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File: 36 KB, 266x407, gunslinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2450179 No.2450179 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, has anyone read Stephen Kings "The Dark Tower" series? It sounds interesting but King has made some shit in the past and I dont feel like wasting money on something that can be massive shit.

So /lit/, should I pick it up?

>> No.2450186

Shameless self bump

>> No.2450189

People on here have read it. I personally have not. I've heard good things about it. Just read it and decide for yourself.

>> No.2450195

I only read the first

I hear the ending is fucked up

might be worth reading the second

it's not a bad book but... its fucking weird, you have demons and you have our universe chugging up characters, but apparently the story is about the nexus of all worlds so it... makes sense? it's fucked up

>> No.2450203

The first book is bloody fantastic, the rest are fairly good up until the ending, which is shit.

To be fair, King does have a little fourth-wall breaking aside where he warns you about how shitty the ending is, and in retrospect I wish I had listened when he said you might just want to stop reading before the epilogue.

>> No.2450217

I personally loved the series.

Its weird though. Its very abstract and confusing at times but then it all makes sense but at the same time it doesnt.

The ending will piss you off but than you like it but it pisses you off

Just fucking read it. Its good

>> No.2450219

liquid shit.

>> No.2450224

It starts off ridiculously good. Super entertaining, great characters.
Then it uh, get sorta convoluted awful.

>> No.2450331

I read them over the span of about a year. I loved them up until halfway through the last. If you read them, you'll know exactly what I mean when you get there. It's a great series if you know where to put it down and say to yourself, "That was the fucking ending."

>> No.2450805

As others have said, the initial few books are tremendous and awesome. I've read The Gunslinger six or seven times in the past 15 years.

By the time you get to Wolves, shit goes downhill in a hurry.

>> No.2450833

For me it's a good read up until King lost all sense of editing in the middle of Wizard and Glass.

Goddammit King, you didn't need a whole book to tell that backstory and now I'm so invested in finishing this series I can't stop.

>> No.2450836
File: 225 KB, 1593x647, The Dark Tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My reaction to each book.

>> No.2450838
File: 767 KB, 890x1322, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sad thing is that even with that shit ending, I KNOW I'll end up buying the new book in the series.

>> No.2450843


He's going to ruin the series with midquels, isn't he?

>> No.2450876


If this is true I probably have to check them out.

>> No.2450881


He already ruined it when he self-inserted into the story.
"Look mom! I'm on the book!"

>> No.2450883

Dark Tower power rankings:

2 > 3 > 1 > 4 > 7 > 5 > 6

I haven't read the new one (8? 4.5?) but it has to be better than 6

>> No.2450903
File: 34 KB, 480x360, recliner of rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking spider Mordred

>> No.2450912

It was great right up until the gunslinger shot that town up. Then it went downhill faster then the speed of light

>> No.2450916

They're amazing. Start off very abstract and odd but you fall in love with the characters over time. The last book is tragic as is the ending which you will either love/hate or just hate/hate.

>> No.2450920

There are books in existence that are worse than The Gunslinger?