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/lit/ - Literature

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2339884 No.2339884 [Reply] [Original]

Wht is there left for literature to do?

>> No.2339888

the rise of fan fiction

>> No.2339894

I'll show you soon

>> No.2339898


>> No.2339964

Make the masses more aware of the world around them, to help individuals become more intelligent and educated with every written word, and have more of an appreciation and intrigue to want to have an expanded vocabulary.

Something video games, television, film (not including documentaries), and sometimes art wouldn't normally be able to do.

>> No.2339968



>> No.2339970

Literature is over. You will only make some small new stuff up, a clever character here, a new theme there, but nothing really outstanding.

Painting, literature, acting, those are things of the past. Even music is completely over.

The future is on videogame and I refuse to work with it.

>> No.2339972


wake the fuck up

>> No.2340029

Acting is still purely an art form even though some asshole-ish famous people have been manipulating it for years, yet if you have ever seen theatre at its peak, you wouldn't be so quick to call it dead. Especially if you have seen plays and musicals performed on Broadway. Painting (and sculpturing) will never die, and true musicians and music will never die, but it may change from time to time. Of course, I do hate the music industry right now.

Don't feel so hopeless, anon.

>> No.2340059

If anything... I think literature would be saved if some authors deserted postmodernism and tried to write classically inspired literature on par with classics of old. Modernism at the least, or even farther back to Romanticism... and so on. For novels at least... I'm fucking tired of present day poets evoking Greek shit. Get a new concept, poets.

>> No.2340077


Too bad acting is useless when there is nothing original to act in.

>> No.2340084

nothing, just like classical music

it's over bro

>> No.2340088

Alternatively, stay with postmodernism and prosper forever as something that's only read by other postmodernists.

>> No.2340098

Because reactionism works so well.

Dunno, but things are still being invented. I'm sure literature will continue on the same as it's ever been.
I'd like to see short fiction gain more of a foothold than it already has.

>> No.2340111

>Of course, I do hate the music industry right now.

Pinback has a new album coming out soon. We good, brah.

>> No.2340130

Yeah, nothing is really dead and all is still "purely art". It's just not new or impressive. You can write a beautiful romantic poem right now and who would give a fuck? No one. Music? You've got pop songs, calculated to get to the top downloads of the year and people that come and go, then you get the bands which have an enormous variety but are all under the wings of the experimental beasts of electric instrumenal past (everything now is post-punk-eletronic/poprock-grunge-derp blues) and classical composers that no one gives a fuck because although they might be good, they are not impressive.

You may raise a brow "wow, amazing song, this guy is a nice writer, interesting installation", but you won't shock and you will never shock. You will never make people think "how the hell, is that even possible? Is that even allowed? Holy shit, what does that make us?" like the true amazing artworks of history. A modern book, a romantic piece by Beethoven being heard for the first time, Picasso mocking everyone with his overwhelming talent. That shit will never happen again. It's all a bunch of tumblrs, google docs and youtube videos. And they are not bad, no, I'm not saying any of this is bad today, there is plenty of good quality stuff, but nothing, nothing stands out all that much. In that sense, it's all dead.

Let's just get surprised at the next augmented reality videogame crap and move on. At least it impresses me on something that couldn't have been done before.

>> No.2340147

this is what apathetic losers actually believe

>> No.2340155

No, this what apathetic losers actually believe apathetic losers believe.

>> No.2340159

Nobody on /lit/ understands art.

>> No.2340161

you're being myopic.

>> No.2340171

I understand art.

>> No.2340172

Has a lot to accomplish.
Reinvent the face of literature so more people can into
Shift the focus of profits to creative, accessible,postmodern, very short prose pieces, flash fiction, and short stories.
This will allow the video-game playing reality tv-imbibing masses to lick the cheeto dust off their fingers and turn their thick necks in the proper direction to pay attention to something important.
Literature needs to present itself as a valuable commodity in today's world. People will recognize this when it does.
rather than viewing it as something antiquated and boring.
The novel will resurface once the ADHD masses learn to appreciate lit.
Everyone is smarter
Hooray for literature

>> No.2340173

I'm the coolest shit to ever grace this motherfucking place.

