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/lit/ - Literature

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2801563 No.2801563[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>So it says here that you didn't choose a degree in science or math, would you like to elaborate on that?

>> No.2801570
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>> No.2801573

Literature should be a hobby

Majoring in it is just autismal

>> No.2801577

I didn't feel like being indistinguishable in a sea of 1000s of STEM graduates doing menial shit the rest of my life

>> No.2801579

Shit's boring yo.

>> No.2801582

I didn't go to college

Start something, faggot.

>> No.2801583

why is /sci/ so insecure about their life-choices? no one here minds that you are a STEM under-grad, friend.

>> No.2801585

>menial shit
Oh boy, here we go guys.

I'd just love to see you prove that YM theory has a mass gap on R^4 for any gauge group

>> No.2801586

>constantly assert that their choices were correct
>bitch that the field is overpopulated
It's tragically hilarious

>> No.2801587

Yes, I opted for a degree that qualifies me for more than spamming degree threads everyday. And while I majored in Not Being A Faggot, I also minored in Saging Threads, so I am very well-rounded.

>> No.2801590

>try to argue against the tag of 'menial shit' by giving an example of menial shit

>> No.2801591

>all these sages

So mad they'll never get a wage over 50,000

>> No.2801601

Whatever makes you feel better.

>> No.2801603

I don't think you know what the word 'menial' means.

>> No.2801611

I'm not college educated and I make >60k as a net admin

/sci/ please go.

>> No.2801613

I study literature but im still good with numbers if thats what you need.

>> No.2801619

forgot my sage

>choosing your studys over financial reasons

>> No.2801620
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>> No.2801624

Alrighty then, thanks for your application.

You were the only one who could give me a sound reason for your choices opposed to some of those other applicants who just showed their insecurity with shouting "SAGE" or using ironic statements all the time.

We will call you.

>> No.2801625

I make enough money to live doing what I enjoy.

What about you, anon?

>> No.2801627

Exactly. When people denigrate lit majors like me, I can only assume they're insecure.

>> No.2801631

That line means nothing when you're making good money.

>> No.2801634

>he enjoys being a puerile sweaty neckbeard sitting on a console writing scripts all day

>a lot of money

>> No.2801635

What do you enjoy?

>> No.2801637
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>> No.2801638

The subject in I'm studying has better economic outcomes than math or science.

>> No.2801642

>he enjoys being a puerile sweaty neckbeard sitting on a console writing scripts all day
You do realise that the alternative employment options 'proper' science and maths offer are hardly thrilling themselves.

>> No.2801643

How much does shitposting on /lit/ pay?

>> No.2801649

Do you mean the particulars of the job?

I don't need a lot if I have enough. My priorities are different from yours, anon.

>> No.2801650


/lit/: lol sage

>> No.2801656

Typical infantile CS majors.

>> No.2801659

I don't know. You said you have enough money to do what you enjoy. What do you enjoy?

>> No.2801660

>chooses major one enjoys
>learns things
>not interested in doing something one doesn't enjoy for a living
>gets criticized

>> No.2801661
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So mad.

>> No.2801667

You know, this does not represent the entirety of /sci/.

This is just some faggot shit posting biologist, but I do agree somewhat that literature/English is 'pointless' to pursue unless you're contributing to the field. Majoring in it to go into journalism is veridically childish.

>> No.2801669

mfw I have lit-related internships coming out the wazoo and will definitely get a job using my lit degree.
mfw when I got to read the works of humanity's greatest minds
mfw when I became smarter, more empathetic, and a better writer
mfw my tuition was <20k
mfw I was told that studying the Humanities was an unproductive waste of time
mfw I am a great spacephoenix soaring through the cosmos
mfw I have no face

>> No.2801670

It's true, though. You cannot into basic maths, science, or anything empirical. You go into the field for the money.

>> No.2801672

I enjoy living, learning to cook, investing in rocking chairs, and buying hardback books with shitty dust covers on them. I also enjoy people asking me for help outside of work. To be able to help someone who genuinely thinks you're capable of turning into a pixelated super hero and battling all their systems' problems with your bare fists, it's really something.

What a peculiar question, anon.

>> No.2801673

>mfw I am a great spacephoenix soaring through the cosmos
No. Have you published? If not, please kill yourself, you worthless cretin.

>> No.2801675

>major in english
>any work I want starting 300k

>> No.2801679

I don't accept the value of anything over an alternative so I couldn't give less of a fuck if someone majored in Liberal Arts or Physics.

>> No.2801683
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>> No.2801685
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>> No.2801687

how's that induction going, big boy?

>> No.2801688

>>>>/g/aymen are calling

Your department is filled will idiots so stupid that they give business majors a run for their title.

