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2978674 No.2978674[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you voluntarily take down notes on what you read? I started keeping notebooks a few years ago, and would like to see what you write in, what you use, et hoc genus omne.

>> No.2978675
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I started out with the two smaller moleskines, after filling those I started using the larger sized notebooks.

>> No.2978677
File: 2.59 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_3437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've settled on my favorite pens for writing notes. They're Uni-ball Signo UM-151 (DX)'s, the primary point size I use are .28 and .38.

>> No.2978680
File: 2.47 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_3438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually if I'm ever out and eating somewhere by myself or at my apartment I try to have at least a book I'm working through with me to write notes on. I kind of skip around from book to book that I'm currently reading. Right now there's about 4 or 5 books that I write notes on regularly, that was primarily why I started keeping these notebooks, to keep track of where I was in each book as I jumped from one to the other,

>> No.2978682


>> No.2978683
File: 1.72 MB, 2338x1700, scan0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are a couple scans of some of my notes from a couple of my notebooks.

>> No.2978685


do you keep notes? Do you have any preferred notebooks or pens that you like?

>> No.2978687
File: 1.87 MB, 2329x1700, scan0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last scan I suppose, no responses generally means no one's really into it.

>> No.2978688

Not everyone is a faggot like you, OP.

>> No.2978690

This is 4chan after all, everyone's a faggot

>> No.2978693

you're doing good, nice calligraphy btw.

>> No.2978697
File: 1.57 MB, 2329x1700, scan0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks. I wouldn't really call it calligraphy, but I know the way I write is somewhat distinctive. I had a few calligraphy lessons when I was in middle school but never really got into it. Maybe someday.

>> No.2978698

It must take you a long time to get through a book.

>> No.2978704


Depends on the book. Occasionally I'll read some R.A. Salvatore stuff for fun to relax, just went through Gauntgrym in the last four days.

But yeah, the two main big books I'm going through writing notes on, I've been going through them peridodically for about 3 years. Course they're also two inches thick a piece. 33 Strategies of War was comparatively much shorter, maybe 5 or 6 months with all the notes I got from it. Right now working through 48 Laws of Power,(along with those two BIG books), but ...Laws of Power - will probably only take a few more months if I keep at it regularly.

>> No.2978722

Looks great op, wish I wasn't so lazy so I could do that too.

>> No.2978728

From one fellow journal-ist to another, moleskine lol.

At least invest in some decent journals. Mine are hand made by monks who live in dark cells (a la Umberto Eco?) on Mt. Athos.

What kind of hand is that? A lot of curlicues but it seems to be based on a sans serif - looking at your vowels. Also, are you a woman?

>> No.2978729


I get lazy from time to time too. Recently I've been on another reading/note-taking kick, but sometimes I'll go through cycles where I just can't get myself to pick up a book at all.

>> No.2978733

Just wikipedia'd 48 Rules of Power based on your notes. It seems like a guide to becoming a psychopath. Don't follow it, op, please.

>> No.2978734

Nice to find another practioner of die Kunst des langsamen Lesens.

>> No.2978736


Lol very cool. Moleskines are just what's available at the B&N in town, although I do like the texture of the paper and how the pens write on them.

Anyways, no I'm not a woman. I've grown up drawing and it's influenced the way I write. Although it has developed over the years. Occasionally I'll concentrate on how I write a letter and tweak it a little.

>> No.2978738


Je sehr

>> No.2978739

Sans serif avec curlicues.

>> No.2978744


Copy that. It can be a bit ruthless, although I like the strategy aspect to it. So much of it is a bit too cut throat though. Alot of it I don't think I would ever use, or have to, but I enjoy the information and history of it. And it's also great to read through and familiarize myself with it, because then I can see it being used by other people.

>> No.2978745

Your vowel game is bad, breh.

It looks like you are striving for Caractères de civilité. What do you write with?

>> No.2978748

What is wrong with Robert Greene? Why would he mass-publish a book like this? By the very nature of mass-distribution, the laws would have to change in order to counter their own mass practice.

>> No.2978752


I see what you mean, my e's and a's ennoy me occasionally. I've yet to sit down and play around with how I write them out.

I like writing with Uni-ball Signo UM-151 DX, usually in .28 or .38 diameter. I get them from jetpens - great site

>> No.2978753

I.E. Greene can't into human reflexivity. But it just looks like 50 platitudes. 'Plan. Don't be gullible.' The corporate-suite upgrade of Aesop's Fables.

>> No.2978759



How long does it last (I mean, how many full pages of Moleskin (dimensions? 8x6"?) does it run for? How many yards of words can you write per minute in that hand? The curlicues look like they would extend the act of writing by two or three yactoseconds per milifoot.

>> No.2978762

What do you do when you finish a journal?

I throw mine in the fire.

>> No.2978766


Wow yikes I've honestly never taken down how many pages I get out of them or words-per-minute or anything. Best I can guestimate, hmmmmm, my .28 pens arrived Monday, and I'm still on the first of ten. I'd say if you write 3-5 pages a day (8x6), one pen would last you about a week to a week and a half. Sorry that's the best I can guess, I've never been tested on writing word-per-minute, nor do I really write for speed.

>> No.2978767


Also, yes, those are the pens, they're great.

>> No.2978768


Of my notes, I keep them, occasionally I'll read back through them or just glance through them. Alot of historical stuff in them so I like to read through them from time to time. My personal journals I keep as well, those I like to read through occasionally as well. Of my personal journals I'm only on my third, don't write in it as frequently as my notebooks.

>> No.2978769

he takes pictures of them and posts them on 4chan

>> No.2978772

OP you should scan all your notebooks and upload them so we can benefit from them. I'd be really interested.