>> No.2340174

What's there to understand?

>> No.2340194

ITAOTS isn't even twenty years old. Amazing albums are released every year, and they're still changing the sounds we know. Understand, "Music" as we know it is actually a younger medium than the novel, since the option to record, mix, and manipulate sounds is about a quarter of the age of the option to print things en masse.

>> No.2340198

Video games will require writers. Writers require books.

>> No.2340253

Would you dumbasses stop trying to talk about contemporary music. You don't know shit

>> No.2340333
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>> No.2340337
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The pop-up book is the next logical step.

>> No.2340342

What does it take for a secon renaissance to take place?

>> No.2340352

A second dark age

>> No.2340392
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I think the whole scene has just burned itself out. Imo people need to step back for bit, smoke a few, take a breather, whatever; and let the fantasy & comicbook fags steer the helm for a while. I don't think it's inappropriate to suggest that folks could use a break to gather their thoughts. For christ sake there's been more diversification in the past hundred or so years than in the previous 3 centuries combined. I think a well earned rest is not something to be ashamed of. Then again I could be full of shit so take that whatever way you want.

>> No.2340406

If you're the same guy I responded to, yeah, I think that literary fiction could use a "breather" in the form of lateral movement, not vertical, so to speak. So no more metashenanigans, or overly-academic stuff. There needs to me more integration of other popular things that have developed alongside written, literary fiction. There's a reason that really heavy postmodernism (seemingly) burned itself out after 40 years, it's because it's exhausting, and it's hard to be engaged in it on anything other than an intellectual basis.
Atonement is a great example that messes with form but still is, you know, a story, with relatable characters.

>> No.2340424

Produce more books?

>> No.2340427

yeah bsaically at a certain point people stop "giving a shit"

>> No.2340439

The thing is, that DFW wrote and talked a lot about making his fiction fun and relatable for people, and making them feel "unalone" but the vast majority of his characters are these sort of hyperaware dummies that didn't really seem to have a feeling that wasn't described to him out of the DSM. Most of the time when I actually empathized with what was going on in the book was when DFW was basically expositing for pages and pages.
I like his nonfiction better.

>> No.2340451

ugh i'm super-tired so sorry if this makes no sense. and also i haven't read as much dfw as i should. but i feel like a lot of his work (esp ij) is specifically centered around the intellectual / liberal / academic cultural class - we all know the people i mean - and i think it's a fundamental limit on some of his work. like, yeah, he wants people to connect and empathize and he wants to reclaim normal emotion, but that very directive both comes out of and is directed towards a specific cultural moment of a specific cultural group, and i think thats at the center of why his characters are the way you describe

uh yeah

>> No.2340538

Write beautiful works.

>> No.2340608

Cut through all the modern ideas of us being a world closer together due to globalization, social networking, constant phone use etc and to find that a lot of people are more lonely than they've ever been. That's what keeps coming to my head when I think of this OP. We need to rekindle the base humanity of modern times or somesuch.

>> No.2340646

implying literature is climbing stairs.

just tell stories, paint pictures. practice on your precision.

>> No.2340760
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I enjoy this thread. I would just like to thank every anon. That is all. Forgive me for not offering anything to the conversation.

>> No.2340764


I don't think we're any lonelier as a species.

>> No.2340777

you'd be wrong. I agree with him.

>> No.2340781

You just agree with him because you're lonely.

>> No.2340816

You just refute his agreement because you're aware

>> No.2340838

Loneliness is a team effort.

>> No.2340842

There is just one I in loneliness.

>> No.2340864
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That's too easy.

>> No.2341482


>> No.2341506

yeah DFW was definitely writing for a certain audience, not like actually trying to pander to a certain audience but i remember an interview where (i think) he said that he imagined his audience as basically "yuppies"/youngish educated people from the middle and upper classes

but he did stuff outside of that too, like Don Gately doesn't at all fit the "yuppie" or "hyperaware dummy" thing