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/lit/ - Literature

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23371577 No.23371577 [Reply] [Original]

her poems are insanely gauche and she is only famous for being the best lowbrow poet. I regret all the times I recc'd her.

>> No.23372010
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Unlucky day: Jeff Davis captured, John Wilkes Booth born, Stonewall Jackson died, and now anon renounces Emily Dickinson forever. Pic a valedictory, merely

>> No.23372451

Please elaborate anon, I'm absolutely fascinated to hear your thoughts in depth. Really, I can't wait.

>> No.23372935
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>women writer overrated by women, beta males and trans people

>> No.23373297

Some of her late letters are unquestionably 'gauche,' but whether by design, insanity, whole scoops of both, whatever, they're very entertaining reading. I rather like her poetry, though.

>> No.23374565

Bump to give OP the opportunity to beef up his indictment. What (for instance) was the last straw! Where did it all go so dreadfully wrong? How did this once admired lady-poet manage to offend (thee)?

>> No.23374583

She can sometimes border on gauche, just as William Blake can. Or Beethoven. But that's only because they're saying TRUE STUFF with SINCERITY. And if you take her body of work as a whole (stop sniggering at the back there) the stronger pieces hold up the weaker ones because they win you over to her world-view.

No idea what you mean by this. Perhaps you mean she isn't clever (like, say, W. H. Auden) or difficult (like, say, Hart Crane) or sophisticated (like, say, John Ashbery)?

No, she isn't. She's just twice as good as any of them.

Well done Emily!

>> No.23374653
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Because /lit/ is fwr making it impossible for me to produce a worthy thread this morning, I'll just drop this here
Stevens/from Auroras.. with green-text codicil

--------A cold wind chills the beach,
The long lines of it grow colder, emptier,
A darkness gathers but it does not fall

And the whiteness grows less vivid on the wall.
The man who is walking there turns blankly on the sand.
He observes how the north, enlarging the change..

>My mid-Atlantic East Coast 4/chin/ chads
>Did (you) perchance observe last night
>The Auroras of the Spring?
*They were fantastic, even got some pics

>> No.23374666

She's not going to fuck you bro.

>> No.23374703
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Back! Back into thy fiery pit!

>> No.23375006
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By the same token
>fag larping as a lumberjack only liked by other fags larping as lumberjacks
And so on. The final secret of /lit/ is what you consider “good lit” is usually determined by ones self image and circumstances.

>> No.23375137

Simple, I wrote more poetry and realized I try to avoid being as blatant and naive as dickinson so I decided to apply the same standard to her
Who cates if you’re sincere about stupid shit

>> No.23375304
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I salute (you) if parenthetically anonymous fellow American; I too am of that tribe and clime which, in the current age, can and will and therefore must be 'outsmarted' by the flotsam and jetsom of if fraudulent universal weltschmerz. This should come as no surprise given that (our) 'abusive' parent, Europe, will not 'take the fall' for the children's having become wise guys.

>> No.23375320


>> No.23375349

Your 'parent' is surely Africa or Mexico rather than Europe? Culturally and genetically speaking of course

>> No.23375411

The worst part about the people who overrate female writers is they only ever focus on their sex. They never say anything about their writing itself.

>> No.23375418

You couldn't have made it any more apparent you're looking for opportunity to use that word. Unfortunately, it doesn't apply to Emily. Dumbass.

>> No.23375441

>poet writes hymns
>hymns are a folk genre
>poet's work has a folkish character
astonishing insight, anon

>> No.23375499

It's ok to just enjoy things without hiding behind seven layers of irony.

>> No.23375652

>she isn't clever
But she is.

>I realized that if I make my poems le mysterious in the 20th century style I can obscure their lack of actual value
Everything written before, say, Rimbaud or Mallarme was "blatant", retard. In her own time there are few poets more reticent. Her delicacy and grace and truly spiritually aristocratic playfulness are what mark her out, qualities that are the exact opposite of that of which you accuse her.

>> No.23375751

It's also ok to enjoy '7 layers of irony,' ie if you're able

>> No.23375797

>ie if you're able
retard alert

>> No.23375817

>retard alert

>> No.23375824
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Sorry, pal. Quaker/German (Philly) daddy; moms be FFA

>> No.23375841

Nigga you don't even understand when to use adverbs

>> No.23375871
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Witness reporting

>> No.23376742
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>> No.23377202

Dangerously based. Sincerity over all.