>> No.2978775


I have thought of that occasionally. Although admittedly it'd probably be a real turn off to most people here. The two main books that I take notes from would probably be pretty unpopular here. Besides the notes from those two books, I suppose I could take scans of my notes on 33 Strategies of War and 48 Laws of Power, alot of my notes are also comprised of various stuff from on-line, National Review, some different magazines and newsletters and books, along with Imprimis. I'll think about it.

>> No.2978782

Those are rather extensive notes, OP - I don't think even my lit teacher would do that. Usually, I just take a piece of paper at the end of each chapter, do a rough summary of the plot and things learned, and then fold it up and put it on the last page of that chapter. I only do this for future references.

>> No.2978785

I should probably start doing this. I don't think I am creative enough to write out my own notes. However I should write down quotations. I get blown away by certain sentences and even whole passages sometimes. Especially when reading classics. Can usually never remember where to find them or it takes ages to.

>> No.2978788

Just dog ear whenever you come across something that should be remembered.

>> No.2978791


Thing is, NONE of these things are required reading, in classes, for credit- at all. I can only imagine how much better my grades would be if I took notes like these for stuff in my classes. But then again, stuff in classes doesn't really matter.

>> No.2978793

I'm a library fag.

>> No.2978796


I didn't scan any but ALOT of my last notebook were quotations I liked and wrote down. I have a separate small notebook that I write down lines and passages from books that I like. I think lately there were some lines from Blood Meridian (Cormac McCarthy) that I last put into that small notebook, they way he'll write out scenes and landscapes in it is just gorgeous.

>> No.2978817

Dude, how did you develop such amazingly fucking awesome handwriting? Any classes?

>> No.2978822

Do it op, upload for posterity. Maybe even your great grandkids will read it some day.

>> No.2978827

I'd like to know this too. You have very beautiful handwriting and I'd like to improve my own.

>> No.2978834

I appreciate the compliments but honestly I never took any classes. I grew up drawing alot. My cursive is ok but I prefer to print (that you've seen). Anyways, I think the main thing is that I've been writing notes - and in a journal - for a long time now.

The more you write the more you develop your own writing style. Which I have. Occasionally I'll just write out one letter in particular and play around with how I write the said letter, tweaking it and changing how I write it, then incorporating it into how I write regularly.

>> No.2978837


It would take me quite awhile to scan my notebooks. I'll see what I can do. Probably won't be anytime soon but maybe over this weekend, who knows.

>> No.2978840

> they way he'll write out scenes and landscapes in it is just gorgeous.

Good lord, imagine all the good things in the world you could have spent your time on, and you are wasting it on scenery descriptions written by some middlebrow pulp author!

So sad.

>> No.2978845

That's interesting. I never actually thought to try creating a style by playing around with each letter on its own.

On a side note, fucking awesome thread mate.

>> No.2978846

I only note words I don't know the meaning or pronunciation of. It's increased my vocabulary a good bit I believe.

I hated, and didn't really understand, Gravity's Rainbow, but goddamn I learned some new words from it.

>> No.2978848

Is it slow and tedious doing such handwriting? I've been conditioning myself to write something like this as it would look really aesthetically awesome if I submitted essays with such handwriting in class. Unfortunately, timed exams always results in me rushing and having squiggles as my handwriting. "Anon, you really need to improve your handwriting" and "Anon, your handwriting is atrocious!" are common feedback I get from my essays. I use it for my advantage sometimes though. For example, if I'm writing a history essay and I don't know how to spell some oddball Russian or African name, I'll just write the first few letters of the name clearly and then add squiggles behind.

>> No.2978849
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...yeah, well...that's just like uh...y'know your opinion, man...

>> No.2978854


Once I get around to scanning my last notebook, there are a plethora of qeird and interesting words from my notes on 'The Superior Person's Book of Words'

I don't know how I got it or where it came from, but I found it in a crate of books I have one day and just started reading/taking notes on it, it's a really hilarious book.

>> No.2978858

He's apparently an old bitter mind very concerned with "kids" and "hipster faggots". Don't pay him no mind.

>> No.2978861


Not particularly. I don't try to write quickly though, so that may not be much of a help. If I have to write quickly I may drop some of my script-ness to my writing, but not much. Once you're conditioned to it you'll come to write it about as fast as you would normally. Like I've said above, taking notes and writing ALOT helps develop this.

>> No.2978865


Thanks man. It's alot more response than I ever thought I'd get.

Whoever it was above convinced me, I'm going to start scanning my notebooks. I don't think I'll be able to post any on here soon but I suppose in a day or so, depends how long it take me to scan them and edit them for internet posting.

>> No.2978866

Middlebrow pulp?

I thought McCarthy was part of the 'canon' - Harold Bloom.

>> No.2978870

OP, tell me how I get nice handwriting like yours. My cursive is atrocious.

>> No.2978871

> He's apparently an old bitter mind very concerned with "kids" and "hipster faggots". Don't pay him no mind.

Butthurt highschool student detected.

Does your mom know you're posting underage on 4chan?

Do you feel EDGY while doing it?

>> No.2978880


see >>2978861

Essentially, just write alot and practice your own writing style. Take time to just write out one letter by itself, and adjust how you write that letter, perfecting it to the way you like it, then incorporate it into how you normally write. Again, hand-write alot.

>> No.2978884

> I thought McCarthy was part of the 'canon' - Harold Bloom.

Harold Bloom has the intellect and good sense of a tapeworm.

Also, only the dumbest idiots care about 'canonicity' of a work of fiction, for fuck's sake.

