time, including the teacher were he to be present.

>> No.23298161

me & my friend georgia looked at star wars porn in the studio at our uni

>> No.23298167

"critical theory" is just women sharing with the world what they do all the time every day. It's not so much "science" as it is women just talking about how they normally govern the world by more or less subtle power-plays.

>> No.23298172

It's not just the height.
I just don't think I am attractive to girls in general.
I'm not a douche but I'm fairly boring to girls.

I basically spend my life between my academic research and my trips back home to take care of my aging father and younger brother. I cannot put that on my Instagram, you know? I technically have a lot of hobbies but in practice little time to commit to them. My life is fairly dysfunctional and because of my academic relocations I have no real friends and no real lasting social life.
I basically have a very non-Instagramable life.

>> No.23298174

elon musk is a strange phenomenon. I sympathize with him. He bit off more than he could chew. I think he's ok. I hope he gets off the drugs <3

>> No.23298179

watching porn at school on dial up internet is a rite of passage for any late millennial, that's before we had internet on our phones, we didn't even have internet at home back then

>> No.23298180

>academic research
what's your area, out of curiosity?

>> No.23298185

he's a selfish asshole, but he's also successful, and he does try to rebel against the elites, but he gets taken down a lot, I appreciate when he tried to stand up to Israel, even though they quickly shut him down

>> No.23298189

applied mathematics is the most correct answer, I suppose

>> No.23298190

really can't get wound up about musk. actually fair fucks to him for being that much of an annoying fat get.

>> No.23298195

the solitude of prime numbers

>> No.23298198

>jannies finally take down a JK Rowling Twitter screenshot thread after 38 hours and 200 replies
Wow I didn't think one of these would ever get taken down. Threads about Twitter users and ecelebs that happen to have written a book (the books being irrelevant to the thread and all of the replies) ARE off-topic and I'm glad the jannies finally see it as such. I hope this sets a new precedent for this board. I've been seeing less "any books for this feel?" threads as well.

>> No.23298206

every thread is awful you need to make your own thing amidst them

>> No.23298207

What even is up with that one Aurelius sperg? For months now he's been shitting up the board, spamming about how Aurelius got cucked. What drives a man to do such a thing?

>> No.23298210

>the solitude of prime numbers
that plot is freakishly close to my personal life, wtf

>> No.23298216

If I were 19 again, I would call 911 and tell them I will almost certainly commit suicide at some point, that I can't function in society, and I need help.
I am unfortunately fully grown adult. My problems are not real. I wonder where I am. Looked in the mirror by accident again, got intense wave of suicidality. Plan to alcohol enema. If it works, I will die. If not, I will drink the pain away Realistically? Will probably just gut drunk for several days. I hate myself so much. I'm disgusting and pathetic.
I do not want help or advice.

>> No.23298225

It's not that serious... haha it really isn't, PLEASE remember this

>> No.23298227

Looking at /soc/ again. Want to chat, too schizoid. Don't even want to talk about myself, just stuff like anime or games. Too schizoid. It won't entertain me or bring me any form of pleasure, it's more of this idea to confirm that I am incapable of human relationsm

>> No.23298229


If you cannot conquer yourself and live in an upright manner, then how will you bring justice to the world around you?

Obedience is to truly live what has been planned for you by the Almighty, to obey the will of God is to become a vessel for the will of God.

If a man is brought to honorable battle by the will of the Almighty, then He is blessed for two reasons:

1. If he should fall, eternal bliss and the honor of martyrdom awaits

2. If he should live and see victory, freedom awaits

>> No.23298233

This is not meant to be help or advice.
Go for a long drive (or tram ride).
Stop at a random location and buy some fatty/greasy food.
Then buy yourself a coffee and drink it slowly while watching the night sky.

>> No.23298238


>If a man is brought to honorable battle by the will of the Almighty, then He is blessing him for two reasons

A man who truly believes and loves the Lord does not fear death nor to witness the realization of the will of the Lord

>> No.23298245
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let's chat

>> No.23298247

I'm an atheist and besides Sunday worship, I basically live as a decent Christian.
What's so hard about being decent?

