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/lit/ - Literature

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23321531 No.23321531 [Reply] [Original]

Jordan Peterson is widely considered to be one of the most influential writer of all time. An absolute triumph and a giant of western philosophy.

His book the 12 rules for life is often considered as his magnum opus and labeled by the national literary society as a “Great American Novel”.

New York Times called it “in defeated masterpiece that few could ever surpass”

Times magazine “Peterson, the Confucius of the west, the 21st century Immanuel Kant, a National Treasure”.

We give our greatest gratitude to one of the greatest and most important writers of all the time: Jordan Peterson.

>> No.23321554

thank you jordan b petserson

>> No.23321572

Does Gawd know you gay?

>> No.23321684

Reminder that the autists stimming themselves by repeating the same nonsensical vitriol about Peterson, thread after thread for year after year, are pathetic ideologues and resentful idiots. His best feature is that he gets them to out themselves as such.

>libtard /lit/
Seethes that Peterson turns them into reactionaries by pointing out their bullshit.
>pseud /lit/
Thinks cynically dunking on mass media meant for a general audience is a sign of intelligence.
>chud /lit/
Thinks he's part of a Jewish conspiracy preventing them from having sex.
>tranny /lit/
Thinks he's a "literal nazi."

>> No.23321687

nobody said anything negative about him you're like an abused dog flinching from a strike you imagine is imminent

>> No.23321690

He's just an old man archetype of a vaguely conservative professor that figured out how to use twitter. He's not remarkable, he's perfectly average. The state of the world around him is fucked though, and he's reacting to it normally. Personally I think he's not too bad. But some of the strides the medical industry is making (think dickgirls) should be met with cautious optimism. Instead his types just show resentment.

>> No.23321698
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>clinical psychologist who spent decades personally helping hundreds of people severely afflicted by mental illness
>academic who published dozens of widely cited papers ranging in subjects varying from practical counseling, historical/philosophical roots of psychology, research paradigms in neurology...
>research scientist working on the operationalization of personality constructs as well as the neurobiological basis of addiction
>university professor who mentored dozens of grad students into academic, research, and counseling careers
>assisted in the development of software that increases the likelihood of at-risk students reaching graduation as a side project
>accidentally became internationally famous and ended up publishing 2 best selling books (so far) as well as organizing lectures in various countries throughout the world
>he's a drug addict tho!
>his office was messy once!
>er...you don't have a dad!
>er...wash your dick!
>his daughter is a slut!
>he likes the Jews!
>he's controlled opposition!
Still triggering trannies who don't like the truth, libtards who propagandize, racists he won't associate with, and pseuds who can't tell the difference between a media personality and real life

>> No.23321706

He already got btfoed by Žižek.

>> No.23321709

Thanks Peterson. You helped me a lot. Much love.

>> No.23321710

He's fine but the men who worship him are very insecure and sensitive

>> No.23321712

Dickgirl onlyfans is also the place to be. If you have a son coming or age I highly suggest talking to him and his friends about the dickgirl lifestyle.

>> No.23321723
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You're being an ass. But IMO while kids are still innocent, a parent should ask them they'd prefer to be the opposite sex when they grow up. The technology will only improve and most of the complications come from waiting too long.

>> No.23321949

I don't have anything in particular against Peterson because I'm not literally a Marxist, and I don't think the government should be censoring speech

>> No.23321959

As long as they keep the penis it's trad imo. Keep knives away from our children's privates please.

>> No.23322128
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Jordan Peterson is evil and stupid. He has a daughter and says, “We are here to suffer so learn to suffer like a man.” A potential paradise could be like a never ending DMT trip with the constant pleasure level of heroin. If you get bored then it’s not paradise. There don’t even have to be human bodies. His is just a severe lack of imagination. And there is no sense in which suffering or mediocrity create meaning. All the meaning you need would be packaged into the paradise experience. But I am not experiencing such meaning and perhaps never will. That’s why despite the abundant grace and mercy I think I am not subject to a fully benevolent God. Perhaps God is like Jordan Peterson and I therefore consider him my enemy.