(You sound like one of those sad neckbeard slobs who argue whether Star Wars fanfiction is canonical or not.)

>> No.2978887

Well, thanks for the advice. It's gonna look odd if people glance over at what I'm writing on the train and see t's and z's over and over, haha.

>> No.2978889


lol yeah I know. I've had quite a few scrap pieces of paper just full of random letters like that

>> No.2978915

I used to take notes all the time on everything.

now, I tend to assume that if an ideas good enough then I'll have it again.

>> No.2978932

Not him, but I've seen a short reportage on a slam artist in Paris who started writing letters on grains of rice to be able to write so small she could fit entire books in one measly notebook. And her handwriting looked really neat too.

>> No.2978965

You are quick to anger, presumptuous, and basically exegetically retarded. You must be new here.

What are you doing on this board if you can't understand irony?

Do you go through life bumping into everything?

>> No.2979017
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 1294561134910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about half-way through scanning my first notebook. This is going to be quite a job to say the least. All of my notebooks are probably going to take a month or two. I'll try to scan and then post when they're finished, but it won't be for awhile.

>> No.2979035
File: 12 KB, 300x178, 300px-Atomic_bombing_of_Japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take notes.

I can't read them because of my handwriting. Always try to write at the speed of thought and never developed that shit properly. I don't even have to write it in code. It's impossible to read unless i get into my frame of mind in the time i was writing those notes.

>> No.2979061

>What are you doing on this board if you can't understand irony?

I understand irony, but my distaste at Bloom overshadows my desire to play your irony games.

>> No.2979064

My 'game'? Oh son, Check your genitives.

& Welcome to 4chan breh.

>> No.2979081

> pretending 4chan isn't an elaborate game

You sound like a newfag yourself.

>> No.2979102

Took about 2 hours but I scanned all of my first notebook. I doubt I'll be posting it up here since it isn't really in keeping with the interests here, but once I get around to Volume 3 I'll start posting scans of my notes up here. Since it took so long it'll probably be about a week or so til I can get around to it, but maybe someone will want to see.

>> No.2979105


raging newfags in a proper "good" thread. you both make me cry

>> No.2979107

It is an elaborate game.

>> No.2979450

Looking forward to it, bro.

>> No.2979907
File: 20 KB, 406x536, 1304685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol this thread's still alive, awesome

I haven't gotten to scan volume 2 yet, but once I get to volume 3 I'll start posting it, probably be a day or two though at least

>> No.2979914

Thinking of binding my own journals/notebooks and possibly selling them too. What do people prefer with regards paper quality/texture/color, covering materials, binding style etc.?

>> No.2979946

bump for op

>> No.2980008

Hi OP. I write my journal in Moleskine notebooks and write it with just a pencil.

I write all my other work on just loose paper with my beloved pencils, or on my typewriter.

Fuck computers and there editing possibilities.

>> No.2980012

I also do this but being a mathematics student, my journals consist of loose leaf papers stuffed into a binder. They consist of really technical work and serve as a good reference when I need to familiarize myself with the material.

>> No.2981027

Has he posted the notes yet?

>> No.2981052

Cool thread.

Yeah, I've been taking notes since, I don't know, middle of June, maybe? Not nearly as meticulously as you seem to do, however.
Uncommon words, sporadic thoughts, summaries, such things. Not so very interesting to reread, but I do derive much pleasure from writing it.
What's perhaps more interesting is that I've also began keeping a dream journal. Almost exclusively nightmares.

>> No.2981058

I too have a dream journal. I hadn't used it for two years until two days ago when I woke up from the most emotionally unsettling dream. Dream journals are good to have so I don't lose those. Note taking in general seems to be beneficial in most subjects.

>> No.2981072
File: 101 KB, 580x870, Hipster-Overload.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beloved pencils

We are approaching hipster overload.

>> No.2981104

The term 'hipster' has become so broad because people use it too flippantly. It does describe a very specific sort of person, but used outside of that context it merely reveals intellectual laziness, pop-culture bandwagon jumping and lack of application of critical thought. Worse, it has become a sort of excuse for those things in order to justify its own broadness, because it is far easier to just call someone a hipster than to get on their level.

tl;dr: There are hipsters. OP is not one, at least based on the evidence presented so far.

>> No.2981109

Not that guy, but I'd rather not "get on the level" of the man depicted in his picture.

>> No.2981186

What's wrong with liking Moleskine notebooks? They are great quality and you can buy them anywhere and keep a good looking collection of notebooks for your journal.

Also what is wrong with pencils? It gives you the possibility to edit some small mistakes or parts you want to change without ruining your page. (They are not great for longevity though.)

Also what is wrong with people that own a typewriter? You think people who own one actually tell that to the outside world (except on the internet)? No they do not, just to avoid reactions like these. What makes a hipster out of them if nobody even knows they own one?

I guess that you are the hipster after all.

>> No.2981225
File: 20 KB, 512x536, 1335128312534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your handwriting is straight out of the Voynich Manuscript.

>> No.2981248

They're shit quality. Cheap, thin paper. Hilroy has better quality paper and they're cheap as fuck.

>> No.2981250
File: 898 KB, 1263x613, Screen shot 2012-09-15 at 11.01.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, this looks obnoxious. What are you talking about.

>> No.2981261

I sometimes write in the books themselves. In pen. Is that wrong?

>> No.2981262
File: 7 KB, 225x225, EJ085716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have great quality paper and are cheap. I've written three novels in a handful of them with a fountain pen. Moleskines are shit.

>> No.2981264

I always thought hipster was a hipster word for dilettante.

>> No.2981825
File: 78 KB, 700x486, Swearengen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is great, never thought this thread would still be alive, almost to zombie level now haha.