>> No.2801689

Feel better about yourself yet?

>> No.2801691

I'm doing a liberal arts degree, majoring in Psychology, because I want to be a psychologist, and spend my career helping people.

Go fuck yourselves, STEM kids.

>> No.2801696

You know psychology is a science, right?

>> No.2801700


I know, I know, but people don't major in it for the same reasons the hard science majors do.

>> No.2801701

That anon is not me, dear anon. It's nice to see that someone is so vexed with how other people spend their own time.

Are you worried about me? I'll be just fine, you know. No need for hostility, I can handle myself, but really, I appreciate the concern.

>> No.2801702
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>> No.2801703


It's because STEM students need you to know that they're "smarter" than you.

>> No.2801704

It's sad really.

>> No.2801705


Please explain why psychology isn't a science.

If you can't explain why, you shouldn't go around claiming that it isn't.

>> No.2801706

>implying I'm not a linguistics Ph.D. with a full-scholarship

enjoy dat repetitive menial shit until your mid-30s when you realise you're trying to save a world you're not even sure exists while I laugh at you behind your back

>> No.2801708

I'm a hard science graduate student. It's a real selection bias to consider all of us pretentious. Everyone should partake in the field they like, but they should both contribute to that field and use their gained knowledge to benefit society.

You're doing just that, so there's nothing wrong with you.

>> No.2801710


Psych major here. I would've thought linguistics itself would be a chore to study?

>> No.2801712

>some psychologists making mistakes
>hurr psychology isn't science

>> No.2801714

Sounds like they just need a hug. Their concern about the futures of others is quite touching, to be honest.

>> No.2801718


I'm not actually sure whether psychology's status as a science really IS dubious, or whether people just say it isn't a science because they heard it from others.

>> No.2801719

>benefiting society

>> No.2801720

Depends entirely in the individual's enthusiasm for the subject, of course. I personally find it enjoyable but there would undoubtedly be others that would despise it I did a bit of psych in my first year-- how is it going for you?

>> No.2801721


Pretty make everyone I know enjoys fiction and stories. So yes, literature does benefit society.

>> No.2801722

>does the universe exist? maybe, math is teh suxxorz lol
>but language, that definitely does
Typical half-formed /lit/ thought.

>> No.2801723

Psychology isnt science because its does not utilize a valid scientific method. Psychology is in a very infancy stage right now, similar to alchemy pre-science.

>> No.2801724

0/10. try. just try. that way we can both have fun

>> No.2801726

>linguist defending a CSfag
LMFAO. That's even more imbecilic.

>you're trying to save a world you're not even sure exists while I laugh at you behind your back
Dohokay buddy, as a postdoc I do groundbreaking fundamental research to understand the universe.While in grad school, I worked on ferrofluids/magnetic systems for cancer treatment delivery. During undergrad, I worked improving on battery technology, and energy alternatives (biofuel).

What have you done to contribute to society?

>> No.2801727
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I'm a car park attendant, it means that I sit on my ass and write and read all day long (I also play pokemon on my phone and have music whenever I want to turn it on). I earn enough money to live the life I enjoy. (20K €), I've got a nice flat in a big city, I don't need a car, my job is not stressful or tiring. I did go to college (I studied English, but in France, wanted to be a teacher) but didn't graduate. I love my life. My best friend makes 4 times more than me, he's a project manager in an advertisement company. He envies me. I live the life I want to live, it sounds hippiish and like an edgy teen motto, but it's true and really nice. I'm really happy.

So go fuck yourselves.

>> No.2801728

What? Literature does not benefit society. No one even reads it!

>> No.2801729


You missed his point. He pointed out that over-rationalising leads to hyperbolic skepticism, and that we should study whatever the hell interests us, whether it's "hard" or not.


Oh yeah, I love pretty much every aspect of academic Psych, so I'm all good. Plus there's an overlap with linguistics via Chomsky, which is nice.

>> No.2801730

>dem implications

mfw STEM majors can't into reading comprehension

>> No.2801731

B-But your life is supposed to suck because you're not a STEM major!

>> No.2801732

Not him, but your premising a everything your saying on this retarded idea that society is something that needs improving, saving, or that we should care about. We're rejecting the basic principles of your argument, so no matter how your formulate your opposition it's meaningless to us.


>> No.2801733


No, people do read literature. I don't where you got that from.


Actually, mainstream psychology does use the scientific method, and arrives at replicable findings that have many applications in society. Where'd you hear that it doesn't?

>> No.2801736

Yeah, what's really valuable is something else! What society really needs is not that! A totally different thing! I won't name it though. God I'm so fucking brilliant.

