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23364081 No.23364081 [Reply] [Original]

Warrior Bears Fighting to the Death in Svalbard edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)


>> No.23364090

nice thread. thanks for baking new. OP is based.

>> No.23364111

thanks man. Just to start discussion with all the anons:

What's your favorite duel/fight-to-the-death scenario in fantasy? Anything that ranges from a swordfight that has high stakes or some sort gamble a hero makes in a one on one?

Mine's probably pic related, which is Iorek vs. Iofur in His Dark Materials but a close second might be The Viper vs. The Mountain in ASOAIF. Both are pretty tense and badass with high stakes

>> No.23364122 [SPOILER] 
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The most memorable moment like that for me is in chapter 4 of Queen of the Black Coast.

>> No.23364129

very recent example but Darrow vs Volsong Fa in Lightbringer by Pierce Brown.
is eternally seared into my mind

>> No.23364135

i realized after the fact you said fantasy but idk ive seen people call Red Rising science fantasy once or twice so I think could still fit lol

>> No.23364145

damn. This makes me want to read Conan now. Never read any but I do have one I found in a free book shelf written by Robert Jordan.

I mean I put fantasy automatically because I don't read much sci-fi but still fits

>> No.23364153

I would recommend reading the original Howard stories. Jordan's not the worst pastiche writer but there are some things I don't think he quite understands about Conan. He's a bit too clean.

>> No.23364166


>> No.23364169

red rising is in no way science fantasy, its a space opera so people get confused

>> No.23364178

oh yeah i agree its not a term that really fits it i was just scraping for a way to make it fit because I posted before really reading what the guy said

>> No.23364200

So dumb question but is there any online store you guys would recommend? Normally I use Amazon but I wondering there were any solid bargain outlets that have good discounts off MSRP. Sort of like an In Stock Trades of Cheap Graphic Novels for non comics.

>> No.23364206

Has anyone read Bastion by Phil Tucker? Is it good?

>> No.23364221

Those who have rated it and written about it here say it's decent or worse.

>> No.23364261

more of a sacrifice than a duel or a fight, but caeden vs his younger self in the light of all that falls is a really good emotional battle.

>> No.23364503
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Read Beyond The Ice

>> No.23364510

No. Also;
>Not MaChilla Gorilla
Apply yourself better.

>> No.23364651

>Dark Elf Trilogy by R.A. Salvatore
>Dragonlance Chronicles and Legends by Weis and Hickman
>Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn
>Gaunt's Ghosts by Dan Abnett
are there any other franchise books worth reading?

>> No.23364695

I used to read the Wing Commander books as a kid. I can't recall much of them though if I'm being perfectly frank.

>> No.23364720
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>those gorilla Cyclops in the back

>> No.23364795
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Robotech books are comfy

>> No.23364961

Sanderson just takes way too many words to tell a reasonably simple story

>> No.23365060

Tried reading the Blacktongue Thief and the prose is just absolute dogshit.

>> No.23365122

Now read Buehlman's superior book, "Between Two Fires."

>> No.23365135

Bakker is king

>> No.23365157

gonna go pick up some wendy's before I lay down to read for the rest of the day. yall want anything?

>> No.23365185

No, thanks anon. What are you reading?

>> No.23365211

No, I don't think I will.

>> No.23365288

dark age

>> No.23365289

remember the secret of battle

>> No.23365331
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I need some stuff that feels like Metal Gear. Near future espionage, advanced technology, preferably set on Earth. Any recs?

>> No.23365589

The skill gap between S&S masters like Howard and Wagner vs the amateur schmucks who fill up generic anthologies in imitation of the masters is insane. The S&S master stories sound like they have meaning and a purpose, but it seems like the imitators lost that point and relegated the subgenre to its most base qualities. Strong barbaric protag, shallow love interest, evil world, etc. I think the contrast in skill is greater than any other type of literature I've read.

>> No.23365766

I've noticed the same thing. I'm surprised someone with talent hasn't noticed and taken advantage of the complete lack of competition in the genre. I guess there's no reason to since there is no market for S&S these days.

>> No.23365842
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When will he return? I've already accepted Martin has given up and we'll never see the end of ASOIAF, but surely Gentlemen Bastards will still continue, right?

>> No.23365927

and vampires right?
Necroscope by Brian Lumley

>> No.23366020

Steve Engleharts run on Captain America issues 153-186

Roger Sterns run on Captain America issues 247-255 but specifically 253-254

>> No.23366042

the full Gene Wolfe folder.
novels/short story anthologies/solar cycle/chapter guides/other related books.

>> No.23366170

Mountain in the Sea had a great start, interesting worldbuilding bits, and killer octopuses. And halfway through, Nayler seemed to think that nuance ceased to exist and every character turned into a redditor, hating humanity but loving the sound of his own voice.

>> No.23366174
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Peak culture

>> No.23366309
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Finished this earlier today so now I can join the club of anons who recently also finished Disquiet Gods. Solid read and definitely the weirdest of the series so far. I like Cassandra but I'd like to see her do more in book 7 honestly, I'm glad she doesn't come off as a Mary Sue instant badass stereotype that plagues too much fiction these days. I really think the book split stands out extra hard this time around I almost wish I delayed reading this series until it's finished but it is what it is I'll just have to be patient.

I do have a question for anyone else who has read this so far, what exactly is the point of the quiet changing how Hadrian looks? Maybe I missed or forgot something while I was reading but I can't think of a single reason it was done beside maybe to make things more tense following his second resurrection with Cassandra and his crew.

>> No.23366394

i assume you mean for physical?
thriftbooks is the best imo. they buy books in bulk from goodwills, libraries, etc., personally check their quality, and then resell at a really low markup
if you've ever bought a book from Abe or even Amazon used there's a good chance it was actually from these guys
their new stuff is always below MSRP and they frequently have sales and coupons. i buy all my kids' books there and even used stuff is in very, very good condition

>> No.23366410
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Get to the fucking point Tad, you keep going on and on about the most trivial daily tasks and descriptions. Your world isnt that gripping. Well written but dear god please trim this shit

>> No.23366422

Is it believable that a race that lives hundreds of years would be the only race in the setting to do democracy?

>> No.23366450

SF/fantasy books like Rian Hughes's XX that are more experimental.
Read Dhalgren and most other well-known scifi novels so looking for more niche reads.
I've been waiting for an English translation of The Troiacord forever and need something to scratch that itch for novel scifi meanwhile.

>> No.23366490

Neat. Thanks mate.