Haven't been able to post the notes yet, I'm about to start in on the second volume.

Glad to see there's still some discussion going.

>> No.2981836

Gentleman and a scholar detected

>> No.2981861

Damn OP, if your handwriting was a woman I'd take her to the most expensive restaurant in town and hold doors for her and put my jacket in a puddle so she wouldn't ruin her shoes and all that stuff and then not even care if I didn't get to fuck her cause she's just that classy.

>> No.2981870


lol, not sure if that's a good or bad thing, thanks though

>> No.2981954
File: 12 KB, 290x260, 1334278667639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have started in on volume two, namely, Alexander Hamilton

lol captcha: imsaged marked

>> No.2981981
File: 87 KB, 450x281, Deadwood12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

11 Pages into Volume Two, heading over to gf's probably for the night. Will continue when I get back though!

>> No.2981995

I sometimes will take notes on my kindle but if it's anything other than a textbook what I write usually is pointless.

>> No.2983280

bump for op's notes

>> No.2983284

As long as you don't sell those, like an asshole. Or when you die. They have to go to somebody, and then they have to look at your dumb notes.

>> No.2983291
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I stopped taking notes because I don't wish to disturb the flow of things with jarring artificial feedback from the past. I like the past to gently descend into nothingness and don't bother with it anymore. Then again, I also dislike photographs and old emails and letters and all that. Dwelling on the past is a slandering of the present and I sincerely believe it's psychologically unhealthy because it fortifies an artificial image of the self by reconstructing it continually from incomplete information. You create a stunted narrative from something that doesn't exist anymore.

Best to let it all go and wander on.

>> No.2983892

this, I got a little moleskin a while ago and haven't written much down, maybe like 20 pages worth of stuff

>> No.2983895

Journalling is like practical solipsism

>> No.2983939

I like looking at the little things people have written in the used books I've bought, as long as they're interesting and short.

>> No.2984800

Just got back from my gf's, back to scanning volume two...

>> No.2984822


>tfw no gf

Also, I look forward to the scans.

>> No.2984939
File: 27 KB, 448x303, Deadwood21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished volume two, about to start in on volume 3

>> No.2984969

I just started keeping a notebook while I read. I write down passages I like or just discuss symbolism or metaphor with myself. I can think better when I just start writing and let my mind wander and discover new things. It's fun plus it will be nice to flip through them later and look at passages or laugh at myself for how wrongly I interpreted something.

>> No.2985013


That's what I find myself doing many times as well. Glad to hear from someone else keeping notes.

>> No.2985100

Why don't you upload each volume separately so we aren't waiting forever?

>> No.2985110


it's only until volume 3 that I get to Strategies of War and other such subjects, the main bulk of the first two volumes I'm almost certain are not in the interest of most here

I'm currently getting through volume 3, and will be uploading in awhile, the subsequent volumes uploaded separately as well

>> No.2985123
File: 8 KB, 480x360, deadwood77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little more than half-way through volume 3, I'm eminently grateful for the responses and patience. Will be posting from 3rd volume when I finish.

>> No.2985133

Dude, can you upload like a template of your alphabet or something? I want your fucking handwriting so fucking badly. I know that it's probably a stupid question, because like who the fuck wants somebody copying their handwriting, but w/e it was worth asking.

>> No.2985139


lol alright hold on, i'll make a separate scan, gives me something to do while scanning the notes

>> No.2985186
File: 76 KB, 1720x1244, scan0092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a scan of my alphabet with the way I write it, not the best but it flows more when I write it out in notes and words. Not much, but on request, hope it helps in any measure.

>> No.2985199

Oh wow dude. I didn't think you'd be down for doing that. That's really fucking cool of you! I saw this thread the other day and have been thinking of how fantastic your handwriting is since, so when I checked the board and saw the thread's still active I figured it was worth asking. Thanks a lot man, this Infinite Bro of you.

>> No.2985203

Hey, maybe to make it flow you could write the old "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." thing?

>> No.2985210


lol alright, any other requests?

>> No.2985231

Well, if you don't mind, I'd like to see how you write your numbers too :O

>> No.2985240
File: 66 KB, 518x1693, scan0102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the template requested, hope it's helpful.

>> No.2985244
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Whoops, rotated

>> No.2985269

You have interesting handwriting, OP!

I use a fountain pen myself for comfort and speed (cursive) - 12 years of schooling with one and changing to anything else is no longer possible.

If the Moleskine paper ever gives your pens trouble - it shouldn't, but since they use Chinese paper that varies from batch to batch and cannot be relied upon for consistency like they used to when there were still made in Italy - then look perhaps at Rhodia, and Quo Vadis.

They both make Moleskine analogs and have much better french paper.

Really though, they're better for fountain pen/liquid ink use; needle point gel Uniball's are pretty versatile as far as paper quality goes though, so perhaps this info may one day be useful if you ever decide to change writing instruments.

>> No.2985274


Thanks man, that's great info. I'll look for Rhodia and Quo Vadis, that sounds like it's what I'm looking for.

I use a fountain pen from time to time, a Kaweco, (I think it's an ultra-fine nib), but I don't use it nearly as much. Perhaps I'll be able to get more into it.

>> No.2985282

I Second the Quo Vadis recommendation. I've had a lot of trouble with bleed-through from moleskines, but have had none with a Quo Vadis Havanna I picked up recently.

>> No.2985298

I always have small note books and pens with me every time I carry a book with me. Which is almost all the time.

I find writing with a 0.5 artline felt tip pen is easiest because you don't really need a hard backing surface or cushioning to write without damaging the paper.