>> No.23298251

We are already chatting here.
Why do you want my IP?
You are trying too hard.

>> No.23298264

It's going to storm heavily tonight and I was already thinking about walking. Storms keep people off the streets so I walk alone.
Too much social anxiety to buy stuff though. Last time I tried, I almost puked, left my 20 dollar bill on the counter, forgot to pick up my sandwich, and then tried to hide behind a tree when the cashier went to look for me to give me my money. Wish this were a larp.

>> No.23298266

Being a Christian isn't about being a nice person. This world is damned so any good work is in vain. It's about a spiritual transformation away from the flesh and into the life of Christ.

>> No.23298270

>Too much social anxiety to buy stuff though.
Oh God, how can you live like that?
That's one very clear way in which you can improve your life.
You need some help from someone (family or professional) and try to fix that one very small issue.
Exposure therapy is probably enough.

>> No.23298271
File: 477 KB, 2048x1434, third gen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going for a leisurely stroll around the block when the sun is slightly past its nadir and embarked on the solitary slide downward through the clear blue sky, while cars full of kindred spirits from same community with similar origins and hopes and personal dilemmas zoom past in crowded multitudes, your eyes locking in momentary mutual acknowledgements of existence, some for the first and only time and others the start of many future shared glances, which forever a mystery except to Fate, and the warm winds periodically gushing by as your headphones play Mozart's "Jupiter," the 41st Symphony, heightening the entire experience to a plane of sublimity surely must be of the great pleasures in life.

>> No.23298274

>Being a Christian isn't about being a nice person. This world is damned so any good work is in vain. It's about a spiritual transformation away from the flesh and into the life of Christ.

As far as I'm concerned you're Satan. Fuck off with those lies.
Being Christians is primarily about being a good person.

>> No.23298275

Well bros, I have a major essay due soon. I've been skipping class and have no idea what the paper is about.

>> No.23298276

Stood up yet again by this nigger, who apparently this time around happens to be too sleepy because he spent too much of the last day farting around with the girfriend he hates. That's fine, I didn't need him anyway. I'll just, uh, sit here and drink my alcohol all by myself, and then head to bed. Yeah.

>> No.23298277

My roommate talks really weird. Half the time I have no idea what he's saying.
It's like illiterate people have formed their own incomprehensible dialect

>> No.23298278

>Too much social anxiety to buy stuff though. Last time I tried, I almost puked, left my 20 dollar bill on the counter, forgot to pick up my sandwich, and then tried to hide behind a tree when the cashier went to look for me to give me my money. Wish this were a larp.

>> No.23298282

>don't try to be a good person
>ignore everything that matters
>ignore all the worldly injustice and just dick around about fantastical creatures

How very self serving.

>> No.23298286

Being a Christian is primarily about crucifying the flesh so as to take on life in Christ. Bring a "good person" is meaningless because even good people are condemned in sin. The love and charity comes from Christ living in you, and is a necessary antecedent to it. There is no Christian morality without Christ

>> No.23298288


>> No.23298289

Satanic lies.
Being Christian is about helping those in need and riding the world from injustice and leaving it better for those who come after you.

>> No.23298290

nobody cares about your IP
come baaaack

>> No.23298292

and what is a good person, if not one who has life in Christ? is your idea of Christ so shallow to just be material goodness in this world, a set of instructions, a mere todo list instead of an active, spiritual relationship?

>> No.23298293

>>ignore all the worldly injustice
This world has already been condemned because this world is corrupted by sin. The Bible teaches that it will all be burnt away and replaced. All that matters is God.

>> No.23298294

Are you his bro or his sidechick?

>> No.23298297

Nowhere in the Bible does it say this.

>> No.23298299

the end result of this heretic nonsense is that people ignore evil until it festers and starts world wars or commits genocides,
all because "it doesn't matter"
fuck of Satan

>> No.23298302

More Satanic lies.
There's a billion instances in the Bible where Jesus instructs his disciples to help those in need.