>> No.23366492

democracies are already unbelievable, you combine that with people living hundreds of years and what you have is a geriatric oligarchy

>> No.23366494

Utterly bizarre twist

>> No.23366535


Thriftbooks seems good but I have seen good deals on mercari and ebay if you're fastidious and specific. There's sometimes "buy X, get X free/get 10-30% discount on order from store" coupons on ebay.

Mercari is a YMMV place. I've found some gems on there. Got me a big robert e howard lot that woulda realistically been sold on amazon for way way more.

I also hear pangobooks is alright. Never tried it myself. Pangobooks, Mercari, and Ebay are very much a "fuck around and try to find what you're looking for" scenario.

>Pangobooks may be more useful if you're looking for something that doesn't have a bad existing circulation and is in publication. I've seen the modern heinlein/asimov/clarke/bradbury reprints go on there fairly often. Penguin classics, etc. You could possibly find some other stuff for good on there but we warned that you're paying for the shipping price yourself. It's still a fine place to check out stuff.

>Ebay. You're gonna have to release the trawling nets for this one. Could be great, could stink. I've found a few hits here, such as grabbing SF Masterworks copies of I am Legend/Lord of Light for good prices.

>Mercari is a major crapshoot and feels like it's got mostly boomers or foreigners on it. You'll notice that you gotta pay shipping for most things on it and that, often, sellers don't really know how to price things. However, you'll occasionally find a good lot of books or something that's way underpriced for what it normally goes for. I saw that late 90s/mid 00s omnibus of The Book of the New Sun go for like 40? bucks recently and I was kicking myself for not recognizing it sooner as I'm a bit of a newbie at SF/F. Mercari also has coupons where YMMV.

Amazon, I've got stuff from them. It can be nice on occasion.

Can other anons enlighten me on thriftbooks? I'm mostly interested in the usual classic SF/F and Pulps. Found out that Splatterlight Press has kept all of Jack Vances work in publication and I'm curious-ish about it all.

On the other hand, I've seen someone try to sell shitty old paperback omnibus of the foundation trilogy or LoTR on Mercari for 40+ dollars. I seriously doubt they're worth that kinda money.

>> No.23366589

I could read look to windward or finally read my first sandermeme novel (way of kings I guess ?)

>> No.23366602

>reading cuckshit

>> No.23366606

wish i was a sword cultivator

>> No.23366642

Excession and Player of Games were better. People like UoW because babbys first identity/perspective twist.

>> No.23366643
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junior, you dare?

>> No.23366644

That's pretty much the entire next 2500 pages of the series you started. Quit while you're ahead.

>> No.23366654

If you read more than just a few pages of webnovels, what is your biggest problem with them?

>> No.23366665

Excession is shit. Matter and Look to Windward are the better latter-half Culture books.

>> No.23366696

Too many are for haremcucks. Sad!

>> No.23366709

I mean just look at them. You don't even have to read them to know what kind of garbage this shit is gonna be like.

>> No.23366711
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finished this recently and enjoyed it quite a lot. the one thing i thought was weird was that literally none of the main characters die. for a cataclysmic ending you'd expect some more deaths but it just ends abruptly and somewhat awkwardly. in general there are a lack of character deaths in this book.

also, what should i read next?

when the world is overly racist/sexist/has slavery (in an unrealistic way) so that the author can preach through the main character. i get that a fantasy world may have societal issues but making it the focus and yapping about it so much puts me off.

>> No.23366722

>when the world is overly racist/sexist/has slavery (in an unrealistic way) so that the author can preach through the main character
is this an english thing? even jappos have their protags be a goodguy by treating his slaves nice instead of like an asshole, he's still got them and accepts the paradigm

>> No.23366732

Even those with good ideas and thoughts in them are written by total amateurs who have no clue what they are doing. Writing is a skill that you need to work on for years to get it right, even the most talented of amateurs cant shit out a masterpiece with no practice and no training.
The nature of the media(many with daily output) encourages poorly thought out filler and little long term plot planning.
Many of them are written and read by underage and ESL phoneposting dronebrains who barely have the attention span to watch a tiktok, which worsens the above.
These things lead each and every one of them to be irredeemable shit. And yes, I have read a meaningful amount of them

>> No.23366736

Project Itoh was a Metal Gear fanfic writer who was so good he became friends with Kojima himself, he wrote some standalone novels too like Genocidal Organ and Harmony which are well regarded.
Yukikaze by Chōhei Kambayashi might also be a good read.

>> No.23366739

i wouldnt say its very common but ive seen it a few times. with web serials/novels it happens. also the "virgin isekai japanese dude gets slave on chapter 1 but is totally super nice" is such a common trope. i used to mainly read japanese fantasy wn/lns but there are a few tropes that are so overused like forcing conflict by making things a misunderstanding or protagonist just being "so unlucky". dear god.

>> No.23366754

Matter spent too much time in the shitty boring trite corrupt poor medieval setting. Look to Windward spent too much time on CROCODILE COMPOSER DOESN'T WANT TO GO BACK TO HIS HOME WORLD BAWWWWWWWWWWWW however I will say that the book stood out due to all the introspection and lamentation of Hub.
Excession could have been much better if it were more focused on Mind interaction and action; if the book were more like the first big scene where the ITG infiltrates and takes over the conspiracy.

>> No.23366766

Maybe 'Rainbows End' by Vernor Vinge. It is lots of espionage, very near future, high tech etc. Actually this is probably what you want but it's not always presenting itself as super intensely serious at all times. Anyway give it a shot.

>> No.23366804

Even if the premise is interesting the lack of planning and editing that almost universally plagues them renders them nearly unreadable. In attempting to read a couple I noticed specifically the world would often conform to the thoughts of the MC in the strangest ways (which makes sense if you realize the MC is usually literally the author). A long standing character may have always had a flat and straightforward relationship with the MC and then in chapter 50 he will think something like "She has always been like a little sister to me" and from that moment on he will start calling her "sis" and patting her head like an anime character and she will start referring to him as "big bro." Or very often the MC will act out of character with his origin in order to fulfill an incredible cringe nerd fantasy or make references he wouldn't possibly make. Like in a story set in the distant future the MC might come across or invent something resembling a lightsaber and then say "it reminded me of a weapon from a film I discovered when I was exploring the ancient archives" and then he will start larping as a jedi as if that somehow makes sense, saying "the force is strong with this one" and "i am your father" and shit like that.

If there are good web novels I haven't come across them. The translation quality for the chinese ones is enough to keep me away, but the western ones i've tried were also all incredibly shit.

>> No.23366830

Are there any good scifi book youtubers actually worth watching?