I also tend to write down my own pondering which occur during my reading experience or about anything else that captures my interest.

If I'm at home I tend to just write down similar things into text files. I do generally prefer having things on paper though, something about being able to hold and physically flick through writing appeals to me.

>> No.2985300

Probably a Kaweco extra-fine nib; if you're used to fine gel points etc., then EF/XF is the nib size to use at first. If you tire of your Kaweco, then look to the Japanese pen companies like Pilot, Sailor and Platinum: they make the best fine points IMO. I find that most disposable pens these days too pencil thin for comfort (especially if you are writing for a long duration) and prefer something thicker - so I think the only one I could use would probably be the Pilot G-6.

>I've had a lot of trouble with bleed-through from moleskines
Yeah, tell me about it!
I have some old Moleskines somewhere, and though they don't hold up as well as Rhodia/QV in regards to bleed-through, they're at least better than the current Chinese stuff: one page is fine, the next is horrible, the next is semi-fine etc., there's just no consistency! (that's what you get when you constantly try to source from the cheapest sources like Moleskine's supplier does does in China.).

Oh well, at least there are alternatives.

My main gripe with Rhodia is that their webnotebook covers are too soft and squishy, and in that regard the Mole wins out.

Still doesn't beat the QV Habana though.

>> No.2985321
File: 18 KB, 320x272, 1295392735553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Always glad to hear more, thanks fellas.

Just finished scanning volume 3, about to start trimming through and edit out my personal stuff.

>> No.2985343

I'll be glad to read it.
I want to digitise my writings at some point, but I can't really get good quality scans without taking the books apart due to how they're designed.

>> No.2985355
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Alright here are the scans from my third volume of notes, hope you enjoy.


>> No.2985357
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>> No.2985360
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>> No.2985363

I've never had a problem with bleed through on my moleskine. I use fine point sharpie pens. As long as I'm writing and not pushing down harder than I need to i never get bleed through. Hmm. I'll have to try some of these other brands though. I am always looking for a superior notebook.

>> No.2985365
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>> No.2985366
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>> No.2985367
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>> No.2985372
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>> No.2985374
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>> No.2985379
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>> No.2985380
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>> No.2985381

Thanks for the OC.

>> No.2985384
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>> No.2985391
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>> No.2985392
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>> No.2985395
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>> No.2985398
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>> No.2985399
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>> No.2985400
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>> No.2985402
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>> No.2985404
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>> No.2985409
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>> No.2985411
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>> No.2985413
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>> No.2985415
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>> No.2985416

Bravo OP, I just started to develop my own sort of system using journals and notebooks. Waiting for my red moleskine to come in the mail.

>> No.2985417
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>> No.2985421
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>> No.2985423
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>> No.2985425
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>> No.2985426
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>> No.2985429
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>> No.2985434

I'm paying attention. Currently I keep varied notes and thoughts on my phone, but I've been contemplating using a moleskin notebook.

>> No.2985437
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>> No.2985441
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>> No.2985442
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>> No.2985446
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>> No.2985449
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>> No.2985451
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>> No.2985456

I hope that when I die, and my notebooks are incorporated to a library or archive or whatevs, I hope my notebooks are at least 1,000 times more intersting.

Because yours are as dull as shit.

>> No.2985457
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>> No.2985471

>Because yours are as dull as shit.

Lol. At least he's writing a journal, I guess.

>> No.2985472
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>> No.2985474
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>> No.2985478
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>> No.2985481
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>> No.2985484
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>> No.2985487
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>> No.2985489
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>> No.2985492
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>> No.2985495
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>> No.2985501
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>> No.2985511
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Alright that's all the notes from Volume 3 of my notes, all of my own personal thoughts and various other notes excluded. Hope you liked and thanks for sticking around, was nice hearing from others who are into note-taking and such. I'll work on my other volumes and post them up here once I've scanned and edited them, should be next few days or so.

>> No.2985518

Hey OP - about your reading speed - I know that it takes a while to read and take notes at the same time. Though that will improve with time, I can tell you what I do.

Since I got my Kindle this past summer I can highlight quotes and specific ideas I want to remember. Once I've finished reading the book, I go over these notes and write my own summary, including the specific quotes and segments. this way I get to remember some of the finer details while reading faster as well.

>> No.2985537
File: 28 KB, 323x326, 1298083976585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have used that method before, and still do from time to time. Although I've also found that when I find something to take note on, I'd prefer to write it down then, as the corresponding thoughts may fade, as I'll forget what I was thinking about specifically at the time I chose to highlight that passage. Almost like dreams, if I don't write them down while I'm thinking on them, I tend to forget.

Anyways, I do still use that method occasionally, and it's much easier for getting through whatever is being read more quickly.

>> No.2985542
File: 229 KB, 977x919, 1335806311693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ctrl+S'ed for personal archive.

>> No.2985548


We're all writing journals, you nigger shithead. Most of us are not prepared to vomit them onto the internet and claim it's interesting.

This is the 4chan equivalent of whipping out your macBook in starBucks. It's >>2985471
(semi) intellectual masturbation. And if you don't get that point, then enjoy OP's jitler in your face.

>> No.2985551


>> No.2985553


according to your bullshit marking system.

According to mine, however, it's an 11/10. because it's true.

Some wanker comes on the internet and dumps his notebooks and I'm expected to say "oh well done, that man"?

I fucking doubt it.

ITT: Fistpumpery.

>> No.2985558

You're supposed to hide the thread and not give a fuck.

>> No.2985562

You're wrong and stupid, and I'm not even the poster you're replying to.

>> No.2985565

>I'm not even the poster you're replying to
Of course.