How about this, if the worldly things don't matter, do as Jesus said and rid yourself of all your wealthy possessions. Go on.

>> No.23298306

One and only bro, as far as I know.

>> No.23298307

I just finished my draft for a comic. Is was shit but felt good to do. I have so many things I wanna redo, but the core idea is there for me so I guessing this is a good way to think.

>> No.23298310

>come baaaack
If you got someone in your chat, it wasn't me. I can't chat. Hard to understand how schizoid I am.

>> No.23298311
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>This world is damned so any good work is in vain

>> No.23298313

This is why I don't have friends.
Too thin skinned for that shit.
Would immediately drop his ass if somebody did that to me.

>> No.23298321

2 Pet. 3:10
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the elements, burning with intense heat, will be dissolved, and the earth and the works in it will be burned up.

2 Pet. 3:11
Since all these things are to be thus dissolved, what kind of persons ought you to be in holy manner of life and godliness,

2 Pet. 3:12
Expecting and hastening the coming of the day of God, on account of which the heavens, being on fire, will be dissolved, and the elements, burning with intense heat, are to be melted away?

2 Pet. 3:13
But according to His promise we are expecting new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells.

>if the worldly things don't matter, do as Jesus said and rid yourself of all your wealthy possessions.
If worldly things did matter, why would Jesus instruct us to rid ourselves of these things?
You've missed the point. The world as is is condemned. Doing good deeds won't build heaven on Earth because the Fall condemned the world. That's why we want to hasten Christ's return. So yes of course, Jesus teaches us to love one another. But the self in Adam is limited. It is only when you die to self and take on Christ's life that you can minister Christ's spirit on Earth.

>> No.23298328

American "Christians" are basically all corrupted by Satan.
They literally convinced themselves that being huge selfish assholes is actually what Jesus wanted of them.
As long as they go to church on Sunday it's all fine, lol.

>> No.23298333

The entire founding principle of Christianity is Original Sin. That's why Christ had to die on the cross.

>> No.23298336

I ran into my ex in the grocery store parking lot last night, and we talked for a bit. When I got home afterwards I couldn’t stop crying. I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.23298345

>Being a Christian is primarily about crucifying the flesh so as to take on life in Christ.

So what does this actually mean in practice? Especially having laid out what it *isn't* to that other anon.

>> No.23298346

Go away Satan.

>> No.23298349

It's cause you still loved her and she very clearly has moved on.
It's almost never a good idea to do that.

>> No.23298355

A whole lot of self denial, confession, prayer, perseverance. At some point in the Christian life you can identify your own personal will and how it contrasts with God's will. The flesh lusteth against Spirit and Spirit against flesh. Eventually a person, with aid of the Holy Spirit, sees God's plan and commits himself to it.

>> No.23298359

That’s not it at all; if anything it’s the opposite. He clearly hasn’t moved on, and I wish that I could reciprocate his feelings but I can’t because there’s something wrong with me.

>> No.23298363

>A whole lot of self denial, confession, prayer, perseverance.
None of that shit would have stopped Hitler.
None of that shit does anything for anyone suffering today.
As a Christian you have a duty to help your fellow brothers and to rid the world of injustice.
To ignore that duty is to sin.
You're following a Satanic cult.

>> No.23298367

Eh, I've previously done the same thing to him so I can't really complain too much. Honestly if we both had thinner skin then we'd have probably killed eachother already.

>> No.23298368

Hmm, that still comes across pretty vague to me but I suppose I wouldn't be expected to understand with my current mindset and viewpoint as a non-believer.

>> No.23298372
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>It's about a spiritual transformation away from the flesh and into the life of Christ.

>> No.23298377

There's basically three big groupings of Christian denominations:

1. The ones who believe that the only thing that matters is faith. They basically are free to be as evil as they want as long as they believe. Many American Protestants are like this.