>> No.23378192
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An American poets meet-up here? No more esteemed in his own day before or since than this fellow.

>> No.23378206
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Emily read euclid

>> No.23378481

*sings all of her poems to the tune of gilligan's island*

it's histrionic neeting time

>> No.23378793
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>t. Gilligan's Island theme-music blocks his path
Sadly, many such cases

>> No.23380235

Surprised to see someone on /lit/ who really appreciates Emily Dickinson to the point of posting one of her great poems that is not famous or commonly anthologized. Congrats, anon.

>> No.23380245

Terrible opinion OP you probably just buy books for decoration

>> No.23380379

i'd creampie the shit out of her

>> No.23381588
File: 216 KB, 1200x1918, if-anybody-s-friend-be-dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anon. I remain true to both the poetry and the letters, on behalf of (to quote Shakespeare, but thinking moreso of Stendhal:) 'we happy few'

>> No.23381803

She's not gonna fuck you bro

>> No.23382113

This post was so funny I forgot to laugh. Both when you posted it, and when another retard posted the exact same joke days earlier (>>23374666). Bravo on your creativity and quick wit

>> No.23383177

It’s astounding for me that you can open the volume of her complete poems at random and find breathtaking metaphors in practically every single page.

Also, let me ask: what edition of her letters do you recommend?

>> No.23383192

imagine the smell

>> No.23384380
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If I'm a 'scholar,' then I am a very private one, and though I read through her letters at university, the old Johnson Selected (pic rel) is the only volume I actually possess, a good sampling. I know that a mere month ago a Cristanne Miller (and some other scholar) edited 'Complete' was released via Harvard U Press (or one of its 'imprints,' like Belknap) for public consumption, but I know very little about it. Miller's a pretty decent Dickinson scholar, so I'd be inclined to trust it, but I'd investigate it before purchase, of course. There's the old Harvard UP 3 (slim) volume Johnson edited Complete, but I can't imagine that at this time it can be had anywhere near cheaply. That's the one I read through aar.

>> No.23384446

Based. The best art is simple and sincere.

>> No.23384557

She's Never Going To Fuck You (Bro)

>Maybe it was a true sincerity
>An honest simpleton----
>His vision dances with
>Ways --- this deed could run

>For as fair Lady Emily
>She is skeletal--- silence---
>Can fiendish foreign bone customs
>Arouse--- yet stranger science

>Adventure journey's end ----
>Approach you near her sepulchre
>Anon he muses to himself ---
>---- Sealed tighter than a nuns cunthair

>His vision clouds a median grey
>Our poster brave Anon---
>He got you to her special door
>But failed in cracking Emily bare

>All is not lost he thinks
>A quickness silvers potters glaze
>His mind burns providence
>Another passage through this maze

>We pay a churlish beggar
>A handsome sum in drink and gold
>Address appropriate wig for occasion
>Your dick inside him--- paralyzed hold

*takes a photo*

>> No.23384801

Wow, rarely does..
Actually, I don't think anything needs to be said.

>> No.23385194


This is from a letter:

>Vesuvius dont talk-Etna - dont - one of them -said a syllable- a thousand years ago, and Pompeii heard it, and hid forever

This too:

>How very soon it will be now - why when I really think of it, how near, and how happy it is, my heart grows light so fast, that I could mount a grasshopper, and gallop around the world, and not fatigue him any! The sugar weather holds on, and I do believe it will stay until you come.

and this:

>Nature is a Haunted House - but Art a House that tries to be haunted.

And this:

>These sudden intimacies with Immortality, are expanse - not Peace - as Lightning at our feet, instills a foreign Landscape.

There is more worth in her letters than in the poems of most other poets.

>> No.23386299

Very entertaining reading, that's for sure. Will post a few centos later

>> No.23386309

She wrote thousands of poems and there's only a dozen as interesting as this one.

>> No.23386317

There, great example of her gaucheness.

>> No.23387467


Mediocre + tranny fixation = sad

>> No.23387477

I think I get where you're coming from, but I regard it more as a kind of Quaker quaintness, and part of what makes her good is having that quaintness side by side with the weirder, colder current in her.

Nice selections, thanks.