>> No.2985567


no U R, cnut.

>> No.2985568


No, he wasn't - because I'm the one you were replying to, not that fagg0t.

But you are still wrong, and very, very stupid.

>> No.2985573

Do you think that he is doing this for -your- enjoyment or his own expression of how dumb your implementation of this idea is.

>> No.2985583


You can't even express yourself properly in English, so I really don't have to listen to you.

>> No.2985643
File: 312 KB, 508x381, 1347778674719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For works that are worth their salt, I study in medieval university fashion. That is, I copy the piece word for word, and will often memorize pages worth of material. By modern standards, it's crazy, but if you're serious about literature (especially philosophy), it's a next-level technique that pays off wonderfully.

>> No.2985655
File: 60 KB, 609x676, 1334003053048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have used this before and it is a great technique. I don't get to do it frequently lately, but there is a particular lecture by Benjamin Franklin that I've copied most of into (I think) all of my volumes of notes since I first read and noted upon it. There is also something by John Jay I've copied into each of my new volumes as well in this manner.

Thanks for the input, I'm glad to hear of someone else using this, it's been a long time since I've encountered anyone who utilizes it.

>> No.2985656

Could you perhaps share Franklin's lecture you mentioned?

>> No.2985664


I suppose I could, although I'm fairly certain it won't be very welcome here. It's title is - "A lecture on the Providence of God in the Government of the World."

But if you really want it I can post my notes on it, I don't have it copied completely verbatim, there's an intro part that goes off topic, but the rest I have down word-for-word. Again, if you want, sure.

>> No.2985667

Just providing the title helped. Thanks

And friendly tip - this is 4chan - where no one give a damn about about your beliefs and there's always someone who will rage at something.

>> No.2985668
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Yeah I know. Just seemed like it would be avoiding a headache though. Anyways, I can post scans if you want. ?

>> No.2985669

Wow OP, I have to admit that you have beautiful handwriting. Compared to my slop, yours is a masterpiece.

Anyway, yes I occasionally take notes. They're usually just summaries rather than analysis.

>> No.2985671

Alright good thread guys, I'm gonna go rub one out to OP's handwriting and call it a night. cheers

>> No.2985672
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Thanks man I appreciate it. Don't worry about ugly handwriting. If anything hardly anyone else reads your personal notes, but, if you practice at it and write alot, doesn't even have to be anything spectacular, like here, can just be notes, but the more you do it, the better you'll get.

Are there any particular pens/pen sizes or notebooks you like to use?

>> No.2985673


lol, >mfw >2985672

>> No.2985679
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 1298155965447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


re-reading that please don't take that in an insulting context. my meaning only that most of the time, our personal notes remain our own, and are seldom read by anyone else.

>> No.2985680

People asked him to upload his notebook. He didn't come in and vomit out anything. He started a thread about journaling/note taking, and people asked him to post his own notes. If you're a troll you're not a very good one, although I guess you are since I'm responding. But you are an idiot whether you are trolling or not.

>> No.2985681

I actually store my notes from reading in my phone.

I do, on the other hand, have a journal that I write in long-hand. Though I have no particular pen I use regularly. I like thick, dark ink though. I guess that would regard a ballpoint pen if I'm not mistaken. What kind do you use? Any recommendations?

>> No.2985682

I didn't take it offensively, lol. I'm very private about my writing so no one ever sees anyway.

>> No.2985683
File: 251 KB, 460x300, 1294376264856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol I can sympathize. Aside from posting the scans earlier (and even those without my own, personal thoughts) I have rarely ever shown my notes to others as well.

>> No.2985688
File: 334 KB, 551x550, 1304358446184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I found, and now almost exclusively use

Uni-ball Signo UM 151 (DX)

in either .28 or .38 width. The 38 is a good contrast for bolding my notes, and both thicknesses are great for writing small to get more on the page as I try to. I find both great for taking notes.

The UM-151 (DX)'s are excellent pens, I get them from jetpens - http://www.jetpens.com/Uni-ball-Signo-DX-UM-151-Gel-Ink-Pen-0.38-mm-Black/pd/306

They also have it in .5 mm, since you like it a bit thicker, although you may find a .38 thick enough. Anyways, hope this helps

>> No.2985694

Thanks man. Next time I'm in the area of an office supply store I'll see to buying a pack or two of the pens you suggested. I need to start putting the pen to paper more often anyway.

Well, I'm off to bed. It's 3:45am here in Texas. G'night sir.

>> No.2985700
File: 200 KB, 816x816, 1314240399841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah same time here. Have a good one.

Good luck finding them in a store though. Since I found them on-line, I have yet to be able to find them in any store, I always have to get them on line. The pens I use all have Japanese writing on them. Anyway, here's hoping you can find them, but if not, don't forget the link or jetpens.

>> No.2985722

it would appear op really identifies with Patrick Bateman. This can't be a good thing. Must be a sign.

>> No.2985740
File: 20 KB, 425x414, 1301606074249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


American Psycho is definitely one of my favorites haha. Yeah I do identify with him alot, I especially love Huey Lewis and the News.

>> No.2985750

Describe your physique.

>> No.2985752


lol, nowhere near Bateman's admittedly. I'm not fat, on the skinny side and a bit toned, nothing ripped. My gf and I go well together.

>> No.2985785
File: 19 KB, 250x250, 1295648538565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suppose I'm going to call it a night. I'll be working on my fourth volume of notes sometime tomorrow, may or may not be able to post them up here. If the thread's still alive I'll post in here, if not I'll make a new thread, hopefully anyone looking will recognize or be able to find it.