2. The one who believe that as long as they personally do all the correct rituals and some self flagellation bullshit, that makes them perfect 100% Christians. Again, they are allowed to be as evil as they can in their personal lives. Cults like Opus Dei are an example of this.

3. Modern Christian denominations like the Roman Catholic Church where actually being a good human is a per-requisite for being a good Christian. To be fair, most Christians do fall in this category, at least outside of the US.

>> No.23298382

look no one is saying dont help others. no one is also saying dont have faith. the answer is both. faith without works is dead. but you still need faith

see james 2:14

>> No.23298383

Forgive me, I thought Opus Dei was Catholic? Thank you for the informative post.

>> No.23298387

Yeah it is fairly vague, but mostly I think it's difficult to understand when you haven't had spiritual experiences yourself. There are certain rules and regulations, like the 10 Commandments for example, but that's only the baseline. Christianity teaches that you can have a personal relationship with God. From what I've learned this is facilitated through the conscience. When you pray and read the Bible, your heart "softens" so to speak, and you become open to affects of the conscience. Your conscience makes you aware of your sin, at which point you can choose to confess and repent of it. It's a very personal and subjective experience which is the exercise of Christianity.
Some people talk about getting "burdens." Burdens are just a feeling on your conscience about an important matter. The response to a burden is a prayer about it, and then there will be opened an opportunity to act on it. People have said "I had a burden to pray for you and I did." So it is difficult to understand from the outside looking in because it is a personal experience.
Obviously you can discuss theology and Christian philosophy from an objective and outside perspective. There's nothing wrong with those things. But they're only one piece of the puzzle. A very sophisticated academic could know theology like the back of his hand and still be am atheist who never experienced God. And you can have a very simple and uneducated person with a deep spirituality.

>> No.23298388

If Satan is smart, the best way to wreck havoc would be to mislead Christians into doing his Satanic work in the mistaken belief that they are leading a good Christian life.

That is why for Jesus, heresy was such a grave sin.

To be a good Christian you have to first of all question how your interpretation of Christianity is affecting your life and the life of those around you.

I mean, some of these crazy ideologies would technically allow Hitler to be a good Christian. That's insane.

>> No.23298390

They are a Catholic sect, but their whole lifestyle is very atypical for Catholics. They believe in self-flagellation more than doing good works.

>> No.23298391

>there are gays on this board
begone faggot

>> No.23298393

Sounds like my experience when reading (great) poetry! Thank you for the informative post as well.

Ah okay.

>> No.23298397

This is a total caricature of protestantism as much as point 2 is a caricature of catholicism. Point 3 isn't even an accurate summary of Catholicsm either given that every branch of Christianity accepts Original Sin. Very few Christians think it is possible to live a sinless life. It sounds like you watched a 15 minute polemical YouTube video.

>> No.23298398

fucking hell, it never ends

>> No.23298405

I'm not even denying the need for works. What I'm talking about is vain works. A secular atheist who vaguely holds a sense of a Christian morality isn't doing God's work because he's nice. That's been my whole point. Only very few radical Christians who believe in universal salvation or otherwise a type of pelagianism would claim that.

>> No.23298410

well yeah by definition, if he is a secular atheist, then he has not put God first. he is doing the works part, which is great, but not the faith part

>> No.23298411

By very few you mean, like the two billion Catholics?

>> No.23298412

You should read The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee if you're interested in a practical application of a spiritual lifestyle.

>> No.23298417

That's not catholic doctrine. You sound like a teenager who just discovered trad cath podcasts.

>> No.23298420

whats wrong anon?

>> No.23298422

Yes it is.
Let me guess, you're an American "Catholic".

>> No.23298423

There are beings in and out of this world whom I wish to honour by producing works for and from them. This would have the added effect of calming my soul through the process of pouring in my heart into some sort of work, and allow me something that I can gaze upon in earnest admiration. Unfortunately I am very weak in soul and anything but capable, so any such endeavour is still far off if even possible at all.