>> No.2801738

>He pointed out that over-rationalising leads to hyperbolic skepticism, and that we should study whatever the hell interests us, whether it's "hard" or not.
Yes, but doing such whilst sucking nutrients from nonrenewable resources makes you the scum of the earth. You should AID the CONTINUANCE OF THE SPECIES and knowledge contained therein, regardless of what you major in.

If something interests you, find a way to not be a pretentious fucktard about it. Do something with it to help people. Even simply writing a novel, for fucks sake. This is a real bias that the liberal arts majors have.

>> No.2801741

>writing a novel
>helping people
It's about as helpful as directing a porno. Probably less.

>> No.2801743
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>> No.2801744

I think he was being sarcastic about people not reading it.

I can empathise (though disagree all the same) with people who say that STEM graduates 'contribute more to society', but when people say that literature is useless you can assert with confidence that they're mentally deficient or trolling; either way it's not particularly concerning.

>> No.2801745


You missed his point again. Not everybody is required to be a materialist utilitarian and centre their career around contributing to society.

But because no STEM student would go near philosophy other than scientistic utilitarianism, you can't conceive of that. I pity you.

>and I'm saying this as a science student

>> No.2801748

Why the fuck can't you people read? Or am I just being trolled hard here?

>> No.2801749

Why are you on a literature board when you can't comprehend the use of literature?

>> No.2801750

Yes. We live in an escapist society, after all.

It's great that you try so hard, but don't forget that you should come before anyone else in the short life that you life. Happiness is not always found in the efforts you make for others.

The mistake many self-sacrificing young people tend to make is that they feel obliged to give all they have to others. To begin with, the rest of society isn't entitled to what you have to give. The fact that you feel that way makes me sad for you.

You are not a martyr, anon. You are a person. You come first. Even if you disagree with me, I still feel that way. As I told you, the difference in our opinions comes from the difference in our priorities.

>> No.2801751

So your goal is to make people happier or more intelligent by writing a boring book no one will read? Okay bro.

>> No.2801755

>life that you life
I'm illiterate on a literature board, damn that was retarded. I caught it fast though.

>> No.2801756


>> No.2801758



Why? There isn't actually anything that demands we all be good little utilitarians.

>> No.2801761

>this retarded idea that society is something that needs improving, saving, or that we should care about.
That's funny. I'm sure you'll overcome your deep and edgy eccentric fairy tales some day.

>Happiness is not always found in the efforts you make for others.
With your idealizations, we'd be in the stone age.

>To begin with, the rest of society isn't entitled to what you have to give. The fact that you feel that way makes me sad for you.
Cool strawman.

>> No.2801763


This is silly. I've read books that have made me happier and more intelligent, and we need people to continue writing them.

Psychology major speaking, so actually I will be involved in benefiting society either way.

>> No.2801766

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

--Howard Thurman

As long as you're passionate about your particular field of study and you enjoy the work you do within it, I have absolutely no problem with you our your choices. And I wish everyone would feel the same way.

>> No.2801768
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You should consider giving this a read.

>> No.2801769

>being smarter than you

>> No.2801770


feel free to formulate a counter-argument at any time, pal

>> No.2801773


You're missing the point; IT DOESN'T MATTER, and it doesn't make someone "scum of the earth" for studying something other than science. Scientists aren't the only worthwhile people in any era.

Please confirm for me that you aren't a troll.

>> No.2801774

probably the only reasonable post in the thread

>> No.2801775

Shit's for nerds, faggot.

>> No.2801776

I went to trade school.

>> No.2801777


>> No.2801781

>Literature is about as valuable as TV or porn. Fun but otherwise not worth mentioning.
>no its totally not bro!!!1!
>Oh? Why's that?
Just another day on /lit/.

>> No.2801782

ITT: People ignoring the fact that it's people who study literature that become teachers, and actually provide a greater service to society than scientists do.

>> No.2801783

>entry-level layman's philosophy

I have given it a read; it was laughable. Utilitarianists are hilarious (although dangerous), so I guess they're fulfilling their desire to make people feel good- if only unintentionally.

>> No.2801784

>Scientists aren't the only worthwhile people in any era.
Where was this ever implied?

>> No.2801785


Don't patronise me.

>> No.2801786


A poster above said that if one isn't a scientist, they are "the scum of the earth".

>> No.2801787

When has a literature teacher ever provided a service to society within his capacity as a literature teacher?

>> No.2801791

You're assuming that I would think negatively of being in a simplistic, barbaric setting. Think about it before you ram my ass for this. Sure, we'd lack a lot of luxuries, but it's not impossible to be happy in a simpler environment. In fact, as simpler people, we'd probably be even happier. We wouldn't know anything else but to live and we wouldn't be nihilists about living.

