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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 11 KB, 175x175, 1328238925422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2385062 No.2385062 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2385064
File: 3 KB, 126x113, Sunhawk V2 against Tao Lin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2385087
File: 16 KB, 400x300, sam_pink2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He ain't no Sam Pink.

>> No.2385092

he is a great favorite, tao lin. he is tweeting, tweeting. he says that he will never 'die.'

>> No.2385129

In that sleep and in sleep to follow Tao Lin did visit. Who would come other? A great shambling mutant, silent and serene. Whatever his antecedents, he was something wholly other than their sum, nor was there system by which to divide him back into his origins for he would not go. Whoever would seek out his history through what unraveling of loins and twitterfeeds must stand at last darkened and dumb at the shore of a void without terminus or origin and whatever science he might bring to bear upon the dusty primal matter blowing down out of the millennia will discover no trace of ultimate atavistic egg by which to reckon his commencing.

>> No.2385163

hai there, tao!

hows it going? heard breakup was bad...

>> No.2385174
File: 903 KB, 245x139, tegan&sara75.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megan Boyle got drugged and had sex with Justin Castro pretty much the next week.

Being Tao then must have sucked.

>> No.2385190

i just googled sam pink and after reading a couple of his blogs I would have to say that he seems pretty similar to sam pink.
srsly all this tongue in cheek, know nothing effeminate absurdism is played out imo.
"I'm writing a story lol"
cmon guys.

>> No.2385196

by sam pink i mean tao lin.

>> No.2385207

actually it reminds me of those lo-fi bands in the nineties who didn't know what the fuck they were doing and that was their thing, eg. beat happening.

these guys are totally aping on the cool factor of outsider art, reminds me of a poetry class at an alternative high school.

>> No.2385208
File: 6 KB, 189x251, 1324198479071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im reading Eeeee Eee Eeee right now

>> No.2385210

hahaha they broke up?

autistic gook and disgusting whore race mixer
I'm not sure how the life of these two nobodies is worth paying attention to tho

>> No.2385212
File: 45 KB, 486x364, Tegan&sara72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sam Pink and Noah Cicero are probably the better writers of that alt-scene.

By alt-scene I don't mean the whole alternative literature world. I just mean out of Tao Lin and his buddies.

>> No.2385220
File: 38 KB, 500x500, meganconfused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Megan boyle
>disgusting whore
Fuck you bro.

>> No.2385223

i live in seattle so I'm pretty over this type of bullshit.

>> No.2385228

I don't see why she slept with Castro he's ugly as fuck.

>> No.2385234

not to say i'm cool just that I've been exposed to a good deal of this type of shitty "everythings cool except people who don't like it" mentality.

>> No.2385247
File: 28 KB, 394x385, meganbra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the whole scene is dying.
Tao Lin has done a deal with vintage so the 'hipster' press will start bashing him. (HTMLgiant) have already begun.
The rest will teeter of into different alcoves and either never be seen again or have even less followers than before once Tao is gone. It's a shame kinda, but it's how these scenes work. Fickle bitches everywhere.

E, coke and alcohol make anyone who's nice to you a viable option.

>> No.2385249

she's hideous and a filthy whore

>> No.2385260
File: 849 KB, 2592x1458, 2011-11-15_10-26-49_589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Tao's mainstream credos comes full circle, the rest of them will drop off the map.
>i'm okay with this

>> No.2385262

i like noah cicero

i like tao lin

i don't like jordan castro

i don't like megan boyle

i haven't read enough sam pink to comment

>> No.2385266

>Deal with Vintage

Ah, I remember my first 'Deal with Vintage' like it was only yesterday. :)
Gosh things change. Building my entire repertoire from the ground up.
Becoming the man of privileged means I had once been, one
freckle at a time. To the quaint musings of Marvin Gaye.

Oh Sunhawk V.2, will you ever learn?

>> No.2385279
File: 183 KB, 500x668, tegan&sara73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take that back.

I'm not. Some of them are actually okay.

I've only read one thing from each Castro and Boyle. I found both very, very average.

Oh sunhawk v.2 you silly guy.

>> No.2385288


>Take that back.

>> No.2385294
File: 38 KB, 378x466, meganboyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's okay. I still like you.

>> No.2385295

implying i would ever talk to a diseased race mixing hipster whore

>> No.2385298

the more I read about these people the more it makes me think of a poor man's witch house (which isn't saying much). seriously it's much easier to make interesting music with drugs and try hard than writing imo.