>> No.23298425

>isn't doing God's work because he's nice
Catholic here, and so long as you're basically ignorant of the Church, that makes you likely to be reunited with God. The basic foundation is be nice, because God gives all humans inherent grace and once they learn basic reason, that gives them a conscience to know what is nice and therefore choices to be judged on

>> No.23298426

Fucking retarded ass language that can't even manage to match its pronounciation with its spelling. Imagine being forever stuck with this garbage.

>> No.23298428

No, I'm not a catholic at all. I'm just not retarded. I've read Catholic theology. I've read the catechism. I've gone to Catholic school. I guarantee you cannot find a single catholic statement of doctrine that says atheists who are nice people receive salvation or are doing God's work.

>> No.23298429
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A woman’s body, a woman’s skin, is the most delightful thing to touch that was ever made. Something strange, something unique takes place. The man and the woman are so close that nothing else exists for them and they become almost one creature. They’re closer to each other than they can ever be to God. Perhaps you think I blaspheme. What if I do blaspheme? They blaspheme the name of man and woman. And while we live, man and woman compose the world.

>> No.23298432

not me but this is basically it: >>23298425

>> No.23298433

>The man and the woman are so close that nothing else exists for them and they become almost one creature.

>> No.23298434

fuck off and make ur own thread christcucks

>> No.23298435

Really? Since when? I thought Catholics taught that salvation comes only from the Catholic Church, as in, one needs a proper catholic baptism to be saved.

>> No.23298436

all this is ruined by sexual liberalism, because it comes too easy to some and is therefore meaningless

>> No.23298438

No, this is now a denominational flame war thread.

>> No.23298439

Not him but it is literally Catholic doctrine in the same area of doctrine that makes Catholics not knowing it's doctrine responsible for their ignorance
It's called invincible ignorance in a state of grace. You're not subject to it, so you're technically committing two sins by not knowing what it is, along with a couple other sins you should have read about in there.

>> No.23298444

Well I'm happy to have learned this today. Thank you trad cats.

>> No.23298448

Who told you that?
That's not correct.
In general, unlike in Protestant sects, there isn't a whole emphasis on salvation in Catholicism.
There are no gotchas that will fry a good person in the pits of hell for all eternity because of some religious beurocracy, lol.

I think the most official interpretation that salvation is left to God alone. That is, one shouldn't say who gets to be saved. But it would not make an theological sense according to Catholicism to condemn non baptized people to hell for all eternity.

>> No.23298451

cite scripture or paragraphs from the catechism because it doesn't seem like we're getting anywhere

>> No.23298454

This shit better go away by next thread

>> No.23298455

So extra Ecclesiam nulla salus is no longer dogma? Or it never was dogma?

>> No.23298456

The own Bible doesn’t present an answer to this question. So of course the churches are divided.

Paul discusses that faith alone can save us. Romans 3:28 most notable but also discussed in Romans 4 and Ephesians 2: 8-9.

James details faith and works being necessary for salvation.

>> No.23298458

No, it's a tiered system
>Nice person, never heard of Catholic church
Probably fine
>Bad person, never heard of Catholic church
Maybe not fine
>Good person, heard of church, not in it
Maybe not fine
>Bad person, heard of church, knows his sins ans regrets them
Maybe fine, maybe not
>Good person, in church, forgot when ember days are once
Wtf is wrong with you? God gave you a brain and a heart to feel compassion for your fellow man and you have a calendar on your fucking phone, how many people would you kill because you got distracted by a pork pie, you fucking whore of the devil who turned their back on Christ who blessed you with all the gifts of the spirit and chose to become a twice dead tree lost to the blackness and darkness forever. Maybe Mary will help you out.

>> No.23298459
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Another day, still no gf
Might try online dating this summer, once final exams are over. Some anons seem to have some success on here, but I can't get over the feeling of damning mediocrity in the looks department and I don't get along with normie women since I don't watch tv or do whatever they do

>> No.23298461

If you reject God, that's another matter.