>> No.23366837

Dopamine fried brains filtered

>> No.23366845

I would gladly read 2500 pages of one writers work, and have, but it needs to be worth it when I could be reading something better. Williams endlessly wastes ink on meaningless, irrelevant, and overwrought passages

>> No.23366857
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>> No.23366883
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The bigger problem is that most GOOD IDEAS are really just gimmicks or single thoughts for a character or scene. But then they have absolutely zero clue beyond that. There's no story. And their idea is usually something along the lines of "What if GENERIC PREMISES BUT THE HERO IS ____." It's enough of a HOOK to maybe catch an editor's eye as they have to sort through pile after pile of this crap but there's no thought beyond that. No goal. It'd be like if JRR wrote his big fantasy "As what if regular was a short fat guy who would rather eat" but then had zero plot, zero moral, zero events and the hobbit and the dwarves never mad any progress for a dozen volumes.

>> No.23366902

>what exactly is the point of the quiet changing how Hadrian looks?
well he doesnt sleep anymore so presumably its a "we made you better" type deal. also it makes it so hadrian was wrong to think that he had gone past his vision, since he had assumed he was incapable if still killing the star since he was young in the vision.

>> No.23366907

MS&T is one of my favorite series, so I'll agree to disagree. I'm not saying his plot doesn't move glacially, because it does, but I still find it super enjoyable and imo the payoffs are worth it.

Did you enjoy LOTR, btw? Because I absolutely love LOTR but it is just as slow, if not more than so MS&T. So there must be something else you're not liking besides the pace if you enjoy LOTR

>> No.23366918

Are there any S&S stories with a female protagonist who dominates men or women by making them perform cunnilingus on her

>> No.23366934

I do like LOTR, but Tolkien's wonderful wordplay and snugness arent there enough in Williams, though he is a good writer. Since you spoke so well of it I'll keep reading for a bit, I don't hate it but its gets tiresome after hundreds of pages where barely anything seems to happen

>> No.23366937

That was something I forgot to mention but yeah I can understand making him younger to fit into the vision he saw in Howling Dark but fixing his trademark Marlowe crooked smirk and other slight facial differences just seems an odd detail to me

>> No.23366940

Harry Potter

>> No.23367003

I guess I get it, even though I found The Dragonbone Chair extremely comfy. I wouldn't tell you to force yourself to read something if you're not enjoying it but To Green Angel Tower is one of my favorite series endings in fantasy. Take that as you will lol

>> No.23367032

there is a point. remember, by the end of dg the empire is still unaware of his transformation.

what i will say though is that i am annoyed by how powerless the emperor is.

>> No.23367040
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Currently reading Rumo & His Miraculous Adventures and it's a lot more violent than Captain Bluebear, which is set in the same world. Highly recommend it to anyone looking for some weird and unique fantasy

>> No.23367093

finished the first Elric book.

Fuck, that's good. Time to finish the rest in the Elric Omnibus Vol 1. I think I'll grab the rest of the omnibus this year.

>> No.23367132
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limited power...

>> No.23367138

no seriously, he cant even keep his own wife in check wgat the fuck is wrong with him. i understand the church and other houses being able to act against him, but nigga get your house in order for fucks sake.

i will not lie though i would gobble those toes

>> No.23367147

I have to admire Hadrian's self control, I would have absolutely ravaged Selene at every possible moment

>> No.23367163

I liked the part where it was revealed that cassandra had been trying to get him to do it, only to feel apprehensive when they actually did some pda. funniest shit, i love cassandra shes such a child.

>> No.23367165

Nogod series fucking WHEN

>> No.23367171

you didnt see Bakker died last week?

>> No.23367194

I just read Sixteen Ways... what did i think of it

i had fun

>> No.23367196

One of these days I need to read those Tales of the Sun Eater collections apparently one of them is told from Cassandra's POV

>> No.23367203

Goddamn arrow.

>> No.23367211
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The Light After

>> No.23367255

What? I don't remember Simon getting cucked

>> No.23367410

He doesn't.

>> No.23367423

I was just in Brandon Sanderson’s house to join his team and sat in his YouTube chair. I didn’t get it. Kinda bummed about it. It wasn’t much money, but as a guy trying to break in as a fantasy novelist since I was a teenager, it would have been cool.

>> No.23367426

Are you larping or for real?

>> No.23367432


It’s real. I had three interviews and it took two months. I thought it went well and I have a lot of experience, so I don’t know why it didn’t work out. I have a theory, though.

>> No.23367437

It's cause you're not Mormon.

>> No.23367438

I decided to wait until the series is over to do that.

>> No.23367440

wtf does he need a team for?

>> No.23367442


Yeah. Welcome to living in Utah. It has nothing to do with Brandon, though. It was decided by his team.

>> No.23367451


He got something like 15 core people that run all his design, marketing, video, and web stuff, and then another 50 in the warehouse. Keep in mind he sold tens of millions of books on Kickstarter and his people have to ship it out.

>> No.23367453

oh i didnt know he shipped his own books, thats cool

>> No.23367454


I guess I should say tens of millions of dollars worth, I don’t know how many books.

>> No.23367457


Just the secret projects books. There’s just a few. The publishers still handle marketing and distribution for his main books.

Mostly they’re moving his leatherbound editions, which he does ship out of his Utah warehouse.

>> No.23367458

oh, fuck him then. finish stormlight you turbo nigger stop creating new stories before you finish your old ones.

>> No.23367463


He is. Brandon is always writing. That’s why his team is running things for him. When he does do a livestream he’s signing books the whole time. When he’s doing that he’s making 20k an hour. That’s what I was told, anyway. He’s actually incredibly efficient with time, which explains why he’s written over 40 books in 10 years.

Anyway, I just wanted to complain. It’s late and I hate the captcha. So I’m going to bed.

>> No.23367468


>> No.23367471

>40 books in 10 years
>zero complete series
i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate

>> No.23367472

>which explains why he’s written over 40 books in 10 years.
and every single one of them is YA drivel for slop-brained retards like (You)

>> No.23367489

Democracies are plenty believeable.
One working is the joke.
>if I read webnovels
I don't think I've seen a single webnovel to read in the first place, so I've never had the choice!

>> No.23367500

Has anyone read the Gilgamesh retelling by Silverber?
Alternatively is there any ancient/bronze age historical fiction that is relatively historically accurate? I don't care if there's magic or gods or whatever

>> No.23367530
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Hebrew Xianxia

>> No.23367682
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Thoughts on this series?