>> No.2385299
File: 44 KB, 500x375, Megan_Eating_Toastie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you're just being mean, but that's okay. I still think you're a cool guy.

Witch House was pretty cool bro, what you got against triangles?

>> No.2385307

ok i'll admit it, I like witch house, at least Salem and Modern Witch. what I'm saying is I don't like these guys and don't think they respect their craft.

>> No.2385309

Jewish mother detected.

>> No.2385312

nope, just a proud white nationalist

>> No.2385313


>> No.2385317

you protest too much
i think you're probably a quadroon
anybody who is obsessed with the dangers of race mixing must have some experience

>> No.2385321

Haha, right, white guys are always bitching and being emotional. Maybe if you were a flamboyant faggot.

>> No.2385322

would that make it less valid?

>> No.2385327


don't let me catch you talking shit about beat happening on here again

>> No.2385335

lol I was talking about tao lin and his friends but I'm not a big Beat Happening fan, although I do like their Indian Summer cover (I think it's a cover...)

>> No.2385343

the next night we ate whale

>> No.2385350
File: 15 KB, 336x448, tegan&sara71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>indian summer 90s
>beat happening 80s
I think it's the other way round bro.

>> No.2385362

tao lin has made me laugh and think about things and i like that. he made me sad too. i like that he made me sad.

i like the cancer story and the boy with the knife legs story. i like the whale poem. i like lots of his other stuff too.

megan boyle is a whore.

>> No.2385364


edit: megan boyle is a talentless whore and jordan castro is a shameless dick with no substance.

>> No.2385366

o yr right I saw a different song also called Indian Summers by the Doors and thought it was the same song. my bad.

>> No.2385369

we're laughing AT him because he's an autistic gook who has done absolutely nothing of worth

so random XDDDDDD shit is not literature.

>> No.2385374


well really if you're looking for lo-fi indie pop boyracer's where it's at but black candy by beat happening is a way cool album

>> No.2385377

so your mother was a niggerlover?

>> No.2385380


i don't like you or your comment.

>> No.2385561
File: 15 KB, 295x400, cowboykermit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noah Cicero is by far the most talented person out of the alt-lit bunch. Jordan Castro has zero talent as a writer/musician/artist, Megan Boyle is a woman, and Sam Pink is riding(writing) Noah Cicero's meager coattails. Lin's fine but he's too autistic to ever "make it." I hope Noah gets famous one day.

>> No.2385570

That's... Zach Braff

>> No.2385597
File: 95 KB, 500x375, megan_boyle_window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A sexy single woman now, too. Hubba hubba.

>> No.2385601

Tao who?

>> No.2385606

Tao Sunhawk v.2, that's who! *throws tomato*

>> No.2385609


Why would you want to make yourself appear stupid and culturally unaware? Even with the cover of anonymity, this seems a strange thing to do.

>> No.2385619

>thinks tao lin is something related to culture

>> No.2385625

I liked a couple of his poems - "a poem written by a bear" and "i have high self-esteem and it's making me stare". His sense of humour really chimes with me, although a lot of what he writes strikes me as empty-headed.

i have high self-esteem and it’s making me stare

from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. i ate things and listened to music
someone else was feeling careful and it was making me careful
remember when i burned down someone’s house?—i was eight
someone was dreaming of careful sizes and it was making me eight
from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. i stared at my poetry—it was making me burn
the hamster was making me laugh—i was eight
someone else was eight and it was making me stare
suddenly the peanut butter was making me sad—i was hungry?
from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. i listened carefully to someone else’s house
i woke up staring
carefully i moved to 9 p.m.
someone’s dream was in my poetry and it was making me careful
already i was eating things
peanut things?

>> No.2385626

>thinks /lit/ itself isn't a cultural organism
>doesn't think tao lin and trips are the viruses that eat away at it

>> No.2385632

The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.2385639 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 613x599, 1323573113607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahahhaah wow you need to get out more often.

>> No.2385649
File: 151 KB, 286x330, tumblr_l0z8lei65a1qazwfro1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just like to take this time to thank the almighty DFW. Thanks to reading all your essays in college, Mr. Wallace, I was able to see through this played-out, hyper-ironic, skipping-stones-across-the-surface-but-never-delving-any-deeper-in-a-meaningful-way bullshit that has nothing new or interesting to say.

Praise be unto DFW.