Why else would you try to contribute, if not for either feeling the need that you were supposed to, or trying to achieve your own sense of worth and happiness?

Can a person that can't read or speak learn science and math, anon? It may be possible, but I've never heard of it.

>> No.2801792


My English teachers were literature students. So there.

>> No.2801793

I think you should see a psychologist. I'm quite positive you have some strain of sociopathy.

No, I stated if you do not contribute to your field or take the trivial moralistic viewpoint of helping others you are "scum of the earth".

>> No.2801795

No bitches in those classes
My brain isn't conformed to rigid numbers like some number crunching prole
I'm far too cultured to want to limit my life to that boring ass shit
Have fun being simple

>> No.2801797

Those aren't really "literature teachers," though. We always just called it "reading."

>> No.2801798

Still waiting. And you may as well drop the sage, the thread is far too active, summer-friend.

>> No.2801799

>I'm far too cultured to want to limit my life to that boring ass shit

I'm sure you're trolling but what if not.... do you actually think that?

As a sciencefag that would make me cry.

>> No.2801802

So edgy XDDDD

Nothing matters! XDDDD

We shouldn't have goals!!! XDDD

We should just fulfill our evolutionary goals of obtaining euphoria!!! XDDDDD

Excellent work, young padawan. You've solved all of humanities' problems.

>> No.2801809

Oh, really? I am the one with a mental condition? You're presuming to know what 'society' 'wants' and 'needs', you enforce a subjective opinion of what is good onto everyone in the world via utilitarianism which can't define the quality it wishes to spread (happiness; well-being- primary school fantasies). I fear for the future as you are most definitely not alone in your retardation. I bet you think morality exists as well.

>> No.2801813
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This is even more hilarious than the philosophy thread.

>mfw STEMfags STILL can't into relativism

>> No.2801815
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>> No.2801816

I'm not trolling. Do with that what you will

>> No.2801817

Waiting for an argument that defines that outcome, or any, as inherently bad. I truly hope you understand one day, not even being condescending or malicious; I was in a similar position once and it's so painful to see how simple-minded you were when you realise it.

>> No.2801819

That's cool. We should just devolve into some variant of violent simian.


>> No.2801821

Fucking brilliant counter-argument, guess I'll donate all my money to some research centre and commit suicide. Cya, guys.

>> No.2801822

Imagine what /lit/ would be like if it had the same evidentiary standard for anything other than the value of nihilism, ignorance, and (for some reason) Christianity. Might be a decent board.

>> No.2801823

Would probably be the greatest contribution to humanity any English major has ever made.

>> No.2801825

you seem to be under the impression that every scientist ever has had a major contributory effect on the world. most scientists toil away for nothing; for most scientists it is nothing more than a mundane work position (the same position that most of the world's population is in). for most people a career is not as important as the money gained from it. this money is used to satisfy other ambitions and obtain some sense of self-contentedness. and, whilst the study of literature may not have has such sweeping successes as the field of science (at least in our recent history, as, certainly, it contributed to our cultural and intellectual growth in antiquity) it still manages to demonstrate its influence over our culture and its ability to proliferate contentedness, aspiration and want in the hearts of those that enjoy it and are infatuated by it (such as myself). for me, any vessel that can evoke happiness and inspiration is worthwhile having.

>> No.2801826

Reading is for learners, literature is for hobbyists. I mistakenly lumped the two together, I think.

Really? That is how you respond? I really am sad for you. I don't think you're a troll, though.

It's the truth. I will pursue my happiness and soon die from irregularly contouring lymphoblasts while having done what I wanted to do.
You will spend your life trying to better a society that will eventually die, either when we exhaust all our resources, or in many, many years when Sol finally putts out.

The difference lies not in the value of the action but the opinion behind it.

>> No.2801827

don't even know where to start with this level of stupid

>> No.2801828

Thanks to the efforts of scientists (with no help from any writers or philosophers, of course) said society will probably find a way to survive even after the Sun ceases nuclear fusion.

>> No.2801829

Just how many shitposters from /sci/ are in this thread? It's way too fast for /lit/

>> No.2801831

No one comes here from /sci/. /lit/ is very easy to troll; trolls come here to post about how science is better than philosophy because /lit/ responds to snarky one-liners with angry walls of text without fail.

>> No.2801832

It's probably just one lonely, bored neckbeard. Leave him be. He'd probably kill himself if it weren't for the ability to annoy people anonymously on 4chan.

>> No.2801835

>still being an advocate of scientism

loling hard xDDDDDDDDD

>> No.2801836

Ahhh, wut. Not from /lit/ but that's not what's been happening in this thread at all

>> No.2801838

The endeavors of futuristic society won't strike any chords in my dead body, anon. It's selfish, but it's true.