>> No.23367708

i liked it

>> No.23367832

The first book is good and the second was my favorite. The third lost me, though.

>> No.23367837

>got filtered by high concept sci fi
many such cases :(

>> No.23367864

It became popular, therefore many people here will say they hate it. I thought it was pretty good with some interesting concepts.

>> No.23367890

Correct. It's absolute fucking garbage. Only teenage girls enjoy his books.

>> No.23367912

Tim Cain, creator of Fallout, listed these as some of his favorite books:
>lord of light
>roadside picnic
>empire of the east
>dying earth
>book of the new sun
>the left hand of darkness
>the night land
>last and first men
>revelation space
What are our thoughts on his taste?

>> No.23367916

Great post anons, very original but just started three body problem and i'm wondering when does it gets good? are the witcher books any good? Only played Witcher 3 and the netflix's series. Just started Eye of the World when does WoT gets good?? Any books like dark souls/berserk/Bloodborne??? Any books like FF/Dragon Quest/Tales of..??!! Any books with N'Wahs?Kvothe is a cuck, will slob Martin ever finish winds of winter??? Abercrombie is Reddit-tier?? Are the dune sequels worth it or should i stop with god emperor of dunc? Should i read the Hyperion sequel???? Did severian fucked his grandma? Is severian a clone? Any books with chinks? Any books like fallout/metro? Any books where the mc gets cucked? Any books where the mc Doesn't get cucked?? Stormlight book 5 when? Will kaladin fuck the fairy?? is the Eisenhorn trilogy a good place to start with W40k??? Or should i watch 4hours YouTube vid about le EPIC lore??? Any books with young petite women? Any books with old thick women? Any books with MANLY men like David Gemmell? Soulcatcher or Lady who is the better waifu? When does malazan gets good?? I didn't finish highschool so i can´t understand Malazan?!?! Any books with chinks??!! When does ASOIAF gets good?!?!? When does Farseer gets good?? When does lightbringer gets good?? When does codex alera gets good???? When does Lord of The Isles gets good?? Dunsany is king or bakker?? Any books with incest?

>> No.23367922

That all hinges on whether you're pro-circumcision or not.

>> No.23367929

great post :)

>> No.23367941


>> No.23368027

I can't find a "stupid questions" thread. If I buy a book on Amazon using Kindle, what format can I download it in? Or is it only an online ebook that I have to read using their website?

It's a science fiction author I want to buy the book of, if that helps -- Fenton Wood, "Hacking Galileo". His "Yankee Republic" series is truly great YA, even readable by crusty boomers like me. (I fucking hate YA.)

>> No.23368068
File: 138 KB, 400x600, 58643-tenebroum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Tenebroum

>> No.23368075

Whatever the latest kindle format is (azw3?) But you will have to go on a website using pc

>> No.23368103

You can download an ebook to your Kindle (duh) or read it online through their Kindle reader program. Like the other anon said, their native format is azw3 but you can also read .mobi files on a Kindle (if you were to download an epub or whatever and convert it to either of the two above formats).

>> No.23368116

You're right. Perhaps YA romantic comedies are more your speed.

>> No.23368136

Unless you specifically want to support that author you could just use Zlib or Annas Archive and just download the epub and convert it to mobi so put it on your kindle with calibre

>> No.23368152

is wheel of time worth it, i started the first and im struggling

>> No.23368227

This is unironically true. You can most of the time tell the quality of a work by its core audience

>> No.23368246

>You don't like eating shit, you say? Well, have you tried eating this shit? It's from the same asshole but it got shat out after having Mexican food.
I'm never reading anything else that hack put out, and if this is how retarded his fans are I'm certain I won't miss out.

>> No.23368319


I'm on book three so far it's been decent first one felt incredibly generic and very by the books Tolkien copycat but The Great Hunter felt like it developed its own identity a little really fun read compared to the first one especially tonally just felt different all together

>> No.23368365

Fantasy series where the female mc has to disguise herself as part of the bad guys harem?

>> No.23368387

>Overall, I found nothing unique in Wolfe. Perhaps it's because I've read quite a bit of odd fantasy; if all I read was mainstream stuff, then I'd surely find Wolfe unpredictable, since he is a step above them. But compared to Leiber, Howard, Dunsany, Eddison, Kipling, Haggard, Peake, Mieville, or Moorcock, Wolfe is nothing special.
>Perhaps I just got my hopes up too high. I imagined something that might evoke Peake or Leiber (at his best), perhaps with a complexity and depth gesturing toward Milton or Ariosto. I could hardly imagine a better book than that, but even a book half that good would be a delight--or a book that was nothing like that, but was unpredictable and seductive in some other way.
>I kept waiting for something to happen, but it never really did. It all plods along without much rise or fall, just the constant moving action to make us think something interesting is happening. I did find some promise, some moments that I would have loved to see the author explore, particularly those odd moments where Silver Age Sci Fi crept in, but each time he touched upon these, he would return immediately to the smallness of his plot and his annoying prick of a narrator. I never found the book to be difficult or complex, merely tiring. the unusual parts were evasive and vague, and the dull parts constant and repetitive.
>The whole structure (or lack of it) does leave things up to interpretation, and perhaps that's what some readers find appealing: that they can superimpose their own thoughts and values onto the narrator, and onto the plot itself. But at that point, they don't like the book Wolfe wrote, they like the book they are writing between his lines.

>> No.23368396

Finished Star Maker a week ago. Prose was dense and a bit of a slog to get through but the concepts kept me motivated to finish it. Glad I did, enjoyed it immensely. I'm surprised it's not talked about more considering the multitudinous of novel ideas that pop up in sci-fi now.

Also thought he handled the Star Maker very well at the end. I can understand why C.S Lewis was booty blasted by it, kek.

>> No.23368398
File: 55 KB, 217x190, 1462907524022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anon.

>> No.23368412

Kindle supports epub now, and no longer supports mobi

>> No.23368437

Based as fuck. I was just looking to by BotNS this weekend

>> No.23368441

mobi works just fine its what calibre auto converts mine into when i transfer to my kindle and they work flawlessly

>> No.23368449
File: 470 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20240509-101838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well maybe it's a USA thing idk

>> No.23368452

>updating your kindle ever
My Paperwhite supports mobi and does not support epub and works fine :)

>> No.23368589
File: 205 KB, 400x615, 9781405955850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the anon from last thread, I found just the book for you.

>> No.23368625

Why are midwits so easily impressed by grimderp LE EDGY writing?

>> No.23368659

What’s with this board and Brandon Sanderson? His books aren’t that bad

>> No.23368710

They're utter garbage, low-wit.