>> No.2985827

>using ballpoint pens

>> No.2985884

Really wish you would have put these in a zip file and put it on mediafire, OP.

>> No.2986586
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>> No.2986767


There is utility in it if you have the intention to easily recall information you find personally valuable. People forget things, I forget things constantly. But if I trust my past judgement to some extent it may useful to write down summaries, thoughts, quotes and things like that in order to make them more accessible in the future than my memory allows.

If your present self doesn't agree with your past self, you can just leave it at that or benefit from the perspective granted by considering the disparity between what you previously thought and what you think now.

But in general I agree with you. I have some kind of an aversion to old pictures and miscellaneous notes about some circumstance or "original" thought. Usually I look back on those things and just feel like they were from a different person. When I look back on more academic pursuits, like taking notes on a novel or nonfiction text, I read it like I'm reading a text written by someone else (depending on how long ago it was). But it usually has the effect of being more relevant to my personality because I wrote it with my own utility in mind, and I know better what information is relevant to me.

>> No.2986849

What if Kevin Spacey in the movie Seven were the criminal psychologist and rookie brad pit jumps the gun.
He had all those notebooks too.

>> No.2986885

Journals are a little sentimental. I do keep a little notebook on me that help me remember vague ideas, so that when I get back to my computer I can sit down and have a proper think and write something that isn't half-scrawled shit.

>> No.2987177
File: 89 KB, 425x375, stiogener.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is utility [...] than my memory allows.
I forget a lot myself. But I trust my memory in the sense that what it discards can not be all that important. I do keep a notebook, but not a journal. If a particularly nice thought comes to mind in a particularly nice form, I jot it down. And later often discard a lot of them. Lately I've done a purge and threw out years of notes. It might be throwing the baby out with the bathwater, but that itself feels nice. I'd rather not cling to my thoughts as something precious.

>If your present [...] what you think now.
I usually cringe and think "what a dumb little cunt". That's a good thing though, since it means that I at least think that I'm better now. I've rarely looked back on my former self with approval. Just once in a while the guys seems to write a nice line.

>But in general [...] relevant to me.
In a way I dislike the academic stuff even more, since it was for me always a fraud and nothing to be proud of. Making shit up to please others. I threw those texts out the first.

I've once heard that there was an (American) Indian tribe that ritually burned all their things once a year. Sounds like a nice ritual, although I tend to keep the practical things around. But apart from a few books and regular useful items, I tend to periodically shed my skin as well. Throw out the notes, wipe all the hard drives, go all Night of the Long Knives on my contact lists, throw out any superfluous possessions and start over new and fresh. Once you get into the habit of it you really stop latching on to all those things. It's quite freeing. I wouldn't like myself if I would mind all my shit burning down for any other than financial and pragmatic reasons.

>> No.2987977
File: 262 KB, 673x660, 1334509263506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which pen is preferred?

>> No.2987992
File: 84 KB, 465x356, Leonardo_notebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not sure if they're meaning fountain pens or gel pens. The Uniball Signo 151 UMs I've mentioned are gel-pens.

>> No.2988005

There are other types of pens than ballpoint pens?

>> No.2988006

Are you for real nigger? If you're supposed to recommend pens, at least try to make it sound like you have knowledge.

>> No.2988007

That looks really cool

>> No.2988017

>>2988006 here

What one does, is to buy a local chinese pen brand. The chinese manufacture most "finer" US and EU brands in the same factory. But the chinese ones are almost just as fine and you get them dirt cheap.

Hero, Kaigelu are two fine brands. Go for rollerballs, since i doubt you guys can handle fountain.

>> No.2988020

Wait sorry, im too tired. Don't go for rollerballs.

>> No.2988021

I can also recommend pilot 78g great pen for 10 bucks, and it comes with an converter that will allow you to fill up with ink from ink bottles. Asian nib sizes tend to run smaller than western sizes so a asian fine is close to an extra fine.

>> No.2988031
File: 18 KB, 150x525, Parker_Sonnet_Ink_Pen_Matte_Black_Fountain_Pen_S0818090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get yourself a decent fountain pen and a good bottled ink.

>> No.2988039

>parker sonnet

>> No.2988042

they are good looking pens, but parker has some real shitty quality control issues.

>> No.2988049


What's your pen of choice then pal?
inb4 disposable walmart cartridge pen


I have seen some iffy reviews for the sonnet (mostly cap related but I don't post mine) but never had any problems with any of my parker pens.

>> No.2988065

I use a fine point Lamy Safari Fountain Pen for my writing. It's fairly nice (It's my only fountain pen so far so I can't compare it to others) and I got it on sale for $20.

The ink it came with wasn't that great though, it was more transparent than what I was used to. I can't think of the right word, the opposite of opaque. But when I put in an ink refill, it seemed to look a lot nicer. I hear there is some 3rd party brand that's supposed to be really good as far as ink goes, but I can't remember the name.

>> No.2988072


always relevant
skip to when they start writing letters if you have to

>> No.2988076


Go here, find a "writing" pen not just something that looks neat.

It should be cheap and reliable with a good flow.

>> No.2988082


This is totally my new fetish. Are there videos of naked girls just writing with fountain pens?

>> No.2988644


>> No.2988647

>Parker Sonnet


>> No.2988659

Dat handwriting.. boner inducing.

>> No.2988660

>I hear there is some 3rd party brand that's supposed to be really good as far as ink goes, but I can't remember the name.

If it is american then it was probably noodler's or something.

>> No.2988665

Aren't Parker all chinese made crap now?
What happened to all the US pen companies?
Is Sheffer still good?

>> No.2988671

Why do you have arrows indicating which page to read next?