>> No.2801845

I'm assuming this was meant for >>2801819

Hm... Let's see... where to start.


>> No.2801846

DFW is the best player in the Mosque you limey yuromurik based pleb faggots. Been a pleb isn't even a fucking sport you clapping mutilated-cock 1812 redneck dicksucking choker GOAT.

>The shanty town of Bukowski

>> No.2801847

I'm curious: what exactly do these STEM majors think they're fighting for? Where are you trying to push humanity, exactly? Humans aren't content till they're dead, and that's the way it should be. You can keep thinking with the mind of a 16-year old if it gives you some misbegotten sense of purpose, but just know that one day it'll hit you just how retarded you are.

>> No.2801849

You are some troll/sociopath.

Oh well, at least you won't reproduce.

>> No.2801850

>that feel when a well-written, heart-felt post, contributing to the topic at hand, goes unread. woe is me.

>> No.2801851

I figured a history degree would help me to remember and understand precedent cases in law.

>> No.2801854

/lit/ cannot into evolution, figures.


>> No.2801857

Not the person you're responding to, but it's hilarious exactly how far off the mark you are in terms of what he is trying to explain to you. This thread has been a poignant reminder of how the mind of an average scientism advocate operates. Luckily, I don't care for the future, so I won't be concerned when you completely fuck it up

>> No.2801860

Oh, lordy. Alright, I've concluded that you are a troll and I'm hiding the thread; no one is this bad at understanding an argument.

>> No.2801861

Please, I'd love clarification. From what I understand, he implies it is a worthless pursuit to help others, on the basis that you don't "owe society anything".

>> No.2801862

/lit/ is just trying to justify its lack of math skills by devaluing useful intellectual pursuits. Why pay any attention to them?

>> No.2801864

Well, I can't speak for him, but my interpretation is that he is trying to convey to you the folly of making value judgements in regards to the direction society is heading in. I would assume he is also an ethical and epistemological nihilist (most are these days), which doesn't seem to be something you can wrap your head around.

Note: I'm not arguing one way or the other here. Nihilistic viewpoints are notoriously impossible to refute, so you don't really have a leg to stand on here. That doesn't make him right, either, it just means that the argument will go no where.

>> No.2801866

Oh well, I tried. I'm sure it's fun being a disutility. Enjoy your free oxygen.

>> No.2801867
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If it makes you feel any better, leukemia will kill me long before I would bear children.
If it makes you feel any worse, I'm still happy.

I believe that it should come after your own happiness, not that it is worthless. Yes, there is a difference.

>> No.2801869
File: 69 KB, 500x363, lolbyebitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck did I end up in a job interview?
lol not working for you nigga.

>> No.2801881

>Nihilistic viewpoints are notoriously impossible to refute
Except they are when you regard the evolutionary mechanism behind other social structures. As sentient creatures, able to fight past the goal of reproduction, what is our strategic aim?

>I believe that it should come after your own happiness, not that it is worthless.
>your own happiness
I can accomplish ultimate "happiness" for the rest of my life by simply sticking a couple electrodes into my prefrontal cortices. Why not look beyond responses to stimuli?

>> No.2801896

This thread is the purest form of shitposting. /lit/ is for literature and not for blog entries on undergraduate ego.

>> No.2801901

What's the differene?

>> No.2801902

>Except they are when you regard the evolutionary mechanism behind other social structures. As sentient creatures, able to fight past the goal of reproduction, what is our strategic aim?

Can you re-word and clarify this? I'm the anon you're responding too but I can't make heads nor tails of your argument. Genuinely interested to hear a biological counter-point to nihilism, though; it seems you misunderstand the position.

>> No.2801908
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Really faggots?

>> No.2801913

Your question makes no sense. Unless you meant "Really, faggots?" in which case you're just another commerce major who can't read or write. :3

>> No.2801924
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>> No.2801926
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shut up grammar is useless punctuation was invented for no reason theres no reason to have it and i think youre a faggot for thinking differently than me such an elitist fag

>> No.2801937

you will enjoy your ban

>> No.2801939


hey /sci/friend, enjoying your stay on our lovely slice of paradise?

>> No.2801947

I bet OP must be really proud now.

/lit/ is like the other boards, only we now more words.

>> No.2801949

>he thinks I'm from /sci/


>> No.2801951

This thread implies there are still young people out there that actually think that your degree, or indeed your work in general, will aid your progress in the corporate world. As if anyone cares about you're fancy writing or advanced maths (outside of specific engineering roles) all you will do with that shit is make your bosses - who know shit - feel bad. Would be better of working on your executive relief' and ass kissing skills.

You poor poor fools.

>> No.2801963
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>hey everyone look at me i'm self-educated

>> No.2801965

Is this what people with no skills actually believe?