>> No.23368716

>Leiber, Howard, Dunsany, Eddison, Kipling, Haggard, Peake, Mieville, or Moorcock
post at least 1 recommendation of each of these authors

>> No.23368718

Is Kayutas the most human of the half-Dunyain? He just seems like a poor imitation of his father, with little appearance of Dunyain abilities like the rest of his siblings.

>> No.23368721

Plenty wrong when you follow him for 15 years.

>> No.23368723

>Kindle supports epub now
dont you need to use that "send to kindle" software or does it natively support it now?

>> No.23368753

you've always been able to drag and drop files onto your kindle directory

>> No.23368762

Only read the first Mistborn and meh. Never felt any inclination to keep reading

>> No.23368763

>Sun eater
>Six books of no suns getting eaten

>> No.23368773

Great Hunt might be my favorite WoT books by Robert Jordan. Knife of Dreams might be close second

I really liked the first 3, so if you're struggling with the first one it might not be for you. I'd say keep reading until book 2 since that is when I got really hooked with series and see if you have a similar opinion. But you do you

>> No.23368784

I am not very far at all so its my fault

>> No.23369126

Shitspren and fartspren

>> No.23369128

Is this the book with the white chair?

>> No.23369202

Just read the entirety of the Red Rising series. Shit was so cash.
No, but seriously. I didn't hate it even when it was just hunger games in space, but the author kinda grew as the series grew.
Good stuff.
Not that the series is perfect. What the fuck is up with the dropped plot threads (AI in the girl's brain, Quicksilver exiting, Sevro's, uh, stuff) in the newest book?
Not that those were directions I necessarily wanted the plot to take. What a mess.
My favorite parts were Darrow getting getting REALLY into larping as a Gold before shit hit the fan. + Everything relating to Atlas au Raa - Fear Knight's ruse.
Golds being supremely smug, even when it was earned, never stopped being entertaining.

Coincidentally picked up this series >>23366309 because I wanted more space opera.
On book 2 currently.
Man, this MC is meandering... I'm loving it.

Fun to see I happened to read two series that were being discussed in this thread. Been forever since I was here.

>> No.23369206

It's not edgy?

>> No.23369301

>started the black company based on thread recommendation
>think it's about a cool group of strong dudes that get shit done
>it's about a bunch of useless retards that just run away at the slightest hint of a problem
How did these fucks last 400 years. I seriously hope there will be at least one dude I can root for by the end of this.

>> No.23369347

Croaker is based and so are Goblin and One-Eye

>> No.23369432

That's how soldiers fight. Especially valuable ones. Think about how the greatest boxers of all time, Ali, Mayweather, used their reach and defense to cruise to victories. Meanwhile casuals will say out boxers "just run" because they think real combat is a video game where you mash punch button and win
A more appropriate example is the special forces operation to capture Saddam Hussein's sons. They (I believe 2 sons, 1 bodyguard and 1 child) were holed up in a mansion, and the force of a couple hundred special task force members couldnt get passed the rocket launcher and grenades. So ultimately they forego the mission and just bombed the shit out of the mansion.
The game of combat is just too unpredictable and you gotta count your losses.

>> No.23369440
File: 41 KB, 650x320, sad ian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that they want to keep announcing new lord of the rings movies and treat it like a franchise to milk really depresses me to no end. There's no more reverence for anything. This whole industry needs to collapse.

>> No.23369464

The good news is two fold: The western games industry has already begun its collapse. Creative industries that can only corrupt and not create are nearing their end.

>> No.23369475

It still hurts to watch the kind of vandalism they do though

>> No.23369485

hard times will always hurt, anon.
But they make us stronger.
Focus on your own craft.

>> No.23369526


>> No.23369544

>a doctor like every other doctor
>a midget nigga that loves money
Meh, we'll see about that.

>> No.23369549
File: 1.05 MB, 754x1048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Board is full of pseuds who majored in humanities.

>> No.23369556

The ending of third mistborn and ending of third 3 body problem are the only books that really made me feel shit for days.

>> No.23369560

Because they're so good or so bad?

>> No.23369561

Truth shines

>> No.23369597

They're good. You could say sanderson shit is cliche and easy to read, but from what I've read from him, the overarching theme and moral of the story hits you like a truck.

>> No.23369614

They aren't that good either. Just tired boring mass appeal factory line mediocrity. If they were bad they might at least be interesting.

>> No.23369622

I guess I'll finish the original trilogy. I stopped after 2 because everyone was stupid and half the novel was a twilight knockoff.

>> No.23369632

I can't say I really have anything against him besides the two most recent Stormlight novels needed a better and more forceful editor. In some ways I gotta give him a solid deal of respect because it was his work that got me back into reading regularly like i used to in school back in 2017-2018.

>> No.23369656

I'm a quarter of the way through. I like it a lot, especially the prose. the way the story is told is a bit confusing though. but still. I like this way more than Consider Fleas

>> No.23369691

From the faggot who wrote the review that anon is quoting:

>> No.23369738

Popular = bad. /tv/ and /v/ are the exact same, full of miserable troglodytes.

>> No.23369760

Popular doesn't also mean good either.

>> No.23369762

anon never said it did, you donkey retard

>> No.23369764

I have read all the way up to and including inversions and I think consider phlebas is the weakest and maybe a bad starting point. I think it would turn people off from reading others honestly

>> No.23369778

>not that bad
not exactly high praise...

>> No.23369782

That was anon's underlying implication, baka. Normalfags always think popular = cannot be critiqued. And I'm not the guy you replied to.

>> No.23369852

oh the NPC ones do this all the time. I don't get it. I enjoy stuff, but I just state "maybe there's a reason it's well-regarded" and then ask around.

NPCfags get the rope.

>> No.23369914
File: 754 KB, 598x1117, fat fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Press X to doubt

>> No.23369919

I find the aliens more believable

>> No.23369923

They are the closest you can get to literary goyslop

>> No.23369974

Revelation Space is excellent, I reread it frequently

>> No.23369982

This guy sounds like a tremendous pseud, and probably gay and communist as well.

>> No.23369984

I enjoyed those. Were the perfect Dreyfus ones amy decent?

>> No.23370026

I just picked it up, almost done with the first book. It started out just alright, but I'm enjoying it more as I get further into it. Listening to the audiobook at work. Not gonna lie, it's basically impossible for me to keep all the names straight.

>> No.23370028

nta, I thought they were at least decent.

>> No.23370145

convince me to read book two. i was incredibly dissapointed by the revelation being so generic and boring.
>oh dude its like... an ancient war! and we woke em up! woah!