>> No.23298465

Why can't you reciprocate?

>> No.23298468

women are complicated, they always invent problems in their mind, about how they really like a guy, but for ***REASONS*** they cannot be with him,
in truth it's cause they don't get wet down there

because if you flip the situation and the guy is a complete douchey asshole but he makes them wet, they give him a chance....

>> No.23298485
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I just pulled it up in my catechism and see you're right. Seems like a pretty serious set of mental gymnastics and totally non scriptural, but I'm glad I understand the doctrine now.
I'm more convinced by the calvinist doctrine of Total Depravity anyway, so the point is moot.

>> No.23298492

agonising over a few harmless bits of fun

>> No.23298494

mental gymnastics is convincing yourself that good people who literally never heard of Christ should burn in hell, while Hitler could theoretically, by virtue of believing in Christ, end up in heaven.

>> No.23298496

To be fair to the RCC we also don't claim that it's like a system you can game. God might just decide everyone's invited or only people named Jim Bob or whatever, and we can't know until the end, just do our best guesswork

>> No.23298498

that's how it starts,
it's just fun,
why don't I flirt with her, it's just fun,
why don't I cheat with her, it's just sex anyway, it's meaningless fun, i still love my wife, but I want some meaningless fun

>> No.23298500
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>A woman’s body, a woman’s skin, is the most delightful thing to touch that was ever made.
Fuck sex-havers

>> No.23298503

I work nights but can't sleep during the day. I feel like I'm on the edge of a catastrophic breakdown. I'm only holding my life together through sheer force of will.

>> No.23298514

what's your job?

>> No.23298529

Even before the reformation, people preferred the risk of being hanged to not fucking. That tells us something, yes? From knowing how much even the wretched RC lot wanted to do it, we know how important it is. More important than anything else.

>> No.23298530

This is a complete oversimplification. You can find someone sexually attractive without feeling romantic love for them or seeing a relationship with them as tenable. I’m not sure why you’re bringing up this whole “give him a chance” thing, considering that I described him as my ex, meaning that I did give him a chance by definition. You sound like you ingested too much redpill/MGTOW bullshit in your formative years and it’s fried your brain.

>> No.23298532

>got a job that involves doing things that people normally only see in movies
>genuinely extremely interesting and involves stuff I can't talk about in public
>still a lonely weirdo who fantasizes about having an anime wife

>> No.23298536

>More important than anything else.
Only for the sort of retard that would get his ass hanged for looking the wrong way to the wrong girl, and die without a single deed to his name and no children. To me it seems that those who obsess over sex, no matter the age, end up in this exact way.

>> No.23298542

Not him, but I'm interested in knowing how girls tick and since we are anonymous this is the perfect place to ask.
So assuming you found him physically attractive, what was it about him that you couldn't live with? Or what did he lack?

>> No.23298547

When C. S. Lewis arrived at the front of WW1 he said "This is War. This is what Homer wrote about."

>> No.23298553

Not all that cool or majestic, but still a whole fucking lot better than what I or the average man of the 21st century gets to do.

>> No.23298558

Men do such things in war. I mean they face such hazards. And we already know how important war is. To never want to do a thing of such tremendous importance. You’ll live only half a life.

>> No.23298562

Go get your limbs blown up in Ukraine.

>> No.23298576

we'll see.

Schopenhauer said sexual passion is the kernel of the will to live:
>It is the cause of war and the end of peace, the basis of what is serious and the aim of the jest, the inexhaustible source of wit, the key to all allusions, the meaning of all mysterious hints, of all unspoken offers and all stolen glances, the daily meditation of the young, and often also of the old, the hourly thought of the unchaste, and even against their will the constantly recurring imagination of the chaste, the ever ready material of a joke, just because the profoundest seriousness lies at its foundation. It is, however, the piquant element and the joke of life that the secret concern of all men is secretly pursued and ostensibly ignored as much as possible. But, in fact, we see it every moment seat itself, as the true and hereditary lord of the world, out of the fulness of its own strength, upon the ancestral throne ...