>> No.23322236
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>some of the strides the medical industry is making (think dickgirls) should be met with cautious optimism. Instead his types just show resentment.
I haven't critically engaged with the literature, as, to be frank, I haven't the stomach, but I trust Peterson. I think one ought to be sceptical when children, very young children, are being drawn towards this. Like, do trans children really exist? These "doctors" are literally taking the word of children as valid, like, they are children, man! A child, generally speaking, doesn't have the ability to think about how they will feel in 10 years, for example! It's absurd, nor is their understanding of themselves that profound as to make such a choice, really. I suspect foul play on the parents side and just general child behaviour being mistaken for what it isn't by jaded medical professionals.

This shouldn't be a reactionary or conservative position, as we haven't even determined its validity to begin with. I think it's likely that legal action will occur on a mass scale within the next few years, something like that.

>> No.23322677

It was always normal for kids to experiment with ideas around sex. As with anything else they're going to have malformed beliefs until they can catch up with functional society. "Trans kids" is just a way to hijack the process. It turns into a bunch of stuff that can be convincing when relevant beliefs haven't fully formed, and that includes a lot of adults.

>> No.23322727


>> No.23322729

Jordan Peterson once told me he was going to help me "clean up my womb" and I have had PTSD ever since. I am afraid whenever I'm around men

>> No.23322731

This guy's already been memory holed.

>> No.23322735

I get the feeling that neither extreme end of the Jordan Peterson discourse is capturing the truth of the matter.

>> No.23322745

He did it to himself. He made the fatal mistake: he let the world know that it bothers him when people make fun of him

>> No.23322777

more like jordan pee beterson

>> No.23322788

Got em

>> No.23322793

>telling people to clean their room = influential
It's less that his works are good, and more that the bar for being influential in the current day is really just that low

>> No.23322802

You copy paste this every peterson thread
Hilarious how you dick ride him so hard lmao

>he has successful practices
So does everyone other psychiatrist but that doesn't make him some kind of hero of society

>> No.23322819

You know it's just like *sniffle* God...it's just so bloody...its so *sniffle* damn bloody complicated you know? I mean, Christ, how could anyone even begin to...I don't know...who could know? It's just *sniffle*...what does it even mean to be "gay?" *sniffle* if I suck another man's penis, am I gay then? How are young men *sobbing* supposed to live a bloody life like that? So now its "gay" if we even, for God's sake, if we even look at 80s fitness catalogs and get excited? That's "gay" now? Well, it's no bloody wonder the resentful left has its way! How could they not, you know? I mean God...a young man today can't even *weeping* look at one of his friends and say "hey man, can I touch your abs?" without the whole weight of the Marxist ideologues crashing down on him, telling him he's gay! It's just...it's just..*uncontrollable sobbing*

>> No.23322823


>> No.23322824

How do Canadians write American novels?

>> No.23322838

Yes because I'm gay for God

>> No.23322842

Gotta love the guy's marketing department

>> No.23322863

I'm "rimming" for Christ!

>> No.23323004
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>grown adults look up to this

>> No.23323384
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>> No.23323398

zizek can't even fucking speak without sounding like he's having a stroke. you call him a great debater?

>> No.23323407

lol lets see u earn millions off tweets. hes very intelligent, has kids and is educated. ur a faggot ass loser crying on an anime image board hahaha

>> No.23323410

I watched that debate, and they were both literally just talking around each other.
>Peterson - I think Marxism often comes from a place of angry resentment and a desire to destroy
Which is correct
>Zizek - capitalism has created actual problems, and I'm not here to answer for every bad thing Marxism has ever done
Which is also correct.

I don't understand how anyone thinks there was an actual winner. It was just two men refusing to talk to each other. It was frustrating.