>> No.23370151

Don't read book 2. Do and read what you want. Go lick a goat.

>> No.23370155

so its not any better?

>> No.23370165

I didn't read either but if you didn't care for the first why would even want to try the second. Read for your own amusement and think for yourself.

>> No.23370223

I didn't care for red rising but I lived golden son. The only reason I read golden son was because people told me the series gets better.

So when I've read only the first book in a series, and I see someone say the SERIES is good, why would I not ask to be convinced to continue reading?

Do you seriously not understand how that works?

Why do you feel the need to disparage the attempt at reconcilliation? Why do you find discussion to be distateful.

>> No.23370671

this website has ruined me. people actually engage in arguments here, everywhere else its tipoeing and passive aggression. cant say shit to people elsewhere without a tablespoon of sugar.

>> No.23370677

Everywhere else just feels watered down.

>> No.23370717

I try to talk on other sites like reddit or wherever and I'm just so sick of having to be nice. Like I'm not being MEAN, or at least I try not to be but you can't even so much as disagree with people these days.

>> No.23370738
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give me something about AI cults

>> No.23370862

Well I read it. I actually like it so far. It does a good job of giving you hints of hope and humanity and brief interludes of characters to get attached to before ripping them away. I would call it less horror and more tragedy.

The comment section is fucking insufferable though. Either soulless litRPG freaks or people who think they are much more clever than they actually are.

>> No.23370885

the book im writing

>> No.23371121

>To be ingested by the military machine is to see the last hidden gear of the world. All is loud yet lonely, chaos yet order, functional yet dirty, fast yet slow.
>All is big. Except you.
>Without my name, I am no one. [ ] No. They don't even see me. Their eyes are focused two hours from now. I do not matter. I am chaff.

>How could they possibly imagine the anguish on the faces of the dead? How could the mob in the street demanding handouts ever know on a sensory level that when a human rots, it isn't just the skin that stinks, but the intestines, the stomach, the liver?
>How could they know that weird tremble of the soul when you realize there is no civilization? There's just a lock on a box. And inside the box is this. Virginia wanted me to reason with the senators. What common language would we speak, I wonder, when they have not seen inside the box and I am its lock?
My cock is fucking THROBBING reading this shit.

>> No.23371195

>people actually engage in arguments here
laughably ignorant and outright incorrect

>> No.23371209

What artefacts would you smuggle and trade between an urban fantasy and high fantasy world for profit?

>> No.23371221
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>> No.23371222

weather satelites

>> No.23371283

>From tweet to three-book deal, this author wants to transform the fantasy genre

>LADARRION WILLIAMS: I just randomly tweeted. I was just like, yo, like, what if Harry Potter went to an HBC in the South?

>lock myself in my apartment for 12 days straight, living off of Oreos and Cheez-Its. And I wrote the first draft of "Blood At The Root," the novel.

>WILLIAMS: Now Hollywood is saying, hmm, hey, can we have a meeting? So I will say that a TV show is in the works

>> No.23371287


>> No.23371317
File: 1.55 MB, 1084x1398, Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 10.29.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23371340

>blood at the root
it has to be a joke

>> No.23371352
File: 1.14 MB, 1146x1684, Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 10.46.44 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow it's written exactly like I expected. (I'm a racist)

>> No.23371378

Fake LeBron casted expecto patronum, and the spirit of Lebron James flew out of his wand like it was goin' hard in the paint and straight up DUNKED the Dementor's whip right out of the sky before it completed the massa-crack

>> No.23371397

I'm bored. What are some good books that are accessible to read?

>> No.23371402

By accessible I mean easy to read with not too hard prose to parse through.

>> No.23371407
File: 92 KB, 672x1000, wind in the willows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23371439

How was Yumi and the Nightmare Painter and The Sunlit Man by Sanderson?

>> No.23371541

There doesn't seem to be a recommendation chart in the mega for this: I'm looking for Science Fiction short story anthologies/collections, mostly from 1950-1975. I was never really into reading short stories, but when I read Heinlein I read the Green Hills collection; when I read Asimov I read the Nightfall and Other Stories collection; and now I'm about to read the first volume of Science Fiction Hall of Fame. Any /sffg/ would recommend? Science fantasy is okay, can be centered on one author or from different authors.

>> No.23371671

>nigger wizard (nigzard)
>uses magic to steal cars and sheeeit
like pottery

>> No.23371680


>> No.23371689


>> No.23371712

Calm down, sweetie. "Between Two Fires" is excellent.

>> No.23371751

someone recommended The city of dreaming books a few months ago, i tried it out despite being part of a series and i enjoyed it a lot. will add this one to the list too

>> No.23371881

Bump my request

>> No.23371887

Stuff that the other world doesn't have

>> No.23371900

I read The King Must Die a while ago and if you ignore the whole outdated Mother Goddess nonsense, I feel that it was quite immersive.

>> No.23372174
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this shit is hilarious

>> No.23372318
File: 5 KB, 205x94, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay Blackgical, /sffg/

>> No.23372421

>Woman author
>White goddess nonsense
Feminist drivel

>> No.23372846
File: 50 KB, 288x416, happy chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the tides are shifting, we're going to get heterosexual fiction again very soon

>> No.23372850

You can get anything you want if you write it yourself.

>> No.23372886
File: 32 KB, 300x440, md31140792054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my perfect heterosexual book already exists.

>> No.23372889

>gigachad posters not being bots

>> No.23372904
File: 97 KB, 413x443, 1714977878509994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obsessed with the magical girl genre
>extremely attracted to girls in bright frilly dresses
>yet always constantly don't feel like I belong because I'm a male and not a troon
> fantasize about self-inserting as either a Tuxedo Mask or Syaoran figure

What is this feeling?

>> No.23372917
File: 73 KB, 1080x650, 1696616799117681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a faggot, harry

>> No.23372920

You're turning into a magical boy.

>> No.23372926

I like Magical Girl Genre but I prefer something more realistic but when I read shit like Princess Holy Aura I feel like realistic might not be good.


>> No.23372930

Be a crossdresser.

>> No.23372942

>I am a man who watches shows with cute girls and self insert as the love interest. What is this feeling?
Um normal?

>> No.23372980
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>> No.23373018


>> No.23373089
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>> No.23373194

Should i start the 3 body trilogy or finish the mars trilogy first. I read the first, but never finished the second.
Mind you that the prior 2 books i read were about aliens (footfall and the invincible)

>> No.23373226

seeing fan art for the farseer trilogy, they portray the tanned, mediterranean-like islanders?? and made them look like niggers almost every time. your typical deviantart tier shit too, that style consistently drawn by autistic femcels. even despite the novel's official art showing that they are not.