>> No.2385665


>Doesn't understand the word culture.

>> No.2385676


If anyone (particularly on /lit/) doesn't know who Tao Lin is, then they're obviously not very well read, nor connected to any kind of cultural output. To say

>Tao who?

Just makes it appear as if someone has wandered in from /pol/ or something by mistake. I don't know why someone would do this - it's not funny or clever, just stupid.

>> No.2385683

are you a fucking idiot?

taolin is a nobody, he's only known here because he comes here to promote himself all the time.

If you go to a book store, you won't find any tao lin books.

>> No.2385689


Really? I must have been hallucinating last time I was in the bookshop then. Weirdly, I brought a Tao Lin book home with me too. Pretty fucking persistent flashback, I guess?

It wasn't very good.

>> No.2385692
File: 83 KB, 400x403, tao-lin-w-wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2385693

you proved you are mentally deficient(by buying a tao lin book) so obviously your testimony is worthless.

>> No.2385698

I think /lit/ needs new trollpasta.
Tao Lin is getting old and wasn't even that funny to begin with.

He probably doesn't even come here anymore so there's really no point in still doing this.

>> No.2385706


>taolin is a nobody, he's only known here because he comes here to promote himself all the time.

Do you even read ONE literary publication?




Tao Lin is rather well known. He's made it his business to be well known. Whether he's any good or not is another matter, but if you don't know who he is, then you're just not interested in literature beyond the high school reading list level.

>> No.2385719

so because he managed to get a review on some garbage left wing paper like the guardian..... he's "well known" ?

>> No.2385720

>you don't know shit about literature if you don't know about shitty authors
but actually it's: you don't know shit about shitty authors if you don't know shit about shitty authors

>> No.2385725

he posts the threads on his twitter all the time.

>> No.2385732


So, you don't read the London Review of Books, or the NY Review of Books, or the TLS or any other journal, but you think you can flap your gums on the subject of contemporary literature and make statements because you've read both Catcher in the Rye and parts of Consider the Lobster so now you're a /lit/ superstar?

Yeah, seems legit.

Also note that I don't say he's good, I say most people who are in any way engaged with literature know who he is.

stupid, uneducated, blinkered cunts

>> No.2385736


He just got a $50,000 book deal with Vintage. Don't you think that was in the press maybe?

>> No.2385740

I only read sci-fi and fantasy, why the SHIT would i read reviews about other genres?

Why do you think you have to keep up to date on current "authors", to be connected to literature?

>> No.2385741


lol @ you thinking everybody who is interested in literature is reading literature publications. And that those who are aren't glossing over authors they're not interested in.

>> No.2385742

yes because 50k dollars is a massive amount of money which journalists would jump to report on?

>> No.2385750


>I only read sci-fi and fantasy

Then there's obviously no point in you reading literary journals then. But why do you even have an opinion on Tao Lin? You've read his work, even though you only read sci-fi? Seems a weird one to branch out to.

>Why do you think you have to keep up to date on current "authors", to be connected to literature?

The same reason that if I was into pokeymans I'd read pokeyman weekly, to find out what's new and interesting with regard to something that I care about.

>> No.2385755

>You've read his work, even though you only read sci-fi?
No of course i have not.

this is the key point, there is nothing interesting in these publications you are talking about.

>> No.2385758

>Having an opinion based on the opinion of others.
So this is a good thing, how exactly?

>> No.2385762


i did it for this

>> No.2385770


>No of course i have not.

Then your opinion is useless. Maybe you'd like to join one of the 12,000 GRRM threads that are on this piece of shit board instead. You may be able to contribute.


You don't understand anything about books, or the literary world. You're retarded.

I'm out. This is too stupid even for 4chan.

>> No.2385781

>I'm out of arguments so I'll just call them stupid retards.
>That'll show 'em.

>> No.2385786

>You don't understand anything about books, or the literary world.
If understanding the literary world means I have to copy other people's opinions I'm glad I don't.

>> No.2385790


Not that guy, but all the things he quoted were really bad reviews.

>> No.2385806

nobody on /lit/ cares about contemporary literature. few people even really care about literature.

thanks for reminding me why i never come here.

>> No.2385869


oh shit, have you read age of wire and string? if so how does it compare?

>> No.2385866

Bullshit. I care about contemporary lit. Fuck, I just bought the new Ben Marcus last week and am almost finished with it.

Be the change you want, bro.