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2639979 No.2639979 [Reply] [Original]

Or, alternatively, films that made you read the book.

>> No.2639980
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>> No.2639984
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>> No.2639987
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>> No.2639988

american psycho
clockwork orange

>> No.2639990
File: 35 KB, 300x433, requiem_for_a_dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2639993
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>> No.2639994
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>> No.2639997
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>> No.2640000
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Based on Philip K. Dick's novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

>> No.2640003
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Based on Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

>> No.2640005


Schindlers List was great

>> No.2640007

day of the locust

>> No.2640016

Any Kubrick that isn't Lolita.

>> No.2640022

Also, this seems like a stock answer.

>> No.2640078
File: 19 KB, 220x324, 220px-No_Country_for_Old_Men_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best in both cases.

>> No.2640095

itt: imdb

>> No.2640202

The Prestige was a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
better movie than the book.

Christopher Nolan took the book's general idea and improved upon it fantastically

>> No.2640244

into the wild

>> No.2640245

Oh my fucking god. That book was so goddamn hard to read. I loved it, of course. But still.

>> No.2640289
File: 173 KB, 1000x750, Trainspotting-782843837-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trainspotting is the first one that comes to my mind

>> No.2640295

>watching the movie before reading the book
>reading the book motivated by the movie

all of my slap.exe

>> No.2640318

>watch LOTR
>shit's nice
>read LOTR
>shit's shit

>> No.2640327

>Film about Heroin.
>Dilated pupils.

>> No.2640370

I'm currently reading the "Hannibal" novels after watching the movies.

>> No.2640380
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>> No.2640395
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I figured the book would help me understand thing

>> No.2640401
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>> No.2640414
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>> No.2640415
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>> No.2640431

>fight club

>> No.2640444

the hunger games
the davinci code

>> No.2640449

The Children of Men

love the movie and book

>> No.2640464

Moron detected

Troll detected

>> No.2640469

Agreed 100%

I was planning on reading this before watching the movie but my jackass friend forced me to watch it while I was stuck at his house two weeks ago.

>> No.2640476
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Jose Ferrer was a beast.

>> No.2640477

I cannot watch the movie and read the books; however, I can read the book and then watch the movie. When I'm reading I make all the characters physical features myself and its interesting to see the movie and how closely I was or how different the movie depicts characters. When I watch the movie and then read the book all those characters from the movie transfer to the book and its like meh.

>> No.2640481

That might be the greatest American film ever made. Much better than the book.

>> No.2640491


I don't know that I can compare between the two, a damn great American novel and a damn great American film.

John Ford was something else.

>> No.2640566

There is a scene where he rolls a joint, and a shot of his iris diluting.

>> No.2640600

Willard. I saw the '71 version a long time ago...Heck, I probably saw it on VHS, come to think of it. It really left an impression on me, though I've only seen it once. Then I watched the 2003 one and fell in love with it, I've seen that one maybe 5 or 6 times (The '71 film has a much better ending). I finally tracked down the book, "Ratman's Notebooks" by Stephen Gilbert about a year ago and read it. It's very similar to the films and though it's no work of literary genius, I would say it's a pretty good book (and darkly humorous, at least to me), and it has a special place in my heart.

Other than that...Forrest Gump the movie and Forrest Gump the book are pretty damn different from each other but I like them both equally.

My parents showed me the Slaughterhouse-Five film when I was a kid, so I read the book as a teenager...I think the film did pretty well to portray the book. It's been too long for me to say which I like better.

God's Little Acre is a really good movie. The book was alright, but I prefer the film.

Being There the film and Being There the novel are almost identical. I prefer the film. The novel strikes me as dry in comparison.

Bartleby the Scrivener, the short story by Herman Melville, is pretty good. There was a 2001 film called Bartleby that was a modernization of it that is very funny and interesting.

American Psycho is way better as a film, though some parts of the book were pretty amusing to my disgusting teenage mind. It's not great literature though.

Not mentioning all the occasions where I preferred the book to the film, because that's not the topic of the thread.

>> No.2640805

Bro owned the 7-volume copy of LotR for a good 7 years before the first film came out. Only after seeing it did I want to read it.

>> No.2640814

I like American Psycho the book better. Movie soundtrack was terrible and pacing wasn't very good.

>> No.2640836
File: 108 KB, 500x326, naked-lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah nigga

Currently downloading Grapes of Wrath.
Just downloaded The Shining to re-watch it.

>> No.2640843

The Stand.
I'd sworn off King's books for quite some time. Then I caught the movie, and after the end, I said to myself, "The hand of God? Really? That's awful. A horrible end. Even he has to have had something better than that hackneyed, pointless verbal masturbation."
So, after The Stand, I stopped reading his books completely.