>> No.23373235

Is there a book where H-Game style corruption (slowly becoming mentally warped and degenerate) is depicted?

>> No.23373241
File: 157 KB, 600x606, 11e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of you niggas need to jerk off before posting

>> No.23373254

Some of you niggas need to not jerk off for days so you can think with sexual purity.

>> No.23373263

It's much more of a dickthrob I feel, it's a hearthrob.

>> No.23373275

I can multitask just fine thAAAAAnk you.

>> No.23373277

Who else on /trt/ here

>> No.23373279

this has always been low t cope. i stopped jerking off for 2 months and all it did waa make me pop stiffys like i waa 15 again.

>> No.23373283
File: 299 KB, 960x1568, 1706180844857209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just jerk off a lot and still be horny in mind.
Of course, I get off best to written pornography, so...

>> No.23373389

The person who most needs to kill himself is you for posting that garbage tranime meme.

>> No.23373459

There's this amazing app for reading on android called comfort reader on fdroid. It makes reading books feel like watching movies since it automatically skips forward without needing to scroll or change page. I read plenty of books like this and it lists how many hours of reading is required to finish the book, and it breaks it down into a few sentence sized chunks and highlights each word until it reaches the end. I wish there was a desktop equivalent to it.

>> No.23373467

>t makes reading books feel like watching movies since it automatically skips forward without needing to scroll or change page.
That sounds idiotic.

>> No.23373477

Sounds very niche.

>> No.23373485

Well it makes it more fun for me and more engaging than manually reading it, and this way you don't skip over any text and even if its harder to read, makes things easier to break down. I wish this app got more attention.

>> No.23373557

so.. like auto mode in a visual novel?

>> No.23373667

Are you autistic by chance?

>> No.23373745

Nice, was planning on buying that one soon. Also, don't miss out on The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear, that one's awesome, too, and the first in the series.

>> No.23373840
File: 68 KB, 768x422, lotr covers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At work reading LoTR
>Friend/Coworker says he always wanted to read it but never got around to it
>Offer to lend copy
>He says thank you but asks if I mind as I'm reading it currently
>Laugh and tell him it's cool I can lend him my paper back version
>He asks me "You have two copies of the same book?"
>Laugh when he says "two."

>> No.23373979
File: 126 KB, 1200x899, cute blushing anime girl with a giant forehead smiles at (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think any of this happened

>> No.23374064

What you believe is your business

>> No.23374068

Fucking brevity.

The longer a web serial continues the chances of it going on a pointless tangent the readers hate or the author regrets approaches 1

>> No.23374080

>approaches 1

>> No.23374108

Probability is often expressed as a value between 0 and 1 because it represents the likelihood of an event occurring, with 0 indicating impossibility and 1 indicating certainty. This scale provides a standardized way to measure and compare probabilities across different events or scenarios.
Here are a few key reasons why this convention is used:

Consistency: By using a common scale, probabilities can be easily compared and combined. This is particularly useful when dealing with complex problems involving multiple events.
Axioms of probability: The rules governing probability, known as the axioms of probability, are based on the idea that probabilities lie between 0 and 1. These axioms provide a foundation for the mathematical study of probability.
Ease of interpretation: Expressing probability as a value between 0 and 1 makes it intuitive to understand. For example, an event with a probability of 0.75 is easily interpreted as having a 75% chance of occurring.
Connection to percentages: Probabilities can be easily converted to percentages by multiplying them by 100. This allows for a more familiar representation of likelihood, as percentages are widely used in everyday life.
Mathematical convenience: Many probability calculations, such as those involving probability distributions and conditional probabilities, are simplified when working with values between 0 and 1.

It's important to note that while probabilities are often expressed as decimals between 0 and 1, they can also be represented as fractions, ratios, or percentages, depending on the context and the audience

>> No.23374147

holy autism

>> No.23374154

its chatgpt

>> No.23374160

Is chatgpt on the autism spectrum?

>> No.23374179

No, ChatGPT is not on the autism spectrum because it is not a human and doesn't possess personal experiences, emotions, or consciousness. It's a machine learning model developed by OpenAI, designed to generate human-like text based on the input it receives and the patterns it has learned from vast amounts of data. While it can mimic conversation and provide helpful responses, it doesn't have personal attributes or experiences like being on the autism spectrum.

>> No.23374180

I mean it because just emulates the information it takes from everywhere else soooooooooo yes.

>> No.23374212

>doesn't possess personal experiences, emotions, or consciousness
>can mimic conversation
Sounds conclusive to me.

>> No.23374215

>it doesnt have personal attributes [ ] like being on the autism spectrum
the "assistant personality" exhibits various markers for autism

>> No.23374301

>However, they were enchanted by Varda such that, if anyone did not take them rightfully or if anything evil comes into contact, they would burn them upon their touch.

So if you somehow got a Simaril through legitimate exchange and dodged oathkeepers, you could actually weaponize a Silmaril into an Anti-Evil weapon?

>> No.23374375

Artificial autism is real to an artificial construct.

>> No.23374612
File: 104 KB, 600x800, 3858406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23374614

stop spamming this shit

>> No.23374615

I don't know what this is but it makes me furious

>> No.23374664
File: 117 KB, 292x257, 1706870737754349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bugman making a literal bugman story
SEriously though don't buy the works of Chinamen.

>> No.23374894

The disappearance of RIfag and Bakkerfag would cause untold improvement toward this general; as much as a general can be improved during the current year on this social media website, that is.

>> No.23374900

What about Tenebroumfag?

>> No.23374910

What about him? A weeks-old ritualposter, who even tends to post his book and fuck off, is nothing compared to bitches spamming for over 4 years nonstop.

>> No.23374925

ive been trying to figure out what i should ritual post about. i used to dunepost, years and years ago. but i want something fresh.

>> No.23374942

A weeks-old ritualposter quickly becomes a months-old ritualposter. Never let evil take root.

Whatever you choose, I recommend incorporating mass replying into the ritual. A webnovel is a classic choice for a reason, maybe look for one that is particularly shit but still somewhat popular. Good luck, I'm looking forward to it!

>> No.23374950

Reverend insanity is one of the best webnovels what do you mean

>> No.23374967

Sorry, I didn't know, I can't read Mandarin.