>> No.23323421
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Regardless peterson had a mental breakdown

>> No.23323425

Because he fried his brain with drugs.
That's an "own" is it? You cyberbullied an old man into drug dependency, and made him go insane?

>> No.23323441

We are SO blessed to be alive while he is. Amazing.

>> No.23323448
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Maybe he should have cleaned the room of his mind before trying to take on the world with it

>> No.23323461

I don't think he has much of a literary legacy. What are some original Peterson ideas? Why would people in 50 years engage with his work instead of going directly to Jung/Dostoevsky/Nietzsche/Solzhenitsyn?

>> No.23323464

the sniffles are zizek you nescient

>> No.23323465

Good evening Dr Jorb b beterson
How did you sleep last night?
Any dreams of grandmother?

>> No.23323466

im a bit like Jordan Peterson myself, i don't write books, but i hate trannies

>> No.23323477

His books are lame. His legacy is somewhat obvious though because of how he forced so many people to pivot in their thinking through dialogue. So it's more about being a really good internet professor/psychologist/parent figure than a haunting writer.

>> No.23323497

that's really funny though

>> No.23323499
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>> No.23323503
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>> No.23323542

>Still makes trannies seethe
Why is this? Everyone else has pretty much moved on

>> No.23324480

That's not real..is it? I don't have twatter

>> No.23324731
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>be me
>literal neonazi skinhead with a bold swastika tat on my bicep
>"He's Just In Argentina" written in Fraktur font stretched across the chest of my undersized t-shirt
>walking to store to buy some smetana for my wife
>enjoying the cool crisp autumn air
>listening to jonathan bowden speeches on my headphones
>see small dot appear on the horizon
>the dot gets larger and larger
>it's a libtard, running full speed
>directly towards me
>he reaches me and comes to a halt like he hit a sprung floor
>gestures at me to take my headphones off
>i do
>immediately starts telling me specific timestamps of jordan peterson videos from 8 years ago where peterson said having a dad is important and you should wash your penis
>tell him i dont understand
>continuous babbling and screeching about how stupid jordan peterson is and how father figures and washing your foreskin are dog whistles for white supremacy
>ask him what any of this has to do with me
>he won't answer, just keeps saying jordan peterson is a nazi
>is a nazi, is a nazi
>tell him i'm not sure about that, i don't know much about peterson but i'm a nazi and--
>he just keeps going
>now he's telling me about some tweet peterson made in 2016
>now he shows me a picture of him sitting in a messy office
>now he tells me peterson isn't a real professor and isn't qualified to speak on gender v. sex
>he asks me: "did you know that peterson used to shit his pants when he was a baby?"
>i open my mouth to say something but--
>he tells me the daily wire is the daily stormer lite
>ben shapiro is a nazi too
>i ask him what he even means by nazi? (i am a nazi)
>show him my "Meine Ehre heißt Treue" dagger and himmler rookie card
>he won't answer
>anger in his eyes--he starts pulling out cards with blown up screenshots of jordan peterson wearing terrible suits
>the word "NAZI" is written in red ink across peterson's forehead
>i turn away
>now I am the one who is running
>fuck jordan peterson

>> No.23325659
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>> No.23325663

I was thinking of reading Ten Rules for Life but I didn't know Peterson was a neo-nazi. He seemed like a pretty chill guy from the podcasts I listened to.

>> No.23325685
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>> No.23325691

It turns out the context is the octopus was being used as an anti-kike dogwhistle in reference to some old political cartoon about a jew with tentacles spreading across Europe, but it's so obscure it's funnier just to assume he's yelling about stuffed animals.

>> No.23325698

>That's not real..is it?

>> No.23326259

Thanks fren, I didn't think clown world was this bad.

>> No.23327958
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I almost fell for that one. Good shit brother.

>> No.23327984

stop giving him attention and he'll stop doing his pastas.

>> No.23327990

Maps of meaning is his best book

>> No.23327999

>she's a great kisser for a harelip

>> No.23328026