>> No.23298590

is this why i feel so lonely and purposeless? do i need to force myself to get fucked by men?

>> No.23298594 [DELETED] 

Can barely focus. Wish I died at 20. Or 19. Or shot myself when I had the opportunity at 18. Can't get alcohol right now because family is out, and they won't be back until 12am.
They don't even know I'm like this. They think I'm a super-happy go lucky gamer. I haven't played a game in almost a year, and I'm never happy when I do. Just want to escape. Nobody knows me. I don't even like being around family.
Social anxiety is so extreme I hide from relatives I see every day. They don't know I even have social anxiety, so good am I at masking.

>> No.23298598

Thank you. What I've been really curious about and been meaning to make a thread on asking, if you have a recommendation, is a book explaining the cultural and practical lifestyle differences between the various Christian denominations, and furthermore Judaism and Islam and its sects.

>> No.23298600

only ones you like

>> No.23298611

You a fag or foid?
If woman yes your purpose is to receive dick

>> No.23298625

female yes but i dont imagine having meaningless sex would radically alter my life

>> No.23298645

Spilled my fucking beer all over the place. Next I think I'll spill some FUCKING blood.

>> No.23298673

>was thinking of random girl I met months ago
>she replies to my story

I was excited for a little but then reasons I initially avoided her despite talking to her for sometime became all to clear again. I will never in my life entertain a girl in the 'art world' who has many 'friends', likes 'fashion' and has bluecheck marks in her likes and DMs. I've seen and felt to much to let this shit ruin my life again.

>> No.23298725

No, I don't actually. That's a pretty vast subject

>> No.23298728

>force myself to get fucked
Why would you need to force it? I don't get it
No it wouldn't, but a relationship with sex would. It's an essential part of what makes us human

>> No.23298732

I can't imagine the gay little world you live in where people are defined by Instagram posts

>> No.23298737

you may be onto something, im quite fearful of sex and intimacy. is it due to my self esteem or fear of men?

>> No.23298768

what's gay about status u nigger? it's the women that live in the little world of instagram and care about this shit so much that they'll derail their lives over attention from someone with more status than anyone they know. I just know how to spot these type of girls and not get involved in horrible feedback loops that destroy my mental health.

>> No.23298802

I did find him physically attractive, although I personally find the whole idea of sexual attraction really hard to define because beyond a certain base threshold it has much more to do with psychological dynamics. Anyway.

It’s not that he lacked anything, or that there was something specific about him that I couldn’t live with. He’s actually a great person, and I really like and respect him. I know there’s the whole stereotype of the “nice guy” who does women favours and then feels entitled to a relationship, but he isn’t like that at all; I mean he’s genuinely kind and empathetic. We had similar values and some overlapping interests, and we even had somewhat similar religious backgrounds. He also was very responsible and stable, has a pretty successful career, and isn’t dysfunctional in any major sense. In theory, we were compatible.

My inability to reciprocate his feelings had much more to do with specific psychological factors on my end. Part of it was that I had a bad case of unrequited love for someone else, but there were other major factors that played into it as well, and those were more related to things like my attachment style and my upbringing. I can explain that in more detail if you’re interested, but I don’t know how helpful that would be when it comes to discovering how women tick in general.

>> No.23298813

Fair enough. I guess I just wanna know what is suggested when, say, a 20th century text describes someone as a Quaker or something. Or how far apart X denomination/sect might be from Y. I can see how it'd be too broad for sure. Anyway I added the book you suggested to my 'to order' list.

>> No.23298899

I feel for those that do not understand the situation they are in but can feel that something is wrong, I can only pray that the brain is willing to endure for however long it takes to see reality for what it is and embrace it

>> No.23298901

If you like those aspects of Buddhism, read some Christian mysticism.

I recommend the Theologia Germanica

>> No.23298915

New thread

>> No.23299208

How would I know? It's your mind. You should know.