>> No.2988802

kaweco ice sport master race reporting in.

>> No.2988819

Hi OP, how long did it take you to get to intermediate level of this kind of handwriting?

>> No.2988841

Sonnet pen 150 dollars or whatever
Cheap knock-off 25 dollars top

Difference = none.


Jesus christ /lit/ just go with the chinese ones.

>> No.2989342

...still alive

>> No.2989364
File: 47 KB, 500x375, Leonardo_notebook_drawings-500x375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I suppose it's been about 2 and a half, maybe 3 years that I've been writing in these notebooks. I've also been keeping a journal of my own life since about 2001.

>> No.2989586
File: 2.01 MB, 400x300, killeveryoneinthisthread.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of this changes the fact that you fags can't/won't write.

>> No.2989732


Yeah, but where the **** do you buy the chinese ones? Dodgy ebay sellers?

>> No.2990072
File: 521 KB, 960x1280, 1306233748540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My fountain pen is a Kaweco as well. I haven't much experience writing with it, but I try to practice with it occasionally.

>> No.2990120
File: 204 KB, 637x359, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make a living?
Do you consider the people you work with deserving of respect?

>> No.2990128
File: 27 KB, 500x500, 228869878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use these but only in forest green. For some reason the color draws me more and makes me want to carry it with me and write in it.

I don't take extensive notes from books like you do, as my dome works well enough for memorizing concepts and things I want to know but ideas, drawings and personal philosophy.

>> No.2990134
File: 5 KB, 300x300, tumblr_m2a8cjehzv1rsbvbho1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And my writing utensil of choice.

>> No.2990361


>dodgy ebay sellers
what is this, 1999?
there are very few dodgy ebay sellers, just ebay sellers who sell dodgy shit.

>> No.2991120


>> No.2992870

moar journalitations

>> No.2994652

must not die

>> No.2994683

So in nearly a week no one has mentioned the similarity to OP's notebooks and the ones Humbert writes in Lolita?
>I remember the thing so exactly because I wrote it really twice. First I jotted down each entry in pencil (with many erasures and corrections) on the leaves of what is commercially known as a "typewriter tablet"; then, I copied it out with obvious abbreviations in my smallest, most satanic, hand in the little black book just mentioned.
>OP has two notebooks
>one is smaller with much denser handwriting
>it even has a black cover
You've been caught red handed OP.

>> No.2994687

Dat handwriting.
You have nice handwriting, OP.
>tfw my handwriting sucks shit.

>> No.2994741
File: 500 KB, 1200x1600, 1306254668109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haha, guilty! Although to be honest I've never read all the way through Lolita, does Kubrick's count? Also, I have two small notebooks, my first two, and four medium sized completed. I'm on my seventh notebook currently.


Thanks I appreciate it. I'll admit lots of practice helps.

>> No.2994823

Could you please put all those scans into a zip and put it on mediafire? It's really pretty easy.

>> No.2994877
File: 509 KB, 1296x729, 1306277165382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll see what I can do in a few min, never tried it before

>> No.2995067
File: 618 KB, 2048x1536, 1307052601835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay let's see if this works

mediafire com/?8gsqebwcv4ver7i

>> No.2995219
File: 1.97 MB, 3264x2448, 1306937373614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes? No? This is the first time I've attempted it so I'm not sure how it turned out.

>> No.2995277

don't think it worked. I am interesting in having this though

>> No.2995342
File: 983 KB, 2048x1233, 1306233796224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn, any ideas? Here's the link - http://www.mediafire.com/?8gsqebwcv4ver7i

>> No.2995369

It worked fine, >>2995277 is a little shit.

>> No.2996975


>> No.2997044

worked for me

>> No.2997060

Is that a pic of the abandoned Japanese island?

>> No.2997066


I think so but can't really remember, it's from a folder I have of abandoned places I put together awhile ago.

>> No.2997069


>> No.2997076

>The Stranger: The Movie

>> No.2997078
File: 213 KB, 800x533, gunkanjima-hashima1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think it's Hashima island. I really want to go there. I don't know what it is about abandoned places but I'm really attracted to them. I've been to Oradour-sur-Glane in France, and tried to get into Famagusta, but was chased away by the military.

>> No.2997704

Completely pointless to be writing that much.

I have a notepad in which I just write the number of the page I found something interesting in, and at max. a 20 word summary of why I found it interesting/ what to research on.

You might as well be writing down the entire book again. My way you can be done with each book in a few days and if you haven't got completely HORRIBLE memory, you'll remember all you need just by reading the tiny notes.

>> No.2997733


Some people, like myself, learn and remember by writing. Reorganising and condensing the information into a new and more intuitive structure is how I am best able to remember a particular subject or topic or argument or line of thought or whatever. For that reason, my journals are full of reformulations of thoughts or ideas that I've picked up from a text.

Another advantage is that if you write down your own understanding of an idea you've picked up from reading the text, you have the reference to the text as well as your own understanding of it at the time of writing, which can prove valuable when looking back. If you write down only a note to check this or that page, you have the text and nothing else, and you're effectively starting from scratch to make sense of it again.

>> No.2997751


reading something + writing it down (+ hearing it + teaching it) will help you retain the information far better than just reading alone will do.
What's completely pointless is to just write a notebook full of numbers.

>> No.2998164

Well, that only proves my point that you guys must have awful memory, and not the best skills at making short annotations.
I can remember quite well what I thought about it with only those brief words.

Different memory types I guess, my memory is very photographic. One look at the page and I can remember most of that, even if it's been years.

>> No.2998752



do tell us more

>> No.2998771

fucking aspie

you will never be tesla or von neumann level anyways