>> No.23374982
File: 1.84 MB, 694x1159, IMG_6053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is super niche and kind of retarded, but do any of you bros know of a similar book to Jaihoo? I unironically I regard it as the most poignant and accurate vision of the future if current trends continue unperturbed.

>> No.23374986

Is he even ritualposting every thread? I'd rather have him than someone like gorilla AI list-of-recs-poster, or that litRPG /sffg/ suggestions underageb& (that I haven't seen for a thread or three, now that I think about it.)

>> No.23374987

qrd? that cover makes me think of this one schizo poster i know (who is employed by a defense contractor)

>> No.23375029

It’s a Sam Hyde/MDE book, definitely schizo but well worth reading and quite funny. It’s an ironical criticism of feminist multicultural society, globalism, and corporate capitalism. It’s more of a comedy book than anything, but there’s some genuinely brilliant ideas as well. You can find the pdf for free on internet archive, there’s also an audiobook read by Sam. The absurd illustrations were done by bicflame I think.

>> No.23375063

I agree that the ai-gorilla and the "/sffg/ recommendations" faggots are certainly worse (the latter of which I sincerely hope is gone for good), but all ritualposting is contemptible. The tenebroumfag has posted in the last dozen threads, which is more than enough for me to hate him.

>> No.23375093
File: 152 KB, 1224x1020, 1_IKjjwYFsFZExHPBA5dW-8Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the Culture series

>> No.23375100

How would you rank Moorcok's multiverse saga

>> No.23375109

Have you ever considered that your suffering is of your own choosing? You don't have to be active in every thread. You don't have to read all the posts. You can filter what you don't like. You don't have to make /sffg/ your identity.

The generals you frequent end up owning you. I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom. It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything. This is /sffg/ and it's ending one post at a time. On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for every general and poster drops to zero. Every thread archival I died, and every new thread I was born again, resurrected.

>> No.23375134

I am Jack’s autism disorder.

>> No.23375199

I don't and I'm happy you do.

>> No.23375214

Recently threads have been lasting longer than they have for several years. Which is better, daily threads or twice weekly threads? Would reducing it to weekly be better or worse?

>> No.23375238

The Bakkerposters are the best of /sffg/, insect.

Let’s talk about sorcerer’s salt. Is Chanv made from it? Do salted sorcs achieve Oblivion?

>> No.23375271

I wonder if Bakkerfag is a kike. It would explain his abhorrent personality and rampant unrestrained mental illness.

>> No.23375272

>Would reducing it to weekly be better or worse?
You know we make new threads whenever they reach the bump limit right
We don't just decide how often to make threads

>> No.23375292

Yes, we do. It's determined by the posting rate. If we collectively posted less often there would be new threads less often.

>> No.23375297
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I don't understand Father Inire's mirrors. Light accelerates itself out of the universe? What does this have to do with the original object reflected?
Is this retardation or was I IQ filtered?

>> No.23375298

The lesser the better but the quality has not improved.

>> No.23375301

Differently bad in a better way.

>> No.23375303

I will post whenever I want and so should everyone else

>> No.23375359

We're all conformists in that we all do whatever we want because that's what we all do.

>> No.23375360

No the quality has only grown worse over time. Nobody said shit about "difference". Do not put words in my post.

>> No.23375387

Thank you for your contribution.

>> No.23375406

typical newfag empty response

>> No.23375409


>> No.23375484

What the best sci fiction that came out in the last 10 years?

>> No.23375491
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I want to say house of suns, but apparently the current year is 2024.
So the answer is pricrel.

>> No.23375493
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>> No.23375494

Wait what?

>> No.23375497

I've posted many that I've thought were great.

>> No.23375498

But Bakker is extremely antisemitic…

>> No.23375501
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As much as I enjoyed reading through Red Rising and Sun Eater within the 6 months or so in my opinion I've got to give it to The Expanse, Persepolis Rising to be more specific.

>> No.23375505

anon asked for sci fi not sci cry

>> No.23375507

it's a funny question you asked.

>> No.23375509

For you.

>> No.23375512

Is it that bad?

>> No.23375518

I have so many questions about this book.

>> No.23375520

maybe blindsight?

>> No.23375521

dont listen to him, sci fi is better these last two decades than it ever was in the 1900s.

>> No.23375523

That's almost 20 years ago

>> No.23375524

these threads are grimmer than I thought

>> No.23375527

name some

>> No.23375528

Several of my all-time favorites have been published in recent years. The 21st century has been amazing for SFF. There's only more greatness to come so it's better to focus on the books currently being published than the same few books from the past.

>> No.23375530
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pic and sequels, if you consider steampunk scifi.
it's a shame that his new (fantasy) series is off to a shitty start

>> No.23375543

oh i thought it were more recent lol

>> No.23375547
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Not him, but I just finished shadow of the torturer and while it was good and I will continue reading the series I am also a bit confused

>> No.23375548

The Martian
Dark Matter
All Systems Red
Gideon the Ninth
The Expanse series
The Water Knife
Children of Time
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet
The City in the Middle of the Night
The Power
To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
Network Effect

>> No.23375550

why is this author using my name

>> No.23375558

check out these faggots on your second reread

>> No.23375563

holy shit if you're baiting you got me good. I'm mad.

>> No.23375566

I'm re-reading. A lot starts making sense on a second read, but a lot more remain mysteries like the Mirrors technology I mentioned. It sounds like FTL travel but just then Wolfe introduces the Botanic Gardens which sound to me some form of alternative universe projector using the same technology.

>> No.23375569

Consider being baited less easily.

>> No.23375573

well, you have to read it now

>> No.23375590

i got the list from chatgpt, i had to edit out two entries, the original list was

The Three-Body Problem
Ready Player One
The Martian
Dark Matter
All Systems Red
Gideon the Ninth
The Expanse series
The Water Knife
Children of Time
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet
The City in the Middle of the Night
The Power
To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
Network Effect

>> No.23375629

Downloaded house of suns, let's see. Thanks for the recs

>> No.23375642

He spoke the truth..

>> No.23375836

>Just tired boring mass appeal factory line mediocrity.
What do you mean by that?

>> No.23375855
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>> No.23375877

tired boring mass appeal factory line mediocrity.

>> No.23375890

I mean exactly what I said.

>> No.23375961

better than the book series that's for sure. back when cosmic marvel was good

>> No.23376007
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What a time that was. I miss it.

>> No.23376016

The first book is great, everything after that turns into absolute schlock

>> No.23376339
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Where did the time go

>> No.23376362
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Why does /sffg/ pretend RI is bad? Racism?

>> No.23376368

fuck off retard

>> No.23376418
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Marvel peaked here