>> No.2801990

You're not arguing in your favour here...

>> No.2801993


No, it's what grown ups know. Watching fresh faced, arrogant kids, get politiced to death as they flail helplessly, is not a pleasant sight, but an educational one you simply can't fake.

>> No.2802034

>implying I need to be a physicist to receive welfare

>> No.2802179

Genuine question to those who are studying psychology and say it'll enable them to help others: what jobs are you planning to take?

>> No.2802180

research work, clinical work, social work are pretty much the options. maybe something in politics if they have a writing back-ground

>> No.2802185


>161 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Fuck you, /lit/.

>> No.2802188

>implying it's not more fun to engage a troll in friendly banter than talk about girls in the library or recommend books to some pleb

this is the best thread on /lit/ right now. search your heart, you know it to be true.

>> No.2802191


People who say it isn't are just playing the game of broken telephone that's been going on since the 1800s. Most people don't even know what Psychology is. In fact, I've met at least two dozen educated people (as in, master's degrees) who think that Psychology is the science of telepathy.

>> No.2802193


Who are you quoting?

>> No.2802201


Please present one repeatable, observable theory that psychology has produced.

Thank you.

>> No.2802203

>implying i would put myself in such a situation

>> No.2802208

>I've met at least two dozen educated people (as in, master's degrees) who think that Psychology is the science of telepathy.


>> No.2802210

Psychology isn't a science because while it may present empirical evidence and follow the scientific method, it doesn't present the mechanism for the behaviour at it's most reduced, rather relies on our quite relativistic notion of language to describe observed behaviour with no definitive cause/effect. That through inductive means, not deductive.

But it's been a discipline for only 150 years or so. It's a protoscience, and while I think it's stupid for anybody to think it's a hard science, I also think anybody who criticises it without acknowledging alchemy or any other protoscience that became any of the natural sciences over the course of millenia is also a fucking idiot.

>> No.2802247

How did all of this /lit/ v. /sci/ shitflinging begin?

I don't even understand what the basis of this dispute could be, the two have nothing to do with each other.

>> No.2802252

On other boards, I've seen the general consensus is that /sci/ and /lit/ are the two most intelligent boards on 4chan.

Why /sci/ comes to spam /lit/ about how useless literature is, I don't know. Inferiority complex and ignorance, probably.

>> No.2802496

What about industrial psychologists and working in human resource?

>> No.2802509

in fact, /sci/ doesn´t goes here to spam.

is an artificial war, made for some wannabe "elite" just to try to troll.

whatever, sometimes is fun

(very bad english, sorry my grammar)

>> No.2802524

You sure showed us.

>> No.2802534

I make troll threads on both boards, but only post regularly here. It's entertaining, the people love it; why not? I made 2 on /sci/ today and 1 on /lit/ a few days ago that hit 300 replies. All you really have to do is samefag two opposing sides for 2 or 3 posts and people jump right in.

>> No.2802545

I'm a regular of both /sci/ and /lit/, and you are what is wrong with /sci/ OP.
Smug high schoolers who think they are god's gift to humanity after getting an A in science.

>> No.2802551

>implying OP is an A student

>> No.2802562
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/sci/ here. I'm sorry you have to see that. Just so you know, we're not all insufferable assholes but our userbase has a lot of dumbasses.

>> No.2802564

Most /sci/ users are /lit/ users (I should know, I browse both) and people like to troll the shit out of each other. This is 4chan.

>> No.2802566

Well, liberal arts majors can't into formal logic, so I guess we're even.

>> No.2802567
File: 47 KB, 413x600, Bitch better walk away.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really shouldn't fucking post here, but I will anyway. It is clearly ostensible that OP, regardless of whether he's from /sci/ or not, is insecure. He disseminates the supposed fact that science is somehow inherently 'better' and will ultimately benefit, and undoubtedly, benefit society. Although I'm a Britfag, and my syllabus is probably completely different to the Americunts in the thread, I ultimately ENJOY what I do. However, I'm not limited in what I can do. I plan to go into doctoral research when I do postgrad, and eventually become a lecturer. But, /sci/ still gives a fuck. Why? You people don't understand the help you get from people who study literature or subjects similar to it. Last year, I had to completely amend/ rewrite the end-of-year dissertations for ALL the med students on my floor. You'd be surprised how illiterate people are these days. The basic standard of writing has dropped immensely. Not one of those people understood the basic concept of auxiliaries, writing 'should of' and the like.

We may not be scientists; we didn't choose to do so because we didn't WANT to. My question still remains: why do you care; why do you criticise; why do you project? I'm doing what I love and make a living out of it. Are you?

>> No.2802576

So you chose a major that lets you write proper English? Big fucking deal. I hope you get a Nobel Prize, along with the guy that fixed leukemia and the one that discovered controlled fusion.

>> No.2802578

>i win lol

Why does no one fucking read anything?

>> No.2802585

He said he *enjoys* what he does. He's not claiming his work is more useful to society that a scientist.
How can you be so dumb?

>> No.2802586

You have to understand /sci/ doesn't post there. /sci/ and /lit/'s userbases actually overlap, so trolls are most likely people who just discovered 4chan had a literature board. No one gives a fuck that you're happy with your Crit lit major. Enjoy yourself and stop being a smug bastard.

>> No.2802598

Why should the value of an occupation lie in how supposedly beneficial it is to society?

Isn't it just as (or even more) important for an occupation to be meaningful and fulfilling for the worker himself?

If going into math or science would make a specific individual miserable, how can you look down on him for doing what makes him truly happy instead?

>> No.2802602

What an egoistical fuck. I hope you faggots all get testicular cancer and die at 30.

>> No.2802620

BA in Psych and English here. Feels good to have multiple interests and a clearly defined professional career ahead of me. I could never do "hard" sciences though. I'm bad at math and I am only interested in studying things that have to do with the lives and doings of people. I still take courses in philosophy, anthropology, economics, religion, and history out of basic interest. If I could get a basic "humanities" degree and still be just as qualified for a career in psychology, I would.

>> No.2802629

science is pointless. why try to improve anyones lives when we are clearly miserable cunts that only want to control or kill each other? why try to know about the universe when what's more important to everyone is the kardashians or whatever is popular on tv right now? doing science is just a stupid hobby for people who think they are improving the world when really they are just helping make the next ipod be a successful product, and scientists are just naive deluded spergers with a massive superiority complex.

>> No.2802637

Are you Australian by any chance? I attend the University of Melbourne and was considering a similar path through my under-grad. I am currently half-way through first-year.

>> No.2802652


Sorry, I'm an American.

>> No.2802907


>> No.2802911

I dare you to post this on /sci/.

>> No.2802929

Because I did, I didn't want to work at mcdonalds or starbucks doing menial shit the rest of my life.

>> No.2802944

>194 posts and 20 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

/lit/ is dead

>> No.2802947

Yeah, I'm a programmer, isn't this what you guys were hiring?

>> No.2802961


>> No.2802974

you can blame the summer, again

we know that isn´t just this

"summer is comming" is just to avoid the real problem, 4chan never was good and nowadays is getting worse

>> No.2802975

fuck you

>> No.2803003
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>My father is making 120k a year with no post highschool schooling
>mfw it will take me 6-10 years after getting my Master degree to manage that

Nonetheless, hell yeah for my dad. I never really knew just how well he has done for himself until my Sophomore year at University.

>> No.2803007

Because it's not about the pleasure, it's about contributing to humanity.

>> No.2803008

Also, the argument for Psych being a science or not can go either way. It isn't like Physics, where if all the variables are the same the results are the same. Why? Because it is based entirely on the 'human variable'. You can pin a human down to a simply letter(x or y). All humans are different, and will respond differently.

>> No.2803013


Psychology, from my point of view, is kind of a blanket term for a wide range of research, with "hard" science and neo-marxist-nazi-liberal-scum-humanities "science" throughout the spectrum. For me, research into things like neurology justifies calling Psychology a science.

Actually, now that I think about it, every university I've been to has pretty much all of its Psychology studies deal with neurology in some way or another.

As technology improves, Psychology will probably narrow more and more on this trend.

>> No.2803014

I could blame summer but you are correct. Best to target the proper issue and you stated it well:
>4chan never was good and nowadays is getting worse

>> No.2803019

But why should everyone be obligated to dedicate their schooling towards doing that on such a large scale anyway?

By the way, you can benefit humanity by just being a good person to those in your immediate vicinity. You don't need to be doing cancer research to make the lives of the people around you better.

>> No.2803034

>By the way, you can benefit humanity by just being a good person to those in your immediate vicinity.
And that's perfectly fine. Everyone here is arguing against the total nihilist neckbeards who are egotistical enough to consider not needing to do even that. Like this guy >>2801758

>> No.2803037

Just. Let. This. Thread. Die.

>> No.2803039
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>> No.2803043


Psychology is the most objective field of human behavioral study; the others being parts of anthropology, history, political science, and economics. For the most part it is easy to verify through peer review what is and what is not valid, though there are crazies that slip through the cracks.

>> No.2803044

I'm just going to keep saging into this fucking cesspit hits bumplimit and 404s itself.

>> No.2803046

Okay, you can have that one.

>> No.2803051


>> No.2803053

>Psychology is the most objective field of human behavioral study
lol NOPE

That's called neuroscience.

Psychology is not a science.

>Because of the success of science, there is, I think, a kind of pseudoscience. Social science is an example of a science which is not a science; they don't do [things] scientifically; they follow the forms -- you gather data, you do so-and-so and so forth but they don't get any laws, they haven't found out anything.... You see, I have the advantage of having found out how hard it is to get to really know something, how careful you have to be about checking the experiment, how easy it is to make mistakes and fool yourself. I know what it means to know something, and therefore I see how they get their information and I can't believe they know it, they haven't done the work necessary, haven't done the checks necessary, haven't done the care necessary. I have a great suspicion that they don't know, that this stuff is [wrong], and they're intimidating people.

-Richard Feynman

>> No.2803059
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How do you contribute to humanity? Think about that, but don't answer. It's rhetorical.

The real point I want to make is that the study of the humanities is extremely "beneficial to humanity." Hard science, of course, makes it possible for us to live in such complex civil structures for so long. The study of the humanities makes 'society' possible, and worth living in. Without the humanities, there would be no culture, no sense of self, no understanding of what 'society,' 'culture' or 'self' are, no politics (hardly a bad thing, eh?), no understanding of history (and thus no educated approach to the problems of today), and so on and so forth.

Your concept of "beneficial to humanity" is very small-minded and limited.

>> No.2803067

Writing - and especially writing well - is an art that requires guidance from those already experienced in doing so to master. Any idiot with the internet educate themselves in any other subject in considerably less time than it would take to earn a college degree.

>> No.2803074
File: 138 KB, 900x736, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the humanities
>peer review

Is this how far you've gone down the deep end, western civilization? Is this what you've allowed the Frankfurt School to do to you?

>> No.2803078

For fuck's sake, did you even read the thread?


You have to be an outright pretentious fuck to consider liberal arts as not contributive to humanity.

What we're saying is that there's an undeserved bias on liberal arts students which DO NOT. Most liberal arts students go to college as an excuse to get free money via retard scholarships, then use the money to buy drugs and fuck around for the rest of their lives. They do not do research in the humanities, they do not publish, they do not give a flying fuck about the material, and worse, they could care less about the species because they had a schizophrenic philosophy 101 professor inform them that "everything is meaningless" and it's "pointless to do anything". A vast majority of these cretins major in the humanities because reading is "easy" and the delusion that "picking any major and coming out of college with a BA/BS will get me a job".

>> No.2803088

>Any idiot with the internet educate themselves in any other subject in considerably less time than it would take to earn a college degree.

And any idiot can learn to write well, through reading the great essay writers of the past, going through some grammar and style guides, and a bit of peer review.

From there, all one needs is an access to a word processor.

But when it comes to the sciences - sure, you can learn it all through text books. But it's pretty fucking hard to conduct tests and experiments from the public library, isn't it?

Any decent university for the sciences provides students with the labs and equipment necessary to conduct some serious research. Students and professors in the sciences don't become part of a university just to teach and learn, they contribute to the field as well.

Writers and artists need not attend a university to contribute to their field, so why bother?

>> No.2803732


>> No.2803752

Anthro student here. My major should be called "Interesting Things 'Round the World!" I couldn't be happier.

>> No.2803766

Final year of med school, aced almost every test so far. /lit/ is still better than /sci/

>> No.2803769

Math/Philosophy Major.
Bow down.

>> No.2803799



I happen to enjoy math
I happen to enjoy lit

I chose math and have no intention to justify it. I would also like to point out that anyone responding seriously here is as insecure as OP.

>> No.2805094


>> No.2805110

i dont have any time for blind science ideologies but sci is without a doubt better than lit. sci actually discusses their subject in depth whereas lit is just a statement of preferences without discussion or analysis

>> No.2805117


>> No.2805176

The actual science or math discussion on that board is abysmal - just go have a look at the threads there.

>how to survive undergrad
>mini biography thread
>circlejerking over how ignorant non-scientists are
>math/science related movies
>trolls everywhere

Mathematician by the way.

>> No.2805196

haha nigga, you dont even know. the place where i am studying philosophy practically garantues me a salary over 100'000 Euros a year if i will so. If I should still be of the opinion that money is not what makes one happy i studied an awesome subject and am better off for it.

>> No.2805412

>do maths degree
>get bank job
>earn 40k a year
>job is shit and not fulfilling
>regret not doing what you really wanted to at university
>some time later
>be 47
>live with passive aggressive wife and stupid children in middle class neighbourhood
>bitch on /lit/ to make self feel less like one ruined one's life permanently by being a money-grubbing 19-year-old

>> No.2805446

Wow, /lit/ sure got trolled hard. And I thought you people were mature...